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During the EPOS leg 2 cruise of the RV Polarstern, carried out in late austral spring of 1988–1989, the composition of phytoplankton in relation to the distribution of hydrographic parameters was studied in four successive transects carried out along 49°W and 47°W, across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence (WSC) and the marginal ice zone (which overlapped in part). In all transects, a maximum of phytoplankton biomass was found in the WSC, in surface waters stabilized by ice melting. Different phytoplankton assemblages could be distinguished. North of the Scotia Front (the northern limit of the WSC) diatoms with Chaetoceros neglectus, Nitzschia spp. and (Thalassiosira gravida) dominated the phytoplankton community. This assemblage appeared to have seeded a biomass maximum which occupied, during the first transect, an area of the WSC, south of the Scotia Front. The southernmost stations of the first transect and all the stations to the south of the Scotia Front in the other transects were populated by a flagellate assemblage (with a cryptomonad, Pyramimonas spp. and Phaeocystis sp.) and an assemblage of diatoms (Corethron criophilum and Tropidoneis vanheurkii among others) associated to the presence of ice. During the last three transects, the flagellate assemblage formed a bloom in the low salinity surface layers of the WSC zone. The bulk of the biomass maximum was formed by the cryptomonad which reached concentrations up to 4×106 cells l–1 towards the end of the cruise. Multivariate analysis is used to summarize phytoplankton composition variation. The relationships between the distribution of the different assemblages and the hydrographic conditions indicate that the change of dominance from diatoms to flagellates in the WSC zone was related to the presence of water masses from different origin.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Summary Daily rates of gross and net primary production were calculated in the Scotia-Weddell Sea sector of the Southern Ocean during spring 1988 (EPOS, Leg 2) on the basis of kinetic experiments, which combine radiotracer technology and classic biochemical procedures, and by taking into account the light regime, the physical structure of the water column, the vertical distribution of chlorophyll a, and the protozoan grazing pressure. From these calculations, three distinct sub-areas were identified: the Closed Pack Ice Zone (CPIZ), characterized by the lowest average gross primary production (0.36 gC · m–2 · day–1); the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) with a maximum mean value of 1.76 gC · m–2 · day–1; and the Open Ocean Zone off the ice edge (OOZ) with an intermediate mean value of 0.87 gC · m–2 · day–1. Net primary production fluctuated nearly in the same proportions, averaging 0.55, 0.2 and 1.13 gC · m–2 · day–1 in the OOZ, CPIZ and MIZ respectively, representing 53% of the total photo-assimilated carbon under heavy ice cover (CPIZ) and 64% in the two other areas. Available light, strongly dependent on the ice cover, was shown to control the level of primary production in the sea ice associated sub-areas, whilst protozoa grazing on phytoplankton determined the moderate primary production level characteristic of the well illuminated OOZ area.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Summary During a cruise in the Weddell-Scotia Confluence area (EPOS Leg 2: November–January 1988/1989) nanophytoplankton composition was determined by employing taxon-specific pigment measurements with HPLC. The biomass of the most important components was estimated by using specific pigment ratios measured in cultures of two cryptomonads and a prasinophyte. Highest cryptophyte biomass was found along the retreating ice-edge; the contribution of cryptophytes to total phytoplankton crop increased with time, reaching monospecific bloom conditions at the end of the cruise. Chlorophyll b-containing organisms and Prymnesiophyceae were present everywhere and dominated in the ice-covered part of the survey area. Cryptophyte-specific pigment measurements were in reasonable agreement with cryptophyte cell numbers. Prasinophyte cell counts, however, did not match with measured chlorophyll b concentrations. The quantitative importance of the nanophytoplankton groups reported here underlines the diversity of the plankton in the Southern Ocean's marginal ice zone system which may have implications for food chain dynamics.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

The structure of the food web was investigated in open waters adjacent to the marginal ice zone in the southern Scotia Sea in spring 1983. Diets were defined for dominant zooplankton, micronekton, and flying seabird species and then aggregated by cluster analysis into feeding groups. Most zooplankton were omnivorous, feeding on phytoplankton, protozoans, and in some cases, small metazoans (copepods). Only two species were found to be exclusively herbivorous:Calanoides acutus andRhincalanus gigas. Micronekton were carnivores with copepods being the dominant prey in all their diets. The midwater fishElectrona antarctica was the dominant food item in seven of the nine seabird species examined. Cephalopods, midwater decapod shrimps and carrion were also important in the diets of a few seabird species. Comparison (cluster analysis) of diets in spring with other seasons (winter, fall) indicated that over half the species examined (18 of 31) had similar diets in all seasons tested. The significant intraspecific shifts in diet that did occur were attributable to regional, seasonal, and interannual effects. A scheme is presented that describes the major energetic pathways through the open water ecosystem from phytoplankton to apex predators. At the base are phytoplankton and protozoans which are the principal food resource for the biomass copepods and krill. Krill and the biomass copepods are the principal forage of the midwater fishElectrona antarctica which, in turn, is the central diet component of flying seabirds as well as important food for the Antarctic fur seal and cephalopods. Krill are a major diet element for the fur seal and cephalopods, and the principal food of the minke whale.  相似文献   

Summary Phytoplankton biomass and distribution of major phytoplankton groups were investigated in relation to sea ice conditions, hydrography and nutrients along three north-south transects in the north western Weddell Sea in early spring 1988 during the EPOS Study (European Polarstern Study), Leg 1. Three different zones along the transects could be distinguished: 1) the Open Water Zone (OWZ) from 58° to 60°S with high chlorophyll a concentrations up to 3.5 g l–1; 2) the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) from 60° to about 62.5° with chlorophyll a concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3 g l–1, and 3) the closed pack-ice zone (CPI) from 62.5° to 63.2°S with chlorophyll a concentrations below 0.1 gl–1. Nutrient concentrations increased towards the south showing winter values under the closed pack-ice. Centric diatoms such as Thalassiosira gravida and Chaetoceros neglectum forming large colonies dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in terms of biomass in open water together with large, long chain forming, pennate diatoms, whereas small pennate diatoms such as Nitzschia spp., and nanoflagellates prevailed in ice covered areas. Fairly low concentrations of phytoplankton cells were encountered at the southernmost stations and many empty diatom frustules were found in the samples. The enhanced phytoplankton biomass in the Weddell-Scotia-Confluence area is achieved through sea ice melting in the frontal zone of two different water masses, the Weddell and the Scotia Sea surface waters.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

We illustrate the spatial and vertical distribution of sediment phytopigments and organic matter biochemical composition at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) during summer 1995. Coastal sediments displayed high phytopigments concentrations associated with huge amounts of labile organic matter largely dominated by proteins. This result was opposite to previous observations in the same area. Such comparison suggested that whilst organic matter quantity in the sediments depended upon the vertical input from the water column, temporal changes in its biochemical composition were related to benthic processes. As considerably high concentrations of biopolymeric organic carbon were found even at 6-cm depth and according to the “loss type” functioning of the coastal waters of the Ross Sea, we stress the summer time occurrence in coastal sediments of an important organic matter burial. Accepted: 24 October 1999  相似文献   

水体中的悬浮颗粒物是物质在水环境中迁移转化的载体和蓄积库,是营养成分在水相、沉积物相和食物链中循环的重要载体,是河流生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要组成部分[1—3],很多学者研究了悬浮物的组成、结构和粒度之间的关系,发现其粒度特征对于了解生态系统内部物质和能量循环转化过程具有重要意义[4,5]。三峡水库蓄水后,香溪河下游部分河段成为库区的一部分,相对于河流来说,流速的减小使更多的悬浮颗粒物发生沉降,营养物质富集,易暴发水华[6]。本研究在三峡水库香溪河库湾水华暴发过程中对不同水深的悬浮颗粒物在24h内的动态分布特征进…  相似文献   

Summary The measurement of Chl a, Chl b and Chl c contents in four size fractions (Nuclepore filters of 10 m, 3m, 1 m and 0.2 m pore-size) together with microscopic examination illustrate the structure and the relative importance of the micro-, nano and pico-phytoplankton in the production system in the Weddell/Scotia Confluence area. In the Scotia Sea, large diatoms were prevalent and their biomass increased during the six week cruise period, exceeding 1 mg Chl a m–3 at the beginning of January. In contrast, in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Weddell Sea, the biomass remained low, up to 0.3 mg Chl a m–3. A diversified nanoplankton community accounted for more than 90% of this biomass: small diatoms, naked dinoflagellates, cryptophyceans, prymnesiophytes and green flagellates which increased the Chl b/Chl a ratio to values >0.20. An important trend affected the Confluence area, where a high biomass net-plankton community (4 mg Chl a m–3) rapidly changed towards a uniform nanoplankton system of the same kind as in the Weddell Sea. At times, autotrophic cryptophyceans were almost dominating (>4.106 cells/l), with a biomass up to 2 mg Chl a m–3 and a low phaeopytin ratio (<10%). This situation probably arises because of a grazing pressure by krill. However, due to the geographic and oceanographic peculiarities of this area, it is not possible to extrapolate these observations concerning the size structure of the primary producers to the Southern Ocean in general.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

G. C. Cadée 《Polar Biology》1992,12(2):253-259
Summary The maximum of POC in the surface layer (200–400 g·l–1) followed the retreating ice from end November to end December. In the upper 150 m DOC amounted to 10–20 times the POC content. Free floating sediment traps at 150 m showed a daily sedimentation of 0.6–11.6% of the standing stock of POC, 0.1–2.6% of the chlorophyll-a and 5–190% of the gross primary production. Maximum sedimentation occurred during grazing of a krill swarm, indicating the important role of krill swarms in the downward flux. Also at most other stations krill faecal strings formed a large part of the downward flux.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

In this study, we examined a 3000 km2 area to the southeastof Bear Island in the central Barents Sea with respect to copepodabundance and depth distribution at nine stations in March,April and May of 1988 and 1989. In order to describe the populationdynamics of the most prominent species in the area during theperiod of study, the annual ascent and abundance of Calanusfinmarchicus, Metridia longa and Calanus glacialis are shown.Stage abundance, vertical distribution and cohort developmentdid vary between species and years at one site. The number ofspecies and the complexity of the data for the entire area studiedhave encouraged us to search for more significant and persistentpatterns by using a canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Weincluded a total of 27 species and stage categories, latitude,salinity and sigma from the nine stations in 1989 We performedthis analysis for 1989. since we only have environmental data(CTD) available from the same stations in that year The species-environmentrelationship showed that the zooplankton community could notbe grouped according to area (latitude) or environmental (sigma,salinity) conditions during March–May in 1989. This meansthat the differences in environmental conditions in the areaof study in 1989 do not mediate any consistent gradient in thezooplankton community. When comparing the copepod data for bothyears. the largest differences are associated with the depthand month vectors. The largest interannual variation is seenin the copepod community in the depth strata from 100 to 400m. and is related to a lesser degree of similarity among thespecies and stages found in this depth interval throughout thestudy. Two species were particularly responsible for the interannualdifferences: Pseudocalanus acuspes CV and females, and C glacialisCV and adults. Changes in these two species are clearly relatedto major shifts in the hydrographic conditions between the 2years, where 1988 was generally colder compared to 1989.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and productivity were measured during two cruises in the Bransfield Strait in December 1991 (D91) and January/February 1993 (J93). Strong seasonal variability in productivity values was observed due to differences in the physiological response of phytoplankton. However, although the photosynthetic capacity of phytoplankton was markedly lower in D91 [P m B =0.61 ± 0.25 mg C (mg Chla)−1 h−1] than in J93 [P m B =2.18 ± 0.91 mg C (mg Chla)−1 h−1], average water column chlorophyll values in different areas of the strait were approximately similar in D91 (49–78 mg Chla m−2) and J93 (22–76 mg Chla m−2). The spatial distribution of chlorophyll was patchy and generally associated with the influence of the different water masses that meet together in the Bransfield Strait. No correlation was found between the mixed layer depth and either the integrated chlorophyll or the productivity. Our results suggest that major phytoplankton blooms in the Bransfield Strait are advected from the nearby Gerlache Strait or Bellingshausen Sea following the main eastward surface currents. Accepted: 5 July 1998  相似文献   

Per Widén 《Ecography》1987,10(2):104-109
Predation by goshawks was studied in a central Swedish boreal forest area. Data were collected in winter (January–February) 1977-81 by tracking radio-tagged goshawks, and in the breeding season (April–July) by collecting prey remains at the nest. In the breeding season birds dominated the prey, amounting to 86% of prey number and 91% of prey biomass. Wood pigeon Columba palumbus , black grouse Tetrao tetrix , hooded crow Corvus corone cornix and jay Garrulus glandarius accounted for more than 50% of the prey animals, whereas capercaillie Tetrao urogallus and black grouse accounted for more than 50% of prey biomass. There was no functional response to black grouse density fluctuations. Every year goshawks killed significantly more females than males of both capercaillie and black grouse, due to high vulnerability of the grouse hens while laying and incubating. It was estimated that during spring and early summer goshawk predation removed 25% of the female, and 14% of the male black grouse population. In winter squirrel was the dominating prey, both in terms of number (79%) and weight (56%). The proportion of squirrel in the diet was equally high both in winters of low and high squirrel density. The high proportion of squirrel in the winterdiet, as compared to the breeding season, is believed to be due to squirrels having to accept an increased predation risk in winter, in order to feed efficiently enough.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthesis-irradiance relationships and the carbon metabolism of different ice algal assemblages collected from Weddell Sea pack ice were investigated during the EPOS 1 cruise. Infiltration- and interstitial assemblages exhibited the photosynthetic characteristics of high-light adapted ice algae with a mean assimilation number of 1.81±0.93 mg C (mg Chl a)–1 h–1. A higher light harvesting efficiency under light limited conditions (alphaB-value), as well as a lower light intensity for light saturation (IK-value) was determined for the interstitial assemblage. An increase in light intensity from 3.5 to 106 mol m–2s–1 resulted in increased synthesis of polymeric carbohydrates (presumably reserve material) in a band assemblage. However, the absolute incorporation of radiolabel into lipid- and amino acid fractions remained essentially constant over this range of photon flux densities. Light-saturated rates of photosynthesis of three infiltration assemblages under hypersaline conditions (approx. 50 and 110%) decreased by 13–55% (controls: approx. 32–34%). The adverse effect of salinity treatment was much less pronounced under hyposaline conditions (approx. 20), where maximal photosynthetic rates were only slightly decreased (-9%) or even stimulated (14–22%). These observations suggest that sea ice microalgae in the ice edge region of the Weddell Sea during spring, being in a metabolically active stage, may have the potential to initiate or contribute to phytoplankton blooms upon release into the water column.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

The samples of water and bottom sediments of the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas collected during the second Russian-American RUSALCA expedition were used to analyze patterns of the isotopic composition of carbon in the organic matter (OM) of suspended material (SOM) and bottom sediments (BOM). Similar to other marine environments, the SOM isotopic composition depended on the ratio between the terrigenous and planktonic OM, both in the water body as a whole and in its parts. Thus, in the East Siberian Sea the carbon of SOM was poorer in 13C (??13C = ?24.51??) than the open part of the more productive Chukchi Sea (??13C = ?22.16??). In the less productive coastal waters of the Chukchi Sea, the ratio of terrigenous OM increased, resulting in a ??13C shift to lower values (?23.40??). Due to the influx of reduced products of anaerobic diagenesis of the sediments, elevated total number of microorganisms and dark CO2 fixation were found in the near-bottom water at the water-sediment biogeochemical barrier. The newly formed biomass of autotrophic microorganisms shifted the carbon isotopic composition of the near-bottom suspended material to more positive ??13C values, with the average values of ?23.39 and ?20.37?? for the East Siberian and Chukchi Sea, respectively. Changes in the carbon isotopic composition of OM resulting from microbial activity continued in the upper sediment layers. When the rate of biomass synthesis increased that of biomass consumption, the 13C content increased further. At higher rates of OM mineralization, 12C accumulated in its remaining part.  相似文献   

Aim To present a general, process‐based river model for suspended particulate matter (SPM). Location General approach based on processes; data from Europe and Israel. Methods The model has been tested and calibrated using an empirical river model for SPM and validated (blind‐tested) using data from seven European sites. This modelling gives mean monthly SPM concentrations in water for defined river sites. The model is based on processes in the entire upstream river stretch (and not for given river segments) and calculates the transport of SPM from land to water, primary production of SPM (within the upstream river stretch), resuspension, mineralization and retention of SPM in the upstream river stretch (but not bed load of friction materials, such as sand). The catchment area is differentiated into inflow (~ dry land) areas and outflow area (~ wetland areas dominated by relatively fast horizontal SPM‐fluxes). The model is simple to apply in practice as all driving variables may be accessed readily from maps. The driving variables are: latitude, altitude, continentality, catchment area and mean annual precipitation. Results Modelled values have been compared to independent empirical data from sites covering a relatively wide domain (catchment areas from 93 to 5250 km2, precipitation from 400 to 660 mm year?1, altitudes from ?210 to 150 m a.s.l., latitudes from 47 to 59° N and continentalities from 200 to 1000 km from the ocean). When blind‐tested, the model predicts annual SPM‐fluxes well. Conclusion When modelled values are compared to empirical data, the slope is almost perfect (1.03) and the r2‐value is 0.9996. This is good, given the fact that there are several simplifications in the model structure. It must, however, be stressed that there are only seven validation cases and that this model has not been tested for small catchments.  相似文献   

Water samples and particulate materials settling under the pack ice were collected in an ice-covered area near the Terra Nova Bay Italian Station during late summer 1995, in order to study short-term changes in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter. At the end of the study period the phytoplankton biomass increase (up to >3.0 μg chlorophyll-a l−1) was probably related to the intrusion under the pack ice of chlorophylls-enriched surface waters coming from the near ice-free area. Such increase was associated also with a notable increase in particulate organic matter concentrations, as well as in particulate organic matter vertical fluxes (up to >100 mg C m−2 day−1). Proteins were the most abundant biochemical class of particulate organic matter (on average about 49%), followed by lipids (29%) and carbohydrates (22%). By contrast, organic matter collected in the sediment trap was characterized by the dominance of lipids (about 55% of the total biopolymeric carbon flux) over carbohydrates (28%) and proteins (17%). The hydrolizable particulate biopolymeric carbon accounted for about 23% of total biopolymeric carbon. This value was about one-half of that found in ice-free waters, suggesting that the suspended particulate organic material under the pack ice was less digestible than in ice-free waters or was already partially digested. Despite this, and the decay of labile organic compounds in the sediment trap during the deployment, material settling towards the sea bottom under the pack ice in Terra Nova Bay, owing to its high lipid content, might represent an important high-quality food source for benthic consumers. Finally, assuming as possible the intrusion under sea ice of primary organic matter-enriched waters, we hypothesize the occurrence of a “fertilization” effect deriving from ice-melting areas towards under-ice waters, supplying the latter with an additional rate of primary organic matter. Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

Plasma melatonin levels in the high-latitude teleost Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) are constantly low during summer when feeding activity is high, and high during the dark winter when they eat little and loose weight. The question arises if melatonin is involved in the phase-setting of annual rhythms of feeding and growth and if low summer melatonin production is permissive for high summer growth in this species. The present study was therefore set out to compare the seasonal appetite and growth rhythms in Arctic charr with constantly high plasma melatonin levels from February throughout the Arctic summer (melatonin implanted, average mid-day plasma melatonin levels 1,106 ± 147 pg/ml) with those of fish with natural plasma melatonin levels (vehicle implanted and untreated fish with average mid-day plasma melatonin levels of 94 ± 13 and 58 ± 6 pg/ml, respectively). Feed intake, body mass or body length, as well as the timing of the seasonal growth rhythm, were not affected by the high summer plasma melatonin level. Further, Arctic charr fasted for 3 months had a 24 h plasma profile of melatonin which was consistently higher throughout the scotophase compared to fed charr. Although the daily melatonin production seems to be affected by the energy status of the fish, melatonin does not seem to be directly involved in regulation of the seasonal feeding and growth rhythm in the high-latitude, anadromous Arctic charr.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition and spatial distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) were studied in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) in summer 1989 to assess the quantitative role of organic carbon fractions in the cycling of organic matter in the water column. Large differences in chemical composition were observed between surface and deep layers. The results indicated that, despite large geographical differences, POM was quite homogeneous, of phytoplankton origin and mostly detrital. Different ratios were used to investigate the changes in biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in relation to the ice-melting: CN (organic carbonorganic nitrogen ratio) and C-POMPOC (sum of carbohydrate, protein and lipid carbontotal organic carbon ratio) were used to analyse the percentage of refractory organic material. PPRTPCHO (proteincarbohydrate ratio) were used to establish POM age and RNADNA ratios as a relative measure of particulate activity; POCChl a and N-PPRTChl a ratios were used to estimate the autotrophic contribution to the suspended particulate organic matter. Despite its low caloric value (5.3 Kcal g POM–1), an high caloric content in the photic layer (1.6 Kcal m–3 of POM and 2.5 Kcal m–3 of POC) was found thus indicating that a large amount of food was available to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

何蕾  华尔  刘晓收  张志南 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2794-2805
分别于2011年6月和11月,搭载"东方红2号"科学调查船在渤海海域(37.0°—40.0°N,118.0°—122.0°E)进行了小型底栖动物的取样,对小型底栖动物类群组成、丰度、生物量、空间分布及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明:研究海域小型底栖动物分布不均匀,表现为黄河口附近及近岸海域小型底栖动物丰度显著低于其他海域。小型底栖动物6月平均丰度高于11月,分别为(1012.7±519.1)个/10 cm~2和(829.5±385.8)个/10 cm~2, 6月平均生物量低于11月,分别为(570.8±307.6)μg干重/10 cm~2和(661.3±310.9)μg干重/10 cm~2。两个航次共鉴定出18个小型底栖动物类群,其中自由生活海洋线虫为最优势类群,分别占小型底栖动物总丰度的95.0%和90.3%,占小型底栖动物总生物量的67.4%和45.3%。其他数量上较重要的类群还有底栖桡足类、多毛类、动吻类和双壳类等。其中,多毛类丰度具有显著的季节差异,其11月丰度高于6月。两个航次分别有93.6%(6月)和91.1%(9月)的小型底栖动物分布在0—5 cm的表层沉积物内,没有表现季节性垂直迁移。对小型底栖动物生物数据与环境因子的相关分析结果显示,小型底栖动物的丰度与沉积物中值粒径、含水率呈显著负相关,与有机质含量呈极显著负相关,表明这三个因子是决定研究海域小型底栖动物分布的重要因素。小型底栖动物群落组成与环境因子的BIOENV相关分析表明,水深、有机质含量的组合能够最好地解释小型底栖动物群落结构的差异。与渤海海域30年来的小型底栖动物研究比较发现,在过去30年里,渤海小型底栖动物(包括海洋线虫)丰度逐渐增加,而其中的底栖桡足类丰度却在逐渐减少。沉积环境的变化以及人类干扰是引起渤海海域小型底栖动物丰度变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

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