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The replication initiator protein pi of plasmid R6K binds seven 22 bp direct repeats (DR) in the gamma origin. The pi protein also binds to an inverted repeat (IR) in the operator of its own gene, pir, which lies outside the gamma origin sequences. A genetic system was devised to select for pi protein mutants which discriminate between IR and DR (York et al., Gene (Amst.) 116, 7-12, 1992; York and Filutowicz, J. Biol. Chem. 268, 21854-21861, 1993). From this selection the mutant pi S87N protein was isolated which is deficient in repressing the pir gene's expression because it cannot bind to IR at the pir gene operator. Remarkably, we discovered that pi S87N binds to DR cooperatively under conditions where wt pi binds independently. Moreover, the pi S87N is more active as a replication initiator in vivo when supplied at the same level as wt pi. Quantitative binding assays showed that both wt pi and pi S87N bind a DNA fragment containing a single DR unit with a similar affinity (Kd = 0.3 x 10(-12) M). Thus, cooperativity of pi S87N is most likely achieved through altered interactions between promoters bound at adjacent DR units.  相似文献   

The adiabatic compressibility (beta s) was determined, by means of the precise sound velocity and density measurements, for a series of single amino acid substituted mutant enzymes of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT). Interestingly, the beta s values of both DHFR and AspAT were influenced markedly by the mutations at glycine-121 and valine-39, respectively, in which the magnitude of the change was proportional to the enzyme activity. This result demonstrates that the local change of the primary structure plays an important role in atomic packing and protein dynamics, which leads to the modified stability and enzymatic function. This is the first report on the compressibility of mutant proteins.  相似文献   

Begomoviruses of the Geminiviridae are usually transmitted by whiteflies and rarely by mechanical inoculation. We used tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), a bipartite begomovirus, to address this issue. Most ToLCNDV isolates are not mechanically transmissible to their natural hosts. The ToLCNDV-OM isolate, originally identified from a diseased oriental melon plant, is mechanically transmissible, while the ToLCNDV-CB isolate, from a diseased cucumber plant, is not. Genetic swapping and pathological tests were performed to identify the molecular determinants involved in mechanical transmission. Various viral infectious clones were constructed and successfully introduced into Nicotiana benthamiana, oriental melon, and cucumber plants by Agrobacterium-mediated inoculation. Mechanical transmissibility was assessed via direct rub inoculation with sap prepared from infected N. benthamiana. The presence or absence of viral DNA in plants was validated by PCR, Southern blotting, and in situ hybridization. The results reveal that mechanical transmissibility is associated with the movement protein (MP) of viral DNA-B in ToLCNDV-OM. However, the nuclear shuttle protein of DNA-B plays no role in mechanical transmission. Analyses of infectious clones carrying a single amino acid substitution reveal that the glutamate at amino acid position 19 of MP in ToLCNDV-OM is critical for mechanical transmissibility. The substitution of glutamate with glycine at this position in the MP of ToLCNDV-OM abolishes mechanical transmissibility. In contrast, the substitution of glycine with glutamate at the 19th amino acid position in the MP of ToLCNDV-CB enables mechanical transmission. This is the first time that a specific geminiviral movement protein has been identified as a determinant of mechanical transmissibility.  相似文献   

The SecYEG complex constitutes a protein conducting channel across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. It binds the peripheral ATPase SecA to form the translocase. When isoleucine 278 in transmembrane segment 7 of the SecY subunit was replaced by a unique cysteine, SecYEG supported an increased preprotein translocation and SecA translocation ATPase activity, and allowed translocation of a preprotein with a defective signal sequence. SecY(I278C)EG binds SecA with a higher affinity than normal SecYEG, in particular in the presence of ATP. The increased translocation activity of SecY(I278C)EG was confirmed in a purified system consisting of SecYEG proteoliposomes, while immunoprecipitation in detergent solution reveal that translocase-preprotein complexes are more stable with SecY(I278C) than with normal SecY. These data imply an important role for SecY transmembrane segment 7 in SecA binding. As improved SecA binding to SecY was also observed with the prlA4 suppressor mutation, it may be a general mechanism underlying signal sequence suppression.  相似文献   

Thermus thermophilus L11 protein has previously been reported to be resistant against tryptic and chymotryptic proteolysis under native conditions. With a single amino acid substitution, namely Trp101Arg, conformational changes were induced that resulted in the exhibition of specific amino acids that served as targets for tryptic and chymotryptic action and rendered the protein highly unstable even during purification. This unexpected process was evidenced by the isolation with size exclusion gel chromatography of the well-structured chymotryptic N-terminal domain in a high amount and its characterization both by Edman degradation and QTOF-EMS spectroscopy. On the other hand, the substitution of Val38Cys, which did not contribute to structural changes, indicates a very possible implication of this amino acid in the protein methylation process. The data reported in this work illustrate the distinctive amino acid dynamics in a thermophilic protein, which, while serving the function common to its counterparts from mesophilic organisms, has had to adapt to the extreme environmental conditions typical of thermophilic organisms.  相似文献   

A single amino acid substitution causes loss of expression of a MICA allele   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Li Z  Groh V  Strong RK  Spies T 《Immunogenetics》2000,51(3):246-248

ClpS2 is a small protein under development as a probe for selectively recognizing N-terminal amino acids of N-degron peptide fragments. To understand the structural basis of ClpS2 specificity for an N-terminal amino acid, all atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were conducted using the sequence of a bench-stable mutant of ClpS2, called PROSS. We predicted that a single amino acid leucine to asparagine substitution would switch the specificity of PROSS ClpS2 to an N-terminal tyrosine over the preferred phenylalanine. Experimental validation of the mutant using a fluorescent yeast-display assay showed an increase in tyrosine binding over phenylalanine, in support of the proposed hypothesis.  相似文献   

D Noel  K Nikaido  G F Ames 《Biochemistry》1979,18(19):4159-4165
Mutation hisJ5625 has altered the histidine-binding protein J of Salmonella typhimurium such that histidine transport is impaired, even though binding of histidine by the J protein is unimpaired [Kustu, S.G., & Ames, G.F. (1974) J. Biol. Chem. 249, 6976--6983]. We have determined by protein analytical methods that the only effect of this mutation has been the substitution of a cysteine residue for an arginine at a site in the interior of the polypeptide chain. This arginine residue is therefore potentially essential for the transport function of the protein. The mutant protein migrates in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis more slowly than the wild type protein, as if its molecular weight were greater by as much as 2000. Since this behavior is apparently due to a single amino acid replacement, a molecular weight difference even between two closely related proteins should not be inferred solely on the basis of sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

pPS10 is a replicon isolated from Pseudomonas syringe pv. savastanoi that can be established at 37 degrees C efficiently in Pseudomonas aeruginosa but very inefficiently in Escherichia coli. The establishment of the wild-type pPS10 replicon in E. coli is favored at low temperatures (30 degrees C or below). RepA protein of pPS10 promotes in vitro plasmid replication in extracts from E. coli, and this replication depends on host proteins DnaA, DnaB, DnaG, and SSB. Mutant plasmids able to efficiently replicate in E. coli at 37 degrees C were obtained. Three of four mutants whose mutations were mapped show a conservative Ala-->Val change in the amino-terminal region of the replication protein RepA. Plasmids carrying this mutation maintain the capacity to replicate in P. aeruginosa and have a fourfold increase in copy number in this host. The mutation does not substantially alter the autoregulation mediated by RepA. These results show that the physiological conditions of the host as well as subtle changes in the plasmid replication protein can modulate the host range of the pPS10 replicon.  相似文献   

The role of a leucine heptad repeat motif between amino acids 268 and 289 in the structure and function of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F protein was explored by introducing single point mutations into the F gene cDNA. The mutations affected either folding of the protein or the fusion activity of the protein. Two mutations, L275A and L282A, likely interfered with folding of the molecule since these proteins were not proteolytically cleaved, were minimally expressed at the cell surface, and formed aggregates. L268A mutant protein was cleaved and expressed at the cell surface although the protein migrated slightly slower than wild type on polyacrylamide gels, suggesting an alteration in conformation or processing. L268A protein was fusion inactive in the presence or absence of HN protein expression. Mutant L289A protein was expressed at the cell surface and proteolytically cleaved at better than wild-type levels. Most importantly, this protein mediated syncytium formation in the absence of HN protein expression although HN protein enhanced fusion activity. These results show that a single amino acid change in the F(1) portion of the NDV F protein can alter the stringent requirement for HN protein expression in syncytium formation.  相似文献   

For study of the self-association of the product of psi29 gene 1, one variant which has a substitution at the 71(st) amino acid was used. By glycerol gradient sedimentation, the product of wild-type gene 1 existed both as large aggregate and oligomer, whereas the variant was detected as a single peak of monomer size. According to experiments using His-tagged proteins and Ni-NTA magnetic beads, the variant made only a little self-associated complex. From these results, a site essential for self-association was suggested to exist close to the carboxyl terminus of the product of psi29 gene 1.  相似文献   

Murine norovirus (MNV), a prevalent pathogen of laboratory mice, shares many characteristics with human noroviruses. Previous results indicated that passage of MNV1 in the macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 results in attenuation in STAT1-deficient mice (C. E. Wobus, S. M. Karst, L. B. Thackray, K. O. Chang, S. V. Sosnovtsev, G. Belliot, A. Krug, J. M. Mackenzie, K. Y. Green, and H. W. Virgin, PLoS. Biol. 2:e432, 2004). Sequence analysis revealed two amino acid differences between the virulent and attenuated viruses. Using an infectious cDNA clone of the attenuated virus, we demonstrated that a glutamate-to-lysine substitution at position 296 in the capsid protein (VP1) is sufficient to restore virulence in vivo, identifying, for the first time, a virus-encoded molecular determinant of norovirus virulence.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus casei allosteric L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-LDH) absolutely requires fructose 1,6-bisphosphate [Fru(1,6)P2] for its catalytic activity under neutral conditions, but exhibits marked catalytic activity in the absence of Fru(1,6)P(2) under acidic conditions through the homotropic activation effect of substrate pyruvate. In this enzyme, a single amino acid replacement, i.e. that of His205 conserved in the Fru(1,6)P(2)-binding site of certain allosteric L-LDHs of lactic acid bacteria with Thr, did not induce a marked loss of the activation effect of Fru(1,6)P(2) or divalent metal ions, which are potent activators that improve the activation function of Fru(1,6)P(2) under neutral conditions. However, this replacement induced a great loss of the Fru(1,6)P(2)-independent activation effect of pyruvate or pyruvate analogs under acidic conditions, consequently indicating an absolute Fru(1,6)P(2) requirement for the enzyme activity. The replacement also induced a significant reduction in the pH-dependent sensitivity of the enzyme to Fru(1,6)P(2), through a slight decrease and increase of the Fru(1,6)P(2) sensitivity under acidic and neutral conditions, respectively, indicating that His205 is also largely involved in the pH-dependent sensitivity of L.casei L-LDH to Fru(1,6)P(2). The role of His205 in the allosteric regulation of the enzyme is discussed on the basis of the known crystal structures of L-LDHs.  相似文献   

D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) is of considerable practical importance, such as bioconversion and enzymatic assay. In this study, we succeeded in obtaining a thermostable mutant DAO from porcine kidney by a single amino acid substitution. This mutant enzyme, F42C, was stable at 55 degrees C, while the wild-type enzyme was stable only up to 45 degrees C. The Km values of F42C for D-amino acids was about half of those of the wild-type enzyme. This mutant DAO with improved stability and affinity for its substrates is advantageous for the determination of D-amino acids.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage phi29 replication protein p1 self-interacts in vitro, generating highly ordered structures. Specifically, the 53-amino acid protein p1DeltaN33, which retains the sequence of p1 spanning amino acids Met(34) to Lys(85), assembles into two-dimensional protofilament sheets. The region of protein p1 located between residues Glu(38) and Asn(65) presumably forms an alpha-helical coiled-coil structure. Here we have examined the role of this coiled-coil sequence in the formation of protofilament sheets. Using sedimentation assays and negative-stain electron microscopy analysis, we demonstrate that residues Leu(46), Met(53), and Leu(60), but not Leu(39), are essential for p1DeltaN33 assembly into sheets. Remarkably, replacement of Leu(46) by Val shifts the pathway of molecular assembly, leading to the formation of filamentous polymers approximately 10 nm in diameter. These results show, for the first time, that a short coiled-coil motif can mediate protein assembly into protofilament sheet structures.  相似文献   

D Zuk  A Jacobson 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(10):2914-2925
Most factors known to function in mRNA turnover are not essential for cell viability. To identify essential factors, approximately 4000 temperature-sensitive yeast strains were screened for an increase in the level of the unstable CYH2 pre-mRNA. At the non-permissive temperature, five mutants exhibited decreased decay rates of the CYH2 pre-mRNA and mRNA, and the STE2, URA5 and PAB1 mRNAs. Of these, the mutant ts1159 had the most extensive phenotype. Expression of the TIF51A gene (encoding eIF-5A) complemented the temperature-sensitive growth and mRNA decay phenotypes of ts1159. The tif51A allele was rescued from these cells and shown to encode a serine to proline change within a predicted alpha-helical segment of the protein. ts1159 also exhibited an approximately 30% decrease in protein synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Measurement of amino acid incorporation in wild-type cells incubated with increasing amounts of cycloheximide demonstrated that a decrease in protein synthesis of this magnitude could not account for the full extent of the mRNA decay defects observed in ts1159. Interestingly, the ts1159 cells accumulated uncapped mRNAs at the non-permissive temperature. These results suggest that eIF-5A plays a role in mRNA turnover, perhaps acting downstream of decapping.  相似文献   

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