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Cryptococcus albidus secretes a xylanase when induced by xylan or beta-methylxyloside, a non-metabolizable inducer, and production of the enzyme is repressed by xylose. The effect of exogenous cAMP on xylanase production was tested under different growth conditions. The cAMP elicited a 1.5 to 2 fold increase in xylanase production during the induction by xylan and B-methylxyloside but did not relieve the repression observed during growth on xylose. Cyclic AMP also affected the growth rate of the cells and did not modulate the activity of pure xylanase in vitro. A 15-nucleotide sequence located upstream from the xylanase gene could be part of a cAMP regulatory sequence.  相似文献   

Of the 30 carbon starvation proteins whose induction has been previously shown to be important for starvation survival of Escherichia coli, two-thirds were not induced in cya or crp deletion mutants of E. coli at the onset of carbon starvation. The rest were induced, although not necessarily with the same temporal pattern as exhibited in the wild type. The starvation proteins that were homologous to previously identified heat shock proteins belonged to the latter class and were hyperinduced in delta cya or delta crp mutants during starvation. Most of the cyclic AMP-dependent proteins were synthesized in the delta cya mutant if exogenous cyclic AMP was added at the onset of starvation. Furthermore, beta-galactosidase induction of several carbon starvation response gene fusions occurred only in a cya+ genetic background. Thus, two-thirds of the carbon starvation proteins of E. coli require cyclic AMP and its receptor protein for induction; the rest do not. The former class evidently has no role in starvation survival, since delta cya or delta crp mutants of either E. coli or Salmonella typhimurium survived starvation as well as their wild-type parents did. The latter class, therefore, is likely to have a direct role in starvation survival. This possibility is strengthened by the finding that nearly all of the cya- and crp-independent proteins were also induced during nitrogen starvation and, as shown previously, during phosphate starvation. Proteins whose synthesis is independent of cya- and crp control are referred to as Pex (postexponential).  相似文献   

Relatives of the vertebrate estrogen receptor (ER) are found in Aplysia californica, Octopus vulgaris, Thais clavigera, and Marisa cornuarietis. Unlike vertebrate ERs, invertebrate ERs are constitutively active and do not bind estradiol. To investigate the molecular basis of the absence of estrogen binding, we constructed a 3D model of the putative steroid-binding domain on octopus ER. Our 3D model indicates that binding of estradiol to octopus ER is prevented by steric clashes between estradiol and amino acids in the steroid-binding pocket. In this respect, octopus ER resembles vertebrate estrogen-related receptors (ERR), which have a ligand-binding pocket that cannot accommodate estradiol. Like ERR, octopus ER also may have the activation function 2 domain (AF2) in a configuration that can bind to coactivators in the absence of estrogens, which would explain constitutive activity of octopus ER.  相似文献   

Recent work has shown that estrogen receptor mRNA and protein co-localize with neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing basal forebrain. In the present study we examined the potential for reciprocal regulation of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems by their ligands in a prototypical neurotrophin target, the PC12 cell. using in situ hybridization histochemistry, RT-PCR and a modified nuclear exchange assay, we found both estrogen receptor mRNA and estrogen binding in PC12 cells. Moreover, while estrogen binding was relatively low in naive PC12 cells, long-term exposure to NGF enhanced estrogen binding in these cells by sixfold. Furthermore, concurrent exposure to estrogen and NGF receptor mRNAs deifferentially regulated the expression of the two NGF receptor mRNAs. The expression of trkA mRNA was up-regulated, while p75NGFR mRNA was down-regulated transiently. The present data indicate that NGF may increase neuronal sensitivity to estrogen, and that estrogen, by differentially regulating p75NGFR and trkA mRNA, may alter the ratio fo the two NGF receptors, and, conseuqnetly, neurotrophin responsivity. In view of the widespread co-localization of estrogen and neurotrophin receptor systems in the developing CNS, the reciprocal regulation of these receptor systems by NGF and estrogen may have important implications for processes governing neural maturation and the maintenance of neural funciton. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The spatial expression patterns of genes involved in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) responses during morphogenesis in Dictyostelium discoideum were analyzed by in situ hybridization. Genes encoding adenylyl cyclase A (ACA), cAMP receptor 1, G-protein alpha2 and beta subunits, cytosolic activator of ACA (CRAC and Aimless), catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKA-C) and cAMP phosphodiesterases (PDE and REG-A) were preferentially expressed in the anterior prestalk (tip) region of slugs, which acts as an organizing center. MAP kinase ERK2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2) mRNA, however, was enriched in the posterior prespore region. At the culmination stage, the expression of ACA, CRAC and PKA-C mRNA increased in prespore cells in contrast with the previous stage. However, no alteration in the site of expression was observed for the other mRNA analyzed. Based on these findings, two and four classes of expression patterns were catalogued for these genes during the slug and culmination stages, respectively. Promoter analyses of genes in particular classes should enhance understanding of the regulation of dynamic and coordinated gene expression during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Estrogen regulates various cytokines and growth factors in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive human breast cancer. Receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) is an essential cytokine for osteoclasts, whereas osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a soluble inhibitor for RANKL. We analyzed the regulation of the RANKL/OPG system by estrogens and androgens in the ER-positive breast cancer cell line MCF-7 and the ER-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. In MCF-7 cells, which predominantly express ER-α, 17β-estradiol and testosterone dose-dependently decreased OPG mRNA levels and protein secretion by 70 and 65%, respectively (p < 0.0001 by ANOVA). The inhibition of OPG production by 17β-estradiol and testosterone was specifically prevented by the pure anti-estrogen ICI 182,780, and the testosterone effect was prevented by an aromatase inhibitor. In conclusion, 17β-estradiol suppressed OPG production by human breast cancer cell lines in a dose-dependent and specific manner, indicating that the RANKL/OPG cytokine system is an estrogen-responsive target in breast cancer.  相似文献   

Estrogens play a key role in the development and evolution of breast cancer tumors. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) mediates many of the biological activities of estrogens, and its expression is associated with low invasiveness and good prognosis. Recent epidemiological reports suggest that long-term exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is implicated in the increased incidence of breast cancer in exposed women. TCDD interferes with the expression of some ERalpha-dependent genes and inhibits estradiol (E2)- dependent growth of breast cancer cells in vitro. However, E2-dependent xenographs of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells resumed growth after a 2-week exposure to TCDD. The mechanisms involved in the resumption of cell growth are not completely understood. In this study, we show that short term-exposure (16 days) to 1 nM TCDD results in the suppression of ERalpha protein expression, while chronic exposure for more than 1 year (LTDX cells) results in the partial re-expression of the receptor. Immunocytochemistry studies showed that re-expression of ERalpha in LTDX cells occurred in some of the cells. Analysis by Western immunoblots indicated that four out of five LTDX clones expressed ERalpha at levels comparable to those in unexposed MCF-7 cells. Removal of TCDD treatment for 16 days restored the expression of ERalpha in the ERalpha-negative clonal cells. These results suggest that MCF-7 cells chronically exposed to TCDD contain at least two cell subpopulations that may respond differently to the ERalpha-mediated effects of TCDD.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated an effect of estrogen on iron metabolism in peripheral tissues. The role of estrogen on brain iron metabolism is currently unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect and mechanism of estrogen on iron transport proteins. We demonstrated that the iron exporter ferroportin 1 (FPN1) and iron importer divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) were upregulated and iron content was decreased after estrogen treatment for 12 hr in primary cultured astrocytes. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) was upregulated, but HIF-2α remained unchanged after estrogen treatment for 12 hr in primary cultured astrocytes. In primary cultured neurons, DMT1 was downregulated, FPN1 was upregulated, iron content decreased, iron regulatory protein (IRP1) was downregulated, but HIF-1α and HIF-2α remained unchanged after estrogen treatment for 12 hr. These results suggest that the regulation of iron metabolism by estrogen in astrocytes and neurons is different. Estrogen increases FPN1 and DMT1 expression by inducing HIF-1α in astrocytes, whereas decreased expression of IRP1 may account for the decreased DMT1 and increased FPN1 expression in neurons.  相似文献   

Among the three G-protein-linked acetylcholine receptors (GARs) in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), GAR-3 is structurally and pharmacologically most similar to mammalian muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs). Using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing GAR-3b, the major alternatively spliced isoform of GAR-3, we observed that carbachol stimulated cyclic AMP (cAMP) production in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The stimulating effect of carbachol was abolished by atropine, a muscarinic antagonist, indicating that the cAMP production is specifically mediated by GAR-3b. When the cells were treated with BAPTA-AM and EGTA, which reduce the cytosolic Ca(2+) level, carbachol-stimulated cAMP accumulation was inhibited by approximately 56%. Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by chronic treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) or by GF109203X decreased carbachol-stimulated cAMP production by as much as 68%. It thus appears that Ca(2+) and PKC are critically involved in GAR-3b-mediated cAMP formation. We also observed that carbachol-stimulated cAMP production was further enhanced by pertussis toxin (PTX) treatment. This observation indicates that GAR-3b couples to a PTX-sensitive G protein, presumably Gi, to attenuate the cAMP accumulation. Taken together, our data show that GAR-3b stimulates cAMP production in CHO cells and suggest that GAR-3b couples to both stimulatory and inhibitory pathways to modulate the intracellular cAMP level.  相似文献   

Z.-F. Gu  T.K. Pradhan  D.H. Coy  R.T. Jensen   《Peptides》1994,15(8):1425-1430
Galanin has numerous effects on gastrointestinal motility in different species; however, its cellular basis of action in mediating these effects is unclear. Dispersed gastric smooth muscle cells have been shown to possess high-affinity galanin receptors that increase cAMP and cause relaxation. Recent studies show some smooth muscle relaxants such as VIP cause relaxation by both cAMP-dependent and -independent mechanisms. It is unknown if galanin's cellular basis of relaxation is similar or different from that of VIP. To investigate galanin's relaxant effect and compare it to VIP's effect, dispersed smooth muscle cells from guinea pig stomach were prepared by collagenase digestion. The mean length in resting cells was 110 ± 2 μm and, with carbachol treatment, contracted to 89 ± 2 μm. VIP and galanin alone had no effect on cell length, but each caused a dose-dependent inhibition of carbachol-induced contraction and both had an EC50 of 3–7 nM. Galanin (1 μM) and VIP (1 μM) increased cellular cAMP from 118 ± 10 pmol/106 cells in control to 212 ± 14 and 214 ± 12 pmol/106 cells, respectively. The protein kinase A inhibitor, Rp-cAMPS, at 100 μM, completely inhibited the relaxant effect of an EC50 concentration of galanin (3 nM), but only inhibited that by VIP by 80% (p < 0.05). Adding the nitric oxide inhibitor, -NNA ( ), at 100 μM did not alter the length of resting cells or inhibit carbachol-induced contraction. However, -NNA (100 μM) decreased VIP-induced relaxation by 45%, whereas it had no effect on galanin-induced relaxation. To determine the ability of each peptide to activate nitric oxide, the incorporation of [3H]arginine into [3H]citrulline was determined. Galanin (1 μM) did not cause nitric oxide generation whereas VIP (1 μM) increased nitric oxide generation above the control by 97 ± 14% (p < 0.01). These results demonstrated that with galanin, in contrast to VIP, nitric oxide is not involved in its ability to cause gastric smooth muscle cell relaxation. The relaxant action of galanin can be accounted for completely by its ability to activate protein kinase A and therefore resembles recent results with β-adrenergic agents.  相似文献   

The progression of cancer is associated with tumor's ability to outgrow the existing vasculature resulting in chronic hypoxic pressure, however the molecular mechanism of cancer cell response to chronic hypoxia is poorly understood. In this study we have analyzed the reorganization of estrogen receptor (ER) signaling in breast cancer cells under chronic hypoxia and examined the role of interrelations between ER and NF-kB signaling in cell adaptation to hypoxia. Using long-term culturing of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in hypoxia-mimetic conditions (cobalt chloride) we have established a hypoxia-tolerant subline characterized by HIF-1 hyperexpression that retained the tolerance to hypoxia even when the cells were returned to normoxic conditions.The hypoxia-tolerant cells were characterized by non-affected ER signaling, irreversible suppression of NF-kB activity, and increased sensitivity to cytokine-induced apoptosis. Estradiol treatment suppressed the NF-kB activity in both parent and hypoxia-tolerant MCF-7 cells. In contrast to MCF-7 cells, the exposure of estrogen-independent MCF-7/T2 subline to chronic hypoxia was not accompanied by noticeable changes in NF-kB activity or cell sensitivity to cytokines. Taken together, the results presented demonstrate the importance of interrelations between ER and NF-kB signaling in the response of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells to chronic hypoxia.  相似文献   

The human STYK1/NOK protein is approximately 30–35% similar to mouse fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 and a kinase homologue in D. melanogaster in the tyrosine protein kinase region. STYK1/NOK was identified as being up regulated in MDA-MB-231, an estrogen receptor-alpha negative breast cancer cell line, following 12 h of estrogen treatment at 1 × 10−9 M. On further investigation of STYK1/NOK in estrogen treated cell line MDA-MB-231, STYK1/NOK was up regulated at 6 h post treatment when compared to untreated cells. We also investigated the expression levels of STYK1/NOK in other breast cancer cell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, BT-549, and MDA-MB-435S using QRT-PCR. In addition, the analysis of message accumulation was increased with other synthetic estrogen response modifiers. We propose that the regulation of STYK1/NOK is achieved independent of ERα and suggests further investigation to the relevance of this kinase in breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

A series of novel benzothiepin-derived compounds are described as potent selective modulators of the human estrogen receptor (SERMs). The objective of the study is to evaluate the antiproliferative effects of the compounds on human MCF-7 breast tumor cells. These heterocyclic compounds contain the traditional triarylethylene arrangement exemplified by tamoxifen, conformationally restrained through the incorporation of the benzothiepin ring system. The compounds demonstrated potency at nanomolar concentrations in antiproliferative assays against an MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line with low cytotoxicity. The compounds exhibited low nanomolar binding affinity for the estrogen receptor (ER) with some specificity for ERβ, and also demonstrate potent antiestrogenic properties in the human uterine Ishikawa cell line. The effect of a number of functional group substitutions on the ER binding properties of the benzothiepin molecular scaffold is explored through a brief computational structure-activity relationship investigation with molecular simulation.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor 30 is an estrogen receptor in the plasma membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recently, GPR30 was reported to be a novel estrogen receptor; however, its intracellular localization has remained controversial. To investigate the intracellular localization of GPR30 in vivo, we produced four kinds of polyclonal antibodies for distinct epitopes on GPR30. Immunocytochemical observations using anti-GPR30 antibody and anti-FLAG antibody show that FLAG-GPR30 localizes to the plasma membrane 24 h after transfection. Treatment with estrogen (17beta-estradiol or E2) causes an elevation in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) within 10 s in HeLa cells expressing FLAG-GPR30. In addition, E2 induces the translocation of GPR30 from the plasma membrane to the cytoplasm by 1 h after stimulation. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that GPR30 exists on the cell surface of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells. The images on transmission electron microscopy show that GPR30 is localized to a particular region associated with the plasma membranes of the pyramidal cells. These data indicate that GPR30, a transmembrane receptor for estrogen, is localized to the plasma membrane of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells of the hippocampus in rat brain.  相似文献   

We employed carbon fiber amperometry to measure the amount of catecholamine released from individual granules (i.e. the quantal size, Q) of rat chromaffin cells. The distribution of Q1/3 of amperometric events could be reasonably described by the summation of at least three Gaussians, suggesting that rat chromaffin cells contained at least three distinct populations of granules, with a small, medium or large modal Q. After 3 days of culture, the mean cellular Q reduced by approximately 14%, which did not arise from a uniform percentage decrease in the Q of every granule. Instead, the rundown involved a > 11% decrease in the proportional release from large Q granules and a > 19% decrease in the modal Q-value of small Q granules. In contrast, when cells were cultured with dibutyryl-cAMP (dBcAMP) for 3 days, their mean cellular Q increased by approximately 38% (relative to time-matched controls). This increase in Q was not associated with any shift in the proportional release from the three populations of granules. Instead, cAMP increased the average amount of catecholamines released from all three populations of granules. Our data raise the possibility that distinct populations of granules in rat chromaffin cells can be regulated either differentially or uniformly.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the regulatory subunit of PKA, RIalpha, functions as a nuclear transport protein for the second subunit of the replication factor C complex, RFC40, and that this transport appears to be crucial for cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase. In this study, we found that N(6)-monobutyryl cAMP significantly up-regulates the expression of RFC40 mRNA by 1.8-fold and its endogenous protein by 2.3-fold with a subsequent increase in the RIalpha-RFC40 complex formation by 3.2-fold. Additionally, the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio of RFC40 increased by 26% followed by a parallel increase in the percentage of S phase cells by 33%. However, there was reduction in the percentage of G1 cells by 16% and G2/M cells by 43% with a concurrent accumulation of cells in S phase. Interestingly, the higher percentage of S phase cells did not correlate with a parallel increase in DNA replication. Moreover, although cAMP did not affect the expression of the other RFC subunits, there was a significant decrease in the RFC40-37 complex formation by 81.3%, substantiating the decrease in DNA replication rate. Taken together, these findings suggest that cAMP functions as an upstream modulator that regulates the expression and nuclear translocation of RFC40.  相似文献   

A common problem in breast cancer therapy is resistance to the antiestrogen tamoxifen. However, tamoxifen-resistant breast tumors can still respond to other hormonal therapies. In animal models of tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells, physiological levels of estrogen can induce tumor regression. Recently, the estrogen receptor downregulator fulvestrant was shown to promote tumor growth of tamoxifen-resistant cells when added in combination with physiological levels of estrogen. Here, we show, using a cell culture model, that continuous exposure of tamoxifen-resistant cells to physiological levels of estrogen leads to cell death. Addition of the estrogen receptor downregulator fulvestrant prevents estrogen-induced death in a dose-dependent manner. Our data indicate that endogenous levels of estrogen affect the response of tamoxifen-resistant cells to fulvestrant. These results suggest that failure of fulvestrant to inhibit tumor growth in some tamoxifen-resistant patients may be due to endogenous estrogen levels. Moreover, these studies support short-term treatment with estrogen as a second-line hormonal therapy for tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer.  相似文献   

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