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Cholesterol is a major component of biological membranes, yet there is very little information concerning its distribution across the membrane. Recent experiments in our laboratory, using cholesterol oxidase, have demonstrated that cholesterol can undergo a rapid transbilayer movement in lecithin-cholesterol vesicles in a half-time of 1 min or less at 37°C. In order to support this conclusion, we have sought other approaches to the measurement of this process. We now report our finding that the transbilayer movement of thiocholesterol in phospholipid vesicles occurs in a half-time of 1 min or less at 20°C.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 8 mol percent lactosylceramide into small unilamellar vesicles consisting of cholesterol and sphingomyelin in an equimolar ratio and containing [3H]inulin as a marker resulted in an increase in total liver uptake and a drastic change in intrahepatic distribution of the liposomes after intravenous injection into rats. The control vesicles without glycolipid accumulated predominantly in the hepatocytes, but incorporation of the glycolipid resulted in a larger stimulation of Kupffer-cell uptake (3.2-fold) than of hepatocyte uptake (1.2-fold). Liposome preparations both with and without lactosylceramide in which part of the sphingomyelin was replaced by phosphatidylserine, resulting in a net negative charge of the vesicles, were cleared much more rapidly from the blood and taken up by the liver to higher extents. The negative charge had, however, no influence on the intrahepatic distributions. The fast hepatic uptake of the negatively charged liposomes allowed competition experiments with substrates for the galactose receptors on liver cells. Inhibition of blood clearance and liver uptake of lactosylceramide-containing liposomes by N-acetyl-d-galactosamine indicated the involvement of specific recognition sites for the liposomal galactose residues. This inhibitory effect of N-acetyl-d-galactosamine was shown to be mainly the result of a decreased liposome uptake by the Kupffer cells, compatible with the reported presence of a galactose specific receptor on this cell type (Kolb-Bachofen et al. (1982) Cell 29, 859–866). The difference between the results on sphingomyelin-based liposomes as described in this paper and those on phosphatidylcholine-based liposomes as published previously (Spanjer and Scherphof (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 734, 40–47) are discussed.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine liposomes incubated on one side of planar phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes induced fluctuations and a sharp increase in the membrane conductance when the Ca2+ concentration was increased to a threshold of 3–5 mM in 100 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. Under the same ionic conditions, these liposomes fused with large (0.2 μm diameter) single-bilayer phosphatidylserine vesicles, as shown by a fluorescence assay for the mixing of internal aqueous contents of the two vesicle populations. The conductance behavior of the planar membranes was interpreted to be a consequence of the structural rearrangement of phospholipids during individual fusion events and the incorporation of domains of phosphatidylcholine into the Ca2+-complexed phosphatidylserine membrane. The small vesicles did not aggregate or fuse with one another at these Ca2+ concentrations, but fused preferentially with the phosphatidylserine membrane, analogous to simple exocytosis in biological membranes. Phosphatidylserine vesicles containing gramicidin A as a probe interacted with the planar membranes upon raising the Ca2+ concentration from 0.9 to 1.2 mM, as detected by an abrupt increase in the membrane conductance. In parallel experiments, these vesicles were shown to fuse with the large phosphatidylserine liposomes at the same Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Small phospholipid vesicles, prepared so as to minimize impurities, fuse relatively slowly resulting in the time-dependent development of a characteristic endotherm in differential scanning calorimetry and corresponding changes in the Raman spectrum. The stability of small vesicles towards fusion increases with increasing acyl chain length for the series C-14 through 18. Within the protocols of these experiments, the fusion rate remains unchanged whether the vesicles are held at 10°C below Tm or at Tm itself. We have determined enthalpies of transition for small vesicles and fusion product for C-14 through C-18. In each case ΔH for small vesicles is lower than that of the corresponding multilamellar vesicles, while the fusion product ΔH is intermediate between small and multilamellar vesicles. The apparent lack of concensus in the literature as to the nature of the fusion process is ascribed to the variety of protocols used as well as the presence or absence of fusion-inducing impurities.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes have been treated with lipid vesicles in order to alter the cholesterol content of the cell membrane. Erythrocytes have been produced with cholesterol concentrations between 33 and 66 mol% of total lipid. The rate of valinomycin-mediated uptake of rubidium into the red cells at 37°C was lowered by increasing the cholesterol concentration of the cell membrane. Cholesterol increased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of small (less than 50 nm), unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by sonication. Cholesterol decreased the permeability to valinomycin at 20°C of large (up to 200 nm) unilamellar egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles formed by freezethaw plus brief sonication. It is concluded that cholesterol increases the permeability of small membrane vesicles to hydrophobic penetrating substances while above the transition temperature but has the opposite effect on large membrane vesicles and on the membranes of even larger cells.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the interaction of liposomes with rat Kupffer cells in maintenance culture by using the lysosomotropic amines ammonium chloride and chloroquine as inhibitors of intralysosomal degradation. The liposomes (large unilamellar vesicles) contained either the metabolically inert 3H-labeled inulin or the degradable 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin. In control incubations, the cells released nearly all accumulated protein label and about 30% of the lipid label when they were incubated in the absence of liposomes, after an initial uptake period of 1 h in the presence of liposomes. This release of label was, for the greater part, suppressed in the presence of ammonia or chloroquine. When the inhibitors were present during the initial uptake period, a several-fold increase in the amount of protein label accumulating in the cells and a smaller, but still marked, increase in lipid label accumulation were observed. The effect of ammonia when present during uptake was readily reversible in contrast to that of chloroquine. Experiments with encapsulated inulin revealed that both lysosomotropic agents also affected the uptake process per se to some extent, probably as a result of impaired membrane/receptor recycling. Labeled liposomes adsorbed to the cells at 4°C were effectively internalized and processed intracellulary after shifting the temperature to 37°C, even when a 500-fold excess of unlabeled liposomes was present in the medium during the 37°C incubation. The observed effects of ammonia and chloroquine indicate that, after uptake, the liposomes are degraded within lysosomes, thus confirming our previous conclusion that endocytosis is the major uptake mechanism at 37°C. From the temperature-change experiments we conclude that, at 4°C, the liposomes are bound with high affinity to the cells, remaining firmly attached to the cell-surface structures which initiate their internalization when the temperature is raised to 37°C.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar vesicles were used to measure the permeability of saturated phosphatidylcholine bilayers to glucose. The presented method circumvents most of the common restrictions of classical permeability experiments. Increasing the fatty acid chain length of the lipids reduced the permeation rate significantly. Raising the temperature above that of the lipid phase transition drastically increased membrane permeability. Arrhenius plots demonstrated the activation energy to be independent of membrane composition and the phase-state of the lipids. The permeation process is discussed in terms of a constant energy to disrupt all hydrogen bonds between permeant and aqueous solvent prior to penetrating the membrane. The magnitude of the permeability coefficient is partly determined by a unfavourable change in entropy of activation on crossing the water/lipid interface. All results indicate that the penetration of the dehydrated permeant into the hydrophobic barrier is the rate-limiting step in the permeation of glucose.  相似文献   

Changes in the fluorescence of partially self-quenched 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein trapped within the internal aqueous compartment of small unilamellar dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles indicate that the trapped volume of these vesicles decreases when the phospholipid undergoes the liquid crystalline to gel state transition. This volume change is completely reversible and is not caused by vesicle-vesicle fusion. Furthermore, this decrease in volume of the internal aqueous compartment may be attributed to a change in vesicle shape upon undergoing the phase transition.  相似文献   

31P-NMR studies of intact functional rat liver mitochondria at 37°C demonstrate that the large majority (?95%) of endogenous phospholipids exhibit motional properties consistent with bilayer structure. This property is unaffected by oxidative phosphorylation processes or the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 8 mol% lactosylceramide in small unilamellar vesicles consisting of cholesterol, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine in a molar ratio of 5:4:1 and containing [3H]inulin as an aqueous-space marker resulted in a 3-fold decreased half-life of the vesicles in blood and a corresponding increase in liver uptake after intracardial injection into rats. The increase in liver uptake was mostly accounted for by an enhanced uptake in the parenchymal cells, while the uptake by the non-parenchymal cells was only slightly increased. The uptake of both the control and the glycolipid-containing vesicles by the non-parenchymal cell fraction could be attributed completely to the Kupffer cells; no radioactivity was found in the endothelial cells. The effect of lactosylceramide on liver uptake and blood disappearance of the liposomes was effectively counteracted by desialylated fetuin, injected shortly before the liposome dose. This observation supports the notion that a galactose-specific receptor is involved in the liver uptake of lactosylceramide liposomes.  相似文献   

The interaction of carbonmonoxyhemoglobin and heme with small unilamellar phospholipid vesicles was studied using dynamic light scattering. Addition of carbonmonoxyhemoglobin to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine:dimyristoylphosphatidylserine small unilamellar vesicles resulted in an increase of average vesicle size from 17.4 to 32.0nm. Addition of heme to vesicles produced a smaller size increase, from 17.4 to 21.0nm. Also reported is a method for preparing small unilamellar lipid vesicles of a uniform size, suitable for use in NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Small, unilamellar phospholipid vesicles have been prepared using a new, high-powdered cup sonifier that avoids contact of the sample with a titanium probe. These vesicles have been characterized by gel filtration chromatography both before and after fractionation by high-speed centrifugation. Plots of the turbidity of centrifuged vesicles between 300 and 650 nm against the reciprocal fourth power of the scattering wavelength were linear with zero intercepts (extrapolated to infinite wavelength). In the presence of minute quantities of large, multilamellar vesicles, these plots remained linear but had intercepts quantitatively proportional to the amount of contaminating large vesicles. Since this measurement requires only a standard spectrophotometer and very small quantities of lipid, this method is suggested as a useful assay for determining contamination of small vesicle preparations by large vesicles. Two applications of this method as well as a practical limitation are discussed.  相似文献   

The excimer/monomer ratio of emission intensities (IE/IM) and the enhancement of the 0-0 vibronic transition in the fluorescence spectra of pyrene (PY) and 16-(1-pyrenyl)hexadecanoic acid (C16PY) were used to investigate the localization of PY in the bilayers of small unilamellar vesicles constituted of phosphatidylcholine (SUV-PC). First, from comparison of the fluorescence characteristics of PY in water with those of PY incorporated into the SUV-PC membranes, we concluded that the probe is incorporated preferentially in the lipid phase of the vesicles and not in the bulk aqueous phase. In addition, we found that, contrary to what happens with the pyrenyl moiety of C16PY the location of PY varies with its relative concentration in the membrane space. The critical concentration was observed to be around 1.0 mol% of incorporated PY. At concentrations below this value, PY is located in the hydrocarbon core of the lipid bilayers. Above 1.0 mol%, the PY molecules reside preferentially in the neighbourhood of the glyceryl moiety region of the PC vesicles.  相似文献   

The time-dependent accumulation of phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine in formaldehyde-induced vesicles obtained from a somatic cell hybrid line was investigated. From a number of considerations including a two-fold enrichment of cholesterol and sphingomyelin it was concluded that these vesicles were derived from the cell plasma membrane.A progressive depletion of phosphatidylcholine, the major vesicle phospholipid, was observed in cells supplemented for various time periods with dimethylethanolamine. This depletion was accompanied by a concomitant increase in the amount of lipid analog.The time-dependent alteration of the phospholipid polar head group in intact cells was almost identical to that observed in isolated plasma membrane vesicles, suggesting a rapid equilibration of the de novo synthesized phospholipid with the cell surface compartment. From the initial velocity rate, the time required for the phosphatidylcholine pool to double was about 12 h.Agarose-linked phospholipase A2 was used to measure the relative composition of choline- and dimethylethanolamine-phosphoglycerides in the outer surface of vesicles prepared from cells with different degrees of polar head group substitution. The gradual appearance of lysodimethylethanolamine lipid analog in vesicles treated with phospholipase A2 suggested an asymmetric distribution of the phospholipid between the interior and the exterior part of the vesicle. This asymmetry was maximal up to about 4 h following the addition of dimethylethanolamine to the culture medium and was of a transient nature as the lipid analog accumulated on both sides of the plasma membrane. Based on these measurements a fast followed by a slow translocation component could be distinguished with apparent doubling times of 7 and 43 h for the lipid analog, respectively. As the analog becomes the predominant cellular phospholipid a significant increase in the vesicle lipid fluidity was measured.  相似文献   

We have investigated the stability of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of lipid membranes in the liquid-ordered phase (lo phase) against a detergent, Triton X-100. We found that in the presence of high concentrations of Triton X-100, the structure of GUVs and LUVs of dipalmitoyl-PC (DPPC)/cholesterol (chol) and sphingomyelin (SM)/chol membranes in the lo phase was stable and no leakage of fluorescent probes from the vesicles occurred. We also found that ether-linked dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) membranes containing more than 20 mol% cholesterol were in the lo phase, and that DHPC/chol-GUV and DHPC/chol-LUV in the lo phase were stable and no leakage of internal contents occurred in the presence of Triton X-100. In contrast, octylglucoside solution could easily break these GUVs and LUVs of the lo phase membranes and induced internal contents leakage. These data indicate that GUVs and LUVs of the lo phase membranes are very valuable for practical use.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membranes, at a protein concentration of 1–2 g/l, were solubilized with 0.12 M cholate in the presence of 0.06 M phospholipid (egg yolk phospholipids or phosphatidylcholine). More than 40% of the protein was solubilized. Cholate was removed by molecular sieve chromatography, whereby liposomes formed. These liposomes exchanged D-glucose faster than L-glucose. The recovery of glucose transport activity in the reconstituted system was estimated to be higher than 16%.The liposomes were heterogeneous in size, as shown by molecular sieve chromatography on Sepharose 4B, and small liposomes predominated. In liposomes formed with phosphatidylcholine, the distribution of glucose transport activity did not parallel the distribution of protein or phospholipid, and the activity was found mainly in the smallest liposomes. The proteins were incorporated mainly into the liposomes that eluted at the lowest ionic strength upon ion exchange chromatography.The glucose transport activity separated into three main peaks upon ion exchange chromatography of egg yolk phospholipid liposomes. The activity eluted at low ionic strength. The liposomes contained proteins mainly from the 3- and 4.5-regions (nomenclature according to Steck, T.L. (1974) J. Cell Biol. 62, 1–19). The activity peaks were highest in the first part of the chromatogram. The protein distribution did not coincide with the variation in activity over each peak. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that a minor component not seen in the electrophoretic analyses might be responsible for the glucose transport activity.  相似文献   

The liver plays an important role in the clearance, by receptor-mediated endocytosis, of circulating glycoproteins. It has been demonstrated that tissue kallikreins, which are acid glycoproteins, circulate in plasma, where they are poorly inhibited by plasma proteins. We have shown that the liver is the main organ that clears tissue kallikreins from the circulation. We now report the identification of receptors involved in this clearance. Using a perfused rat-liver system, and as models, pig pancreatic (PPK) and horse urinary (HoUK) kallikreins, we have found that: (a) the binding of PPK to the perfused liver was inhibited by 50 mM methyl α-d-mannoside and 20 μM mannan, was partially inhibited by 50 mM mannose and was unaffected by 1.5 μM asialofetuin; (b) binding of HoUK to the perfused liver was inhibited by 1.5 μM asialofetuin, 50 mM galactose and 50 mM lactose and was unaffected by 50 mM mannose; (c) the clearance rate of both kallikreins followed the equation y = a·xb; (d) their binding was Ca2+-dependent and their clearance was inhibited by 3 mM chloroquine and 10 mM methylamine. Using isolated liver cells and tritiated HoUK, we calculated that 500 000 receptors/cell were present and the Scatchard plot showed that there were two apparent affinity constants: 0.24·109 1/M)(high-affinity) and 0.3·108 1/M (low-affinity). These results show that PPK is recognized by a liver mannose receptor and HoUK by the galactose receptor. The liver uptake of native and circulating tissue kallikreins thus emerges as a mechanism by which their levels in plasma are regulated.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction of glycolipid-containing phospholipid vesicles with rat hepatocytes in vitro. Incorporation of either N-lignoceroyldihydrolactocerebroside or the monosialoganglioside, GM1, enhanced liposomal lipid uptake 4–5-fold as judged by the uptake of radioactive phosphatidylcholine as a vesicle marker. Cerebroside enhanced phospholipid uptake only when incorporated into dimyristoyl, but not into egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles. The lack of cerebroside effect in egg phosphatidylcholine-containing vesicles appeared to be due to a limited exposure of the carbohydrate part of the glycolipid as suggested by the reduced agglutinability of those vesicles by Ricinus communis agglutinin.In contrast to the results with radioactive phosphatidylcholine, we observed only a 20% increase in vesicle-cell association as a result of glycolipid incorporation, when a trace amount of [14C]cholesteryloleate served as a marker of the liposomal lipids or when using the fluorescent dye, carboxyfluorescein, as a marker of the aqueous space of the vesicles. By the same token, intracellular delivery of vesicle-contents was only slightly enhanced (approx. 10%).The discrepancy between the association with the cells of phosphatidylcholine on the one hand and cholesteryoleate or entrapped marker on the other suggests different mechanisms of uptake for these markers. Our results are compatible with the notion that the main effect of incorporation of glycolipids into the vesicles is the enhancement of exchange or transfer of phospholipid molecules between vesicles and cells. Incubation of the cells with galactose or lactose, prior to addition of vesicles, suggests that this enhanced phospholipid exchange or transfer involves specific recognition of the terminal galactose residues of the glycolipid vesicles by a receptor present on the plasma membranes of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Mechanism of transferrin iron uptake by rat reticulocytes was studied using 59Fe- and 125I-labelled rat transferrin. Whereas more than 80% of the reticulocyte-bound 59Fe was located in the cytoplasmic fraction, only 25–30% of 125I-labelled transferrin was found inside the cells. As shown by the presence of acetylcholine esterase, 10–15% of the cytoplasmic 125I-labelled transferrin might have been derived from the contamination of this fraction by the plasma membrane fragments. Electron microscopic autoradiography indicated 26% of the cell-bound 125I-labelled transferrin to be inside the reticulocytes. Both the electron microscopic and biochemical studies showed that the rat reticulocytes endocytosed their plasma membrane independently of transferrin. Sepharose-linked transferrin was found to be capable of delivering 59Fe to the reticulocytes. Our results suggest that penetration of the cell membrane by transferrin is not necessary for the delivery of iron and that, although it might make a contribution to the cellular iron uptake, internalization of transferrin reflects endocytotic activity of the reticulocyte cell membrane.  相似文献   

125I-labeled albumin or poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) encapsulated in intermediate size multilamellar or unilamellar liposomes with 30–40% of cholesterol were injected intravenously into rats. In other experiments liposomes containing phosphatidyl[Me-14C]choline were injected. 1 h after injection parenchymal or non-parenchymal cells were isolated. Non-parenchymal cells were separated by elutriation centrifugation into a Kupffer cell fraction and an endothelial cell fraction. From the measurements of radioactivities in the various cell fractions it was concluded that the liposomes are almost exclusively taken up by the Kupffer cells. Endothelial cells did not contribute at all and hepatocytes only to a very low extent to total hepatic uptake of the 125I-labels. Of the 14C-label, which orginates from the phosphatidylcholine moiety of the liposomes, much larger proportions were recovered in the hepatocytes. A time-dependence study suggested that besides the involvement of phosphatidylcholine exchange between liposomes and high density lipoprotein, a process of intercellular transfer of lipid label from Kupffer cells to the hepatocytes may be involved in this phenomenon. Lanthanum or gadolinium salts, which effectively block Kupffer cell activity, failed to accomplish an increase in the fraction of liposomal material recovered in the parenchymal cells. This is compatible with the notion that liposomes of the type used in these experiments have no, or at most very limited, access to the liver parenchyma following their intravenous administration to rats.  相似文献   

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