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We examined relationships between mortality rate, relative growth rate (RGR), and spatial patterns of three growth stages (small, medium, and large trees) for 11 dipterocarp species in the Pasoh 50-ha plot. Mortality rates for these species tended to be positively correlated with RGRs, although the correlation was significant only at the small-tree stage. Seven species with high growth and mortality rates exhibited peaks in spatial aggregation at small distances (<100 m) in small trees, but this aggregation disappeared in medium and large trees. In contrast, the other four species with low growth and mortality rates aggregated at large distances (>200 m) throughout the three growth stages in all but one species. Negative associations between different growth stages were observed only for the high-mortality species, suggesting density-dependent mortality. The high-mortality species showed habitat associations with topography, soil type, and the forest regeneration phase after gap formation, whereas the three low-mortality species only had associations with the forest regeneration phase. A randomization procedure revealed that these habitat associations explained little of their spatial aggregation. Our results suggest that the growth strategy has a large effect on the structuring of the spatial distribution of tree species through mortality processes.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract. Spatial patterns of tree species were studied in a 50-ha tropical rain forest plot in the Pasoh forest, Malaysia. This forest is characterized by a high diversity and very high number of rare species. Out of the 745 species occurring with > five individuals, 80.4 % had an aggregated distribution, 19.5% were randomly distributed and one species had a regular distribution. The spatial patterns of rare vs. common species, juvenile vs. adult trees, and coarse vs. fine scales were compared. Rare species are generally less aggregated than common ones and most of the randomly distributed species are rare. Spatial patterns shift from high clumping to looser intensity or random distribution when moving from juveniles to adults for the same species. No adult tree species display a regular pattern, however. Regular distributions were rarely found; this is probably due to intraspecific competition at a local scale. There is a negative correlation between per capita death rate and population density. This study suggests that the Pasoh forest and its high diversity are subjected to multiple controlling factors, e.g., topography, spacing effect, density-dependent processes and species rarity. The importance of any factor changes across spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Pizo  Marco A.  Oliveira  Paulo S. 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(1):37-52
Ants are often attracted to diaspores not adapted for dispersal by ants. These diaspores may occasionally benefit from this interaction. We selected six nonmyrmecochorous plant species (Virola oleifera, Eugenia stictosepala, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum, Alchornea glandulosa and Hyeronima alchorneoides) whose diaspores differ in size and lipid content, and investigated how these features affect the outcome of ant-diaspore interactions on the floor of a lowland Atlantic forest of Southeast Brazil. A total of 23 ant species were seen interacting with diaspores on the forest floor. Ants were generally rapid at discovering and cleaning the diaspore pulp or aril. Recruitment rate and ant attendance were higher for lipid-rich diaspores than for lipid-poor ones. Removal rate and displacement distance were higher for small diaspores. The large ponerine ant Pachycondyla striata, one of the most frequent attendants to lipid-rich arillate diaspores, transported the latter into their nests and discarded clean intact seeds on refuse piles outside the nest. Germination tests with cleaned and uncleaned diaspores revealed that the removal of pulp or aril may increase germination success in Virola oleifera, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum and Alchornea glandulosa. Gas chromatography analyses revealed a close similarity in the fatty acid composition of the arils of the lipid-rich diaspores and the elaiosome of a typical myrmecochorous seed (Ricinus communis), corroborating the suggestion that some arils and elaiosomes are chemically similar. Although ant-derived benefits to diaspores – secondary dispersal and/or increased germination – varied among the six plant species studied, the results enhanced the role of ant-diaspore interactions in the post-dispersal fates of nonmyrmecochorous seeds in tropical forests. The size and the lipid-content of the diaspores were shown to be major determinants of the outcome of such interactions.  相似文献   

Megaherbivores are known to influence the structure, composition, and diversity of vegetation. In Central Africa, forest elephants act as ecological filters by breaking tree saplings and stripping them of foliage. Much less is known about impacts of megafauna on Southeast Asian rain forests. Here, we ask whether herbivory by Asian megafauna has impacts analogous to those of African forest elephants. To answer this, we studied forest (1) structure, (2) composition, (3) diversity, and (4) tree scars in Belum and Krau, two protected areas of Peninsular Malaysia, and compared the results with those obtained in African forests. Elephants are abundant in Belum but have been absent in Krau since 1993. We found that stem density and diversity, especially of tree saplings, were higher in Krau than in Belum. Palms and other monocots were also more abundant in Krau. In Belum, however, small monocots (<1 m tall) were very abundant but larger ones (>1 m tall) were virtually absent, suggesting size‐selective removal. The frequency of stem‐break scars was equal at Belum and Krau but less than in Central Africa and greater than in the Peruvian Amazon where tapirs are the only megafauna. Pigs and tapirs could also contribute to the high frequency of tree scars recorded in Malaysian forests. Forest‐dwelling elephants in Asia seem to have a reduced impact on tree saplings compared to African forest elephants, but a very strong impact on monocots.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedling densities on the forest floor and on elevated microsites (logs and stumps) were compared for eight woody species in a temperate rain forest in southern Chile. Degree of association with elevated microsites varied significantly between species, showed no systematic relationship with reported shade tolerance, but was significantly negatively correlated with seed mass. Large-seeded Podocarpus nubigena established preferentially on undisturbed forest floor sites, whereas seedlings of small-seeded species such as Nothofagus nitida and Laurelia philippiana were found mainly on fallen logs and stumps. The abundance of large seedlings and saplings of N. nitida on logs/stumps, and the growth forms of canopy trees, confirm that recruitment of this species occurs mainly on decaying wood. The relationship between seed size and microsite preferences may be caused by effects of seed size on (1) ability to establish in forest floor litter and (2) retention of seeds on logs. Seedling occupancy of logs and stumps varied with state of decay. Few seedlings of any species were present on logs in the early stages of decay. N. nitida established earlier than the other species, attaining maximum abundance on wood in the middle decay classes. Species richness and overall seedling abundance were highest on wood in advanced stages of decay. Seed size differences are suggested as a determinant of differential utilization of forest floor heterogeneity, and hence of plant species coexistence.  相似文献   

We tested integrative bottom-up and top-down trophic cascade hypotheses with manipulative experiments in a tropical wet forest, using the ant-plant Piper cenocladum and its associated arthropod community. We examined enhanced nutrients and light along with predator and herbivore exclusions as sources of variation in the relative biomass of plants, their herbivores (via rates of herbivory), and resident predaceous ants. The combined manipulations of secondary consumers, primary consumers, and plant resources allowed us to examine some of the direct and indirect effects on each trophic level and to determine the relative contributions of bottom-up and top-down cascades to the structure of the community. We found that enhanced plant resources (nutrients and light) had direct positive effects on plant biomass. However, we found no evidence of indirect (cascading through the herbivores) effects of plant biomass on predators or top predators. In contrast, ants had indirect effects on plant biomass by decreasing herbivory on the plants. This top-down cascade occurred whether or not plant resources were enriched, conditions which are expected to modify top-down forces. Received: 9 August 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

Interspecific interactions play an important role in community assembly. A basic ecological question is whether interactions are specialized (one to one) or generalized (many to many). Specialization of interactions should ideally be assessed across several populations because species could be specialists at a particular site but generalists when several sites are considered. Mycorrhizal interactions are fundamental for orchid life and distribution, but their level of specialization is still under debate. To understand the extent to which epiphytic orchids are specialists in their mycorrhizal interactions, we studied the richness and phylogenetic structure of mycobionts across different sites, and the similarity in the mycobiont composition between coexisting orchid species. We sequenced the nrDNA ITS2 region and explored the mycobiont communities associated with two epiphytic orchids, Epidendrum marsupiale and Cyrtochilum pardinum, at two elevations within two sites in Ecuador. We found 108 OTUs belonging to Serendipitaceae (66), Ceratobasidiaceae (22), Atractiellales (11) and Tulasnellaceae (9). Orchids at the highest elevations hosted the highest OTU richness. The two orchid species shared a high percentage of mycobionts between all sites. No phylogenetic structure within orchid mycorrhizal communities was found at any sites or elevations. Our results indicate that the studied orchids are generalists and share a broad group of mycobionts (16 OTUs) with no apparent niche segregation within or between sites.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae and pupae of lycaenid butteflies are often associated with ants: this is usually a mutualism in which ants guard the lycaenids from natural enemies, and the lycaenid larvae and pupae provide sugars and amino acids for the ants. A possible consequence of the interaction is spatially correlated ant and lycaenid distributions, but the phenomenon is poorly documented. We examined the lycaenid Plebejus argus, which is tended by Lasius ants. Within habitat patches, P. argus eggs, larvae and pupae were all spatially associated with Lasius. On a larger scale, the densities of butterflies in different habitat patches and populations, and whether the butterfly was present or not, were correlated with Lasius ant densities. The association of P. argus with Lasius ants is consistent among populations, and occurs at several spatial scales. Other aspects of the ecology of P. argus are more variable.  相似文献   

Studies on the impact of logging on tropical forest butterflies have been almost exclusively conducted in moist forest habitats. This study considers the impacts of small-scale logging on butterfly communities at three sites of varying disturbance intensity in a tropical dry forest in western Thailand. Butterfly species richness was similar at all sites, but the abundance of butterflies and diversity of the butterfly community decreased with increased logging disturbance. The recorded decrease in diversity at the relatively large sampling scale used lends further support to the hypothesis that disturbance effects are scale dependent. Species abundance data for butterflies fitted a log-normal distribution at all sites, but also a log-series distribution at the two disturbed sites. These analyses suggest a more complex butterfly community at the undisturbed site, but also that log-series and log-normal distributions may not to be sufficiently sensitive to be useful indicators of community changes following logging. Community ordination separates both the butterfly species and transect samples into three distinct regions corresponding to the three study locations. Ordination axes are correlated with tree density, understorey cover and understorey plant richness. Species with the smallest geographic ranges tend to be the least abundant and occurred most frequently in the undisturbed site. The observed diverging responses to disturbance among butterfly families diminishes the value of butterfly communities as biodiversity indicators, and forest managers should perhaps focus on restricted range species or of groups of recognized sensitive species for this purpose.  相似文献   

Ecological disturbance is an important factor that influences the abundance and distribution of species. Treefalls are a prominent source of disturbance in tropical forests, but robust characterization of community change after treefalls requires baseline data that are often not available. We capitalized on 25 yr of avian mark–recapture data from a lowland moist forest in central Panama to investigate the timescale of colonization and persistence of birds in a newly formed treefall gap. We compared bird species assemblages pre- and post-treefall to explore how the disturbance affected specific foraging guilds and overall assemblage structure (abundance and alpha diversity). We documented rapid colonization (i.e., within five months post-treefall) of the treefall gap by birds. Abundance and alpha diversity increased following the treefall, but both remained relatively constant in a nearby control plot. At the guild level, frugivores spiked in abundance and nectarivores (i.e., hummingbirds) increased in alpha diversity following the treefall. These results are in agreement with those of previous spatial studies of gap dynamics and suggest that certain tropical frugivores and nectarivores have a remarkable ability to rapidly find and exploit preferred resources and microhabitats embedded in a landscape matrix. Assemblage abundance and alpha diversity decreased back to pre-treefall levels within 1 and 4 yr of the treefall, respectively. Thus, even large gaps may provide only ephemeral benefits, highlighting the importance of periodic disturbance for landscape-level persistence of species that use gaps.  相似文献   

The tropical ants Ectatomma ruidum and E. tuberculatum (Formicidae) regularly patrol leaves, flowers, and fruits of the understory shrub, Psychotria limonensis (Rubiaceae), on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Ant and pollinator exclusion experiments elucidated both positive and negative effects of ant attendance on plant reproductive success, including pollination, fruit set, fruit loss, and fruit removal. Ants did not pollinate flowers but did contribute to higher pollination success, probably by increasing the relocation frequency of winged pollinators and thus the rate of flower visitation. Ants also prevented fruit loss to herbivorous insects which were common during the early stages of fruit development. Thus, ant attendance strongly improved both pollination and fruit set whereby plants with ants set more fruit per flower and also lost fewer fruits during fruit maturation. In contrast, ants had a negative effect on the removal of ripe fruits by avian frugivores. Thus, ant attendance has a non-trivial influence on plant reproduction, this interaction being beneficial at some stages of the plant reproductive cycle and carrying costs at another stage. A tight ecological or co-evolved relationship between these Ectatomma spp. and P. limonensis is unlikely given that ant attendance of plants is detrimental to fruit removal. Received: 18 May 1998 / Accepted: 1 March 1999  相似文献   

Wild bear populations in Southeast Asia are threatened with extinction, but the ecology and distribution of the 2 species occurring in the region's protected areas is poorly known, so there is little scientific basis underlying conservation strategies. We used bear signs, primarily claw marks on climbed trees, to study habitat selection and distribution of Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) across Khao Yai National Park, Thailand from March to December 2008. We found black bear claw marks in 24 of 30 random sample blocks (80%), indicating that this species was widely distributed across Khao Yai. Sun bear signs were much scarcer: their claw marks occurred in 11 blocks (37%); data were too sparse for sun bear so we limited our focus to Asiatic black bear. Using logistic regression, we found that fruit abundance best explained variation in presence of black bear, whereas human disturbance, distance to park edge, elevation, and ground cover had little influence. Fruits appear to be a key resource for Asiatic black bears, and factors affecting fruit abundance or shifts in seasonality (e.g., climate change) will impact bear populations. Knowledge of this relationship will allow managers to be more proactive in managing bears. We recommend using sign surveys for monitoring changes in black bear occupancy as they are inexpensive, efficient, and can be conducted by trained park rangers. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Based on data from observations of 302 tree species at La Selva, Costa Rica, we tested a range of hypotheses about the relationship between flowering parameters such as time, frequency, and duration and ecological features such as successional status, habit, sexual systems, and pollen vectors with and without considering the effect of family membership. We predicted that early successional species would flower any time of the year, but species pollinated by different vectors as well as dioecious species would flower nonrandomly across seasons. However, there was little evidence that flowering time varied with successional status, pollen vectors, and sexual systems. As we predicted, supra-annual flowering was proportionately less common in early successional species as compared to late ones, in understory species as compared to canopy species, and in dioecious species as compared to those with hermaphroditic flowers. When considering phylogeny, however, supra-annual flowering in the understory was not as rare as predicted. Our prediction of longer flowering in the early successional species as compared to late successional species was also supported. Predictions about longer flowering of dioecious species as compared to hermaphroditic species and of species pollinated by generalist vectors as compared to the specialists were not supported, though there was a trend in the expected direction.  相似文献   

Aim This study documents the effects of multiple fires and drought on the woody structure of a north Australian savanna never grazed by domestic stock. Location The study was conducted in a 500 ha pocket of Eucalyptus‐dominated savanna surrounded by a late Quaternary lava flow. The flow is known as the Great Basalt Wall, located c. 50 km northeast of Charters Towers in semi‐arid north‐eastern Australia. This region was exposed to the largest 5‐year rainfall deficit on record between 1992 and 1996. Methods All individual woody plants were tagged within a 1.56 ha plot. Species were segregated into their habitat affinities (rain forest, ecotone, savanna) and regeneration strategy (resprouter, seeder). The survivorship of plants within these categories was analysed in relation to fire intensity from the first fire, and to each of four fires lit between 1996 and 2001. Results Before the first fire, the plot contained thirty‐one tree species including twenty‐one typical of the surrounding dry rain forest. These rain forest species were represented by small individuals and constituted <1% of the total basal area of woody plants. The basal area of savanna trees was 7.5 m2 ha?1 at the commencement of monitoring, although 31% had recently died and others had major crown damage. Further death of the drought debilitated savanna trees was substantial during the first year of monitoring and the basal area of live savanna trees declined to 1.1 m2 ha?1 after 5 years. Most species from both rain forest and savanna were classified as resprouters and are capable of regenerating from underground organs after fire. Species without this ability (rain forest seeders and ecotone seeders) were mostly eliminated after the first two consecutive fires. Among resprouters, survivorship declined as fire intensity increased and this was more pronounced for rain forest than for savanna species. Repeated burning produced a cumulative effect of decreasing survivorship for rain forest resprouters relative to savanna resprouters. Main conclusions The study provides evidence that savanna and rain forest trees differ in fire susceptibility and that recurrent fire can explain the restricted distribution of rain forest in the seasonally arid Australian tropics. The time of death of the savanna trees is consistent with the regional pattern after severe drought, and highlights the importance of medium term climate cycles for the population dynamics of savanna tree species and structure of Australian savannas.  相似文献   

Small, cursorial ectotherms like ants often are immersed in the superheated air layers that develop millimeters above exposed, insolated surfaces (i.e., the thermal boundary layer). We quantified the thermal microenvironments around tree branches in the tropical rainforest canopy, and explored the effects of substrate color on the internal body temperature and species composition of arboreal ants. Branch temperatures during the day (09:00–16:00) were hottest (often > 50 °C) and most variable on the upper surface, while the lowest and least variable temperatures occurred on the underside. Temperatures on black substrates declined with increasing distance above the surface in both the field and the laboratory. By contrast, a micro-scale temperature inversion occurred above white substrates. Wind events (ca. 2 m s−1) eliminated these patterns. Internal temperatures of bodies of Cephalotes atratus workers experimentally heated in the laboratory were 6 °C warmer on white vs. black substrates, and 6 °C cooler than ambient in windy conditions. The composition of ant species foraging at baits differed between black-painted and unpainted tree branches, with a tendency for smaller ants to avoid the significantly hotter black surfaces. Collectively, these outcomes show that ants traversing canopy branches experience very heterogeneous thermal microenvironments that are partly influenced in predictable ways by branch surface coloration and breezy conditions.  相似文献   

Dipterocarps dominate the canopy of lowland tropical rain forest in South‐east Asia. Seedlings of these species form diverse assemblages on the forest floor where low irradiance severely limits their growth. Further growth depends largely upon the increased irradiance that can occur with the creation of canopy gaps. However, the response of dipterocarp seedlings to increased irradiance and their subsequent establishment in the canopy may be influenced by the availability of other resources, such as nutrient availability. We investigated the influence of nitrogen supply on aspects of the photosynthetic physiology and growth of seedlings of four dipterocarp species (Shorea leprosula, Shorea johorensis, Shorea oleosa and Dryobalanops lanceolata) growing under low irradiance, during transfer from low to high irradiance, and during subsequent growth at high irradiance. All four species increased growth and photosynthetic capacity in response to N‐supply at high irradiances but not at low irradiance approximating that which can be expected to occur in the forest understorey. When seedlings grown at low irradiances and varying N‐supply were exposed to a large increase in irradiance, all species showed some degree of initial photodamage (measured through chlorophyll fluorescence), the extent of which was similar between species but differed markedly depending on the pre‐exposure growth irradiance and N‐supply. Greater photodamage occurred in seedlings grown at lower compared with higher N‐supply and irradiance. Despite these initial difference in the extent of this photodamage, all seedlings demonstrated a similar capacity to recover from damage. However, the alterations in the photosynthetic physiology of leaves during this recovery differed between species and depended on N‐supply. Under high N‐supply all species apart from S. oleosa increased photosynthetic capacity per unit chlorophyll following exposure to high irradiance by increasing photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area while, under low N‐supply, an increase in photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf only occurred in D. lanceolata. Our results suggest that variations in N‐availability may have a much greater impact on the relative competitiveness of dipterocarp seedlings during the regenerative phase following canopy gap formation than physiological differences between seedlings. Our results demonstrate a potentially significant role for N‐availability in the regeneration dynamics and distribution of canopy‐dominating dipterocarp species.  相似文献   

Summary The mortality of Maculinea arion caterpillars was measured in both laboratory and wild Myrmica nests, and found to be nearly 3 times higher in nests that had queen ants present. This is attributed to queen effect, which causes worker ants in nests with queens to attack large ant larvae (gynes) that would otherwise develop into new queens. Maculinea arion caterpillars mimic Myrmica larvae, and are usually attacked during the first 10 days after adoption, when they pass through the size range of ant gyne larvae. Caterpillars are also likely to be attacked during this period because their nethod of feeding brings them into close contact with the skins of large ant larvae, which contain gyne larval pheromones; older caterpillars are large enough to eat larvae without their exposed surfaces contacting the larval skin. In the wild, many caterpillars of Maculinea arion die in ant nests, and this has been shown in previous work to be the key factor that determines changes in their abundance from year to year. It is suggested that queen effect can be an important cause of these deaths, and one that particularly affects populations of butterflies that breed on sites with long-established plagioclimaxes of short turf rather than short-lived grass-land successions.  相似文献   

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