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Hensel W 《Planta》1988,173(1):142-143
When statocytes of cress root-caps were incubated in an extraction medium containing phalloidin, bundles of microfilaments (6.6±2.4 nm in diameter) were found in the cortical cytoplasm. The inclusion of heavy-meromyosin in this medium demonstrated an arrowhead pattern on the filaments indicative of the presence of actin.  相似文献   

Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] is an accumulating environmental pollutant due to anthropogenic activities, toxic for humans, animals and plants. Therefore, the effects of Cr(VI) on dividing root cells of lentil (Lens culinaris) were investigated by tubulin immunofluorescence and DNA staining. In Cr(VI)‐treated roots, cell divisions were perturbed, the chromosomes formed irregular aggregations, multinucleate cells were produced and tubulin clusters were entrapped within the nuclei. All cell cycle‐specific microtubule (MT) arrays were affected, indicating a stabilizing effect of Cr(VI) on the MTs of L. culinaris. Besides, a time‐ and concentration‐dependent gradual increase of acetylated α‐tubulin, an indicator of MT stabilization, was observed in Cr(VI)‐treated roots by both immunofluorescence and western blotting. Evidence is also provided that reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by Cr(VI), determined with the specific marker dichlorofluorescein, may be responsible for MT stabilization. Combined treatments with Cr(VI) and oryzalin revealed that Cr(VI) overcomes the depolymerizing ability of oryzalin, as it does experimentally introduced hydrogen peroxide, further supporting its stabilizing effect. In conclusion, it is suggested that the mitotic aberrations caused by Cr(VI) in L. culinaris root cells may be the result of MT stabilization rather than depolymerization, which consequently disturbs MT dynamics and their related functions.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosome- and mitochondria-rich preparations were obtained from lentil roots and their peroxidase isoenzymes examined by starch gel electrophoresis. Seven isoenzymes were shown to be associated with both the ribosomal and mitochondrial fractions.The apparent similarity between ribosomal and mitochondrial isoenzyme patterns, together with the observation that a considerable amount of peroxidase activity dissociated from the ribosomes during sedimentation of the ribosomal preparation into a sucrose gradient, suggested that at least some of these isoperoxidases were attached to membranes.  相似文献   

The ability of two Lens species to synthesise the furnaoacetylenes wyerone and wyerone epoxide, as well as the pterocarpan variabilin, has been demonstrated. This links Lens more close to Vicia than to the remaining genera of the tribe Vicieae.  相似文献   

The effects of acetylcholine (Ach) on growth, the total peroxidase activity and the isoperoxidase spectrum of the roots ofLens culinaris were studied and compared with actual and earlier results obtained with an auxin (IAA) treatment. The general growth and peroxidase activity patterns of Ach treated roots and IAA treated ones showed many important similarities.  相似文献   

The first predominantly gene-based genetic linkage map of lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris) was constructed using an F5 population developed from a cross between the cultivars Digger (ILL5722) and Northfield (ILL5588) using 79 intron-targeted amplified polymorphic (ITAP) and 18 genomic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Linkage analysis revealed seven linkage groups (LGs) comprised of 5–25 markers that varied in length from 80.2 to 274.6 cM. The genome map spanned a total length of 928.4 cM. Clear evidence of a simple and direct macrosyntenic relationship between lentil and Medicago truncatula was observed. Sixty-six out of the 71 gene-based markers, which were previously assigned to M. truncatula genetic and physical maps, were found in regions syntenic between the Lens c. ssp. culinaris and M. truncatula genomes. However, there was evidence of moderate chromosomal rearrangements which may account for the difference in chromosome numbers between these two legume species. Eighteen common SSR markers were used to connect the current map with the most comprehensive and recent map that exists for lentil, providing the syntenic context of four important domestication traits. The composite map presented, anchored with orthologous markers mapped in M. truncatula, provides a strong foundation for the future use of genomic and genetic information in lentil genetic analysis and breeding. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The effect of benzylaminopurine (BAP) on the formation of roots from lentil shoots regenerated on media containing BAP was studied. Seedling shoot tips, first nodes and bractlets, and immature seeds cultured on the initiation media containing 2.25 or 0.225 mg/l of BAP regenerated multiple bud shoots. The regenerated shoots formed roots in percentages ranging from 4.6 to 39.9% on a rooting medium (R medium) containing 2 mg/l of indoleacetic acid. Rooting success on R medium depended upon the cytokinin used in the initiation media, its concentration, and the time elapsed during shoot formation on these media prior to transplanting regenerated shoots to R medium. In vivo study of root growth of lentil seedlings demonstrated the strong inhibitory effect of BAP on root growth reflected in a drastic reduction of the mitotic index of the root meristem. Received: 27 August 1996 / Revision received: 12 December 1996 / Accepted: 15 January 1997  相似文献   

Rhodamine-phalloidin was used to determine the distribution of actin microfilament bundles (mfb) in cells thought to be the site of gravity perception (statocytes) in coleoptiles and root caps of Zea mays and Hordeum vulgare. In coleoptile cells, amyloplasts were usually observed in close proximity to thick mfb, which often appeared to divide into finer mfb adjacent to individual amyloplasts. The nucleus in these cells was surrounded by an extensive network of mfb, which were connected to thicker transvacuolar mfb. Columella cells of the root cap contained an extensive reticulum of fine mfb throughout the protoplast, but lacked the much thicker mfb seen in coleoptile cells. The distribution and extent of mfb observed in fixed cells correlates with patterns of streaming and amyloplast movement seen in living cells. A possible role for actin mfb in the perception of gravity is discussed.  相似文献   

We have selected a conserved immunogenic region from several actin genes of Paramecium, recently cloned in our laboratory, to prepare antibodies for Western blots and immunolocalization. According to cell fractionation analysis, most actin is structurebound. Immunofluorescence shows signal enriched in the cell cortex, notably around ciliary basal bodies (identified by anti-centrin antibodies), as well as around the oral cavity, at the cytoproct and in association with vacuoles (phagosomes) up to several mum in size. Subtle strands run throughout the cell body. Postembedding immunogold labeling/EM analysis shows that actin in the cell cortex emanates, together with the infraciliary lattice, from basal bodies to around trichocyst tips. Label was also enriched around vacuoles and vesicles of different size including "discoidal" vesicles that serve the formation of new phagosomes. By all methods used, we show actin in cilia. Although none of the structurally well-defined filament systems in Paramecium are exclusively formed by actin, actin does display some ordered, though not very conspicuous, arrays throughout the cell. F-actin may somehow serve vesicle trafficking and as a cytoplasmic scaffold. This is particularly supported by the postembedding/EM labeling analysis we used, which would hardly allow for any large-scale redistribution during preparation.  相似文献   

The immobilized lectin from the lentil (Lens culinaris) specifically binds two fractions out of the L. culinaris seed globulins. Both fractions are displaced from the lectin at low pH values. In addition, fraction I fails to interact at high ionic strengths, and fraction II in the presence of glucose or other lectin-specific sugars. The behaviour in zonal isoelectric precipitation and electrophoretical patterns indicate that both fractions represent subpopulations of the storage proteins. The interaction as demonstrated by affinity chromatography is corroborated by nephelometry: If the dissolved proteins (lectin plus fraction I or fraction II) are mixed under proper conditions the solutions become turbid. An even more pronounced interaction is observed if the lectin is reacted with both fractions at the same time. Seed albumins able to interact with the immobilized lectin include the dissolved lectin and two glycosidases (alpha-mannosidase, alpha-galactosidase) all of which are located in the protein bodies. A third glycosidase (beta-galactosidase) from outside of the protein bodies does not bind to the lectin. The results are discussed in view of the possibility that lectins may serve as packaging aids for other proteins in the protein bodies.  相似文献   

A novel 47-residue plant defensin was purified from germinated seeds of the lentil Lens culinaris by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, chromatography, and RP-HPLC. The molecular mass (5440.41 Da) and complete amino acid sequence (KTCENLSDSFKGPCIPDGNCNKHCKEKEHLLSGRCRDDFRCWCTRNC)1 of defensin, termed Lc-def, were determined. Lc-def has eight cysteines forming four disulfide bonds. The total RNA was isolated from lentil germinated seeds, RT-PCR and subsequent cloning were performed, and cDNA was sequenced. A 74-residue predefensin contains a putative signal peptide (27 amino acid) and a mature protein. Lc-def shows high sequence homology with legumes defensins, exhibits an activity against Aspergillus niger, but does not inhibit proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment analysis was used to examine the inheritance of lentil mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in F1 and F5 progeny from intrasubspecific (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris) crosses and in F1 progeny from intersubspecific (Lens culinaris ssp. orientalis x L. culinaris ssp. culinaris) crosses. Southern blots of digested parental and progeny DNA were hybridized to heterologous maize mtDNA probes specific to coxI and atp6 genes. Two restriction fragment polymorphisms separated L.c. ssp. culinaris Laird and Eston from L.c. ssp. culinaris ILL5588, and one restriction fragment polymorphism distinguished L.c. ssp. culinaris Laird and Eston from L.c. ssp. orientalis LO4. Twelve of 13 f1 progeny and all F5 progeny from the intrasubspecific crosses, and all F1 progeny from intersubspecific crosses had only maternal mtDNA restriction fragments. One f1 plant from an Eston x ILL5588 cross inherited mtDNA fragments from both parents. Nuclear DNA inheritance was biparental in all F1 progeny.NRCC No. 38451  相似文献   

Oxidative stress caused by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) triggers the hypersensitive response of plants to pathogens. Here, short pulses of H2O2 are shown to cause death of lentil (Lens culinaris) root protoplasts. Dead cells showed DNA fragmentation and ladder formation, typical hallmarks of apoptosis (programmed cell death). DNA damage was evident 12 h after the H2O2 pulse and reached a maximum 12 h later. The commitment of cells to apoptosis caused by H2O2 was characterized by an early increase of lipoxygenase activity, of ultraweak luminescence and of membrane lipid peroxidation, which reached 720, 350 and 300% of controls, respectively, at 6 h after H2O2 treatment. Increased lipoxygenase activity was paralleled by an increase of its protein and mRNA level. Lipoxygenase inhibitors nordihydroguaiaretic acid, eicosatetraynoic acid and plamitoyl ascorbate prevented H2O2-induced DNA fragmentation and ultraweak luminescence, only when added together with H2O2, but not when added 8 h afterwards. Inhibitory anti-lipoxygenase monoclonal antibodies, introduced into the protoplasts by electroporation, protected cells against H2O2-induced apoptosis. On the other hand, lentil lipoxygenase products 9- and 13-hydroperoxy-octadecadienoic acids and their reduced alcohol derivatives were able to force the protoplasts into apoptosis. Altogether, these findings suggest that early activation of lipoxygenase is a key element in the execution of apoptosis induced by oxidative stress in plant cells, in a way surprisingly similar to that observed in animal cells.  相似文献   

Purified lentil seedling amino oxidase (LSAO) is homogeneous in the analytical ultracentrifuge, but shows heterogeneity in gel-filtration HPLC and in PAGE. Two components were obtained from HPLC and PAGE, but at least 6-7 subforms were seen by electrofocusing techniques. The chromatographic and electrophoretic forms are not interconvertible, indicating the presence of covalent differences. The electrophoretic pattern, but not the chromatographic pattern, is modified by treating the enzyme with a pool of glycohydrolases. The copper-free enzyme shows the same type of heterogeneity as the native enzyme, this ruling out the possibility that some subforms were due to the presence of apoenzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Indirect immunofluorescence, using monoclonal antibodies to actin and tubulin, applied to sections of root tips ofLepidium, Lycopersicon, Phleum, andZea, revealed features of the cytoskeleton that were unique to the statocytes of their root caps. Although the cortical microtubules (CMTs) lay in dense arrays against the periphery of the statocytes, these same cells showed depleted complements of endoplasmic microtubules (EMTs) and of actin microfilament (AMF) bundles, both of which are characteristic of the cytoskeleton of other post-mitotic cells in the proximal portion of the root apex. The scarcity of the usual cytoskeletal components within the statocytes is considered responsible for the exclusion of the larger organelles (e.g., nucleus, plastids, ER elements) from the interior of the cell and for the absence of cytoplasmic streaming. Furthermore, the depletion of dense EMT networks and AMF bundles in statocyte cytoplasm is suggested as being closely related to the elevated cytoplasmic calcium content of these cells which, in turn, may also favour the formation of the large sedimentable amyloplasts by not permitting plastid divisions. These latter organelles are proposed to act as statoliths due to their dynamic interactions with very fine and highly unstable AMFs which enmesh the statoliths and merge into peripheral AMFs-CMTs-ER-plasma membrane complexes. Rather indirect evidence for these interactions was provided by showing enhanced rates of statolith sedimentation after chemically-induced disintegration of CMTs. All these unique properties of the root cap statocytes are supposed to effectively enhance the gravity-perceptive function of these highly specialized cells.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Benno Parthier on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was studied among 21 accessions of lentil using SSR markers and morphological traits in order to assess the diversification of Indian gene-pool of lentil through introgression of exotic genes and introduction of germplasm. Among these , 16 genotypes either had ‘Precoz’ gene, an Argentine line in their pedigree or genes from introduced lines from ICARDA. Sixty five SSR markers and eight phenotypic traits were used to analyse the level of genetic diversity in these genotypes. Forty three SSR markers (66 %) were polymorphic and generated a total of 177 alleles with an average of 4.1 alleles per SSR marker. Alleles per marker ranged from 2 to 6. The polymorphic information content ranged 0.33 to 0.80 with an average of 0.57, suggesting that SSR markers are highly polymorphic among the studied genotypes. Genetic dissimilarity based a dendrogram grouped these accessions into two main clusters (cluster I and cluster II) and it ranged 33 % to 71 %, suggesting high level of genetic diversity among the genotypes. First three components of PCA based morphological traits explained higher variance (95.6 %) compared to PCA components based on SSR markers (42.7 %) of total genetic variance. Thus, more diversity was observed for morphological traits and genotypes in each cluster and sub-cluster showed a range of variability for seed size, earliness, pods/plant and plant height. Molecular and phenotypic diversity analysis thus suggested that use of germplasm of exotic lines have diversified the genetic base of lentil germplasm in India. This diversified gene-pool will be very useful in the development of improved varieties of lentil in order to address the effect of climate change, to adapt in new cropping systems niches such as mixed cropping, relay cropping, etc. and to meet consumers’ preference.  相似文献   

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