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In soft-sediment communities near reefs, a variety of patterns have been described with distance from the reef edge. Various studies have observed contrasting patterns and one study has reported different patterns for different size classes of macrofauna. This study in northeastern New Zealand obtained samples from 24 randomly allocated sites across three locations in a large-scale mensurative sampling design. At each location, there was a manipulation of reef-associated predator populations provided by established marine reserves. A concurrent study using the same sites found large macrofauna (> 4 mm) to vary with distance from the reef and relative to predator density. The present study sampled small-bodied infauna (< 4 mm and > 0.5 mm), which was also predicted to change with distance from the reef and predator density. In contrast to patterns found for larger fauna and to previous studies of small macrofauna, no consistent patterns were found for small-bodied infauna. These results suggest that models of community structure need to consider different size classes of macrofauna separately and that multiple sampling methods will assist their investigation. The ‘haloes’ in small-bodied macrofauna around reefs may not be as widespread or consistent as previous studies have suggested, particularly in mobile sediments on open coasts.  相似文献   

Sediments are a ubiquitous feature of all coral reefs, yet our understanding of how they affect complex ecological processes on coral reefs is limited. Sediment in algal turfs has been shown to suppress herbivory by coral reef fishes on high-sediment, low-herbivory reef flats. Here, we investigate the role of sediment in suppressing herbivory across a depth gradient (reef base, crest and flat) by observing fish feeding following benthic sediment reductions. We found that sediment suppresses herbivory across all reef zones. Even slight reductions on the reef crest, which has 35 times less sediment than the reef flat, resulted in over 1800 more herbivore bites (h−1 m−2). The Acanthuridae (surgeonfishes) were responsible for over 80 per cent of all bites observed, and on the reef crest and flat took over 1500 more bites (h−1 m−2) when sediment load was reduced. These findings highlight the role of natural sediment loads in shaping coral reef herbivory and suggest that changes in benthic sediment loads could directly impair reef resilience.  相似文献   

The positive effects of the tube dwelling polychaete Lanice conchilega for the associated benthic community emphasizes this bio-engineer’s habitat structuring capacity (Rabaut et al. in Estuar Coastal Shelf Sci, 2007). Therefore, L. conchilega aggregations are often referred to as reefs. The reef building capacity of ecosystem engineers is important for marine management as the recognition as reef builder will increase the protected status the concerned species. To classify as reefs however, bio-engineering activities need to significantly alter several habitat characteristics: elevation, sediment consolidation, spatial extent, patchiness, reef builder density, biodiversity, community structure, longevity and stability [guidelines to apply the EU reef-definition by Hendrick and Foster-Smith (J Mar Biol Assoc UK 86:665–677, 2006)]. This study investigates the physical and temporal characteristics of high density aggregations of L. conchilega. Results show that the elevation and sediment consolidation of the biogenic mounds was significantly higher compared to the surrounding unstructured sediment. Areas with L. conchilega aggregations tend to be extensive and patchiness is high (coverage 5–18%). The discussion of present study evaluates whether L. conchilega aggregations can be considered as reefs (discussing physical, biological and temporal characteristics). Individual aggregations were found to persist for several years if yearly renewal of existing aggregations through juvenile settlement occurred. This renewal is enhanced by local hydrodynamic changes and availability of attaching structures (adult tubes). We conclude that the application of the EU definition for reefs provides evidence that all physical and biological characteristics are present to classify L. conchilega as a reef builder. For temporal characteristics, this study shows several mechanisms exist for reefs to persist for a longer period of time. However, a direct evidence of long-lived individual reefs does not exist. As a range of aggregation development exists, ‘reefiness’ is not equal for all aggregations and a scoring table to quantify L. conchilega reefiness is presented.  相似文献   

Habitat use by the resident coral reef anemonefish, Amphiprion frenatus, was examined in the complex coral reef landscape of Shiraho Reef, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, using an enlarged color aerial photograph processed using image analysis software as an accurate field map. The anemonefish inhabit assemblages of the host sea anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor (clonal type), which inhabit various patch reefs in the back reef moat. We located all patch reefs inhabited by the host in the map based on snorkel observations: 297 anemonefish were found in 93 host assemblages in the study site of 2.9 ha. These patch reefs could be recognized by the reef colors, including the shadows (blackish color) in the photograph. Using image analysis software, the colors of the patch reefs were chosen and pixels with the same color values were regarded as potential habitat patches for the fish (PHPs). PHPs were 3D patch reefs (>0.5 m in height). Total areas (TA) and total perimeters (TP) of PHPs were measured in nine quadrats in the digitized aerial photograph. Host abundance and anemonefish abundance in a quadrat showed stronger correlations with the product of TA and TP of PHPs than TA alone. A site with numerous large 3D patch reefs (≥0.75 m2 in situ) can be a better habitat for the fish than other sites consisting of several huge 3D patch reefs of the same total area. The methodology applied here may be useful for assessing the quality of habitats for small resident animals in shallow subtidal reefs.  相似文献   

Summary The chief mode of carbonate sedimentation on the Belizean atolls Glovers Reef, Lighthouse Reef and Turneffe Islands is the accumulation of organically-derived particles. Variations in the distribution of the composition and grain-sizes of surface sediments, collected along transects across the atolls, are environmentally controlled. Two major sediment types may be distinguished. (1) Reef and fore reef sediments are dominated by fragments of coral, coralline algae andHalimeda. Mean grain-sizes range from 1–2 mm. (2) Back reef sediments contain more mollusk fragments, more fine-grained sediment (<125 μm) and appear to have fewerHalimeda fragments. In addition, sediments from inner platforms and shallow lagoonal parts of Glovers and Lighthouse Reefs comprise non-skeletal grains, namely fecal pellets. Sediments from lagoonal patch reefs may contain up to 20% coral fragments. Mean grain-sizes range from 0.1–1 mm and are finest on the inner platform and lagoon floor of the back reef environment. Within the reef and fore reef environments, it is not possible to distinguish sub-environments on the basis of textural and compositional differences of the sediments. Sediments from patch reefs contrast with those from back reef lagoons and inner platforms and are similar in terms of grain-sizes and compositions to reef and fore reef surface sediments. Non-skeletal grains forming in shallow parts of the back reef in Glovers and Lighthouse Reefs are interpreted to be indurated by interstitial precipitation of calcium carbonate from warm, supersaturated water flushing the sediment. The lack of hardened non-skeletal particles in the back reef sediments of Turneffe Islands is most probably due to the abundance of muddy, organic-rich sediment in the well-protected lagoon. Fine sediment is less permeable and organic films prevent cement overgrowth on particles.  相似文献   

Crustose coralline algae (CCA) fulfill two key functional roles in coral reef ecosystems: they contribute significantly to reef calcification, and they induce larval settlement of many benthic organisms. Percentage cover of CCA, and environmental conditions, were visually estimated on 144 reefs of the Great Barrier Reef between 10 and 24° latitude S. Reefs were located across the shelf and ranged from turbid near-shore reefs close to rivers to clean-water reefs hundreds of kilometers from coastal influences. On each reef, two sites were surveyed between 0.5 and 18 m depth. Strong cross-shelf trends occurred in cover of CCA, amount of sediment deposited, water clarity, and slope angle. Relative distance across the shelf and sedimentation jointly explained 84% of variation in CCA cover. Three regions running parallel to the shore were identified, with a mean CCA cover of <1% on the inner third of the shelf, and >20% cover on the outer half of the shelf, with a narrow transition region between the two. Within each region, the cover of CCA was unrelated to distance across the shelf, but was related to the sedimentary environment, being relatively higher on reefs with low sediment deposits. On the inner third of the shelf, the most sediment-exposed reefs were unsuitable habitats for CCA. The inverse relationship between CCA and sediment has implications for the recruitment of CCA-specialised organisms, and for rates of reef calcification.  相似文献   

Population distribution of amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense) was investigated in the Luan River Estuary from 1999 to 2011, to describe its trends and discover the factors that influence its decline. Amphioxus are distributed on the seabed at 5–10 m depth, between the Xinkai Estuary and the Dapu River Estuary, where the primary sand components of the sediment are medium and fine, with particle size ranging from 0.001 to 1 mm. In recent years, the population density and biomass of amphioxus have sharply decreased. Changes in sediment granularity composition may significantly influence amphioxus distribution. Our data showed that the highest density region of amphioxus occurred where >90% of the sediment particles were between 0.063 and 0.5 mm in size. A reduction in sediment discharge from Luan River and the expansion of raft‐breeding mariculture may be causing the decline in amphioxus through habitat destruction.  相似文献   

To examine how varying the distance between patch reefs affects reef fish assemblage structure, replicate concrete reef modules (∼ 1 m3 each) were deployed on sand bottom at 8 m depth off Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA (26°07N, 80°05W). Modules were positioned at the apices of one of four differently sized equilateral triangles. Triangular configurations had side lengths of: 25 m, 15 m, 5 m, and 0.33 m; each treatment with two replicates. Two additional configurations: (1) a solitary module (Single) and (2) two modules side by side (Double), also with two replicates, were deployed in order to examine the interaction of reef size with fish assemblages. SCUBA divers censused fishes monthly, for 2 years, recording the species present, their abundance and sizes (TL). Fishes were assigned to one of five length categories: < 2 cm, > 2-5 cm, > 5-10 cm, > 10-20 cm, and > 20 cm. In general and excluding the smallest three-module spacing treatment (0.33 m treatment), which may have provided unique treatment-specific refuge, total fish abundance and richness were shown to increase when isolation distance increased. However, there were also species-specific and size class differences in response to isolation distance. The second part of this study indicated varying reef size, by doubling and tripling the number of reef modules, increased total fish abundance and species richness. Nevertheless, fish abundance and species richness did not change by an identical multiplier (e.g., doubling modules ≠ double abundance). These results suggest that scientists and marine managers alike should consider reef size and isolation as habitat attributes capable of altering the structure and dynamics of reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

This study describes the natural turbidity regimes at two inshore turbid reefs on the central Great Barrier Reef where wind-driven waves are the main agent of sediment resuspension. Many corals on inshore turbid reefs have adapted to high and fluctuating turbidity, however, anthropogenic activities such as dredging are speculated to produce larger and more prolonged turbidity events that may exceed the environmental tolerance and adaptive capacity of corals on these reefs. Natural turbidity regimes must be described and understood to determine whether and when coral communities on inshore turbid reefs are at risk from anthropogenically elevated turbidity, but at present few baseline studies exist. Here, we present turbidity data from (a) Middle Reef, a semi-protected reef located between Magnetic Island and Townsville and (b) Paluma Shoals, a reef exposed to higher energy wind and waves located in Halifax Bay. Instruments were deployed on both reefs for 16 days to measure spatial and temporal variations in turbidity and its driving forces (waves, currents, tides). Locally driven wind waves were the key driver of turbidity, but the strength of the relationship was dependent on wave exposure. Turbidity regimes thus vary markedly over individual reefs and this is reflected in community assemblage distributions, with a high abundance of heterotrophic corals (e.g. Goniopora) in reef habitats subjected to large fluctuations in turbidity (>100 NTU). A turbidity model developed using local wind speed data explained up to 75 % and up to 46 % of the variance in turbidity at Paluma Shoals and Middle Reef, respectively. Although the model was based on a brief two-week observational period, it reliably predicted variations in 24-h averaged turbidity and identified periods when turbidity rose above ambient baseline levels, offering reef managers insights into turbidity responses to modified climate and coastal sediment delivery regimes.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity in coral reef communities is well documented. This “species turnover” (beta diversity) on shallow warm-water reefs strongly conforms to spatial gradients in the environment as well as spatially autocorrelated biotic processes such as dispersal and competition. But the extent to which the environment and spatial autocorrelation create beta diversity on deep cold-water coral reefs such as those formed by Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) is unknown. The effects of remotely sensed and ground-truthed data were tested on the community composition of sessile suspension-feeding communities from the Mingulay Reef Complex, a landscape of inshore Lophelia reefs off the Scottish west coast. Canonical correspondence analysis determined that a statistically significant proportion (68%) of the variance in community composition could be explained by remotely sensed environmental variables (northerly and easterly aspect, seabed rugosity, depth), ground-truthed environmental variables (species richness and reef macrohabitat) and geospatial location. This variation was further partitioned into fractions explained by pure effects of the environment (51%), spatially structured environmental variables (12%) and spatial autocorrelation (5%). Beta diversity in these communities reflected the effects of both measured and unmeasured and spatially dependent environmental variables that vary across the reef complex, i.e., hydrography. Future work will quantify the significance and relative contributions of these variables in creating beta diversity in these rich communities.  相似文献   

Coral reefs and the services they provide are seriously threatened by ocean acidification and climate change impacts like coral bleaching. Here, we present updated global projections for these key threats to coral reefs based on ensembles of IPCC AR5 climate models using the new Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) experiments. For all tropical reef locations, we project absolute and percentage changes in aragonite saturation state (Ωarag) for the period between 2006 and the onset of annual severe bleaching (thermal stress >8 degree heating weeks); a point at which it is difficult to believe reefs can persist as we know them. Severe annual bleaching is projected to start 10–15 years later at high‐latitude reefs than for reefs in low latitudes under RCP8.5. In these 10–15 years, Ωarag keeps declining and thus any benefits for high‐latitude reefs of later onset of annual bleaching may be negated by the effects of acidification. There are no long‐term refugia from the effects of both acidification and bleaching. Of all reef locations, 90% are projected to experience severe bleaching annually by 2055. Furthermore, 5% declines in calcification are projected for all reef locations by 2034 under RCP8.5, assuming a 15% decline in calcification per unit of Ωarag. Drastic emissions cuts, such as those represented by RCP6.0, result in an average year for the onset of annual severe bleaching that is ~20 years later (2062 vs. 2044). However, global emissions are tracking above the current worst‐case scenario devised by the scientific community, as has happened in previous generations of emission scenarios. The projections here for conditions on coral reefs are dire, but provide the most up‐to‐date assessment of what the changing climate and ocean acidification mean for the persistence of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Mesophotic coral reefs (30–150 m) have been assumed to be physically and biologically connected to their shallow-water counterparts, and thus may serve as refugia for important taxonomic groups such as corals, sponges, and fish. The recent invasion of the Indo–Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) onto shallow reefs of the Caribbean and Bahamas has had significant, negative, effects on shallow coral reef fish populations. In the Bahamas, lionfish have extended their habitat range into mesophotic depths down to 91 m where they have reduced the diversity of several important fish guilds, including herbivores. A phase shift to an algal dominated (>50% benthic cover) community occurred simultaneously with the loss of herbivores to a depth of 61 m and caused a significant decline in corals and sponges at mesophotic depths. The effects of this invasive lionfish on mesophotic coral reefs and the subsequent changes in benthic community structure could not be explained by coral bleaching, overfishing, hurricanes, or disease independently or in combination. The significant ecological effects of the lionfish invasion into mesophotic depths of coral reefs casts doubt on whether these communities have the resilience to recover themselves or contribute to the recovery of their shallow water counterparts as refugia for key coral reef taxa.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the sedimentary grains produced by the sea urchin Echinometra mathaei were described from two reef sites: a fringing Acropora-dominated reef at La Reunion island (Indian Ocean) and a barrier Porites-dominated reef at Moorea island (French Polynesia). The composition of the sediment produced by Echinometra was determined from SEM observations. The size and shape of the particles were measured by using image analysis method. The grain diameters range between a few micrometres and 2 mm, with a large predominance (more than 80 %) of particles smaller than 400 μm. The grain size distribution is dependent on the nature of the grazed substratum. Echinometra individuals collected at La Reunion on branching Acropora colonies produce a higher proportion of particles smaller than 200 μm compared to those collected at Moorea on massive Porites colonies. At Moorea, more grains having a diameter comprised between 200 and 500 μm are produced. The microstructure of coral substrata affects the mean particle diameter, which is 192,17 μm for a Acropora substratum and 244,69 μm for a Porites substratum. Since the sediment derived from Acropora erosion is finer, the proportion of suspended material that is exported from the reef is greater at La Reunion than at Moorea. We estimate that, for similar erosion rates and hydrodynamic conditions, the production of sands by Echinometra mathaei is higher and the retention of this erosional sediment more effective on reefs dominated by massive Porites than on Acropora-dominated reefs. This result is in accordance with the proportions of suspension-moving grains that have been previously measured on Moorea and La Reunion reefs. This study highlighted the effect of coral communities on the production of particles related to the bioerosion and on the sedimentary budget.  相似文献   


The southern Persian/Arabian Gulf experiences extreme seasonal temperature variation (> 20 °C) making it among the most hostile reef environments on Earth. Previous anecdotal evidence has suggested that seasonal temperature changes may influence regional reef fish assemblages, but to date research has been limited. To examine the influence of temperature on reef fish abundance and composition, we performed visual surveys in summer and in winter over three years at three reefs in the southern Gulf (Dhabiya, Saadiyat and Ras Ghanada). Overall abundance of fishes was 40% higher in summer than in winter, and multivariate analyses showed strong and significant differences in overall seasonal community structure, consistent at all sites and across all years. Seasonal differences were largely driven by nine of the 30 observed species, which together accounted for 70% of the divergence in community structure between summer and winter. Of these nine species, Lutjanus ehrenbergii, Lutjanus fulviflamma, Plectorhinchus sordidus and Abudefduf vaigiensis were significantly more abundant in summer, Parupeneus margaritatus and Acanthopagrus bifasciatus, were significantly more common on reefs in winter. We discuss these changes in terms of seasonal physiological and ecological constraints, and explore the implications of these changes on the functional ecology of reef fishes in this thermally variable and extreme environment.


In the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM), reefs built by eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, provide critical habitat within shallow estuaries, and recent efforts have focused on restoring reefs to benefit nekton and benthic macroinvertebrates. We compared nekton and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages at historic, newly created (<5 years) and old (>6 years) shell and rock substrate reefs. Using crab traps, gill‐nets, otter trawls, cast nets, and benthic macroinvertebrate collectors, 20 shallow reefs (<5 m) in the northern GOM were sampled throughout the summer of 2011. We compared nekton and benthic assemblage abundance, diversity and composition across reef types. Except for benthic macroinvertebrate abundance, which was significantly higher on old rock reefs as compared to historic reefs, all reefs were similar to historic reefs, suggesting created reefs provide similar support of nekton and benthic assemblages as historic reefs. To determine refuge value of oyster structure for benthic macroinvertebrates compared to bare bottom, we tested preferences of juvenile crabs across depth and refuge complexity in the presence and absence of adult blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Juveniles were more likely to use deep water with predators present only when provided oyster structure. Provision of structural material to support and sustain development of benthic and mobile reef communities may be the most important factor in determining reef value to these assemblages, with biophysical characteristics related to reef location influencing assemblage patterns in areas with structure; if so, appropriately locating created reefs is critical.  相似文献   


Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys were conducted at reef sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGOM) during 2018–2019. Artificial (AR?=?63) and natural (NR?=?139) reefs were located in a 2?×?105 km2 area south of Mobile, AL to Destin, FL at depths of 13–75 m. We observed a total of 5371 damselfishes (Family: Pomacentridae) belonging to eight taxa. The non-native regal demoiselle (regal), Neopomacentrus cyanomos, was present at 30.2% of ARs but only 1.4% of NRs with densities ranging from 0.19 to 18.11 fish per 100 m2. Regals were most dense at shallow ARs, comprising 53% of the damselfish community, and least dense at deeper reefs comprising?<?1% of observed damselfishes. Results from generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) indicated the interaction among reef type, complexity, relief, and depth had a significant effect on regal density but that reef type (36%) and the interaction between reef type and depth (25%) explained the greatest proportions of variance in the data (partial η2) while the interaction among all four main effects explained only a small amount (2%). Our data indicate regals prefer shallow artificial structures with low complexity but can occupy deeper reefs, including NRs, despite less-favorable conditions. Our data document the persistence of regals in the nGOM and identify habitat factors that are significantly related to their presence and density in the region. However, the dynamics controlling their distribution are still uncertain and potential negative impacts on native reef fish communities remain unclear.


Baur  Bruno  Ringeis  Birgit 《Hydrobiologia》2002,469(1-3):1-10
Net pen fish farms generally enrich the surrounding waters and the underlying sediments with nutrients and organic matter, and these loadings can cause a variety of environmental problems, such as algal blooms and sediment anoxia. In this study we test the potential of biofiltration by artificial reefs for reducing the negative environmental impacts surrounding fish farms in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Two triangular-shaped artificial reefs (reef volume 8.2 m3) constructed from porous durable polyethylene were deployed at 20 m; one below a commercial fish farm and the other 500 m west of this farm in order to monitor the colonization of these reefs by the local fauna and to determine whether the reef community can remove fish farm effluents from the water. Both reefs became rapidly colonized by a wide variety of organisms with potential for the removal of compounds released from the farms. Within the first year of this study fish abundances and the number of species reached 518–1185 individuals per reef and 25–42 species per reef. Moreover, numerous benthic algae; small sessile invertebrates (bryozoa, tunicates, bivalves, polychaetes, sponges, anemones) and large motile macrofauna (crustaceans, sea urchins, gastropods) settled on the reef surfaces. Depletion of chlorophyll a was measured in the water traversing the artificial reefs in order to assess the biofiltration capacity of the associated fauna. Chlorophyll a was significantly reduced to a level 15–35% lower than ambient concentrations. This reduction was greatest at intermediate current speeds (3–10 cm s–1), but was not influenced by current direction. The reef structures served as a successful base for colonization by natural fauna and flora, thereby boosting the local benthic biodiversity, and also served as effective biofilters of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Juveniles of many coral reef fish species are thought to either follow the same bathymetric distribution patterns as the adults, or to occupy shallower waters. However, our knowledge base suffers a dearth of data from the deep reefs (>40 m). In a recent survey of the deep reefs of the northern Gulf of Aqaba (<65 m), we examined the bathymetric distribution of 26 diurnal zooplanktivorous species. In sharp contrast to the general trend known from the literature and from this research, the abundance of juvenile zebra angelfish, Genicanthus caudovittatus, peaked at deeper waters (60–65 m) compared with the adults (30 m). This suggests that the deeper reefs may serve as nursery grounds for the zebra angelfish. Peak juvenile abundance coincided with relatively low predator abundances. This raises the question, which factors constrain the bathymetric distribution of the remaining species. Our findings stress the potential importance of deep coral reef research for understanding the ecological patterns and processes that govern reef community structure.  相似文献   

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