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Mitophagy, the autophagic removal of mitochondria, occurs through a highly selective mechanism. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Atg32 confers selectivity for mitochondria sequestration as a cargo by the autophagic machinery through its interaction with Atg11, a scaffold protein for selective types of autophagy. The activity of mitophagy in vivo must be tightly regulated considering that mitochondria are essential organelles that produce most of the cellular energy, but also generate reactive oxygen species that can be harmful to cell physiology. We found that Atg32 was proteolytically processed at its C terminus upon mitophagy induction. Adding an epitope tag to the C terminus of Atg32 interfered with its processing and caused a mitophagy defect, suggesting the processing is required for efficient mitophagy. Furthermore, we determined that the mitochondrial i-AAA protease Yme1 mediated Atg32 processing and was required for mitophagy. Finally, we found that the interaction between Atg32 and Atg11 was significantly weakened in yme1∆ cells. We propose that the processing of Atg32 by Yme1 acts as an important regulatory mechanism of cellular mitophagy activity.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fusion and structure depend on the dynamin-like GTPase OPA1, whose activity is regulated by proteolytic processing. Constitutive OPA1 cleavage by YME1L and OMA1 at two distinct sites leads to the accumulation of both long and short forms of OPA1 and maintains mitochondrial fusion. Stress-induced OPA1 processing by OMA1 converts OPA1 completely into short isoforms, inhibits fusion, and triggers mitochondrial fragmentation. Here, we have analyzed the function of different OPA1 forms in cells lacking YME1L, OMA1, or both. Unexpectedly, deletion of Oma1 restored mitochondrial tubulation, cristae morphogenesis, and apoptotic resistance in cells lacking YME1L. Long OPA1 forms were sufficient to mediate mitochondrial fusion in these cells. Expression of short OPA1 forms promoted mitochondrial fragmentation, which indicates that they are associated with fission. Consistently, GTPase-inactive, short OPA1 forms partially colocalize with ER–mitochondria contact sites and the mitochondrial fission machinery. Thus, OPA1 processing is dispensable for fusion but coordinates the dynamic behavior of mitochondria and is crucial for mitochondrial integrity and quality control.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is an exoribonuclease and poly(A) polymerase postulated to function in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix. Prior overexpression studies resulted in PNPase localization to both the cytosol and mitochondria, concurrent with cytosolic RNA degradation and pleiotropic cellular effects, including growth inhibition and apoptosis, that may not reflect a physiologic role for endogenous PNPase. We therefore conducted a mechanistic study of PNPase biogenesis in the mitochondrion. Interestingly, PNPase is localized to the intermembrane space by a novel import pathway. PNPase has a typical N-terminal targeting sequence that is cleaved by the matrix processing peptidase when PNPase engaged the TIM23 translocon at the inner membrane. The i-AAA protease Yme1 mediated translocation of PNPase into the intermembrane space but did not degrade PNPase. In a yeast strain deleted for Yme1 and expressing PNPase, nonimported PNPase accumulated in the cytosol, confirming an in vivo role for Yme1 in PNPase maturation. PNPase localization to the mitochondrial intermembrane space suggests a unique role distinct from its highly conserved function in RNA processing in chloroplasts and bacteria. Furthermore, Yme1 has a new function in protein translocation, indicating that the intermembrane space harbors diverse pathways for protein translocation.  相似文献   

Unlike many other organisms, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can tolerate the loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Although a few proteins have been identified that are required for yeast cell viability without mtDNA, the mechanism of mtDNA-independent growth is not completely understood. To probe the relationship between the mitochondrial genome and cell viability, we conducted a microarray-based, genomewide screen for mitochondrial DNA-dependent yeast mutants. Among the several genes that we discovered is MGR1, which encodes a novel subunit of the i-AAA protease complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. mgr1Delta mutants retain some i-AAA protease activity, yet mitochondria lacking Mgr1p contain a misassembled i-AAA protease and are defective for turnover of mitochondrial inner membrane proteins. Our results highlight the importance of the i-AAA complex and proteolysis at the inner membrane in cells lacking mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

The ubiquitylation of membrane proteins destined for the vacuole/lysosome is essential for their recognition by the endosomal sorting machinery and their internalization into vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). In yeast, this process requires Rsp5p, an essential ubiquitin ligase of the Nedd4 family. We describe here two redundant proteins, Ear1p and Ssh4p, required for the vacuolar targeting of several cargoes originating from the Golgi or the plasma membrane. Ear1p is an endosomal protein that interacts with Rsp5p through its PPxY motifs, and it is required for the ubiquitylation of selected cargoes before their MVB sorting. In-frame fusion of cargo to ubiquitin overcomes the need for Ear1p/Ssh4p, confirming a role for these proteins in cargo ubiquitylation. Interestingly, Ear1p is itself ubiquitylated by Rsp5p and targeted to the vacuole. Finally, Ear1p overexpression leads to Rsp5p accumulation at endosomes, interfering with some of its functions in trafficking. Therefore, Ear1p/Ssh4p recruit Rsp5p and assist it in its function at MVBs by directing the ubiquitylation of specific cargoes.  相似文献   

Clathrin adaptors are key factors in clathrin-coated vesicle formation, coupling clathrin to cargo and/or the lipid bilayer. A physically interacting network of three classes of adaptors participate in clathrin-mediated traffic between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes: AP-1, Gga proteins, and epsin-like proteins. Here we investigate functional relationships within this network through transport assays and protein localization analysis in living yeast cells. We observed that epsin-like protein Ent3p preferentially localized with Gga2p, whereas Ent5p distributed equally between AP-1 and Gga2p. Ent3p was mislocalized in Gga-deficient but not in AP-1-deficient cells. In contrast, Ent5p retained localization in cells lacking either or both AP-1 and Gga proteins. The Ent proteins were dispensable for AP-1 or Gga localization. Synthetic genetic growth and alpha-factor maturation defects were observed when ent5Delta but not ent3Delta was introduced together with deletions of the GGA genes. In AP-1-deficient cells, ent3Delta and to a lesser extent ent5Delta caused minor alpha-factor maturation defects, but together resulted in a near-lethal phenotype. Deletions of ENT3 and ENT5 also displayed synthetic defects similar to, but less severe than, synthetic effects of AP-1 and Gga inactivation. These results differentiate Ent3p and Ent5p function in vivo, suggesting that Ent3p acts primarily with Gga proteins, whereas Ent5p acts with both AP-1 and Gga proteins but is more critical for AP-1-mediated transport. The data also support a model in which the Ent adaptors provide important accessory functions to AP-1 and Gga proteins in TGN/endosome traffic.  相似文献   

Two membrane-bound ATP-dependent AAA proteases conduct protein quality surveillance in the inner membrane of mitochondria and control crucial steps during mitochondrial biogenesis. AAA domains of proteolytic subunits are critical for the recognition of non-native membrane proteins which are extracted from the membrane bilayer for proteolysis. Here, we have analysed the role of the conserved loop motif YVG, which has been localized to the central pore in other hexameric AAA(+) ring complexes, for the degradation of membrane proteins by the i-AAA protease Yme1. Proteolytic activity was found to depend on the presence of hydrophobic amino acid residues at position 354 within the pore loop of Yme1. Mutations affected proteolysis in a substrate-specific manner: whereas the degradation of misfolded membrane proteins was impaired at a post-binding step, folded substrate proteins did not interact with mutant Yme1. This reflects most likely deficiencies in the ATP-dependent unfolding of substrate proteins, since we observed similar effects for ATPase-deficient Yme1 mutants. Our findings therefore suggest an essential function of the central pore loop for the ATP-dependent translocation of membrane proteins into a proteolytic cavity formed by AAA proteases.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial AAA (ATPases Associated with diverse cellular Activities) proteases i-AAA (intermembrane space-AAA) and m-AAA (matrix-AAA) are closely related and have major roles in inner membrane protein homeostasis. Mutations of m-AAA proteases are associated with neuromuscular disorders in humans. However, the role of i-AAA in metazoans is poorly understood. We generated a deletion affecting Drosophila i-AAA, dYME1L (dYME1Ldel). Mutant flies exhibited premature aging, progressive locomotor deficiency and neurodegeneration that resemble some key features of m-AAA diseases. dYME1Ldel flies displayed elevated mitochondrial unfolded protein stress and irregular cristae. Aged dYME1Ldel flies had reduced complex I (NADH/ubiquinone oxidoreductase) activity, increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), severely disorganized mitochondrial membranes and increased apoptosis. Furthermore, inhibiting apoptosis by targeting dOmi (Drosophila Htra2/Omi) or DIAP1, or reducing ROS accumulation suppressed retinal degeneration. Our results suggest that i-AAA is essential for removing unfolded proteins and maintaining mitochondrial membrane architecture. Loss of i-AAA leads to the accumulation of oxidative damage and progressive deterioration of membrane integrity, which might contribute to apoptosis upon the release of proapoptotic molecules such as dOmi. Containing ROS level could be a potential strategy to manage mitochondrial AAA protease deficiency.Mitochondria dictate the survival and well being of the eukaryotic cells, but their unique genetic system and complex biophysical characteristics make for great challenges in maintaining organelle integrity and function.1 One challenge is ensuring the proper assembly of the protein complexes carrying out mitochondrial functions. Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nuclear genome and imported into the mitochondria after synthesis.2 However, mitochondria also contain their own genome, which encodes the core components of the electron transport chain (ETC). The mitochondrion-encoded subunits of the ETC assemble on the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) with the nuclear-encoded ones. Unassembled polypeptides have to be removed to maintain the stoichiometry of the ETC complexes. Another challenge is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the unavoidable by-products of electron transfer, which are generated mainly at complex I (NADH/ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and complex III (ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase) in the ETC.3 Excessive ROS can damage proteins and impair mitochondrial functions.An elaborate system of chaperones and proteases has evolved to ensure mitochondrial proteostasis.4 The proteases are located in different submitochondrial compartments and carry out critical steps of mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover, including processing, assembly and degradation of mitochondrial proteins. Mitochondrial proteases of the AAA class (ATPases Associated with diverse cellular Activities) are the main regulators of proteostasis on the IMM,5 which houses many important complexes including those of the ETC. The catalytic domains of AAA proteases face either the matrix (mitochondrial m-AAA proteases) or the intermembrane space (IMS) (mitochondrial i-AAA protease).6 Despite their different topologies, mitochondrial m-AAA proteases and i-AAA protease share highly conserved protein structures and catalytic mechanism, and even an overlapping substrate specificity.7 Mutations in the mitochondrial m-AAA proteases are responsible for neurodegenerative disorders including hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA28) and spastic ataxia neuropathy syndrome.8, 9, 10 However, the degenerative mechanisms remain elusive,11 and the presence of multiple mitochondrial m-AAA proteases with redundant functions in eukaryotes complicates their analysis in animal models. By contrast, only one mitochondrial i-AAA protease has been identified in eukaryotic genomes. It coordinates mitochondrial fusion and fission,12 and couples the mitochondrial dynamics to oxidative phosphorylation.13 Knocking down mitochondrial i-AAA protease in cultured cells perturbed mitochondrial morphology and sensitized cells to oxidative stress and apoptotic stimuli.14, 15, 16 However, the pathophysiological consequences of i-AAA loss of function at the animal level have been largely unknown. Yet, the absence of gene redundancy makes mitochondrial i-AAA protease particularly suitable for genetic studies exploring the function of mitochondrial AAA proteases in animal models.Drosophila melanogaster has been widely used to understand the biochemical processes underlying a variety of human diseases,17 including many mitochondrial disorders such as Parkinson''s disease.18, 19, 20 In these studies, some key phenotypes of mitochondrial diseases, such as impaired locomotor activities and neural and muscular degeneration, have been successfully recapitulated in Drosophila. Here we demonstrate that loss of mitochondrial i-AAA protease (dYME1L) in Drosophila melanogaster perturbs mitochondrial proteostasis, causes mitochondrial anomalies and triggers apoptotic degeneration in neurons and muscles.  相似文献   

In yeast, mitochondrial fusion requires Ugo1p and two GTPases, Fzo1p and Mgm1p. Ugo1p is anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane with its N terminus facing the cytosol and C terminus in the intermembrane space. Fzo1p is also an outer membrane protein, whereas Mgm1p is located in the intermembrane space. Recent studies suggest that these three proteins form protein complexes that mediate mitochondrial fusion. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of Ugo1p directly interacts with Fzo1p, whereas its intermembrane space domain binds to Mgm1p. We identified the Ugo1p-binding site in Fzo1p and demonstrated that Ugo1p-Fzo1p interaction is essential for the formation of mitochondrial shape, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, and fusion of mitochondria. Although the GTPase domains of Fzo1p and Mgm1p regulate mitochondrial fusion, they were not required for association with Ugo1p. Furthermore, we found that Ugo1p bridges the interaction between Fzo1p and Mgm1p in mitochondria. Our data indicate that distinct regions of Ugo1p bind directly to Fzo1p and Mgm1p and thereby link these two GTPases during mitochondrial fusion.  相似文献   

Mitochondria undergo cycles of fusion and fission crucial for organelle homeostasis. Fission is regulated partially by recruitment of the large GTPase Dnm1p to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Using three-dimensional time-lapse fluorescence imaging of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, we found that Dnm1p-EGFP appears and disappears at "hot spots" along mitochondrial tubes. It forms patches that convert rapidly into different shapes regardless of whether mitochondrial fission ensues or not. Moreover, the thickness of the mitochondrial matrix displays frequent temporal fluctuations apparently unrelated to fission or to recruitment of Dnm1p-EGFP. These results suggest that mitochondrial fission requires coordination of at least two distinct processes.  相似文献   

The fidelity of Golgi glycosylation is, in part, ensured by compartmentalization of enzymes within the stack. The COPI adaptor GOLPH3 has been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tails of a subset of Golgi enzymes and direct their retention. However, other mechanisms of retention, and other roles for GOLPH3, have been proposed, and a comprehensive characterization of the clientele of GOLPH3 and its paralogue GOLPH3L is lacking. GOLPH3’s role is of particular interest as it is frequently amplified in several solid tumor types. Here, we apply two orthogonal proteomic methods to identify GOLPH3+3L clients and find that they act in diverse glycosylation pathways or have other roles in the Golgi. Binding studies, bioinformatics, and a Golgi retention assay show that GOLPH3+3L bind the cytoplasmic tails of their clients through membrane-proximal positively charged residues. Furthermore, deletion of GOLPH3+3L causes multiple defects in glycosylation. Thus, GOLPH3+3L are major COPI adaptors that impinge on most, if not all, of the glycosylation pathways of the Golgi.  相似文献   

G Kispal  P Csere  C Prohl    R Lill 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(14):3981-3989
Iron-sulfur (Fe/S) cluster-containing proteins catalyse a number of electron transfer and metabolic reactions. Little is known about the biogenesis of Fe/S clusters in the eukaryotic cell. Here, we demonstrate that mitochondria perform an essential role in the synthesis of both intra- and extra-mitochondrial Fe/S proteins. Nfs1p represents the yeast orthologue of the bacterial cysteine desulfurase NifS that initiates biogenesis by producing elemental sulfur. The matrix-localized protein is required for synthesis of both mitochondrial and cytosolic Fe/S proteins. The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Atm1p of the mitochondrial inner membrane performs an essential function only in the generation of cytosolic Fe/S proteins by mediating export of Fe/S cluster precursors synthesized by Nfs1p and other mitochondrial proteins. Assembly of cellular Fe/S clusters constitutes an indispensable biosynthetic task of mitochondria with potential relevance for an iron-storage disease and the control of cellular iron uptake.  相似文献   

Different molecular pathways involved in maintaining mitochondrial function are of fundamental importance to control cellular homeostasis. Mitochondrial i-AAA protease is part of such a surveillance system, and PaIAP is the putative ortholog in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina. Here, we investigate the role of PaIAP in aging and development. Deletion of the gene encoding PaIAP resulted in a specific phenotype. When incubated at 27°C, spore germination and fruiting body formation are not different from that of the corresponding wild-type strain. Unexpectedly, the lifespan of the deletion strain is strongly increased. In contrast, cultivation at an elevated temperature of 37°C leads to impairments in spore germination and fruiting body formation and to a reduced lifespan. The higher PaIAP abundance in wild-type strains of the fungus grown at elevated temperature and the phenotype of the deletion strain unmasks a temperature-related role of the protein. The protease appears to be part of a molecular system that has evolved to allow survival under changing temperatures, as they characteristically occur in nature.Key words: Podospora anserina, aging, mitochondria, protein quality control, temperature, i-AAA protease  相似文献   

The dynamin-related GTPase, Mgm1p, is critical for the fusion of the mitochondrial outer membrane, maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), formation of normal inner membrane structures, and inheritance of mitochondria. Although there are two forms of Mgm1p, 100 and 90 kDa, their respective functions and the mechanism by which these two forms are produced are not clear. We previously isolated ugo2 mutants in a genetic screen to identify components involved in mitochondrial fusion [J. Cell Biol. 152 (2001) 1123]. In this paper, we show that ugo2 mutants are defective in PCP1, a gene encoding a rhomboid-related serine protease. Cells lacking Pcp1p are defective in the processing of Mgm1p and produce only the larger (100 kDa) form of Mgm1p. Similar to mgm1delta cells, pcp1delta cells contain partially fragmented mitochondria, instead of the long tubular branched mitochondria of wild-type cells. In addition, pcp1delta cells, like mgm1delta cells, lack mtDNA and therefore are unable to grow on nonfermentable medium. Mutations in the catalytic domain lead to complete loss of Pcp1p function. Similar to mgm1delta cells, the fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mtDNA of pcp1delta cells were rescued when mitochondrial division was blocked by inactivating Dnm1p, a dynamin-related GTPase. Surprisingly, in contrast to mgm1delta cells, which are completely defective in mitochondrial fusion, pcp1delta cells can fuse their mitochondria after yeast cell mating. Our study demonstrates that Pcp1p is required for the processing of Mgm1p and controls normal mitochondrial shape and mtDNA maintenance by producing the 90 kDa form of Mgm1p. However, the processing of Mgm1p is not strictly required for mitochondrial fusion, indicating that the 100 kDa form is sufficient to promote fusion.  相似文献   

Secreted aspartic proteases (Saps) are extracellular proteolytic enzymes that enhance the virulence of Candida pathogens. These enzymes therefore represent possible targets for therapeutic drug design. Saps are inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of the classical inhibitor of aspartic proteases pepstatin A and also by the inhibitors of the HIV protease, but with the Ki of micromolar values or higher. To contribute to the discussion regarding whether HIV protease inhibitors can act against opportunistic mycoses by the inhibition of Saps, we determined the structure of Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with ritonavir (RTV), a clinically used inhibitor of the HIV protease. The crystal structure refined at resolution 2.4 Å proved binding of RTV into the active site of Sapp1p and provided the structural information necessary to evaluate the stability and specificity of the protein-inhibitor interaction.  相似文献   

Secreted aspartic proteases (Saps) are extracellular proteolytic enzymes that enhance the virulence of Candida pathogens. These enzymes therefore represent possible targets for therapeutic drug design. Saps are inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of the classical inhibitor of aspartic proteases pepstatin A and also by the inhibitors of the HIV protease, but with the K(i) of micromolar values or higher. To contribute to the discussion regarding whether HIV protease inhibitors can act against opportunistic mycoses by the inhibition of Saps, we determined the structure of Sapp1p from Candida parapsilosis in complex with ritonavir (RTV), a clinically used inhibitor of the HIV protease. The crystal structure refined at resolution 2.4 ? proved binding of RTV into the active site of Sapp1p and provided the structural information necessary to evaluate the stability and specificity of the protein-inhibitor interaction.  相似文献   

Many mitochondrial proteins are synthesized with N-terminal presequences in the cytosol. The presequence translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM23) translocates preproteins into and across the membrane and associates with the matrix-localized import motor. The TIM23 complex consists of three core components and Tim21, which interacts with the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) and the respiratory chain. We have identified a new subunit of the TIM23 complex, the inner membrane protein Mgr2. Mitochondria lacking Mgr2 were deficient in the Tim21-containing sorting form of the TIM23 complex. Mgr2 was required for binding of Tim21 to TIM23(CORE), revealing a binding chain of TIM23(CORE)-Mgr2/Tim21-respiratory chain. Mgr2-deficient yeast cells were defective in growth at elevated temperature, and the mitochondria were impaired in TOM-TIM23 coupling and the import of presequence-carrying preproteins. We conclude that Mgr2 is a coupling factor of the presequence translocase crucial for cell growth at elevated temperature and for efficient protein import.  相似文献   

Proteins in a natural environment are constantly challenged by stress conditions, causing their destabilization, unfolding, and, ultimately, aggregation. Protein aggregation has been associated with a wide variety of pathological conditions, especially neurodegenerative disorders, stressing the importance of adequate cellular protein quality control measures to counteract aggregate formation. To secure protein homeostasis, mitochondria contain an elaborate protein quality control system, consisting of chaperones and ATP-dependent proteases. To determine the effects of protein aggregation on the functional integrity of mitochondria, we set out to identify aggregation-prone endogenous mitochondrial proteins. We could show that major metabolic pathways in mitochondria were affected by the aggregation of key enzyme components, which were largely inactivated after heat stress. Furthermore, treatment with elevated levels of reactive oxygen species strongly influenced the aggregation behavior, in particular in combination with elevated temperatures. Using specific chaperone mutant strains, we showed a protective effect of the mitochondrial Hsp70 and Hsp60 chaperone systems. Moreover, accumulation of aggregated polypeptides was strongly decreased by the AAA-protease Pim1/LON. We therefore propose that the proteolytic breakdown of aggregation-prone polypeptides represents a major protective strategy to prevent the in vivo formation of aggregates in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Different molecular pathways involved in maintaining mitochondrial function are of fundamental importance to control cellular homeostasis. Mitochondrial i-AAA protease is part of such a surveillance system and PaIAP is the putative ortholog in the fungal aging model Podospora anserina. Here we investigated the role of PaIAP in aging and development. Deletion of the gene encoding PaIAP resulted in a specific phenotype. When incubated at 27°C, spore germination and fruiting body formation are not different from that of the corresponding wild-type strain. Unexpectedly, the lifespan of the deletion strain is strongly increased. In contrast, cultivation at an elevated temperature of 37°C leads to impairments in spore germination and fruiting body formation, and to a reduced lifespan. The higher PaIAP abundance in wild-type strains of the fungus grown at elevated temperature and the phenotype of the deletion strain unmasks a temperaturerelated role of the protein. The protease appears to be part of a molecular system that has evolved to allow survival under changing temperatures as they characteristically occur in nature.  相似文献   

Cullins (CULs) are subunits of a prominent class of RING ubiquitin ligases. Whereas the subunits and substrates of CUL1-associated SCF complexes and CUL2 ubiquitin ligases are well established, they are largely unknown for other cullin family members. We show here that S. pombe CUL3 (Pcu3p) forms a complex with the RING protein Pip1p and all three BTB/POZ domain proteins encoded in the fission yeast genome. The integrity of the BTB/POZ domain, which shows similarity to the cullin binding proteins SKP1 and elongin C, is required for this interaction. Whereas Btb1p and Btb2p are stable proteins, Btb3p is ubiquitylated and degraded in a Pcu3p-dependent manner. Btb3p degradation requires its binding to a conserved N-terminal region of Pcu3p that precisely maps to the equivalent SKP1/F box adaptor binding domain of CUL1. We propose that the BTB/POZ domain defines a recognition motif for the assembly of substrate-specific RING/cullin 3/BTB ubiquitin ligase complexes.  相似文献   

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