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Knowing how floral visitors forage efficiently among flowers is important to understanding plant-pollinator interactions. When bees search for rewarding flowers, they use several visual cues to detect the available floral resources. In addition to these cues, bees can recognize scent marks, which are olfactory cues left on flowers foraged by previous visitors. This behavior is well known in social bees, such as honeybees and bumblebees. Although solitary bees do not need to give information about which flowers were foraged to conspecifics, several pieces of evidence have indicated the use of scent marks. However, it is unknown whether the behavior is widely used in many different bee species. We investigated whether four different solitary bees, Colletes patellatus (Colletidae), Andrena prostomias (Andrenidae), Osmia orientalis (Megachilidae), and Tetralonia mitsukurii (Apidae), can recognize flowers that have been foraged previously by visitors within 3 min. All four bees showed rejection responses to flowers foraged by conspecifics. However, our results showed that responses to foraged flowers varied among bee species. The tendency of A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii to reject the foraged flowers was pronounced, while in C. patellatus and O. orientalis it was weak. In both A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii, the rejection rate of flowers foraged by conspecifics decreased as the time lag after the last visit increased. Both bees visited the flowers from which pollen or nectar had been artificially removed. We suggest that A. prostomias and T. mitsukurii would recognize scent marks left by previous visitors, while the other two bees would not recognize them so strongly. It is likely that the decision to use scent marks is dependent either on the richness of resources or on the complexity of floral structure.  相似文献   

1. Sympatric flower visitor species often partition nectar and pollen and thus affect each other's foraging pattern. Consequently, their pollination service may also be influenced by the presence of other flower visiting species. Ants are solely interested in nectar and frequent flower visitors of some plant species but usually provide no pollination service. Obligate flower visitors such as bees depend on both nectar and pollen and are often more effective pollinators. 2. In Hawaii, we studied the complex interactions between flowers of the endemic tree Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae) and both, endemic and introduced flower‐visiting insects. The former main‐pollinators of M. polymorpha were birds, which, however, became rare. We evaluated the pollinator effectiveness of endemic and invasive bees and whether it is affected by the type of resource collected and the presence of ants on flowers. 3. Ants were dominant nectar‐consumers that mostly depleted the nectar of visited inflorescences. Accordingly, the visitation frequency, duration, and consequently the pollinator effectiveness of nectar‐foraging honeybees (Apis mellifera) strongly decreased on ant‐visited flowers, whereas pollen‐collecting bees remained largely unaffected by ants. Overall, endemic bees (Hylaeus spp.) were ineffective pollinators. 4. The average net effect of ants on pollination of M. polymorpha was neutral, corresponding to a similar fruit set of ant‐visited and ant‐free inflorescences. 5. Our results suggest that invasive social hymenopterans that often have negative impacts on the Hawaiian flora and fauna may occasionally provide neutral (ants) or even beneficial net effects (honeybees), especially in the absence of native birds.  相似文献   

We studied the bee fauna visiting a plant community of 10 species of flowering aquatic plants in an inundated savanna region in Bolivia. In total we observed 36 bee species in 17 genera at the flowers. Cluster analysis of the similarities among the plant species in terms of their visitor spectra showed a division into two groups: plants with inflorescence heights shorter than the grass height and plants with inflorescences projecting out of the surrounding vegetation. Larger bees of the genera Apis, Melipona, Bombus, and Xylocopa were observed only at flowers above the surrounding vegetation. Smaller, mainly solitary bees (e.g., Augochlorella, Ancyloscelis) visited flowers in the dense vegetation near the water surface. Analyses of the pollen loads revealed that most individuals were highly flower constant. When bees carried different pollen types, it was generally pollen from flowers within a single stratum. We discuss specialization, flower constancy, competition, and different foraging strategies as possible reasons for stratum fidelity.  相似文献   

Abstract The flowers of two species of threatened New Zealand mistletoes (Peraxilla tetrapetala and Peraxilla colensoi, Loranthaceae) have explosive buds that do not open unless force is applied by birds or two species of native short‐tongued bees. Opened flowers are visited by a variety of birds and insects. Although both species of Peraxilla conform to a pollination syndrome of ornithophily, bees may be effective alternative pollinators. We investigated the effectiveness of bees and birds as pollinators of P. colensoi at one site and P. tetrapetala at two sites in the South Island. Bees and other insects outnumbered birds as flower visitors at all three sites. By excluding birds with wire cages, we showed that two bee species regularly open flowers of P. tetrapetala, but only rarely open flowers of P. colensoi. Few pollen grains were deposited when either birds or bees opened buds, so opening buds was not by itself sufficient for adequate pollination. Instead, pollen continued to accumulate over the next 6 or 7 days, even inside cages that excluded birds. Both populations of P. tetrapetala were regularly pollen‐limited, but in different ways. At Ohau, opened flowers gained enough pollen to produce seeds, but many buds were not opened and hence failed to set seed. In contrast, at Craigieburn, nearly all buds were opened, but many of these did not receive enough pollen. These results demonstrate that native bees can partially replace birds as pollinators of mistletoes, despite their apparent ornithophilous syndrome. Ongoing reductions in New Zealand forest bird numbers means that the service bees provide may be important for the long‐term future of these plants.  相似文献   

In the current scenario of a general decline of the honeybee worldwide, studies on the potential of alternative bee species in pollinating cultivated plants are important. Although melon, Cucumis melo, is a crop with great commercial importance, there is very little information on its pollinating fauna in Europe, and none from the southern Mediterranean area. In a locality in central Spain, using both pan‐traps and net collections, we found that melon flowers are visited by 31 species of bees spanning four families, though only four were both dominant and constant. These four species belonged to the family Halictidae (sweat bees) and mostly (three species) to the genus Lasioglossum. Five other species could be defined as accessory: honeybee, Apis mellifera, and four other halictids. Individuals of the dominant species were smaller, on average, than those from all the other species. Observations on the frequency of pollen and nectar foraging and on flower visit duration further suggested L. malachurum as the potential key pollinator. Females of this species started to forage on melon early in the flowering season and exhibited two activity peaks in summer, thus covering the whole season. Although in other sites across continents melon seems to be more heavily pollinated by honeybees, this seems to be not the case in the Mediterranean, where sweat bees seem to be the major pollinators of this crop.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in relation to flower use in bumblebees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand resource partitioning in a bumblebee community, we analyzed various morphological characters. A total of 1269 individuals of six bumblebee species, Bombus ardens, B. hypocrita, B. diversus, B. ignitus, B. honshuensis and B. beaticola, were examined and principal component analysis showed that the bumblebee species were clearly differentiated. Glossa, prementa and head lengths were positively correlated with the second component, and a longer proboscis was associated with a narrower body, which may help bees to intrude into and access deep‐lying nectar sources. Bombus diversus, with a long proboscis and narrow body, preferred flowers with a long corolla tube, whereas B. hypocrita and B. ignitus, which have short proboscises and wide bodies, visited flowers with short corollas or dish‐shaped flowers. Two pairs of consubgeneric species that have similar morphological characteristics, B. ardens and B. beaticola, and B. hypocrita and B. ignitus, divided flower resources by habitat selection and seasonal partitioning. For resource partitioning among bumblebee species, not only morphology but also other factors, such as habitat and seasonal preference, flower use, foraging behavior, and interspecific interactions, are responsible.  相似文献   

This study examines how, over the short term, logging affects the density of bumble bees (Apidae: Bombus), the understory plants commonly visited by bumble bees, and the numerical relationship between bumble bees and flowers. In the summers before and after winter logging, bumble bees and plants were surveyed in 50 deciduous stands (each of 8–10 ha) in the boreal forest of northern Alberta, Canada. Logging was replicated at three different intensities: 0, 10–20, and 50–75% of trees remaining. There were generally more bumble bees, species of bumble bee-visited plants, and flowers in moderately (50–75%) logged sites, but this pattern depended on the time of year. Before logging, bumble bees matched resources according to an ideal free distribution (IFD). Logging affected the distribution of bumble bees across floral resources: the slope of the regression relating bumble bee and flower proportions was less than one for clearcut and control treatments (i.e., undermatching), with too many bumble bees in the flower-poor compartments and too few in the flower-rich ones. Deviations from an IFD were negative in control sites, such that fewer bumble bees occurred here than warranted by flower numbers. Controlling for flower density, bumble bee density was significantly greater in clearcuts than in the other treatments. By disproportionately visiting plants in clearcuts (relative to flower density), and by undermatching, bumble bees in clearcuts should experience higher levels of competition. Conversely, the fewer (and undermatching) bumble bees in control sites (relative to flower abundances there) may cause these plants to obtain diminished pollination service. The proximity of clearcut logging to pristine areas may therefore negatively impact plants and bumble bees in the pristine areas, at least in the season immediately following logging.  相似文献   

  • 1 Honey bees foraging for nectar on lavender (Lavandula stoechas) chose inflorescences with more of their flowers open. The number of open flowers predicted whether an inflorescence was visited by bees, inspected but rejected, or ignored. Inflorescences chosen arbitrarily by observers had numbers of open flowers intermediate between those of visited and ignored inflorescences.
  • 2 Differences in morphological characters between types of inflorescence correlated with nectar volume and sugar weight per flower so that visited inflorescences had a disproportionately greater volume of nectar and weight of sugar per flower and greater variance in nectar volume.
  • 3 Although there were significant associations between nectar content and the morphological characters of inflorescences, discriminant function analysis revealed discrimination on the basis of morphology rather than nectar content.
  • 4 Visited inflorescences tended to have smaller than average flowers but bees tended to probe the largest flowers on visited inflorescences.
  • 5 Choice of flowers within inflorescences is explicable in terms of the relationship between flower size and nectar content.

We compared flower visitation patterns of two coexisting honey bees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Apis cerana japonica Radoszkowski, on 20 plant species, including three exotics, under natural conditions in Nara, Japan, from April to August 2012. We also measured flower color based on bee color vision (15 flower species), nectar volume (nine species) and nectar concentration (eight species). Flowers colored white, pink, red, purple and cream were classified as bee‐blue‐green, and yellow was classified as bee‐green. Apis cerana visited 14 plant species and A. mellifera visited 11. Although the two Apis species are similar in morphology, they visited different plants: in particular, A. cerana visited native plant species more often than did A. mellifera. Both A. mellifera and A. cerana visited not only nectariferous flowers but also those with no nectar. We also found different visitation patterns between A. cerana and A. mellifera: Apis cerana more often visited flowers with smaller color angle (bee‐blue‐green), lower chroma and higher brightness, and flowers secreting nectars of higher concentration and smaller volume than did A. mellifera.  相似文献   

Solitary bees often form specialised mutualisms with particular plant species, while honeybees are considered to be relatively opportunistic foragers. Thus, it may be expected that solitary bees are more effective pollinators than honeybees when foraging on the same floral resource. To test this, we studied two Wahlenbergia species (Campanulaceae) in South Africa that are visited by both social honeybees and solitary bees, and which are shown here to be genetically self-incompatible and thus reliant on pollinator visits for seed production. Contrary to expectation, the solitary bee Lipotriches sp. (Halictidae) and social bee Apis mellifera (Apidae), which were the two most frequent visitors to flowers of the study species, were equally effective pollinators in terms of the consequences of single visits for fruit and seed set. Both bee species preferentially visited female phase flowers, which contain more nectar than male phase flowers. Male solitary bees of several genera frequently shelter overnight in flowers of both Wahlenbergia species, but temporal exclusion experiments showed that this behaviour makes little contribution to either seed production or pollen dispersal (estimated using a dye particle analogue). Manipulation of flower colour using a sunscreen that removed UV reflectance strongly reduced visits by both bee groups, while neither group responded to Wahlenbergia floral odour cues in choice tests. This study indicates that while flowers of Wahlenbergia cuspidata and W. krebsii are pollinated exclusively by bees, they are not under strong selection to specialise for pollination by any particular group of bees.  相似文献   

Among plants visited by many pollinator species, the relative contribution of each pollinator to plant reproduction is determined by variation in both pollinator and plant traits. Here we evaluate how pollinator movement among plants, apparent pollen carryover, ovule number, resource limitation of seed set, and pollen output affect variation in contribution of individual pollinator species to seed set in Lithophragma parviflorum (Saxifragaceae), a species visited by a broad spectrum of visitors, including beeflies, bees and a moth species. A previous study demonstrated differences among visitor species in their single-visit pollination efficacy but did not evaluate how differences in visitation patterns and pollen carryover affect pollinator efficacy. Incorporation of differential visitation patterns and pollen carryover effects —commonly cited as potentially important in evaluating pollinator guilds — had minor effects (0–0.6% change) on the estimates of relative contribution based on visit frequency and single-visit efficacy alone. Beeflies visited significantly more flowers per inflorescence than the bees and the moth. Seed set remained virtually constant during the first three visited flowers for beeflies and larger bees, indicating that apparent pollen carryover did not reduce per-visit efficacy of these taxa. In contrast, Greya moth visits showed a decrease in seed set by 55.4% and the smaller bees by 45.4% from first to second flower. The larger carryover effects in smaller bees and Greya were diminished in importance by their small overall contribution to seed set. Three variable plant traits may affect seed set: ovule number, resource limitation on seed maturation, and pollen output. Ovule number per flower declined strongly with later position within inflorescences. Numbers were much higher in first-year greenhouse-grown plants than in field populations, and differences increased during 3 years of study. Mean pollen count by position varied 7-fold among flowers; it paralleled ovule number variation, resulting in a relatively stable pollen:ovule ratio. Resource limitation of seed set increased strongly with later flowering, with seed set in hand-pollinated flowers ranging from 66% in early flowers to 0% in the last two flowers of all plants. Variation in ovule number and resource limitation of seed maturation jointly had a strong effect on the number of seeds per flower. Visitation to early flowers had the potential to cause more seed set than visitation to later flowers. Overall, the most important sources of variation to seed production contribution were differences among pollinators in abundance and absolute efficacy (ovules fertilized on a single visit) and potentially differential phenology among visitor species. These effects are likely to vary among populations and years.  相似文献   

To examine the response of pollinating bees to size and sexual phases of flowers, we constructed an artificial population ofCampanula having large flower variation and presented it to potentially pollinating bees in nurseries. The pollinating bee groups (halictid, megachilid and bumble bees) responded differentially to both the flower size and to the sexual phases of the flowers. Whereas visitation rate of megachilid bees increased with the flower size, those of halictid bees and bumble bees did not show particular trends; for example, bumble bees visited almost all of the flowers consistently. Visitation frequencies to male-and female-phased flowers were significantly different between megachilids at Tokyo and halictids. This study indicates that pollinator attraction could not solely explain the evolution of the flower size inCampanula, and that other factors such as pollen transfer efficiency, should be considered.  相似文献   

Although pollinators are thought to select on flower colour, few studies have experimentally decoupled effects of colour from correlated traits on pollinator visitation and pollen transfer. We combined selection analysis and phenotypic manipulations to measure the effect of petal colour on visitation and pollen export at two spatial scales in Wahlenbergia albomarginata. This species is representative of many New Zealand alpine herbs that have secondarily evolved white or pale flowers. The major pollinators, solitary bees, exerted phenotypic selection on flower size but not colour, quantified by bee vision. When presented with manipulated flowers, bees visited flowers painted blue to resemble a congener over white flowers in large, but not small, experimental arrays. Pollen export was higher for blue flowers in large arrays. Pollinator preference does not explain the pale colouration of W. albomarginata, as commonly hypothesized. Absence of bright blue could be driven instead by indirect selection of correlated characters.  相似文献   

Floral color changes are common among Melastomataceae and have been interpreted as a warning mechanism for bees to avoid old flowers, albeit increasing long-distance flower display. Here the reproductive systems of Tibouchina pulchra and T. sellowiana were investigated by controlled pollinations. Their pollinators were identified, and experiments on floral color and fragrance changes were conduced to verify if those changes affect the floral visitation. Both Tibouchina species are self compatible. The flowers lasted three days or more, and the floral color changed from white in the 1st day to pink in the following days. Pollen deposition on stigma induced floral color change. The effectiveness of the pollination is dependent on bees’ size; only large bees were regarded as effective pollinators. In experimental tests, the bees in T. pulchra preferred the natural white flowers while the visitors of T. sellowiana were attracted by both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with experimentally attached 1st-day flower petals). During the experiments on floral fragrance, the bees visited both natural and mimetic 1st-day flowers (2nd-day flowers with 1st-day flower scents). In both experiments, the bees avoided natural 2nd-day flowers, but seldom visited modified 2nd-day flowers. The attractiveness of T. pulchra and T. sellowiana flowers cannot be attributed exclusively to the color or the fragrance separately, both factors seemingly act together.  相似文献   

Summary In alpine Polemonium viscosum, plants having sweet-scented flowers are primarily pollinated by queens of the bumble bee species, Bombus kirbyellus. In this paper we ask whether two aspects of the pollination effectiveness of bumble bees, visitation rate and pollination efficiency, vary significantly with flower size in sweet-flowered P. viscosum.(i) Bumble bees visited plants with large flowers on 80–90% of encounters, but visited those with smaller flowers on only 49% of encounters. (ii) However, the gain in pollination that large-flowered plants obtained via increased visitation was countered in part because bumble bees deposited fewer outcross pollen grains per visit on stigmas of large flowers than on those of small ones. When both visitation rate and pollination efficiency are taken into account, the predicted value of a single bumble bee encounter declines from 1.06 seeds for flowers larger than 18 mm in diameter to 0.55 seeds for flowers smaller than 12 mm in diameter. Our results suggest that bumble bee pollinators of P. viscosum prefer flower morphologies that are poorly suited for precise pollination. Such behavioral complexities are likely to place constraints on the evolution of optimal floral design.  相似文献   

Pollinators, such as bees, often develop multi-location routes (traplines) to exploit subsets of flower patches within larger plant populations. How individuals establish such foraging areas in the presence of other foragers is poorly explored. Here we investigated the foraging patterns of pairs of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) released sequentially into an 880m2 outdoor flight cage containing 10 feeding stations (artificial flowers). Using motion-sensitive video cameras mounted on flowers, we mapped the flower visitation networks of both foragers, quantified their interactions and compared their foraging success over an entire day. Overall, bees that were released first (residents) travelled 37% faster and collected 77% more nectar, thereby reaching a net energy intake rate 64% higher than bees released second (newcomers). However, this prior-experience advantage decreased as newcomers became familiar with the spatial configuration of the flower array. When both bees visited the same flower simultaneously, the most frequent outcome was for the resident to evict the newcomer. On the rare occasions when newcomers evicted residents, the two bees increased their frequency of return visits to that flower. These competitive interactions led to a significant (if only partial) spatial overlap between the foraging patterns of pairs of bees. While newcomers may initially use social cues (such as olfactory footprints) to exploit flowers used by residents, either because such cues indicate higher rewards and/or safety from predation, residents may attempt to preserve their monopoly over familiar resources through exploitation and interference. We discuss how these interactions may favour spatial partitioning, thereby maximising the foraging efficiency of individuals and colonies.  相似文献   

One of the most common types of cactus flower in the southwestern United States is the large, colorful, cup-shaped flower.Echinocereus fasciculatus var.boyce-thompsonii in Arizona is a representative of this class of flowers. Its flowers are visited by three common types of insect visitors: medium-sized bees, small solitary bees, and beetles. All three types of visitors come into contact with the pollen, but only the mediumsized bees regularly touch the stigma in their visitations. The main effective pollinators are therefore the medium-sized bees (Megachile, etc.).Ferocactus wislizenii has a similar floral mechanism and is likewise pollinated mainly by medium-sized bees (Megachile, Lithurge, Diadasia, etc.).Pollination of North American Cacti, 1.  相似文献   

1. Bee behaviour when visiting flowers is mediated by diverse chemical cues and signals, from the flower itself and from previous visitors to the flower. Flowers recently visited by bees and hoverflies may be rejected for a period of time by subsequent bee visitors. 2. Nectar‐thieving ants also commonly visit flowers and could potentially influence the foraging decisions of bees, through the detection of ant trail pheromones or footprint hydrocarbons. 3. Here we demonstrate that, while naÏve bumblebees in laboratory trials are not inherently repelled by ant scent marks, they can learn to use them as informative signals while foraging on artificial flowers. 4. To test for similar activity in the wild, visitor behaviours at the flowers of Digitalis purpurea Linnaeus, Bupleurum fruticosum Linnaeus, and Brassica juncea (Linnaeus) Czernajew were compared between flowers that had been in contact with ants and those that had not. No differences were found between the two treatments. 5. The use of chemical foraging cues by bees would appear to be strongly dependent on previous experience and in the context of these plant species bees did not associate ant scent mark cues with foraging costs.  相似文献   

Resource preemption by alien organisms can contribute to their invasion success and the demise of functionally equivalent native species, particularly when opportunistic foraging by aliens results in more efficient exploitation. In forests of NW Patagonia, the only native bumble bee and major pollinator, Bombus dahlbomii, declined almost to extinction as the alien B. ruderatus increased in abundance since its first appearance about 17 years ago. To explore whether resource competition might have driven this displacement we studied the behavior and foraging efficiency of both bumble bees while they harvested nectar from flowers of Alstroemeria aurea, the main summer food resource in the forests of NW Patagonia. We compared the nectar content of flowers that bees selected, recently visited, and rejected with that of randomly-chosen neighboring flowers and assessed differences in visitation rates. The native bumble bee selects flowers with abundant nectar and mostly exploits nectar-rich flower patches by rejecting a higher proportion of flowers with little or no nectar. On the other hand, the alien bumble bee discriminated less with respect to sugar content per visited flower, but visited more flowers per minute. Workers of the native bumble bee harvested ~70% more sugar per unit of time than those of the alien species in absolute terms, and a similar amount when sugar harvested was expressed as a percentage of body mass. In contrast to expectation, the opportunistic foraging of the alien bumblebee was not more efficient and therefore cannot explain the ecological extinction of the native species through exploitative competition. These findings suggest that the displacement of the native species by the alien may be driven by other factors, such as the associated introduction of novel diseases or parasites.  相似文献   

Individual flowers ofMoraea inclinata are nectariferous and last about six hours. They appear to be pollinated largely by bees in the familyHalictidae (Lasioglossum spp.,Nomia spp.,Zonalictus) and to a lesser extent by bees in the familyAnthophoridae (Amegilla). The mechanism of bee-pollination inM. inclinata is the Iris type; i.e., each flower consists of three pollination units (an outer tepal, a partly exserted anther, and the opposed style branch which terminates in a pair of petal-like crests). Bees rarely visit more than one pollination unit per flower. Transferral of pollen to the bee is passive and nototribic although all bees collected on the flowers were female and 55% of the bees carried pollen loads with 2–5 pollen taxa in their scopae.Moraea brevistyla flowers are nectariferous but lack scent and last two days. They are visited infrequently by bees and only one femaleLasioglossum spec. carried the pollen ofM. brevistyla. Unlike flowers ofM. inclinata those ofM. brevistyla deposit pollen only on the head and thorax. Bee-mediated autogamy in both species is avoided due to the erratic foraging patterns of the bees and the flexibility of each stigma lobe as the bee backs out of the flower. Approximately 2–4 flowers in the inflorescences of both species (6–8 flowers/infloresence) develop into capsules.  相似文献   

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