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Solid-state NMR methods employing (2)H NMR and geometric analysis of labeled alanines (GALA) were used to study the structure and orientation of the transmembrane alpha-helical peptide acetyl-GWW(LA)(8)LWWA-amide (WALP23) in phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers of varying thickness. In all lipids the peptide was found to adopt a transmembrane alpha-helical conformation. A small tilt angle of 4.5 degrees was observed in di-18:1-PC, which has a hydrophobic bilayer thickness that approximately matches the hydrophobic length of the peptide. This tilt angle increased slightly but systematically with increasing positive mismatch to 8.2 degrees in di-C12:0-PC, the shortest lipid used. This small increase in tilt angle is insufficient to significantly change the effective hydrophobic length of the peptide and thereby to compensate for the increasing hydrophobic mismatch, suggesting that tilt of these peptides in a lipid bilayer is energetically unfavorable. The tilt and also the orientation around the peptide axis were found to be very similar to the values previously reported for a shorter WALP19 peptide (GWW(LA)(6)LWWA). As also observed in this previous study, the peptide rotates rapidly around the bilayer normal, but not around its helix axis. Here we show that these properties allow application of the GALA method not only to macroscopically aligned samples but also to randomly oriented samples, which has important practical advantages. A minimum of four labeled alanine residues in the hydrophobic transmembrane sequence was found to be required to obtain accurate tilt values using the GALA method.  相似文献   

Interaction of alamethicin with lecithin bilayers: a 31P and 2H NMR study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The interaction of alamethicin with artificial lecithin multilamellar dispersions was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Raman spectroscopies. 31P NMR studies revealed perturbation of the lipid head groups in the presence of the icosapeptide. Simulation of the 31P NMR spectra indicated that the observed spectral changes could be attributed to slight variations in the average tilt angle of the head groups. In contrast, no noticeable effect of the peptide on the segmental order of the hydrophobic acyl chains of the lipid molecules was detected by 2H NMR and Raman spectroscopic measurements. Taken together, these results indicated that, in the absence of a transmembrane electric potential, alamethicin interacts primarily at the water-lipid interface without significant insertion or incorporation into the bilayer leaflet.  相似文献   

Lipid analogues and glycosylphosphati-dylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins incorporated in glass-supported phospholipid bilayers (SBL) were coupled to small (30 nm diameter) fluorescent beads whose motion in the liquid phase was tracked by intensified fluorescence video microscopy. Streptavidin (St), covalently attached to the carboxyl modified surface of the polystyrene bead, bound either the biotinylated membrane component, or a biotinylated monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against a specific membrane constituent. The positions of the beads tethered to randomly diffusing membrane molecules were recorded at 0.2 sec intervals for about l min. The mean square displacement () of the beads was found to be a linear function of diffusion time t, and the diffusion coefficient, D, was derived from the relation, (t) = 4Dt. The values of D for biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine (Bi-PE) dispersed in an egg lecithin: cholesterol (80:20%) bilayer obtained by this methodology range from 0.05 to 0.6 m2/sec with an average of D = 0.26 m2/sec, similar to the value of D = 0.24 m2/sec for fluorescein-conjugated phosphati-dylethanolamine (Fl-PE) linked to St-coupled beads by the anti-fluorescein mAb 4-4-20 or its Fab fragment. These values of D are comparable to those reported for Fl-PE linked to 30 nm gold particles but are several times lower than that of Fl-PE in the same planar bilayer as measured by fluorescence photobleaching recovery, D = 1.3 m2sec. The mobilities of two GPI-anchored proteins in similar SBL were also determined by use of the appropriate biotinylated mAb and were found to be D = 0.25 and 0.56 m2/sec for the decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) and the human FcRIIIB (CD16) receptors, respectively. The methodology described here is suitable for tracking any accessible membrane component.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants 1R24 RR05272 and AI-24322.  相似文献   

We present here a new set of aminoglycoside-arginine conjugates (AACs) that are either site-specific or per-arginine conjugates of paromomycin, neamine, and neomycin B as well as their structure-activity relationships. Their binding constants (KD) for TAR and RRE RNAs, measured by fluorescence anisotropy, revealed dependence on the number and location of arginines in the different aminoglycoside conjugates. The binding affinity of the per-arginine aminoglycosides to TAR is higher than to RRE, and hexa-arginine neomycin B is the most potent binder (KD=5 and 23 nM, respectively). The 2D TOCSY NMR spectrum of the TAR monoarginine-neomycin complex reveals binding at the bulge region of TAR.  相似文献   

The analysis of time-dependent fluorescence shifts of the bilayer probe 6-hexadecanoyl-2-(((2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl)methyl)amino)naphthalene chloride (Patman) offers valuable information on the hydration and dynamics of phospholipid headgroups. Quenching studies on vesicles composed of four phosphatidylcholines with different hydrocarbon chains (18:1c9/18:1c9, DOPC; 16:0/18:1c9, POPC; 18:1c9/16:0, OPPC; 18:1c6/18:1c6, PCDelta6) show that the chromophore of Patman is defined located at the level of the sn-1 ester-group in the phospholipid, which is invariant to the hydrocarbon chain. The so-called solvent relaxation (SR) approach as well as solid-state 2H NMR reveals that DOPC and PCDelta6 are more hydrated than POPC and OPPC. A strong dependence of SR kinetics on the position of double bond in the investigated fatty acid chains was observed. Apparently, the closer the double bond is located to the hydrated sn-1 ester-group, the more mobile this group becomes. This work demonstrates that the SR approach can report mobility changes within phospholipid bilayers with a remarkable molecular resolution.  相似文献   

100-ns molecular dynamics simulations of fluid 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) bilayers, both pure and containing 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl (NBD) acyl-chain labeled fluorescent analogs (C6-NBD-PC and C12-NBD-PC), are described. These molecules are widely used as probes for lipid structure and dynamics. The results obtained here for pure DPPC agree with both experimental and theoretical published works. We verified that the NBD fluorophore of both derivatives loops to a transverse location closer to the interface than to the center of the bilayer. Whereas this was observed previously in experimental literature works, conflicting transverse locations were proposed for the NBD group. According to our results, the maximum of the transverse distribution of NBD is located around the glycerol backbone/carbonyl region, and the nitro group is the most external part of the fluorophore. Hydrogen bonds from the NH group of NBD (mostly to glycerol backbone lipid O atoms) and to the nitro O atoms of NBD (from water OH groups) are continuously observed. Rotation of NBD occurs with ∼ 2.5-5 ns average correlation time for these probes, but very fast, unresolved reorientation motions occur in < 20 ps, in agreement with time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Finally, within the uncertainty of the analysis, both probes show lateral diffusion dynamics identical to DPPC.  相似文献   

The increased use of plant sterols as cholesterol-lowering agents warrants further research on the possible effects of plant sterols in membranes. In this study, the effects of the incorporation of cholesterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol in phospholipid bilayers were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), resonance energy transfer (RET) between trans parinaric acid (tPA) and 2-(6-(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)hexanoyl-1-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (NBD-PC), and Triton X-100-induced solubilization. The phospholipids used were 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), d-erythro-N-palmitoyl-sphingomyelin (PSM), and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC). In DSC experiments, it was demonstrated that the sterols differed in their effect on the melting temperatures of both the sterol-poor and the sterol-rich domains in DPPC and PSM bilayers. The plant sterols gave rise to lower temperatures of both transitions, when compared with cholesterol. The plant sterols also resulted in lower transition temperatures, in comparison with cholesterol, when sterol-containing DPPC and PSM bilayers were investigated by RET. In the detergent solubilization experiments, the total molar ratio between Triton X-100 and POPC at the onset of solubilization (Rt,sat) was higher for bilayers containing plant sterols, in comparison with membranes containing cholesterol. Taken together, the observations presented in this study indicate that campesterol, β-sitosterol and stigmasterol interacted less favorably than cholesterol with the phospholipids, leading to measurable differences in their domain properties.  相似文献   

This paper reports that water molecules around F-actin, a polymerized form of actin, are more mobile than those around G-actin or in bulk water. A measurement using pulse-field gradient spin-echo 1H NMR showed that the self-diffusion coefficient of water in aqueous F-actin solution increased with actin concentration by ∼5%, whereas that in G-actin solution was close to that of pure water. This indicates that an F-actin/water interaction is responsible for the high self-diffusion of water. The local viscosity around actin was also investigated by fluorescence measurements of Cy3, a fluorescent dye, conjugated to Cys 374 of actin. The steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of Cy3 attached to F-actin was 0.270, which was lower than that for G-actin, 0.334. Taking into account the fluorescence lifetimes of the Cy3 bound to actin, their rotational correlation times were estimated to be 3.8 and 9.1 ns for F- and G-actin, respectively. This indicates that Cy3 bound to F-actin rotates more freely than that bound to G-actin, and therefore the local water viscosity is lower around F-actin than around G-actin.  相似文献   

Interactions between melittin and a variety of negatively-charged lipid bilayers have been investigated by intrinsic fluorescence, fluorescence polarization of 1,6-diphenylhexatriene and differential scanning calorimetry. (1) Intrinsic fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue of melittin shows that binding of this peptide to negatively-charged phospholipids is directly related to the surface charge density, but is unaffected by the physical state of lipids, fluid or gel, single-shell vesicles or unsonicated dispersions. (2) Changes in the thermotropic properties of negatively-charged lipids upon melittin binding allow to differentiate two groups of lipids: (i) A progressive disappearance of the transition, without any shift in temperature, is observed with monoacid C14 lipids such as dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol and -serine (group 1). (ii) With a second group of lipids (group 2), a transition occurs even at melittin saturation, and two transitions are detected at intermediate melittin content, one corresponding to remaining unperturbed lipids, the other shifted downward by 10–20°C. This second group of lipids is constituted by monoacid C16 lipids, dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol and -serine. Phosphatidic acids also enter this classification, but it is the net charge of the phosphate group which allows to discriminate: singly charged phosphatidic acids belong to group 2, whereas totally ionized ones behave like group 1 lipids, whatever the chain length. (3) It is concluded that melittin induces phase separations between unperturbed lipid regions which give a transition at the same temperature as pure lipid, and peptide rich domains in which the stoichiometry is 1 toxin per 8 phospholipids. The properties of such domains depend on the bilayer stability: in the case of C16 aliphatic chains and singly charged polar heads, the lipid-peptide domains have a transition at a lower temperature than the pure lipid. With shorter C14 chains or with two net charges by polar group, the bilayer structure is probably totally disrupted, and the new resulting phase can no longer lead to a cooperative transition.  相似文献   

Changes in extrinsic fluorescence intensity, associated with step changes in membrane potential, have been studied in intracellularly or extracellularly stained squid axons, and in lipid bilayers, using six different aminonaphthalene dyes: 1,8-TNS; 2,6-TNS; 1,8-MANS; 2,6-MANS; 2,6-ANS and NPN. In all preparations the optical signals were found to be roughly proportional to the voltage applied. All signals had a very fast initial component, which was followed in some case by a slower change in the same direction. The slow component was observed only in intracellularly stained axons, and not for all chromophores studied. 1,8-TNS, 1,8-MANS and 2,6-MANS yielded the largest fluorescence signals in all preparations. The sign of these signals was independent of the type of membrane studied. However, the fluorescence changes of 2,6-MANS were opposite to those of 1,8-TNS and 1,8 MANS. Staining of both sides of the axolemma with 1,8-MANS or 2,6-MANS showed that these dyes yield larger signals when applied to the extracellular face. The changes in fluorescence light intensity of 2,6-TNS, 2,6-ANS and NPN were smaller and their sign depended on the membrane preparation studied. The comparison of the extrinsic fluorescence signals from the nerve membrane and the phosphatidylcholine bilayer suggests strong similarities between the basic structures of the two systems. The variety of observed signals cannot be easily interpreted in terms of changes in membrane structure. A possible alternative interpretation in terms of electrically induced displacements, rotations and changes in partition coefficient of bound chromophores, is discussed.Abbreviations 1,8-TNS 1-toluidinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate, and similarly, 2,6-TNS - 1,8-MANS 1-N-methylanilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate, and similarly, 2,6-MANS - 1,8-ANS 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate, and similarly, 2,6-ANS - NPN N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) containing opioid peptide dynorphin A(1-17) are found to be spontaneously aligned to the applied magnetic field near at the phase transition temperature between the gel and liquid crystalline states (Tm=24°C), as examined by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The specific interaction between the peptide and lipid bilayer leading to this property was also examined by optical microscopy, light scattering, and potassium ion-selective electrode, together with a comparative study on dynorphin A(1-13). A substantial change in the light scattering intensity was noted for DMPC containing dynorphin A(1-17) near at Tm but not for the system containing A(1-13). Besides, reversible change in morphology of bilayer, from small lipid particles to large vesicles, was observed by optical microscope at Tm. These results indicate that lysis and fusion of the lipid bilayers are induced by the presence of dynorphin A(1-17). It turned out that the bilayers are spontaneously aligned to the magnetic field above Tm in parallel with the bilayer surface, because a single 31P NMR signal appeared at the perpendicular position of the 31P chemical shift tensor. In contrast, no such magnetic ordering was noted for DMPC bilayers containing dynorphin A(1-13). It was proved that DMPC bilayer in the presence of dynorphin A(1-17) forms vesicles above Tm, because leakage of potassium ion from the lipid bilayers was observed by potassium ion-selective electrode after adding Triton X-100. It is concluded that DMPC bilayer consists of elongated vesicles with the long axis parallel to the magnetic field, together with the data of microscopic observation of cylindrical shape of the vesicles. Further, the long axis is found to be at least five times longer than the short axis of the elongated vesicles in view of simulated 31P NMR lineshape.  相似文献   

Summary Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the orientations of two amphipathic helical peptides associated with lipid bilayers. A single spectral parameter provides sufficient orientational information for these peptides, which are known, from other methods, to be helical. The orientations of the peptides were determined using the15N chemical shift observed for specifically labeled peptide sites. Magainin, an antibiotic peptide from frog skin, was found to lie in the plane of the bilayer. M2, a helical segment of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, was found to span the membrane, perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer. These findings have important implications for the mechanisms of biological functions of these peptides.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter family, functions as an ATP hydrolysis-driven efflux pump to rid the cell of toxic organic compounds, including a variety of drugs used in anticancer chemotherapy. Here, we used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy to delineate the structural rearrangements the two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) are undergoing during the catalytic cycle. Pairs of cysteines were introduced into equivalent regions in the N- and C-terminal NBDs for labeling with fluorescent dyes for ensemble and single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. In the ensemble FRET, a decrease of the donor to acceptor (D/A) ratio was observed upon addition of drug and ATP. Vanadate trapping further decreased the D/A ratio, indicating close association of the two NBDs. One of the cysteine mutants was further analyzed using confocal single-molecule FRET spectroscopy. Single Pgp molecules showed fast fluctuations of the FRET efficiencies, indicating movements of the NBDs on a time scale of 10-100 ms. Populations of low, medium, and high FRET efficiencies were observed during drug-stimulated MgATP hydrolysis, suggesting the presence of at least three major conformations of the NBDs during catalysis. Under conditions of vanadate trapping, most molecules displayed high FRET efficiency states, whereas with cyclosporin, more molecules showed low FRET efficiency. Different dwell times of the FRET states were found for the distinct biochemical conditions, with the fastest movements during active turnover. The FRET spectroscopy observations are discussed in context of a model of the catalytic mechanism of Pgp.  相似文献   

Fluorescence quenching by a series of spin-labelled fatty acids is used to map the transverse disposition of tryptophan residues in bacteriorhodopsin (the sole protein in the purple membranes of Halobacterium halobium). A new method of data analysis is employed which takes into account differences in the uptake of the quenchers into the membrane. Energy transfer from tryptophan to a set of n-(9-anthroyloxy) fatty acids is used as a second technique to confirm the transverse map of tryptophan residues revealed by the quenching experiments. The relative efficiencies of quenching and energy transfer obtained experimentally are compared with those predicted on the basis of current models of bacteriorhodopsin structure. Most of the tryptophan fluorescence is located near the surface of the purple membrane. When the retinal chromophore of bacteriorhodopsin is removed, tryptophan residues deep in the membrane become fluorescent. These results indicate that the deeper residues transfer their energy to retinal in the native membrane. The retinal moiety is therefore located deep within the membrane rather than at the membrane surface.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is a widely used polyene antibiotic to treat systemic fungal infections. This drug is known to be lethal to fungal cells but it has also side effect toxicity on mammalian cells. The mechanism of action of AmB is thought to be related to the difference of the main sterol present in the mammalian and the fungal cells, namely cholesterol and ergosterol, respectively. The effect of AmB has been investigated on pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and on cholesterol- and ergosterol-containing DPPC bilayers by 2H NMR spectroscopy. The 2H NMR results first confirm that AmB forms a complex with sterol-free DPPC bilayers, the interaction causing the structurization of the lipids and the increase of the gel-to-lamellar fluid DPPC phase transition temperature with increasing concentration of the antibiotic. The results also show that the effects of AmB on cholesterol- and ergosterol-containing DPPC bilayers are remarkably different. On one hand, the drug causes an increase of the orientational order of the lipid acyl chains in cholesterol-containing membranes, mostly in high cholesterol content membranes. On the other hand, the addition of AmB disorders the DPPC acyl chains when ergosterol is present. This is thought to be due to the direct complexation of the ergosterol by AmB, causing the sterol ordering effect to be weaker on the lipids.  相似文献   

The role of lipid diversity in biomembranes is one of the major unsolved problems in biochemistry. One parameter of possible importance is the mean cross-sectional area occupied per lipid molecule, which may be related to formation of nonbilayer structures and membrane protein function. We have used 2H NMR spectroscopy to compare the properties of 1,2-diperdeuteriopalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPPE-d62) and 1,2-diperdeuteriopalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC-d62) in the L alpha phase. We find that DPPE has greater segmental order than DPPC, and that this increase in order is related to the smaller area per acyl chain found for DPPE. Values of the mean cross-sectional chain area are calculated using a simple diamond lattice model for the acyl chain configurational statistics, together with dilatometry data. The results obtained for the mean area per molecule are comparable with those from low angle x-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   

Photosensitization by porphyrins and other tetrapyrrole chromophores is used in biology and medicine to kill cells. This light-triggered generation of singlet oxygen is used to eradicate cancer cells in a process dubbed "photodynamic therapy," or PDT. Most photosensitizers are of amphiphilic character and they partition into cellular lipid membranes. The photodamage that they inflict to the host cell is mainly localized in membrane proteins. This photosensitized damage must occur in competition with the rapid diffusion of singlet oxygen through the lipid phase and its escape into the aqueous phase. In this article we show that the extent of damage can be modulated by employing modified hemato- and protoporphyrins, which have alkyl spacers of varying lengths between the tetrapyrrole ring and the carboxylate groups that are anchored at the lipid/water interface. The chromophore part of the molecule, and the point of generation of singlet oxygen, is thus located at a deeper position in the bilayer. The photosensitization efficiency was measured with 9,10-dimethylanthracene, a fluorescent chemical target for singlet oxygen. The vertical insertion of the sensitizers was assessed by two fluorescence-quenching techniques: by iodide ions that come from the aqueous phase; and by spin-probe-labeled phospholipids, that are incorporated into the bilayer, using the parallax method. These methods also show that temperature has a small effect on the depth when the membrane is in the liquid phase. However, when the bilayer undergoes a phase transition to the solid gel phase, the porphyrins are extruded toward the water interface as the temperature is lowered. These results, together with a previous publication in this journal, represent a unique and precedental case where the vertical location of a small molecule in a membrane has an effect on its membranal activity.  相似文献   

The structures of three bacterial outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpX and PagP) have been determined by both X-ray diffraction and NMR. We have used multiple (7 × 15 ns) MD simulations to compare the conformational dynamics resulting from the X-ray versus the NMR structures, each protein being simulated in a lipid (DMPC) bilayer. Conformational drift was assessed via calculation of the root mean square deviation as a function of time. On this basis the ‘quality’ of the starting structure seems mainly to influence the simulation stability of the transmembrane β-barrel domain. Root mean square fluctuations were used to compare simulation mobility as a function of residue number. The resultant residue mobility profiles were qualitatively similar for the corresponding X-ray and NMR structure-based simulations. However, all three proteins were generally more mobile in the NMR-based than in the X-ray simulations. Principal components analysis was used to identify the dominant motions within each simulation. The first two eigenvectors (which account for >50% of the protein motion) reveal that such motions are concentrated in the extracellular loops and, in the case of PagP, in the N-terminal α-helix. Residue profiles of the magnitude of motions corresponding to the first two eigenvectors are similar for the corresponding X-ray and NMR simulations, but the directions of these motions correlate poorly reflecting incomplete sampling on a ∼10 ns timescale.  相似文献   

J N Breg  R Boelens  A V George  R Kaptein 《Biochemistry》1989,28(25):9826-9833
The Arc repressor of bacteriophage P22 is a DNA binding protein that does not belong to any of the known classes of such proteins. We have undertaken a 1H NMR study of the protein with the aim of elucidating its three-dimensional structure in solution and its mode of binding of operator DNA. Here we present the 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) assignments of all backbone protons and most of the side-chain protons of Arc repressor. Elements of secondary structure have been identified on the basis of networks of characteristic sequential and medium-range nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs). Two alpha-helical regions have been found in the peptide regions 16-29 and 35-45. The ends of the helices could not yet be firmly established and could extend to residue 31 for the first helix and to residue 49 for the second. Immediately before the first helix, between residues 8 and 14, a region is present with beta-sheet characteristics dominated by a close proximity of the alpha-protons of residues 9 and 13. Because of the dimeric nature of the protein there are still two possible ways in which the NOEs in the beta-sheet region can be interpreted. If the NOEs are intramonomer, this requires a tight turn involving residues 10-12. Alternatively, if the NOEs are intermonomer, then and antiparallel beta-sheet would be implicated comprising two strands of different Arc monomers. While the data presently do not allow an unambiguous choice between these two possibilities, some evidence is discussed that favors the latter (beta-sheet between monomers).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The time decay of fluorescence anisotropy was monitored as a function of pH and temperature for complexes of 2,6-toluidinylnaphthalenesulfonate with calmodulin, with its proteolytic fragments, and with the 1:1 complex of calmodulin and melittin. For all the conditions examined the anisotropy decay of native calmodulin involved at least two rotational modes. These corresponded to a short correlation time of 2-3 ns, reflecting a localized motion in the vicinity of the binding site and a longer correlation time which arises from the rotation of a major portion of the molecule. The relative amplitudes of the two rotational modes were dependent upon temperature in the range 11-40 degrees C, the contribution of the more rapid mode increasing with temperature. The maximum immobilization of the probe occurred at pH 5.0 and 12 degrees C. While these results indicate the presence of internal rotations in Ca2+-liganded calmodulin, the magnitude of the longer correlation time is consistent with the crystallographic structure.  相似文献   

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