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The nucleolar sizes of root epidermal cells were determined in 10 species of the Gramineae. Festucoid and panicoid roots presented significantly larger nucleoli in hair-producing, as opposed to hairless, cells. The magnitude of the nucleolar size differences between cell types seemed to be species specific and was not related to the type of epidermal cellular pattern. There seemed to be some suggestion that meristematic nucleoli of festucoid species may generally be larger than those of panicoid types. There was also an indication that festucoid grasses might be characterized by a high percent of multinucleolate epidermal cells. In contrast, cells of panicoid roots contained a single nucleolus in most instances. Possible implications of these observations were briefly discussed in terms of development and systematics. 相似文献
Jana C. Heilbuth Katriina L. Ilves Sarah P. Otto 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2001,55(5):880-888
Abstract.— Recent evidence has suggested that clades of dioecious angiosperms have fewer extant species on average than those of cosexual (hermaphroditic and monoecious) relatives. Reasons for the decrease in speciation rates and/or increase in extinction rates are only beginning to be investigated. One possibility is that dioecious species suffer a competitive disadvantage with cosexuals because only half of the individuals in a dioecious population are seed bearing. When only females produce seed, offspring will be more spatially clumped and will experience more local resource competition than when every individual produces seed. We examine two spatially explicit models to determine the effect of a reduction in seed dispersers on the invasibility and persistence of dioecious populations. Even though dioecious females were allowed to produce twice as many seeds as cosexuals, our results show that a reduction in the number of seed dispersers causes a decrease in the ability of dioecious progeny to find uninhabited sites, thus reducing persistence times. These results suggest that the maintenance of dioecy in the presence of hermaphroditic competitors requires a substantial increase in relative fitness and/or a large dispersal advantage of dioecious seeds. 相似文献
Minsheng You 《Insect Science》1997,4(3):238-248
Abstract The present paper deals with the characteristics of species richness and diversity of the arthropod communities in different rice fields and at various growing stages of rice based on the data ob tained from field surveys and the measurement of the community diversity. The field surveys were carried out in three different locations which represented three typical rice-growing habitats: mountainous, plain and hilly fields in the suburb of Fuzhou, Fujian Province in 1994. Shannon-Wiener's (1949) average information content(H), Hurlbert's(1971) probability of interspecific encounter (PIE) and Pielou's (1966) formula of equitability (E) were used to measure the diversity of the arthropod communities in the ecosystem of rice fields. The result showed that the species richness of herbivorous insects, carnivorous insects, spiders and total species in the community varied with different fields because of the influence of environmental variables in the habitats, and fluctuated with various growing stages of rice due to the variation of crop nourishment. Changes in the index values of H, PIE and E indicated that the cornmunity diversity and equitability also varied with space (habitats formed by the rice fields) and time (growing stages of rice). The author thinks that the results of the study could be applied to predict and forecast the population dynamics of rice pests, and to develop the rational program of integrated pest management in the specific rice fields. Discussions are also given in some detail on the methodology of measurement of the species richness and diversity of the arthropod communities in rice fields. 相似文献
尤民生 《Entomologia Sinica》1997,(3)
本文根据田间调查的资料和群落多样性指数的测定,比较了不同稻田和水稻不同生育期节肢动物群落物种丰富度及多样性。田间调查于1994年在福建省福州市郊区选择3种具有代表性的水稻种植区进行,在此基础上,作者运用Shannon-Wiener(1949)的平均信息(H)、Hurlbert(1971)的种间相遇机率(PIE)和Pielou(1966)的均匀度(E)指数来测定和分析稻田生态系统中节肢动物群落的丰富度及多样性。结果表明,由于受到稻田生境中各种环境因素及水稻不同生育期营养状况的影响,稻田节肢动物群落的丰富度及多样性不仅因田而异,而且随着水稻的生长发育过程有较大的波动。作者认为,稻田节肢动物群落丰富度及多样性的研究结果,可为水稻害虫的预测预报和综合治理提供重要的科学依据。文中还就群落丰富度及多样性的测定方法问题进行了讨论。 相似文献
GREY MELISSA; BOULDING ELIZABETH G.; BROOKFIELD MICHAEL E. 《Journal of Molluscan Studies》2005,71(3):253-256
Naticid gastropods leave a record of predation in the form ofcharacteristic countersunk circular boreholes. We fed bivalveprey to naticids to test whether the ratio between the innerand outer borehole diameter differed among three Recent naticidspecies: Euspira heros, E. lewisii and Neverita duplicata. Fossilshells from a Miocene-aged assemblage, containing naticids previouslyidentified as E. heros and N. duplicata, were also includedin our analyses. Ratios of the inner to outer diameters of naticidboreholes in bivalve shells showed that there were significantdifferences in borehole shape between E. heros and the two otherRecent species. We found no significant differences betweenthe ratios of E. lewisii and N. duplicata; however, a principalcomponent analysis showed that boreholes distinctly clusteraccording to species. The Miocene boreholes were also distinctfrom the Recent, indicating that the Miocene naticids may bea separate species from E. heros and N. duplicata. We have shownthat there is a species-specific component to borehole geometry.This may have important implications for palaeobiological studies,because the index of borehole functionality, previously describedas an inner to outer borehole ratio of 0.5 for all naticids,may differ between species. (Received 23 March 2004; accepted 10 January 2005) 相似文献
介绍了我国高级家具用材树种的分布、生态学特性、木材宏观构造、木材加工工艺性质及树种资源保护和利用情况。研究表明,我国高级家具用材树种较少,还不到10种,其中大多数分布在我国热带、亚热带地区。我国高级家具用材树种利用过度,其中麻楝、降香黄檀已很少见,林分径级下降,资源面临濒危状态。因此,对这些种树的保护和人工造林越来越重要和迫切。 相似文献
我国北方VA菌根真菌某些属和种的生态分布 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
虽然VA真菌遍布全球,但其属和种的分布是不均衡的,常有程度不同的地域性。以新疆、北京和吉林三地为代表的我国北方土壤中的VA真菌大都为球囊霉属Glomns。对摩西球囊霉G.mosseae、地表球囊霉G.versilorme及未发表种Glomus sp.9等菌种和某些生态因子的统计分析表明:土壤pH、土壤有机质含量和采集地海拔高度对三菌种的分布影响显著。在pH5—9.5范围内,球囊霉属所占比例随土壤pH增高而加大;无梗囊霉属Acaulospora所占比例则随土壤pH降低而加大。pH大于9的土壤中完全没有盾巨囊霉属Scutellospora。虽然球囊霉属主要分布在有机质含量低的土壤中,但其未发表种Glomus sp.9却较多发现于有机质丰富处。无梗囊霉属的某些种对土壤有机质含量在一定选择性。盾巨囊霉属多见于有机质含量为5—10%的土壤中。海拔3000米以上土壤中球囊霉属和无梗囊霉属显著减少,盾巨囊霉属则已绝迹。球囊霉属中某些种对海拔高度较敏感。摩西球囊霉是我国北方土壤中的常见种,也是北京污灌土壤中的优势种。由于对环境的适应能力及地域性的差异,将VA真菌总结为“广谱生态型”和“窄谱生态型”两类。 相似文献
为查明长湖浮游植物优势种群落结构特征及季节演替规律,于2015年4月至2016年1月对长湖浮游植物群落结构及相关环境因子进行了调查,同时利用典范对应分析法(CCA)进行浮游植物优势种与环境因子的相关性分析。结果表明:本次调查共鉴定出浮游植物优势种共14种,其中扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella comta)、小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和梭形裸藻(Euglena acus)是4个季节的共有优势种。生态位宽度(Niche width)变化范围为1.002—2.377,其中夏季小球藻最高,广生态位种类以富营养化水体常见指示种小球藻、扭曲小环藻、两栖颤藻(Oscillatoria amphibia)等种类为主。平均边缘指数(OMI)变化范围为0.25—3.71,其中小于1的物种共12种。耐受指数(TOI)变化范围为0.13—3.35,夏季两栖颤藻最高。生态位重叠值的变化范围为0.02—0.93,其中秋季扭曲小环藻和梭形裸藻的重叠值最高。选取7个环境因子与浮游植物优势种进行CCA分析发现:夏季微小平裂藻(Merismopedia tenuissima)、两栖颤藻、四尾栅藻、扭曲... 相似文献
生物群落多样性的测度方法 V.生物群落物种数目的估计方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
群落的物种数目,即物种丰富度,是最古老、同时也是最基本的一个多样性概念,从对它的估计中可以得到关于物种灭绝速率方面的信息,这对生物多样性保护是非常重要的。已经提出了很多方法来估计群落中的物种数目,这些方法可以分为两大类,即基于理论抽样的方法和基于数据分析的方法。前者包括经典估计方法和贝叶斯估计方法;后者包括对数正态分布的积分方法、再抽样方法和种-面积曲线的外推方法。发现:(1)有些方法适用于动物群落,如大多数基于理论抽样的方法;有些方法则适用于植物群落,如大多数基于数据分析的方法;(2)这些方法还没有经过全面而系统地比较;(3)还没有一个普遍认为比较好的方法。因此,建议采用野外调查与模拟研究相结合的方法对各种估计方法进行系统地评价。 相似文献
Fifty algae from seven phyla have been examined in order to determine whether they contain protein-bound hydroxyproline and whether this hydroxyproline is concentrated in the cell wall. Green algae, with the exception of Nitella, all contain hydroxyproline, and in most cases it is concentrated in the cell wall. Hydroxyproline is also present in low levels in the brown algae, but here it is concentrated in the soluble proteins. Red algae contain no hydroxyproline. The presence of hydroxyproline in blue-green algae is variable, but when present the levels are low. It appears, then, that the major algal phyla differ with respect to the distribution and occurrence of hydroxyproline-proteins. 相似文献
不同氮浓度处理下早衰型大豆徐州424叶片净光合速率均比苏协1号和1138-2低。这种差异与比叶重、叶厚度、栅栏细胞形状及RuBP羧化酶活力有关。 离体叶片的失绿进程可分滞后期和对数期两个阶段。滞后期的长短与叶片光合功能期有一定关系,但与光合速率无关。滞后期以1138-2最长,苏协1号次之,徐州424最短。 在4m mol/L氮浓度以下,叶片净光合速率随氮处理浓度增加而上升,超过4m mol/L以后,上升缓慢或不再上升,这是一种两次形曲线的反映方式。但单株干物重则呈线性反应方式。叶片可溶性蛋白质含量与光合速率也呈线性关系。徐州424的净光合速率/可溶性蛋白质量之比为0.864,苏协1号和1138-2分别为1.103和1.144。 相似文献
Abstract What causes species richness to vary among different groups of organisms? Two hypotheses are that large geographical ranges and fast life history either reduce extinction rates or raise speciation rates, elevating a clade's rate of diversification. Here we present a comparative analysis of these hypotheses using data on the phylogenetic relationships, geographical ranges and life history of the terrestrial mammal fauna of Australia. By comparing species richness patterns to null models, we show that species are distributed nonrandomly among genera. Using sister‐clade comparisons to control for clade age, we then find that faster diversification is significantly associated with larger geographical ranges and larger litters, but there is no evidence for an effect of body size or age at first breeding on diversification rates. We believe the most likely explanation for these patterns is that larger litters and geographical ranges increase diversification rates because they buffer species from extinction. We also discuss the possibility that positive effects of litter size and range size on diversification rates result from elevated speciation rates. 相似文献
Marcio R. Pie Marcel K. Tschá 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2009,63(11):3023-3030
The availability of increasingly comprehensive phylogenies has provided unprecedented opportunities to assess macroevolutionary patterns, yet studies on invertebrate diversification are few. In particular, despite the ecological and evolutionary importance of ants, little is known about their tempo and mode of diversification. Recent advances in ant phylogenetics can now provide a basis for rigorous analyses of the diversification of ant lineages. The goals of the present study are threefold. First, we demonstrate that a hypothesized disproportionate increase in ant diversification during the angiosperm radiation is largely artifactual. Rather, current evidence points to a fairly constant rate of lineage growth during its history. Moreover, an analysis of diversification patterns across the ant phylogeny indicates considerable rate heterogeneity among lineages. Indeed, and contrary to the expectation if lineages had experienced a single rate of lineage increase, we found no correspondence between genus age and diversity. Finally, we demonstrate a statistically significant phylogenetic signal in ant diversification: closely related genera have diversities that are more similar to one another than one would expect by chance. This suggests that the capacity for diversification may be itself a biological trait that evolved during the radiation of the family Formicidae. 相似文献
Simpson C Kiessling W Mewis H Baron-Szabo RC Müller J 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2011,65(11):3274-3284
Understanding historical patterns of diversity dynamics is of paramount importance for many evolutionary questions. The fossil record has long been the only source of information on patterns of diversification, but the molecular record, derived from time-calibrated phylogenies, is becoming an important additional resource. Both fossil and molecular approaches have shortcomings and biases. These have been well studied for fossil data but much less so for molecular data and empirical comparisons between approaches are lacking. Here, we compare the patterns of diversification derived from fossil and molecular data in scleractinian reef coral species. We also assess the robustness of molecular diversification rates to poor taxon sampling. We find that the temporal pattern of molecular diversification rates is robust to incomplete sampling when rates are calculated per interval. The major obstacle of molecular methods is that rate estimates are distorted because diversification rates can never be negative, whereas the fossil record suffers from incomplete preservation and inconsistent taxonomy. Nevertheless, the molecular pattern of diversification is comparable to the pattern we observe in the fossil record, with the timing of major diversification pulses coinciding in each dataset. For example, both agree that the end-Triassic coral extinction was a catastrophic bottleneck in scleractinian evolution. 相似文献