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丝盖伞属裂盖组Inocybe sect. Rimosae sensu lato是一个分类难度较大的类群,组内的一些种类被认为是复合种。分子系统发育分析表明该组并非单系群,该组成员隶属于丝盖伞科下的2个属级分支,Inosperma分支和Pseudosperma分支。本文结合形态学特征和分子序列分析,对我国丝盖伞属裂盖组进行了分类学研究,发现3个新种:长白丝盖伞Inocybe changbaiensis、新茶褐丝盖伞I. neoumbrinella和云南丝盖伞I. yunnanensis。长白丝盖伞和新茶褐丝盖伞产自中国东北,前者生于针阔混交林下,后者生于柳树林下;云南丝盖伞产自云南省昆明市,生于阔叶树下。基于LSU序列的系统发育分析结果显示,长白丝盖伞隶属于Inosperma分支,新茶褐丝盖伞和云南丝盖伞隶属于Pseudosperma分支。本文对此进行了形态描述和特征图示,并讨论了新种与近缘种之间的异同。编制了中国丝盖伞属裂盖组已知种类的分种检索表。  相似文献   

Astragalus rahiminejadii , a new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. This species, which belongs to section Astragalus , is confined to the western part of Iran (Prov. Kermanshah) and is known only from a single population. Seed testa morphology as viewed under the scanning electron microscope is discussed and photomicrographs are provided. In addition, the geographical distribution and ecology of the species belonging to this section are discussed.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 363–368.  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Brachiatae is revised in this paper. Twenty-four species and four varieties are recognized. They are keyed, described, and illustrated in most cases, and classified into two series. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, and its systematic position and origin are discussed. A western Himalayan species, C. graveolens Lindl., which has long been misplaced in the C. orientalis group (sect. Meclatis), is transferred to sect. Brachiatae on the basis of its floral structure being identical with that of C. brachiata Thunb. and its allies. Two new combinations, sect. Brachiatae Snoeijer ser. Wightianae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang and ser. Dissectae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang, are made, and two species, C. zaireensis W. T. Wang and C. bowkeri Burtt Davy, are described as new.  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的对枝铁线莲组sect. Brachiatae进行了全面修订,确定此组共含24种和4变种(包括2新种),写出了此组的分类学简史和地理分布,对其在铁线莲属中的系统位置和起源以及组下分类进行了讨论;还写出了组下分类群检索表,以及每系和每种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。本组各种的花构造相当一致:萼片4,镊合状排列,水平开展,白色,通常呈长圆形、卵形或披针形,只在2进化种呈宽椭圆形,外面边缘上密被短绒毛;雄蕊花丝狭条形,被柔毛,花药通常长圆形或狭长圆形,无毛,药隔顶端通常不突出;心皮密被柔毛。上述花构造与威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis 的花构造极为相似,与后者的区别仅在于本组被毛的雄蕊花丝。本组是在1992年由黄花铁线莲组sect. Meclatis (萼片4,通常向斜上方开展,黄色,卵形、长圆形或披针形;花丝由于下部变宽而呈狭披针形,被柔毛)中分出建立的,可能与黄花铁线莲组有亲缘关系,并可能同自威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出。本组的叶变异较大,自单叶至三出复叶、1-3回羽状复叶,最后到3-4回羽状细裂,表现出一明显演化趋势。根据叶的上述特征,以及萼片形状,本组被划分为2系。第1系,对枝铁线莲系ser. Wightianae: 叶为单叶、三出复叶或1-2(-3)回羽状复叶,萼片呈长圆形至披针形,含22种,其中20种分布于科摩罗、马达加斯加、毛里求斯、非洲大陆和阿拉伯半岛西南部,另2种分别分布于印度南部和喜马拉雅山区西部。第2系,细裂铁线莲系ser. Dissectae: 叶3-4回羽状全裂,萼片呈宽椭圆形,含2种,特产马达加斯加。本组各种植物中具单叶的只有1种,即盒子草铁线莲C. actinostemmatifolia (特产科摩罗)。特产马达加斯加的伏毛铁线莲C. strigillosa和特产毛里求斯及马达加斯加的毛里求斯铁线莲C. mauritiana的叶全部为三出复叶。特产非洲大陆中部的扎伊尔铁线莲C. zaireensis的叶多数为三出复叶,有少数叶为具5枚小叶的羽状复叶;此种与产马达加斯加的伏毛铁线莲相近缘,但比后者进化,可能系由后者或后者的近缘种演化而来,并代表了非洲大陆对枝铁线莲组的原始类型,因为非洲大陆该组的其他13种均具1-2回羽状复叶。此外,特产印度南部的怀特铁线莲C. wightiana具1回羽状复叶,特产喜马拉雅山区西部的浓香铁线莲C. graveolens则具2-3回羽状复叶。根据上述,推测科摩罗、马达加斯加和毛里求斯这一群岛地区可能是对枝铁线莲组的起源中心。  相似文献   

Twenty-six species and eight varieties of Sect.Viscidipubes & Sect.Albibractea are endemic to Asia.Most species of Sect.Viscidipubes are distributed from low to high altitudes and cold areas in the Hengduan-Himalayan Mountains,with only a few species extending to E or S Asia.Sect.Albibractea is distributed mainly in the subtropics and tropics,lower altitudes and moist areas in S & SE Asia,with a few species extending to the Qinling range of China.Both sections are more advanced than the other sections.They were studied by cladistic analysis and outgroup comparison.Data matrix of 55 characters from stems,leaves,inflorescences,female flowers,bisexual flowers,achenes,pollen grains and chemical constitution was employed in separate and combined studies.Eighteen most parsimonious cladograms were generated with 358 steps,consistency index of 0.72 and retention index of 0.87. 1.Within Artemisia,Sect.Viscidipubes and Sect.Albibractea are sister groups to all the other groups. 2.We support the idea to separate Sect.Viscidipubes (incl.Ser.Viscidipubes,Ser.Erlangshanenses and Ser. Pleiocephalea) and Sect.Albibractea (incl.Ser.Albibractea,Ser.Flaccidae and Ser. Anomalae).The authors suggest that Ser.Anomalae include A.deversa and Ser.Erlangshanenses include A.zayuensis and A.yadongensis as well as Ser.Viscidipubes include A.gyitangensis and A.boreali-siamensis.As the result of the cladistic analysis,the authors tend to propose a new series, Ser.Tanguticae,incl.A.tangutica in the section. 3.We consider that SW China,especially W Sichuan,is the speciation center and the tration of the present distribution center.4.A.boreali-siamensis,only in N Thailand,is not related to the widely distributed species in Ser.Pleiocephalae,such as A.atrovirens,A.chingii and A.myriantha,but rather closely related to species,such as A.vexans,A.occidentali-sichuanensis,which are endemic to W.Sichuan and E.Xizang.  相似文献   

Two new species, Astragalus ghahremaninejadii and A. kharvanensis are described from Iran and illustrated. They belong to A. sect. Dissitiflori , which contains species with bifurcate hairs. The first is similar to A. pendulinus, A. baldschuanicus, A. kustanaicus and properly A. marguzaricus and only known from a single collection close to the Turkmenistan frontier. The second shows morphological similarities with A. dendroproselius especially A. viridis. Also A. dendroproselius is reported as a new record for the flora of Iran.  相似文献   

对毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis的菝葜叶铁线莲组sect. Naraveliopsis进行了全面修订, 确定此组共含21种1亚种和1变种; 写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并讨论了此组在铁线莲属中的系统位置; 将此组划分为3亚组, 写出分亚组、分种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有多数种的墨线图。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下重要演化趋势: (1)叶从单叶演变到二回羽状复叶或二回三出复叶; (2)花从两性到单性, 从无退化雄蕊到有退化雄蕊; (3)雄蕊从无毛到有毛; (4)药隔突起从短(0.5-0.7 mm)到长(8.5-10 mm)。根据上述演化趋势,花两性、雄蕊被毛、退化雄蕊存在的荔波铁线莲亚组subsect. Liboenses(1种,特产贵州荔波)和花由两性变为单性的亚组subsect. Macgregorianae(2种,特产菲律宾)被认为是菝葜叶铁线莲组的进化群。在原始的菝葜叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Smilacifoliae(花两性,雄蕊无毛; 18种,广布亚洲热带地区)中,具单叶,花无退化雄蕊,药隔突起较短的菝葜叶铁线莲C. smilacifolia和滇南铁线莲C. fulvicoma被认为是较原始的种,而具三出复叶和退化雄蕊的C. vietnamensis和丝铁线莲C. loureiriana,以及具羽状复叶和长药隔突起(长达10 mm)的C. papillosa等3种则被认为是此亚组的进化种。自中南半岛北部山地向西经云贵高原南部至喜马拉雅东部山区集中分布有菝葜叶铁线莲组的13种植物,这一山区地带被认为是此组的分布中心。在此山区地带中,菝葜叶铁线莲的分布区和滇南铁线莲的分布区重叠部分的山区可能是此组的起源中心。  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis的黄花铁线莲组sect. Meclatis进行了全面修订, 确定此属含13种和13变种(包括1新变种和2新变种等级); 写出了此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并对其在铁线莲属中的系统位置和组内诸种的亲缘关系进行了讨论; 还写出了此组的分种、分变种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有各种的插图。此组的花构造与对枝铁线莲组sect. Brachiatae的近似, 与后者在亲缘关系上相近, 区别在于此组的萼片通常斜上方开展, 呈黄色, 被毛的花丝下部变宽, 呈狭披针形, 而在对枝铁线莲组, 萼片水平开展, 呈白色, 被毛的雄蕊花丝呈狭条形, 下部不变宽; 二组可能均起源于欧洲铁线莲组的sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis, 因此, 均应是隶属欧洲铁线莲亚属subgen. Clematis的成员。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下演化趋势: (1)叶的颜色由于适应干旱气候, 由绿色变为灰绿色; (2)卵形或宽卵形、掌状分裂、边缘具齿的小叶可能是原始的特征, 而披针形或条形、不分裂、全缘的小叶是衍生的特征; (3)单独、顶生、只是花梗的花是由具花序梗和二苞片的聚伞花序发生减化(reduction)而衍生的; (4)萼片形状的演化趋势与小叶形状的演化趋势近似, 也由卵形演变到披针形或条形; (5)萼片内面无毛是原始现象, 而被毛则是衍生现象; (6)萼片顶端无突起是原始现象, 出现突起则为衍生现象; (7)花药形状由长圆形演变到狭长圆形和条形。根据上述演化趋势, 推测具较多原始特征的甘川铁线莲C. akebioides和甘青铁线莲C. tangutica为此组的原始种, 而具较多衍生特征的尾尖铁线莲C. caudigera和角萼铁线莲C. corniculata为此组的进化种。组成世界屋脊的青藏高原西缘、帕米尔高原和邻近山地集中分布有此组10种(包括7特有种), 当是此组的分布中心; 而甘川铁线莲和甘青铁线莲二种分布区的主要重叠部分所在的青藏高原东缘则可能是此组的起源中心。过去,一些铁线莲属专家将属于欧洲铁线莲组的C. ispahanica Boiss.和属于对枝铁线莲组的C. graveolens Lindl.误置于黄花铁线莲组中, 对此, 本文予以纠正。  相似文献   

Verbesina sect.Pseudomontanoa is revised. The last treatment of the group byRobinson & Greenman (1899) recognized 5 species; the present treatment recognizes 12 species, 3 of which (V. breedlovei, V. cronquistii andV. olsenii) are described as new. A key to species, phyletic diagram and distribution maps are provided.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

A diagnostic key, and new data are provided for seven species of Astragalus sect. Trachycercis , which occur within the area covered by the Flora of Iran. Astragalus brevipedunculatus Ranjbar is described as new, and A. armeniacus Boiss. is reported as new for the flora of Iran. The micromorphology of the seed coat surface of ten Astragalus taxa has been studied by SEM. Considerably different types of sculpturing at species level and similarities between related taxa were observed. In addition, differences between A . sect. Trachycercis and the closely related sections A . sect. Erioceras and A. sect. Wettsteiniana are discussed. Astragalus durandianus , A. pseudoshebarensis and A. shebarensis , which all have strongly inflated pods, are transferred from A . sect. Erioceras to A. sect. Wettsteiniana. Astragalus brevipedunculatus sp. nov., described from a small region near Aras River in Iran, is the only geographically isolated species of the section. Members of the section prefer habitats from coastal dune climates of the Azarbaijan Sharqi Province to the Armenian and Azarbaijan frontiers, although possibly also growing in the adjacent southern parts of Armenia and Azarbaijan. Astragalus brevipedunculatus sp. nov. is the only species of the section in Iran and neighboring countries that has few pairs of leaflets and is completely glabrous. The new species should be considered as a 'Critically Endangered' (CR) following the IUCN criteria. A distribution map for A. brevipedunculatus and A. armeniacus is presented.  相似文献   

铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级。对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍。写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势:(1)萼片在数目上由  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Tubulosae is revised in this paper. Nine species, two varieties, and three forms are recognized and classified into two subsections. An identification key is provided, and each species is described and illustrated. Brief taxonomic history is given, along with a summary of pollen morphology and geographical distribution. The relationships among the infrasectional groups are also discussed: Subsect. Pinnatae, characterized by its scandent habit, bisexual flowers, white or pinkish, at length spreading, obovate-oblong sepals, and tricolpate pollen, is regarded as the more primitive group, whereas subsect. Tubulosae, characterized by its erect habit, usually polygamous flowers, blue or purple, erect, usually narrowly oblong sepals, and usually pantoporate pollen, is regarded as the more advanced group of the section. Subsect. Pinnatae is believed to have originated from sect. Clematis in Central or East China, and subsect. Tubulosae might be derived from subsect. Pinnatae.  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些种被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级.对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍.写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图.在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势(1)萼片在数目上由4枚演变到8枚,在开展方向上由平展到直上展,在形状上由长圆形到狭条形,在长度上由比雄蕊稍长到2-4倍长于雄蕊,其卷叠式由镊合状到次生的覆瓦状;(2)花药药隔顶端由不具突起到具短或长的突起;(3)雌花退化雄蕊的数目由多数到定数、少数,以至完全消失;(4)花序自当年生枝的叶腋发生演变到与数叶同自老枝的一腋芽中发出.根据上述演化趋势推断本组各亚组间的亲缘关系如下subsect. Dioicae (34种,广布于北美洲和南美洲)的花构造(萼片4,镊合状排列,平展,通常呈长圆形,稍长于雄蕊或近等长,外面边缘被短绒毛;雄蕊花药呈长圆形,药隔顶端无突起;雌花具多数退化雄蕊;花序自当年生枝的叶腋发出)与具两性花的威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis 的花极为相似,区别主要在于本亚组的花为单性,由此判断subsect. Dioicae可能是单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera的原始群,源出于欧洲铁线莲亚组.本组的第二亚组subsect. Lasianthae(2种,分布于北美西南部)与subsect. Dioicae 在亲缘关系上极为相近,区别只在于其花序或具花当年生枝与数叶一同由老枝的一个腋芽中发出,此亚组当是从subsect. Dioicae衍生出的一个小群.第三亚组subsect. Microphyllae(7种,特产澳大利亚)也与subsect. Dioicae相近缘,但此亚组的萼片变狭长,多呈条形或狭条形,常2-4倍长于多少变短的雄蕊,雌花的退化雄蕊数目变少,16-2枚,根据这些进化特征,推测此亚组也源出于subsect. Dioicae.第四亚组subsect. Aristatae (16种,分布于澳大利亚、新几内亚及邻近岛屿)与subsect. Microphyllae 在亲缘关系上相近,但本亚组的花药药隔顶端具短或长的突起而不同,根据此进化特征,推测本亚组系由后者演化而出.第五亚组subsect. Hexapetalae (11种,特产新西兰)的花构造与分布于澳大利亚的subsect. Microphyllae相似,但其萼片为覆瓦状排列,外面边缘不被短绒毛,在多数种多于4枚,为5-8枚而不同.据Godley 的研究,本亚组中的C. afoliata的花有4枚萼片,排成2轮,每轮的2枚萼片均为近镊合状排列;另外,在C. paniculata花的6枚萼片中,4枚为覆瓦状排列,其他2枚有时内向镊合状排列.从上述情况可见此亚组的萼片覆瓦状卷叠式可能是由镊合状卷叠式演变而来的一种次生现象,并由此推测,此亚组可能与subsect. Microphyllae相同,也源自美洲的subsect.Dioicae.最后一个亚组subsect. Insidiosae(2种,特产马达加斯加)的雌花萼片直上展,退化雄蕊完全消失,具有这些进化特征,当是单性铁线莲组的进化群,可能源出自具定数或少数退化雄蕊的subsect. Microphyllae.  相似文献   

1 BrieftaxonomichistoryInthefirstrevisionofthegenusClematisL .madebydeCandolle (1818) ,some 17unisexualspecieswererecognizedandallputinthelargeheterogeneoussectionFlammulaDC .,andtogetherwithotherbisexualspecieswereclassifiedintofivegroups:C .peruvianaDC .andC .caracasanaH .B .K .(=C .guadeloupaePers.)with 14speciesofsect.Clematis,sect.Brachiatae ,sect.Meclatis,andsect.Viornasubsect.Connataewereplacedintothefirstgroup ,whichwasdiag nosedas“Floribuspaniculatis,foliispinnatimbipinnatim…  相似文献   

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