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Extracellular serine protease cascades have evolved in vertebrates and invertebrates to mediate rapid, local reactions to physiological or pathological cues. The serine protease cascade that triggers the Toll signaling pathway in Drosophila embryogenesis shares several organizational characteristics with those involved in mammalian complement and blood clotting. One of the hallmarks of such cascades is their regulation by serine protease inhibitors (serpins). Serpins act as suicide substrates and are cleaved by their target protease, forming an essentially irreversible 1:1 complex. The biological importance of serpins is highlighted by serpin dysfunction diseases, such as thrombosis caused by a deficiency in antithrombin. Here, we describe how a serpin controls the serine protease cascade, leading to Toll pathway activation. Female flies deficient in Serpin-27A produce embryos that lack dorsal-ventral polarity and show uniform high levels of Toll signaling. Since this serpin has been recently shown to restrain an immune reaction in the blood of Drosophila, it demonstrates that proteolysis can be regulated by the same serpin in different biological contexts.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the contributions made by maternal and zygotic genes to the establishment of the expression patterns of four zygotic patterning genes: decapentaplegic (dpp), zerknüllt (zen), twist (twi), and snail (sna). All of these genes are initially expressed either dorsally or ventrally in the segmented region of the embryo, and at the poles. In the segmented region of the embryo, correct expression of these genes depends on cues from the maternal morphogen dorsal (dl). The dl gradient appears to be interpreted on three levels: dorsal cells express dpp and zen, but not twi and sna; lateral cells lack expression of all four genes; ventral cells express twi and sna, but not dpp and zen. dl appears to activate the expression of twi and sna and repress the expression of dpp and zen. Polar expression of dpp and zen requires the terminal system to override the repression by dl, while that of twi and sna requires the terminal system to augment activation by dl. The zygotic expression patterns established by the maternal genes appear to specify autonomous domains that carry out independent developmental programs, insofar as mutations in the genes that are expressed ventrally do not affect the initiation or ontogeny of the expression patterns of the genes that are expressed dorsally, and vice versa. However, interactions between the zygotic genes specific to a particular morphological domain appear to be important for further elaboration of the three levels specified by dl. Two of the genes, dpp and twi, are unaffected by mutations in any of the tested zygotic dorsal-ventral genes, suggesting that dpp and twi are the primary patterning genes for dorsal ectoderm and mesoderm, respectively.  相似文献   



To date, the earliest stage at which the orientation of the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo is distinguishable by asymmetric gene expression is shortly after E5.5. At E5.5, prospective anterior markers are expressed at the distal tip of the embryo, whereas prospective posterior markers are expressed more proximally, close to the boundary with the extraembryonic region.  相似文献   

At least 13 genes control the establishment of dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila embryo and more than 30 genes control the anteroposterior pattern of body segments. Each group of genes is thought to control pattern formation along one body axis, independently of the other group. We have used the expression of the fushi tarazu (ftz) segmentation gene as a positional marker to investigate the relationship between the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. The ftz gene is normally expressed in seven transverse stripes. Changes in the striped pattern in embryos mutant for other genes (or progeny of females homozygous for maternal-effect mutations) can reveal alterations of cell fate resulting from such mutations. We show that in the absence of any of ten maternal-effect dorsoventral polarity gene functions, the characteristic stripes of ftz protein are altered. Normally there is a difference between ftz stripe spacing on the dorsal and ventral sides of the embryo; in dorsalized mutant embryos the ftz stripes appear to be altered so that dorsal-type spacing occurs on all sides of the embryo. These results indicate that cells respond to dorsoventral positional information in establishing early patterns of gene expression along the anteroposterior axis and that there may be more significant interactions between the different axes of positional information than previously determined.  相似文献   

Drosophila females that lack Toll gene activity produce dorsalized embryos, in which all embryonic cells behave like the dorsal cells of the wild-type embryo. Injection of wild-type cytoplasm into young Toll- embryos restores their ability to produce a normal dorsal-ventral pattern in a position-dependent manner. No matter where the cytoplasm is injected relative to the dorsal-ventral axis of the egg shell, the position of the injected cytoplasm defines the ventralmost part of the rescued pattern. Although injection of wild-type cytoplasm into mutants at six other dorsal-group loci also restores the ability to produce lateral and ventral structures, only Toll- embryos lack any residual dorsal-ventral polarity. Experiments suggest that the activity of the Toll product is normally regulated by other dorsal-group genes and that the function of the Toll product is to provide the source for a morphogen gradient in the dorsal-ventral axis of the wild-type embryo.  相似文献   

Dorsal-ventral specification of the Drosophila embryo is mediated by signaling pathways which have been very well described in genetic terms. However, little is known about the physiology of Drosophila development. By imaging patterns of free cytosolic calcium in Drosophila embryos, we found that several calcium gradients are generated along the dorsal-ventral axis. The most pronounced gradient is formed during stage 5, in which calcium levels are high dorsally. Manipulation of the stage 5 calcium gradient affects specification of the amnioserosa, the dorsal-most region of the embryo. We further show that this calcium gradient is inhibited in pipe, Toll, and dorsal mutants, but is unaltered in decapentaplegic (dpp) or punt mutants, suggesting that the stage 5 calcium gradient is formed by a suppression of ventral calcium concentrations. We conclude that calcium plays a role in specification of the dorsal embryonic region.  相似文献   

Within the group of maternal effect genes necessary for the establishment of the dorsal-ventral pattern of the Drosophila embryo, the Toll gene mutates to give a singular variety of embryonic phenotypes. Lack of function alleles produce dorsalized embryos as a recessive maternal effect. Dominant gain of function alleles result in ventralized embryos. Other recessive alleles cause partial dorsalization or lateralization of the embryonic pattern. Gene dosage studies indicate that the dominant ventralized phenotype results from an altered activity of the Toll product. Complementation studies show specific trans interactions between copies of the Toll product. Double mutant phenotypes suggest that the products of several other dorsal-group genes regulate the activity of Toll.  相似文献   

Using in situ hybridization, we describe, for the first time, the profiles of expression of serotonin receptors (Htr/5-HTR) along the dorsal-ventral axis of mouse hippocampus. cRNA probes for most Htrs, excluding Htr6, were used. All hippocampal subregions and the entorhinal cortex cells providing input into the hippocampus were examined. The study shows that some, but not all, Htrs are expressed in the cells of the hippocampal circuitry. At both the subfield and the cell type levels, a somewhat overlapping pattern is observed. Four serotonin receptors, Htr1a, Htr2a, Htr2c and Htr7, display an expression pattern that changes along the dorsal-ventral axis of the hippocampus. Given the proposed functional differentiation of the hippocampus along its long axis, with the dorsal pole more involved in cognitive functions and the ventral pole more involved in mood and anxiety, our results suggest that serotonin receptors enriched in the ventral pole probably contribute to mood- and anxiety-related behaviours.  相似文献   

The early Drosophila embryo is emerging as a premiere model system for the computational analysis of gene regulation in development because most of the genes, and many of the associated regulatory DNAs, that control segmentation and gastrulation are known. The comprehensive elucidation of Drosophila gene networks provides an unprecedented opportunity to apply quantitative models to metazoan enhancers that govern complex patterns of gene expression during development. Models based on the fractional occupancy of defined DNA binding sites have been used to describe the regulation of the lac operon in E. coli and the lysis/lysogeny switch of phage lambda. Here, we apply similar models to enhancers regulated by the Dorsal gradient in the ventral neurogenic ectoderm (vNE) of the early Drosophila embryo. Quantitative models based on the fractional occupancy of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail binding sites raise the possibility that cooperative interactions among these regulatory proteins mediate subtle differences in the vNE expression patterns. Variations in cooperativity may be attributed to differences in the detailed linkage of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail binding sites in vNE enhancers. We propose that binding site occupancy is the key rate-limiting step for establishing localized patterns of gene expression in the early Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   

During blastula and gastrula stages of Xenopus development, cells become progressively and asynchronously committed to a particular germ layer. We have analysed the expression of genes normally expressed in ectoderm, mesoderm or endoderm in individual cells from early and late gastrula embryos, by both in situ hybridization and single-cell RT-PCR. We show that at early gastrula stages, individual cells in the same region may express markers of two or more germ layers, and 'rogue' cells that express a marker outside its canonical domain are also observed at these stages. However, by the late gastrula stage, individual cells express markers that are more characteristic of their position in the embryo, and 'rogue' cells are seen less frequently. These observations exemplify at the gene expression level the observation that cells of the early gastrula are less committed to one germ layer than are cells of the late gastrula embryo. Ectodermal cells induced to form mesendoderm by the addition of Activin respond by activating expression of different mesodermal and endodermal markers in the same cell, recapitulating the response of marginal zone cells in the embryo.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics methods have identified enhancers that mediate restricted expression in the Drosophila embryo. However, only a small fraction of the predicted enhancers actually work when tested in vivo. In the present study, co-regulated neurogenic enhancers that are activated by intermediate levels of the Dorsal regulatory gradient are shown to contain several shared sequence motifs. These motifs permitted the identification of new neurogenic enhancers with high precision: five out of seven predicted enhancers direct restricted expression within ventral regions of the neurogenic ectoderm. Mutations in some of the shared motifs disrupt enhancer function, and evidence is presented that the Twist and Su(H) regulatory proteins are essential for the specification of the ventral neurogenic ectoderm prior to gastrulation. The regulatory model of neurogenic gene expression defined in this study permitted the identification of a neurogenic enhancer in the distant Anopheles genome. We discuss the prospects for deciphering regulatory codes that link primary DNA sequence information with predicted patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

Genetic evidence suggests that the Drosophila ectoderm is patterned by a spatial gradient of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). Here we compare patterns of two related cellular responses, both signal-dependent phosphorylation of the BMP-regulated R-SMAD, MAD, and signal-dependent changes in levels and sub-cellular distribution of the co-SMAD Medea. Our data demonstrate that nuclear accumulation of the co-SMAD Medea requires a BMP signal during blastoderm and gastrula stages. During this period, nuclear co-SMAD responses occur in three distinct patterns. At the end of blastoderm, a broad dorsal domain of weak SMAD response is detected. During early gastrulation, this domain narrows to a thin stripe of strong SMAD response at the dorsal midline. SMAD response levels continue to rise in the dorsal midline region during gastrulation, and flanking plateaus of weak responses are detected in dorsolateral cells. Thus, the thresholds for gene expression responses are implicit in the levels of SMAD responses during gastrulation. Both BMP ligands, DPP and Screw, are required for nuclear co-SMAD responses during these stages. The BMP antagonist Short gastrulation (SOG) is required to elevate peak responses at the dorsal midline as well as to depress responses in dorsolateral cells. The midline SMAD response gradient can form in embryos with reduced dpp gene dosage, but the peak level is reduced. These data support a model in which weak BMP activity during blastoderm defines the boundary between ventral neurogenic ectoderm and dorsal ectoderm. Subsequently, BMP activity creates a step gradient of SMAD responses that patterns the amnioserosa and dorsomedial ectoderm.  相似文献   

To establish the major body axes, late Drosophila oocytes localize determinants to discrete cortical positions: bicoid mRNA to the anterior cortex, oskar mRNA to the posterior cortex, and gurken mRNA to the margin of the anterior cortex adjacent to the oocyte nucleus (the "anterodorsal corner"). These localizations depend on microtubules that are thought to be organized such that plus end-directed motors can move cargoes, like oskar, away from the anterior/lateral surfaces and hence toward the posterior pole. Likewise, minus end-directed motors may move cargoes toward anterior destinations. Contradicting this, cytoplasmic dynein, a minus-end motor, accumulates at the posterior. Here, we report that disruption of the plus-end motor kinesin I causes a shift of dynein from posterior to anterior. This provides an explanation for the dynein paradox, suggesting that dynein is moved as a cargo toward the posterior pole by kinesin-generated forces. However, other results present a new transport polarity puzzle. Disruption of kinesin I causes partial defects in anterior positioning of the nucleus and severe defects in anterodorsal localization of gurken mRNA. Kinesin may generate anterodorsal forces directly, despite the apparent preponderance of minus ends at the anterior cortex. Alternatively, kinesin I may facilitate cytoplasmic dynein-based anterodorsal forces by repositioning dynein toward microtubule plus ends.  相似文献   

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