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Light microscopy histology of efferent ductules and the ultrastructural organization of their epithelium were studied in the fan‐throated lizard Sitana ponticeriana Cuvier. The ductules of this lizard are extra‐testicular and arise from an extra‐testicular rete testis. A major portion of the ductules is intra‐epididymal and occupies the cephalic end of the epididymis. The ductules differentiate histologically into proximal and distal portions. The epithelium is formed of two major tall columnar cell types, the non‐ciliated and ciliated, and one minor cell type, the basal cells. Dark cells were also identified. The non‐ciliated cells possess microvilli towards the luminal end, tubular coated pits at the bases of the microvilli, coated vesicles in the apical cytoplasm and multivesicular bodies, lysosomes and mitochondria in the supranuclear and perinuclear cytoplasm, which reflects their role in the uptake of the material they are processing. These cells also participate in spermiophagy. The ciliated cells reflect their role in mixing the luminal content and/or its transport to the distal parts of the male tract. The lizard efferent ductules share many features in common with those of mammals and a crocodile and several other features with birds and a turtle. Spermiophagy by the efferent ductules is reported here for the first time in a reptile.  相似文献   

The efferent ductules of the pigeon are localized in the epididymal region and are topographically divided into proximal and distal, both portions being lined with stereociliated pseudostratified epithelium. Transmission electron microscopy shows five distinct cell types: light, dark, and angular non-ciliated cells with possible apocrine secretory role cells and halo cells, possibly intraepithelial leucocytes. The proximal efferent ductules have the widest diameter among all ductules in the epididymal region.  相似文献   

H O Goyal 《Acta anatomica》1983,117(4):321-330
The appendix epididymidis and aberrant ductules possessed similar morphological characteristics. The epithelium was 31 +/- 3 microns in height and consisted primarily of ciliated and nonciliated cells, although a few lymphocytes were also present. The ultrastructure of major cell types showed most cell organelles in their cytoplasm. However, these organelles were poorly developed, suggesting that neither cell type performed either a secretory or an absorptive function. Although the vestigial organs and ductuli efferentes were similar in epithelial height and epithelial cell types, there were important morphological differences that were reliably used to differentiate between the two. First, the luminal diameter was significantly smaller in the vestigial organs (60 +/- 12 vs. 146 +/- 44 microns in the ductuli efferentes). Second, the nonciliated cells of the vestigial organs, unlike those of the ductuli efferentes, lacked both dense granules and vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Finally, the tubular cross-sections of the vestigial organs were closely packed and were located at the tip of the caput epididymidis in the case of the appendix epididymidis, and between the lobules of the ductuli efferentes in the case of the aberrant ductules.  相似文献   

The morphology of the aqueductus vestibuli enjoys considerable attention as it may possibly play a role in the cause of Ménière's disease. In this study, silicone rubber casts of human temporal bones were used, and the aqueductus vestibuli was then measured by means of a reflection microscope. By this method the morphometry of the aqueductus vestibuli was determined accurately.  相似文献   

1) Two efferent neurone populations - mitral and tufted cells - are present in the main structure of the rat olfactory bulb. 2) The tufted cells, whose axons leave the olfactory bulb, are scattered throughout the whole of the outer plexiform layer and some of them lie in the periglomelural layer. 3) The axons of some of the tufted cells lead to the rostral part of the prepyriform cortex (the anterior olfactory nucleus). 4) Our findings do not indicate that the tufted cells ensure monosynapltic interbulbar connection.  相似文献   

Estrogen's presence in the male reproductive system has been known for over 60 years, but its potential function in the epididymis remains an important area of investigation. Estrogen is synthesized by germ cells, producing a relatively high concentration in rete testis fluid. There are two estrogen receptors (ESR), the presence of which in the head of the epididymis is well documented and consistent between species; however, in other regions of the epididymis, their expression appears to be isotype, species, and cell specific. ESR1 is expressed constitutively in the epididymis; however, its presence is downregulated by high doses of estrogen, making the design of experiments complicated, as the phenotype of the Cyp19a1(-/-) mouse does not resemble that of the Esr1(-/-) mouse. Ligand-independent and DNA-binding Esr1 mutant models further demonstrate the complexity and importance of both signaling pathways in maintenance of efferent ductules and epididymis. Data now reveal the presence of not only classical nuclear receptors, but also cytoplasmic ESR and rapid responding membrane receptors; however, their importance in the epididymis remains undetermined. ESR1 regulates ion transport and water reabsorption in the efferent ducts and epididymis, and its regulation of other associated genes is continually being uncovered. In the male, some genes, such as Aqp9 and Slc9a3, contain both androgen and estrogen response elements and are dually regulated by these hormones. While estrogen pathways are a necessity for fertility in the male, future studies are needed to understand the interplay between androgens and estrogens in epididymal tissues, particularly in cell types that contain both receptors and their cofactors.  相似文献   

The nucleus lateralis posterior-pulvinar complex of the thalamus displays an integrative function. The efferent connections of this nuclear group were examined by the authors in the cat. In their work, they utilized also the earlier observations on the afferent connections of the nucleus. The nuclear complex projects to the associative fields encompassed by the visual- and the acoustic cortex without intruding into the primary cortical areas. On the other hand, its afferent connections are, apart from the associative field, also yielded by the primary visual and acoustic cortex. All this is completed by the reciprocal connections of the LP-pulvinar complex with the visual- and acoustic system, as well as between the associative areas of the cortex.  相似文献   

Single units were recorded through glass microelectrodes placed on the optic disk or on the retina of the opened eye of the frog (Rana catesbiana). Units were classified as A-, B-, and C-fibers according to conduction velocities. By the method of collision between naturally elicited and electrically elicited impulses, many of the B-fibers and some A- and C-fibers, which showed unusual behavior to photic stimulation, were found to be efferent fibers. Retinal effects of the efferent nerves were studied by repetitive stimulation and cooling of the optic nerve. The effects were found to be both inhibitory and excitatory.  相似文献   

Out of 49 serially studied juxtaglomerular apparatuses, 6 typical variants from two normal human kidneys were reconstructed graphically. The agranular Goormaghtigh cells filled the entire space between the macula densa, the afferent and the efferent arterioles and the glomerular mesangium. The Goormaghtigh cells were always in direct contact with all the other structures. They also invariably continued into the glomerular mesangium. The distal tubule regularly showed widening in the macula densa segment and, at this level, there was considerable variation in the shape of the distal tubule. Direct contact between the macula densa and the hilar arterioles was not always present, the area of contact was usually greater with the afferent than with the efferent arteriole.  相似文献   

Rats immunized with an emulsion of Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumour and Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) excreted large amounts of urinary protein from the 14th week after the initial immunization. The amount of urinary protein increased progressively and, after 1 year, reached over 1 g/day. Kidneys removed from immunized rats at 10 weeks, 24 weeks and 1 year after the initial immunization were examined by immunofluorescence, light and electron microscopy. By immunofluorescence microscopy, granular deposits of rat immunoglobulins (Igs) were observed along the glomerular capillary walls from the 10th week until the end of the observation period. Glomerular membranous transformation was observed from the 24th week by light microscopy. The glomerular capillary walls were thickened and argyrophilic spikes and vacuolations were detected. At 1 year the severity of these changes was increased. Electron microscopic examination showed only a few electron-dense deposits after 10 weeks, but after 24 weeks numerous electron-dense deposits were detected in all glomeruli, the glomerular basement membrane was thickened and irregular and podocyte foot processes were effaced. At 1 year, dense deposits were located intramembranously and their density decreased from the circumference to the centre. Lesions characteristic of human membranous nephritis were observed in this model, the appearances at 10 weeks, 24 weeks and 1 year corresponding to stages I, II and III, respectively, of the classification of Ehrenreich and Churg (1968). Comparison of the immunohistochemical abnormalities in this model and in Heymann nephritis revealed antigenic cross-reactivity; there appears to be common antigenicity between the immune deposits in the glomeruli in both models, cell surface antigens in the EHS tumour and those located in the cell surface antigens in the brush borders of proximal convoluted tubules. Although the antigens responsible have not yet been clearly identified, in this paper I describe a new model of membranous nephritis, tentatively termed EHS nephropathy.  相似文献   

Nude mice are not hairless. A morphological study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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