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Generalized estimating equations (GEE) for the analysis of clustered data have gained increasing popularity. Recently, the first monograph on this method has been published. GEE have been repeatedly applied in controlled clinical trials. They have, however, been generally used as secondary or supplementary analysis. Instead, the primary analysis was mostly based on a classical method that usually ignored the clustered – mostly longitudinal – nature of the data. In this paper, we discuss the applicability of GEE as primary analysis in controlled clinical trials. From theoretical results in the literature, we derive recommendations how GEE should be used in therapeutic studies for testing statistical hypotheses. We hope that our paper is the starting point for a thorough discussion on the most appropriate analysis of controlled clinical trials with clustered dependent variables. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Wei Pan 《Biometrics》2001,57(2):529-534
Model selection is a necessary step in many practical regression analyses. But for methods based on estimating equations, such as the quasi-likelihood and generalized estimating equation (GEE) approaches, there seem to be few well-studied model selection techniques. In this article, we propose a new model selection criterion that minimizes the expected predictive bias (EPB) of estimating equations. A bootstrap smoothed cross-validation (BCV) estimate of EPB is presented and its performance is assessed via simulation for overdispersed generalized linear models. For illustration, the method is applied to a real data set taken from a study of the development of ewe embryos.  相似文献   

Generalized linear model analyses of repeated measurements typically rely on simplifying mathematical models of the error covariance structure for testing the significance of differences in patterns of change across time. The robustness of the tests of significance depends, not only on the degree of agreement between the specified mathematical model and the actual population data structure, but also on the precision and robustness of the computational criteria for fitting the specified covariance structure to the data. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) solutions utilizing the robust empirical sandwich estimator for modeling of the error structure were compared with general linear mixed model (GLMM) solutions that utilized the commonly employed restricted maximum likelihood (REML) procedure. Under the conditions considered, the GEE and GLMM procedures were identical in assuming that the data are normally distributed and that the variance‐covariance structure of the data is the one specified by the user. The question addressed in this article concerns relative sensitivity of tests of significance for treatment effects to varying degrees of misspecification of the error covariance structure model when fitted by the alternative procedures. Simulated data that were subjected to monte carlo evaluation of actual Type I error and power of tests of the equal slopes hypothesis conformed to assumptions of ordinary linear model ANOVA for repeated measures except for autoregressive covariance structures and missing data due to dropouts. The actual within‐groups correlation structures of the simulated repeated measurements ranged from AR(1) to compound symmetry in graded steps, whereas the GEE and GLMM formulations restricted the respective error structure models to be either AR(1), compound symmetry (CS), or unstructured (UN). The GEE‐based tests utilizing empirical sandwich estimator criteria were documented to be relatively insensitive to misspecification of the covariance structure models, whereas GLMM tests which relied on restricted maximum likelihood (REML) were highly sensitive to relatively modest misspecification of the error correlation structure even though normality, variance homogeneity, and linearity were not an issue in the simulated data.Goodness‐of‐fit statistics were of little utility in identifying cases in which relatively minor misspecification of the GLMM error structure model resulted in inadequate alpha protection for tests of the equal slopes hypothesis. Both GEE and GLMM formulations that relied on unstructured (UN) error model specification produced nonconservative results regardless of the actual correlation structure of the repeated measurements. A random coefficients model produced robust tests with competitive power across all conditions examined. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Missing data are a common problem in longitudinal studies in the health sciences. Motivated by data from the Muscatine Coronary Risk Factor (MCRF) study, a longitudinal study of obesity, we propose a simple imputation method for handling non-ignorable non-responses (i.e., when non-response is related to the specific values that should have been obtained) in longitudinal studies with either discrete or continuous outcomes. In the proposed approach, two regression models are specified; one for the marginal mean of the response, the other for the conditional mean of the response given non-response patterns. Statistical inference for the model parameters is based on the generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach. An appealing feature of the proposed method is that it can be readily implemented using existing, widely-available statistical software. The method is illustrated using longitudinal data on obesity from the MCRF study.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies are often applied in biomedical research and clinical trials to evaluate the treatment effect. The association pattern within the subject must be considered in both sample size calculation and the analysis. One of the most important approaches to analyze such a study is the generalized estimating equation (GEE) proposed by Liang and Zeger, in which “working correlation structure” is introduced and the association pattern within the subject depends on a vector of association parameters denoted by ρ. The explicit sample size formulas for two‐group comparison in linear and logistic regression models are obtained based on the GEE method by Liu and Liang. For cluster randomized trials (CRTs), researchers proposed the optimal sample sizes at both the cluster and individual level as a function of sampling costs and the intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC). In these approaches, the optimal sample sizes depend strongly on the ICC. However, the ICC is usually unknown for CRTs and multicenter trials. To overcome this shortcoming, Van Breukelen et al. consider a range of possible ICC values identified from literature reviews and present Maximin designs (MMDs) based on relative efficiency (RE) and efficiency under budget and cost constraints. In this paper, the optimal sample size and number of repeated measurements using GEE models with an exchangeable working correlation matrix is proposed under the considerations of fixed budget, where “optimal” refers to maximum power for a given sampling budget. The equations of sample size and number of repeated measurements for a known parameter value ρ are derived and a straightforward algorithm for unknown ρ is developed. Applications in practice are discussed. We also discuss the existence of the optimal design when an AR(1) working correlation matrix is assumed. Our proposed method can be extended under the scenarios when the true and working correlation matrix are different.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of bias in the estimation of the association parameters for longitudinal binary responses when there are drop-outs. A number of different estimating equation approaches are considered for the case where drop-out cannot be assumed to be a completely random process. In particular, standard generalized estimating equations (GEE), GEE based on conditional residuals, GEE based on multivariate normal estimating equations for the covariance matrix, and second-order estimating equations (GEE2) are examined. These different GEE estimators are compared in terms of finite sample and asymptotic bias under a variety of drop-out processes. Finally, the relationship between bias in the estimation of the association parameters and bias in the estimation of the mean parameters is explored.  相似文献   

Modeling individual heterogeneity in capture probabilities has been one of the most challenging tasks in capture–recapture studies. Heterogeneity in capture probabilities can be modeled as a function of individual covariates, but correlation structure among capture occasions should be taking into account. A proposed generalized estimating equations (GEE) and generalized linear mixed modeling (GLMM) approaches can be used to estimate capture probabilities and population size for capture–recapture closed population models. An example is used for an illustrative application and for comparison with currently used methodology. A simulation study is also conducted to show the performance of the estimation procedures. Our simulation results show that the proposed quasi‐likelihood based on GEE approach provides lower SE than partial likelihood based on either generalized linear models (GLM) or GLMM approaches for estimating population size in a closed capture–recapture experiment. Estimator performance is good if a large proportion of individuals are captured. For cases where only a small proportion of individuals are captured, the estimates become unstable, but the GEE approach outperforms the other methods.  相似文献   

The generalized estimating equations (GEE) derived by Liang and Zeger to analyze longitudinal data have been used in a wide range of medical and biological applications. To make regression a useful and meaningful statistical tool, emphasis should be placed not only on inference or fitting, but also on diagnosing potential data problems. Most of the usual diagnostics for linear regression models have been generalized for GEE. However, global influence measures based on the volume of confidence ellipsoids are not available for GEE analysis. This article presents an extension of these measures that is valid for correlated‐measures regression analysis using GEEs. The proposed measures are illustrated by an analysis of epileptic seizure count data arising from a study of prograbide as an adjuvant therapy for partial seizures and some simulated data sets.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data often encounter missingness with monotone and/or intermittent missing patterns. Multiple imputation (MI) has been popularly employed for analysis of missing longitudinal data. In particular, the MI‐GEE method has been proposed for inference of generalized estimating equations (GEE) when missing data are imputed via MI. However, little is known about how to perform model selection with multiply imputed longitudinal data. In this work, we extend the existing GEE model selection criteria, including the “quasi‐likelihood under the independence model criterion” (QIC) and the “missing longitudinal information criterion” (MLIC), to accommodate multiple imputed datasets for selection of the MI‐GEE mean model. According to real data analyses from a schizophrenia study and an AIDS study, as well as simulations under nonmonotone missingness with moderate proportion of missing observations, we conclude that: (i) more than a few imputed datasets are required for stable and reliable model selection in MI‐GEE analysis; (ii) the MI‐based GEE model selection methods with a suitable number of imputations generally perform well, while the naive application of existing model selection methods by simply ignoring missing observations may lead to very poor performance; (iii) the model selection criteria based on improper (frequentist) multiple imputation generally performs better than their analogies based on proper (Bayesian) multiple imputation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for analysing longitudinal data when there are dropouts. In particular, we develop a simple method based on generalized linear mixture models for handling nonignorable dropouts for a variety of discrete and continuous outcomes. Statistical inference for the model parameters is based on a generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach (Liang and Zeger, 1986). The proposed method yields estimates of the model parameters that are valid when nonresponse is nonignorable under a variety of assumptions concerning the dropout process. Furthermore, the proposed method can be implemented using widely available statistical software. Finally, an example using data from a clinical trial of contracepting women is used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Likelihood methods for detecting temporal shifts in diversification rates   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Maximum likelihood is a potentially powerful approach for investigating the tempo of diversification using molecular phylogenetic data. Likelihood methods distinguish between rate-constant and rate-variable models of diversification by fitting birth-death models to phylogenetic data. Because model selection in this context is a test of the null hypothesis that diversification rates have been constant over time, strategies for selecting best-fit models must minimize Type I error rates while retaining power to detect rate variation when it is present. Here I examine model selection, parameter estimation, and power to reject the null hypothesis using likelihood models based on the birth-death process. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) has often been used to select among diversification models; however, I find that selecting models based on the lowest AIC score leads to a dramatic inflation of the Type I error rate. When appropriately corrected to reduce Type I error rates, the birth-death likelihood approach performs as well or better than the widely used gamma statistic, at least when diversification rates have shifted abruptly over time. Analyses of datasets simulated under a range of rate-variable diversification scenarios indicate that the birth-death likelihood method has much greater power to detect variation in diversification rates when extinction is present. Furthermore, this method appears to be the only approach available that can distinguish between a temporal increase in diversification rates and a rate-constant model with nonzero extinction. I illustrate use of the method by analyzing a published phylogeny for Australian agamid lizards.  相似文献   

Liang  Hua; Wu  Hulin; Zou  Guohua 《Biometrika》2008,95(3):773-778
The conventional model selection criterion, the Akaike informationcriterion, AIC, has been applied to choose candidate modelsin mixed-effects models by the consideration of marginal likelihood.Vaida & Blanchard (2005) demonstrated that such a marginalAIC and its small sample correction are inappropriate when theresearch focus is on clusters. Correspondingly, these authorssuggested the use of conditional AIC. Their conditional AICis derived under the assumption that the variance-covariancematrix or scaled variance-covariance matrix of random effectsis known. This note provides a general conditional AIC but withoutthese strong assumptions. Simulation studies show that the proposedmethod is promising.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic analyses with combined multigene or multiprotein data sets, accounting for differing evolutionary dynamics at different loci is essential for accurate tree prediction. Existing maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian approaches are computationally intensive. We present an alternative approach that is orders of magnitude faster. The method, Distance Rates (DistR), estimates rates based upon distances derived from gene/protein sequence data. Simulation studies indicate that this technique is accurate compared with other methods and robust to missing sequence data. The DistR method was applied to a fungal mitochondrial data set, and the rate estimates compared well to those obtained using existing ML and Bayesian approaches. Inclusion of the protein rates estimated from the DistR method into the ML calculation of trees as a branch length multiplier resulted in a significantly improved fit as measured by the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Furthermore, bootstrap support for the ML topology was significantly greater when protein rates were used, and some evident errors in the concatenated ML tree topology (i.e., without protein rates) were corrected. [Bayesian credible intervals; DistR method; multigene phylogeny; PHYML; rate heterogeneity.].  相似文献   

Surveys often contain qualitative variables for which respondents may select any number of the outcome categories. For instance, for the question “What type of contraception have you used?” with possible responses (oral, condom, lubricated condom, spermicide, and diaphragm), respondents would be instructed to select as many of the outcomes that apply. This situation is known as multiple responses. When the data includes stratification variables, we discuss two approaches: (1) the “GEE” approach which uses logit models directly applying the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method (Liang and Zeger, 1986); and (2) the “GMH” approach which extends the generalized Mantel–Haenszel type estimators (Greenland, 1989) to make inferences across multiple responses. These approaches can also be used for data with dependent observations across strata. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The choice of an appropriate family of linear models for the analysis of longitudinal data is often a matter of concern for practitioners. To attenuate such difficulties, we discuss some issues that emerge when analyzing this type of data via a practical example involving pretest–posttest longitudinal data. In particular, we consider log‐normal linear mixed models (LNLMM), generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), and models based on generalized estimating equations (GEE). We show how some special features of the data, like a nonconstant coefficient of variation, may be handled in the three approaches and evaluate their performance with respect to the magnitude of standard errors of interpretable and comparable parameters. We also show how different diagnostic tools may be employed to identify outliers and comment on available software. We conclude by noting that the results are similar, but that GEE‐based models may be preferable when the goal is to compare the marginal expected responses.  相似文献   

Penalized estimating equations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fu WJ 《Biometrics》2003,59(1):126-132
Penalty models--such as the ridge estimator, the Stein estimator, the bridge estimator, and the Lasso-have been proposed to deal with collinearity in regressions. The Lasso, for instance, has been applied to linear models, logistic regressions, Cox proportional hazard models, and neural networks. This article considers the bridge penalty model with penalty sigma(j)/beta(j)/gamma for estimating equations in general and applies this penalty model to the generalized estimating equations (GEE) in longitudinal studies. The lack of joint likelihood in the GEE is overcome by the penalized estimating equations, in which no joint likelihood is required. The asymptotic results for the penalty estimator are provided. It is demonstrated, with a simulation and an application, that the penalized GEE potentially improves the performance of the GEE estimator, and enjoys the same properties as linear penalty models.  相似文献   

GEE with Gaussian estimation of the correlations when data are incomplete   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper considers a modification of generalized estimating equations (GEE) for handling missing binary response data. The proposed method uses Gaussian estimation of the correlation parameters, i.e., the estimating function that yields an estimate of the correlation parameters is obtained from the multivariate normal likelihood. The proposed method yields consistent estimates of the regression parameters when data are missing completely at random (MCAR). However, when data are missing at random (MAR), consistency may not hold. In a simulation study with repeated binary outcomes that are missing at random, the magnitude of the potential bias that can arise is examined. The results of the simulation study indicate that, when the working correlation matrix is correctly specified, the bias is almost negligible for the modified GEE. In the simulation study, the proposed modification of GEE is also compared to the standard GEE, multiple imputation, and weighted estimating equations approaches. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated using data from a longitudinal clinical trial comparing two therapeutic treatments, zidovudine (AZT) and didanosine (ddI), in patients with HIV.  相似文献   

The present article discusses the use of computational methods based on generalized estimating equations (GEE), as a potential alternative to full maximum-likelihood methods, for performing segregation analysis of continuous phenotypes by using randomly selected family data. The method that we propose can estimate effect and degree of dominance of a major gene in the presence of additional nongenetic or polygenetic familial associations, by relating sample moments to their expectations calculated under the genetic model. It is known that all parameters in basic major-gene models cannot be identified, for estimation purposes, solely in terms of the first two sample moments of data from randomly selected families. Thus, we propose the use of higher (third order) sample moments to resolve this identifiability problem, in a pseudo-profile likelihood estimation scheme. In principle, our methods may be applied to fitting genetic models by using complex pedigrees and for estimation in the presence of missing phenotype data for family members. In order to assess its statistical efficiency we compare several variants of the method with each other and with maximum-likelihood estimates provided by the SAGE computer package in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Wang L  Zhou J  Qu A 《Biometrics》2012,68(2):353-360
We consider the penalized generalized estimating equations (GEEs) for analyzing longitudinal data with high-dimensional covariates, which often arise in microarray experiments and large-scale health studies. Existing high-dimensional regression procedures often assume independent data and rely on the likelihood function. Construction of a feasible joint likelihood function for high-dimensional longitudinal data is challenging, particularly for correlated discrete outcome data. The penalized GEE procedure only requires specifying the first two marginal moments and a working correlation structure. We establish the asymptotic theory in a high-dimensional framework where the number of covariates p(n) increases as the number of clusters n increases, and p(n) can reach the same order as n. One important feature of the new procedure is that the consistency of model selection holds even if the working correlation structure is misspecified. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method using Monte Carlo simulations and demonstrate its application using a yeast cell-cycle gene expression data set.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in the association of a predictor with an outcome will often collect information about that predictor from more than one source. Standard multiple regression methods allow estimation of the effect of each predictor on the outcome while controlling for the remaining predictors. The resulting regression coefficient for each predictor has an interpretation that is conditional on all other predictors. In settings in which interest is in comparison of the marginal pairwise relationships between each predictor and the outcome separately (e.g., studies in psychiatry with multiple informants or comparison of the predictive values of diagnostic tests), standard regression methods are not appropriate. Instead, the generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach can be used to simultaneously estimate, and make comparisons among, the separate pairwise marginal associations. In this paper, we consider maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of these marginal relationships when the outcome is binary. ML enjoys benefits over GEE methods in that it is asymptotically efficient, can accommodate missing data that are ignorable, and allows likelihood-based inferences about the pairwise marginal relationships. We also explore the asymptotic relative efficiency of ML and GEE methods in this setting.  相似文献   

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