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This study reports on the antifungal activities of statins combined with an antifungal compound secreted by Penicillium chrysogenum, PAF. Several species belonging in the class Zygomycetes are considered to be agents of human or animal mycoses; other species have significance as postharvest plant pathogens. In the present work, four species (Rhizopus stolonifer, Mortierella wolfii, Syncephalastrum racemosum and Mycotypha africana) that exhibited different sensitivities to lovastatin and PAF in previous experiments were investigated. The efficiencies with which four statins (lovastatin, simvastatin, rosuvastatin and atorvastatin) inhibited sporangiospore germination in the absence or in the presence of a constant concentration of PAF were studied. PAF and lovastatin acted synergistically on the sporangiospore germination of Mycotypha africana, and similar effects of the combinations PAF-rosuvastatin and PAF-atorvastatin were observed on S. racemosum.  相似文献   

The antifungal protein PAF from Penicillium chrysogenum exhibits growth-inhibitory activity against a broad range of filamentous fungi. Evidence from this study suggests that disruption of Ca2+ signaling/homeostasis plays an important role in the mechanistic basis of PAF as a growth inhibitor. Supplementation of the growth medium with high Ca2+ concentrations counteracted PAF toxicity toward PAF-sensitive molds. By using a transgenic Neurospora crassa strain expressing codon-optimized aequorin, PAF was found to cause a significant increase in the resting level of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c). The Ca2+ signatures in response to stimulation by mechanical perturbation or hypo-osmotic shock were significantly changed in the presence of PAF. BAPTA [bis-(aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid], a Ca2+ selective chelator, ameliorated the PAF toxicity in growth inhibition assays and counteracted PAF induced perturbation of Ca2+ homeostasis. These results indicate that extracellular Ca2+ was the major source of these PAF-induced effects. The L-type Ca2+ channel blocker diltiazem disrupted Ca2+ homeostasis in a similar manner to PAF. Diltiazem in combination with PAF acted additively in enhancing growth inhibition and accentuating the change in Ca2+ signatures in response to external stimuli. Notably, both PAF and diltiazem increased the [Ca2+]c resting level. However, experiments with an aequorin-expressing Δcch-1 deletion strain of N. crassa indicated that the L-type Ca2+ channel CCH-1 was not responsible for the observed PAF-induced elevation of the [Ca2+]c resting level. This study is the first demonstration of the perturbation of fungal Ca2+ homeostasis by an antifungal protein from a filamentous ascomycete and provides important new insights into the mode of action of PAF.The secreted antifungal protein PAF from Penicillium chrysogenum is a small-molecular-mass (6.2 kDa), cationic, and cysteine-rich peptide that inhibits the growth of numerous filamentous fungi (1416, 21). It belongs to a family of antifungal peptides which show—despite considerable amino acid homology—significant differences in species specificity and modes of action (reviewed in reference 27). Importantly, the primary structures of these antifungals show no similarity to those from higher eukaryotes, e.g., plants, insects, or mammals (see reference 28 for a detailed review on parallels with and differences between PAF and antimicrobial proteins from higher eukaryotes and their mechanisms of action). Apart from the Aspergillus giganteus-derived antifungal protein AFP (19, 45; reviewed in reference 29), PAF is one of the best-studied peptides of this protein family. We have shown that PAF causes rapid hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane at hyphal tips, increased K+ efflux, induction of oxidative stress, and apoptotic cell death (21, 25) and that PAF is internalized by hyphae of PAF-sensitive fungi (33). Furthermore, we have shown that PAF interferes with at least two signaling cascades, the protein kinase C/mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and the cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A pathways, which play a role in mediating PAF toxicity (5). However, it still has to be elucidated in more detail how these PAF-dependent effects are linked.Recent evidence indicated that the ionic strength of the growth medium interferes with the antifungal activity of PAF (21). It is possible that Ca2+ ions may play a major role in influencing protein toxicity in an analogous way to the Ca2+-dependent mode of action of antifungal plant defensins. Supplementation of the test medium with low concentrations of CaCl2 (1 to 5 mM) reversed the antifungal activity of plant defensins (34, 4344). The defensins RsAFP2 from the seeds of Raphanus sativus and DmAMP1 from the seeds of Dahlia merckii induced K+ efflux and Ca2+ uptake in Neurospora crassa and caused alkalinization of the growth medium (46). Another seed defensin, MsDef1 from Medicago sativa, was reported to cause Ca2+ influx and the inhibition of mammalian L-type Ca2+ channels, similar to the Ustilago maydis killer toxin KP4 (13, 40).Ca2+ is a universal intracellular second messenger in eukaryotic cells (4, 36). In fungi, there is evidence for Ca2+ signaling regulating numerous processes, including spore germination, tip growth, hyphal branching, sporulation, infection structure differentiation, and circadian clocks, as well as responses to osmotic stress, heat shock, mechanical stimuli, oxidative stress, and electrical fields (7, 11, 17, 20, 22, 3031, 3839, 41, 49). Ca2+ signaling typically involves transient increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations originating from the extracellular medium and/or mobilization from internal stores (4, 23, 3637). Little was known about Ca2+ dynamics in filamentous fungi until a new method based on the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin was adapted, allowing routine and easy measurement of intracellular calcium dynamics in these organisms (3, 30).The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of PAF on the level of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) in the PAF-sensitive target organism N. crassa to characterize its effects on stimulus-specific Ca2+ signatures and to define the Ca2+ sources responsible for the perturbation of Ca2+ homeostasis. By obtaining [Ca2+]c measurements in living cells expressing the bioluminescent Ca2+ reporter aequorin, we provide novel insights into the mode of action of this biotechnologically promising antifungal protein.  相似文献   

A fungal strain, Penicillium chrysogenum A096, was isolated from an Arctic sediment sample. Its culture supernatant inhibited mycelial growth of some plant pathogenic fungi. After saturation of P. chrysogenum A096 culture supernatant with ammonium sulfate and ion exchange chromatography, a novel antifungal protein (Pc-Arctin) was purified and identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS). The gene encoding for Pc-Arctin consisting of 195 nucleotides was cloned from P. chrysogenum A096 to confirm the mass spectrometry result. Pc-Arctin displays antifungal activity against Paecilomyces variotii, Alternaria longipes, and Trichoderma viride at minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 24, 48, and 192 ng/disc, respectively. Pc-Arctin was most sensitive to proteinase K and then to trypsin but insensitive to papain. Pc-Arctin possesses high thermostability and cannot be antagonized by common surfactants, except for sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Divalent ions, such as Mn2+, Mg2+, and Zn2+, inhibited the antifungal activity of Pc-Arctin. Hemagglutination assays showed that Pc-Arctin had no hemagglutinating or hemolytic activity against red blood cells (RBC) from rabbits, rats, and guinea pigs. Therefore, Pc-Arctin from Arctic P. chrysogenum may represent a novel antifungal protein with potential for application in controlling plant pathogenic fungal infection.  相似文献   

The protein PgChP is a new chitosanase produced by Penicillium chrysogenum AS51D that showed antifungal activity against toxigenic molds. Two isoforms were found by SDS-PAGE in the purified extract of PgChP. After enzymatic deglycosylation, only the smaller isoform was observed by SDS-PAGE. Identical amino acid sequences were obtained from the two isoforms. Analysis of the molecular mass by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry revealed six major peaks from 30 to 31 kDa that are related to different levels of glycosylation. The pgchp gene has 1,146 bp including four introns and an open reading frame encoding a protein of 304 amino acids. The translated open reading frame has a predicted mass of 32 kDa, with the first 21 amino acids comprising a signal peptide. Two N glycosylation consensus sequences are present in the protein sequence. The deduced sequence showed high identity with fungal chitosanases. A high level of catalytic activity on chitosan was observed. PgChP is the first chitosanase described from P. chrysogenum. Given that enzymes produced by this mold species are granted generally recognized as safe status, PgChP could be used as a food preservative against toxigenic molds and to obtain chitosan oligomers for food additives and nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum abundantly secretes the small, highly basic and cysteine-rich protein PAF (Penicillium antifungal protein). In this study, the antifungal activity of PAF is described. PAF inhibited the growth of a variety of filamentous fungi, including opportunistic human pathogenic and phytopathogenic fungi, whereas bacterial and yeast cells were unaffected. PAF reduced the conidial germination and hyphal extension rates in a dose-dependent manner and induced severe changes in cell morphology that resulted in crippled and distorted hyphae and atypical branching. Growth-affected hyphae suffered from oxidative stress, plasma membrane leakage, and metabolic inactivity, which points to an induction of multifactorial effects in sensitive fungi. In contrast to other known antifungal proteins, the effects of PAF were only partially antagonized by cations.  相似文献   

The occurrence of d-Ala : d-Lac ligase genes homologous to glycopeptide resistance vanA was studied in samples of agricultural (n=9) and garden (n=3) soil by culture-independent methods. Cloning and sequencing of nested degenerate PCR products obtained from soil DNA revealed the occurrence of d-Ala : d-Ala ligase genes unrelated to vanA. In order to enhance detection of vanA-homologous genes, a third PCR step was added using primers targeting vanA in soil Paenibacillus. Sequencing of 25 clones obtained by this method allowed recovery of 23 novel sequences having 86-100% identity with vanA in enterococci. Such sequences were recovered from all agricultural samples as well as from two garden samples with no history of organic fertilization. The results indicated that soil is a rich and assorted reservoir of genes closely related to those conferring glycopeptide resistance in clinical bacteria.  相似文献   

Using (13)C-labeled glucose fed to a penicillin-overproducing strain of Penicillium chrysogenum, the intracellular fluxes were quantified, and the presence of two new pathways, not previously described in this organism, is suggested. Thus, glycine was synthesized not only by serine hydroxymethyltransferase, but also by threonine aldolase. The formation of cytosolic acetyl-CoA was found to be synthesized both via the citrate lyase-catalyzed reaction and by degradation of the penicillin side-chain precursor, phenoxyacetic acid. Furthermore, the experimental data indicate that the main activities of homocitrate synthase and alpha-isopropylmalate synthase are located in the cytosol. All experimental data on the labeling patterns were obtained using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, which is faster and more sensitive than the nuclear magnetic resonance methods usually applied for analysis of labeling patterns.  相似文献   

The intracellular superoxide and glutathione disulphide concentrations increased in Penicillium chrysogeum treated with 50,250 or 500 μM menadione (MQ). A significant increase in the intracellular peroxide concentration was also observed when mycelia were exposed to 250 or 500 μM MQ. The specific activity of Cu,Zn and Mn superoxide dismutases, glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferase as well as the glutathione producing activity increased in the presence of MQ while glutathione peroxidase and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase were only induced by high intracellular peroxide levels. The glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and catalase activities did not respond to the oxidative stress caused by MQ.  相似文献   

ATP sulfurylases from Penicillium chrysogenum (a mesophile) and from Penicillium duponti (a thermophile) had a native molecular weight of about 440,000 and a subunit molecular weight of about 69,000. (The P. duponti subunit appeared to be a little smaller than the P. chrysogenum subunit.) The P. duponti enzyme was about 100 times more heat stable than the P. chrysogenum enzyme; k inact (the first-order rate constant for inactivation) at 65 degrees C = 3.3 X 10(-4) s-1 for P. duponti and 3.0 X 10(-2) s-1 for P. chrysogenum. The P. duponti enzyme was also more stable to low pH and urea at 30 degrees C. Rabbit serum antibodies to each enzyme showed heterologous cross-reaction. Amino acid analyses disclosed no major compositional differences between the two enzymes. The analogous Km and Ki values of the forward and reverse reactions were also essentially identical at 30 degrees C. At 30 degrees C, the physiologically important adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) synthesis activity of the P. duponti enzyme was 4 U mg of protein-1, which is about half that of the P. chrysogenum enzyme. The molybdolysis and ATP synthesis activities of the P. duponti enzyme at 30 degrees C were similar to those of the P. chrysogenum enzyme. At 50 degrees C, the APS synthesis activity of the P. duponti enzyme was 12 to 19 U mg of protein-1, which was higher than that of the P. chrysogenum enzyme at 30 degrees C (8 +/- 1 U mg of protein-1). Treatment of the P. chrysogenum enzyme with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) at 30 degrees C under nondenaturing conditions modified one free sulfhydryl group per subunit. Vmax was not significantly altered, but the catalytic activity at low magnesium-ATP or SO4(2-) (or MoO4(2-)) was markedly reduced. Chemical modification with tetranitromethane had the same results on the kinetics. The native P. duponti enzyme was relatively unreactive toward DTNB or tetranitromethane at 30 degrees C and pH 8.0 or pH 9.0, but at 50 degrees C and pH 8.0, DTNB rapidly modified one SH group per subunit. APS kinase (the second sulfate-activating enzyme) of P. chrysogenum dissociated into inactive subunits at 42 degrees C. The P. duponti enzyme remained intact and active at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

A new transformation system for the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum is described, based on the use of the homologous acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (facA) gene as a selection marker. Acetate-non-utilizing (Fac) strains of P. chrysogenum were obtained by positive selection for spontaneous resistance to fluoroacetate. Among these fac mutants putative facA strains were selected for a loss of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase activity. The facA gene, coding for the enzyme acetyl-CoA synthetase, was isolated from a P. chrysogenum genomic library using synthetic oligonucleotides derived from conserved regions from the corresponding genes of Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa. Vector pPC2-3, comprising a genomic 6.5 kb PstI fragment, was able to complement P. chrysogenum facA strains with frequencies up to 27 transformants·g–1 DNA. Direct selection of transformants was accomplished using acetate and low amounts (0.001%) of glucose as carbon sources. About 50% of the transformants arose by integration of pPC2-3 DNA at the homologous facA locus and 50% by integration elsewhere in the genome. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of part of the cloned fragment showed the presence of an open reading frame of 2007 nucleotides, interrupted by five putative introns. Comparison of the nucleotide and the amino acid sequence of the facA gene of P. chrysogenum with the facA gene of A. nidulans reveals similarities of 80% and 89%, respectively. The putative introns present in the P. chrysogenum facA gene appear at identical positions as those in the A. nidulans facA gene, but show no significant sequence similarity. Correspondence to: R. F. M.van Gorcom  相似文献   

The incorporation of valine into the LLD-tripeptide, delta-(L-alpha-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine, a precursor of penicillin, was studied by incubating mycelial mats of Penicillium chrysogenum Wis. 49-2105 with double labelled valines. L-valine was incorporated into the LLD-tripeptide without formation of an alpha, beta-didehydrovaline intermediate. Intact D-valine was not incorporated into the LLD-tripeptide.  相似文献   

The activity of protein O‐mannosyltransferases (Pmts) affects the morphogenesis and virulence of fungal pathogens. Recently, PMT genes have been shown to determine the sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the antifungal peptide PAF26. This study reports the identification and characterization of the three Pdpmt genes in the citrus post‐harvest pathogen Penicillium digitatum. The Pdpmt genes are expressed during fungal growth and fruit infection, with the highest induction for Pdpmt2. Pdpmt2 complemented the growth defect of the S. cerevisiae Δpmt2 strain. The Pdpmt2 gene mutation in P. digitatum caused pleiotropic effects, including a reduction in fungal growth and virulence, whereas its constitutive expression had no phenotypic effect. The Pdpmt2 null mutants also showed a distinctive colourless phenotype with a strong reduction in the number of conidia, which was associated with severe alterations in the development of conidiophores. Additional effects of the Pdpmt2 mutation were hyphal morphological alterations, increased sensitivity to cell wall‐interfering compounds and a blockage of invasive growth. In contrast, the Pdpmt2 mutation increased tolerance to oxidative stress and to the antifungal activity of PAF26. These data confirm the role of protein O‐glycosylation in the PAF26‐mediated antifungal mechanism present in distantly related fungal species. Important to future crop protection strategies, this study demonstrates that a mutation rendering fungi more resistant to an antifungal peptide results in severe deleterious effects on fungal growth and virulence.  相似文献   

J A Chan  F C Huang  C J Sih 《Biochemistry》1976,15(1):177-180
Radioactive carbon-14 L-alpha-aminoadipic acid, L-cysteine, or L-valine were readily incorporated into the intracellular tripeptide, delta-(alpha-aminoadipyl)cysteinylvaline (ACV), by washed starved cells of Penicillium chrysogenum. The labeled ACV in each case was oxidized with performic acid and isolated as its corresponding sulfonic acid derivative. After acid hydrolysis, the configuration of the component acids was determined by L- and D-amino acid oxidases, which showed the tripeptide (ACV) from P. chrysogenum to be delta-(L-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine.  相似文献   

In the filamentous fungus Penicillium chrysogenum, microbodies are essential for penicillin biosynthesis. To better understand the role of these organelles in antibiotics production, we determined the matrix enzyme contents of P. chrysogenum microbodies. Using a novel in silico approach, we first obtained a catalogue of 200 P. chrysogenum proteins with putative microbody targeting signals (PTSs). This included two orthologs of proteins involved in cephalosporin biosynthesis, which we demonstrate to be bona fide microbody matrix constituents. Subsequently, we performed a proteomics based inventory of P. chrysogenum microbody matrix proteins using nano-LC-MS/MS analysis. We identified 89 microbody proteins, 79 with a PTS, including the two known microbody-borne penicillin biosynthesis enzymes, isopenicillin N:acyl CoA acyltransferase and phenylacetyl-CoA ligase. Comparative analysis revealed that 69 out of 79 PTS proteins identified experimentally were in the reference list. A prominent microbody protein was identified as a novel fumarate reductase-cytochrome b5 fusion protein, which contains an internal PTS2 between the two functional domains. We show that this protein indeed localizes to P. chrysogenum microbodies. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Two new polyoxygenated steroids, namely, penicisteroids A and B (1 and 2), were obtained from the culture extract of Penicillium chrysogenum QEN-24S, an endophytic fungus isolated from an unidentified marine red algal species of the genus Laurencia. In addition, seven known steroids (3-9) were also isolated and identified. The structures of these compounds were established on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis. The absolute configuration for compound 1 was determined by application of the modified Mosher’s method. Penicisteroid A (1), which is a structurally unique steroid having tetrahydroxy and C-16-acetoxy groups, displayed potent antifungal and cytotoxic activity in the preliminary bioassays. Preliminary structure-activity relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

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