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Australian Acacia species introduced to South Africa as ornamentals have notably smaller invasive ranges than those introduced for forestry or dune stabilization. We asked whether the relatively small invasive extent of Acacia elata, a species used widely for ornamental purposes, is due to low rates of reproduction. Age at reproductive maturity, seed dispersal, annual seed production, seed bank dynamics and seed germination and viability were assessed at five sites in the Western Cape. Results indicate that A. elata has similar traits to other invasive Australia Acacia species: annual seed input into the leaf litter was high (up to 5000 seeds m 2); large seed banks develop (> 20,000 seeds m 2) in established stands; seed germinability is high (> 90%); seeds accumulate mostly in the top soil layers but can infiltrate to depths of 40 cm; and seed germination appears to be stimulated by fire. However the age at the onset of reproduction (~ 4 years) is longer than most widespread invaders (~ 3 years) and dispersal is fairly limited (seeds fell up to distances of 6 m from the parent canopy; the highest density of seed rain was found directly under the canopy with over 20% of seeds falling directly under the terminal branches). We suggest that the current limited distribution of invasive A. elata populations is the result of the relatively small size of initial populations (cf. large plantations and widespread plantings for forestry and dune stabilization species), the species' apparent lack of secondary dispersal vectors, and the planting of trees in gardens and urban settings offer limited opportunities for recruitment, proliferation and spread. The species is, however, increasing in abundance and range. We propose methods to improve management of invasions of the species. Management to reduce seed production of this species through classical biological control, as has been achieved for other Australian Acacia species in South Africa, should be prioritised.  相似文献   

Predation is a key source of seed mortality in many weed species and thus is a part of natural control. In the field, the intensity of seed predation by invertebrates varies during the course of a year. One source of this variation is fluctuations in ambient temperature. Here, the effect of temperature on seed consumption is investigated for the first time, using two abundant carabid seed predators, Pseudoophonus rufipes and Harpalus affinis (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a model system. Field collected individuals were sexed, kept at one of six constant temperatures between 10 and 28 °C and provided with a surplus of seed. Seed consumption was recorded over a period of 4 days. Averaged over all the temperatures, the smaller H. affinis consumed 12.2 seeds day?1 and larger P. rufipes 29 seeds day?1. On average, females consumed more seeds than males. Seed consumption by both species increased with temperature. In H. affinis the increase was linear and different for males and females. In P. rufipes the consumption was similar in both sexes but curvilinear because there was no further increase in consumption above 20 °C. Assuming a linear relationship between temperature and consumption at up to 20 °C we calculated the temperature at which seed consumption ceased (?0.1 to 0.3 °C in H. affinis and 6.3–6.9 °C in P. rufipes) and the increment in seed consumption per 1 °C increase in temperature above this threshold (0.4–1.0 and 1.5–4.2 seeds individual?1 day?1, respectively) for the two species. Thus, it is possible to calculate the average daily consumption of each species over a range of temperatures up to 20 °C.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(2):247-257
The seed damaging fly, Ophiomyia lantanae is a widespread agent that infests the fruits and seeds of Lantana camara. Its effectiveness in reducing seed dispersal or seedling recruitment has not been comprehensively tested. We determined the effects of O. lantanae damage on fruit removal rates of L. camara in a field study. We also investigated recruitment responses (seed germination in growth cabinets and seedling emergence in pot trials) of two common L. camara biotypes, pink and pink-edged red (PER) to O. lantanae damage. We found that fewer damaged fruits were removed than undamaged fruits, suggesting that frugivores select against damaged fruit. In all recruitment experiments, the responses to damage were biotype dependent. In germination experiments, these differential responses were primarily due to significantly reduced germination of damaged PER seeds. Seedling emergence from pots of the PER biotype was also lower in damaged seeds (27.5%) than undamaged seeds (56.1%). In contrast, emergence increased with seed damage in the pink biotype, from 28.2 to 41.1%. O. lantanae damage significantly reduced seed mass only in the smaller seeded PER biotype. In the larger seeded pink biotype, it may have promoted seedling emergence by interfering with dormancy mechanisms. We also examined in situ seed banks at L. camara populations prior to peak seed production. Mean viable seed densities ranged from 78.6 to 402.8 seeds m−2. Of these, non-dormant seeds comprised 24.6 to 98.2 seeds m−2, suggesting that recruitment is unlikely to be seed limited. We conclude that while O. lantanae influences recruitment and dispersal processes, the magnitude of the responses measured are unlikely to greatly influence plant densities in south-east Queensland infestations.  相似文献   

Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Del. (Euphorbiaceae) is a multipurpose, deciduous, and medium sized tree of pantropic occurrence. Because the species has numerous useful qualities (e.g., establishment and growth in disturbed sites, drought tolerance, fast growth rate, copious litter/necromass production, suitability for agroforestry, and ability to attract avian frugivores), its speedy restoration has become increasingly critical. Germination studies were therefore conducted on seeds pooled from five widely located provenances with a view to supporting efforts geared toward the speedy propagation and restoration of this valuable tree species. Seed pretreatments were achieved using various dilution levels of plant-derived smoke–water (1:1, 1:10, 1:100 and 1:1000), as well as gibberellic acid (GA3) or potassium nitrate (KNO3) ranging in concentration from 0.1 to 100 μmol. The control was to use distilled water for seed pretreatment. Seeds were germinated under either illuminated (ca 60 μmol m 2 s 1; cool-white fluorescent lamp) or non-illuminated conditions. Experiments on the impact of seed storage durations, as well as storage temperatures were also conducted. The study found that germination percentage (GP: ca 90%), and mean germination time (MGT: 14 days) were significantly (P < 0.001) better when seeds were pretreated with smoke–water and germinated under non-illuminated conditions, than when these were pretreated with various concentrations of GA3 or KNO3 (GP and MGT of ca 65% and 20 days, respectively). Germination percentage (GP) and germination vigor (GV) declined with increasing storage-time for all storage temperatures, but GV's decline was faster for seeds stored at 22 °C than for those stored at 5 and 15 °C. On the other hand, mean germination time (MGT) increased significantly (P < 0.01) with seed storage-time of up to 8 months at 5, 15, and 22 °C, but the increase was more marked for seeds stored at 22 °C than for those stored at 5 and 15 °C. From these investigations, it is concluded that germination of C. macrostachyus seeds through use of smoke–water is faster, cheaper, and technically less demanding, compared to that of either GA3 or KNO3. The study also concludes that C. macrostachyus is intermediate between orthodox and recalcitrant seeds, and that it is non-photoblastic.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(1):38-42
The density of Zostera marina L. seeds in bottom sediments was examined to study the reproductive patterns of the Z. marina population in Ago Bay, Mie Prefecture, central Japan.Seeds and seed coats were numerous in Tategami, where the annual type of Z. marina grows. In contrast, seeds were scarce in Hamajima, where the perennial type of Z. marina grows. Bottom sediment was sampled with sediment cores at Tategami in November 2004 and March 2005 to examine density and depth distribution of the seeds. Seeds were found as deep as 8 cm, but no deeper. On the other hand, empty seed coats were found as deep as 16 cm in both months. In the upper layers of the sediment to a depth of 8 cm, the average number of seed coats was 7960 ± 2997 m−2 in November and 16,318 ± 2922 m−2 in March. Deeper than 8 cm, the number of seed coats gradually decreased owing to decomposition, and none was found below 16 cm. We used the density of reproductive shoots and number of seeds per spadix in Tategami to estimate the fate of seeds and seed coats of the annual type of Z. marina in bottom sediments: out of the 6000 seeds m−2 produced annually, 72% disappears from the stand and 28% is buried locally. The density and distribution of Z. marina seeds are among the most important factors in maintenance and propagation of the annual population at Tategami.  相似文献   

Non-lethal alternatives are needed to manage bird damage to confectionery and oilseed sunflower crops (Helianthus annuus). Ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) can cause localized damage to newly planted sunflower, and blackbirds (Icterids) damage ripening sunflower annually in the United States of America. We conducted seed germination experiments, a repellent efficacy study with ring-necked pheasants and Avipel® repellent (a.i. 50% 9,10-anthraquinone), and laboratory and field efficacy studies with common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) and Avipel®-treated confectionery sunflower. Compared to the germination of seeds not treated with anthraquinone, we observed no negative effects of up to 12,223 ppm, 14,104 ppm, and 11,569 ppm anthraquinone seed treatments for germination of confectionery sunflower, oilseed sunflower, and canola seeds, respectively. Pheasants avoided emergent sunflower seedlings (12 days post-planting) from 15,800 ppm anthraquinone seed treatments during a caged preference test (P = 0.045). We observed a positive concentration–response relationship (P = 0.001) and predicted a threshold concentration (i.e., 80% repellency) of 9200 ppm anthraquinone for common grackles offered Avipel®-treated confectionery sunflower seeds. Grackles also reliably discriminated between untreated sunflower and seeds treated with 1300 ppm anthraquinone in captivity (P < 0.001). During our field efficacy study for ripening confectionery sunflower, we observed 18% damage among anthraquinone-treated enclosures and 64% damage among untreated enclosures populated with common grackles (P < 0.001). Harvested seed mass averaged 2.54 kg (dry weight) among treated enclosures and 1.24 kg among untreated enclosures (P < 0.001). Our laboratory and field efficacy data provide a reliable basis for planning future field applications of anthraquinone-based repellents for protection of sunflower crops. Supplemental field efficacy studies are necessary for development of an effective avian repellent and management of avian depredation of ripening agricultural crops, including oilseed sunflower.  相似文献   

The separate contributions of different vectors to net seed dispersal curves of diplochorous systems have rarely been characterised. In Australia, myrmecochory is a common seed dispersal syndrome and in the majority of such systems, seeds are initially dispersed ballistically. We measured ballistic and myrmecochorous seed dispersal distances in relation to canopies of Adriana quadripartita (Euphorbiaceae) and used a simulation model to estimate the net dispersal curve. We also compared seed removal rates and ant abundances under, and outside, plant canopies to examine how foraging patterns by ants may affect net dispersal.Overall ant abundance did not show a significant numerical response to seedfall; however, the abundance of the main seed dispersing ant, Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ did. Despite this, seed removal rates did not differ significantly between canopy and open locations. Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ account for 93% of observed seed dispersal events. On average, the ants dispersed seeds 1.54 m and in doing so, moved seed a mean radial distance of 0.76 m away from canopy edges. This contribution to net dispersal distance by ants is considerable since ballistic dispersal moved seeds a median distance of 7.5 cm. Our simulation model indicated that the combination of ballistic and ant seed dispersal is expected to result in seeds being transported a median net radial dispersal distance of 1.05 m from the canopy edge.Thus in this system, an important function of diplochory may simply be to move a higher proportion of seeds from under the canopy of parent plants than is possible by ballistic dispersal alone. This ‘dispersal-for-distance’ may result in reduced parent–offspring competition or may increase the probability that seeds reach rare safe sites for germination and recruitment.  相似文献   

Little is known about how the growth of individual Gambierdiscus species responds to environmental factors. This study examined the effects of temperature (15–34 °C), salinity (15–41) and irradiance (2–664 μmol photons m−2 s−1) on growth of Gambierdiscus: G. australes, G. belizeanus, G. caribaeus, G. carolinianus, G. carpenteri, G. pacificus and G. ruetzleri and one putative new species, Gambierdiscus ribotype 2. Depending on species, temperatures where maximum growth occurred varied between 26.5 and 31.1 °C. The upper and lower thermal limits for all species were between 31–34 °C and 15–21 °C, respectively. The shapes of the temperature vs. growth curves indicated that even small differences of 1–2 °C notably affected growth potentials. Salinities where maximum growth occurred varied between 24.7 and 35, while the lowest salinities supporting growth ranged from <14 to 20.9. These data indicated that Gambierdiscus species are more tolerant of lower salinities than is generally appreciated. Growth of all species began to decline markedly as salinities exceed 35.1–39.4. The highest salinity tested in this study (41), however, was lethal to only one species, Gambierdiscus ribotype 2. The combined salinity data indicated that differences in salinity regimes may affect relative species abundances and distributions, particularly when salinities are <20 and >35. All eight Gambierdiscus species were adapted to relatively low light conditions, exhibiting growth maxima at 50–230 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and requiring only 6–17 μmol photons m−2 s−1 to maintain growth. These low light requirements indicate that Gambierdiscus growth can occur up to 150 m depth in tropical waters, with optimal light regimes often extending to 75 m. The combined temperature, salinity and light requirements of Gambierdiscus can be used to define latitudinal ranges and species-specific habitats, as well as to inform predictive models.  相似文献   

Campuloclinium macrocephalum (Less.) DC. is a perennial herb widely distributed in the New World, but introduced to South Africa, where it is commonly called “pompom weed”. This species is considered one of the most important weeds from Brazil and it has been included among the plant invaders of South Africa. Results of the meiotic and embryological analyses of six populations of C. macrocephalum are reported in this paper. The microsporogenesis analysis revealed five triploid (2n = 3x = 30) and one diploid (2n = 2x = 20) populations with a basic chromosome number x = 10. The diploid specimens showed regular meiotic behavior, but the triploid plants presented irregular chromosome pairing which result in the formation of univalents, bivalents and trivalents at diakinesis. In consequence, laggard chromosomes, unbalanced nuclei and micronuclei were observed in subsequent phases of meiosis. The embryological analysis showed that the triploid specimens of C. macrocephalum have embryo sac development from a nucellar cell (apospory), which indicates that these specimens are apomictic. Almost all cases of apomixis found in tribe Eupatorieae are diplosporous apomixis. Campuloclinium macrocephalum constitutes the second species of the tribe and the first of the genus with apospory as reproductive system. The aposporous apomixis combined with the presence of xylopodium would be two important factors responsible for the invasiveness of C. macrocephalum.  相似文献   

Seed storage under appropriate conditions is a relatively inexpensive means of safeguarding plant genetic material for ex situ conservation. Post-storage germination trials are used to determine the viability of stored seeds, and hence the efficacy of the particular storage treatment. Kumara plicatilis (= Aloe plicatilis) is a tree aloe endemic to mountain fynbos in the Boland, south-western Cape. The viability and germination behaviour of K. plicatilis seeds were assessed for seeds stored for four and nine months at − 80 °C, 4 °C, 25 °C and under ambient conditions in a laboratory. Seeds were germinated under controlled conditions and germination rates and percentages determined. Ungerminated seeds were tested for viability using tetrazolium salt. Seed viability was not significantly reduced during storage. Seeds stored at − 80 °C for four and nine months exhibited the fastest germination rate overall (both 5.9 ± 0.3 weeks, mean ± S.E.), and slowest was for seeds stored under ambient conditions for four and nine months (both 7.8 ± 0.4 weeks). All seed lots showed similar percentage germination after four months of storage (78.0–90.4%). The highest percentage germination overall was for seeds stored at − 80 °C for four months (90.4%) and the lowest was for seeds kept at 4 °C and − 80 °C for nine months (39.2 and 39.6%, respectively). Respective percentage viability for ungerminated seeds in these two treatments was 82% and 87%, respectively, indicating the induction of secondary dormancy. Induced dormancy triggered by protracted cold temperatures may be an adaptation that enables seeds to survive prolonged extreme conditions that are unfavourable for germination. Further research on the long-term storage of aloe seeds would be beneficial for developing long-term seed storage and germination testing protocols for ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize eight accessions of Vicia narbonensis L. originated from different Mediterranean countries. The cytology of these species is rarely known despite the fact of its great socio-economical and ecological interest in these arid and semi-arid zones. This work aimed mainly to characterize the karyotype, morphological pod and seed traits of the species. Karyotypes of all accessions were similar to a diploid number of 2n = 2x = 14. All the accessions have submetacentric chromosomes with a secondary constriction attached to the long arm of pair VII close to the centromere. Variation in chromosome size was observed; it ranged from 5.86 μm to 7.62 μm. Indices of karyotype asymmetry were calculated as the total form percentage (TF%) and symmetric indices (Syi) which ranged from 33.75% to 35.42% and from 51.01% to 54.85%, respectively. The predominance of submetacentric chromosomes indicated that the karyotype is symmetrical and can be considered as primitive. However, the analysis of quantitative parameters measured on pods and seeds showed a significant variation between accessions. A relationship between centromeric index and the pod beak length was found. Estimation of phenotypic diversity using the Shannon diversity index (H′) showed that the length, the seed color and the number of seeds per pod are the most polymorphic traits with respectively, H = 0.92, 0.80 and 0.83. Cluster analysis of karyological, pod and seed traits showed four groups of accessions. This clustering is partially due to the geographical origin of the studied accessions. The variation in chromosome size, pod and seed traits could offer potentially valuable genetic resources for the improvement of V. narbonensis which is considered as neglected and underutilized crop species (NUCS).  相似文献   

The bimetallic [M1M2(tren)2(CAn?)]m+ series, where M = GaIII or CrIII and CA is the chloranilate ligand which can take on diamagnetic (CAcat,cat)4? or paramagnetic (CAsq,cat)3? forms, comprises an electronically diverse series of compounds ranging from the closed-shell [Ga2(tren)2(CAcat,cat)]2+ to the S = 5/2 ground state of [Cr2(tren)2(CAsq,cat)]3+. This report deals with the interpretation of the EPR and ENDOR spectra of [Ga2(tren)2(CAsq,cat)](BPh4)2(BF4) (2) and the related derivative [Ga2(tren)2(DHBQ)](BPh4)2(BF4) (2a) (where DHBQ is the fully deprotonated trianionic form of 2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone) in an effort to further characterize the electronic structure of this radical species. The X-band (~9.5 GHz) EPR spectrum of complex 2 acquired in a butyronitrile/propionitrile glass at 4 K reveals a rhombic g-tensor with gxx = 2.0100, gyy = 2.0097, and gzz = 2.0060 with hyperfine interactions due to spin delocalization onto the two Ga nuclei (axx = 4.902 G, ayy = 4.124 G, azz = 3.167 G); the origin of the hyperfine coupling was confirmed by analysis of the room temperature spectra of complexes 2 and 2a. The low-temperature spectrum of complex 2 also indicates the presence of a triplet electronic state characterized by a g-value of 2.009 and axial zero-field splitting of D = 150 G (0.012 cm?1) as determined from measurements carried out at both X- and W-band (~95 GHz) frequencies. This triplet state is believed to arise due to a weak intermolecular Heisenberg exchange interaction between two aggregating complexes. ENDOR measurements on complex 2a at 20 K allowed for a determination of the magnitude of hyperfine coupling to the protons associated with the radical bridge as well as providing a rare example of an ENDOR signal arising from coupling to a gallium nucleus. Finally, these results were combined with literature data on the free semiquinone form of the bridging ligand in order to assess the extent to which density functional theory can predict unpaired spin density distribution in a complex molecule of this type. Although differences between theory and experiment were noted, DFT was able to provide a reasonably accurate picture of the electronic structure of this system as well as provide insight into the spin polarization mechanism(s) responsible for the observed hyperfine interactions.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2005,32(2):287-294
A granulate biofungicide named PBGG was developed by combining Pseudomonas boreopolis with Brassica seed pomace, glycerin and sodium alginate. Application of 1.0% (w/w) of PBGG to the soil infested with Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 significantly reduced the percentage of colonization of cabbage seeds by the pathogen and stimulated proliferations of actinomycetes. Among Streptomyces populations, Streptomyces padanus (strain SS-07) and Streptomyces xantholiticus (strain SS-09) were the two most effective strains with strong antagonistic effects to R. solani. Application of 1% (w/w) PBGG in soil significantly increased population densities of S. padanus and S. xantholiticus. Treating soil with S. padanus (strain SS-07) or S. xantholiticus (strain SS-09) alone or in combination with 1% (w/w) PBGG significantly reduced the percentage of colonization of cabbage seeds by R. solani, compared to untreated controls. S. padanus was the most effective agent in reducing the percentage of seed colonization by the pathogen. Results of greenhouse tests showed that the most effective treatment was the amendment of pathogen-infested soil by S. padanus + 1% (w/w) PBGG which resulted in a disease incidence of 6.5–8.6%, compared to 27.8–31.7% for the treatment of S. xantholiticus + 1% (w/w) PBGG, 36.9–38.6% for the treatment of 1% (w/w) PBGG alone, and 61.8–64.8% for the treatment of control (unamended soil). Results of greenhouse and field tests also showed that soil amendment of 1% (w/w) PBGG alone or 1% (w/w) PBGG mixed with S. padanus (strain SS-07) or S. xantholiticus (strain SS-09) was not harmful to seed germination of Chinese cabbage. The study suggests that amendment of R. solani infested soil with S. padanus + 1% (w/w) PBGG prior to sowing is an effective method for control of damping-off of Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Lantana camara L. (sensu lato) has a wide range of impacts throughout its global invasive range. Here we review the mechanisms driving its invasion dynamics in South Africa at national (biome, habitat) and regional (within a protected area) scales. Although only three introduction events into South Africa have been recorded (the earliest in 1858), as of 1998 L. camara was found in over 2 million ha (total area), with a condensed area of about 70,000 ha. Moreover, L. camara is present in most of the country's major biomes and a diversity of habitats, confirming its broad ecological tolerance. Using correlative bioclimatic models, we show that under future climate conditions, L. camara's range in South Africa could expand considerably over the coming decades. While human-mediated dispersal and climatic suitability have been crucial in shaping L. camara's current broad-scale distribution in South Africa, dispersal by birds and along rivers are important drivers of invasion at landscape scales. For example, current evidence suggests that in the Kruger National Park, L. camara has spread primarily along rivers. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of the different invasion dynamics for biological control and management, and provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Shi G L  Bai B  Lu C H 《农业工程》2010,30(5):276-279
Seed rain and seed bank of a Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis var. mairei) population in Tianmu Mountain were researched in 2008 and 2009. The seed rain lasted from 16th–23th of October to 5th–14th of December, and the heaviest seed falling period was from 2nd to18th of November. The intensity of seed rain showed a great inter-annual variation, with a good harvest in 2008. The fallen seeds were composed of 49.9% proportion of immature seed, 33.8% proportion of chewed seed and 16.3% proportion of mature seed. The analysis on the soil seed bank under mother forest showed that the number of intact seeds was 122.75 ± 108.08 grain/m2 in October, 279.25 ± 210.73 grain/m2 in December 2008, and 166.5 ± 165.34 grain/m2 in October, 322.5 ± 275.73 grain/m2 in December 2009. The increased number of seed was 156.5 ± 222.723 grain/m2 in 2008 and 156 ± 275grain/m2 in 2009, which showed a significant variation. Large number of intact seeds added into soil seed bank after seed rain each year. The number of intact seeds in soil seed bank decreased 112.75 ± 47.74 grain/m2 from December 2008 to October 2009. Large number of intact seeds lost from seed rot and seed predation by animals. The number of seeds in soil bank under bamboo forest was much lower than that of mother tree forest, and the increased number of seeds was 0.63 ± 1.60 grain/m2 in 2008 and 2.88 ± 1.86 grain/m2 in 2009. The number of seedling was 0.73 ± 1.10 trees/m2 in mother tree forest and 0.09 ± 0.35 trees/m2 in bamboo forest. Seedling survival ratio was 0.37% in mother tree forest and 10.23% in bamboo forest. The micro-habitat in bamboo forest was fit for seed germination. Birds transported seeds to bamboo forest, and had an important effect on the regeneration of Chinese yew.  相似文献   

This work presents a methodology for the extraction of galactomannans from seeds of four different species of Leguminosae (Adenanthera pavonina, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Gleditsia triacanthos and Sophora japonica) to be used e.g. in the food and biomedical industries. The galactomannans were obtained by aqueous extraction followed by a precipitation with ethanol. This methodology is simpler and easier to perform than other existing extraction and purification methodologies, and because it avoids the use of organic solvents (other than ethanol), it is able to generate food grade substances and is environmentally friendlier. The yield of extraction in different stages of the process, monosaccharide composition, as well as physical and chemical parameters of the isolated galactomannans were determined and compared with previously published results. The mannose/galactose ratio of the extracted galactomannans ranged from 1.35 (A. pavonina) to 5.75 (S. japonica). The intrinsic viscosity ranged from 11.34 dL/g (C. pulcherrima) to 8.74 dL/g (S. japonica), while the viscosity average molecular mass ranged between 1.81 × 106 Da and 1.17 × 106 Da (A. pavonina > C. pulcherrima > G. triacanthos > S. japonica). The results confirm the suitability of the extraction and purification procedure to obtain galactomannans from non-traditional sources.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is located in the ‘Third Pole’ of the world, characterized by a harsh environment. Despite this, the alpine meadow ecosystem have developed over a wide area but serious grassland degradation is threatening the ecological environment on the Plateau. Recruitment of new plants to the population, via germination and establishment, is vital to plant community survival. Previous work on the seeds in this area has mainly focused on community-wide germination strategies, seed germination characteristics and their correlations with seed size and seed mass. However, there have been no studies on the effects of soaking in rumen contents on the plant seed germination characteristics of alpine meadow species. The present study had two main objectives: (i) to determine the effect of fresh rumen content from yaks on seed germination characteristics and seedling growth of species common to the eastern Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow, and (ii) to develop an effective method to enhance seed germination. Seeds of 11 common species were collected together with fresh rumen content from three yaks that grazed there. Seed germination tests were conducted after they had been soaked in rumen content for one of six soaking periods (12, 24, 36, 48, 60 or 72 h). The seeds were incubated under natural light conditions of 8 h light at 25 °C and 16 h darkness at 15 °C, for the germination period of 34 days. The results showed that seed germination and seedling growth were affected by soaking time, seed coat completeness and seed type. After soaking in rumen content, the germination percentages of scarified (peeled or with the seed coat cut through) seeds of some species (true seeds Oxytropis ochrocephala and Medicago ruthenia var inschanica, nutlet Carex enervis, achenes Anemone rivularis and Polygonum sibiricum) and complete seeds of C. enervis, and A. rivularis were improved but the duration of soaking was also important. Seed germination of caryopsis Achnatherum inebrians (a toxic grass) was significantly inhibited by any exposure to rumen fluids. Scarified seeds generally had higher germination percentages than complete ones after treatment, but with the increase in soaking time, germination percentages declined and scarified seeds were more sensitive to the treatment than the complete seeds. After soaking in yak rumen content, the germination indices of scarified M. ruthenia at 12 h treatment, O. ochrocephala and achene Rumex acetosa at 12–24 h treatment, nutlet Kobresia humilis at 24 h treatment, P. sibiricum at 24–48 h treatment, C. enervis at 12–48 h treatment and A. rivularis at 12–60 h treatment were significantly higher than the control (P < 0.05), while the germination indices of complete C. enervis seeds at 12 h and 36 h treatment, and A. rivularis at 12–60 h treatment were significantly higher compared with the control. The germination indices of other species gradually decreased with the increase in soaking time. We concluded that yak rumen digestion could enhance, inhibit or not affect seed germination and seedling growth of the alpine meadow species, which might influence seedling recruitment, interspecific competition, and the plant community structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow. Overall, yak digestion has a positive effect on alpine meadow seed germination and seed dispersal.  相似文献   

The most nutritionally important antinutritional factor in the Canavalia seeds is Concanavalin A (Con A) which takes at least 3 h of cooking at 96°C to inactivate. The effect of breaking the seeds into smaller pieces before cooking on the Con A content was investigated. Whole seeds of Canavalia ensiformis (jackbean) and Canavalia ensiformis seeds that were broken into smaller pieces (3–7 parts per seed) were cooked at 96°C for 30, 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively. Some were cooked for 15, 30 and 45 min, respectively, under pressure using household pressure cooker. Con A content of the products was determined by the hemagglutination of rabbit fresh erythrocytes by the extracted protein samples serially diluted in PBS buffer in 96-microwell plates. Hemagglutinating activity was expressed as minimal concentration of protein inducing hemagglutination of cells. Hemagglutinating activity of the cracked beans was completely eliminated within 1 h of ordinary cooking and 15 min of pressure cooking. The cooked materials took 5–6 h of sunshine to dry to 90% dry matter. The hemagglutinating activity of the whole seeds was eliminated in 45 min of pressure cooking but not in 2 h of ordinary cooking. They took 3 days of same sunshine to dry. The crack and cook process (CAC), the name being proposed for the method, is commercially applicable in view of its relative ease of execution.  相似文献   

We reported the Australian golden wattle as a copper stabilizer in abandoned copper mine soils earlier. Here we investigate to confirm this plant’s suitability to grow on metal contaminated mine soils based on stress indication. The seeds of Acacia pycnantha collected from mining area were germinated after heat and no heat treatment on two types of irrigation. The daily irrigated and heat treated seeds gave up to 85% germination on sandy soil. The A. pycnantha was grown under greenhouse condition in six different soils collected from abandoned copper mine at Kapunda in South Australia. Among the six soil samples, soil-1 with the highest copper concentration produced 2.05 mmol g−1 tissue of proline. Proline expression was prominent in more saline soils (1, 5 and 6) having electrical conductivity (EC) 1184, 1364 and 1256 μS, respectively. Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid levels in plants showed a gradually decreasing trend in all the soils as experiment progressed. The plants grown on soil sample-1, containing 4083 ± 103 mg kg−1 of copper resulted in 18 ± 2 mg kg−1 accumulation in its leaf. The calcium accumulation was significant up to 11648 ± 1209 mg kg−1 in leaf. Although pore water samples showed higher Cu concentration in soils, an increased mobility of arsenic and lead was observed in all the soil samples. Our experiment points out the need for proper monitoring of revegetation processes to avoid revegetation and reclamation failure.  相似文献   

Clitostethus arcuatus is a major, cosmopolitan predator of some Aleyrodidae. Field collected adult beetles were reared in the laboratory on different diets: Siphoninus phillyreae eggs, Trialeurodes vaporariorum eggs, Sitotroga cerealella eggs, or an artificial diet consisting of honey, yeast, and pollen. All experiments were conducted at 25 ± 2 °C, 65 ± 5% RH and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) h. Female and male C. arcuatus consumed a mean (± SE) of 61 ± 0.6 and 27 ± 0.9 T. vaporariorum eggs d? 1, respectively, and a mean of 56 ± 2.2 and 29 ± 1.1 S. phillyreae eggs d? 1, respectively. Significant differences were noted between sexes and between hosts consumed by female C. arcuatus. No feeding occurred on S. cerealella eggs. Although there was a significant difference between rates of oviposition due to diet, fertility rates on different diets did not show significant differences. The sex ratio of C. arcuatus (female:male) was 51.4:48.6, 55.2:44.8, and 54.6:45:4 when adults fed on T. vaporariorum, S. phillyreae, and artificial diet, respectively. These differences were not significantly different. Average longevity (± SE) was 66.4 ± 2.6, 54.9 ± 2.5; 77.3 ± 6.9, 67.5 ± 7.2; and 86.4 ± 4.5 70.3 ± 3.6 days for female and male C. arctuatus, respectively, on T. vaporariorum, S. phillyreae and artificial diet, respectively, with significant differences between sexes and diets. Although developmental duration on T. vaporariorum was longer than ash whitefly, this difference was not significant (mean 27.68 ± 0.31 and 25.09 ± 0.21 days for predators reared on T. vaporariorum and S. phillyreae, respectively). Given its longevity and fecundity on T. vaporariorum, C. arcuatus may be a good choice for mass release on glasshouse crops infected by greenhouse whitefly.  相似文献   

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