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We have performed a detailed analysis of the biochemical properties of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 vpu gene product to elucidate its function during virus replication. Our data suggest that vpu is posttranslationally modified by phosphorylation, since a 16-kilodalton phosphoprotein can be specifically immunoprecipitated with both a serum from an HIV-positive individual (HIV-positive serum) and a vpu-specific antiserum. In contrast, our results suggest that vpu is not glycosylated, even though the protein contains a potential glycosylation site. In vitro translation studies demonstrated that vpu is cotranslationally integrated into microsomal membranes, suggesting that vpu is an integral membrane protein. While vpu was found in significant quantities in virus-producing cells, the protein could not be detected in cell-free culture fluids and is therefore most likely not viron associated. Processing of viral precursor proteins was unaffected by the absence of vpu, and no differences were detected in the protein compositions of wild-type and mutant virions. However, virus release from cultures producing vpu-defective virus was found to be delayed, resulting in the intracellular accumulation of viral proteins. Our data suggest that vpu has a function in the release of virus particles from infected cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that genomes of poliovirus with deletions in the P1 (capsid) region contain the necessary viral information for RNA replication. To test the effects of the substitution of foreign genes on RNA replication and protein expression, chimeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-poliovirus genomes were constructed in which regions of the gag, pol, or env gene of HIV-1 were substituted for regions of the P1 gene in the infectious cDNA clone of type 1 Mahoney poliovirus. The HIV-1 genes were inserted between nucleotides 1174 and 2956 of the poliovirus cDNA so that the translational reading frame was maintained between the HIV-1 genes and the remaining poliovirus genes. The chimeric genomes were positioned downstream from a T7 RNA polymerase promoter and transcribed in vitro by using T7 RNA polymerase, and the RNA was transfected into HeLa cells. A Northern (RNA blot) analysis of the RNA from transfected cells demonstrated the appropriate-size RNA, corresponding to the full-length chimeric genomes, which increased over time. Immunoprecipitation with antibodies specific for poliovirus RNA polymerase or sera from AIDS patients demonstrated the expression of the poliovirus RNA polymerase and HIV-1 proteins as fusions with the poliovirus P1 protein. The expression of the HIV-1-poliovirus P1 fusion protein was dependent upon an intact RNA polymerase gene, indicating that RNA replication was required for efficient expression. A pulse-chase analysis of the protein expression from the chimeric genomes demonstrated the initial rapid proteolytic processing of the polyprotein from the chimeric genomes to give HIV-1-poliovirus P1 fusion protein in transfected cells; the HIV-1 gag-P1 and HIV-1 pol-P1 fusion proteins exhibited a greater intracellular stability than the HIV-1 env-P1 fusion protein. Finally, superinfection with wild-type poliovirus of HeLa cells which had been transfected with the chimeric genomes did not significantly affect the expression of chimeric fusion protein. The results are discussed in the context of poliovirus RNA replication and demonstrate the feasibility of using poliovirus genomes (minireplicons) as novel vectors for expression of foreign proteins.  相似文献   

We have used a panel of cDNA clones expressing wild-type and mutant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) mRNAs to study translation of these mRNAs in eucaryotic cells. The tat open reading frame (ORF) has a strong signal for translation initiation, while rev and vpu ORFs have weaker signals. The expression of downstream ORFs is inhibited in mRNAs that contain the tat ORF as the first ORF. In contrast, downstream ORFs are expressed efficiently from mRNAs that have rev or vpu as the first ORF. All env mRNAs contain the upstream vpu ORF. Expression of HIV-1 Env protein requires a weak vpu AUG, which allows leaky scanning to occur, thereby allowing ribosomes access to the downstream env ORF. We concluded that HIV-1 mRNAs are translated by the scanning mechanism and that expression of more than one protein from each mRNA was caused by leaky scanning at the first AUG of the mRNA.  相似文献   

A deletion mutation affecting vpu was introduced into an infectious molecular clone of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and the resultant phenotype was examined after infection of human T lymphocytes. The absence of vpu resulted in an accumulation of cell-associated viral proteins and impaired the release of progeny virions. Both electron microscopic and biochemical analyses indicated that a large proportion of the mutant particles was attached to the surface of infected cells. Significant variation in the size and shape of these progeny virions was observed. In addition, intracytoplasmic particles, some of which formed aberrant budding structures, were visualized in T cells infected with the vpu mutant. Indirect immunofluorescence analyses of cultures inoculated with wild-type virus with use of a vpu-specific antiserum demonstrated that vpu is mainly localized to a perinuclear region in the cytoplasm of virus-producing cells.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) generates 16 alternatively spliced isoforms of env mRNA that contain the same overlapping open reading frames for Vpu and Env proteins but differ in their 5' untranslated regions (UTR). A subset of env mRNAs carry the extra upstream Rev initiation codon in the 5' UTR. We explored the effect of the alternative UTR on the translation of Vpu and Env proteins from authentic env mRNAs expressed from cDNA constructs. Vpu expression from the subset of env mRNA isoforms with exons containing an upstream Rev AUG codon was minimal. However, every env mRNA isoform expressed similar levels of Env protein. Mutations that removed, altered the strength of, or introduced upstream AUG codons dramatically altered Vpu expression but had little impact on the consistent expression of Env. These data show that the different isoforms of env mRNA are not redundant but instead regulate Vpu production in HIV-1-infected cells. Furthermore, while the initiation of Vpu translation conforms to the leaky ribosome-scanning model, the consistent Env synthesis infers a novel, discontinuous ribosome-scanning mechanism to translate Env.  相似文献   

Rev, a major regulatory protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, has been demonstrated to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm of infected cells. The fate of the Rev protein in living cells was evaluated by pulse-chase experiments using a transient Rev expression system. Sixteen hours after chasing with unlabelled amino acids, 45% of the labelled Rev was still present, which clearly indicates a long half-life of Rev in living cells. A Rev mutant which is deficient in the ability to migrate from the nucleus to the cytoplasm was degraded more slowly than the wild-type Rev protein. As well, another Rev mutant protein, which lacks a functional nucleolar targeting signal (NOS) and is unable to enter the cell nucleus, was rapidly degraded and undetectable 16 h after chasing. Nuclear-nucleolar targeting properties provided by a divergent NOS from a related retrovirus, which was used to substitute for the NOS of Rev, increased the intracellular half-life of this Rev mutant. Moreover, coexpression of an intracellular anti-Rev single-chain antibody (SFv), which has been shown to interfere with the nuclear translocation of Rev, accelerated the degradation of the wild-type Rev protein. Differential degradation of Rev in the nucleus and cytoplasm may play a critical role in determining and maintaining different stages of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection, in conjunction with the shuttling properties of the Rev protein.  相似文献   

Highly conserved amino acids in the N-terminal region of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Pr55(gag) are recognized to be critical for the attachment of myristic acid. We previously reported that the env protein was not detected on the cell surface by blocking of N-myristoylation of Pr55(gag) with N-myristoyl glycinal diethylacetal. Here, we constructed a mutant by substituting the N-terminal glycine of Pr55(gag) with alanine to demonstrate that N-myristoylation of Pr55(gag) is required for efficient env protein transportation to the cell surface. The expression level of the env protein on the surface of Jurkat cells transfected with the myristoylation-defective phenotype was observed to be significantly reduced by electron microscopic analyses with a gold-labeled monoclonal antibody against the env protein. In addition, Jurkat cells transfected with the myristoylation-defective phenotype lost the ability of envelope-mediated cell-to-cell fusion. The results suggest that N-myristoylation of the HIV-1 gag protein is necessary for efficient env protein transportation to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Human cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus containing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gag-pol genes produced large amounts of human immunodeficiency virus gag proteins beginning at 1 h and peaking at 48 h postinfection. We show that these polyproteins are processed accurately into mature forms and that the viral polymerase gene is encoded as a 160-kilodalton gag-pol fusion protein, most likely by translational frameshifting from the gag into the pol reading frame.  相似文献   

Rev is an essential regulatory protein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that affects the transport and half-life of certain viral mRNAs. Rev exerts its function via a unique element, the Rev-responsive element (RRE), located within the env region of HIV-1. It has been previously demonstrated that Rev affects the relative levels of RRE-containing and RRE-lacking mRNAs. We have studied the effects of Rev on the expression of the three different groups of small, multiply spliced mRNAs that lack the RRE sequence and encode the regulatory proteins Tat, Rev, and Nef. To monitor the tat, rev, and nef mRNAs we generated specific S1 nuclease mapping probes that distinguish among them. Analysis of all the mRNA species producing Tat, Rev, and Nef revealed that their levels are coordinately regulated by Rev. They are increased in the absence of Rev protein and are down regulated in the presence of Rev. The corresponding proteins were measured by immunoprecipitations, and their levels are in agreement with the RNA levels. These results verify the model proposing that Rev is a general regulator indirectly affecting all the multiply spliced mRNAs to a similar extent. Therefore, Rev down regulates its own expression and the expression of Tat and Nef.  相似文献   

Diagnostic reagents for detection of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure with improved reliability may be provided by viral encoded proteins produced by recombinant DNA techniques or by synthetic peptides corresponding to appropriate viral epitopes. We have expressed at high levels in E. coli a gag gene segment corresponding to approximately 97% of the p55 gag precursor protein, as well as a novel gag/env fusion protein that contains antigenic determinants in common with gag p24, env gp41, and env gp120. The gag and gag/env proteins were purified from insoluble inclusion bodies by sequential extraction with increasing concentrations of urea. These components were tested for reactivity with antisera to HIV proteins and peptides. We have also chemically synthesized a peptide corresponding to env residues 578-608, representing a portion of env gp41. The final preparation of gag and gag/env proteins in 8 M urea reacted with sheep anti-HTLV-III p24 gag antibodies and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patient sera. The gag/env fusion protein also reacted with rabbit anti-HIV env 500-511 peptide antibody. Both recombinant proteins and the env peptide were suitable as reagents for evaluation of serum samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results of ELISA assays utilizing the recombinant viral proteins and synthetic peptide were in good agreement with results obtained using disrupted virus as antigen in ELISA assays and immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Regulation of HIV-1 env mRNA translation by Rev protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have examined the effect of Rev on the regulation of the expression of RRE containing mRNAs when they were synthesised in the nucleus or directly in the cytoplasm. In the nuclear expression system, Rev enhanced env mRNA transport by about 1.6-fold, while translation of this mRNA was increased more than a 100-fold. These findings indicate that the target of Rev activity is located mainly at the translational level. Synthesis of Env using a recombinant vaccinia virus system, which synthesised env mRNA directly in the cytoplasm, is also enhanced by Rev. Finally, RRE functioning was examined using a luciferase mRNA bearing this element. Rev stimulated the synthesis of Luciferase both when the luc mRNA was made in the nucleus or in cytoplasm. Our results indicate that the effect of Rev on env mRNA transport is low compared with the enhancement of translation of this mRNA.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in the male genital tract may comprise virus produced locally in addition to virus transported from the circulation. Virus produced in the male genital tract may be genetically distinct, due to tissue-specific cellular characteristics and immunological pressures. HIV-1 env sequences derived from paired blood and semen samples from the Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database were analyzed to ascertain a male genital tract-specific viral signature. Machine learning algorithms could predict seminal tropism based on env sequences with accuracies exceeding 90%, suggesting that a strong genetic signature does exist for virus replicating in the male genital tract. Additionally, semen-derived viral populations exhibited constrained diversity (P < 0.05), decreased levels of positive selection (P < 0.025), decreased CXCR4 coreceptor utilization, and altered glycosylation patterns. Our analysis suggests that the male genital tract represents a distinct selective environment that contributes to the apparent genetic bottlenecks associated with the sexual transmission of HIV-1.  相似文献   

Expression of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Env glycoprotein is stringently regulated in infected cells. The majority of the glycoprotein does not reach the cell surface but rather is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum or a cis-Golgi compartment and subsequently degraded. We here report that Env of various HIV-1 isolates is ubiquitinated at the extracellular domain of gp41 and that Env expression could be increased by lactacystin, a specific proteasome inhibitor, suggesting that the ubiquitin/proteasome system is involved in control of expression and degradation.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genes vpu, env, and nef have all been implicated in modulating the levels of cell surface CD4 on infected cells. To quantitatively assess the relative contribution of each gene product to the regulation of CD4 during HIV infection of Jurkat T cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we have developed an infectious HIV reporter system which expresses different combinations of these genes. To distinguish infected cells in the early or late stages of infection from uninfected cells, these viruses were designed to express human placental alkaline phosphatase with the kinetics of either early or late viral genes. Flow cytometry to detect placental alkaline phosphatase and CD4 in infected cells showed that vpu, env, and nef are independently capable of down-modulation of CD4. As predicted by their respective expression patterns, nef down-modulated CD4 rapidly during the early phase of virus infection whereas vpu and env functioned late in the infection. In both Jurkat cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells, a combination of the three genes was more efficient than any one or two genes, demonstrating that all three genes are required to achieve maximal CD4 down-modulation. In primary cells, down-modulation of CD4 was less efficient than in Jurkat cells and there was a stronger dependence on nef function for reducing cell surface CD4. HIV therefore has three genes that are able to independently down-modulate CD4; together, they can eliminate the bulk of cell surface CD4.  相似文献   

The Rev proteins of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are necessary for expression of viral structural gene products. Site-directed mutations were made within the HIV-2 rev gene to identify functional domains. We observed that similar to HIV-1 Rev, the HIV-2 Rev protein was phosphorylated, albeit to a much lesser extent than was HIV-1 Rev. We also found that like HIV-1 Rev, HIV-2 Rev localized to the nucleus, with a marked accumulation in the nucleolus. Mutations within a stretch of basic residues prevented both nuclear and nucleolar localization. Furthermore, mutant Rev proteins able to localize in the nucleus but unable to localize in the nucleolus were nonfunctional.  相似文献   

The narrow host range of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is due in part to dominant acting restriction factors in humans (Ref1) and monkeys (Lv1). Here we show that gag encodes determinants of species-specific lentiviral infection, related in part to such restriction factors. Interaction between capsid and host cyclophilin A (CypA) protects HIV-1 from restriction in human cells but is essential for maximal restriction in simian cells. We show that sequence variation between HIV-1 isolates leads to variation in sensitivity to restriction factors in human and simian cells. We present further evidence for the importance of target cell CypA over CypA packaged in virions, specifically in the context of gp160 pseudotyped HIV-1 vectors. We also show that sensitivity to restriction is controlled by an H87Q mutation in the capsid, implicated in the immune control of HIV-1, possibly linking immune and innate control of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

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