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The end-structure of afferent axons chronically severed in the rat sciatic nerve or dorsal column (DC) was visualized by centrifugal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to HRP (WGA:HRP) injected into the L4 or L5 dorsal root ganglion. Nerve regeneration was prevented and neuroma formation encouraged by tightly ligating the cut nerve end. For the first few weeks postoperative, the time during which afferents trapped in a nerve-end neuroma generate their most intense ectopic impulse barrage, the developing neuroma was dominated by swollen terminal end-bulbs. There was some axonal dying-back, retrograde fiber growth, and terminal sprouting, but little preterminal branching. The rich tangle of fine preterminal branches usually thought of in relation to nerve-end neuromas did not elaborate until several months postoperative, a time when the neuroma is relatively quiescent electrically. Afferents cut in the DC, which never develop dramatic ectopic electrical activity, showed morphological peculiarities similar to nerve-end neuromas during the early postoperative period, including retrograde fiber growth and minimal sprouting. They did not, however, go on to form luxuriant branches. These data provide preliminary clues as to the structure of the ectopic impulse-generating mechanism thought to underlie paresthesias and pain associated with peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

Rats sciatic nerves gangliosides have been studied. We found about 120 nmoles NANA/g dry weight. We studied the relative distribution of the gangliosides, after TLC and densitometry. G4 (GM1) accounts for about 31 % of total NANA. G5 is absent from our samples ; we found a very low level of G7. Our distribution is different from the data of Svennerholm's group for the gangliosides of the human femoral nerve, and from Yates and Wherrett for the gangliosides of the rabbit sciatic nerves.  相似文献   

Chronic injury to sensory axons in the rat peripheral nerve induces pathophysiologic changes in the axolemma at the cut nerve end, which are reflected in spontaneous ectopic impulse discharge and hyperexcitability to a range of depolarizing stimuli. We asked whether sensory axons injured in the central nervous system (CNS) also respond in this way. Primary afferent axons were severed in the sciatic nerve and, alternatively, in the midcervical or upper lumbar dorsal column (DC). Measurements of abnormal discharge from myelinated afferents showed high levels of spontaneous activity generated at the nerve injury site, especially during the period 3-16 days postoperatively, but comparatively little activity generated at the DC lesion site at any postoperative time. There was a corresponding difference in ectopic hyperexcitability to mechanical and adrenergic stimulation, and to depolarization with topical K+. DC lesion sites were not made more excitable by concurrent transection of the sciatic nerve, or by placing an autologous graft of excised sciatic nerve tissue into the DC defect at the time of initial surgery. Transection sites on dorsal roots L4 and L5 yielded abnormal discharge similar to that of sciatic nerve neuromas, indicating that the relative silence of DC transection sites was related to the CNS environment and not to position with respect to the sensory cell body.  相似文献   

In human brain, antibodies to tau proteins primarily label abnormal rather than normal structures. This might reflect altered immunoreactivity owing to post-mortem proteolysis, disease, or species differences. We addressed this issue by comparing the distribution of tau in bovine and human post-mortem nervous system tissues and in human neural cell lines, using new monoclonal antibodies (MAb) specific for phosphate-independent epitopes in bovine and human tau. In neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum, immunoreactive tau was widely expressed but segregated into the axon-neuropil domain of neurons. In spinal cord and peripheral nervous system, tau immunoreactivity was similarly segregated but less abundant. No immunoreactive tau was detected with our MAb in glial cells or in human neural cell lines that express neurofilament or glial filament proteins. Post-mortem delays in tissue denaturation of less than 24 hr did not affect the distribution of tau, but the method used to denature tissues did, i.e., microwave treatment preserved tau immunoreactivity more effectively than chemical fixatives such as Bouin's solution, and formalin-fixed tissue samples reacted poorly with our anti-tau MAb. We conclude that the distribution of tau proteins in human nervous system is similar to that described in perfusion-fixed experimental animals, and that visualization of normal immunoreactive tau in human tissues is critically dependent on the procedures used to denature post-mortem tissue samples. Furthermore, microenvironmental factors in different neuroanatomical sites may affect the regional expression of tau.  相似文献   

De novo fatty acid biosynthesis was demonstrated in a particle-free supernatant from normal and Trembler mouse sciatic nerves. In both systems, it required acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA, and led chiefly to the formation of free palmitic acid. No palmitoyl-CoA formation was detected. The ability of the cell-free extract of the mutant to form palmitic acid in vitro was greater than that of the control extracts when the results were expressed as the total activity per 100 mg of freshly excised sciatic nerves.  相似文献   

Total and specific carbonic anhydrase activity was measured for 24 structures of the rat central and peripheral nervous system. In the CNS, white matter or regions containing largely white matter show a neuraxial distribution of enzyme activity; more cephalad structures display more activity. Gray matter regions do not show a rostrocaudal distribution and usually have lower activity than adjacent myelin-containing structures. PNS tissue shows neither the white-gray differences nor the rostrocaudal profile of CNS tissue. Subcellular fractionation of 18 regions of the CNS suggest that the predominance of membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (60% of the total activity and independent of its magnitude) is a unique characteristic of all regions of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Axon degeneration is a prominent feature of the injured nervous system, occurs across neurological diseases, and drives functional loss in neural circuits. We have seen a paradigm shift in the last decade with the realization that injured axons are capable of actively driving their own destruction through the sterile-alpha and TIR motif containing 1 (SARM1) protein. Early studies of Wallerian degeneration highlighted a central role for NAD+ metabolites in axon survival, and this association has grown even stronger in recent years with a deeper understanding of SARM1 biology. Here, we review our current knowledge of SARM1 function in vivo and our evolving understanding of its complex architecture and regulation by injury-dependent changes in the local metabolic environment. The field is converging on a model whereby SARM1 acts as a sensor for metabolic changes that occur after injury and then drives catastrophic NAD+ loss to promote degeneration. However, a number of observations suggest that SARM1 biology is more complicated, and there remains much to learn about how SARM1 governs nervous system responses to injury or disease.  相似文献   

Localization of antisera to neurofilament antigens derived from rat peripheral nerve was carried out in tissues of rat and human peripheral and central nervous systems by indirect immunofluorescence. Unfixed and chloroform-methanol-fixed frozen sections of tissues were incubated in purified IgG of the experimental rabbit antisera and subsequently exposed to goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate. Control studies were conducted on identical tissue preparations incubated in the same concentrations of nonspecific rabbit IgG or in experimental rabbit IgG absorbed with extracts of rat peripheral nerve containing neurofilament antigen. Extensive immunofluorescence was observed in rat and human peripheral and central nervous systems. The distribution and configuration of immunofluorescence corresponded to neurofilament-rich structural components of these tissues. Prominent immunofluorescence was also noted in neuronal cell bodies of spinal sensory ganglia, especially in perikarya of the large neuronal type. Immunofluorescence of the central nervous system was located predominantly in myelinated axons of the white matter in cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord. Less intense immunofluorescence was also seen in neuronal perikarya and in short thin linear processes of grey matter.  相似文献   

According to histochemical data (Falck method in modification), cytofluorimetric analysis, as well as the results of regressive modelling, localization and quantitative interaction of bioamines in the sympathetic nervous plexuses of the rat thyroid gland have been estimated. In the intact state a relatively firm correlation between serotonin and catecholamine concentrations is revealed in all parts investigated in the intraorganic nervous apparatus. Effect of thyrostatic--merkazolil--results in development of certain discrepancy between intensification of bioamines uptake and ability of thyrocytes to their functionally useful utilization. A suggestion is made that dynamic equilibrium of serotonin and catecholamines ratio in the thyroid sympathetic nervous fibers is one of the factors for maintenance of the function-proliferative balance of the gland working elements at the level, adequate to the active situation.  相似文献   

Endozepines represent a novel family of regulatory peptides that have been isolated by their ability to displace benzodiazepines from their binding sites. All endozepines derive from an 86 amino acid precursor polypeptide called diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI), which generates, through proteolytic cleavage, several biologically active endozepines. The aim of the present study was to compare the molecular forms of endozepines present in different regions of the rat brain and in various peripheral organs using an antiserum raised against the central (biologically active) region of DBI. Combination of HPLC analysis and RIA detection revealed the existence of two major forms (peaks I and II) of endozepine-immunoreactive peptides. The retention times of the two peaks (36 and 39 min, respectively) were identical in all tissues or organs tested. Western blotting analysis of cerebral cortex extracts confirmed the existence of two immunoreactive species with apparent molecular weights 4000 and 6000 Da, which respectively correspond to peaks I and II. Tryptic digestion of peaks I and II generated a single immunoreactive peptide that coeluted with the synthetic octadecaneuropeptide ODN [DBI(33–50)]. These results show that, in different parts of the brain and in various peripheral organs, DBI is rapidly processed to generate two peptides of apparent molecular weight of 4000 and 6000 Da, which both possess the biologically active determinant of endozepines.  相似文献   

Mice heterozygously deficient in the p0 gene (P0(+/-)) are animal models for some forms of inherited neuropathies. They display a progressive demyelinating phenotype in motor nerves, accompanied by mild infiltration of lymphocytes and increase in macrophages. We have shown previously that the T lymphocytes are instrumental in the demyelination process. This study addresses the functional role of the macrophage in this monogenic myelin disorder.In motor nerves of P0(+/)- mice, the number of macrophages in demyelinated peripheral nerves was increased by a factor of five when compared with motor nerves of wild-type mice. Immunoelectron microscopy, using a specific marker for mouse macrophages, displayed macrophages not only in the endoneurium of the myelin mutants, but also within endoneurial tubes, suggesting an active role in demyelination. To elucidate the roles of the macrophages, we crossbred the myelin mutants with a spontaneous mouse mutant deficient in macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), hence displaying impaired macrophage activation. In the P0-deficient double mutants also deficient in M-CSF, the numbers of macrophages were not elevated in the demyelinating motor nerves and demyelination was less severe. These findings demonstrate an active role of macrophages during pathogenesis of inherited demyelination with putative impact on future treatment strategies.  相似文献   

S Beckh 《FEBS letters》1990,262(2):317-322
RNA blot hybridization analyses using probes specific for sodium channels I, II and III revealed high levels of sodium channel I mRNA and low levels of sodium channel II and III mRNAs in peripheral nervous system (PNS) tissues. The developmental expression patterns of these mRNAs were generally similar to those described for the central nervous system. The small amounts of sodium channel I and III mRNAs present in tongue muscle were greatly reduced after partial denervation. Expression of the three sodium channels thus appears to be restricted to the nervous system. Putative novel additional mRNAs, specifically expressed in the PNS, were detected with a probe that recognizes nucleotide sequences common to sodium channels I, II and III.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of rat brain natriuretic peptide (rBNP) precursor has recently been deduced by the cDNA cloning method (1). In the present study, a radioimmunoassay (RIA) system for rBNP was newly established, and regional distribution of rBNP in the central nervous system, heart and other peripheral tissue of rat was investigated. In heart, especially in cardiac atrium, a high concentration of immunoreactive (ir-) rBNP was detected and identified as rBNP-45 and gamma-rBNP. No significant amount of ir-rBNP was found in other tissues examined including the central nervous system. Especially in brain, no ir-rBNP was detected, while ir-rat atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP) was observed at a relatively high concentration. These results demonstrate a sharp contrast between rat and porcine brains in ir-BNP distribution.  相似文献   

Genesis of the Drosophila peripheral nervous system   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

HIV-1, macrophages, glial cells, and cytokines in AIDS nervous system disease   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
J E Merrill  I S Chen 《FASEB journal》1991,5(10):2391-2397
Hallmarks of central nervous system (CNS) disease in AIDS patients are headaches, fever, subtle cognitive changes, abnormal reflexes, and ataxia. Dementia and severe sensory and motor dysfunction characterize more severe disease. Autoimmune-like peripheral neuropathies, cerebrovascular disease, and brain tumors are also observed. Histological changes include inflammation, astrocytosis, microglial nodule formation, and diffuse de- or dysmyelination. Focal demyelination can also be seen. It is clear that AIDS-associated neurological diseases are correlated with greater levels of HIV-1 antigen or genome in tissues. In AIDS dementia, macrophages and microglial cells of the CNS are the predominant cell types infected and producing HIV-1. However, manifestations of the disease make it unlikely that direct infection by HIV-1 is responsible. It seems more likely that the effects are mediated through secretion of viral proteins or viral induction of cytokines that bind to glial cells and neurons. HIV-1 induction of such cytokines as interleukin 1 (IL 1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF alpha) may lead to an autocrine feedback loop involving further productive virus replication and induction of other cytokines such as interleukin 6 (IL 6) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF). Interleukin 1 and TNF alpha in combination with IL 6 and GMCSF could account for many clinical and histopathological findings in AIDS nervous system diseases. As HIV-1 infected patients produce elevated levels of IL 1, TNF alpha, and IL 6, it will be important to make a formal connection between the presence of these factors in the CNS, which are all products of activated macrophages, astroglia, and microglia, their in vivo induction directly by virus or indirectly by virus-induced intermediates, and the clinical and pathological conditions seen in the nervous system in this disease.  相似文献   

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