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Recent studies in yeast, Drosophila and humans have revealed the existence of a highly conserved gene encoding a novel protein, Dodo, comprised of four modules: a WW domain, involved in protein–protein interactions, a peptidyl–prolyl cis–trans isomerase (PPIase) domain belonging to a recently described third family of PPIases involved in protein folding and unfolding, a nuclear localization motif and finally, a long, surface-exposed α-helix that is likely to be involved in binding to a cell cycle serine/threonine kinase. The genetic, molecular, biochemical and structural data are reviewed in the context of the potential biological properties of this new protein family.  相似文献   

Carrot (Daucus carota) somatic embryogenesis has been extensively used as an experimental system for studying embryogenesis. In maturing zygotic embryos, abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in acquisition of desiccation tolerance and dormancy. On the other hand, somatic embryos contain low levels of endogenous ABA and show desiccation intolerance and lack dormancy, but tolerance and dormancy can be induced by exogenous application of ABA. In ABA-treated carrot embryos, some ABA-inducible genes are expressed. We isolated the Daucus carota bZIP1 (DcBZ1) gene encoding a G-box binding factor-type basic region/leucine zipper (GBF-type bZIP) factor from carrot somatic embryos. The expression of DcBZ1 was detected in embryogenic cells, non-embryogenic cells, somatic embryos, developing seeds, seedlings, and true leaves. Notably, higher expression was detected in embryogenic cells, true leaves, and seedlings. The expression of DcBZ1 increased in seedlings and true leaves after ABA treatment, whereas expression was not affected by differences in light conditions. During the development of zygotic and somatic embryos, increased expression of DcBZ1 was commonly detected in the later phase of development. The recombinant DcBZ1 protein showed specific binding activity to the two ABA-responsive element-like motifs (motif X and motif Y) in the promoter region of the carrot ABA-inducible gene according to results from an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Our findings suggest that the carrot GBF-type bZIP factor, DcBZ1, is involved in ABA signal transduction in embryogenesis and other vegetative tissues.  相似文献   

STAR, a gene family involved in signal transduction and activation of RNA   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A new subfamily of KH-domain-containing RNA-binding proteins is encoded by genes that are conserved from yeast to humans. Mutations with interesting developmental phenotypes have been identified in Caemorbabditis elegans, Drosophila and mouse. It is hypothesized that these bifunctional proteins provide a rich source of interesting molecular information about development and define a new cellular pathway that links signal transduction directly to RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster gene flightless-I, involved in gastrulation and muscle degeneration, has Caenorhabditis elegans and human homologues. In these highly conserved genes, two previously known gene families have been brought together, families encoding the actin- binding proteins related to gelsolin and the leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) group of proteins involved in protein-protein interactions. Both these gene families exhibit characteristics of molecular changes involving replication slippage and exon shuffling. Phylogenetic analyses of 19 amino acid sequences of 6 related protein types indicate that actin- associated proteins related to gelsolin are monophyletic to a common ancestor and include flightless proteins. Conversely, comparison of 24 amino acid sequences of LRR proteins including the flightless proteins indicates that flightless proteins are members of a structurally related subgroup. Included in the flightless cluster are human and mouse rsp-1 proteins involved in suppressing v-Ras transformation of cells and the membrane-associated yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) adenylate cyclase whose analogous LRRs are required for interaction with Ras proteins. There is a strong possibility that ligands for this group could be related and that flightless may have a similar role in Ras signal transduction. It is hypothesized that an ancestral monomeric gelsolin precursor protein has undergone at least four independent gene reorganization events to account for the structural diversity of the extant family of gelsolin-related proteins and that gene duplication and exon shuffling events occurred prior to or at the beginning of multicellular life, resulting in the evolution of some members of the family soon after the appearance of actin-type proteins.   相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is known to synergize with phorbol esters in the induction of interleukin-2 (IL-2) expression in T-lymphoid leukemia cells and proliferation of mouse thymocytes. We used a plasmid construct containing the bacterial gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase under the control of the human IL-2 promoter to study the nature of this synergism in the murine thymoma cell line EL4. Although IL-1 induction of the IL-2 promoter in these cells required costimulus with phorbol myristate acetate, the signal induced by IL-1 was qualitatively different. We provide evidence to support the hypothesis that the phorbol ester signal is mediated by protein kinase C, and we show that the IL-1 signal is not. That IL-1 and phorbol myristate acetate represent different stimuli was shown by their response to protein kinase C inhibitors, capacity to synergize with increased intracellular free calcium, and requirement for protein synthesis. In addition we show that pretreatment with IL-1 can prime EL4 cells to subsequent activation by concentrations of phorbol esters not normally sufficient to induce IL-2 expression. Pretreated cells remained primed for at least 40 h after removal of the IL-1. Neither phorbol myristate acetate nor a calcium ionophore was capable of preactivating EL4 cells.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that KML1-7 cells cloned from a lupus-prone MRL/l mouse produced a soluble factor that preferentially expanded anti-DNA antibody production across the H-2 barrier. We purified this factor, a 55 kD protein that we termed nucleobindin (Nuc), and obtained its cDNA clone. Although the gene for Nuc encodes a signal peptide and, in fact, Nuc was identified as a secreted protein, Nuc had a DNA-binding property. The putative polypeptide predicted from the cDNA sequence featured a signal peptide, a leucine zipper structure and a basic amino acid-rich region. The DNA-binding property of Nuc was destroyed by deletion of either the leucine zipper structure or the basic amino acid-rich region. The amino acid sequences of Nuc are highly conserved between mouse and human. We discuss the possible role of Nuc in autoimmunity.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the human gene HEC (highly expressed in cancer) contains 642 amino acids and a long series of leucine heptad repeats at its C-terminal region. HEC protein is expressed most abundantly in the S and M phases of rapidly dividing cells but not in terminal differentiated cells. It localizes to the nuclei of interphase cells, and a portion distributes to centromeres during M phase. Inactivation of HEC by microinjection of specific monoclonal antibodies into cells during interphase severely disturbs the subsequent mitoses. Disordered sister chromatid alignment and separation, as well as the formation of nonviable cells with multiple, fragmented micronuclei, are common features observed. These results suggest that the HEC protein may play an important role in chromosome segregation during M phase.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase upstream kinase/dual leucine zipper-bearing kinase/leucine-zipper protein kinase (MUK/DLK/ZPK) is a MAPKKK class protein kinase that induces JNK/SAPK activation. We report here a protein named MBIP that binds to MUK/DLK/ZPK. MUK-binding inhibitory protein (MBIP) contains two tandemly orientated leucine-zipper-like motifs with a cluster of basic amino acids located between the two motifs. MBIP interacts with one of the two leucine-zipper-like motifs of MUK/DLK/ZPK and inhibits the activity of MUK/DLK/ZPK to induce JNK/SAPK activation. Notably, no similar effect was observed with another JNK/SAPK-inducing MAPKKK, COT/Tpl-2, showing the specificity of MBIP action. Furthermore, the overexpression of MBIP partially inhibits the activation of JNK by 0.3 m sorbitol in 293T cells. Taken together, these observations indicate that MBIP can function as a regulator of MUK/DLK/ZPK, a finding that may provide a clue to understanding the molecular mechanism of JNK/SAPK activation by hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that ensure centrosome duplication are poorly understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, ZYG-1, SAS-4, SAS-5 and SPD-2 are required for centriole formation. However, it is unclear whether these proteins have functional homologues in other organisms. Here, we identify SAS-6 as a component that is required for daughter centriole formation in C. elegans. SAS-6 is a coiled-coil protein that is recruited to centrioles at the onset of the centrosome duplication cycle. Our analysis indicates that SAS-6 and SAS-5 associate and that this interaction, as well as ZYG-1 function, is required for SAS-6 centriolar recruitment. SAS-6 is the founding member of an evolutionarily conserved protein family that contains the novel PISA motif. We investigated the function of the human homologue of SAS-6. GFP-HsSAS-6 localizes to centrosomes and its overexpression results in excess foci-bearing centriolar markers. Furthermore, siRNA-mediated inactivation of HsSAS-6 in U2OS cells abrogates centrosome overduplication following aphidicolin treatment and interferes with the normal centrosome duplication cycle. Therefore, HsSAS-6 is also required for centrosome duplication, indicating that the function of SAS-6-related proteins has been widely conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

In a search for monocyte-specific nuclear factors, we analyzed in human cells the promoter of the chicken myelomonocytic growth factor, a gene that, in the chicken, is expressed in myeloid and myelomonocytic cells. Reporter gene constructs were active in monocytic Mono Mac 6 cells and in monoblastic THP-1 cells but not in the hematopoietic stem cell line K562. When a region with homology to the sequence recognized by CAAT enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP) was inactivated by site-directed mutagenesis, the reporter activity was reduced by a factor of 10. Multimers of this region, termed F, in front of a heterologous promoter were active in Mono Mac 6 and THP-1 cells but not in K562 cells, WIL2 B cells, BT20 mammary carcinoma cells, MelJuso melanoma cells, or SK-Hep-1 hepatoma cells. Gel shift analysis with the F oligonucleotide identified DNA-binding activity in monocytic Mono Mac 6, monoblastic THP-1, and myelomonocytic HL60 cells. No binding was detected in myelomonocytic RC2A cells, in myeloid KG-1 cells, or in the hematopoietic stem cell line K562. Furthermore, a panel of solid tumor cell lines, representing various tissues, were also negative. Stimulation by PMA could not induce this binding factor in any of the negative cell lines. Analysis of primary cells (granulocytes, T cells, monocytes, and alveolar macrophages) revealed binding activity only in monocytes and macrophages. This DNA-binding factor, termed NF-M, was found to consist of two molecules, of 50 and 72 kDa, as determined by affinity cross-linking. Binding of NF-M was competed by the region F oligonucleotide and by the C/EBP motif from the albumin enhancer but not by an AP-2 motif. These data suggest that NF-M is a member of the C/EBP family of nuclear factors. The monocyte-restricted activity of NF-M suggests that this nuclear factor may be involved in regulation of monocyte-specific genes.  相似文献   

Proteins of the cyclophilin family display two intriguing properties. On the one hand, they are the intracellular receptors for the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A (CsA); on the other hand, they function in vitro as enzymes that catalyse slow steps in protein folding. A dissection of the role of CsA in mediating immunosuppression, together with recent studies on the biology of cyclophilins in the absence of this ligand, is providing fundamental insight into the cellular function of this protein family.  相似文献   

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