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Modulation of c-kit mRNA and protein by hemopoietic growth factors.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We examined the effects of various hemopoietins on c-kit mRNA and protein expression. Interleukin-3 (IL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and erythropoietin, but not IL-4, down-regulated levels of c-kit mRNA expressed by mast cells and stem cell progenitors. The effect of IL-3 was dominant and independent of cell growth or viability and was paralleled by reduced expression in c-kit protein. These observations indicate that regulation of c-kit expression is closely interlinked with the molecular mechanisms triggered by erythropoietin, IL-3, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.  相似文献   

We investigated the possible role of calmodulin (CaM) in the control of histamine release from human basophil leukocytes using several CaM antagonists. Trifluoperazine (TFP) (10(-6)-2 X 10(-5) M), pimozide (10(-6)-1.5 X 10(-5) M), chlorpromazine (CPZ) (10(-5)-10(-4) M) and promethazine (PMZ) (2 X 10(-5)-10(-4) M) inhibited in vitro histamine secretion from human basophils induced by several immunological (antigen, anti-IgE, and formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine: f-met peptide) and nonimmunological (Ca2+ ionophore A23187 and the tumor promoter 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate: TPA) stimuli. Trifluoperazine sulfoxide (TFP-S) and chlorpromazine sulfoxide (CPZ-S), which have very low affinity to CaM, had practically no inhibitory effect on histamine release from human basophils. The inhibitory effect of TFP could be made irreversible by irradiating the cells with UV light. A sulfonamide derivative, the compound N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-7) (2.5 X 10(-5)-2 X 10(-4) M), which selectively binds to CaM, inhibited the release of histamine from basophils. In contrast, the chloride deficient analogue, W-5, which interacts only weakly with CaM, had practically no inhibiting effect. The IC50 for enzyme release by a series of eight CaM antagonists was closely correlated (r = 0.91; p less than 0.001) with the CaM specific binding, supporting the concept that these agents act by binding to CaM and thereby inhibiting histamine release. TFP and W-7 inhibited histamine release in the absence and in the presence of increasing concentrations of extracellular Ca2+. These results emphasize the possible role of CaM in the control of histamine secretion from human basophils.  相似文献   

Major basic protein (MBP), an arginine-rich basic polypeptide that constitutes the crystalloid core of the large specific eosinophil granule, has previously been shown to stimulate noncytolytic histamine release from human basophils and rat mast cells by an IgE-independent mechanism. Two additional basic polypeptides present in eosinophil granules, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), were examined for similar activity in the present study. Acid-solubilized eosinophil granules were fractionated by chromatography on a Sephadex G-50 column. Incubation of basophil-containing human mononuclear cells with the individual column fractions demonstrated that histamine release occurred only with the fractions that contained MBP. The selectivity of the basophil response for MBP was confirmed by using equimolar concentrations of purified MBP, ECP, and EDN. In contrast, both MBP and ECP, but not EDN, stimulated histamine release from purified rat peritoneal mast cells. Reduction and alkylation of the MBP molecule diminished the response of human basophils to MBP but enhanced the potency of the molecule with rat mast cells. The distinct potency of MBP as a stimulus for histamine secretion from human basophils suggests that eosinophil release of MBP may be a specific event in the augmentation of immediate hypersensitivity reactions and other disorders characterized by eosinophilia.  相似文献   

A diploid fibroblastoid cell strain, termed "ST-1," has been established from a long-term liquid culture of human fetal liver cells. ST-1 cells are nonphagocytic, nonspecific esterase negative and do not possess factor VIII-related antigen but stain with antibodies specific for fibronectin and type I collagen. The ST-1 cells produce nondialyzable hemopoietic growth factors capable of stimulating the development of erythroid bursts, mixed granulocyte-macrophage colonies, pure granulocyte colonies, and pure macrophage colonies. These factors are active on both human fetal liver and human adult bone marrow progenitors. When liquid cultures of human fetal liver hemopoietic progenitors are established with a preformed monolayer of ST-1 cells, the yields of nonadherent cells, erythroid progenitors, and myeloid progenitors are greatly increased. These studies demonstrate that the fibroblastoid ST-1 cells support hemopoiesis in vitro and may be a critical element in the stromal microenviroment in vivo.  相似文献   

The mechasism of human basophil histamine release by the calcium ionophore A23187 has been compared to that induced by the interaction of antigen with cell bound IgE antibody. Ionophore induced histamine release (Ion. H.R.) occurs with the leukocytes of both normal and allergic donors. It is completely calcium dependent; LaCl3 inhibits both Ion. H.R. and antigen induced histamine release (Ag. H.R.) at about 10-minus 7 M. The kinetics of Ion. H.R. suggest that this process has no "desensitization" phase as does Ag. H.R. and the ionophore is fully active on antigen-desensitized cells. Pharmacologic studies indicate that dibutyryl cyclic AMP and agents which increase endogenous cyclic AMP levels do not inhibit Ion. H.R. as they inhibit the early stages of Ag. H.R. Of the agents which affect microtubules, colchicine inhibits and D2O enhances Ion. H.R. in a manner which is qualitatively similar but quantitatively less marked than their effects on Ag. H.R. The metabolic antagonist 2-deoxyglucose inhibits both Ion. H.R. and Ag. H.R. in a similar fashion. Based on these data and the observation that cells pretreated with ionophore show a marked (synergistic) enhancement of Ag. H.R. we conclude that Ion. H.R. has a similar or identical mechanism to the later stages if Ag. H.R. but "short circuits" the cyclic AMP-associated events of Ag. H.R.  相似文献   

This study reports on the effects of heparin, basic and acidic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF and aFGF, respectively), and transforming growth factor type-e (TGFe) on the growth of a human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line, SW-13. Heparin has previously been shown to inhibit growth in several cell types, including smooth muscle cells, certain fibroblasts, and epithelial cells, and to modulate the effects of fibroblast growth factors. Whereas bFGF and aFGF bind tightly to heparin and elute from a heparin-Sepharose column with 2 M NaCl and 1.6 M NaCl, respectively, TGFe binds to heparin with lower affinity and can be eluted from heparin-Sepharose column with 0.5 M NaCl. TGFe is a polypeptide unrelated to FGF, is present in neoplastic and nonneoplastic tissues, and stimulates the growth of certain epithelial cells and fibroblasts in soft agar and monolayer. Since the growth of SW-13 cells is stimulated by TGFe and by bFGF, we hypothesized that heparin would inhibit the growth of SW-13 cells by binding to these growth factors and that the effects of heparin could be overcome with the addition of either growth factor. Our experiments confirmed that heparin inhibits the growth of SW-13 cells. A dose-dependent growth inhibition was observed in both monolayer and soft agar. The inhibition in monolayer was partially reversed upon heparin withdrawal. The effects of heparin in both monolayer and soft agar were at least partially overcome by TGFe and by basic or acidic FGF. Overall protein synthesis does not appear to be affected by heparin as measured by [35S]methionine uptake. In contrast, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) were unable to overcome heparin-induced inhibition both in monolayer and in soft agar. Heparin also inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation in AKR-2B and partially inhibited AKR-2B cell stimulation by TGFe; however, it further potentiated the already potent stimulation by bFGF. We propose that heparin, TGFe, bFGF, and aFGF modulate the growth of SW-13 cells and possibly of other epithelial cells in complex ways and that heparin-like substances present in the extracellular matrix play an important role in the control of epithelial growth.  相似文献   

The glucocorticosteroids inhibit the IgE-dependent release of histamine by human basophils with an order of potency that very closely parallels that found in vivo (i.e., triamcinolone acetonide greater than dexamethasone greater than beta-methasone greater than prednisolone greater than hydrocortisone much greater than progesterone approximately tetrahydrocortisone approximately 0). The effect is seen after a 24-hr preincubation with nanomolar to micromolar concentrations of glucocorticoid. In contrast, release of histamine stimulated by the formyl methionine containing peptide f-met-leu-phe, the calcium ionophore A23187, and the tumor-promoting phorbol diester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate was not inhibited by 24-hr incubation with the potent glucocorticoid dexamethasone. Dexamethasone inhibited anti-IgE-induced histamine release without altering its rate, suggesting that the glucocorticoids do not inhibit histamine release by elevating the intracellular level of cAMP. Dexamethasone did not consistently alter either the total or occupied basophil IgE Fc receptor number, and therefore the glucocorticoid effect does not appear to be due to the modulation of cell surface Fc epsilon receptor content. These data indicate that steroid hormones inhibit basophil IgE-dependent activation through a specific glucocorticoid receptor. The mechanism by which they do so appears not to involve an elevation of cAMP or a shedding of cell surface Fc epsilon receptors. Further, because the glucocorticoids did not inhibit release initiated by the PLA2-dependent stimuli f-met-leu-phe, A23187 and TPA, the inactivation of IgE-dependent histamine release by glucocorticoids may not be the result of PLA2 inhibition.  相似文献   

We have reexamined the ability of anti-human IgG antibodies to induce histamine release from human basophils. A panel of purified murine mAbs with International Union of Immunological Societies-documented specificity for each of the four subclasses of human IgG was used. Of the 24 allergic subjects studied, the basophils of 75% (18/24) released greater than 10% histamine to one or more anti-IgG1-4 mAb, whereas none of the 13 nonatopic donor's basophils released histamine after stimulation with optimal amounts of anti-IgG mAb. The basophils of 85% (11/13) of the nonatopic donors did respond to anti-IgE challenge, as did 92% (22/24) of the atopic donor cells. Histamine release was induced most frequently by anti-IgG3, and 10/18 anti-IgG responder cells released histamine with mAb specific for two or more different subclass specificities. The rank order for induction of histamine release was anti-IgG3 greater than anti-IgG2 greater than IgG1 greater than anti-IgG4. As in our previous study using polyclonal anti-IgG, 100- to 300-micrograms/ml quantities of the anti-IgG mAb were required for maximal histamine release, about 1000-fold higher than those for comparable release with anti-human IgE. Specificity studies using both immunoassays and inhibition studies with IgE myeloma protein indicated that anti-IgG induced histamine release was not caused by cross-reactivity with IgE. Ig receptors were opened by lactic acid treatment so that the cells could be passively sensitized. Neither IgE myeloma nor IgG myeloma (up to 15 mg/ml) proteins could restore the response to anti-IgG mAb. However, sera from individuals with leukocytes that released histamine upon challenge with anti-IgG mAb could passively sensitize acid-treated leukocytes from both anti-IgG responder and nonresponder donors for an anti-IgG response. The only anti-IgG mAb that induced release from these passively sensitized cells were those to which the serum donor was responsive. Sera from non-IgG responders could not restore an anti-IgG response. These data led to the hypothesis that the IgG specific mAb were binding to IgG-IgE complexes that were attached to the basophil through IgE bound to the IgE receptor. This was shown to be correct because passive sensitization to anti-IgG could be blocked by previous exposure of the basophils to IgE. We conclude that anti-IgG-induced release occurs as a result of binding to IgG anti-IgE antibodies and cross-linking of the IgE receptors on basophils.  相似文献   

Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1), an extra-cellular 22 kDa single chain protein produced by most Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from patients with toxic shock syndrome (TSS), induces modifications of blood cell values similar to those observed during TSS. We therefore analyzed the effects of TSST-1 on the proliferation and differentiation of murine granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (CFU-culture) and the eventual role of endotoxin in this response. TSST-1 had no direct effect on the proliferation of CFU-culture and was unable to influence the CSF-induced proliferation and differentiation of these progenitors. In contrast, TSST-1 was a potent inducer in spleen cell cultures of a factor with an ability to induce both colony formation by bone marrow cells and proliferation of an IL-3-dependent cell line. Nanogram amounts of TSST-1 were able to induce the release of CSF activity in spleen cell cultures from both normal and LPS-hyporesponsive mice. Cells from C3H/HeJ mice were as responsive as cells from C3H/He Pas mice. Furthermore, in spleen cell cultures from normal mice, TSST-1 and LPS did not act synergistically to induce CSF activity. Nanogram amounts of TSST-1 were also able to induce CSF activity in vivo but failed to induce IL-3 activity in the serum and organ-conditioned media from TSST-1-treated mice.  相似文献   

C Nissen 《Blood cells》1988,14(2-3):521-531
There are two distinct hemopoietic activities in human serum that do not have the properties of the known hemopoietic lymphokines. These two activities appear not to be produced by immune competent cells. "Direct" stimulatory activity acts in primary target cultures of normal marrow. There does not appear to be a feedback mechanism between bone marrow failure and "direct" activity; it appears to reflect ongoing disease. Indirect "releaser" activity stimulates peripheral blood cells to produce hemopoietic growth factors. It is invariably elevated when release of hemopoietic growth factors is poor, indicating that a feedback mechanism exists. The peripheral blood cells of young patients, particularly young girls, respond poorly to autologous "releaser" stimulation. Results of treatment with ALG in this group are poor. However, all patients with aplastic anemia appear capable of producing adequate amounts "releaser" factor.  相似文献   

The influences of TNF alpha and TNF beta were evaluated for their stimulatory and inhibitory effects on in vitro colony formation by human bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM), erythroid (BFU-E), and multipotential (CFU-GEMM) progenitor cells. Both TNF alpha and TNF beta induced fibroblasts to produce stimulators of CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM in a dose-dependent fashion. Similar results were seen when equivalent concentrations of TNF alpha and TNF beta were used. Prior incubation of the TNF alpha and TNF beta with their respective antibodies inactivated the ability of the TNF preparations to induce the release of granulocyte-macrophage, erythroid, and multipotential colony-stimulating activity from fibroblasts. In addition, incubation of the TNF-induced fibroblast supernatant with antibody before colony assay resulted in enhanced colony formation, suggesting that the TNF carried over into the colony assay suppressed colony formation. Additional proof of this suppression by TNF was evident when TNF was added directly to the CFU-GM, BFU-E, and CFU-GEMM colony assays. IL-1 does not appear to function as an intermediary in growth factor production by fibroblasts stimulated with TNF because antibody to IL-1 displayed no effect. Furthermore, assay of TNF-induced fibroblast supernatant was negative for IL-1. These results suggest that TNF alpha and TNF beta exert both a positive and negative influence on in vitro hemopoietic colony formation.  相似文献   

The response of granulocyte progenitors (CFU-D) from patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), neutrophilic reaction (NR) and healthy subjects to macrophage-derived stimulatory and inhibitory factors was investigated in diffusion chamber culture. CFU-D from CML and NR demonstrated a normal reactivity to macrophage stimulation but were hyporesponsive to indomethacin-sensitive inhibition. It is also shown that the spleens of patients with Hodgkin's disease contain locally activated macrophages with higher production of indomethacin-sensitive growth inhibiting factor for autologous CFU-D clonal proliferation.  相似文献   

The activation of human serum complement by incubation with zymosan generates C5a which releases histamine from autologous basophils. The characteristics of the C5a-induced histamine release were investigated. It is similar to IgE-mediated reactions in requiring Ca++ and in being inhibited by EDTA. However, it has marked differences from IgE-mediated reactions. C5a, at all concentrations, released histamine completely in less than 2 min. The C5a reaction has a narrow pH optimum that antigen-induced release and occurs well at 17 degrees to 37 degreesC but not at 0 degreesC. The optimal reaction temperature is 25 degrees to 30 degrees C. Unlike the antigen-induced release, no two-stage activation with C5a for the release of histamine could be demonstrated. There was additive release between C5a- IgE-mediated reactions. Leukocytes could be desensitized to the C5a-mediated reaction by 1) incubating the cells at 37 degrees C for 45 min, 2) pretreating the leukocytes with activated serum in the presence of EDTA, and 3) adding the activated serum to the leukocytes at 0 degrees C before transferring to the optimal reaction temperatures. Cells desensitized to the complement-induced release have normal reactions to IgE-mediated histamine release. In parallel experiments, cells from allergic donors desensitized for IgE-mediated reactions by incubation with antigen under sub-optimal conditions release histamine normally upon the addition of C5a. The results indicate that histamine release by C5a involves a mechanism of basophil activation that is different from the pathway involved in the IgE-induced reaction.  相似文献   

Platelet activation may occur during immunoglobulin E antibody (IgE)-mediated reactions. In these studies, we confirm that platelet-derived supernatants (PDS) induce histamine release from human mixed leukocytes containing basophils, one of the initial target cells in IgE-mediated reactions. In extending this observation, we have shown that this PDS-induced histamine release is both temperature- and calcium-dependent. Kinetic studies of release induced by PDS indicate that release is more rapid than that associated with IgE-dependent mechanisms. This platelet-derived, histamine-releasing activity is produced by platelet stimulation with collagen (5 micrograms/ml) and acetylglyceryl ether phosphorylcholine (10(-7)), as well as thrombin (1 U/ml). Initial characterization has shown that it is stable to acid and to freeze-thawing but not to boiling for 10 min. In addition, although this histamine-releasing activity is nondialyzable (i.e., greater than 3500 m.w.), it cannot be attributed to platelet factor 4. Thus, platelets, once activated, can produce a soluble substance or substances which can initiate basophil-mediated reactions, further suggesting that platelet activation can enhance allergic and inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Activation of either the alternative or classical pathway of complement generated a factor which induced release of histamine from both non-allergic and allergic human basophils. This factor probably is derived from the complement system since 1) its formation was associated with loss of C3 activity in human serum, 2) chemotactic factor, probably also a complement product, was generated simultaneously, 3) heat inactivation blocked its formation, 4) anti-C3 and anti-C5 blocked formation of the factor, and finally 5) anti-C5 inhibited the activity of the factor once it had been formed. It appears that both complement-mediated and allergen-mediated release of histamine from basophils are secretory, non-cytolytic pathways since both were maximal at 37 degrees C, required the presence of divalent cations, and were inhibited by theophylline. One consistent difference between these two mechanisms was noted: complement-initiated release of histamine occurred more quickly.  相似文献   

Gap junction hemichannels and cell-cell channels have roles in coordinating numerous cellular processes, due to their permeability to extra and intracellular signaling molecules. Another mechanism of cellular coordination is provided by a vast array of growth factors that interact with relatively selective cell membrane receptors. These receptors can affect cellular transduction pathways, including alteration of intracellular concentration of free Ca(2+) and free radicals and activation of protein kinases or phosphatases. Connexin and pannexin based channels constitute recently described targets of growth factor signal transduction pathways, but little is known regarding the effects of growth factor signaling on pannexin based channels. The effects of growth factors on these two channel types seem to depend on the cell type, cell stage and connexin and pannexin isoform expressed. The functional state of hemichannels and gap junction channels are affected in opposite directions by FGF-1 via protein kinase-dependent mechanisms. These changes are largely explained by channels insertion in or withdrawal from the cell membrane, but changes in open probability might also occur due to changes in phosphorylation and redox state of channel subunits. The functional consequence of variation in cell-cell communication via these membrane channels is implicated in disease as well as normal cellular responses.  相似文献   

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