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SIRT7 is a class III histone deacetylase that is involved in numerous cellular processes. Only six substrates of SIRT7 have been reported thus far, so we aimed to systematically identify SIRT7 substrates using stable‐isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with quantitative mass spectrometry (MS). Using SIRT7+/+ and SIRT7 ?/? mouse embryonic fibroblasts as our model system, we identified and quantified 1493 acetylation sites in 789 proteins, of which 261 acetylation sites in 176 proteins showed ≥2‐fold change in acetylation state between SIRT7?/? and SIRT7+/+ cells. These proteins were considered putative SIRT7 substrates and were carried forward for further analysis. We then validated the predictive efficiency of the SILAC–MS experiment by assessing substrate acetylation status in vitro in six predicted proteins. We also performed a bioinformatic analysis of the MS data, which indicated that many of the putative protein substrates were involved in metabolic processes. Finally, we expanded our list of candidate substrates by performing a bioinformatics‐based prediction analysis of putative SIRT7 substrates, using our list of putative substrates as a positive training set, and again validated a subset of the proteins in vitro. In summary, we have generated a comprehensive list of SIRT7 candidate substrates.  相似文献   

The main goal of many proteomics experiments is an accurate and rapid quantification and identification of regulated proteins in complex biological samples. The bottleneck in quantitative proteomics remains the availability of efficient software to evaluate and quantify the tremendous amount of mass spectral data acquired during a proteomics project. A new software suite, ICPLQuant, has been developed to accurately quantify isotope‐coded protein label (ICPL)‐labeled peptides on the MS level during LC‐MALDI and peptide mass fingerprint experiments. The tool is able to generate a list of differentially regulated peptide precursors for subsequent MS/MS experiments, minimizing time‐consuming acquisition and interpretation of MS/MS data. ICPLQuant is based on two independent units. Unit 1 performs ICPL multiplex detection and quantification and proposes peptides to be identified by MS/MS. Unit 2 combines MASCOT MS/MS protein identification with the quantitative data and produces a protein/peptide list with all the relevant information accessible for further data mining. The accuracy of quantification, selection of peptides for MS/MS‐identification and the automated output of a protein list of regulated proteins are demonstrated by the comparative analysis of four different mixtures of three proteins (Ovalbumin, Horseradish Peroxidase and Rabbit Albumin) spiked into the complex protein background of the DGPF Proteome Marker.  相似文献   

Neonatal neutrophils are characterized by the immaturity of bactericidal mechanisms that contributes largely to neonatal mortality. However, underlying molecular mechanism associated with the immaturity remains incompletely understood. In this study, we performed comparative proteomic analysis on neonatal neutrophils derived from human cord blood and adult peripheral neutrophils. A total of 1332 proteins were identified and quantified, and 127 proteins were characterized as differentially expressed between adult and cord neutrophils. The differentially expressed proteins are mapped in KEGG pathways into five clusters and indicated impaired functions of neonatal neutrophils in proteasome, lysosome, phagosome, and leukocyte transendothelial migration. In particular, many proteins associated with NETosis, a critical mechanism for antimicrobial process and auto‐clearance, were also found to be downregulated in cord neutrophils. This study represents a first comparative proteome profiling of neonatal and adult neutrophils, and provides a global view of differentially expressed proteome for enhancing our understanding of their various functional difference.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency significantly effects plant growth and development. Plant symptoms under excess zinc (Zn) resemble symptoms of Fe‐deficient plants. To understand cross‐talk between excess Zn and Fe deficiency, we investigated physiological parameters of Arabidopsis plants and applied iTRAQ‐OFFGEL quantitative proteomic approach to examine protein expression changes in microsomal fraction from Arabidopsis shoots under those physiological conditions. Arabidopsis plants manifested shoot inhibition and chlorosis symptoms when grown on Fe‐deficient media compared to basal MGRL solid medium. iTRAQ‐OFFGEL approach identified 909 differentially expressed proteins common to all three biological replicates; the majority were transporters or proteins involved in photosynthesis, and ribosomal proteins. Interestingly, protein expression changes between excess Zn and Fe deficiency showed similar pattern. Further, the changes due to excess Zn were dramatically restored by the addition of Fe. To obtain biological insight into Zn and Fe cross‐talk, we focused on transporters, where STP4 and STP13 sugar transporters were predominantly expressed and responsive to Fe‐deficient conditions. Plants grown on Fe‐deficient conditions showed significantly increased level of sugars. These results suggest that Fe deficiency might lead to the disruption of sugar synthesis and utilization.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a constant development of tools for the global assessment of phosphoproteins. Here, we outline a concept for integrating approaches for quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics. The strategy was applied to the analysis of changes in signalling and protein synthesis occurring after activation of the T‐cell receptor (TCR) pathway in a T‐cell line (Jurkat cells). For this purpose, peptides were obtained from four biological replicates of activated and control Jurkat T‐cells and phosphopeptides enriched via a TiO2‐based chromatographic step. Both phosphopeptide‐enriched and flow‐through fractions were analyzed by LC–MS. We observed 1314 phosphopeptides in the enriched fraction whereas 19 were detected in the flow‐through, enabling the quantification of 414 and eight phosphoproteins in the respective fractions. Pathway analysis revealed the differential regulation of many metabolic pathways. Among the quantified proteins, 11 kinases with known TCR‐related function were detected. A kinase‐substrate database search for the phosphosites identified also confirmed the activity of a further ten kinases. In total, these two approaches provided evidence of 19 unique TCR‐related kinases. The combination of phosphoproteomics and conventional quantitative shotgun analysis leads to a more comprehensive assessment of the signalling networks needed for the maintenance of the activated status of Jurkat T‐cells.  相似文献   

Wnt proteins promote neuronal differentiation in neural stem cell culture   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Wnt signaling is implicated in the control of cell growth and differentiation during CNS development from studies of mouse and chick models, but its action at the cellular level has been poorly understand. In this study, we examine the in vitro function of Wnt signaling in embryonic neural stem cells, dissociated from neurospheres derived from E11.5 mouse telencephalon. Conditioned media containing active Wnt-3a proteins are added to the neural stem cells and its effect on regeneration of neurospheres and differentiation into neuronal and glial cells was examined. Wnt-3a proteins inhibit regeneration of neurospheres, but promote differentiation into MAP2-positive neuronal cells. Wnt-3a proteins also increase the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes but suppress the number of oligodendroglial lineage cells expressing PDGFR or O4. These results indicate that Wnt-3a signaling can inhibit the maintenance of neural stem cells, but rather promote the differentiation of neural stem cells into several cell lineages.  相似文献   

An effective symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia relies largely on diverse proteins at the plantrhizobium interface for material transportation and signal transduction during symbiotic nitrogen fixation.Here, we report a comprehensive proteome atlas of the soybean symbiosome membrane(SM), peribacteroid space(PBS), and root microsomal fraction(RMF) using state-of-the-art label-free quantitative proteomic technology. In total, 1759 soybean proteins with diverse functions are detected in the SM,...  相似文献   

Nanoparticle biological activity, biocompatibility and fate can be directly affected by layers of readily adsorbed host proteins in biofluids. Here, we report a study on the interactions between human blood plasma proteins and nanoparticles with a controlled systematic variation of properties using (18)O-labeling and LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics. We developed a novel protocol to both simplify isolation of nanoparticle bound proteins and improve reproducibility. LC-MS analysis identified and quantified 88 human plasma proteins associated with polystyrene nanoparticles consisting of three different surface chemistries and two sizes, as well as, for four different exposure times (for a total of 24 different samples). Quantitative comparison of relative protein abundances was achieved by spiking an (18)O-labeled "universal" reference into each individually processed unlabeled sample as an internal standard, enabling simultaneous application of both label-free and isotopic labeling quantification across the entire sample set. Clustering analysis of the quantitative proteomics data resulted in distinctive patterns that classified the nanoparticles based on their surface properties and size. In addition, temporal data indicated that the formation of the stable protein corona was at equilibrium within 5 min. The comprehensive quantitative proteomics results obtained in this study provide rich data for computational modeling and have potential implications towards predicting nanoparticle biocompatibility.  相似文献   

To examine the function of SIRT1 in neuronal differentiation, we employed all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. Nicotinamide inhibited neurite outgrowth and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression. Inhibition of PARP or histone deacetylase did not inhibit TH expression, showing the effect to be SIRT1 specific. Expression of FOXO3a and its target proteins were increased during the differentiation and reduced by nicotinamide. FOXO3a deacetylation was increased by ATRA and blocked by nicotinamide. SIRT1 and FOXO3a siRNA inhibited ATRA-induced up-regulation of TH and differentiation. Taken together, these results indicate that SIRT1 is involved in ATRA-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells via FOXO3a.  相似文献   

Covalent modifications of histone tails have fundamental roles in chromatin structure and function. Tri‐methyl modification on lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) usually correlates with gene repression that plays important roles in cell lineage commitment and development. Mash1 is a basic helix‐loop‐helix regulatory protein that plays a critical role in neurogenesis, where it expresses as an early marker. In this study, we have shown a decreased H3K27me3 accompanying with an increased demethylase of H3K27me3 (Jmjd3) at the promoter of Mash1 can elicit a dramatically efficient expression of Mash1 in RA‐treated P19 cells. Over‐expression of Jmjd3 in P19 cells also significantly enhances the RA‐induced expression and promoter activity of Mash1. By contrast, the mRNA expression and promoter activity of Mash1 are significantly reduced, when Jmjd3 siRNA or dominant negative mutant of Jmjd3 is introduced into the P19 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show that Jmjd3 is efficiently recruited to a proximal upstream region of Mash1 promoter that is overlapped with the specific binding site of Hes1 in RA‐induced cells. Moreover, the association between Jmjd3 and Hes1 is shown in a co‐Immunoprecipitation assay. It is thus likely that Jmjd3 is recruited to the Mash1 promoter via Hes1. Our results suggest that the demethylase activity of Jmjd3 and its mediator Hes1 for Mash1 promoter binding are both required for Jmjd3 enhanced efficient expression of Mash1 gene in the early stage of RA‐induced neuronal differentiation of P19 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1457–1463, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are known to have the capacity to differentiate into various cell types, including neurons. To examine our hypothesis that miRNA was involved in neuronal differentiation of hMSCs, CoCl2, a hypoxia-mimicking agent was used to induce neuronal differentiation, which was assessed by determining the expression of neuronal markers such as nestin and Tuj1. Treatment of hMSCs with CoCl2 led to increased expression of miR-124a, a neuron-specific miRNA. HIF-1α silencing and JNK inhibition abolished CoCl2-induced miR-124a expression, suggesting that JNK and HIF-1α signals were required for the miR-124a expression induced by CoCl2 in hMSCs. Overexpression of miR-124a or CoCl2 treatment suppressed the expression of anti-neural proteins such as SCP1 and SOX9. Silencing of both SCP1 and SOX9 induced neuronal differentiation of hMSCs, indicating that suppression of miR-124a targets is important for CoCl2-induced neuronal differentiation of hMSCs. Knockdown of HIF-1α or inhibition of JNK restored the expression of SCP1 and SOX9 in CoCl2-treated cells. Inhibition of miR-124a blocked CoCl2-induced suppression of SCP1 and SOX9 and abolished CoCl2-induced neuronal differentiation of hMSCs. Taken together, we demonstrate that miR-124a is critically regulates CoCl2-induced neuronal differentiation of hMSCs by suppressing the expression of SCP1 and SOX9.  相似文献   

Using multiplexed quantitative proteomics, we analyzed cell cycle‐dependent changes of the human proteome. We identified >4,400 proteins, each with a six‐point abundance profile across the cell cycle. Hypothesizing that proteins with similar abundance profiles are co‐regulated, we clustered the proteins with abundance profiles most similar to known Anaphase‐Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) substrates to identify additional putative APC/C substrates. This protein profile similarity screening (PPSS) analysis resulted in a shortlist enriched in kinases and kinesins. Biochemical studies on the kinesins confirmed KIFC1, KIF18A, KIF2C, and KIF4A as APC/C substrates. Furthermore, we showed that the APC/CCDH1‐dependent degradation of KIFC1 regulates the bipolar spindle formation and proper cell division. A targeted quantitative proteomics experiment showed that KIFC1 degradation is modulated by a stabilizing CDK1‐dependent phosphorylation site within the degradation motif of KIFC1. The regulation of KIFC1 (de‐)phosphorylation and degradation provides insights into the fidelity and proper ordering of substrate degradation by the APC/C during mitosis.  相似文献   

miR‐222 plays an important role in erythroid differentiation, but the potential targets of miR‐222 in the regulation of erythroid differentiation remain to be determined. The target genes of miR‐222 were identified by proteomics combined with bioinformatics analysis in this study. Thirteen proteins were upregulated, and 13 were downregulated in K562 cells following transfection with miR‐222 inhibitor for 24 and 48 hours. Among these proteins, BLVRA and CRKL were upregulated after transfection of miR‐222 inhibitor in K562 cells and human CD34+ HPCs. Moreover, miR‐222 mimics reduced and miR‐222 inhibitor enhanced the mRNA and protein levels of both BLVRA and CRKL. Luciferase assay showed that miR‐222 directly targeted 3′‐UTR of BLVRA and CRKL. In addition, overexpression of either BLVRA or CRKL or both increased the erythroid differentiation of K562 cells, while silencing of either BLVRA or CRKL or both by siRNA significantly attenuated hemin‐induced erythroid differentiation of K562 cells. Our results indicated that BLVRA and CRKL are targets of miR‐222.  相似文献   

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