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During tissue development, the morphogenesis of epithelial sheets is regulated by many factors, including mechanical force, although the underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. In the pharyngeal region of the vertebrate embryo, endodermal epithelium is reiteratively folded outward to form pharyngeal pouches, making partitions between the pharyngeal arches. Ripply3, encoding a member of the Ripply family of adaptor proteins, is required for the pouch formation posterior to the 2nd pharyngeal pouch. In this study, we found that the expression of mouse Ripply3 was specifically activated in accordance with the bending of the endodermal epithelium during the pouch formation. In Ripply3‐deficient embryos, a continuous monolayer of the endodermal epithelium was not maintained posterior to the 2nd pharyngeal pouch. Corresponding to the endodermal region of the deformed epithelium, the activated form of Integrin β1, which was localized at the basal side of the epithelial cells in the wild‐type embryos, was not persistently observed in the mutants. On the other hand, cell proliferation and apoptotic cell death in the endoderm were not obviously affected by the Ripply3 deficiency. Significantly, Ripply3 expressed in cultured cells was found to be preferentially accumulated in the focal adhesions, which are Integrin‐mediated adhesive contact sites transmitting mechanical force between the extracellular matrix and attached cells. Furthermore, Ripply3 promoted the maturation of focal adhesions in these cells. Thus, Ripply3 appears to have been activated to enhance the connection between the extracellular matrix and endodermal epithelial cells, as a mechanism to resist the mechanical stress generated during the bending of the epithelial sheets.  相似文献   

During embryonic life, the initially paired pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs) follow a precisely orchestrated program of persistence and regression that leads to the formation of the mature aortic arch and great vessels. When this program fails, specific cardiovascular defects arise that may be life threatening or mild, according to the identity of the affected artery. Fourth PAA-derived cardiovascular defects occur commonly in DiGeorge syndrome and velocardiofacial syndrome (22q11DS), and in Tbx1(+/-) mice that model the 22q11DS cardiovascular phenotype. Tbx1 is expressed in pharyngeal mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm, and, in addition, we show that it is expressed in precursors of the endothelial cells that line the PAAs, thus expanding the number of tissues in which Tbx1 is potentially required for fourth PAA development. In this study, we have used cell fate mapping and tissue-specific gene deletion, driven by six different Cre lines, to explore Tbx1 gene-dosage requirements in the embryonic pharynx for fourth PAA development. Through this approach, we have resolved the spatial requirements for Tbx1 in this process, and we show pharyngeal epithelia to be a critical tissue. We also thereby demonstrate conclusively that the role of Tbx1 in fourth PAA development is cell non-autonomous.  相似文献   

Mammalian development is highly sensitive to Tbx1 gene dosage reduction. Gene function insights can also be learned from increased or ectopic expression. The authors generated a novel mouse transgenic line, named COET, which expresses Tbx1 upon Cre‐mediated recombination. The authors crossed this transgenic line with Tbx1Cre animals to activate expression in the Tbx1‐expression domain. Compound mutant COET;Tbx1Cre/+ animals died after birth and showed heart enlargement. At E18.5, compound mutants showed ventricular septal defects and thymic abnormalities. The authors crossed compound mutants into a Tbx1 null background to understand whether this phenotype is caused by gene overdosage. Results showed that gene dosage reduction at the endogenous locus could not rescue heart and thymic defects, although the transgene rescued the loss of function phenotype. Thus, the transgenic phenotype appears to be due to gain of function. Resultant data demonstrate that Tbx1 expression must be tightly regulated to be compatible with normal embryonic development. genesis 47:188–195, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present here an analysis of cardiovascular and pharyngeal arch development in mouse embryos hypomorphic for Fgf8. Previously, we have described the generation of Fgf8 compound heterozygous (Fgf8(neo/-)) embryos. Although early analysis demonstrated that some of these embryos have abnormal left-right (LR) axis specification and cardiac looping reversals, the number and type of cardiac defects present at term suggested an additional role for Fgf8 in cardiovascular development. Most Fgf8(neo/-) mutant embryos survive to term with abnormal cardiovascular patterning, including outflow tract, arch artery and intracardiac defects. In addition, these mutants have hypoplastic pharyngeal arches, small or absent thymus and abnormal craniofacial development. Neural crest cells (NCCs) populate the pharyngeal arches and contribute to many structures of the face, neck and cardiovascular system, suggesting that Fgf8 may be required for NCC development. Fgf8 is expressed within the developing pharyngeal arch ectoderm and endoderm during NCC migration through the arches. Analysis of NCC development in Fgf8(neo/-) mutant embryos demonstrates that NCCs are specified and migrate, but undergo cell death in areas both adjacent and distal to where Fgf8 is normally expressed. This study defines the cardiovascular defects present in Fgf8 mutants and supports a role for Fgf8 in development of all the pharyngeal arches and in NCC survival.  相似文献   

The pyrin domain was identified recently in multiple proteins that are associated with apoptosis and/or inflammation, but the physiological and molecular function of these proteins remain poorly understood. We have identified Caspy and Caspy2, two zebrafish caspases containing N-terminal pyrin domains. Expression of Caspy and Caspy2 induced apoptosis in mammalian cells that were inhibited by general caspase inhibitors. Biochemical analysis revealed that both Caspy and Caspy2 are active caspases, but they exhibit different substrate specificity. Caspy, but not Caspy2, interacted with the zebrafish orthologue of ASC (zAsc), a pyrin- and caspase recruitment domain-containing protein identified previously in mammals. The pyrin domains of both Caspy and zAsc were required for their interaction. Furthermore, zAsc and Caspy co-localized to the "speck" when co-transfected into mammalian cells. Enforced oligomerization of zAsc, but not simple interaction with zAsc, induced specific proteolytic activation of Caspy and enhanced Caspy-dependent apoptosis. Injection of zebrafish embryos with a morpholino antisense oligonucleotide corresponding to caspy resulted in an "open mouth" phenotype associated with defective formation of the cartilaginous pharyngeal skeleton. These studies suggest that zAsc mediates the activation of Caspy, a caspase that plays an important role in the morphogenesis of the jaw and gill-bearing arches.  相似文献   

Mutation of sucker (suc) disrupts development of the lower jaw and other ventral cartilages in pharyngeal segments of the zebrafish head. Our sequencing, cosegregation and rescue results indicate that suc encodes an Endothelin-1 (Et-1). Like mouse and chick Et-1, suc/et-1 is expressed in a central core of arch paraxial mesoderm and in arch epithelia, both surface ectoderm and pharyngeal endoderm, but not in skeletogenic neural crest. Long before chondrogenesis, suc/et-1 mutant embryos have severe defects in ventral arch neural crest expression of dHAND, dlx2, msxE, gsc, dlx3 and EphA3 in the anterior arches. Dorsal expression patterns are unaffected. Later in development, suc/et-1 mutant embryos display defects in mesodermal and endodermal tissues of the pharynx. Ventral premyogenic condensations fail to express myoD, which correlates with a ventral muscle defect. Further, expression of shh in endoderm of the first pharyngeal pouch fails to extend as far laterally as in wild types. We use mosaic analyses to show that suc/et-1 functions nonautonomously in neural crest cells, and is thus required in the environment of postmigratory neural crest cells to specify ventral arch fates. Our mosaic analyses further show that suc/et-1 nonautonomously functions in mesendoderm for ventral arch muscle formation. Collectively our results support a model for dorsoventral patterning of the gnathostome pharyngeal arches in which Et-1 in the environment of the postmigratory cranial neural crest specifies the lower jaw and other ventral arch fates.  相似文献   

Wnt activity is critical in craniofacial morphogenesis. Dysregulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling results in significant alterations in the facial form, and has been implicated in cleft palate phenotypes in mouse and man. In zebrafish, we show that wnt9a is expressed in the pharyngeal arch, oropharyngeal epithelium that circumscribes the ethmoid plate, and ectodermal cells superficial to the lower jaw structures. Alcian blue staining of morpholino-mediated knockdown of wnt9a results in loss of the ethmoid plate, absence of lateral and posterior parachordals, and significant abrogation of the lower jaw structures. Analysis of cranial neural crest cells in the sox10:eGFP transgenic demonstrates that the wnt9a is required early during pharyngeal development, and confirms that the absence of Alcian blue staining is due to absence of neural crest derived chondrocytes. Molecular analysis of genes regulating cranial neural crest migration and chondrogenic differentiation suggest that wnt9a is dispensable for early cranial neural crest migration, but is required for chondrogenic development of major craniofacial structures. Taken together, these data corroborate the central role for Wnt signaling in vertebrate craniofacial development, and reveal that wnt9a provides the signal from the pharyngeal epithelium to support craniofacial chondrogenic morphogenesis in zebrafish.  相似文献   

In animal cells the centrosome is positioned at the cell centre in close association with the nucleus. The mechanisms responsible for this are not completely understood. Here, we report the first characterization of human TBCC‐domain containing 1 (TBCCD1), a protein related to tubulin cofactor C. TBCCD1 localizes at the centrosome and at the spindle midzone, midbody and basal bodies of primary and motile cilia. Knockdown of TBCCD1 in RPE‐1 cells caused the dissociation of the centrosome from the nucleus and disorganization of the Golgi apparatus. TBCCD1‐depleted cells are larger, less efficient in primary cilia assembly and their migration is slower in wound‐healing assays. However, the major microtubule‐nucleating activity of the centrosome is not affected by TBCCD1 silencing. We propose that TBCCD1 is a key regulator of centrosome positioning and consequently of internal cell organization.  相似文献   



μ-calpain and m-calpain are ubiquitously expressed proteases implicated in cellular migration, cell cycle progression, degenerative processes and cell death. These heterodimeric enzymes are composed of distinct catalytic subunits, encoded by Capn1 (μ-calpain) or Capn2 (m-calpain), and a common regulatory subunit encoded by Capn4. Disruption of the mouse Capn4 gene abolished both μ-calpain and m-calpain activity, and resulted in embryonic lethality, thereby suggesting essential roles for one or both of these enzymes during mammalian embryogenesis. Disruption of the Capn1 gene produced viable, fertile mice implying that either m-calpain could compensate for the loss of μ-calpain, or that the loss of m-calpain was responsible for death of Capn4 -/- mice.  相似文献   

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