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KEA3 is a thylakoid membrane localized K+/H+ antiporter that regulates photosynthesis by modulating two components of proton motive force (pmf), the proton gradient (?pH) and the electric potential (?ψ). We identified a mutant allele of KEA3, disturbed proton gradient regulation (dpgr) based on its reduced non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) in artificial (CO2‐free with low O2) air. This phenotype was enhanced in the mutant backgrounds of PSI cyclic electron transport (pgr5 and crr2‐1). In ambient air, reduced NPQ was observed during induction of photosynthesis in dpgr, the phenotype that was enhanced after overnight dark adaptation. In contrast, the knockout allele of kea3‐1 exhibited a high‐NPQ phenotype during steady state in ambient air. Consistent with this kea3‐1 phenotype in ambient air, the membrane topology of KEA3 indicated a proton efflux from the thylakoid lumen to the stroma. The dpgr heterozygotes showed a semidominant and dominant phenotype in artificial and ambient air, respectively. In dpgr, the protein level of KEA3 was unaffected but the downregulation of its activity was probably disturbed. Our findings suggest that fine regulation of KEA3 activity is necessary for optimizing photosynthesis.  相似文献   

High irradiances may lead to photooxidative stress in plants, and non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) contributes to protection against excess excitation. One of the NPQ mechanisms, qE, involves thermal dissipation of the light energy captured. Importantly, plants need to tune down qE under light‐limiting conditions for efficient utilization of the available quanta. Considering the possible redox control of responses to excess light implying enzymes, such as thioredoxins, we have studied the role of the NADPH thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC). Whereas Arabidopsis thaliana plants lacking NTRC tolerate high light intensities, these plants display drastically elevated qE, have larger trans‐thylakoid ΔpH and have 10‐fold higher zeaxanthin levels under low and medium light intensities, leading to extremely low linear electron transport rates. To test the impact of the high qE on plant growth, we generated an ntrc–psbs double‐knockout mutant, which is devoid of qE. This double mutant grows faster than the ntrc mutant and has a higher chlorophyll content. The photosystem II activity is partially restored in the ntrc–psbs mutant, and linear electron transport rates under low and medium light intensities are twice as high as compared with plants lacking ntrc alone. These data uncover a new role for NTRC in the control of photosynthetic yield.  相似文献   

Replication factor C1 (RFC1), which is conserved in eukaryotes, is involved in DNA replication and checkpoint control. However, a RFC1 product participating in DNA repair at meiosis has not been reported in Arabidopsis. Here, we report functional characterization of AtRFC1 through analysis of the rfc1–2 mutant. The rfc1–2 mutant displayed normal vegetative growth but showed silique sterility because the male gametophyte was arrested at the uninucleus microspore stage and the female at the functional megaspore stage. Expression of AtRFC1 was concentrated in the reproductive organ primordia, meiocytes and developing gametes. Chromosome spreads showed that pairing and synapsis were normal, and the chromosomes were broken when desynapsis began at late prophase I, and chromosome fragments remained in the subsequent stages. For this reason, homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids segregated unequally, leading to pollen sterility. Immunolocalization revealed that the AtRFC1 protein localized to the chromosomes during zygotene and pachytene in wild‐type but were absent in the spo11–1 mutant. The chromosome fragmentation of rfc1–2 was suppressed by spo11–1, indicating that AtRFC1 acted downstream of AtSPO11‐1. The similar chromosome behavior of rad51 rfc1–2 and rad51 suggests that AtRFC1 may act with AtRAD51 in the same pathway. In summary, AtRFC1 is required for DNA double‐strand break repair during meiotic homologous recombination of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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