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随着耐药细菌的大量出现及广泛传播,细菌耐药性成为全球备受关注的问题。耐药细菌的特征如耐药基因、毒力因子、质粒分型等以及不同菌株间亲缘关系对于细菌耐药性流行病学及分子生物学的研究有着十分重要的意义。但是传统的技术手段如聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR)和脉冲场凝胶电泳(Pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)等得到的结果不够全面且精确度低,对于现有的研究存在很大的局限性。全基因组测序技术(Whole genome sequencing,WGS)和生物信息学分析(Bioinformatics analysis)由于能够快速详尽地得到耐药细菌的特征,也能更加精细地判断不同菌株间的进化关系,逐渐成为更加有效的技术手段,为耐药性研究提供了有效的帮助。因此,文中系统地介绍全基因组测序分析流程中的各个步骤,主要包括文库构建、平台测序以及后期数据分析三大方面的不同方法和其相应的特点,期望相关研究人员对此能够有更全面的了解,并得到一定的帮助。  相似文献   

马属(Equus)动物的祖先大约在5500万年前出现,经过持续分化形成现今的马、驴和斑马,统称马属动物。马作为家畜中的重要一员,是推动人类文明发展的载体,在人类的饮食、战争、农耕、运输和娱乐等领域做出了巨大贡献。然而,人类为了满足需求,或多或少影响着马的进化方向,从而在长时间自然和人工选择过程中形成了多种独具特色性状的不同马种。驴和骡在全球的存栏量也较多,在人类的生产和生活中起到的作用同样不可忽视,不但为人类提供了生产力而且还提供了食物和营养保健品。可见,马属动物对人类的重要性。近年来,高通量测序技术和生物信息学分析方法被广泛运用于家畜的遗传学研究。人们利用高通量测序手段探索马属动物在进化过程中的种群变化历史,解析形成独特性状的分子机制,为其育种工作提供有效的数据支持。本文综述了马属动物全基因组高通量测序的研究进展,以及利用该技术在马属动物的进化历史和功能基因挖掘研究领域所取得的成就,以期今后对马属动物的深入研究、产业开发和利用等方面提供参考信息。  相似文献   

To map resistance genes for Fusarium wilt (FW) and sterility mosaic disease (SMD) in pigeonpea, sequencing‐based bulked segregant analysis (Seq‐BSA) was used. Resistant (R) and susceptible (S) bulks from the extreme recombinant inbred lines of ICPL 20096 × ICPL 332 were sequenced. Subsequently, SNP index was calculated between R‐ and S‐bulks with the help of draft genome sequence and reference‐guided assembly of ICPL 20096 (resistant parent). Seq‐BSA has provided seven candidate SNPs for FW and SMD resistance in pigeonpea. In parallel, four additional genotypes were re‐sequenced and their combined analysis with R‐ and S‐bulks has provided a total of 8362 nonsynonymous (ns) SNPs. Of 8362 nsSNPs, 60 were found within the 2‐Mb flanking regions of seven candidate SNPs identified through Seq‐BSA. Haplotype analysis narrowed down to eight nsSNPs in seven genes. These eight nsSNPs were further validated by re‐sequencing 11 genotypes that are resistant and susceptible to FW and SMD. This analysis revealed association of four candidate nsSNPs in four genes with FW resistance and four candidate nsSNPs in three genes with SMD resistance. Further, In silico protein analysis and expression profiling identified two most promising candidate genes namely C.cajan_01839 for SMD resistance and C.cajan_03203 for FW resistance. Identified candidate genomic regions/SNPs will be useful for genomics‐assisted breeding in pigeonpea.  相似文献   

Probit analysis was used to determine the parameters of the germinating population of lettuce seed. Seeds were induced to germinate under different conditions and it was shown that with light induced germination the germinating populations were the same. However, when gibberellic acid (GA3) was the inductive agent then the germinating populations were not the same being concentration dependent. – This type of analysis offers a rigorous comparison of different inductive treatments.  相似文献   

【背景】多杀性巴氏杆菌可导致猪肺疫、牛出血性败血症和兔出血性败血症等多种疾病,严重威胁多种动物畜牧养殖业的健康发展。【目的】重庆某兔场送检一批病死兔,为研究其病原和治疗方法,对病原进行了微生物分离和全基因组测序分析。【方法】从2022年重庆某兔场送检兔病料中进行细菌分离纯化、生化试验、16S rRNA基因鉴定、荚膜血清型分型、药敏试验和毒力基因检测,同时通过全基因组测序结果进行毒力、耐药基因注释和遗传进化等分子生物学信息分析。【结果】该菌为兔源A:ST74多杀性巴氏杆菌,命名为LXSS001,基因组序列上传到NCBI数据库(登录号为CP119523.1),药敏试验显示该菌对四环素、杆菌肽、复方新诺明和磺胺异恶唑耐药,对头孢噻肟、头孢哌酮和丁胺卡那等药物敏感。全基因组长度为2 480 671 bp,并注释到了58个毒力基因和9类药物的靶向抗药基因。通过联合建树表明其与3480株一致性最高。【结论】本研究完成了一株A型多杀性巴氏杆菌的分离鉴定和全基因组测序,并揭示了其与国内外其他分离株的进化关系,为多杀性巴氏杆菌的后续研究提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

张璐  沈青春  张纯萍  赵琪  崔明全  李霆  程敏 《微生物学报》2021,61(12):4038-4047
【目的】评价全基因组测序技术在沙门氏菌血清型和耐药性检测方面的应用能力。【方法】对我国1950–2015年分离的290株鸡源沙门氏菌用常规检测方法进行了血清分型和药敏试验;提取全基因组进行测序,应用SeqSero和ResFinder数据库分析沙门氏菌的血清型和耐药性;对用常规检测方法和全基因组测序分析方法得到的血清型和耐药性结果进行比较,分析两种方法所得结果的符合性情况。【结果】沙门氏菌的主要血清型为肠炎和鸡白痢(≥84.5%),常规检测方法和全基因组测序分析方法在沙门氏菌血清分型方面的总体符合率为97.6%。对11种抗菌药物的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)检测结果显示,沙门氏菌对磺胺异噁唑(39.3%)、氨苄西林(39.0%)和粘菌素(39.0%)的耐药率较高,对其他抗菌药物的耐药率较低。全基因组测序分析能够100%预测美罗培南、氟苯尼考、阿奇霉素和阿莫西林/克拉维酸的耐药性,而且对恩诺沙星、四环素、复方新诺明、氨苄西林、头孢噻呋、磺胺异噁唑的预测符合率均超过95.0%。【结论】本研究结果表明,全基因组测序技术对沙门氏菌的血清分型和耐药性的预测具有较高的准确性和敏感性,是分析沙门氏菌血清型和...  相似文献   

【背景】2021年6月,广东省茂名市某散养户送检了一头发病仔猪,猪身上长有脓疱,四肢关节肿大,关节内可见脓液。【目的】确定引起仔猪发病的病原菌,分析其药物敏感性,为临床用药提供指导;对分离菌株进行全基因组序列分析,挖掘其毒力因子和耐药基因,揭示该菌致病和耐药的分子机制。【方法】取关节脓液分离细菌;通过革兰氏染色、16S rRNA基因和全基因组测序分析,鉴定细菌种类;通过溶血试验、血浆凝固酶试验和生长曲线测定,确定分离菌株的溶血活性、血浆凝固酶活性和生长特性;用小鼠感染模型评估分离菌株的致病性;用纸片扩散法测定分离菌株的药物敏感性;通过全基因组序列分析挖掘分离菌株的毒力因子和耐药基因。【结果】分离菌株被鉴定为猪葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus hyicus);该菌不溶血,无血浆凝固酶活性,在胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基中于37℃、120r/min条件下生长良好;小鼠感染试验结果显示,该菌具有高致病性;药敏试验结果显示,该菌对苯唑西林、大观霉素等7种药物敏感,对青霉素G、红霉素等9种药物耐药;全基因组序列分析结果显示,该菌携带多个毒力因子和耐药基因。【结论】从发病仔猪的关节脓液中分离到一株猪葡萄球菌,可用苯唑西林、大观霉素等药物防控该菌感染;解析了该菌的基因组信息,为后续深入研究该菌致病和耐药的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Browning of plant tissue is generally considered attributable to enzymatic oxidation by polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Electrophoresis followed by activity staining has been used as an effective procedure to visually detect and isolate isozymes; however, it has not been applied for examination of various PPO isozymes in lettuce. Our study demonstrated that different lettuce PPO isozymes could be detected at different pH in active staining, and multiple isozymes were detected only under alkaline conditions. As a result, we concluded that activity staining with approximately pH 8 enabled to detect various PPO isozymes in lettuce. By expression analysis of the PPO isozymes after wounding, PPO isozymes that correlated with time-course of tissue browning were detected. The wound-induced PPO may play a key role in enzymatic browning.  相似文献   

Acral melanoma is a subtype of melanoma with distinct epidemiological, clinical and mutational profiles. To define the genomic alterations in acral melanoma, we conducted whole‐genome sequencing and SNP array analysis of five metastatic tumours and their matched normal genomes. We identified the somatic mutations, copy number alterations and structural variants in these tumours and combined our data with published studies to identify recurrently mutated genes likely to be the drivers of acral melanomagenesis. We compared and contrasted the genomic landscapes of acral, mucosal, uveal and common cutaneous melanoma to reveal the distinctive mutational characteristics of each subtype.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide mutations induced by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) and gamma irradiation in the tomato Micro‐Tom genome were identified by a whole‐genome shotgun sequencing analysis to estimate the spectrum and distribution of whole‐genome DNA mutations and the frequency of deleterious mutations. A total of ~370 Gb of paired‐end reads for four EMS‐induced mutants and three gamma‐ray‐irradiated lines as well as a wild‐type line were obtained by next‐generation sequencing technology. Using bioinformatics analyses, we identified 5920 induced single nucleotide variations and insertion/deletion (indel) mutations. The predominant mutations in the EMS mutants were C/G to T/A transitions, while in the gamma‐ray mutants, C/G to T/A transitions, A/T to T/A transversions, A/T to G/C transitions and deletion mutations were equally common. Biases in the base composition flanking mutations differed between the mutagenesis types. Regarding the effects of the mutations on gene function, >90% of the mutations were located in intergenic regions, and only 0.2% were deleterious. In addition, we detected 1 140 687 spontaneous single nucleotide polymorphisms and indel polymorphisms in wild‐type Micro‐Tom lines. We also found copy number variation, deletions and insertions of chromosomal segments in both the mutant and wild‐type lines. The results provide helpful information not only for mutation research, but also for mutant screening methodology with reverse‐genetic approaches.  相似文献   

Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers linked to the Sw-5 gene for resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) in tomato. Using two pools of phenotyped individuals from one segregating population, we identified four RAPD markers linked to the gene of interest. Two of these appeared tightly linked to Sw-5, whereas another, linked in repulsion phase, enabled the identification of heterozygous and susceptible plants. After linkage analysis of an F2 population, the RAPD markers were shown to be linked to Sw-5 within a distance of 10.5 cM. One of the RAPD markers close to Sw-5 was used to develop a SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region) marker. Another RAPD marker was stabilized into a pseudo-SCAR marker by enhancing the specificity of its primer sequence without cloning and sequencing. RAPD markers were mapped to chromosome 9 on the RFLP tomato map developed by Tanksley et al. (1992). The analysis of 13 F3 families and eight BC2 populations segregating for resistance to TSWV confirmed the linkage of the RAPD markers found. These markers are presently being used in marker-assisted plant breeding.  相似文献   

Identification of candidate genomic regions associated with target traits using conventional mapping methods is challenging and time‐consuming. In recent years, a number of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)‐based mapping approaches have been developed and used for identification of candidate/putative genomic regions. However, in the majority of these studies, insertion–deletion (Indel) were largely ignored. For efficient use of Indels in mapping target traits, we propose Indel‐seq approach, which is a combination of whole‐genome resequencing (WGRS) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and relies on the Indel frequencies in extreme bulks. Deployment of Indel‐seq approach for identification of candidate genomic regions associated with fusarium wilt (FW) and sterility mosaic disease (SMD) resistance in pigeonpea has identified 16 Indels affecting 26 putative candidate genes. Of these 26 affected putative candidate genes, 24 genes showed effect in the upstream/downstream of the genic region and two genes showed effect in the genes. Validation of these 16 candidate Indels in other FW‐ and SMD‐resistant and FW‐ and SMD‐susceptible genotypes revealed a significant association of five Indels (three for FW and two for SMD resistance). Comparative analysis of Indel‐seq with other genetic mapping approaches highlighted the importance of the approach in identification of significant genomic regions associated with target traits. Therefore, the Indel‐seq approach can be used for quick and precise identification of candidate genomic regions for any target traits in any crop species.  相似文献   



Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes (TILLING) is a reverse genetics approach to directly identify point mutations in specific genes of interest in genomic DNA from a large chemically mutagenized population. Classical TILLING processes, based on enzymatic detection of mutations in heteroduplex PCR amplicons, are slow and labor intensive.


Here we describe a new TILLING strategy in zebrafish using direct next generation sequencing (NGS) of 250bp amplicons followed by Paired-End Low-Error (PELE) sequence analysis. By pooling a genomic DNA library made from over 9,000 N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenized F1 fish into 32 equal pools of 288 fish, each with a unique Illumina barcode, we reduce the complexity of the template to a level at which we can detect mutations that occur in a single heterozygous fish in the entire library. MiSeq sequencing generates 250 base-pair overlapping paired-end reads, and PELE analysis aligns the overlapping sequences to each other and filters out any imperfect matches, thereby eliminating variants introduced during the sequencing process. We find that this filtering step reduces the number of false positive calls 50-fold without loss of true variant calls. After PELE we were able to validate 61.5% of the mutant calls that occurred at a frequency between 1 mutant call:100 wildtype calls and 1 mutant call:1000 wildtype calls in a pool of 288 fish. We then use high-resolution melt analysis to identify the single heterozygous mutation carrier in the 288-fish pool in which the mutation was identified.


Using this NGS-TILLING protocol we validated 28 nonsense or splice site mutations in 20 genes, at a two-fold higher efficiency than using traditional Cel1 screening. We conclude that this approach significantly increases screening efficiency and accuracy at reduced cost and can be applied in a wide range of organisms.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1263-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The majority of agronomically important crop traits are quantitative, meaning that they are controlled by multiple genes each with a small effect (quantitative trait loci, QTLs). Mapping and isolation of QTLs is important for efficient crop breeding by marker‐assisted selection (MAS) and for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the traits. However, since it requires the development and selection of DNA markers for linkage analysis, QTL analysis has been time‐consuming and labor‐intensive. Here we report the rapid identification of plant QTLs by whole‐genome resequencing of DNAs from two populations each composed of 20–50 individuals showing extreme opposite trait values for a given phenotype in a segregating progeny. We propose to name this approach QTL‐seq as applied to plant species. We applied QTL‐seq to rice recombinant inbred lines and F2 populations and successfully identified QTLs for important agronomic traits, such as partial resistance to the fungal rice blast disease and seedling vigor. Simulation study showed that QTL‐seq is able to detect QTLs over wide ranges of experimental variables, and the method can be generally applied in population genomics studies to rapidly identify genomic regions that underwent artificial or natural selective sweeps.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing of complete genomes has given researchers unprecedented levels of information to study the multifaceted evolutionary changes that have shaped elite plant germplasm. In conjunction with population genetic analytical techniques and detailed online databases, we can more accurately capture the effects of domestication on entire biological pathways of agronomic importance. In this study, we explore the genetic diversity and signatures of selection in all predicted gene models of the storage starch synthesis pathway of Sorghum bicolor, utilizing a diversity panel containing lines categorized as either ‘Landraces’ or ‘Wild and Weedy’ genotypes. Amongst a total of 114 genes involved in starch synthesis, 71 had at least a single signal of purifying selection and 62 a signal of balancing selection and others a mix of both. This included key genes such as STARCH PHOSPHORYLASE 2 (SbPHO2, under balancing selection), PULLULANASE (SbPUL, under balancing selection) and ADP‐glucose pyrophosphorylases (SHRUNKEN2, SbSH2 under purifying selection). Effectively, many genes within the primary starch synthesis pathway had a clear reduction in nucleotide diversity between the Landraces and wild and weedy lines indicating that the ancestral effects of domestication are still clearly identifiable. There was evidence of the positional rate variation within the well‐characterized primary starch synthesis pathway of sorghum, particularly in the Landraces, whereby low evolutionary rates upstream and high rates downstream in the metabolic pathway were expected. This observation did not extend to the wild and weedy lines or the minor starch synthesis pathways.  相似文献   

An outbreak associated with Streptococcus suis infection in humans emerged in Sichuan province, China in 2005. The outbreak is atypical for the apparent large number of human cases, high fatality rate and geographical spread. To determine whether the bacterium has changed, we compared both human and animal isolates from the Sichuan outbreak with those collected previously within China and in other countries using whole genome PCR scanning (WGPScaning) comparative sequencing of several known virulence factor genes and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis. WGPScanning analysis showed that all primer pairs yielded PCR products of the expected sizes in all four strains tested. The nucleotide sequences of all the detected virulence factor genes are identical in the four strains and MLST results showed that the four isolates studied and reference strain all belonged to the ST1 complex. No new genetic changes were found in the genome structure of the isolates from this Sichuan outbreak. Contributed equally to this work Supported by the National Key Technologies Research and Development Program (Grant No. 2005BA711A09) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China  相似文献   

Here we present the genomic sequence of the African cultivated rice, Oryza glaberrima, and compare these data with the genome sequence of Asian cultivated rice, Oryza sativa. We obtained gene‐enriched sequences of O. glaberrima that correspond to about 25% of the gene regions of the O. sativa (japonica) genome by methylation filtration and subtractive hybridization of repetitive sequences. While patterns of amino acid changes did not differ between the two species in terms of the biochemical properties, genes of O. glaberrima generally showed a larger synonymous–nonsynonymous substitution ratio, suggesting that O. glaberrima has undergone a genome‐wide relaxation of purifying selection. We further investigated nucleotide substitutions around splice sites and found that eight genes of O. sativa experienced changes at splice sites after the divergence from O. glaberrima. These changes produced novel introns that partially truncated functional domains, suggesting that these newly emerged introns affect gene function. We also identified 2451 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from the genomes of O. glaberrima and O. sativa. Although tri‐nucleotide repeats were most common among the SSRs and were overrepresented in the protein‐coding sequences, we found that selection against indels of tri‐nucleotide repeats was relatively weak in both African and Asian rice. Our genome‐wide sequencing of O. glaberrima and in‐depth analyses provide rice researchers not only with useful genomic resources for future breeding but also with new insights into the genomic evolution of the African and Asian rice species.  相似文献   

An outbreak associated with Streptococcus suis infection in humans emerged in Sichuan province, China in 2005. The outbreak is atypical for the apparent large number of human cases, high fatality rate and geographical spread. To determine whether the bacterium has changed, we compared both human and animal isolates from the Sichuan outbreak with those collected previously within China and in other countries using whole genome PCR scanning (WGPScaning) comparative sequencing of several known virulence factor genes and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis. WGPScanning analysis showed that all primer pairs yielded PCR products of the expected sizes in all four strains tested. The nucleotide sequences of all the detected virulence factor genes are identical in the four strains and MLST results showed that the four isolates studied and reference strain all belonged to the ST1 complex. No new genetic changes were found in the genome structure of the isolates from this Sichuan outbreak.  相似文献   

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