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Proximity of regulatory light chains in scallop myosin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distance between the regulatory light chains of the two heads of the scallop myosin molecule was estimated with the aid of two photolabile cross-linkers, benzophenone maleimide and p-azidophenacylbromide. These cross-linkers selectively alkylate thiol groups and have a maximum length of about 9 A. One of the two regulatory light chains of scallop myosin was removed by treatment of myofibrils at 10 degrees C with EDTA and replaced with a foreign regulatory light chain carrying a cross-linker. Cross-linking between the scallop and foreign regulatory light chains was effected by photolysis. This was demonstrated by incubating nitrocellulose transfers of sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels of the photolyzed hybrid myofibrils with specific antibodies against the different light chains, followed by fluorescein isothiocyanate-125I-labeled secondary antibody. Scallop regulatory light chains cross-linked extensively (20 to 50%) with Mercenaria regulatory light chains (cysteine in position approximately 50) in solutions that induce rigor in skinned fibers (no ATP) and in relaxing solutions (ATP but no Ca2+). Neither the regulatory light chains of chicken skeletal myosin (cysteines 129 and 157) nor those of gizzard myosin (cysteine 108) were cross-linked to scallop regulatory light chains in either medium. These results indicate that the N-terminal portions of the myosin regulatory light chains can approach each other within 9 A or less, while the distance between the C-terminal halves exceeds 9 A, and support the view that the N termini of the regulatory light chains point toward the myosin rod. Since the relative distance between the regulatory light chains of the two myosin heads is not altered between rigor and rest, we suggest that motion of the essential light chains is mainly responsible for the observed difference in the relative positions of the regulatory and essential light chains between conditions of rigor and rest.  相似文献   

Regulation of scallop myosin by mutant regulatory light chains   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Scallop adductor myosin is regulated by its subunits; the regulatory light chain (R-LC) and essential light chain (E-LC). Myosin light chains suppress muscle activity in the absence of calcium and are responsible for relaxation. The binding of Ca2+ to the myosin triggers contraction by releasing the inhibition imposed on myosin by the light chains. To map the functional domains of the R-LC, we have carried out mutagenesis followed by bacterial expression. Both wild-type and mutant proteins were hybridized to scallop myosin heavy chain/E-LC to map the regions of the light chain that are responsible for the binding to the myosin heavy chain/E-LC, for restoring the specific calcium-binding site, and controlling the myosin ATPase activity. The R-LC is expressed in Escherichia coli using the pKK223-3 (Pharmacia) expression vector and has been purified to greater than 90% purity. E. coli-expressed wild-type R-LC differs from the native R-LC by having the initiating methionine residue and an unblocked NH2 terminus. The wild-type R-LC restores Ca2+ binding and Ca2+ sensitivity when hybridized to scallop myosin. A point mutation of the sixth Ca2(+)-liganding position of domain I (Asp39----Ala39) results in a R-LC that binds more weakly to the heavy chain/E-LC and restores the specific Ca2(+)-binding site but not regulation of the actin-activated Mg2+ ATPase. A second mutation was produced by substituting the last 11 residues of the COOH terminus with 15 different residues. This mutant restores the specific Ca2(+)-binding site, but does not restore Ca2+ regulation to the actin-activated ATPase activity. Several other point mutations do not alter light chain function. The experiments directly establish that the divalent cation-binding site of domain I is functionally distinct from the specific Ca2(+)-binding site. The results indicate that an intact domain I and the COOH terminus are required to suppress the myosin ATPase activity. The fact that the domain I mutation and the COOH-terminal mutation disrupt regulation but do not affect Ca2(+)-binding indicates that these two aspects of regulation are separable and, therefore, the R-LC has distinct functional regions.  相似文献   

The light chains of scallop myosin as regulatory subunits   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
In molluscan muscles contraction is regulated by the interaction of calcium with myosin. The calcium dependence of the aotin-activated ATPase activity of scallop myosin requires the presence of a specific light chain. This light chain is released from myosin by EDTA treatment (EDTA-light chains) and its removal desensitizes the myosin, i.e. abolishes the calcium requirement for the actin-activated ATPase activity, and reduces the amount of calcium the myosin binds; the isolated light chain, however, does not bind calcium and has no ATPase activity. Calcium regulation and calcium binding is restored when the EDTA-light chain is recombined with desensitized myosin preparations. Dissociation of the EDTA-light chain from myosin depends on the concentration of divalent cations; half dissociation is reached at about 10?5 M-magnesium or 10?7 M-calcium concentrations. The EDTA-light chain and the residual myosin are fairly stable and the components may be kept separated for a day or so before recombination.Additional light chains containing half cystine residues (SH-light chains) are detached from desensitized myosin by sodium dodecyl sulfate. The EDTA-light chains and the SH-light chains have a similar chain weight of about 18,000 daltons; however, they differ in several amino acid residues and the EDTA-light chains contain no half cystine. The SH-light chains and EDTA-light chains have different tryptic fingerprints. Both light chains can be prepared from washed myofibrils.Densitometry of dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis bands and Sephadex chromatography in sodium dodecyl sulfate indicate that there are three moles of light chains in a mole of purified myosin, but only two in myosin treated with EDTA. The ratio of the SH-light chains to EDTA-light chains was found to be two to one in experiments where the total light-chain complements of myosin or myofibril preparations were carboxymethylated. A similar ratio was obtained from the densitometry of urea-acrylamide gel electrophoresis bands. We conclude that a myosin molecule contains two moles of SH-light chain and one mole of EDTA-light chain, and that the removal of a single EDTA-light chain completely desensitizes scallop myosin.Heavy meromyosin and S-1 subfragment can be prepared from scallop myosin. Both of these preparations bind calcium and contain light chains in significant amounts. The heavy meromyosin of scallop is extensively degraded; the S-1 preparation, however, is remarkably intact. Significantly, heavy meromyosin has a calcium-dependent actin-activated ATPase while the S-1 does not require calcium and shows high ATPase activity in its absence. These results suggest that regulation involves a co-operativity between the two globular ends of the myosin.Desensitized scallop myosin and scallop S-1 preparations can be made calcium sensitive when mixed with rabbit actin containing the rabbit regulatory proteins. This result makes it unlikely that specific light chains of myosin are involved in the regulation of the vertebrate system.The fundamental similarity in the contractile regulation of molluscs and vertebrates is that interaction between actin and myosin in both systems requires a critical level of calcium. We propose that the difference in regulation of these systems is that the interaction between myosin and actin is prevented by blocking sites on actin in the case of vertebrate muscles, whereas in the case of molluscan muscles it is the sites on myosin which are blocked in the absence of calcium.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The myosin light chains from red and white skeletal muscles myofibrils, actomyosin and myosin of five fish species have been investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
  • 2.2. Three light chains were found in myosins of white muscle. Red muscle myosins possess two light chains which do not correspond to any of the light chain components of white muscle myosins.
  • 3.3. Fish myosins have the same light chains pattern as mammal myosins but show a greater variability of mol. wt.

Two different hybrid myosins were obtained by combining "desensitized" myosin (DM) of Akazara scallop striated adductor with rabbit skeletal DTNB-light chains (DTNB-LC) and with chicken gizzard regulatory light chains (GR-LC). Using the two hybrid myosins, the following were found: (a) DTNB-LC has an inhibitory effect on the Mg-ATPase activities of Akazara DM and acto-DM both in the absence of calcium and in its presence. (b) DTNB-LC also has an enhancing effect on the superprecipitation activity of acto-DM. (c) The Mg-ATPase activities of DM and acto-DM are made sensitive to calcium by GR-LC, regardless of whether GR-LC is phosphorylated or unphosphorylated. (d) However, the Mg-ATPase activity of acto-myosin hybridized with phosphorylated GR-LC is definitely higher than that of acto-myosin hybridized with unphosphorylated GR-LC.  相似文献   

Conditions are described for the preparation of functional myofibrils and myosin light chains from freeze-clamped beating hearts with the state of light chain phosphorylation chemically ‘frozen’ during the extraction procedure. Myofibrils were shown to be functionally intact by measurement of Ca2+ binding and ATPase activity. Highly purified cardiac myosin light chains could be routinely isolated from myofibrillar preparations using ethanol fractionation together with ion-exchange chromotography. Analysis of light chains for covalent phosphate indicated that basal levels of phosphorylation of the 18?20 000 dalton light chain of myosin in rabbit hearts beating in situ or in a perfusion apparatus were 0.3–0.4 mol/mol. Covalent phosphate content of the light chain fraction did not change during perfusion of hearts with 10 μM epinephrine.  相似文献   

Conditions are described for the preparation of functional myofibrils and myosin light chains from freeze-clamped beating hearts with the state of light chain phosphorylation chemically 'frozen' during the extraction procedure. Myofibrils were shown to be functionally intact by measurement of Ca2+ binding and ATPase activity. Highly purified cardiac myosin light chains could be routinely isolated from myofibrillar preparations using ethanol fractionation together with ion-exchange chromatography. Analysis of light chains for covalent phosphate indicated that basal levels of phosphorylation of the 18--20 000 dalton light chain of myosin in rabbit hearts beating in situ or in a perfusion apparatus were 0.3--0.4 mol/mol. Covalent phosphate content of the light chain fraction did not change during perfusion of hearts with 10 microM epinephrine.  相似文献   

Calcium binding was studied with two regulatory light chains (RLC-a and RLC-b) of smooth muscle myosin of scallop. With the equilibrium dialysis method, the binding of 0.98 mol Ca2+ per mol of RLC-b was observed with a dissociation constant of 2.3 X 10(-5) M. Similar values for RLC-b, 1.9 X 10(-5) M, and RLC-a, 1.5 X 10(-5) M, were obtained by measuring the difference absorption spectrum induced by Ca2+. The difference molar absorption coefficient at 288 nm was 159 and 209 M-1 X cm-1 for RLC-a and RLC-b, respectively, while it was -34 M-1 X cm-1 for the regulatory light chain of striated muscle myosin of scallop (RLC-st). Proton NMR spectra of the three light chains were very similar to each other and were broader than those of other Ca2+ binding proteins, parvalbumin and calmodulin. The regulatory light chains may be more rigid than in these Ca2+ binding proteins. CD spectra were measured for the three light chains, and the estimated helix contents were 27, 29, and 24%, respectively, for RLC-a, RLC-b, and RLC-st. All these results in comparison with the primary structures led us to suppose that the polypeptide of regulatory light chains is folded in such a way that domain 4 becomes near to the calcium binding site of domain 1. The decrease in intact light chains on trypsin digestion was determined for the gel electrophoretic patterns. RLC-a was 6 times more susceptible to the tryptic digestion than RLC-b.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Essential light chain exchange in scallop myosin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The exchange of essential light chains (SH-LCs) of scallop myosin was followed with the aid of scallop SH-LC alkylated with 14C-labeled iodoacetate. More than 70% of the SH-LCs were exchanged in myosin preparations that were desensitized by removal of both regulatory light chains (R-LCs) with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) treatment. Although desensitized myosin solubilized with 0.6 M NaCl or with 10 mM adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) in the absence of salt equilibrated rapidly with SH-LCs even in the cold, exchange in myosin filaments required elevated temperatures. Equilibration of the SH-LCs in desensitized preparations did not depend on ATP or magnesium ions but was significantly accelerated by actin. The desensitized myosin preparations containing alkylated SH-LCs (approximately 1 mol of thiol alkylated/mol of SH-LC) readily recombined with R-LCs. The preparations regained fully the calcium dependence of the actin-activated magnesium adenosinetriphosphatase (Mg-ATPase), contained R-LCs and SH-LCs in equimolar amounts, and had an ATPase activity similar to that of untreated myosin preparations. R-LCs interfered with the equilibration of the SH-LCs. In intact myosin preparations, the exchange of SH-LCs was slow and was frequently associated with the dissociation of the R-LCs. The blocking action of the R-LC on SH-LC exchange agrees with evidence showing that the two light chain types interact and suggests that parts of the SH-LC may lie between the R-LC and the heavy chain of myosin.  相似文献   

The actin-activated ATPase activity of Physarum myosin has been shown to be inhibited by microM levels of Ca2+, the mode of which is in contrast to the activating effect of Ca2+ on scallop myosin (Kohama, K. (1987) Adv. Biophys. 23, 149-182 for a review). To determine if Ca2+ regulates ATP-dependent sliding between actin and the myosins, fluorescent actin-filaments were allowed to move on the myosins fixed to a glass surface. The movement on Physarum and scallop myosins was inhibited and activated, respectively, by Ca2+. For this myosin-linked regulation to occur for Physarum myosin, myosin phosphorylation was shown to be a prerequisite.  相似文献   

Regulatory light chain-a myosin kinase (aMK), which phosphorylates one of the myosin regulatory light chains, RLC-a, contained in the catch muscle of scallop, was also found to phosphorylate heavy chains of scallop myosin. After incubation of myosin isolated from the opaque portion of scallop smooth muscle (opaque myosin) with aMK in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP, about 2 mol of 32P was incorporated per mol of the myosin. The radioactivity was mostly found in the heavy chain at 0.26 M KCl. The pH-activity curve and MgCl2 requirement for the heavy chain phosphorylation were similar to those for RLC-a phosphorylation. In contrast, the dependency of activity on KCl concentration was different from that for RLC-a. The heavy chain phosphorylation activity decreased with increase in KCl concentration up to 0.06 M, and then increased at concentrations over 0.06 M to a maximum at around 0.26 M KCl. This complicated profile probably reflects the solubility of myosin, and the phosphorylation site may be located in the rod portion insoluble at low KCl concentrations. Phosphorylation of heavy chain did not change the solubility of the opaque myosin molecule at all. The acto-opaque myosin ATPase activity in the presence of Ca2+ was found to be decreased to less than one-fourth by the heavy chain phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Aorta smooth myosin contains two types of light chain, LC20 and LC17, which fold together with the N-terminal region of each heavy chain to form the globular head region of myosin. We demonstrate an altered conformation of LC20 after its separation from heavy chain by high concentrations of urea, on the basis of the following evidende: 1) A polyclonal antibody against LC20 was not able to recognize this conformationally altered form; 2) Myosin reconstituted from heavy chains and urea-dissociated light chains exhibited extremely low ATPase activity. Circular dichroism unfolding profiles showed that light chains dissociated from heavy chains by SDS appeared to be more stable than those generated by urea dissociation.  相似文献   

Readdition of regulatory light chains to regulatory light chain denuded scallop myofibrils, in the presence of magnesium, results in a negatively co-operative restoration of calcium sensitivity as a function of regulatory light chain content. The form of the stoichiometry curves obtained in the presence of 10 mM-EDTA, by light chain removal from scallop myofibrils at various temperatures, are parabolic in shape, consistent with a random removal process. However, in the presence of EDTA at low temperatures, regulatory light chains are removed in a biphasic manner, indicating that the binding constants of the light chains for each myosin head are not equivalent under these conditions. It is shown here that as the temperature is raised, light chain removal by EDTA approaches that of a random process. The stoichiometry curves obtained in the presence of 10 mM-EDTA may therefore be seen as a composite of both a biphasic removal process (temperatures below 20 degrees C) and a random removal process (temperatures above 20 degrees C), there being a temperature-dependent switch in the myosin molecule between 17 and 23 degrees C that governs the mode of light chain removal. These results indicate that both myosin heads must contain light chains for calcium sensitivity and are consistent with our earlier proposals for head-head co-operativity within the scallop myosin molecule.  相似文献   

Separation and identification of Drosophila myosin light chains   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Myosin was extracted from the larvae and adult flies of Drosophila melanogaster, and purified by column chromatography in the presence of KI. Myosin light chains were separated from heavy chains by column chromatography after treatment of the myosin with urea, and they were identified by 2D-gel electrophoresis. Tubular muscles and fibrillar muscles have different light chains. Lt1 (Mw = 31,000), Lt2 (Mw = 30,000), Lt2' (Mw = 30,000), and Lt3 (Mw = 20,000) exist in the tubular myosin of both larvae and adult flies; Lf1 (Mw = 34,000), Lf2 (Mw = 30,000), Lf2' (Mw = 30,000), and Lf3 (Mw = 20,000) exist in the fibrillar myosin. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myosin under nondissociating conditions revealed that there was one major myosin isozyme in each type of adult muscle, and the re-electrophoresis of each isozyme on SDS gel confirmed our identification of the light chains.  相似文献   

Interhead fluorescence energy transfer studies between probes located at translationally equivalent sites on the two heads of scallop myosin indicates that the distance between such sites is no less than 50 A. Regulatory light chains, possessing either one (Mercenaria, chicken gizzard) or two (Loligo, rabbit skeletal) sulfhydryl groups, were modified either with 1,5-IAEDANS (N'-iodoacetyl-N'-(1-sulfo-5-n-naphthyl)ethylenediamine), as energy transfer donor, or with IAF (5-(iodoacetamido)fluorescein) or DABMI (4-dimethylaminophenylazophenyl-4'-maleimide), as energy transfer acceptor. The sulfhydryl groups on these light chains are located at different positions within the regulatory light-chain primary sequence; this enables one to probe a variety of locations, with respect to regulatory light-chain topology, on each myosin head. These independently modified regulatory light chains were added back to desensitized scallop myosin under a variety of conditions, including biphasic re-addition, the aim being to maximize the number of interhead energy transfer couples present. The efficiency of energy transfer was determined on the same samples by both steady-state and time-decay techniques. Results obtained by these two techniques were in good agreement with each other and indicated that the efficiency of energy transfer did not exceed 20% in any of the hybrids studied. Transfer efficiencies were invariant, irrespective of the presence or absence of MgATP, calcium or actin, either separately or in combination. Results using heavy meromyosin at low ionic strength were identical. It is shown that these results, in conjunction with the results of recent crosslinking studies performed on comparable myosin hybrids, may place certain restrictions on the configurations of the two heads of myosin.  相似文献   

In this article we review the various amino acids present in vertebrate nonmuscle and smooth muscle myosin that can undergo phosphorylation. The sites for phosphorylation in the 20 kD myosin light chain include serine-19 and threonine-18 which are substrates for myosin light chain kinase and serine-1 and/or-2 and threonine-9 which are substrates for protein kinase C. The sites in vertebrate smooth muscle and nonmuscle myosin heavy chains that can be phosphorylated by protein kinase C and casein kinase II are also summarized.Original data indicating that treatment of human T-lymphocytes (Jurkat cell line) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in phosphorylation of both the 20 kD myosin light chain as well as the 200 kD myosin heavy chain is presented. We identified the amino acids phosphorylated in the human T-lymphocytes myosin light chains as serine-1 or serine-2 and in the myosin heavy chains as serine-1917 by 1-dimensional isoelectric focusing of tryptic phosphopeptides. Untreated T-lymphocytes contain phosphate in the serine-19 residue of teh myosin light chain and in a residue tentatively identified as serine-1944 in the myosin heavy chain.Abbreviations MLC myosin light chain - MHC myosin heavy chain - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - EGTA [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetate - TPCK N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone - PMA phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate  相似文献   

In molluscan muscles, calcium regulation is mediated by ‘regulatory’ light chains associated with the myosin heads. This type of ‘regulatory’ light chain appears to be present in all myosins, regardless of whether the myosin contains light chain linked calcium regulation. Although they appear to be ‘structurally’ related, differences in their calcium binding abilities imply that these regulatory light chains may play quite distinct functions in their respective myosins.  相似文献   

1. Myosin light chains of guinea-pig striated muscles have been screened by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and compared to rat myosin light chains. 2. The fast type light chains 1F and 3F, slow type light chains 1S and 2S, and embryonic type light chain 1E are shown to differ in the two rodents; only the fast type light chains 2F co-electrophorese on the gel. 3. In guinea-pig, as in rat, ventricle muscle light chains appear the same as the 1S and 2S light chains and atrial light chain type 1 the same as the 1E light chain. We show that this embryonic light chain of guinea-pig myosin is difficult to identify and may be confused with the adult 1F light chain.  相似文献   

Brief incubation of rabbit alveolar macrophages in medium containing 32Pi results in the incorporation of radioactivity into the 20 KD light chains and into the 220 KD heavy chains of myosin. Phosphorylation of the heavy chain is mediated by a kinase that is probably not myosin light chain kinase. Limited proteolysis of the phosphorylated myosin shows that radioactivity is associated with the rod portion of the heavy chain.  相似文献   

The experimental conditions for release of the regulatory light chain (RLC) of scallop myosin at 30 degrees C were studied. Substantially all RLC was released from myosin by incubation for 5 min in medium containing buffer and KCl. This release of RLC was inhibited strongly by Ca2+, while the effect of Mg2+ was about 10,000 times weaker than that of Ca2+. Even in the absence of Ca2+, MgATP and MgADP inhibited the release of RLC, while the protective effect of AMPPNP was negligible. Other Mg nucleotides also showed some protective effect, though appreciably less than MgATP. The incubation of scallop myosin with abalone regulatory light chain (LC2) at 30 degrees C for 5 min produced a hybrid myosin. In the presence of 5 mM MgCl2, 1 of the 2 mol of RLC per mol of scallop myosin was exchanged with 1 mol of LC2. In the presence of Ca2+ or MgATP, myosin bound 1 extra mole of LC2 besides the 2 mol each of SH-LC and RLC.  相似文献   

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