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Summary. We observed here that acute proline (Pro) administration provoked a decrease (32%) of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in cerebral cortex and an increase (22%) of butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity in the serum of 29-day-old rats. In contrast, chronic administration of Pro did not alter AChE or BuChE activities. Furthermore, pretreatment of rats with vitamins E and C combined or alone, N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or melatonin prevented the reduction of AChE activity caused by acute Pro administration, suggesting the participation of oxidative stress in such effects.  相似文献   

Summary Superfusion of synaptosomes prepared from rat olfactory bulb revealed constant basal release of endogenous taurine (Tau), aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu) and-aminobutyrate (GABA): their release rates were 110.4 ± 13.0, 30.3 ± 6.7, 93.7 ± 13.1, and 53.3 ± 8.8 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively. The depolarizing-stimulation with 30mM KCl evoked 1.17-, 2.18-, 2.55- and 1.53-fold increases, respectively. Tau release was calcium-independent. However, the perfusion of synaptosomes with Tau (10µM) inhibited the evoked increase in GABA release by 63% without changing basal release, although it did not affect release of Asp and Glu. Phaclofen (10µM, a GABAB receptor antagonist), but not bicuculline (10µM, a GABAA receptor antagonist), counteracted the Tau-induced reduction in GABA release. These data suggest that Tau may be abundantly released from nerve endings of rat olfactory bulb and that it may regulate GABA release through the activation of presynaptic GABAB autoreceptors.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method, using only two chromatographic steps, is described for the purification and preparation of enolase isoenzymes from human and beef brain extracts. In the first step, a crude enolase was obtained by chromatography on Q-Sepharose Fast Flow column. The crude fraction was then purified by high performance anion exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. enolase obtained in this manner was shown to be homogeneous by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by high performance gel permeation chromatography. The yield of enolase by this method was 7–8 mg of pure enzyme per 100 g of brain.  相似文献   

In hippocampal neurons, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current via G protein. We identified the K+ channel activated by 5-HT (K5-HT channel) and studied the effects of G protein subunits and nucleotides on the K+ channel kinetics in adult rat hippocampal neurons. In inside-out patches with 10 m 5-HT in the pipette, application of GTP (100 m) to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane activated an inwardly rectifying K+ channel with a slope conductance of 36±1 pS (symmetrical 140 mm K+) at –60 mV and a mean open time of 1.1±0.1 msec (n=5). Transducin activated the (K5-HT) channels and this was reversed by -GDP. Whether the K5-HT channel was activated endogenously (GTP, GTPS) or exogenously (), the presence of 1 mm ATP resulted in a 4-fold increase in channel activity due in large part to the prolongation of the open time duration. These effects of ATP were irreversible and not mimicked by AMPPMP, suggesting that phosphorylation might be involved. However, inhibitors of protein kinases A and C (H-7, staurosporine) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin 25) failed to block the effect of ATP. These results show that G activates the G protein-gated K+ channel in hippocampal neurons, and that ATP modifies the gating kinetics of the channel, resulting in increased open probability via as yet unknown pathways.  相似文献   

An enzyme activity oxidizing -aminobutyraldehyde (ABAL) to GABA reflecting an alternative pathway for GABA synthesis was assayed in the developing chick embryonic brain and was compared with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity. An enzyme activity oxidizing ABAL to GABA showed almost constant level during development in the chick embryonic brain, and was present at low levels compared with GAD activity. The results indicate that GABA synthesis via an alternative pathway is always much less than synthesis via the GAD-dependent pathway in the developing chick embryonic brain.  相似文献   

The maximum rate (Vmax) of some enzyme activities related to glycolysis, Krebs' cycle, acetylcholine catabolism and amino acid metabolism were evaluated in different types of synaptosomes obtained from rat hippocampus. The enzyme characterization was performed on two synaptosomal populations defined as large and small synaptosomes, supposed to originate mainly from the granule cell glutamatergic mossy fiber endings and small cholinergic nerve endings mainly arising from septohippocampal fiber synapses, involved with cognitive processes. Thus, this is an unique model of pharmacological significance to study the selective action of drugs on energy metabolism of hippocampus and the sub-chronic i.p. treatement with L-acetylcarnitine at two different dose levels (30 and 60 mg · kg–1, 5 day a week, for 4 weeks) was performed. In control animals, the results indicate that these two hippocampal synaptosomal populations differ for the potential catalytic activities of enzymes of the main metabolic pathways related to energy metabolism. This energetic micro-heterogeneity may cause their different behaviour during both physiopathological events and pharmacological treatment, because of different sensitivity of neurons. Therefore, the micro-heterogeneity of brain synaptosomes must be considered when the effect of a pharmacological treatment is to be evaluated. In fact, the in vivo administration of L-acetylcarnitine affects some specific enzyme activities, suggesting a specific molecular trigger mode of action on citrate synthase (Krebs' cycle) and glutamate-pyruvate-transaminase (glutamate metabolism), but mainly of small synaptosomal populations, suggesting a specific synaptic trigger site of action. These observations on various types of hippocampal synaptosomes confirm their different metabolic machinery and their different sensitivity to pharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

The permanent pancreas carcinoma cell line, PCI-24, was developed in order to analyse cytokine regulation on pancreas carcinoma and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell interaction. PCI cells expressed ICAM-1 and HLA-ABC, but not HLA-DR antigens. PCI cells showed augmented ICAM-1 and HLA-ABC expression when incubated with interferon (IFN) and tumour necrosis factor . A similar but weak augmentary effect on the HLA-ABC and ICAM-1 surface expression was seen with interleukin-1 treatment. Natural attachment of LAK to PCI cells was augmented by recombinant IFN in close association with ICAM-1 up-regulation on PCI cells. In addition, natural attachment was significantly inhibited by anti-LFA-1 and anti-ICAM-1 antibody treatments. Cytotoxicity of the LAK cells against PCI cells was also significantly inhibited with the same treatment. Thus, the attachment of LAK cells to PCI cells through LFA-1/ICAM-1 molecules appeared to be essential for the cytotoxicity for PCI cells. Pretreatment of PCI cells, but not of LAK cells, with IFN or other cytokines resulted in a decrease of susceptibility for LAK cell cytotoxicity. The decreased susceptibility inversely correlated with HLA-ABC expression on the PCI cells. The collective evidence indicates that, although LAK cell attachment to pancreas carcinoma cells through the LFA-1/ICAM-1 molecule is augmented by IFN, IFN treatment of pancreas carcinoma cells reduces LAK cell cytotoxicity possibly through an increase in HLA-ABC or a regulation of molecules closely associated to HLA-ABC expression.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the sequence of a rat A3/A1-crystallin complementary DNA (cDNA) clone and the (partial) sequence of the human B3-crystallin gene. Calculation of the ratio of silent to nonsynonymous substitution between orthologous A3/A1-, B3-, and other - and -crystallin sequences revealed that the region encoding the two globular domains of the A3/A1-crystallin sequence is the best conserved during evolution, much better than the corresponding region of the B1-, B3-, or the -crystallin sequences, and even better (at least in the rodent/frog comparison) that the well-conserved A-crystallin sequence. Remarkably, the rate of change of the A3/A1-crystallin coding sequence does not differ in the rodent and primate lineages, in contrast with previous findings concerning the evolution rates of the A- or -crystallin sequences in these two lineages. Comparison of the regions that encode the four motifs of the -crystallin between orthologous mammalian sequences showed that the extent of nonsynonymous substitution in each of these four homologous motif regions is the same. However, when the orthologous -crystallin genes of more distantly related species (mammals vs chicken or frog) are compared, the extent of nonsynonymous substitution is higher in the regions encoding the external motifs I and III than in the regions encoding the internal motifs II and IV. This phenomenon is also observed when paralogous members of the /-crystallin supergene family are compared.  相似文献   

The relative potency of interferon (IFN), interferon (IFN), and interferon (IFN) in inducing the expression of HLA class I antigens, as well as their capacity to counteract the inhibition induced by glucocorticoid hormones on HLA class I antigen expression, were analysed in the human melanoma cell line M14, both at membrane and at mRNA level. The data obtained indicate that (a) IFN enhance with different potency (IFN>IFN>IFN) the expression of HLA class I antigens in M14 cells, (b) prednisone inhibits HLA class I antigen expresion, (c) glucocorticoid hormones, when associated with IFN or IFN, inhibit the HLA class I enhancement induced by IFN alone, and ffinally, (c) the association between 1 M prednisone or 1 M deflazacort and IFN seems to potentiate the enhancing capacity of IFN on the expression of HLA class I molecules at the mRNA level. These findings, if confirmed, might indicate that IFN and glucocorticoid hormones are not mutually exclusive in the management of human melanoma.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of polyamines and other cationic compounds including monoamines, amino acids, poly-L-arginine, poly-D-lysine and poly-L-lysine, to alter pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity in mitochondria from rat epididymal adipocytes was determined. PDH was assayed with the substrate [1-14C] pyruvate in the presence of 0.05 mM Ca2+ and Mg2+. Nine of the fourteen compounds tested at 0.1 mM caused a significant increase (procaine, 3-(-morpholinopropionyl) benzo[b]thiophene [VII], spermine, spermidine, putrescine, lysine and tryptophan) or decrease (poly-L-arginine, 3-(-piperidinopropionyl) benzo[b]thiophene) in PDH activity. None of these compounds nonenzymatically decarboxylated [1-14C] pyruvate to release 14CO2. NaF, a PDH phosphatase inhibitor, suppressed the stimulatory effects of those compounds tested: procaine, tryptophan, VII, spermine and spermidine. These results imply that these five compounds activate PDH activity through stimulation of the PDH phosphatase. When the Mg2+ concentration was increased from 0.05 to 4.5 mM, the stimulatory effect of spermine was increased, consistent with the finding by others that spermine lowers the Km of the enzyme for Mg2+. However, at Mg2+ concentrations greater than 0.3 mM, the stimulatory effect of VII was unaltered, procaine failed to alter PDH activity, lysine inhibited PDH activity, and poly-L-lysine stimulated PDH activity. Therefore, polyamines and other positively charged small molecules may be physiologic regulators of PDH activity.  相似文献   

Summary Few clinical responses have occurred in preliminary studies using the cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interferon (IFN) in cancer patients. This may be related to the observation that many malignant cell lines are resistant to lysis by these cytokinesin vitro. Resistance to lysis by TNF or IFN in many cells is controlled by a protein-synthesis-dependent mechanism, such that when protein synthesis is inhibited cells become sensitive to lysis by these cytokines. Because there is some evidence that TNF and IFN act through different lytic mechanisms and are opposed by different resistance mechanisms, we treated a panel of eight cell lines, five derived from human cervical carcinomas (ME-180, MS751, SiHa, HT-3, and C-33A) and three derived from ovarian carcinomas (Caov-3, SK-OV-3, and NIH: OVCAR-3) with both TNF and IFN to determine whether such combination treatment might maximizein vitro cell lysis. Our results showed that pretreatment with IFN followed by exposure to TNF in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors increased lysis of seven of the eight cell lines above that seen with either TNF or IFN and inhibitors of protein synthesis. Only the cell line C-33A was resistant to lysis by TNF and IFN, when exposed to these agents both alone and in combination with protein synthesis inhibitors. Clinically, combining the cytokines TNF and IFN with protein synthesis inhibitors may maximize thein vivo lytic effects of these cytokines.Supported by American Cancer Society Career Development Award 90-221  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization of restriction enzymedigested genomic guppy (Poecilia reticulata, Poeciliidae) DNA with the oligonucleotide probe (GACA)4 revealed a male-specific simple tandem repeat locus, which defines the Y chromosome in outbred populations. The related (GATA)4 probe identifies certain males with the red color phenotype. In contrast only in two out of eight laboratory guppy strains was the typical (GACA)4 band observed. By specific staining of the constitutive heterochromatin one pair of chromosomes could also be identified as the sex chromosomes, confirming the XX/XY mechanism of sex determination. All males exhibit Y chromosomes with a large region of telomeric heterochromatin. Hybridization in situ with nonradioactively labeled oligonucleotide probes localized the (GACA)n repeats to this heterochromatic portion. Together these results may be regarded as a recent paradigm for the differentiation of heteromorphic sex chromosomes from a pair of autosomes during the course of evolution. According to the fish model system, this may have happened in several independent consecutive steps.  相似文献   

The distribution of gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptors in the rabbit retina is investigated and compared with the distribution of GABAergic neurons using immunocytochemical methods. Antibodies against the 1, 2/3, and 2 subunits of the GABAA receptor label subpopulations of bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells. Double labeling experiments show that the 2 subunit is colocalized with the 1 and the 2/3 subunits in bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells. Electron microscopy reveals that in the outer plexiform layer, GABAA receptor immunoreactivity is present on dendrites of cone bipolar cells adjacent to the cone pedicles. Bipolar cell dendrites are also receptor-positive at synapses from interplexiform cells. Some receptor immunoreactivity is found intracellularly in processes of horizontal cells. In the inner plexiform layer, GABAA receptor immunoreactivity is present on both rod bipolar and cone bipolar axon terminals at putative GABAergic input sites. Amacrine and ganglion cell processes in sublamina a and b are also labeled.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitters mediating the synaptic interactions in the pyloric system of the stomatogastric ganglion of a stomatopod, Squilla oratoria, were examined. Putative transmitters were applied iontophoretically to the pyloric cells. Glutamate and GABA produced inhibitory responses in all motoneurons but acetylcholine did not. These inhibitory responses were due to increases in conductance to either K+ or Cl or both, and blocked by picrotoxin. The inhibitory postsynaptic potentials evoked by the constrictor and dilator neurons were different in their time courses, reversal potentials, ion selectivities, and picrotoxin sensitivities. Glutamate is a transmitter candidate for inhibitory synapses made among the pyloric cells as well as for their neuromuscular junctions. In some cells, glutamate and acetylcholine evoked excitatory responses which were blocked by joro spider toxin and by tubocurare, respectively. They mediated the extrinsic inputs to modulate the pyloric rhythm. The transmitter, glutamate, is conserved in the ganglion neurons between stomatopods and decapods during evolution. Use of two transmitters, glutamate and acetylcholine, may have evolved in decapods, while the ionic mechanism is preserved in both orders. The neuromodulators, acetylcholine and -aminobutyric acid, are conserved between both orders. Glutamate may be used as the neuromodulator in stomatopods.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - GABA -aminobutyric acid - Glu glutamate - IC inferior cardiac - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - JSTX joro spider toxin - LP lateral pyloric - pcp posterior cardiac plate - PTX picrotoxin  相似文献   

Summary The BSG test was used in a comparative study of the linear chromosome differentiation and the idiograms of T. Macha ssp. tubalicum v. letschchumicum Dek. et Men., T. georgicum Dek., T. timopheevi. Zhuk., T. carthlicum Nevski, T. dicoccum Schrank, v. rufum, T. durum Desf. v. Arnautka were compiled.The karyotype of each polyploid wheat species consists of two groups of chromosomes. The first is formed by ten pairs of constant chromosomes occurring almost in all species and the second by all the rest of the variable chromosomes that are either fully specific for the species in question or occur only in a few species. T. timopheevi largely differs from other species of polyploid wheats in the high level and specific localization of structural heterochromatin on chromosomes. The rols of introgression in wheat evolution and the necessity of establishing a General Cytological Nomenclature of Cereal Chromosomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Plasma - and -tocopherol were monitored in pregnant women throughout healthy gestational periods and after delivery and were compared with that of non pregnant women. The mean plasma -tocopherol and -tocopherol concentrations in non pregnant Saudi women (15.2 ± 1.3 and 1.8 ± 0.2 ol/l respectively) were found within normal range. The maternal plasma -tocopherol level steadily increased reaching maximum level (19.1 ± 1.6 mol/l) at late gestation and then gradually decreased after delivery. On the contrary, the optimum level of -tocopherol (2.1 ± 0.2 mol/l) was at mid gestation, followed by a progressive decrease until one month after delivery (1.5 ± 0.1 ol/l). This study shows that the maternal plasma - and -tocopherol have different profiles that may be attributed to their different responses to the changes in maternal lipids during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The method for the assay of glutamine synthetase (GlnS) relies on the -glutamyl transferase reaction, i.e. the formation of glutamyl--hydroxamate from glutamine and hydroxylamine, and the chromatographic separation of the reaction product from the reactants. The method is not only simple and reliable, but also has a sensitivity comparable to those methods applying radioactively labelled substrates. This new procedure has been applied to the assay of GlnS in cultured rat cortical astroglial cells which have been treated with a homologous series of , -bis-(dimethylamino)alkanes. Effects of these drugs on astroglial development are reported.  相似文献   

Gal1-3GlcNAc (1) and Gal1-3GlcNAc-SEt (2) were synthesized on a 100 mg scale by the transgalactosylation reaction of bovine testes -galactosidase with lactose as donor andN-acetylglucosamine and GlcNAc-SEt as acceptors. In both cases the product mixtures contained unwanted isomers and were treated with -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli which has a different specificity, under conditions favouring hydrolysis, yielding besides the desired products, monosaccharides and traces of trisaccharides. The products were purified to >95% by gel filtration, with a final yield of 12% of 1 and 17% of 2, based on added acceptor. In a separate experiment Gal1-6GlcNAc-SEt (3) was synthesized by the transglycosylation reaction using -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli. No other isomers were detected. Compound 3 was purified by HPLC.  相似文献   

The efficacy of systemic infusion of recombinant human macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in combination with local treatment with human recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and mouse recombinant interferon (IFN) was studied in vivo on a subclone of B16 melanoma (MmB16) in mice. Short-term intravenous administration of M-CSF at a dose of 106 units daily had no antitumor effect in vivo. Similarly, local treatment of tumor with TNF (5 g daily) did not produce any therapeutic effect. However, simultaneous administration of the same dose of TNF with IFN (1000 units daily) resulted in a synergistic effects manifested by the retardation of tumor growth. Addition of systemic infusion of M-CSF to the local therapy with TNF and IFN induced further augmentation of antitumor efficacy and delayed progression of MmB16 melanoma. The strengthened antitumor effect of combination therapy including M-CSF, TNF and IFN was most probably due to the increased release of monocytes from the bone marrow, their recruitment into the site of tumor growth and subsequent local stimulation of their antitumor activity.  相似文献   

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