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The cry gene family, produced during the late exponential phase of growth in Bacillus thuringiensis, is a large, still-growing family of homologous genes, in which each gene encodes a protein with strong specific activity against only one or a few insect species. Extensive studies are mostly focusing on the structural and functional relationships of Cry proteins, and have revealed several residues or domains that are important for the target recognition and receptor attachment. In this study, we have employed a maximum likelihood method to detect evidence of adaptive evolution in Cry proteins, and have identified 24 positively selected residues, which are all located in Domain Ⅱ or Ⅲ. Combined with known data from mutagenesis studies, the majority of these residues, at the molecular level, contribute much to the insect specificity determination. We postulate that the potential pressures driving the diversification of Cry proteins may be in an attempt to adapt for the "arm race" between δ-endotoxins and the targeted insects, or to enlarge their target spectra, hence result in the functional divergence. The sites identified to be under positive selection would provide targets for further structural and functional analyses on Cry proteins.  相似文献   

Patterns of sex chromosome and autosome evolution can be used to elucidate the underlying genetic basis of adaptative change. Evolutionary theory predicts that X-linked genes will adapt more rapidly than autosomes if adaptation is limited by the availability of beneficial mutations and if such mutations are recessive. In Drosophila, rates of molecular divergence between species appear to be equivalent between autosomes and the X chromosome. However, molecular divergence contrasts are difficult to interpret because they reflect a composite of adaptive and nonadaptive substitutions between species. Predictions based on faster-X theory also assume that selection is equally effective on the X and autosomes; this might not be true because the effective population sizes of X-linked and autosomal genes systematically differ. Here, population genetic and divergence data from Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila simulans, and Drosophila yakuba are used to estimate the proportion of adaptive amino acid substitutions occurring in the D. melanogaster lineage. After gene composition and effective population size differences between chromosomes are controlled, X-linked and autosomal genes are shown to have equivalent rates of adaptive divergence with approximately 30% of amino acid substitutions driven by positive selection. The results suggest that adaptation is either unconstrained by a lack of beneficial genetic variation or that beneficial mutations are not recessive and are thus highly visible to natural selection whether on sex chromosomes or on autosomes.  相似文献   

Evolution occurs through genome variation followed by selection. Because DNA sequence context affects the activity of enzymes that copy, move and repair DNA, there are intrinsic variations in the probability of genetic variation along a genome. These intrinsic variations can be affected by selective pressure. Codon changes that do not alter the encoded amino acids may still have effects on the local rate of sequence change. Large gene families could encode a successful genetic framework by which to evolve new, functional members. The speed of adaptation to environmental challenges may be improved when the distinct mechanisms of genetic change come under regulatory control. Natural selection operates on mechanisms that generate and modulate diversity as it does on all biological functions.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory assumed that mutations occur constantly, gradually, and randomly over time. This formulation from the "modern synthesis" of the 1930s was embraced decades before molecular understanding of genes or mutations. Since then, our labs and others have elucidated mutation mechanisms activated by stress responses. Stress-induced mutation mechanisms produce mutations, potentially accelerating evolution, specifically when cells are maladapted to their environment, that is, when they are stressed. The mechanisms of stress-induced mutation that are being revealed experimentally in laboratory settings provide compelling models for mutagenesis that propels pathogen-host adaptation, antibiotic resistance, cancer progression and resistance, and perhaps much of evolution generally. We discuss double-strand-break-dependent stress-induced mutation in Escherichia coli. Recent results illustrate how a stress response activates mutagenesis and demonstrate this mechanism's generality and importance to spontaneous mutation. New data also suggest a possible harmony between previous, apparently opposed, models for the molecular mechanism. They additionally strengthen the case for anti-evolvability therapeutics for infectious disease and cancer.  相似文献   

Human microsatellites: mutation and evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nikitina TV  Nazarenko SA 《Genetika》2004,40(10):1301-1318
Microsatellites (MSs) are short tandem DNA repeats with the repetitive motif of two to six nucleotides, forming tracts up to hundreds of nucleotides long. Notwithstanding the active use of MSs in genetic studies of various biological problems, the reasons for their wide occurrence in the genome, their possible functions, and mutational behavior are still unclear. The mutation rate in MS repeats is on average several orders of magnitude higher than in the remaining DNA, which allows for direct estimation of evolutionary transformation rate in nucleotide sequences of the genome. Mutation process in MSs is species-specific; furthermore, within a species it differs among loci with different repeat size, among alleles of one locus, and among individuals of different sex and age. Most MS mutations are caused by DNA slippage during replication but the probability of this event depends on the locus. In this review, a number of models of MS evolution are discussed, which account for the relationship between mutation rate and allele size, different mutation direction in alleles of different size, and the appearance of point mutations within repeat tracts restricting allele size. The MS evolution is considered mainly in the context of selective neutrality, although there is evidence showing functional significance of some variants of tandem repeats and thus their possible selective value.  相似文献   

“Adaptive mutation” denotes a collection of processes in which cells respond to growth-limiting environments by producing compensatory mutants that grow well, apparently violating fundamental principles of evolution. In a well-studied model, starvation of stationary-phase lac Escherichia coli cells on lactose medium induces Lac+ revertants at higher frequencies than predicted by usual mutation models. These revertants carry either a compensatory frameshift mutation or a greater than 20-fold amplification of the leaky lac allele. A crucial distinction between alternative hypotheses for the mechanisms of adaptive mutation hinges on whether these amplification and frameshift mutation events are distinct, or whether amplification is a molecular intermediate, producing an intermediate cell type, in colonies on a pathway to frameshift mutation. The latter model allows the evolutionarily conservative idea of increased mutations (per cell) without increased mutation rate (by virtue of extra gene copies per cell), whereas the former requires an increase in mutation rate, potentially accelerating evolution. To resolve these models, we probed early events leading to rare adaptive mutations and report several results that show that amplification is not the precursor to frameshift mutation but rather is an independent adaptive outcome. (i) Using new high-resolution selection methods and stringent analysis of all cells in very young (micro)colonies (500–10,000 cells), we find that most mutant colonies contain no detectable lac-amplified cells, in contrast with previous reports. (ii) Analysis of nascent colonies, as young as the two-cell stage, revealed mutant Lac+ cells with no lac-amplified cells present. (iii) Stringent colony-fate experiments show that microcolonies of lac-amplified cells grow to form visible colonies of lac-amplified, not mutant, cells. (iv) Mutant cells do not overgrow lac-amplified cells in microcolonies fast enough to mask the lac-amplified cells. (v) lac-amplified cells are not SOS-induced, as was proposed to explain elevated mutation in a sequential model. (vi) Amplification, and not frameshift mutation, requires DNA polymerase I, demonstrating that mutation is separable from amplification, and also illuminating the amplification mechanism. We conclude that amplification and mutation are independent outcomes of adaptive genetic change. We suggest that the availability of alternative pathways for genetic/evolutionary adaptation and clonal expansion under stress may be exploited during processes ranging from the evolution of drug resistance to cancer progression.  相似文献   

aaRSs (aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases) are multi-domain proteins that have evolved by domain acquisition. The anti-codon binding domain was added to the more ancient catalytic domain during aaRS evolution. Unlike in eukaryotes, the anti-codon binding domains of GluRS (glutamyl-tRNA synthetase) and GlnRS (glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase) in bacteria are structurally distinct. This originates from the unique evolutionary history of GlnRSs. Starting from the catalytic domain, eukaryotic GluRS evolved by acquiring the archaea/eukaryote-specific anti-codon binding domain after branching away from the eubacteria family. Subsequently, eukaryotic GlnRS evolved from GluRS by gene duplication and horizontally transferred to bacteria. In order to study the properties of the putative ancestral GluRS in eukaryotes, formed immediately after acquiring the anti-codon binding domain, we have designed and constructed a chimaeric protein, cGluGlnRS, consisting of the catalytic domain, Ec GluRS (Escherichia coli GluRS), and the anti-codon binding domain of EcGlnRS (E. coli GlnRS). In contrast to the isolated EcN-GluRS, cGluGlnRS showed detectable activity of glutamylation of E. coli tRNA(glu) and was capable of complementing an E. coli ts (temperature-sensitive)-GluRS strain at non-permissive temperatures. Both cGluGlnRS and EcN-GluRS were found to bind E. coli tRNA(glu) with native EcGluRS-like affinity, suggesting that the anticodon-binding domain in cGluGlnRS enhances k(cat) for glutamylation. This was further confirmed from similar experiments with a chimaera between EcN-GluRS and the substrate-binding domain of EcDnaK (E. coli DnaK). We also show that an extended loop, present in the anticodon-binding domains of GlnRSs, is absent in archaeal GluRS, suggesting that the loop was a later addition, generating additional anti-codon discrimination capability in GlnRS as it evolved from GluRS in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We reanalyze a hominid talus and calcaneus from Omo dating to 2.2 mya and 2.36 mya, respectively. Although both specimens occur at different localities and times, both tarsals articulate well together, suggesting a single taxon on the basis of size and function. We attribute these foot bones to early Homo on the basis of their morphology. The more modern-like tarsal morphology of these Omo foot bones makes them very similar to a talus from Koobi Fora (KNM-ER 813), a specimen attributed to Homo rudolfensis or Homo erectus. Although the Omo tarsals are a million years younger than the oldest known foot bones from Hadar, both localities demonstrate anatomical differences representing two distinct morphological patterns. Although all known hominid tarsals demonstrate clear bipedal features, the tarsal features noted below suggest that biomechanical changes did occur over time, and that certain features are associated with different hominid lineages (especially the robust australopithecines).  相似文献   

Human language is unique among the communication systems of the natural world: it is socially learned and, as a consequence of its recursively compositional structure, offers open-ended communicative potential. The structure of this communication system can be explained as a consequence of the evolution of the human biological capacity for language or the cultural evolution of language itself. We argue, supported by a formal model, that an explanatory account that involves some role for cultural evolution has profound implications for our understanding of the biological evolution of the language faculty: under a number of reasonable scenarios, cultural evolution can shield the language faculty from selection, such that strongly constraining language-specific learning biases are unlikely to evolve. We therefore argue that language is best seen as a consequence of cultural evolution in populations with a weak and/or domain-general language faculty.  相似文献   

Identification of human Rap1: implications for telomere evolution   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Li B  Oestreich S  de Lange T 《Cell》2000,101(5):471-483
It has been puzzling that mammalian telomeric proteins, including TRF1, TRF2, tankyrase, and TIN2 have no recognized orthologs in budding yeast. Here, we describe a human protein, hRap1, that is an ortholog of the yeast telomeric protein, scRap1p. hRap1 has three conserved sequence motifs in common with scRap1, is located at telomeres, and affects telomere length. However, while scRap1 binds telomeric DNA directly, hRap1 is recruited to telomeres by TRF2. Extending the comparison of telomeric proteins to fission yeast, we identify S. pombe Taz1 as a TRF ortholog, indicating that TRFs are conserved at eukaryotic telomeres. The data suggest that ancestral telomeres, like those of vertebrates, contained a TRF-like protein as well as Rap1. We propose that budding yeast preserved Rap1 at telomeres but lost the TRF component, possibly concomitant with a change in the telomeric repeat sequence.  相似文献   

Classical genetic studies show that gene conversion can favour some alleles over others. Molecular experiments suggest that gene conversion could favour GC over AT basepairs, leading to the concept of biased gene conversion towards GC (BGC(GC)). The expected consequence of such a process is the GC-enrichment of DNA sequences under gene conversion. Recent genomic work suggests that BGC(GC) affects the base composition of yeast, invertebrate and mammalian genomes. Hypotheses for the mechanisms and evolutionary origin of such a strange phenomenon have been proposed. Most BGC(GC) events probably occur during meiosis, which has implications for our understanding of the evolution of sex and recombination.  相似文献   

Adaptive mutation is a generic term for processes that allow individual cells of nonproliferating cell populations to acquire advantageous mutations and thereby to overcome the strong selective pressure of proliferation-limiting environmental conditions. Prerequisites for an occurrence of adaptive mutation are that the selective conditions are nonlethal and that a restart of proliferation may be accomplished by some genetic change in principle. The importance of adaptive mutation is derived from the assumption that it may, on the one hand, result in an accelerated evolution of microorganisms and, on the other, in multicellular organisms may contribute to a breakout of somatic cells from negative growth regulation, i.e., to cancerogenesis. Most information on adaptive mutation in eukaryotes has been gained with the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This review focuses comprehensively on adaptive mutation in this organism and summarizes our current understanding of this issue.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio (ASR) exhibits immense variation in nature, although neither the causes nor the implications of this variation are fully understood. According to theory, the ASR is expected to influence sex roles and breeding systems, as the rarer sex in the population has more potential partners to mate with than the more common sex. Changes in mate choice, mating systems and parental care suggest that the ASR does influence breeding behaviour, although there is a need for more tests, especially experimental ones. In the context of breeding system evolution, the focus is currently on operational sex ratios (OSRs). We argue that the ASR plays a role of similar importance and urge researchers to study the ASR and the OSR side by side. Finally, we plead for a dynamic view of breeding system evolution with feedbacks between mating, parenting, OSR and ASR on both ecological and evolutionary time scales.  相似文献   

The past two years have seen a substantial increase in knowledge regarding the enzymology of DNA excision repair. These data support a growing body of information which suggests that transcribed nucleotide sequences are preferentially subject to excision repair. It is possible that these mechanisms, or related ones, are relevant to the molecular evolution of sequences that appear not to evolve according to models which do not take into account regional sequence differences in the extent of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Morphological, lineage and ecological diversity can vary substantially even among closely related lineages. Factors that influence morphological diversification, especially in functionally relevant traits, can help to explain the modern distribution of disparity across phylogenies and communities. Multivariate axes of feeding functional morphology from 75 species of Neotropical cichlid and a stepwise‐AIC algorithm were used to estimate the adaptive landscape of functional morphospace in Cichlinae. Adaptive landscape complexity and convergence, as well as the functional diversity of Cichlinae, were compared with expectations under null evolutionary models. Neotropical cichlid feeding function varied primarily between traits associated with ram feeding vs. suction feeding/biting and secondarily with oral jaw muscle size and pharyngeal crushing capacity. The number of changes in selective regimes and the amount of convergence between lineages was higher than expected under a null model of evolution, but convergence was not higher than expected under a similarly complex adaptive landscape. Functional disparity was compatible with an adaptive landscape model, whereas the distribution of evolutionary change through morphospace corresponded with a process of evolution towards a single adaptive peak. The continentally distributed Neotropical cichlids have evolved relatively rapidly towards a number of adaptive peaks in functional trait space. Selection in Cichlinae functional morphospace is more complex than expected under null evolutionary models. The complexity of selective constraints in feeding morphology has likely been a significant contributor to the diversity of feeding ecology in this clade.  相似文献   

The wire syndrome shared by plants in New Zealand and Madagascar appears to have evolved convergently as a defence against herbivory from now extinct avian giants.  相似文献   

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