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Model of ammonia volatilization from calcareous soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A quantitative model of ammonia volatilization from the calcareous soil uppermost 1-cm layer was developed and tested. The model accounts for the following processes: ammonium-ammonia equilibration in the soil solution, cation exchange between calcium and ammonium which results in ammonium distribution between soil liquid and solid phases, nitrification of dissolved ammonium, distribution of ammonia between liquid and gaseous phases and diffusion of gaseous ammonia in the soil air. The combined effect of various characteristics such as soil pH, cation exchange capacity, water capacity and nitrification rate on ammonia losses from various soil types have been studied. The model was validated against experimental results of ammonia losses from different soils for its use as a predicting tool. The model shows that most of ammonia losses can be explained by the interactive effect of high soil pH and low cation exchange capacity. Computations show increased ammonia volatilization with decreasing soil water capacity. Increasing fertilizer application rate has a small effect on percentage of ammonia losses. Increased nitrification rate and shorter “lag” period of nitrification reduce ammonia losses considerably. Good agreement was obtained between model calculations and experimental results of ammonia volatilization from 13 soils.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization is the major pathway for mineral nitrogen loss in the calcareous soils of the Chinese loess plateau, with maximum losses reaching 50% of the fertilizer-N applied. A volatilization-diffusion experiment was carried out in the laboratory using a forced-draft system and soil columns of 15.5 cm depth. Urea was surface applied at rates of 210 kg N ha-1 to a soil with 10% CaCO3 and a pH of 7.7. The amount of ammonia volatilized as well as the concentration profiles of ammoniacal-nitrogen and soil pH in the upper 50 mm of the soil columns after 4, 7 and 10 days were measured and subsequently modelled. The mechanistic model of Rachhpal-Singh and Nye, originally developed for neutral, non-calcareous soils, was modified to include the pH-buffering action of the soil carbonates. Model parameters were independently determined or taken from the literature. Measured and predicted cumulative NH3 losses agreed very well in the first 10 days following fertilizer application. However, in contrast to the simulations, NH3-volatilization was still proceeding in the experiment even after 13 days, with cumulative losses reaching 60% of the applied N. In addition to the high initial soil pH, the low bulk density and high volumetric air content of the soil columns used for the experiment proved decisive for the high rates of ammonia volatilization, provoking a strong increase in the amount of ammoniacal-N diffusing towards the soil surface as gaseous NH3. The simulations showed that due to the high soil pH, the buffering action of the soil carbonates played a comparatively smaller role.  相似文献   

生物炭对农田土壤氨挥发的影响机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降低土壤氨挥发量是农田生态系统中减少土壤氮素损失、提高氮肥利用率的关键途径之一。生物炭具有独特的理化性质,施入土壤后可改变土壤理化性状,影响土壤氮素循环,并对农田土壤中氨挥发产生重要的影响。本文首先介绍了稻田和旱田两种土地利用方式下农田氨挥发过程及其影响因素(气候条件、土壤环境、施肥管理等);其次,重点综述了生物炭对农田生态系统氨挥发影响的研究进展,并从物理吸附机制、气液平衡机制、生物化学过程调节机制等方面探讨了生物炭介入下农田土壤氨挥发的响应机制,认为土壤氨挥发减排的响应主要是基于生物炭表面含氧官能团对土壤NH4+和NH3的吸附作用及促进土壤硝化作用;而生物炭增加土壤氨挥发排放主要与生物炭提高土壤pH值和透气性、增强土壤有机氮矿化微生物活性有关。最后,对生物炭减少土壤氨挥发、提高氮肥利用率的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

不同包膜控释尿素对农田土壤氨挥发的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
卢艳艳  宋付朋 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7133-7140
为了探索包膜控释尿素土壤氨挥发损失规律特征和提高肥料氮素利用率,采用小麦玉米轮作田间试验,通过与普通尿素进行对比,运用土壤氨挥发原位测定方法——通气法系统研究了硫包膜和树脂包膜控释尿素的施用对小麦玉米轮作农田土壤氨挥发的影响.研究结果表明:在两种施氮量水平下(210 kg/hm2和300 kg/hm2),与普通尿素相比,硫包膜和树脂包膜控释尿素在小麦基肥期、小麦追肥期和玉米施肥期的施用均减少了土壤氨挥发的累积损失量,分别达35.1%-54.3%、59.6%-75.2%、65.6%-98.1%;有效降低了土壤氨挥发通量峰值且延迟其出现时间3-8 d,并能延缓土壤氨挥发主要阶段的时间分别为4-12 d、5-12 d.在小麦玉米轮作周年中,控释尿素土壤氨挥发累积损失量为28.39-43.35 kg/hm2,土壤氨挥发损失率为4.48%-5.63%,控释尿素时段土壤氨挥发通量比普通尿素降低了51.0%-70.8%;且树脂包膜控释尿素的施用降低小麦玉米轮作农田土壤氨挥发的效果优于硫包膜控释尿素.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted using a system of small wind tunnels to measure ammonia (NH3) volatilization from cattle slurry after surface application to land. In each experiment slurry was applied at a rate equivalent to 80 m3 ha-1, providing the equivalent of approximately 100 kg NH4 +-N ha-1. The first experiment compared NH3 volatilization from the liquid fraction obtained by mechanical separation of slurry with that from unseparated slurry. The total NH3 loss over six days from unseparated and separated slurry were very similar, being 38 and 35% respectively of the NH4 +-N applied. For the first five hours, the rate of NH3 loss was higher from the unseparated slurry, thereafter it was consistently lower. In the second experiment, slurry was ponded in a tray to examine whether impeded infiltration or changes in the NH4 + concentration or overall pH of the slurry influenced the rapid decline in rate soon after application that is characteristic of NH3 volatilization from animal slurries applied to land. It appeared, however, that other factors such as resistance to diffusion within the slurry and/or at the slurry surface were mostly responsible for the rapid decline in rate. In the third experiment, in which NH3 volatilization was measured from slurry applied to grassland or bare soil, the total loss from slurry applied to grassland was approximately 1.5 times that from slurry applied to bare soil.  相似文献   

Leaching of nitrate (NO3 ) below the root zone and gaseous losses of nitrogen (N) such as ammonia (NH3) volatilization, are major mechanisms of N loss from agricultural soils. New techniques to minimize such losses are needed to maximize N uptake efficiency and minimize production costs and the risk of potential N contamination of ground and surface waters. The effects of cellulose (C), clinoptilolite zeolite (CZ), or a combination of both (C+CZ) on NH3 volatilization and N transformation in a calcareous Riviera fine sand (loamy, siliceous, hyperthermic, Arenic Glossaqualf) from a citrus grove were investigated in a laboratory incubation study. Ammonia volatilization from NH4NO3 (AN), (NH4)2SO4(AS), and urea (U) applied at 200 mg N kg–1 soil decreased by 2.5-, 2.1- and 0.9-fold, respectively, with cellulose application at 15 g kg–1 and by 4.4-, 2.9- and 3.0-fold, respectively, with CZ application at 15 g kg–1 as compared with that from the respective sources without the amendments. Application of cellulose plus CZ (each at 15 g kg–1) was the most effective in decreasing NH3 volatilization. Application of cellulose increased the microbial biomass, which was responsible for immobilization of N, and thus decreased volatilization loss of NH3–N. The effect of CZ, on the other hand, may be due to increased retention of NH4 in the ion-exchange sites. The positive effect of interaction between cellulose and CZ amendment on microbial biomass was probably due to improved nutrient retention and availability to microorganisms in the soil. Thus, the amendments provide favorable conditions for microbial growth. These results indicate that soil amendment of CZ or CZ plus organic materials such as cellulose has great potential in reducing fertilizer N loss in sandy soils.  相似文献   

采用密闭室法和离子交换树脂袋法,研究了科尔沁沙质草地不同处理(水添加、氮添加、水氮添加)氧挥发的损失量和硝态氮的淋溶量.结果表明:氮添加处理和水氮添加处理显著促进了氨挥发(P<0.05),最大氨挥发速率显著高于对照;氮添加处理和水氮添加处理的氨挥发累积量为111.80和148.64 mg·m-2,分别占氮添加量的1.1%和1.5%;水氮同时添加条件下,氨挥发累计量显著高于氨添加处理(P<0.05),水添加处理和对照相比没有显著差异(P>0.05);水氮添加处理显著增加了土壤深度20 cm处的硝态氮淋溶量(P<0.05),氮添加处理和水氮添加处理的硝态氮淋溶量分别是对照的1.96和4.22倍,然而在土壤深度40 cm处各处理硝态氮淋溶量差异不显著(P>0.05);可见,氮添加和水氮添加均促进了土壤的氧挥发,对硝态氮的淋溶没有显著影响.  相似文献   

新疆灰漠土区不同肥料配比土壤氨挥发原位监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在17a的新疆国家灰漠土土壤肥力与肥料效益长期定位试验区,采用通气法对春小麦种植体系8种处理,即(1)对照(种植、不施肥,CK)、(2)施氮肥(N)、(3)施氮磷肥(NP)、(4)施氮钾肥(NK)、(5)施氮磷钾肥(NPK)、(6)施氮磷钾肥+有机肥增量(NPKM1)、(7)施氮磷钾化肥+有机肥常量(NPKM2)、(8)施氮磷钾化肥+秸秆还田(NPKS)的氨挥发损失与不同肥料配比、长期不同施肥土壤特性变化之间关系进行研究.结果表明:(1)在当地春小麦种植典型施肥模式,即"基肥撒施后机械翻耕,追肥撒施后灌水"下,在施氮量为84.97~241.5 kg · hm-2的条件下,不同处理基肥氨挥发累积量为0.194~2.236 kg N · hm-2之间;追肥氨挥发累积量在0.078~0.210 kg N · hm-2之间,远低于基肥氨挥发量;基肥和追肥氨挥发损失氮素之和占总施氮量的0.39%~1.23%.(2)相同施氮量241.5 kg · hm-2的N、NP、NK、NPK 4个处理,氨挥发累积量分别为1.017、0.944、1.988、2.437 kg N · hm-2,氨挥发量与不同处理土壤速效钾含量相关性达显著水平(r=0.951, P<0.05,n=4).(3)施氮量分别为151.8、84.9、216.7 kg · hm-2有机肥处理NPKM1、NPKM2、NPKS的氨挥发累积量分别为1.404、1.041、1.583 kg N · hm-2,氨挥发量与氮肥使用量呈显著正相关(r=0.581,P<0.05,n=18).以上结果表明,氨挥发不是新疆灰漠土长期定位试验春小麦体系氮肥损失的主要途径;不同肥料配比和长期不同肥料配比造成土壤特性的变化是7种施氮肥处理氨挥发差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have shown appreciable losses of ammonia after injection of anhydrous ammonia into dry and wet soils. In this study losses of ammonia injected into a moist (tension 10 kPa), dry (tension 160 kPa) and a wet (tension 1.6 kPa) sandy loam were measured under field conditions using wind tunnels. Losses were insignificant from a moist soil. However losses from a dry and a wet soil were 20% and 50% of injected ammonia, respectively. From the dry soil, losses of gaseous ammonia took place within the first hours after injection, which indicates a rapid transport through cracks and voids. From the wet soil, 20% of the injected ammonia was lost more gradually between 6 h and 6 d. This indicates that upward movement of water due to evaporation may be the cause of these ammonia losses which proceeded for longer periods.  相似文献   

在洞庭湖区农田施用秸秆生物炭不仅能实现秸秆资源化利用,还可降低环境污染压力。本研究于2020年采用水稻盆栽试验,研究了不同南荻秸秆生物炭施用量对土壤氨挥发速率、累积氨挥发量、表面水pH值和NH4+-N浓度的影响。供试土壤为第四纪红土发育的红黄泥和花岗岩发育的麻砂泥水稻土,设置6个南荻秸秆生物炭添加处理,即分别以土柱0~20 cm土壤重量的0%、1%、2%、4%、6%和8%比例添加生物炭,每盆施用复合肥200 kg N·hm-2。结果表明: 施用生物炭导致两种土壤之间或不同生物炭处理之间的氨挥发速率和累积量均存在显著差异。麻砂泥施用生物炭处理在施肥后第2天出现氨挥发峰值,且较不施生物炭处理峰值降低了23.6%~53.4%;红黄泥氨挥发峰值出现在施肥后第7~13天,且其峰值随着生物炭添加量的增加而升高。整体上,麻砂泥土壤的氨挥发速率均高于红黄泥。麻砂泥土壤<4%生物炭添加量能抑制土壤氨挥发速率及累积量,其中以2%处理降幅最大(46.9%),但生物炭添加对水稻生长前期表面水pH值的影响不显著;红黄泥土壤随着南荻生物炭用量的增加,表面水中pH值和NH4+-N浓度增加,导致氨挥发速率及累积量增幅达1.3~10.5倍。回归分析显示,生物炭添加量是影响两种土壤氨挥发的关键因素。Elo-vich方程能较好地拟合两种土壤的氨挥发累积量随时间的变化动态,各施炭处理的相关系数均达极显著水平。总体上,对于偏中性的麻砂泥土壤,施用一定量的南荻生物炭对氨排放有一定的抑制作用,而对于酸性的红黄泥土壤,增施南荻生物炭会通过提高表面水的pH值和NH4+-N浓度促进氨挥发,因此针对不同类型土壤施用南荻秸秆生物炭应注意选择适宜用量,以降低氮素损失。  相似文献   

In grazed, grassland soils, sheep urine generates heterogeneity in ammonia concentrations, with potential impact on ammonia oxidizer community structure and soil N cycling. The influence of different levels of synthetic sheep urine on ammonia oxidizers was studied in grassland soil microcosms. 'Total' and active ammonia oxidizers were distinguished by comparing denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles following PCR and RT-PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene fragments, targeting DNA and RNA, respectively. The RNA-based approach indicated earlier, more reproducible and finer scale qualitative shifts in ammonia oxidizing communities than DNA-based analysis, but led to amplification of a small number of nonammonia oxidizer sequences. Qualitative changes in RNA-derived DGGE profiles were related to changes in nitrate accumulation. Sequence analysis of excised DGGE bands revealed that ammonia oxidizing communities in synthetic sheep urine-treated soils consisted mainly of Nitrosospira clusters 2, 3 and 4. Nitrosospira cluster 2 increased in relative abundance in microcosms treated with all levels of synthetic sheep urine. Low levels additionally led to increased relative abundance of Nitrosospira cluster 4 and medium and high levels increased relative abundance of cluster 3. Synthetic sheep urine is therefore likely to influence the spatial distribution and composition of ammonia oxidizer communities, with consequent effects on nitrate accumulation.  相似文献   

为提高鲜食玉米一次性施肥的氮肥利用率并降低氮肥的环境影响,通过田间试验,以不施氮处理为对照(CK),研究了控释尿素不同条施深度(0、5、10、15、20 cm)对鲜食玉米田间土壤氨挥发特征、鲜穗产量和氮肥利用率的影响. 结果表明: 玉米种植带和宽行非施肥带的土壤氨挥发主要发生在施肥后的前2周,而窄行施肥带的土壤氨挥发在施肥后持续约1个月. 与CK相比,控释尿素表施(0 cm)处理不仅大幅度地提高了窄行施肥带的氨挥发损失量,同时也显著增加了玉米种植带和宽行非施肥带的氨挥发损失量. 不同深度施肥处理全生育期土壤氨挥发损失总量差异较大,为3.1~25.5 kg N·hm-2,占施氮量的1.7%~14.2%.其中控释尿素条施10、15和20 cm深度处理的全生育期土壤氨挥发损失总量相差不大,分别较表施(0 cm)和浅施(5 cm)处理显著降低了85.9%~87.8%和67.0%~71.6%. 在一定范围内增加控释尿素条施深度有利于提高鲜穗产量、植株氮积累量以及氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学利用率和氮肥表观利用率,各指标均以15 cm深度处理最高. 综上所述,控释尿素合理深施可以显著降低氨挥发损失,提高鲜穗产量和氮肥利用效率,本研究条件下控释尿素的最适宜施用深度为15 cm.  相似文献   

以持续9年施用不同缓/控释尿素的水田棕壤为试验对象,以普通大颗粒尿素为对照,研究了持续施用不同缓/控释尿素条件下水田土壤NH3挥发与N2O排放特征.结果表明: 与普通大颗粒尿素(U)相比,除1% 3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐(DMPP)+U处理 NH3挥发增加了25.8%外,其他缓/控释尿素肥料处理对NH3有明显的减排效果.树脂包膜尿素(PCU)对NH3减排效果最明显,为73.4%,硫包膜尿素(SCU)为72.2%,0.5% N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(NBPT)+1% DMPP+U为71.9%,1% 氢醌(HQ)+3% 双氰胺(DCD)+U为46.9%,0.5% NBPT+U为43.2%,1% HQ+U为40.2%,3% DCD+U为25.5%, 1% DMPP均与施用普通大颗粒尿素差异显著;所有缓/控释尿素处理与对照相比均可显著减少N2O排放.1% DMPP+U对N2O减排效果最明显,为74.9%,PCU为62.1%,1% HQ+3% DCD+U为54.7%,0.5% NBPT+1% DMPP+U为42.2%,3% DCD+U为35.9%,1% HQ+U为28.9%,0.5% NBPT+U为17.7%,SCU为14.5%,均与施用普通大颗粒尿素差异显著.比较0.5% NBPT+1% DMPP+U、SCU、PCU对NH3和N2O减排的综合效果,3种肥料作用相近,且均明显优于其他处理,但包膜材料的成本较抑制剂高数倍.因此,同时添加脲酶和硝化抑制剂的缓释尿素是减少水田氮素损失及环境污染的首选氮肥.  相似文献   

The fate of nitrogen from 15N-labelled sheep urine and urea applied to two soils was studied under field conditions. Labelled and stored urine equivalent to 204 kg N ha–1 was either incorporated in soil or applied to the soil surface prior to sowing of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), or it was applied to ryegrass one month after sowing. In a sandy loam soil, 62% of the incorporated urine N and 78% of the incorporated urea N was recovered in three cuts of herbage after 5 months. In a sandy soil, 51–53% of the labelled N was recovered in the herbage and the distribution of labelled N in plant and soil was not significantly different for incorporated urine and urea. Almost all the supplied labelled N was accounted for in soil and herbage in the sandy loam soil, whereas 33–34% of the labelled N was unaccounted for in the sandy soil. When the stored urine was applied to the soil surface, 20–24% less labelled N was recovered in herbage plus soil compared to the treatments where urine or urea were incorporated, irrespective of soil type. After a simulated urination on grass, 69% of the labelled urine N was recovered in herbage and 15% of the labelled N was unaccounted for. The labelled N unaccounted for was probably mainly lost by ammonia volatilization.Significantly more urine- than urea-derived N (36 and 19%, respectively) was immobilized in the sandy loam soil, whereas the immobilization of N from urea and urine was similar in the sandy soil (13–16%). The distribution of urine N, whether incorporated or applied to the soil surface prior to sowing, did not influence the immobilization of labelled urine N in soil. The immobilization of urine-derived N was also similar whether the urine was applied alone or in an animal slurry consisting of labelled urine and unlabelled faecal N. When urine was applied to growing ryegrass at the sandy loam soil, the immobilization of urine-derived N was significantly reduced compared to application prior to sowing. The results indicated that the net mineralization of urine N was similar to that of urea in the sandy soil, but only about 75% of the urine N was net mineralized in the sandy loam soil, when urine was applied prior to sowing. Thus, the fertilizer effect of urine N may be significantly lower than that of urea N on fine-textured soils, even when gaseous losses of urine N are negligible.  相似文献   

不同施肥与灌水量对槟榔土壤氨挥发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用通气法田间原位试验,研究了不同施肥模式、灌溉量对槟榔土壤氨挥发速率和挥发量的影响。结果表明:槟榔恢复期和出花期追肥灌水后,不同施肥处理均在第3天出现氨挥发速率峰值(0.50-3.42 kg.hm-2.d-1),而后迅速下降并进入低挥发阶段。出花期氨挥发速率峰值(1.50-4.42 kg.hm-2.d-1)比恢复期氨挥发速率峰值明显高。灌水量小(300 m3. hm-2)的氨挥发率和总量比灌水量大(600 m3. hm-2)的明显减小。在同一氮水平下,有机质含量较低的氨挥发率较高。在同一有机质含量条件,氨挥发率随着N肥含量增加而升高。与单施N肥处理相比,有机肥与N肥配施可明显减少氨挥发速率和总量,可减少氮损失。  相似文献   

Microscalic heterogeneity of soil chemical properties caused by soil structure has been reported for several soils. We investigated exchange properties and soil solution composition of disturbed and undisturbed samples of an acid forest soil lacking visible structure. Cation concentrations in the soil solution resulting from two extraction procedures and two analytical methods were compared. The effective cation exchange capacity (CECe) of the undisturbed sample represented 56–69% of the bulk soil CECe. Base saturation of undisturbed samples equalled that of disturbed samples for EA, Bhs, and Bsh horizons, and was higher for the Bw horizon. Contradicting the results of other authors, soil pore solution obtained by percolating soil cores under conditions of low water tension offered more favourable conditions for plant roots when compared to the equilibrium soil solution of the bulk soil sample in all except the Bsh horizon. Ca2+/Al3+ molar ratios were higher and fractions of H+ + Al3+ on total cationic charge were lower in the soil pore solution. These results were obtained employing soil: solution ratios of about 1:0.5 during the extraction of soil pore solution, and by determination of free cations. Other authors used a water extraction with soil:solution ratios up to 1:2 and took total metal for ion concentrations. The combination of the latter extraction and analytical method in our study, too, led to unfavourable Ca2+/Al3+ ratios and high tractions of H+ + Al3+. The choice of analytical and extraction method are thus decisive for the valuation of the soil solution composition in view of plant nutrition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deposition contributes to soil acidification in tropical ecosystems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Elevated anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has greatly altered terrestrial ecosystem functioning, threatening ecosystem health via acidification and eutrophication in temperate and boreal forests across the northern hemisphere. However, response of forest soil acidification to N deposition has been less studied in humid tropics compared to other forest types. This study was designed to explore impacts of long‐term N deposition on soil acidification processes in tropical forests. We have established a long‐term N‐deposition experiment in an N‐rich lowland tropical forest of Southern China since 2002 with N addition as NH4NO3 of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 yr?1. We measured soil acidification status and element leaching in soil drainage solution after 6‐year N addition. Results showed that our study site has been experiencing serious soil acidification and was quite acid‐sensitive showing high acidification (pH(H2O)<4.0), negative water‐extracted acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and low base saturation (BS,< 8%) throughout soil profiles. Long‐term N addition significantly accelerated soil acidification, leading to depleted base cations and decreased BS, and further lowered ANC. However, N addition did not alter exchangeable Al3+, but increased cation exchange capacity (CEC). Nitrogen addition‐induced increase in SOC is suggested to contribute to both higher CEC and lower pH. We further found that increased N addition greatly decreased soil solution pH at 20 cm depth, but not at 40 cm. Furthermore, there was no evidence that Al3+ was leaching out from the deeper soils. These unique responses in tropical climate likely resulted from: exchangeable H+ dominating changes of soil cation pool, an exhausted base cation pool, N‐addition stimulating SOC production, and N saturation. Our results suggest that long‐term N addition can contribute measurably to soil acidification, and that shortage of Ca and Mg should receive more attention than soil exchangeable Al in tropical forests with elevated N deposition in the future.  相似文献   

The behaviour of EDDHA isomers in soils as influenced by soil properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FeEDDHA products are applied to correct iron chlorosis in plants and consist of a mixture of EDDHA isomers chelated to iron. In this study such mixtures have been divided into four (groups of) isomers: racemic o,o-EDDHA, meso o,o-EDDHA, o,p-EDDHA and rest-EDDHA. The physical and chemical properties of these isomers differ and hence does their ability to deliver Fe to plants. To come to a soil-specific iron fertilization recommendation, the behaviour of the EDDHA isomers in the soil needs to be understood. This behaviour has been examined in a soil interaction experiment as a function of time, and it has been related to soil properties. The isomer fractions remaining in solution can be ranked racemic o,o-FeEDDHA > meso o,o-FeEDDHA > rest-FeEDDHA > o,p-FeEDDHA, regardless of soil properties. The o,o-EDDHA isomers largely determine the Fe concentration in solution. Although rest-EDDHA also consists of compounds that chelate Fe more strongly than meso o,o-EDDHA, the latter is on average better capable of keeping Fe in solution upon interaction with soil. The principal adsorption surface differs per EDDHA isomer. For racemic o,o-FeEDDHA it is organic matter, for meso o,o-FeEDDHA it is iron (hydr)oxide and for o,p-FeEDDHA clay minerals. Cu and Al are important competing cations. Cu forms soluble complexes with o,p-EDDHA, and Al with meso o,o-EDDHA not chelated to Fe. Al is likely to affect the effectiveness of a potential shuttle effect. The tendency of o,p-FeEDDHA and rest-FeEDDHA to be removed from solution, makes these isomers less effective as iron fertilizer in soil application, in particular on clay soils.  相似文献   

Aim The spatial organization of soil microbial communities on large scales and the identification of environmental factors structuring their distribution have been little investigated. The overall objective of this study was to determine the spatial patterning of microbial biomass in soils over a wide extent and to rank the environmental filters most influencing this distribution. Location French territory using the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network. This network covers the entire French territory and soils were sampled at 2150 sites along a systematic grid. Methods The soil DNA extracted from all these soils was expressed in terms of soil molecular microbial biomass and related to other soil and land‐use data over French territory. Results This study provides the first extensive map of microbial biomass and reveals the heterogeneous and spatially structured distribution of this biomass on the scale of France. The main factors driving biomass distribution are the physico‐chemical properties of the soil (texture, pH and total organic carbon) as well as land use. Soils from land used for intensive agriculture, especially monoculture and vineyards, exhibited the smallest biomass pools. Interestingly, factors known to influence the large‐scale distribution of macroorganisms, such as climatic factors, were not identified as important drivers for microbial communities. Main conclusions Microbial abundance is spatially structured and dependent on local filters such as soil characteristics and land use but is relatively independent of global filters such as climatic factors or the presence of natural barriers. Our study confirms that the biogeography of microorganisms differs fundamentally from the biogeography of ‘macroorganisms’ and that soil management can have significant large‐scale effects.  相似文献   

E. Matzner  M. Davis 《Plant and Soil》1996,186(2):285-291
In many German forest soils low base saturation of CEC in deeper soil layers was reported and acidic deposition is seen as the major cause of these findings. To test this hypothesis we sampled 5 New Zealand forest soils from pristine beech (Nothofagus fusca, N. menziesii, N. solandri) sites under climatic and geological conditions comparable to higher elevations in Germany. The soils developed from granite and greywacke. Soil samples were analyzed for pH and the exchangeable cations were extracted with 1M NH4Cl. The base saturation of all soil profiles was very low, even in deeper layers and was thus similar to the patterns found in many German forest soils. The pH was generally higher in the New Zealand soils as compared to Germany. The reason for the depletion of base cations in deeper soil layers of New Zealand forest soils is most likely the leaching of base cations with HCO3 - resulting from the dissociation of carbonic acid in connection with high amounts of seepage. Thus, under high rainfall conditions, the low base saturation found in deeper layers of forest soils cannot exclusively be attributed to the effects of acidic depositions and land use. ei]Section editor: R F Huettl  相似文献   

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