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A medium consisting of an aqueous extract of zein, lactose, and Tween 80 is used together with an overlay of 1 % Tween 80 and coverslipping to provide a combined rapid (germ tube) and standard (chlamydospore) method for diagnosis ofCandida albicans. The method is exquisitely sensitive for diagnosis ofC. albicans but lumps chlamydospore-producing strains ofC. tropicalis withC. albicans.  相似文献   

Summary Occasional failure ofCandida albicans to produce chlamydospores on potato-carrot chlamydospore agar could not be attributed to variations in the preparation of the medium including autoclaving and lyophilization. Chlamydospore production was, however, very sensitive to temperature. 104 strains ofC. albicans were grown for 3 days on potato-carrot agar at 16, 20, 25, 30, and 37° C. While at 25° C (the optimal temperature) 93 % of the strains sporulated, a variation of only 5° C either way caused a serious reduction in the performance and only 43 % of the strains sporulated. Sporulation at both extremes of temperature was negligible. A check of temperature variations in the laboratory over a 24 week period during winter months showed that for almost half that period, as expressed in total hours, the temperature remained below 21.1° C (70° F.). Thus room temperature incubation for chlamydospore production inC. albicans may not be sufficient in many cases. Production of chlamydospores on potato-carrot agar was also found to be much superior to that on corn meal agar.  相似文献   

Six different cultural media (corn meal agar, rice extract agar, chlamydospore agar, PCB, Tween 80-oxgall-caffeic acid and diluted milk) were compared for chlamydospore production by 224 yeastlike fungi isolates. Candida albicans formed chlamydospores to a variable degree in all of the media, as did C. stellatoidea to a lesser extent. C. tropicalis, C. parasilopsis, C. guilliermondii and C. krusei did not produce chlamydospores in any of the media tested. Statistically, the most productive media were the milk and TOC media. Milk medium is particularly useful because of its simplicity and economy.  相似文献   

Further and more conclusive investigations on the life-cycle ofCandida albicans by means of DNA analyses and micromanipulation are reported.Six main stages are recognizable in the life-cycle of the species under consideration. The sexually active haplophase consists of small cells which either convert to the diplophase by somatogamous autogamy or mutate to the sexually quiescent haplophase with circa 8 × 10–15 g DNA/cell. The nascent diplophase may develop further by budding, convert into chlamydospores or give rise to asexual endospores by internal budding. After a period of dormancy, the budding, uninucleate diplophase with circa 19 × 10–15 g DNA/cell converts when transferred toFowell's acetate agar either into uninucleate chlamydospores or, after becoming multinucleate, into gonotoconts on which the haplophase is delimited externally as buds or as conidia delimited on short sterigmata. By the cultivation of single isolated conidia it was possible to confirm that they were haploid and that heterothallism was absent. The characteristic chalmydospores formed by cultures on corn meal agar were observed to germinate on non-nutritive, 2% washed agar media. Germination occurred by bud formation which gave rise to the haplophase without the formation of a septate promycelium. Since these chlamydospores appear to function as gonotoconts, they are considered to be homologous with the teliospores of theUstilaginales.This species, together with two others also described, are consequently assigned to the redefined genusSyringospora Quinquad which is provisionally assigned to the tulasnelloid fungi.  相似文献   

Thirty-four recent isolates ofCandida albicans from clinical material were cultured on glutinous rice agar at 21 pH values ranging from 2.2 to 11.9. After incubation at 25°C all isolates produced chlamydospores on this medium at pH values from 6.6 to 8.0 with an optimum pH of 7.1. Nineteen stock cultures and all recent isolates ofCandida albicans were used to compare the new glutinous rice agar with 9 other culture media recommended for chlamydospore formation. The results indicated that the new medium was superior in terms of (1) economy, (2) rapid production of chlamydospores, (3) transparency and (4) ease of investigation by direct microscopic examination.
Zusammenfassung Vierunddreißig jüngst isolierte Stämme vonCandida albicans aus klinischem Material sind auf Glutin-Reisagar innerhalb 21 pH-Werte vom 2.2 bis 11.9 gezüchtet worden. Nach Inkubation bei 25°C haben alle Stämme auf diesem Medium bei den Werten von pH 6.6 bis 8.0 Chlamydosporen produziert mit dem Optimum bei pH 7.1. Neunzehn Stammkulturen und alle jüngst isolierten Stämme vonC. llbicans sind verwendet worden um den neuen Glutin-Reisnährboden mit neun anderen, empfohlenen Nährböden fur Chlamydosporen-Produktion zu vergleichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß der neue Nährboden in folgenden Beziehungen vortrefflicher war: 1) Wirtschaftlichkeit; 2) rasche Chlamydosporen-Produktion; 3) Durchsichtigkeit; 4) Leichtigkeit bei direkter mikroskopischer Untersuchung.

Candida dubliniensis pathogenic species, which shares many phenotypic features with C. albicans, may be misidentified in the microbiology laboratory. The growth on DRBC agar at 25 °C was shown to be a new tool for differentiation between C. dubliniensis and C. albicans. All 27 isolates of C. dubliniensis showed in this medium rough colonies (peripheral hyphal fringes) and abundant chlamydospore production, while all 103 isolates of C. albicans showed smooth colonies without fringes or chlamydospores. DRBC agar allowed the differentiation of C. albicans from C. dubliniensis with 100 % sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Forty strains ofCandida and one ofTorulopsis were isolated from patients with cutaneous candidiasis. The isolates comprised 29 strains ofC. albicans, 7 strains ofC. tropicalis, 2 strains ofC. guilliermondii, and one each ofC. parakrusei, C. lipolytica, andT. famata were identified by the ordinary method. Besides the common pathogenC. albicans, a few other species ofCandida may be etiologic organisms of cutaneous candidiasis. These strains were re-examined by combined use of sucrose agar slants and slide agglutination tests with IgG monofactorial antibodies as a rapid identification method, especially for determining serotypes ofC. albicans. The new method was useful and reliable for rapid identification ofC. albicans and related species. All strains ofC. albicans isolated from skin lesions proved to be standard serotypes ofC. albicans.
Zusammenfassung Vierzig Stämme vonCandida und eins vonTorulopsis wurden aus Kranken mit kutanen Candidamykosen isoliert. Neunundzwanzig Stämme vonC. albicans, 7 vonC. tropicalis, 2 vonC. guilliermondii, und je einer vonC. parakrusei, C. lipolytica undT. famata wurden mit dem ordinären Methode identifiziert. Außer dem gewohnlichen Erreger,C. albicans, konnten auch ein Paar andere Spezies vonCandida als den Erreger betrachtet werden. Sechsunddreißig Stämme vonC. albicans undC. tropicalis wurden mit der von uns verbesserten kombinierten serologischen und biologischen Methode untersucht, besonders um den Serotypus vonC. albicans festzusetzen. Die neue Methode war gut und zuverlässig als die rapide Identification vonC. albicans und verwandten Spezies. Alle aus der Hautläsion isoliertenC. albicans waren der in Japan allgemeine Serotypus vonC. albicans.

A simple and specific medium consisting of chitosan, trypticase, Tween-80 and agar is devised to isolate the organisms directly from the clinical specimens and to produce germ tubes and chlamydospores for rapid differentiation and identification of Candida albicans from other closely related Candida species. By manipulating the incubating conditions, the specific phase of the organism can be produced in liquid or on solid medium at different time intervals to study the physiology of the organism.Many methods and media have been proposed in the past for identification of Candida albicans and to differentiate this from the closely related species of Candida (5–8, 15). Taschdjian, Burchall&Kozinn (15) showed that C. albicans produces germ tube within an hour or two when it is grown in human or animal serum or serum substitutes. The specificity of this germ tube test was later confirmed by various workers by using different media (3–5). The distinctive feature that differentiates C. albicans from other species is the production of chlamydospores (14). However, in all these studies three types of media were required to isolate the organisms from clinical specimens and to produce germ tubes and chlamydospores for identification. Recently studies have shown that a single medium can be employed to produce both structural components of the organism from the primary isolation medium but the preparation of the medium is more exhaustive (1) and time consuming (13) than the medium to be described here. The present investigation was therefore undertaken to develop a simple and specific medium to isolate the organism directly from the clinical specimens and to produce various morphological phases of Candida albicans to differentiate from other closely related Candida species for clinical diagnosis and to provide a medium to study the physiology and metabolism of the organism under in vitro conditions.Supported in part by Grant CA 20917, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health and ALSAC.  相似文献   

Summary A new technique for the rapid identification ofC. albicans has been developed and evaluated. This yeast can be identified in one hour by the formation of germ tubes after inoculation in 1/2 ml of human or animal plasma, and commercial plasma substitutes.C. albicans also forms germ tubes within 2 to 4 hours after inoculation in human serum and incubation at 37° C.Filamentation ofC. albicans in these blood derivatives is a reliable method for the identification of this yeast. It is more rapid than the assimilation and fermentation sugar tests and chlamydospore formation.Assimilation and fermentation sugar tests are used to identify those isolates ofCandida that fail to produce filaments in plasma or serum.  相似文献   

A prototrophic strain and 21 auxotrophic strains of Candida albicans were assessed for their capacity to produce chlamydospores and germ tubes. All of the mutants were able to produce germ-tubes in human serum but only two mutants produced them in defined medium with L-alpha-amino-n-butyric acid as the sole source of nitrogen. Most auxotrophs were not able to produce chlamydospores on corn meal agar with 1% Tween 80, but they could be induced to do so if the medium was supplemented with their growth requirement(s). Although L-cysteine was able to support the growth of two methionine mutants, it did not support chlamydospore formation when added to corn meal agar with 1% Tween 80. Mutants of C. albicans that do not form chlamydospores could be incorrectly identified in laboratories that rely on chlamydospore formation for identification.  相似文献   

Summary Results using a simple medium which encourages rapid formation of chlamydospores inCandida albicans and allows the use of contaminated or mixed primary isolates ofCandida strains are described.  相似文献   

Summary A new species,Sporotrichum carthusio-viride Rai &Mukerji, isolated from a soil sample collected from Kukrail area, Lucknow, India is described. It differs from other species in its colony colour and conidial measurements. It also forms yeast-like colonies on Wort's agar which produce terminal and inter-calary chlamydospores and budding cells.  相似文献   

On the genesis and germination of the chlamydospores of Botrytis cinerea Pers. The chlamydospores of Botrytis cinerea are hyaline single cells of extremely variable form and size. They are formed under conditions unfavourable for growth as terminal or intercalary cells by transformation of vegetative mycelium parts and are liberated by hyphal disintegration. The chlamydospore genesis in vitro in aging malt agar cultures began about after one month. But the chlamydospore formation could also be initiated earlier by different conditions of culture. The chlamydospores germinated either with hypha or by microconidia — a herewith first described mode of germination. Intermediates of these both modes of chlamydospore germination could be regulated very differentiatedly by transferring the chlamydospores into malt solution (2%)and/or destilled water and by changing the duration of stay in the individual media. Under adverse external conditions no germination occurred. The three Botrytis cinerea-isolates did not show any differences in habitus, genesis and germination of their chlamydospores. Also in vivo on outdoor- and greenhouse-tomatoplants the occurrence of chlamydospores was no rarity. Since the chlamydospores are produced under very different adverse conditions of growth but cannot survive a period of drought lasting longer than three months without damage, they do not represent long-termed resistant perennating structures, but temporary stages of the fungus for intervening periods.  相似文献   

Summary Subcultures ofC. albicans, made from Sabouraud agar, grown at room temperature for 48 hours, were inoculated into a 10 times saline dilution of Sabouraud liquid medium and left in the incubator for 45–60 minutes at 37° C, transferred to corn meal agar plates and incubated at 37° C for 18–24 hours.Small portions of the surface agar containing the yeasts from these plates were pressed under cover glasses and examined under the oil immersion lens.Under these conditions,C. albicans cultures were observed to produce only yeast-like cells, whereasC. stellatoidea cultures contained predominantly abundant, long, thin mycelia.  相似文献   

Summary   Candida dubliniensis is an emerging pathogenic yeast isolated mainly from the oral cavity of HIV-infected patients. The close phenotypic and genotypic relationship between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis has led to incorrectly identifying isolates of C. dubliniensis as C. albicans. The oral cavities of 107 diabetic patients were studied in Cali, Colombia, and 72 colonies of Candida, with shades of green on CHROMagar Candida culture media, were obtained. Various phenotypic tests were carried out, which included germ tube formation and production of chlamydospores on corn meal Agar. Additionally, growth studies were carried out at 42°C and 45°C and on Sabouraud agar with 6.5%, sodium chloride. Identification of C. dubliniensis with these tests was confirmed with API 20C Aux. We identified 65 and 7 colonies of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis, respectively. This is the first time that C. dubliniensis is identified with phenotypic methods in Colombia.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred thirty-one cultures of anascosporogenous yeasts isolated from the human body late in 1947 were all typical members of the genusCryptococcus when examined in 1947 and early in 1948. No mycelium was produced in repeated tests in corn meal agar scratch plates or in beef peptone gelatin stabs. By 1950, 17 of the 131 cultures had definitely become morphologically identical with members of the genusCandida, showing typical pseudomycelial growth with blastospores sprouting from the mycelium on the above mentioned media. It is concluded that some species ofCandida can be morphological dissociates ofCryptococcus. The status and the varied phylogeny of the genusCandida is discussed.
Sumario Todos los 131 cultivos de una colección de levaduras imperfectas recientemente aisladas de la piel de seres humanos eran miembras típicas del géneroCryptococcus en 1947. No producían ningún micelio, aunque lo buscabamos repeditas veces en gelosa de harina de maíz y en gelatina de carne y peptona. Ahora en 1950, 17 de los 131 cultivos se han convertido en formas identicas morfológicamente con miembras del generoCandida. En estas medias las 17 levaduras ya poseen un seudomicelio conspicuo de que muchas blastoesporas brotan. Se deduce que unas especies deCandida pueden ser formas deCryptococcus producidas por disociación microbiana. Se trata del estado y de la filogenia multiple del géneroCandida.

El origen de unas especies del géneroCandida en levaduras imperfectas que no formaban seudomicelio

This investigation was supported in part by funds provided for biological and medical research by the State of Washington Initiative Measure No. 171.  相似文献   

Summary A simple easily prepared clear medium consisting of 2% oxgall in 1.8% agar is described. This has proved to be excellent for the rapid identification ofCandida albicans in swabs and cultures, provided that the inoculated area is covered by a coverslip and the incubation temperature period is maintained at 28°C for 24 to 48 hours. No special technical skill is required to prepare this medium. The results presented show thatC. albicans will always produce chlamydospores on this medium if the recommended procedure is followed.Head, Medical Mycology Section.Mycologist, Medical Mycology Section.  相似文献   

Chlamydospores are vital asexual resting cells, which allow most of the Fusarium pathogenic strains to retain their longevity, thus ensuring survival of viable reproductive cells. This study suggested that both abiotic – extreme temperature and growth media, and biotic – antagonistic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SMCD 518 and mycoparasititic Acremonium strictum SMCD 504 are natural stressors able to shift chlamydospores formation in Fusarium graminearum and F. sporotrichioides under in vitro conditions. In F. sporotrichioides, Minimal Conversion Media (MCM) with mannitol supplement induced high chlamydospore size, and chain abundance at optimal 21°C and extreme 37°C temperatures, respectively. F. graminearum showed low chlamydospore formation on MCM–mannitol, even when exposed to 37°C under prolonged 5 days incubation. Generally, F. sporotrichioides has higher chlamydospore abundance, longer chlamydospore chain, and production rapidity compared to F. graminearum in both abiotic and biotic treatments. However, biocontrol bacteria and mycoparasite posed minimal effects on chlamydospore formation, as compared to abiotic stressors, thus controlling the Fusaria but not triggering them to generate chlamydospores as protection shields.  相似文献   

Using a gargle-rinse technique, the oral cavities of 103 volunteers were sampled and cultured for the presence ofCandida albicans. Thirty-six (33.95 %) were positive forC. albicans, including 14 females and 22 males. Sixty-four subjects, including negative controls, were placed on treatment regimes of a pre-sleep gargle-rinse with either sterile distilled water (W) or Cepacol® Mouthwash/Gargle (C). The possible effects of ambient temperature, diet, age, sex, and mouthwash use on oralC. albicans levels are illustrated and discussed, including some evidence for familial endemicity. On simulated sporadic or continuous mouthwash use, some individuals showed statistically significant reductions in oralC. albicans flora, whereas others had biologically significant reductions that were not confirmed statistically. A few originally negative individuals developed non-persistent lowC. albicans counts on one or two days. Total bacterial counts were made for 32 subjects, for most of whom biologically significant reductions were obtained, although the counts were highly variable and erratic. The data support the concept that a reduction in oralC. albicans does not lead to an increase in total bacterial flora, and vice versa.with the technical assistance ofAlyce R. Schmitt Paper 741, Department of Botany, The Ohio State University. This investigation was supported by a research grant form the Wm. S. Merrell Co., Cinninnati, O.  相似文献   

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