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Summary The present study investigates some of mechanisms for tumor-specific Lyt-1+2 T cell-mediated tumor cell eradication in vivo through analyses of tumor specificity in the afferent tumor recognition and efferent rejection phases. When C3H/He mice which had acquired immunity against syngeneic MH134 hepatoma were challenged with other syngeneic X5563 plasmacytoma cells, these mice failed to exhibit any inhibitory effect on the growth of X5563 tumor cells. However, the inoculation of X5563 tumor cells into the MH134-immune C3H/He mice together with the MH134 tumor cells resulted in appreciable growth inhibition of antigenically distinct (bystander) X5563 tumor cells. Although the growth of X5563 cells was inhibited in an antigen-nonspecific way in mice immunized to antigenically unrelated tumor cells (bystander effect), the activation of Lyt-1+2 T cells leading to this effect was strictly antigen-specific. Such a bystander growth inhibition also required the admixed inoculation of the bystander (X5563) and specific target (MH134) tumor cells into a single site in mice immunized against the relevant MH134 tumor cells. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that Lyt-1+2 T cells specific to MH134 tumor cells were responsible for mediating the growth inhibition of antigenically irrelevant (bystander) and relevant tumor cells. These results are discussed in the context of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the Lyt-1+2 T cell-initiated bystander phenomenon.This work was supported by Special Project Research-Cancer Bioscience from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture  相似文献   

The earliest thymic progenitors (ETPs) were recently shown to give rise to both lymphoid and myeloid cells. Whereas the majority of ETPs are derived from IL-7Rα-positive cells and give rise exclusively to T cells, the origin of the myeloid cells remains undefined. In this study, we show both in vitro and in vivo that IL-13Rα1(+) ETPs yield myeloid cells with no potential for maturation into T cells, whereas IL-13Rα1(-) ETPs lack myeloid potential. Moreover, transfer of lineage-negative IL-13Rα1(+) bone marrow stem cells into IL-13Rα1-deficient mice reconstituted thymic IL-13Rα1(+) myeloid ETPs. Myeloid cells or macrophages in the thymus are regarded as phagocytic cells whose function is to clear apoptotic debris generated during T cell development. However, the myeloid cells derived from IL-13Rα1(+) ETPs were found to perform Ag-presenting functions. Thus, IL-13Rα1 defines a new class of myeloid restricted ETPs yielding APCs that could contribute to development of T cells and the control of immunity and autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is one of the most common organ-specific autoimmune disorders. It mainly manifests as Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and Graves’ disease (GD). HT is characteristic of hypothyroidism resulting from the destruction of the thyroid while GD is characteristic of hyperthyroidism due to excessive production of thyroid hormone induced by thyrotropin receptor-specific stimulatory autoantibodies. T lymphocytes and their secretory cytokines play indispensable roles in modulating immune responses, but their roles are often complex and full of interactions among distinct components of the immune system. Dysfunction of these T cells or aberrant expressions of these cytokines can cause the breakdown of immune tolerance and result in aberrant immune responses during the development of AITDs. This review summarizes recently identified T subsets and related cytokines and their roles in the pathogenesis of AITDs with the hope to provide a better understanding of the precise roles of notably identified T subsets in AITDs and facilitate the discovery of functional molecules or novel immune therapeutic targets for AITDs.  相似文献   

Chromaffin cells from the adrenal medulla secrete catecholamines into the blood stream as part of the fight-or-flight response. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes from the immune system release cytotoxic substances to kill antigen-presenting cells. While at first glance these two cell types do not seem to have much in common, evidence from human diseases indicates that the molecular mechanisms of exocytosis of the respective granules share many similar features. In this review we highlight the similarities and differences of individual aspects of granule maturation and release in both cell types. In addition, we discuss established and putative molecules involved in distinct steps and suggest technical approaches which might facilitate future studies in chromaffin cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In the veterinary field, only limited information is available about interleukin-17A (IL-17), despite the fact that this cytokine plays an important role during pro-inflammatory immune responses and induces the production of chemotactic factors for neutrophils. The aim of this study was to characterize porcine IL-17-producing cells. We tested the cross-reactivity of five anti-human IL-17 monoclonal antibodies because such antibodies against porcine IL-17 are currently unavailable. Whole blood cells (WBCs) were stimulated with phorbol-myristate-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin and subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry. The antibody clone SCPL1362 was found to cross-react with porcine IL-17, whereas the other four antibodies tested did not recognize this cytokine. Using this antibody, we characterized porcine WBC-secreting IL-17 after PMA and ionomycin stimulation. All IL-17-producing WBCs were positive for the T lymphocyte marker CD3. Myeloid cells (CD172α(+)) and B lymphocytes (CD79α(+)) were IL-17 negative. The major subset of IL-17 positive T lymphocytes was the CD4(+) lymphocytes (about 60% of all IL-17 positive WBCs). The remaining IL-17 positive WBCs were γδTCR(+) lymphocytes. CD8 positive and CD8 negative cells were found within both CD4(+) and γδTCR(+) cells producing the cytokine. Moreover, IL-17 positive cells were mostly CD45RA negative, therefore activated cells or memory cells. Flow cytometry data were confirmed using sorted cells. Both sorted CD4(+) and γδTCR(+) cells produced IL-17 at mRNA level after PMA and ionomycin stimulation while double negative CD4(-)γδTCR(-) cells were negative for IL-17. We can conclude that only two subpopulations of porcine WBCs are sources of IL-17 after non-specific stimulation: CD3(+)CD4(+) and CD3(+)γδTCR(+).  相似文献   



γδ T cells have an important immunoregulatory and effector function through cytokine release. They are involved in the responses to Gram-negative bacterium and in protection of lung epithelium integrity. On the other hand, they have been implicated in airway inflammation.


The aim of the present work was to study intracytoplasmic IL-2, IL-4, IFN-γ and TNF-α production by γδ and αβ T lymphocytes from cystic fibrosis patients and healthy donors in response to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA). Flow cytometric detection was performed after peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) culture with a cytosolic extract from PA and restimulation with phorbol ester plus ionomycine. Proliferative responses, activation markers and receptor usage of γδ T cells were also evaluated.


The highest production of cytokine was of TNF-α and IFN-γ, γδ being better producers than αβ. No differences were found between patients and controls. The Vγ9δ2 subset of γδ T cells was preferentially expanded. CD25 and CD45RO expression by the αβ T subset and PBMC proliferative response to PA were defective in cystic fibrosis lymphocytes.


Our results support the hypothesis that γδ T lymphocytes play an important role in the immune response to PA and in the chronic inflammatory lung reaction in cystic fibrosis patients. They do not confirm the involvement of a supressed Th1 cytokine response in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Human influenza A virus is characterized by its high degree of variability and by its ability to cause frequent epidemics of disease. Most of the variation occurs in the two surface glycoproteins of the virus, against which protective antibodies are directed. In contrast, the strong MHC class I-restricted CTL response to infection with virus is predominantly specific for internal viral proteins which are relatively well conserved, and is cross-reactive between different strains of influenza A virus. However, the natural evolution of influenza viruses is largely driven by selection with antibody, with no firm evidence of selection by CTL. In normal individuals influenza virus produces an acute, localized infection, and this in part may reflect an inability to escape the CTL response.  相似文献   

Purpose: Peritumoral CpG-oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) treatment has been successful in tumor mouse models expressing strong antigens to induce activation of tumor-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes which contribute to the control of tumor growth. To get near to clinical reality, the tumor-specific CD8+ response was investigated in mice bearing the weakly immunogenic B16 melanoma tumor and using the melanocyte differentiation tyrosinase-related protein 2 (TRP-2) as a tracking antigen. Methods: The expansion and activation of TRP-2–specific T lymphocytes by CpG-ODNs was analyzed by tetramer staining and IFN- production assays, while the activity of these cells in both memory and primary response was evaluated in vivo. Results: After CpG-ODN treatment, the number of TRP-2 tetramer-stained CD8+ T lymphocytes was not significantly modified, but these cells produced higher levels of interferon (IFN-) in response to the antigen than those from untreated mice. Mice possessing these activated T lymphocytes, when evaluated for their antitumor memory response, showed marginal protection against intravenous (i.v.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) tumor rechallenge. These cells were not crucial for the control of primary tumor growth since strong reduction of subcutaneous tumor was observed after CpG-ODN treatment in both CD8+ T cell depleted or nondepleted mice. On the contrary, NK cell depletion markedly reduced CpG-ODN-induced tumor growth inhibition. Conclusions: Altogether, these data indicate the CpG treatment activates tumor-reactive effector CD8+ T lymphocytes, but, paralleling recent clinical observations, our model indicates that the mere activation of antitumor T cells is insufficient to result in a clinical response.Abbreviations CpG unmethylated CpG dinucleotides - ODNs oligodeoxynucleotides - TLR9 toll-like receptor 9 - TRP-2 tyrosinase-related protein 2  相似文献   

This study examines the action of agonists and antagonists of P2 receptors on mouse mesenteric artery contractions and the possible involvement of these signaling pathways in myogenic tone (MT) evoked by elevated intraluminal pressure. Both ATP and its non-hydrolyzed analog α,β-ATP triggered transient contractions that were sharply decreased in the presence of NF023, a potent antagonist of P2X1 receptors. In contrast, UTP and UDP elicited sustained contractions which were suppressed by MRS2567, a selective antagonist of P2Y6 receptors. Inhibition of Na+, K+, 2Cl cotransport (NKCC) with bumetanide led to attenuation of contractions in UTP- but not ATP-treated arteries. Both UTP-induced contractions and MT were suppressed by MRS2567 and bumetanide but were insensitive to NF023. These data implicate a P2Y6-mediated, NKCC-dependent mechanism in MT of mesenteric arteries. The action of heightened intraluminal pressure on UTP release from mesenteric arteries and its role in the triggering of P2Y6-mediated signaling should be examined further.  相似文献   

The specificity of the mouse class I-specific antibody COB6-3 was examined in detail. It was found to react with the mouse class I molecules H-2Db, Kd, and Qa-2, and with human HLA-A, –B, –C antigens. The specificity pattern of COB6-3, despite its different origin, was similar to that of the monomorphic HLA class I-specific antibody W6/32. Cross-inhibition studies show that on human cells the antigenic determinants recognized by the two antibodies are situated close together and may be identical. On mouse cells, reactivity of both antibodies was generated upon replacement of mouse beta-2 microglobulin (B2m) with its bovine counterpart, but differences in specificity were observed using human B2m.Abbreviations used in this paper B2m beta-2 microglobulin - BSA bovine serum albumin - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MHC major histocompatibility complex - PBL peripheral blood lymphocytes - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of Na+,K+,2Cl cotransport in monovalent ion fluxes in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), we compared the effect of bumetanide on 86Rb, 36Cl and 22Na uptake by quiescent cultures of VSMC from rat aorta. Under basal conditions, the values of bumetanide-sensitive (BS) inward and outward 86Rb fluxes were not different. Bumetanide decreased basal 86Rb uptake by 70–75% with a K i of ∼0.2–0.3 μm. At concentrations ranging up to 1 μm, bumetanide did not affect 36Cl influx and reduced it by 20–30% in the range from 3 to 100 μm. In contrast to 86Rb and 36Cl influx, bumetanide did not inhibit 22Na uptake by VSMC. BS 86Rb uptake was completely abolished in Na+- or Cl-free media. In contrast to 86Rb, basal BS 36Cl influx was not affected by Na+ o and K+ o . Hyperosmotic and isosmotic shrinkage of VSMC increased 86Rb and 36Cl influx to the same extent. Shrinkage-induced increments of 86Rb and 36Cl uptake were completely abolished by bumetanide with a K i or ∼0.3 μm. Shrinkage did not induce BS 86Rb and 36Cl influx in (Na+ or Cl)- and (Na+ or K+)-depleted media, respectively. In the presence of an inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange (EIPA), neither hyperosmotic nor isosmotic shrinkage activated 22Na influx. Bumetanide (1 μm) did not modify basal VSMC volume and intracellular content of sodium, potassium and chloride but abolished the regulatory volume increase in isosmotically-shrunken VSMC. These data demonstrate the absence of the functional Na+,K+,2Cl cotransporter in VSMC and suggest that in these cells basal and shrinkage-induced BS K+ influx is mediated by (Na+ o + Cl o )-dependent K+/K+ exchange and Na+ o -dependent K+,Cl cotransport, respectively. Received: 30 January 1996/Revised: 20 May 1996  相似文献   

Control of HIV-1 viremia and progression to AIDS has been associated with specific HLA genes. The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and the non-classical major histocompatibility (MHC) class I chain-related A (MICA) genes are located in the genomic segment between the HLA class I and II genes and variants of both genes have been identified. We thus analyzed TNF promoter and MICA variants in a well-characterized group of HIV-1 infected individuals with different abilities to control HIV-1 viremia. In our cohort, the –1030/–862-linked TNF promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but not MICA variants, are significantly associated with lack of control of HIV-1 viremia (P=0.03). This association is independent of those HLA-B35 alleles associated with HIV-1 disease progression with which the –862 TNF SNP has previously been independently associated. Thus, non-randomly associated genes near the TNF locus are likely involved in control of HIV-1 viremia.  相似文献   

One previous meta-analysis found no evidence that interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) −511 gene polymorphism was associated with febrile seizures (FS) by pooling a limited number of studies. However, it is necessary for the meta-analysis to reevaluate the relationship with more recent findings. Electronic databases were systematically searched for studies published before June 2011. Pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were estimated by means of a genetic model free approach. Subgroup and sensitivity analyses were also performed. All statistical analyses were conducted using Stata 9.0. A total of eight studies, 728 FS cases and 1,223 controls, met the selection criteria. The results show a significant association between IL-1β −511 C/T gene polymorphism and FS (recessive genetic model TT vs. CC + CT: OR = 1.361, 95% CI: 1.065–1.738, P = 0.014). Subgroup analyses show a significant association in Asia (OR = 1.394, 95% CI: 1.005–1.935, P = 0.047), but not in Europe (OR = 1.387, 95% CI: 0.750–2.565, P = 0.298). IL-1β −511 C/T gene polymorphism may play a role in susceptibility to FS, especially in Asia. Geographic differences may be a critical factor in the risk of FS.  相似文献   

We have studied the T cell-mediated lysis of two C58 lymphoma lines: R1(TL+), which bears serologically detectable H-2k and TL1,2,3 antigens, and R1(TL), an immunoselected variant which lacks these antigens. Unlike R1(TL+) cells, the variant cells are not sensitive to specific lysis by T cells directed against either H-2k or minor H antigens of C58 mice. An injection of R1(TL+) cells into allogeneic H-2-identical or H-2-different mice primes for an excellent secondary cytotoxic response in vitro to R1(TL+); but not to R1(TL). Immunization in vivo and in vitro with R1(TL)) leads to little or no priming or generation of cytotoxic T cells. Both cell lines, however, are sensitive to nonspecific lysis by cytotoxic cells in the presence of PHA or Con A, although even under these conditions, R1(TL+) is killed more effectively than is R1(TL). We conclude that R1(TL) does not express any form of H-2 antigen which can be detected by immunization or by sensitivity to cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrated recently that in renal epithelial cells from collecting ducts of Madin-Darby canine kidneys (MDCK), Na+,K+,Cl cotransport is inhibited up to 50% by ATP via its interaction with P2Y purinoceptors (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1998. 1369:233–239). In the present study we examined which type of renal epithelial cells possesses the highest sensitivity of Na+,K+,Cl cotransport to purinergic regulation. We did not observe any effect of ATP on Na+,K+,Cl cotransport in renal epithelial cells from proximal and distal tubules, whereas in renal epithelial cells from rabbit and rat collecting ducts ATP decreased the carrier's activity by ∼30%. ATP did not affect Na+,K+,Cl cotransport in C7 subtype MDCK cells possessing the properties of principal cells but led to ∼85% inhibition of this carrier in C11-MDCK cells in which intercalated cells are highly abundant. Both C7- and C11-MDCK exhibited ATP-induced IP3 and cAMP production and transient elevation of [Ca2+] i . In contrast to the above-listed signaling systems, ATP-induced phosphorylation of ERK and JNK MAP kinases was observed in C11-MDCK only. Thus, our results reveal that regulation of renal Na+,K+,Cl cotransport by P2Y receptors is limited to intercalated cells from collecting ducts and indicate the involvement of the MAP kinase cascade in purinergic control of this ion carrier's activity. Received: 10 June 1999/Revised: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the frequency and type of mutations in the coding region of androgen receptor (AR) and to determine the role of polymorphisms in the intron 1 of ERalpha, exon 5 of ERbeta, intron 7 of progesterone, exon 7 of the aromatase (CYP19) and exon 9 of VDR genes in the risk of prostate cancer. PCR-RFLP analysis of all above the genes was on 100 prostate cancer patients and an equal number of matching controls. The study also included PCR-SSCP analyses of exons 2-8 of AR gene. The genotype containing -/- allele of ERalpha gene was statistically significant for the risk of prostate cancer pose (OR, 2.70; 95% CI, 1.08-6.70, P = 0.032) Rr genotype of ERbeta gene also have a higher risk (OR, 1.65; 95% CI, 0.52-5.23) for prostate cancer. The Cys allele of CYP19 gene was also associated with statistically significant increased risk of prostate cancer (OR; 2.28, 95% CI, 1.20-4.35, P = 0.012). tt genotype of codon 352 of VDR gene showed an OR of 0.43 for (95% CI, 0.13-1.39) and an OR for Tt genotype was 0.65 (95% CI, 0.36-1.16). Taken together, the results showed that in North Indian population, ERalpha and CYP19 genes may be playing a role in the risk of prostate cancer.  相似文献   



Suppression of cellular immunity resulting from tumorigenesis and/or therapy might promote cancer cells’ growth, progression and invasion. Here, we explored whether T lymphocyte subtypes from peripheral blood of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) female patients could be used as alternative surrogate markers for cancer progress. Additionally, plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, and transforming growth factor-β1 were quantitated from MBC and healthy volunteers.

Experimental design

This study included 89 female MBC patients during the post-salvage chemotherapy follow-up and 50 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers as control. The percentages of T lymphocyte subpopulations from peripheral blood and plasma levels of cytokines were measured.


Both CD8+CD28? and CD4+CD25+ were elevated in MBC patients compared to the control cohort (P < 0.05). In contrast, CD3+ and CD8+CD28+cells were significantly lower in MBC patients (P < 0.0001, P = 0.045, respectively). MBC patients had elevated levels of immunosuppressive cytokines IL-6 and IL-10. Patients with elevated CD8+CD28? and CD4+CD25+ cells showed increased levels of IL-6, and only patients with elevated CD8+CD28? had decreased interferon-γ. Univariate analysis indicated increased CD3+CD4+ or CD8+CD28+correlated with prolonged progression-free survival (PFS), while elevated CD8+CD28?associated with shorten PFS. The percent of CD8+CD28? T lymphocytes is an independent predictor for PFS through multivariate analysis.


This study suggests that progressive elevated levels of CD8+CD28? suppressor T lymphocytes represent a novel independent predictor of PFS during post-chemotherapy follow-up.  相似文献   

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