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The purpose of our work was to develop heuristics for visualizing and interpreting gene-environment interactions (GEIs) and to assess the dependence of candidate visualization metrics on biological and study-design factors. Two information-theoretic metrics, the k-way interaction information (KWII) and the total correlation information (TCI), were investigated. The effectiveness of the KWII and TCI to detect GEIs in a diverse range of simulated data sets and a Crohn disease data set was assessed. The sensitivity of the KWII and TCI spectra to biological and study-design variables was determined. Head-to-head comparisons with the relevance-chain, multifactor dimensionality reduction, and the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) methods were obtained. The KWII and TCI spectra, which are graphical summaries of the KWII and TCI for each subset of environmental and genotype variables, were found to detect each known GEI in the simulated data sets. The patterns in the KWII and TCI spectra were informative for factors such as case-control misassignment, locus heterogeneity, allele frequencies, and linkage disequilibrium. The KWII and TCI spectra were found to have excellent sensitivity for identifying the key disease-associated genetic variations in the Crohn disease data set. In head-to-head comparisons with the relevance-chain, multifactor dimensionality reduction, and PDT methods, the results from visual interpretation of the KWII and TCI spectra performed satisfactorily. The KWII and TCI are promising metrics for visualizing GEIs. They are capable of detecting interactions among numerous single-nucleotide polymorphisms and environmental variables for a diverse range of GEI models.  相似文献   

We proposed a fast and unsupervised clustering method, minimum span clustering (MSC), for analyzing the sequence–structure–function relationship of biological networks, and demonstrated its validity in clustering the sequence/structure similarity networks (SSN) of 682 membrane protein (MP) chains. The MSC clustering of MPs based on their sequence information was found to be consistent with their tertiary structures and functions. For the largest seven clusters predicted by MSC, the consistency in chain function within the same cluster is found to be 100%. From analyzing the edge distribution of SSN for MPs, we found a characteristic threshold distance for the boundary between clusters, over which SSN of MPs could be properly clustered by an unsupervised sparsification of the network distance matrix. The clustering results of MPs from both MSC and the unsupervised sparsification methods are consistent with each other, and have high intracluster similarity and low intercluster similarity in sequence, structure, and function. Our study showed a strong sequence–structure–function relationship of MPs. We discussed evidence of convergent evolution of MPs and suggested applications in finding structural similarities and predicting biological functions of MP chains based on their sequence information. Proteins 2015; 83:1450–1461. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We derive a new metric of community similarity that takes into account the phylogenetic relatedness among species. This metric, phylogenetic community dissimilarity (PCD), can be partitioned into two components, a nonphylogenetic component that reflects shared species between communities (analogous to S?rensen' s similarity metric) and a phylogenetic component that reflects the evolutionary relationships among nonshared species. Therefore, even if a species is not shared between two communities, it will increase the similarity of the two communities if it is phylogenetically related to species in the other community. We illustrate PCD with data on fish and aquatic macrophyte communities from 59 temperate lakes. Dissimilarity between fish communities associated with environmental differences between lakes often has a phylogenetic component, whereas this is not the case for macrophyte communities. With simulations, we then compare PCD with two other metrics of phylogenetic community similarity, II(ST) and UniFrac. Of the three metrics, PCD was best at identifying environmental drivers of community dissimilarity, showing lower variability and greater statistical power. Thus, PCD is a statistically powerful metric that separates the effects of environmental drivers on compositional versus phylogenetic components of community structure.  相似文献   

We present a novel method for finding low-dimensional views of high-dimensional data: Targeted Projection Pursuit. The method proceeds by finding projections of the data that best approximate a target view. Two versions of the method are introduced; one version based on Procrustes analysis and one based on an artificial neural network. These versions are capable of finding orthogonal or non-orthogonal projections, respectively. The method is quantitatively and qualitatively compared with other dimension reduction techniques. It is shown to find 2D views that display the classification of cancers from gene expression data with a visual separation equal to, or better than, existing dimension reduction techniques. AVAILABILITY: source code, additional diagrams, and original data are available from http://computing.unn.ac.uk/staff/CGJF1/tpp/bioinf.html  相似文献   

This research analyzes some aspects of the relationship between gene expression, gene function, and gene annotation. Many recent studies are implicitly based on the assumption that gene products that are biologically and functionally related would maintain this similarity both in their expression profiles as well as in their gene ontology (GO) annotation. We analyze how accurate this assumption proves to be using real publicly available data. We also aim to validate a measure of semantic similarity for GO annotation. We use the Pearson correlation coefficient and its absolute value as a measure of similarity between expression profiles of gene products. We explore a number of semantic similarity measures (Resnik, Jiang, and Lin) and compute the similarity between gene products annotated using the GO. Finally, we compute correlation coefficients to compare gene expression similarity against GO semantic similarity. Our results suggest that the Resnik similarity measure outperforms the others and seems better suited for use in gene ontology. We also deduce that there seems to be correlation between semantic similarity in the GO annotation and gene expression for the three GO ontologies. We show that this correlation is negligible up to a certain semantic similarity value; then, for higher similarity values, the relationship trend becomes almost linear. These results can be used to augment the knowledge provided by clustering algorithms and in the development of bioinformatic tools for finding and characterizing gene products.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarrays have become a central tool in biological research. Their applications range from functional annotation to tissue classification and genetic network inference. A key step in the analysis of gene expression data is the identification of groups of genes that manifest similar expression patterns. This translates to the algorithmic problem of clustering genes based on their expression patterns. RESULTS: We present a novel clustering algorithm, called CLICK, and its applications to gene expression analysis. The algorithm utilizes graph-theoretic and statistical techniques to identify tight groups (kernels) of highly similar elements, which are likely to belong to the same true cluster. Several heuristic procedures are then used to expand the kernels into the full clusters. We report on the application of CLICK to a variety of gene expression data sets. In all those applications it outperformed extant algorithms according to several common figures of merit. We also point out that CLICK can be successfully used for the identification of common regulatory motifs in the upstream regions of co-regulated genes. Furthermore, we demonstrate how CLICK can be used to accurately classify tissue samples into disease types, based on their expression profiles. Finally, we present a new java-based graphical tool, called EXPANDER, for gene expression analysis and visualization, which incorporates CLICK and several other popular clustering algorithms. AVAILABILITY: http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~rshamir/expander/expander.html  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of human and mouse microarray data reveals conservation of patterns of gene expression that will help to better characterize the evolution of gene expression.  相似文献   

MOTIVATIONS: Bi-clustering is an important approach in microarray data analysis. The underlying bases for using bi-clustering in the analysis of gene expression data are (1) similar genes may exhibit similar behaviors only under a subset of conditions, not all conditions, (2) genes may participate in more than one function, resulting in one regulation pattern in one context and a different pattern in another. Using bi-clustering algorithms, one can obtain sets of genes that are co-regulated under subsets of conditions. RESULTS: We develop a polynomial time algorithm to find an optimal bi-cluster with the maximum similarity score. To our knowledge, this is the first formulation for bi-cluster problems that admits a polynomial time algorithm for optimal solutions. The algorithm works for a special case, where the bi-clusters are approximately squares. We then extend the algorithm to handle various kinds of other cases. Experiments on simulation data and real data show that the new algorithms outperform most of the existing methods in many cases. Our new algorithms have the following advantages: (1) no discretization procedure is required, (2) performs well for overlapping bi-clusters and (3) works well for additive bi-clusters. AVAILABILITY: The software is available at http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/~liuxw/msbe/help.html.  相似文献   

Probe-level data from Affymetrix GeneChips can be summarized in many ways to produce probe-set level gene expression measures (GEMs). Disturbingly, the different approaches not only generate quite different measures but they could also yield very different analysis results. Here, we explore the question of how much the analysis results really do differ, first at the gene level, then at the biological process level. We demonstrate that, even though the gene level results may not necessarily match each other particularly well, as long as there is reasonably strong differentiation between the groups in the data, the various GEMs do in fact produce results that are similar to one another at the biological process level. Not only that the results are biologically relevant. As the extent of differentiation drops, the degree of concurrence weakens, although the biological relevance of findings at the biological process level may yet remain.  相似文献   

Landscape similarity search involves finding landscapes from among a large collection that are similar to a query landscape. An example of such collection is a large land cover map subdivided into a grid of smaller local landscapes, a query is a local landscape of interest, and the task is to find other local landscapes within a map which are perceptually similar to the query. Landscape search and the related task of pattern-based regionalization, requires a measure of similarity – a function which quantifies the level of likeness between two landscapes. The standard approach is to use the Euclidean distance between vectors of landscape metrics derived from the two landscapes, but no in-depth analysis of this approach has been conducted. In this paper we investigate the performance of different implementations of the standard similarity measure. Five different implementations are tested against each other and against a control similarity measure based on histograms of class co-occurrence features and the Jensen–Shannon divergence. Testing consists of a series of numerical experiments combined with visual assessments on a set of 400 3 km-scale landscapes. Based on the cases where visual assessment provides definitive answer, we have determined that the standard similarity measure is sensitive to the way landscape metrics are normalized and, additionally, to whether weights aimed at controlling the relative contribution of landscape composition vs. configuration are used. The standard measure achieves the best performance when metrics are normalized using their extreme values extracted from all possible landscapes, not just the landscapes in the given collection, and when weights are assigned so the combined influence of composition metrics on the similarity value equals the combined influence of configuration metrics. We have also determined that the control similarity measure outperforms all implementations of the standard measure.  相似文献   

Protein function prediction: towards integration of similarity metrics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic centers discover increasingly many protein sequences and structures, but not necessarily their full biological functions. Thus, currently, less than one percent of proteins have experimentally verified biochemical activities. To fill this gap, function prediction algorithms apply metrics of similarity between proteins on the premise that those sufficiently alike in sequence, or structure, will perform identical functions. Although high sensitivity is elusive, network analyses that integrate these metrics together hold the promise of rapid gains in function prediction specificity.  相似文献   

调控通路内基因表达的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李传星  李霞  郭政  宫滨生  屠康 《遗传》2004,26(6):929-933
本研究从基因表达调控通路的角度分析了基因功能与基因表达之间的关系,利用7套酿酒酵母基因芯片表达谱数据和通路数据库(KEGG和CYGD)所提供的信息,应用我们研制的Genehub软件分析研究了同一基因表达调控通路内的基因在mRNA表达水平上的相关性,共涉及16条通路,495个基因。通过Pearson相关系数和Spearman相关系数两种相似性测度的分析,我们发现有94%(15条)的基因表达调控通路内的基因在大于等于4套的表达谱数据中是共表达的,以上结果从基因表达调控通路的角度,证实了基因功能与基因表达之间存在着一定的相关性。  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Clustering is one of the most widely used methods in unsupervised gene expression data analysis. The use of different clustering algorithms or different parameters often produces rather different results on the same data. Biological interpretation of multiple clustering results requires understanding how different clusters relate to each other. It is particularly non-trivial to compare the results of a hierarchical and a flat, e.g. k-means, clustering. RESULTS: We present a new method for comparing and visualizing relationships between different clustering results, either flat versus flat, or flat versus hierarchical. When comparing a flat clustering to a hierarchical clustering, the algorithm cuts different branches in the hierarchical tree at different levels to optimize the correspondence between the clusters. The optimization function is based on graph layout aesthetics or on mutual information. The clusters are displayed using a bipartite graph where the edges are weighted proportionally to the number of common elements in the respective clusters and the weighted number of crossings is minimized. The performance of the algorithm is tested using simulated and real gene expression data. The algorithm is implemented in the online gene expression data analysis tool Expression Profiler. AVAILABILITY: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/expressionprofiler  相似文献   

Zhou M  Cui Y 《In silico biology》2004,4(3):323-333
Large amounts of knowledge about genes have been stored in public databases. One of the most challenging problems in Bioinformatics is, given all the information about the genes in the databases, determining the relationships between the genes. For example, how can we determine if genes are related and how closely they are related based on existing knowledge about their biological roles. We developed GeneInfoViz, a web tool for batch retrieval of gene information and construction and visualization of gene relation networks. We created a database containing compiled Gene Ontology information for the genes of several model organisms. Users can batch search for a group of genes and get the Gene Ontology terms that are associated with the genes. Directed acyclic graphs are generated to show the hierarchical structure of the Gene Ontology tree. GeneInfoViz calculates an adjacency matrix to determine whether the genes are related and, if so, how closely they are related based on biological processes, molecular functions, or cellular components they are associated with and then displays a dynamic graph layout of the network among the selected genes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray technology enables the study of gene expression in large scale. The application of methods for data analysis then allows for grouping genes that show a similar expression profile and that are thus likely to be co-regulated. A relationship among genes at the biological level often presents itself by locally similar and potentially time-shifted patterns in their expression profiles. RESULTS: Here, we propose a new method (CLARITY; Clustering with Local shApe-based similaRITY) for the analysis of microarray time course experiments that uses a local shape-based similarity measure based on Spearman rank correlation. This measure does not require a normalization of the expression data and is comparably robust towards noise. It is also able to detect similar and even time-shifted sub-profiles. To this end, we implemented an approach motivated by the BLAST algorithm for sequence alignment.We used CLARITY to cluster the times series of gene expression data during the mitotic cell cycle of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The obtained clusters were related to the MIPS functional classification to assess their biological significance. We found that several clusters were significantly enriched with genes that share similar or related functions.  相似文献   

CRCView is a user-friendly point-and-click web server for analyzing and visualizing microarray gene expression data using a Dirichlet process mixture model-based clustering algorithm. CRCView is designed to clustering genes based on their expression profiles. It allows flexible input data format, rich graphical illustration as well as integrated GO term based annotation/interpretation of clustering results. Availability: http://helab.bioinformatics.med.umich.edu/crcview/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The main source of hypotheses on the structure and function of new proteins is their homology to proteins with known properties. Homologous relationships are typically established through sequence similarity searches, multiple alignments and phylogenetic reconstruction. In cases where the number of potential relationships is large, for example in P-loop NTPases with many thousands of members, alignments and phylogenies become computationally demanding, accumulate errors and lose resolution. In search of a better way to analyze relationships in large sequence datasets we have developed a Java application, CLANS (CLuster ANalysis of Sequences), which uses a version of the Fruchterman-Reingold graph layout algorithm to visualize pairwise sequence similarities in either two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. AVAILABILITY: CLANS can be downloaded at http://protevo.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/download.  相似文献   

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