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Respiration is a rhythmic motor behavior that appears in the fetus and acquires a vital importance at birth. It is generated within central pattern-generating neuronal networks of the hindbrain. This region of the brain is of particular interest since it is the most understood part with respect to the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie its development. Hox paralogs and Hox-regulating genes kreisler/mafB and Krox20 are required for the normal formation of rhombomeres in vertebrate embryos. From studies of rhombomeres r3 and r4, the authors review mechanisms whereby these developmental genes may govern the early embryonic development of para-facial neuronal networks and specify patterns of motor activities operating throughout life. A model whereby the regional identity of progenitor cells can be abnormally specified in r3 and r4 after a mutation of these genes is proposed. Novel neuronal circuits may develop from some of these misspecified progenitors while others are eliminated, eventually affecting respiration and survival after birth.  相似文献   

A brief history of comparative studies of nucleic acids for systematic purposes is given. These studies were initiated by a group of Moscow State University scientists headed by A. N. Belozersky. Based mostly on comparative DNA studies, some main dogmas of a new branch of systematics were gradually developed. In Russia, this new branch of systematics is called "genosystematics". Some of the main results obtained by genosystematics since its birth (1957) and up to its "christening" (1974) are described.  相似文献   

The factors which regulate the transition to lung gas exchange in the newborn are not well understood. The transition begins within seconds of birth with the newborn's first breath and is largely complete by 30 min of age at which time breathing is continuous, and arterial blood gas tensions and pH approach stable newborn values. Experiments indicate that sensory stimulation caused by cutaneous cooling or sciatic nerve stimulation can result in the initiation of breathing within seconds. Thus, massive sensory stimulation of the newborn caused by labour and delivery probably plays an important role in promoting the rapid onset of lung ventilation. Any delay in the onset of lung gas exchange causes a rise in arterial PCO2 and fall in pH which would stimulate breathing probably via stimulation of the central chemoreceptors. Since an impairment of CO2 elimination is usually observed after birth, a rise in arterial PCO2 likely stimulates breathing in the newborn. However, this impairment is transient and is usually corrected within 30 min to 2 h of age. Recent experiments suggest that placental perfusion inhibits the fetal central respiratory system and that this effect may be mediated by a placentally-produced respiratory inhibitor. Thus, withdrawal of a respiratory inhibitor from the circulation may play an important role in maintaining breathing in the newborn after sensory stimulation wanes and arterial PCO2 returns to normal fetal levels.  相似文献   

The mouse kreisler gene is expressed in rhombomeres (r) 5 and 6 during neural development and kreisler mutants have patterning defects in the hindbrain that are not fully understood. Here we analyzed this phenotype with a combination of genetic, molecular, and cellular marking techniques. Using Hox/lacZ transgenic mice as reporter lines and by analyzing Eph/ephrin expression, we have found that while r5 fails to form in these mice, r6 is present. This shows that kreisler has an early role in the formation of r5. We also observed patterning defects in r3 and r4 that are outside the normal domain of kreisler expression. In both heterozygous and homozygous kreisler embryos some r5 markers are induced in r3, suggesting that there is a partial change in r3 identity that is not dependent upon the loss of r5. To investigate the cellular character of r6 in kreisler embryos we performed heterotopic grafting experiments in the mouse hindbrain to monitor its mixing properties. Control experiments revealed that cells from even- or odd-numbered segments only mixed freely with themselves, but not with cells of opposite character. Transposition of cells from the r6 territory of kreisler mutants reveals that they adopt mature r6 characteristics, as they freely mix only with cells from even-numbered rhombomeres. Analysis of Phox2b expression shows that some aspects of later neurogenesis in r6 are altered, which may be associated with the additional roles of kreisler in regulating segmental identity. Together these results suggest that the formation of r6 has not been affected in kreisler mutants. This analysis has revealed phenotypic and mechanistic differences between kreisler and its zebrafish equivalent valentino. While valentino is believed to subdivide preexisting segmental units, in the mouse kreisler specifies a particular segment. The formation of r6 independent of r5 argues against a role of kreisler in prorhombomeric segmentation of the mouse hindbrain. We conclude that the mouse kreisler gene regulates multiple steps in segmental patterning involving both the formation of segments and their A-P identity.  相似文献   

spiel ohne grenzen/pou2 is required for zebrafish hindbrain segmentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain leads to the formation of a series of rhombomeres with distinct identities. In mouse, Krox20 and kreisler play important roles in specifying distinct rhombomeres and in controlling segmental identity by directly regulating rhombomere-specific expression of Hox genes. We show that spiel ohne grenzen (spg) zebrafish mutants develop rhombomeric territories that are abnormal in both size and shape. Rhombomere boundaries are malpositioned or absent and the segmental pattern of neuronal differentiation is perturbed. Segment-specific expression of hoxa2, hoxb2 and hoxb3 is severely affected during initial stages of hindbrain development in spg mutants and the establishment of krx20 (Krox20 ortholog) and valentino (val; kreisler ortholog) expression is impaired. spg mutants carry loss-of-function mutations in the pou2 gene. pou2 is expressed at high levels in the hindbrain primordium of wild-type embryos prior to activation of krx20 and val. Widespread overexpression of Pou2 can rescue the segmental krx20 and val domains in spg mutants, but does not induce ectopic expression of these genes. This suggests that spg/pou2 acts in a permissive manner and is essential for normal expression of krx20 and val. We propose that spg/pou2 is an essential component of the regulatory cascade controlling hindbrain segmentation and acts before krx20 and val in the establishment of rhombomere precursor territories.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterning mechanisms that control head development--particularly the neural crest and its contribution to bones, nerves and connective tissue--is an important problem, as craniofacial anomalies account for one-third of all human congenital defects. Classical models for craniofacial patterning argue that the morphogenic program and Hox gene identity of the neural crest is pre-patterned, carrying positional information acquired in the hindbrain to the peripheral nervous system and the branchial arches. Recently, however, plasticity of Hox gene expression has been observed in the hindbrain and cranial neural crest of chick, mouse and zebrafish embryos. Hence, craniofacial development is not dependent on neural crest prepatterning, but is regulated by a more complex integration of cell and tissue interactions.  相似文献   

Segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is essential for the anterior-posterior patterning of cranial motor nuclei and their associated nerves. The vitamin A derivative, retinoic acid (RA), is an early embryonic signal that specifies rhombomeres, but its roles in neuronal differentiation within the hindbrain remain unclear. Here we have analyzed the formation of primary and secondary hindbrain neurons in the zebrafish mutant neckless (nls), which disrupts retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (raldh2), and in embryos treated with retinoid receptor (RAR) antagonists. Mutation of nls disrupts secondary, branchiomotor neurons of the facial and vagal nerves, but not the segmental pattern of primary, reticulospinal neurons, suggesting that RA acts on branchiomotor neurons independent of its role in hindbrain segmentation. Very few vagal motor neurons form in nls mutants and many facial motor neurons do not migrate out of rhombomere 4 into more posterior segments. When embryos are treated with RAR antagonists during gastrulation, we observe more severe patterning defects than seen in nls. These include duplicated reticulospinal neurons and posterior expansions of rhombomere 4, as well as defects in branchiomotor neurons. However, later antagonist treatments after rhombomeres are established still disrupt branchiomotor development, suggesting that requirements for RARs in these neurons occur later and independent of segmental patterning. We also show that RA produced by the paraxial mesoderm controls branchiomotor differentiation, since we can rescue the entire motor innervation pattern by transplanting wild-type cells into the somites of nls mutants. Thus, in addition to its role in determining rhombomere identities, RA plays a more direct role in the differentiation of subsets of branchiomotor neurons within the hindbrain.  相似文献   

From birth to colostrum: early steps leading to lamb survival   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New-born lambs have limited energy reserves and need a rapid access to colostrum to maintain homeothermy and survive. In addition to energy, colostrum provides immunoglobulins which ensure passive systemic immunity. Therefore, getting early access to the udder is essential for the neonate. The results from the literature reviewed here highlight the importance of the birth site as the location where the mutual bonding between the mother and her young takes place. Attraction to birth fluids by the periparturient ewe leads to intense licking of the lamb. Grooming not only dries, cleans and stimulates the newborn it also facilitates bonding through learning of its individual odour. Ewes having twins should ideally stay on the birth site for at least six hours in order to establish a strong bond with both lambs and favour lambs survival. However, primiparous ewes or ewes having high levels of emotivity are more likely to exhibit poor maternal behaviour. In addition, difficult parturition and weather conditions have an indirect effect on the behaviour of the mother and are other major causes of lamb death. On the lamb's side, rapid access to the udder and early suckling are extremely important. Delayed lactation or insufficient colostrum yield may be fatal especially since suckling has strong rewarding properties in the establishment of a preference for the mother, which in turn increases lamb survival. Insufficient access to the udder in mothers leaving the birth site too soon after parturition, especially in twin-bearing ewes, could also partly account for the high incidence of loss of mother-young contact and subsequent death in such lambs. Strategies to improve neonatal survival should be aimed at maximising lamb vigour, colostrum production, and mutual mother-young bonding through adequate feeding in late pregnancy and selection on behaviour.  相似文献   

正Gene Editing refers to the process of making targeted modifications to the genome,such as the deletion,insertion or replacement of targeted DNA sequences(Pan et al.,2011).Gene editing technologies fundamentally improve our approaches to biological basic research,gene therapy,genetic improvement,etc.In the field of stem cells,gene editing can be used to modulate cell fate,such as generation of induced pluripotent stem cells(i PSCs)(Ding et al.,2015),  相似文献   

This work reports on the ages of gingival eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth observed from the time of birth until 30 months old, captive-born individuals. All of the animals were born with the protrusive di1 already through the gingival border. The dmp4 were the last teeth of the deciduous series which emerged at 24.5±3.11 weeks in the males and 27.8±2.95 weeks in the females. Significant sexual differences were found between the eruption period of the dpm2, dmp4 (p<0.05), and dpm4 (p<0.01), with the males being more precocious than the females. The first permanent tooth that emerged, usually, was the M1 at 13.50±2.12 months in the males, and 14.00±0.82 months in the females. At 30 months of age, not one individual had replaced his deciduous canine or premolar teeth with the permanent ones, and, moreover, the M 3 3 had not yet emerged.  相似文献   

Between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, the study of biology was intimately intertwined with progress in medicine. So how, when and where did research into the life sciences begin?  相似文献   

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