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The extent to which species’ ecological and phylogenetic relatedness shape their co‐occurrence patterns at large spatial scales remains poorly understood. By quantifying phylogenetic assemblage structure within geographic ranges of >8000 bird species, we show that global co‐occurrence patterns are linked – after accounting for regional effects – to key ecological traits reflecting diet, mobility, body size and climatic preference. We found that co‐occurrences of carnivorous, migratory and cold‐climate species are phylogenetically clustered, whereas nectarivores, herbivores, frugivores and invertebrate eaters tend to be more phylogenetically overdispersed. Preference for open or forested habitats appeared to be independent from the level of phylogenetic clustering. Our results advocate for an extension of the tropical niche conservatism hypothesis to incorporate ecological and life‐history traits beyond the climatic niche. They further offer a novel species‐oriented perspective on how biogeographic and evolutionary legacies interact with ecological traits to shape global patterns of species coexistence in birds.  相似文献   

Aim To integrate dietary knowledge and species distributions in order to examine the latitudinal, environmental, and biogeographical variation in the species richness of avian dietary guilds (herbivores, granivores, frugivores, nectarivores, aerial insectivores, terrestrial/arboreal insectivores, carnivores, scavengers, and omnivores). Location Global. Methods We used global breeding range maps and a comprehensive dietary database of all terrestrial bird species to calculate guild species richness for grid cells at 110 × 110 km resolution. We assessed congruence of guild species richness, quantified the steepness of latitudinal gradients and examined the covariation between species richness and climate, topography, habitat diversity and biogeographic history. We evaluated the potential of current environment and biogeographic history to explain global guild distribution and compare observed richness–environment relationships with those derived from random subsets of the global species pool. Results While most guilds (except herbivores and scavengers) showed strong congruence with overall bird richness, covariation in richness between guilds varied markedly. Guilds exhibited different peaks in species richness in geographical and multivariate environmental space, and observed richness–environment relationships mostly differed from random expectations. Latitudinal gradients in species richness were steepest for terrestrial/arboreal insectivores, intermediate for frugivores, granivores and carnivores, and shallower for all other guilds. Actual evapotranspiration emerged as the strongest climatic predictor for frugivores and insectivores, seasonality for nectarivores, and temperature for herbivores and scavengers (with opposite direction of temperature effect). Differences in species richness between biogeographic regions were strongest for frugivores and nectarivores and were evident for nectarivores, omnivores and scavengers when present‐day environment was statistically controlled for. Guild richness–environment relationships also varied between regions. Main conclusions Global associations of bird species richness with environmental and biogeographic variables show pronounced differences between guilds. Geographic patterns of bird diversity might thus result from several processes including evolutionary innovations in dietary preferences and environmental constraints on the distribution and diversification of food resources.  相似文献   

Whether nectarivores or frugivores place selective pressure on the plants they feed on, in terms of nectar or fruit traits, is much debated. Globally sugar preferences, concentration preference and digestive ability of avian nectarivores have been extensively researched. In contrast, relatively little is known about mammalian nectarivores or frugivores in terms of these, particularly Old World species. Consequently effect of sugar type and concentration on food preference in Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat Epomophorus wahlbergi was investigated. Pair-wise choice tests were conducted using equicaloric hexose and sucrose solutions at five different concentrations (5%-25%). It was expected that they would prefer hexose sugars as these are dominant in available indigenous fruits. However, bats preferred hexoses only when offered dilute (5%) concentrations. From 10% to 25% they showed a decrease in volume intake. Their body mass was generally higher and similar after feeding during the night with the exception of 5% concentration where the mean body mass decreased. When E. wahlbergi were offered a range of sucrose or hexose solutions (10%-25%) respectively, they showed no concentration preference in terms of total volume consumed, nor energy intake. These findings suggest that these fruit bats do not appear to act as a selective pressure on sugar composition in Old World fruit. In fruit bats with high energy requirements, dietary flexibility may be an advantage when faced with seasonal and unpredictable fruit availability.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous feeding mechanisms in bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cranio-dental characteristics are quantified between micro- and megachiropteran nectarivores and compared with microchiropteran animalivores, frugivores, and megachiropteran frugivores. Microchiropteran nectarivores share many characteristics with megachiropteran nectarivores and frugivores, but differ in having a long, narrow head. Megachiropterans have wide zygomata, which would allow for more jaw musculature. Diminutive cheekteeth are characteristic of nectarivory in both suborders, but both have relatively large canines. Teeth in nectarivores can occupy as little as a tenth of the palatal area compared to nearly two-thirds in microchiropteran animalivores. The proportion that the dilambdodont stylar shelf occupies of molars in microchiropteran nectarivores can be as much as that in microchiropteran animalivores (insectivorous and carnivorous bats) or as little as that in microchiropteran frugivores but not as extreme as either. In addition to dimunitive teeth, nectarivores have fused mandibles and upper canines that are worn from contact with the lower canines (thegosis). These characteristics may be necessary for the lower jaw to support an elongated, mobile tongue. While microchiropteran nectarivory, frugivory, and carnivory probably evolved independently from an insectivorous microchiropteran ancestor, megachiropteran nectarivory probably evolved from megachiropteran frugivory or the reverse.  相似文献   

The evolutionary integration of complex morphological structures is a macroevolutionary pattern in which morphogenetic components evolve in a coordinated fashion, which can result from the interplay among processes of developmental, genetic integration, and different types of selection. We tested hypotheses of ecological versus developmental factors underlying patterns of within‐species and evolutionary integration in the mandible of phyllostomid bats, during the most impressive ecological and morphological radiation among mammals. Shape variation of mandibular morphogenetic components was associated with diet, and the transition of integration patterns from developmental to within‐species to evolutionary was examined. Within‐species (as a proxy to genetic) integration in different lineages resembled developmental integration regardless of diet specialization, however, evolutionary integration patterns reflected selection in different mandibular components. For dietary specializations requiring extensive functional changes in mastication patterns or biting, such as frugivores and sanguivores, the evolutionary integration pattern was not associated with expected within‐species or developmental integration. On the other hand, specializations with lower mastication demands or without major functional reorganization (such as nectarivores and carnivores), presented evolutionary integration patterns similar to the expected developmental pattern. These results show that evolutionary integration patterns are largely a result of independent selection on specific components regardless of developmental modules.  相似文献   

Theodore H. Fleming 《Oikos》2005,111(3):556-562
Non-random statistical patterns have long been of interest to community ecologists. Recent studies of communities of mutualists have revealed non-random patterns in terms of connectance, degree of specialization, and nestedness. Currently unstudied, however, are the detailed statistical relationships between tropical vertebrate mutualists and their food plants in different parts of the world. Here, I review 87 studies that quantify the relationship between species richness of nectar- or fruit-eating birds and bats and species richness of their food plants in New and Old World, mostly tropical, communities. This analysis revealed that in the New World, number of plant-visiting birds and bats per community was significantly correlated with number of food plants and that the slopes of regression equations were the same for nectarivores and frugivores. The New World quantitative assembly rule states that it takes about three species of flowers or fruits to support one species of plant-visiting bird or bat. This relationship does not appear to exist in Old World communities, in which species richness of nectar- or fruit-eating birds or bats was independent of species richness of their food plants. These geographic differences likely reflect a greater degree of feeding specialization in plant-visiting vertebrates in the New World than in the Old World. I hypothesize that hemispheric differences in the spatio-temporal predictability (STP) of food resources ultimately determine levels of dietary specialization and structure in communities of New and Old World plant-visiting vertebrates.  相似文献   

Aim We tested the hypothesis that distributions of Mexican bats are defined by shared responses to environmental gradients for the entire Mexican bat metacommunity and for each of four metaensembles (frugivores, nectarivores, gleaning insectivores, and aerial insectivores). Further, we identified the main environmental factors to which bats respond for multiple spatial extents. Location Mexico. Methods Using bat presence–absence data, as well as vegetation composition for each of 31 sites, we analysed metacommunity structure via a comprehensive, hierarchical approach that uses reciprocal averaging (RA) to detect latent environmental gradients corresponding to each metacommunity structure (e.g. Clementsian, Gleasonian, nested, random). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to relate such gradients to variation in vegetation composition. Results For all bat species and for each ensemble, the primary gradient of ordination from RA, which is based on species data only, recovered an axis of humidity that matched that obtained for the first axis of the CCA ordination, which is based both on vegetation attributes and on species composition of sites. For the complete assemblage as well as for aerial and gleaning insectivores, analyses revealed Clementsian or quasi‐Clementsian structures with discrete compartments (distinctive groups of species along portions of an environmental gradient) coincident with the humidity gradient and with the Nearctic–Neotropical divide. Within‐compartment analysis further revealed Clementsian or quasi‐Clementsian structures corresponding to a gradient of elevational complexity that matched the second ordination axis in CCA. Frugivores had quasi‐nested structure, whereas nectarivores had Gleasonian structure. Main conclusions Our hierarchical approach to metacommunity analysis detected complex metacommunity structures associated with multiple environmental gradients at different spatial extents. More importantly, the resulting structures and their extent along environmental gradients are determined by ensemble‐specific characteristics and not by arbitrarily circumscribed study areas. This property renders compartment‐level analyses particularly useful for large‐scale ecological analyses in areas where more than one gradient may exist and species sorting may occur at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Techniques to evaluate elements of metacommunity structure (EMS; coherence, species turnover and range boundary clumping) have been available for several years. Such approaches are capable of determining which idealized pattern of species distribution best describes distributions in a metacommunity. Nonetheless, this approach rarely is employed and such aspects of metacommunity structure remain poorly understood. We expanded an extant method to better investigate metacommunity structure for systems that respond to multiple environmental gradients. We used data obtained from 26 sites throughout Paraguay as a model system to demonstrate application of this methodology. Using presence–absence data for bats, we evaluated coherence, species turnover and boundary clumping to distinguish among six idealized patterns of species distribution. Analyses were conducted for all bats as well as for each of three feeding ensembles (aerial insectivores, frugivores and molossid insectivores). For each group of bats, analyses were conducted separately for primary and secondary axes of ordination as defined by reciprocal averaging. The Paraguayan bat metacommunity evinced Clementsian distributions for primary and secondary ordination axes. Patterns of species distribution for aerial insectivores were dependent on ordination axis, showing Gleasonian distributions when ordinated according to the primary axis and Clementsian distributions when ordinated according to the secondary axis. Distribution patterns for frugivores and molossid insectivores were best described as random. Analysis of metacommunities using multiple ordination axes can provide a more complete picture of environmental variables that mold patterns of species distribution. Moreover, analysis of EMS along defined gradients (e.g., latitude, elevation and depth) or based on alternative ordination techniques may complement insights based on reciprocal averaging because the fundamental questions addressed in analyses are contingent on the ordination technique that is employed.  相似文献   

Do Tropical Frugivores Compete for Food?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper I ask two questions: Is fruit ever limiting tovertebrate frugivores and, if so, do frugivores presently competefor food, either with closely- or distantly-related species?A brief review of the fruiting strategies of tropical plantsindicates that fruit can occasionally be superabundant, butit is often produced at low rates and in low quantities. Variationin fruit abundance results from several biotic selective pressures,including variation in the density, diversity, and reliabilityof potential dispersal agents. To judge from the size structure,dietary similarities, habitat preferences and foraging behaviorsof taxonomically-restricted guilds of frugivorous birds andmammals, members of these guilds have competed for food in thepast and must occasionally do so today. Unusual climatic conditionscan occasionally "upset" phenological patterns and can createfood shortages that promote competition among closely-relatedspecies of frugivores. Avian and mammalian frugivores, however,probably seldom compete with each other for food in present-daytropical ecosystems. A major reason for this is that many tropicalplants have evolved fruits that are attractive to only a limitedsubset of frugivores (e.g., only birds or only bats). Plantsapparently "perceive" qualitative differences in the dispersalservices of birds and mammals and attempt to attract membersof one group but not the other.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of chondrocranial morphology in larval anurans are typically qualitative in nature, focusing primarily on discrete variation or gross differences in the size or shape of individual structures. Detailed data on chondrocranial allometry are currently limited to only two species, Rana sylvatica and Bufo americanus. This study uses geometric morphometric and multivariate statistical analyses to examine interspecific variation in both larval chondrocranial shape and patterns of ontogenetic allometry among six species of Rana. Variation is interpreted within the context of hypothesized phylogenetic relationships among these species. Canonical variates analyses of geometric morphometric datasets indicate that species can be clearly discriminated based on chondrocranial shape, even when whole ontogenies are included in the analysis. Ordinations and cluster analyses based on chondrocranial shape data indicate the presence of three primary groupings (R. sylvatica; R. catesbeiana + R. clamitans; and R. palustris + R. pipiens + R. sphenocephala), and patterns of similarity closely reflect phylogenetic relationships. Analysis of chondrocranial allometry reveals that some patterns are conserved across all species (e.g., most measurements scale with negative allometry, those associated with the posterior palatoquadrate tend to scale with isometry or positive allometry). Ontogenetic scaling along similar allometric trajectories, lateral transpositions of individual trajectories, and variable allometric relationships all contribute to shape differences among species. Overall patterns of similarity among ontogenetic trajectories also strongly reflect phylogenetic relationships. Thus, this study demonstrates a tight link between ontogeny, phylogeny, and morphology, and highlights the importance of including both ontogenetic and phylogenetic data in studies of chondrocranial evolution in larval anurans.  相似文献   

In ecomorphology, Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) has been used as evidence for the presence of functional links between morphometric variables and ecological categories. Here we conduct simulations of characters containing phylogenetic signal to explore the performance of DFA under a variety of conditions. Characters were simulated using a phylogeny of extant antelope species from known habitats. Characters were modeled with no biomechanical relationship to the habitat category; the only sources of variation were body mass, phylogenetic signal, or random “noise.” DFA on the discriminability of habitat categories was performed using subsets of the simulated characters, and Phylogenetic Generalized Least Squares (PGLS) was performed for each character. Analyses were repeated with randomized habitat assignments. When simulated characters lacked phylogenetic signal and/or habitat assignments were random, <5.6% of DFAs and <8.26% of PGLS analyses were significant. When characters contained phylogenetic signal and actual habitats were used, 33.27 to 45.07% of DFAs and <13.09% of PGLS analyses were significant. False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrections for multiple PGLS analyses reduced the rate of significance to <4.64%. In all cases using actual habitats and characters with phylogenetic signal, correct classification rates of DFAs exceeded random chance. In simulations involving phylogenetic signal in both predictor variables and predicted categories, PGLS with FDR was rarely significant, while DFA often was. In short, DFA offered no indication that differences between categories might be explained by phylogenetic signal, while PGLS did. As such, PGLS provides a valuable tool for testing the functional hypotheses at the heart of ecomorphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:663–674, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract The possums and gliders of Australia and the lemurs of Madagascar are ideally suited for investigation of radiation and convergence in arboreal mammal communities because of their long history of independent radiation in similar biophysical environments. Possum and glider communities at 22 sites in Australia and lemur communities at 18 sites in Madagascar were compared to evaluate patterns of community and species convergence in two shared habitats (evergreen and deciduous monsoon rainforests) and three derived habitats (Australian eucalypt forests and heaths, and Malagasy thorn scrubs). Arboreal mammals were classified into five dietary guilds for comparison of community structure and species adaptation. There is little evidence of convergence in trophic structure at the community level, but strong evidence of convergence in dietary adaptation at the species and niche level. Malagasy rainforest communities were characterized by a higher proportion of frugivore-folivores, and Australian rainforest and moist eucalypt communities by a higher proportion of folivores and folivore-frugivores. Possum and glider communities in temperate eucalypt forests and heaths supported a higher proportion of nectarivores and exudivores. Overall species richness was significantly higher in Madagascar. Four hypotheses are erected to account for these differences. The relative scarcity of frugivores in Australian evergreen rainforests is accounted for by the predominance of bird-dispersed fruits, and fruiting phenologies unsuitable for mammal exploitation and dispersal. Higher folivore diversity in Australian evergreen rainforests is associated with a more pronounced seasonal shortage of edible fruits and new leaf, which has increased dependence on mature leaf. Folivore species richness is greatest in Australian moist eucalypt forests where structural complexity, sustained by serai responses to wildfire, permits a high level of vertical segregation. Increased nectarivory and exudivory in Australian temperate eucalypt forests and heaths is associated with Mediterranean winter rainfall regimes, which permit year round exudate production, and not with the absence of nectar feeding bats as previously supposed. A lower overall species richness in Australian rainforests is attributed to a longer history of contraction and fragmentation by anthropogenic fires (monsoon rainforests) and Pleistocene climatic change (tropical evergreen rainforests). A high degree of convergence is apparent between genera occupying folivore and wood gouging niches, in terms of gastrointestinal morphology (e.g. Pseudocheirus-Lepilemur) and dental morphology (e.g. Dactylopsila-Daubentonia). Divergences are most apparent in adaptations associated with frugivory, including larger body size, diurnality, and bipedal suspension and leaping modes of locomotion (in Eulemur spp.). This study highlights the importance of founding effects, competition from other vertebrate taxa, coevolution between animals and their food plants, and differences in biophysical environments, as determinants of mammalian radiation and convergence.  相似文献   

The mammalian family Bovidae has been widely studied in ecomorphological research, with important applications to paleoecological and paleohabitat reconstructions. Most studies of bovid craniomandibular features in relation to diet have used linear measurements. In this study, we conduct landmark-based geometric-morphometric analyses to evaluate whether different dietary groups can be distinguished by mandibular morphology. Our analysis includes data for 100 species of extant bovids, covering all bovid tribes and 2 dietary classifications. For the first classification with 3 feeding categories, we found that browsers (including frugivores), mixed feeders, and grazers are moderately well separated using mandibular shape. A finer dietary classification (frugivore, browser, browser–grazer intermediate, generalist, variable grazer, and obligate grazer) proved to be more useful for differentiating dietary extremes (frugivores and obligate grazers) but performed equally or less well for other groups. Notably, frugivorous bovids, which belong in tribe Cephalophini, have a distinct mandibular shape that is readily distinguished from all other dietary groups, yielding a 100% correct classification rate from jackknife cross-validation. The main differences in mandibular shape found among dietary groups are related to the functional needs of species during forage prehension and mastication. Compared with browsers, both frugivores and grazers have mandibles that are adapted for higher biomechanical demand of chewing. Additionally, frugivore mandibles are adapted for selective cropping. Our results call for more work on the feeding ecology and functional morphology of frugivores and offer an approach for reconstructing the diet of extinct bovids.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(8):3820-3836
The response of primary (PF) and secondary (SF) rainforests to cyclones has broad implications for servicing fauna and the resilience of forest functions. We collected fine‐scale data on the reproductive phenology of plant communities in Fijian PF and SF in 12 monthly surveys before and after Cyclone Tomas (2010). We generated a resource index from the reproductive loads of 2218 trees and 1150 non‐trees (>190 species) and trunk and stem diameter to assess patterns in resource abundance for nectarivores and frugivores (hereafter NF resources). We aimed to determine (i) whether species richness of NF resources differed between forests; (ii) the patterns of resilience of NF resources at community level in both forests after a cyclone; and (iii) the effect of response on NF resources for plant‐servicing bats (Pteropodidae). In 12 months preceding the cyclone, NF resources were greater in PF trees; non‐tree resources fluctuated and were greater in SF. Lower species richness of NF resources in SF indicated that fewer opportunities exist there for exploitation by a diverse fauna. More resources were available for bats in PF. In 12 months following the cyclone, PF flowers and fruits, and SF fruits specifically used by pteropodid bats decreased for trees. Non‐tree resources were especially susceptible to the cyclone. No universal pattern of decline was associated with the cyclone; instead, some NF resources declined and others were resilient or responded rapidly to a post‐cyclone environment. Both PF and SF demonstrated resilience at the community level via increased flower survival (PF) and rapid flower production (SF). Reduced species richness of NF resources in SF will compromise future resilience and response to disturbance, including for threatened pteropodid bat species. These findings are critical for long‐term management of forests, given predicted increases in cyclone frequency and intensity associated with anthropogenic climate change.  相似文献   

A central issue in ecology is the definition and identification of keystone species, i.e. species that are relatively more important than others for maintaining community structure and ecosystem functioning. Network theory has been pointed out as a robust theoretical framework to enhance the operationality of the keystone species concept. We used the concept of centrality as a proxy for a species’ relative importance for the structure of seed dispersal networks composed of either frugivorous bats or birds and their food‐plants. Centrality was expected to be determined mainly by dietary specialization, but also by body mass and geographic range size. Across 15 Neotropical datasets, only specialized frugivore species reached the highest values of centrality. Furthermore, the centrality of specialized frugivores varied widely within and among networks, whereas that of secondary and opportunistic frugivores was consistently low. A mixed‐effects model showed that centrality was best explained by dietary specialization, but not by body mass or range size. Furthermore, the relationship between centrality and those three ecological correlates differed between bat– and bird–fruit networks. Our findings suggest that dietary specialization is key to understand what makes a frugivore species a keystone in seed dispersal networks, and that taxonomic identity also plays a significant role. Specialized frugivores may play a central role in network structuring and ecosystem functioning, which has important implications for conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Randomly encountered foraging birds were recorded in a primary rain forest of French Guiana (13,550 records of 216 species), together with their size, diet and habitat use, to assess the relative frequencies of different types of flocking behaviour and some of their ecological correlates. Overall, 42% of birds foraged singly, primarily carnivores (raptors), nectarivores (hummingbirds) and lek-mating frugivores (manakins, some cotingas). For-aging in pairs (26.6%) was widespread, notably among insectivores in the 17–32-g size class. The remaining 31.4% of records were birds in groups of different composition and function, including, in order of decreasing frequency, (1) multispecies upper canopy flocks (83 member species identified)—the largest and most mobile associations of small insectivores, nectarivores and frugivores, mostly tanagers; (2) understorey mixed species flocks of small insectivores, at midlevels of closed forest interior, with 12 core, obligate members and 74 occasional species, mostly active foliage or bark gleaners and probers sharing a unique set of ecological characteristics; (3) monospecific groups (29 species), either gregarious foragers but solitary breeders (large frugivores in canopy) or also breeding colonially or several permanently group living cooperative breeders; (4) opportunistic gatherings of frugivores at fruiting trees (at least 40 species); (5) army ant followers near ground of closed understorey (29 species of mid- to large-sized insectivores); (6) followers of Red-throated Caracaras Daptrius americanus (23 species, usually canopy frugivores entering understorey with caracaras); (7) two raptors following monkeys. Attributes of vulnerability to predators defined by habitat structure (vegetation density or openness) and foraging behaviour (conspicuousness, speed, degree of vigilance) were important determinants of flocking propensity, at least in flocks that were not attracted by a particular food source. The results suggest that the permanent mixed-species flocks in the mature forest under-storey may be an antipredator defence to compensate for the conspicuousness and reduced vigilance resulting from active foraging behaviour in semi-open vegetation, where early detection of predators is difficult.  相似文献   

Inflorescences of the Central American understorey palm Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana offer bats fruit-like flower tissue as reward for visitation. Bats visited the inflorescences in two different modes: frugivores (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae, Carolliinae) foraged on the inflorescence while perched, whereas bats that were primarily nectarivores (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) also consumed flower tissue, but did so while hovering. Fruit set was significantly lower in inflorescences that had received only hovering visits, indicating that perching behaviour offers better possibilities for pollen transfer. The pollination system of C. ghiesbreghtiana is probably adapted to perching frugivorous bats with nectar-specialist Glossophagines as non-optimal participants. Seen in an evolutionary perspective the C. ghiesbreghtiana– glossophagine bat interactions may demonstrate recruitment of new pollinators from non-destructive visitors.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 281–288.  相似文献   

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