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Predictability of Vibrio cholerae in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio cholerae is autochthonous to natural waters and can pose a health risk when it is consumed via untreated water or contaminated shellfish. The correlation between the occurrence of V. cholerae in Chesapeake Bay and environmental factors was investigated over a 3-year period. Water and plankton samples were collected monthly from five shore sampling sites in northern Chesapeake Bay (January 1998 to February 2000) and from research cruise stations on a north-south transect (summers of 1999 and 2000). Enrichment was used to detect culturable V. cholerae, and 21.1% (n = 427) of the samples were positive. As determined by serology tests, the isolates, did not belong to serogroup O1 or O139 associated with cholera epidemics. A direct fluorescent-antibody assay was used to detect V. cholerae O1, and 23.8% (n = 412) of the samples were positive. V. cholerae was more frequently detected during the warmer months and in northern Chesapeake Bay, where the salinity is lower. Statistical models successfully predicted the presence of V. cholerae as a function of water temperature and salinity. Temperatures above 19°C and salinities between 2 and 14 ppt yielded at least a fourfold increase in the number of detectable V. cholerae. The results suggest that salinity variation in Chesapeake Bay or other parameters associated with Susquehanna River inflow contribute to the variability in the occurrence of V. cholerae and that salinity is a useful indicator. Under scenarios of global climate change, increased climate variability, accompanied by higher stream flow rates and warmer temperatures, could favor conditions that increase the occurrence of V. cholerae in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is autochthonous to natural waters and can pose a health risk when it is consumed via untreated water or contaminated shellfish. The correlation between the occurrence of V. cholerae in Chesapeake Bay and environmental factors was investigated over a 3-year period. Water and plankton samples were collected monthly from five shore sampling sites in northern Chesapeake Bay (January 1998 to February 2000) and from research cruise stations on a north-south transect (summers of 1999 and 2000). Enrichment was used to detect culturable V. cholerae, and 21.1% (n = 427) of the samples were positive. As determined by serology tests, the isolates, did not belong to serogroup O1 or O139 associated with cholera epidemics. A direct fluorescent-antibody assay was used to detect V. cholerae O1, and 23.8% (n = 412) of the samples were positive. V. cholerae was more frequently detected during the warmer months and in northern Chesapeake Bay, where the salinity is lower. Statistical models successfully predicted the presence of V. cholerae as a function of water temperature and salinity. Temperatures above 19 degrees C and salinities between 2 and 14 ppt yielded at least a fourfold increase in the number of detectable V. cholerae. The results suggest that salinity variation in Chesapeake Bay or other parameters associated with Susquehanna River inflow contribute to the variability in the occurrence of V. cholerae and that salinity is a useful indicator. Under scenarios of global climate change, increased climate variability, accompanied by higher stream flow rates and warmer temperatures, could favor conditions that increase the occurrence of V. cholerae in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Distribution of Vibrio vulnificus in the Chesapeake Bay.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio vulnificus is a potentially lethal human pathogen capable of producing septicemia in susceptible persons. Disease is almost always associated with consumption of seafood, particularly raw oysters, or with exposure of wounds to seawater. An oligonucleotide DNA probe (V. vulnificus alkaline phosphatase-labeled DNA probe [VVAP]), previously shown to be highly specific for V. vulnificus, was used to enumerate this species in environmental samples collected from the Chesapeake Bay between April 1991 and December 1992. Total aerobic, heterotrophic, culturable bacteria were enumerated by plate counts on nonselective medium. The number of V. vulnificus organisms was determined by colony lifts of spread plates for subsequent hybridization with VVAP. V. vulnificus was not detected in any samples collected during February and March (water temperature of < 8 degrees C) but was found in 80% of the water samples collected during May, July, September, and December (water temperature of > 8 degrees C), with concentrations ranging from 3.0 x 10(1) to 2.1 x 10(2)/ml (ca. 8% of the total culturable heterotrophic bacteria). In a multiple regression analysis, increased V. vulnificus concentrations were correlated with lower salinities and with isolation from samples collected closer to the bottom. Isolation from oysters was demonstrable when water temperatures were 7.6 degrees C, with concentrations ranging from 1.0 x 10(3) to 4.7 x 10(4)/g (ca. 12% of total culturable bacteria). In samples collected in May and July, V. vulnificus was identified in seven of seven plankton samples and four of nine sediment samples. Our data demonstrate that V. vulnificus is a widespread and important component of the bacterial population of the Chesapeake Bay, with counts that are comparable to those reported from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Association of luminescence with phenotypic and genotypic traits and with environmental parameters was determined for 278 strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from the Chesapeake Bay during 1998 to 2000. Three clusters of luminescent strains (A, B, and C) and two nonluminescent clusters (X and Y) were identified among 180 clonal types. V. cholerae O1 strains isolated during pandemics and endemic cholera in the Ganges Delta were related to cluster Y. Heat-stable enterotoxin (encoded by stn) and the membrane protein associated with bile resistance (encoded by ompU) were found to be linked to luminescence in strains of cluster A. Succession from nonluminescent to luminescent populations of V. cholerae occurred during spring to midsummer. Occurrence of cluster A strains in water with neutral pH was contrasted with that of cluster Y strains in water with a pH of >8. Cluster A was found to be associated with a specific calanoid population cooccurring with cyclopoids. Cluster B was related to cluster Y, with its maximal prevalence at pH 8. Occurrence of cluster B strains was more frequent with warmer water temperatures and negatively correlated with maturity of the copepod community. It is concluded that each cluster of luminescent V. cholerae strains occupies a distinct ecological niche. Since the dynamics of these niche-specific subpopulations are associated with zooplankton community composition, the ecology of luminescent V. cholerae is concluded to be related to its interaction with copepods and related crustacean species.  相似文献   

A total of 65 isolates of Vibrio cholerae, serotypes other than O--1, have been recovered from water, sediment, and shellfish samples from the Chesapeake Bay. Isolations were not random, but followed a distinct pattern in which salinity appeared to be a controlling factor in V. cholerae distribution. Water salinity at stations yielding V. cholerae (13 out of 21 stations) was 4 to 17 0/00, whereas the salinity of water at stations from which V. cholerae organisms were not isolated was less than 4 or greater than 17 0/00. From results of statistical analyses, no correlation between incidence of fecal coliforms and V. cholerae could be detected, whereas incidence of Salmonella species, measured concurrently, was clearly correlated with fecal coliforms, with Salmonella isolated only in areas of high fecal coliform levels. A seasonal cycle could not be determined since strains of V. cholerae were detectable at low levels (ca. 1 to 10 cells/liter) throughout the year. Although none of the Chesapeake Bay isolates was agglutinable in V. cholerae O group 1 antiserum, the majority for Y-1 adrenal cells. Furthermore, rabbit ileal loop and mouse lethality tests were also positive for the Chesapeake Bay isolates, with average fluid accumulation in positive ileal loops ranging from 0.21 to 2.11 ml/cm. Serotypes of the strains of V. cholerae recovered from Chesapeake Bay were those of wide geographic distribution. It is concluded from the data assembled to date, that V. cholerae is an autochthonous estuarine bacterial species resident in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, an estuarine bacterium, is the causative agent of seafood-related gastroenteritis, primary septicemia, and wound infections worldwide. It occurs as part of the normal microflora of coastal marine environments and can be isolated from water, sediment, and oysters. Hindcast prediction was undertaken to determine spatial and temporal variability in the likelihood of occurrence of V. vulnificus in surface waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Hindcast predictions were achieved by forcing a multivariate habitat suitability model with simulated sea surface temperature and salinity in the Bay for the period between 1991 and 2005 and the potential hotspots of occurrence of V. vulnificus in the Chesapeake Bay were identified. The likelihood of occurrence of V. vulnificus during high and low rainfall years was analyzed. From results of the study, it is concluded that hindcast prediction yields an improved understanding of environmental conditions associated with occurrence of V. vulnificus in the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Distribution of viruses in the Chesapeake Bay.   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
High virus counts were found in water samples collected from the Chesapeake Bay. Viruses were enumerated by ultracentrifugation of water samples onto grids which were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. Virus counts in September 1990, April 1991, June 1991, August 1991, and October 1991 ranged between 2.6 x 10(6) and 1.4 x 10(8) viruses ml-1 with a mean of 2.5 x 10(7) viruses ml-1. Virus counts were usually at least three times higher than direct bacterial counts in corresponding samples. Virus counts in August and October were significantly higher than at the other sampling times, whereas bacterial counts were significantly lower at that time, yielding mean virus-to-bacterium ratios of 12.6 and 25.6, respectively. From analysis of morphology of the virus particles, it is concluded that a large proportion of the viruses are bacteriophages. The high virus counts obtained in this study suggest that viruses may be an important factor affecting bacterial populations in the Chesapeake Bay, with implications for gene transfer in natural aquatic bacterial populations and release of genetically engineered microorganisms to estuarine and coastal environments.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is indigenous to the aquatic environment, and serotype non-O1 strains are readily isolated from coastal waters. However, in comparison with intensive studies of the O1 group, relatively little effort has been made to analyze the population structure and molecular evolution of non-O1 V. cholerae. In this study, high-resolution genomic DNA fingerprinting, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), was used to characterize the temporal and spatial genetic diversity of 67 V. cholerae strains isolated from Chesapeake Bay during April through July 1998, at four different sampling sites. Isolation of V. cholerae during the winter months (January through March) was unsuccessful, as observed in earlier studies (J. H. L. Kaper, R. R. Colwell, and S. W. Joseph, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37:91-103, 1979). AFLP fingerprints subjected to similarity analysis yielded a grouping of isolates into three large clusters, reflecting time of the year when the strains were isolated. April and May isolates were closely related, while July isolates were genetically diverse and did not cluster with the isolates obtained earlier in the year. The results suggest that the population structure of V. cholerae undergoes a shift in genotype that is linked to changes in environmental conditions. From January to July, the water temperature increased from 3 degrees C to 27.5 degrees C, bacterial direct counts increased nearly an order of magnitude, and the chlorophyll a concentration tripled (or even quadrupled at some sites). No correlation was observed between genetic similarity among isolates and geographical source of isolation, since isolates found at a single sampling site were genetically diverse and genetically identical isolates were found at several of the sampling sites. Thus, V. cholerae populations may be transported by surface currents throughout the entire Bay, or, more likely, similar environmental conditions may be selected for a specific genotype. The dynamic nature of the population structure of this bacterial species in Chesapeake Bay provides new insight into the ecology and molecular evolution of V. cholerae in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Distribution of viruses in the Chesapeake Bay.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
High virus counts were found in water samples collected from the Chesapeake Bay. Viruses were enumerated by ultracentrifugation of water samples onto grids which were visualized by transmission electron microscopy. Virus counts in September 1990, April 1991, June 1991, August 1991, and October 1991 ranged between 2.6 x 10(6) and 1.4 x 10(8) viruses ml-1 with a mean of 2.5 x 10(7) viruses ml-1. Virus counts were usually at least three times higher than direct bacterial counts in corresponding samples. Virus counts in August and October were significantly higher than at the other sampling times, whereas bacterial counts were significantly lower at that time, yielding mean virus-to-bacterium ratios of 12.6 and 25.6, respectively. From analysis of morphology of the virus particles, it is concluded that a large proportion of the viruses are bacteriophages. The high virus counts obtained in this study suggest that viruses may be an important factor affecting bacterial populations in the Chesapeake Bay, with implications for gene transfer in natural aquatic bacterial populations and release of genetically engineered microorganisms to estuarine and coastal environments.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is indigenous to the aquatic environment, and serotype non-O1 strains are readily isolated from coastal waters. However, in comparison with intensive studies of the O1 group, relatively little effort has been made to analyze the population structure and molecular evolution of non-O1 V. cholerae. In this study, high-resolution genomic DNA fingerprinting, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), was used to characterize the temporal and spatial genetic diversity of 67 V. cholerae strains isolated from Chesapeake Bay during April through July 1998, at four different sampling sites. Isolation of V. cholerae during the winter months (January through March) was unsuccessful, as observed in earlier studies (J. H. L. Kaper, R. R. Colwell, and S. W. Joseph, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 37:91–103, 1979). AFLP fingerprints subjected to similarity analysis yielded a grouping of isolates into three large clusters, reflecting time of the year when the strains were isolated. April and May isolates were closely related, while July isolates were genetically diverse and did not cluster with the isolates obtained earlier in the year. The results suggest that the population structure of V. cholerae undergoes a shift in genotype that is linked to changes in environmental conditions. From January to July, the water temperature increased from 3°C to 27.5°C, bacterial direct counts increased nearly an order of magnitude, and the chlorophyll a concentration tripled (or even quadrupled at some sites). No correlation was observed between genetic similarity among isolates and geographical source of isolation, since isolates found at a single sampling site were genetically diverse and genetically identical isolates were found at several of the sampling sites. Thus, V. cholerae populations may be transported by surface currents throughout the entire Bay, or, more likely, similar environmental conditions may be selected for a specific genotype. The dynamic nature of the population structure of this bacterial species in Chesapeake Bay provides new insight into the ecology and molecular evolution of V. cholerae in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The effect that climate change and variability will have on waterborne bacteria is a topic of increasing concern for coastal ecosystems, including the Chesapeake Bay. Surface water temperature trends in the Bay indicate a warming pattern of roughly 0.3–0.4°C per decade over the past 30 years. It is unclear what impact future warming will have on pathogens currently found in the Bay, including Vibrio spp. Using historical environmental data, combined with three different statistical models of Vibrio vulnificus probability, we explore the relationship between environmental change and predicted Vibrio vulnificus presence in the upper Chesapeake Bay. We find that the predicted response of V. vulnificus probability to high temperatures in the Bay differs systematically between models of differing structure. As existing publicly available datasets are inadequate to determine which model structure is most appropriate, the impact of climatic change on the probability of V. vulnificus presence in the Chesapeake Bay remains uncertain. This result points to the challenge of characterizing climate sensitivity of ecological systems in which data are sparse and only statistical models of ecological sensitivity exist.  相似文献   

Incidence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A Bay-wide survey of the distribution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus was carried out in Chesapeake Bay during May 1972, to determine whether the annual cycle of V. parahaemolyticus which was observed to occur in the Rhode River subestuary of Chesapeake Bay took place in other parts of Chesapeake Bay. In an earlier study, April to early June, when the water temperature rises from 14 to 19 C, was found to be a critical period in the annual cycle of the organism in the Rhode River, since this is the time period when the annual cycle is initiated. Results of this study, however, revealed that V. parahaemolyticus could not be found in the water column during May 1972. Nevertheless, several samples of sediment and plankton yielded V. parahaemolyticus isolates. Comparison of data with those for the Rhode River area examined in the earlier studies of the annual cycle of V. parahaemolyticus suggests that the time of initiation of the annual cycle of V. parahaemolyticus in the open Bay proper may be influenced by various factors such as temperature and salinity, i.e., deeper water locations may show initiation of the V. parahaemolyticus annual cycle later than shallow areas. Confirmation of the presence of the organisms in the samples studied was accomplished using numerical taxonomy with 19 reference strains also included in the analyses.  相似文献   

Ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:49,自引:4,他引:49  
A study of the ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and related vibrios in the Rhode River area of Chesapeake Bay was carried out over the period December 1970 through August 1971. The incidence of V. parahaemolyticus and related vibrios was found to be correlated with water temperature. The vibrios could not be detected in the water column during the winter months, although they were present in sediment. From late spring to early summer, when water temperatures were 14 +/- 1 C, vibrios over-wintering in sediment were released from the bottom communities and attached to zooplankton, proliferating as the temperature rose. The number of vibrios in and on plankton was reflected in the water column bacterial population densities at water temperatures of ca. 19 C. Thus, temperature of the water column in the range of 14 to 19 C was found to be critical in the annual cycle of the vibrios. Interaction between sediment, water, and zooplankton was found to be essential in the natural estuarine ecosystem. Bacterial counts of zooplankton were found to be temperature dependent. The bacterial population associated with zooplankton was found to be predominantly on external surfaces and was specific, differing from that of the sediment. Vibrio spp. and related organisms comprised the total bacterial population associated with zooplankton in summer months. The ecological role of Vibrio spp., including V. parahaemolyticus, was found to be significant, with respect to their property of chitin digestion and in relation to the population dynamics of zooplankton in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Non-O1/non-O139 Vibrio cholerae inhabits estuarine and coastal waters globally, but its clinical significance has not been sufficiently investigated, despite the fact that it has been associated with septicemia and gastroenteritis. The emergence of virulent non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae is consistent with the recognition of new pathogenic variants worldwide. Oyster, sediment, and water samples were collected during a vibrio surveillance program carried out from 2009 to 2012 in the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. V. cholerae O1 was detected by a direct fluorescent-antibody (DFA) assay but was not successfully cultured, whereas 395 isolates of non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae were confirmed by multiplex PCR and serology. Only a few of the non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae isolates were resistant to ampicillin and/or penicillin. Most of the isolates were sensitive to all antibiotics tested, and 77 to 90% carried the El Tor variant hemolysin gene hlyAET, the actin cross-linking repeats in toxin gene rtxA, the hemagglutinin protease gene hap, and the type 6 secretion system. About 19 to 21% of the isolates carried the neuraminidase-encoding gene nanH and/or the heat-stable toxin (NAG-ST), and only 5% contained a type 3 secretion system. None of the non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae isolates contained Vibrio pathogenicity island-associated genes. However, ctxA, ace, or zot was present in nine isolates. Fifty-five different genotypes showed up to 12 virulence factors, independent of the source of isolation, and represent the first report of both antibiotic susceptibility and virulence associated with non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae from the Chesapeake Bay. Since these results confirm the presence of potentially pathogenic non-O1/non-O139 V. cholerae, monitoring for total V. cholerae, regardless of serotype, should be done within the context of public health.  相似文献   

The incidence of marine bdellovibrios at selected sampling sites in the Chesapeake Bay during the months of June 1978 and 1979 was studied. Bdellovibrios were isolated from eight of nine sampling stations in the bay. Higher numbers than previously reported with sea or ocean water were recovered in the midregion of the bay.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing knowledge of Synechococcus spp. and their co-occurring cyanophages in oceanic and coastal water, little is known about their abundance, distribution, and interactions in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine ecosystem. A 5-year interannual survey shows that Synechococcus spp. and their phages are persistent and abundant members of Chesapeake Bay microbial communities. Synechococcus blooms (106 cells ml−1) were often observed in summer throughout the Bay, contributing 20 to 40% of total phytoplankton chlorophyll a. The distribution of phycoerythrin-containing (PE-rich) Synechococcus cells appeared to mostly correlate with the salinity gradient, with higher abundances at higher salinities. Cyanophages infectious to Synechococcus were also abundant (up to 6 × 105 viruses ml−1 by the most probable number assay) during summer months in the Bay. The covariation in abundance of Synechococcus spp. and cyanophages was evident, although the latitude of observed positive correlation varied in different years, mirroring the changing environmental conditions and therefore the host-virus interactions. The impacts of cyanophages on host Synechococcus populations also varied spatially and temporally. Higher phage-related Synechococcus mortality was observed in drought years. Virus-mediated host mortality and subsequent liberation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) may substantially influence oceanic biogeochemical processing through the microbial loop as well as the microbial carbon pump. These observations emphasize the influence of environmental gradients on natural Synechococcus spp. and their phage population dynamics in the estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the host range of the Vibrio harveyi myovirus-like bacteriophage (VHML) and the cholera toxin conversion bacteriophage (CTX Phi) within a range of Vibrio cholerae and V. mimicus and V. harveyi, V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates respectively. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three V. harveyi, eight V. cholerae and five V. mimicus isolates were incubated with VHML and CTX Phi. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the presence of VHML and CTX Phi in infected isolates. We demonstrated that it was possible to infect one isolate of V. cholerae (isolate ACM #2773/ATCC #14035) with VHML. This isolate successfully incorporated VHML into its genome as evident by positive PCR amplification of the sequence coding part of the tail sheath of VHML. Attempts to infect all other V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates with VHML were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect V. cholerae non-01, V. harveyi and V. mimicus isolates with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriophage infection is limited by bacteriophage-exclusion systems operating within bacterial strains and these systems appear to be highly selective. One system may allow the co-existence of one bacteriophage while excluding another. VHML appears to have a narrow host range which may be related to a common receptor protein in such strains. The lack of the vibrio pathogenicity island bacteriophage (VPI Phi) in the isolates used in this study may explain why infections with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study has demonstrated that Vibrio spp. bacteriophages may infect other Vibrio spp.  相似文献   

A large diversity of Mycobacterium spp. has been isolated from striped bass Morone saxatilis in Chesapeake Bay, USA. The new species M. shottsii and M. pseudoshottsii are the dominant isolates, while the classical fish pathogen M. marinum is found much less frequently. M. fortuitum and M. chelonae, other Mycobacterium spp. known to commonly infect fishes, have not yet been aseptically isolated from striped bass within Chesapeake Bay. While M. pseudoshottsii and M. shottsii have been phenotypically and genotypically characterized, other less common mycobacterial isolates have not. In the present study, we describe 17 photochromogenic isolates from Chesapeake Bay striped bass using phenotypic characterization and multilocus sequencing of 16S rRNA, hsp65 and rpoB genes. Genetic characterization reveals that these isolates are related to widely divergent portions of the mycobacterial phylogeny; however, some interesting trends are observed, such as a majority of isolates (10/17) belonging to the M. simiae-related grouping. Five additional isolates were assigned to the slow-growing mycobacteria (including 2 identified as M. marinum), while 2 are clearly shown to belong genetically to the fast-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

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