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Experiments were conducted to compare the effects of abscisicacid (ABA) and water stress treatments on leaf morphology andfloral development in a spring wheat. In one experiment injectionsof ABA or a control solution were given twice a week into thebase of the main stem for a period of 3 weeks. In a similarexperiment control plants were watered daily and treated plantswere subjected to water stress by watering only once a week.In both experiments the treated plants produced smaller leavesand fewer spikelets per ear. Analysis of epidermal morphologyusing polystyrene imprints of selected leaf blades from themain stem and a tiller of each plant showed that, compared withcontrol plants, both ABA and water stress decreased the meancell size, reduced the number of stomata per leaf, and increasedthe production of trichomes in all the leaves sampled. Datafor stomatal lengths and stomatal indices showed differencesbetween a main stem leaf and a tiller leaf which were consistentfor both experiments. It is concluded that ABA could mediatemany of the responses of wheat plants to prolonged water stress.The possible adaptive value of these responses is discussed.  相似文献   

矮秆基因对小麦部分农艺性状的效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以中国主要麦区的124份小麦品种为材料,利用分子标记和系谱分析相结合,对其按照所含的矮秆基因Rht-B1b、Rht-D1b和Rht8进行分类,结合田间株高、旗叶长、小穗数和穗粒数以及室内苗期根系长度等农艺形状的调查,分析不同矮秆基因对小麦农艺性状的效应.结果显示:(1)参试的124份小麦品种(系)中23份含有Rht-B1b,7份含有Rht-D1b,22份含有Rht8基因,34份同时含有Rht-B1b和Rht8,16份同时含有Rht-D1b和Rht8,可分为6组.(2)Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b在降低株高的同时也缩短了旗叶的长度和苗期叶长,Rht8对株高的影响较弱,对旗叶和苗期叶长的影响也较小;3个矮秆基因对苗期根系长度、小穗数没有显著影响;Rht-D1b和Rht8显著增加穗粒数.研究表明,矮秆基因Rht8对小麦株高以及其他农艺性状的影响均较小,但能够显著增加穗粒数,是小麦矮化育种中比较理想的矮秆基因.  相似文献   

The transpiration response to recurrent light periods was studied'n water-stressed wheat seedlings. Seedlings were stressed by three methods: addition of mannitol to the root medium, root cooling and drving of the roots in air. All three methods induced almost equal effects on transpiration regulation during alternating dark and light intervals. Exogenous abscisic acid supplied to the shoots of excised plants had qualitatively the same effect as water stress. Water stress and ABA increased the time lapse between light-on and the onset of transpiration increase and lowered the amplitude of transpiration increase in light. Weak light introduced before strong light shortened the delay times.  相似文献   

近年来从植物中发现了越来越多的受脱落酸、胁迫、成熟诱导表达的基因,这些 ASR(Abscisic acid, Stress and Ripening inducible)基因参与植物对冷、渗透压、脱落酸处理的胁迫应答已被证实,该类基因也参与植物生命活动的许多方面如果实发育、成熟等.对 ASR 基因的克隆鉴定,以及该基因在胁迫应答和果实成熟方面的作用进行了综述.  相似文献   

The Physiology of a Wilty Pea: Abscisic Acid Production under Water Stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
‘Wilty’ (JI 1069), a mutant of Pisum sativum, hasbeen examined for its ability to produce abscisic acid (ABA)under water stress. ABA was measured using combined gas chromatography-massspectrometry and multiple-ion-monitoring employing a deuteratedinternal standard. In intact droughted plants, ‘Wilty’produced less ABA than a non-wilty line (JI 1194) and maximumproduction was delayed. Detached leaves of the wilty mutantlost significantly more water than control leaves but did notshow an increase in ABA content. Non-stressed mutant materialfrom both intact plants and isolated leaves contained less ABAthan control tissue. Key words: Pea, Wilty mutant, Abscisic acid  相似文献   

Effects of Abscisic Acid on Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HALL  H. K.; MCWHA  J. A. 《Annals of botany》1981,47(4):427-433
Daily application of abscisic acid (ABA) to growing wheat plants,although initially inhibiting growth, resulted, after a shortlag, in an increase in the number of leaves and tillers. Thismay have been due to reduced apical dominance. At 84 days thetotal dry weight and area of all leaves produced up to thistime was less for the plants treated with ABA than for the controlplants. However, the area of green, living leaves and the dryweight were not significantly affected by the ABA treatment.Further effects of the daily ABA treatment were the inhibitionof transpiration, especially on the abaxial surface, the reductionof leaf size, the promotion of flowering and the stimulationof trichome formation on the leaf surfaces. ABA did not promoteleaf senescence in whole plants and actually increased leaflongevity. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, leaf senescence, transpiration, growth, flowering, abscisic acid  相似文献   

为系统了解青海小麦矮秆基因的分布特点,并进一步为青海高原小麦的株高育种提供优异种质资源。本研究利用5个矮秆基因的特异性分子标记对82份青海小麦品种资源中的矮秆基因进行了检测,并对不同矮秆基因的降秆效应进行了分析。结果表明:82份青海育成小麦品种中有49份材料至少含有一个矮秆基因,其中Rht-B1b的分布频率最高,约占参试材料的28.0%,其次是分布频率为23.2%的Rht8基因,而矮秆基因Rht-D1b、Rht5以及Rht12的分布频率分别为9.8%、13.4%、9.8%。在49份含有不同种类矮秆基因的材料中,其中16份材料同时含有2种及以上的矮秆基因,即RhtB1b和Rht8、Rht-D1b和Rht8、Rht-B1b和Rht5、Rht-D1b和Rht5、Rht8和Rht5、Rht-B1b和Rht12、Rht5和Rht12,并未发现同时含有矮秆基因Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b的品种;2份材料分别含有3种矮秆基因,即Rht-B1b、Rht8、Rht12和Rht-B1b、Rht5、Rht8;其余31份材料仅含有1种矮秆基因。82份青海育成小麦材料中仅含有Rht-B1b的材料11份,平均株高为86.2 cm,其降秆效应为5.7%;只含有Rht-D1b的材料有5份,平均株高为84.9 cm,其降秆效应为7.1%;仅含有Rht8的材料有9份,平均株高为88.6 cm,其降秆效应为3.1%。因此,在青海育成小麦品种中,矮秆基因的降秆效应为Rht-D1bRht-B1bRht8。  相似文献   

Recently there have been breakthroughs on a number of fronts in abscisic acid (ABA) biology research that have advanced the field significantly, including discovery of genes involved in ABA metabolism, along with progress in understanding of ABA signaling (Finkelstein and others 2002; Kushiro and others 2004; Lim and others 2005; Saito and others 2004). At the same time, the chemistry of ABA has advanced. New analytical methods have been developed for profiling ABA and catabolites (Ross and others 2004; Zaharia and others 2005). Novel bioactive catabolites have been discovered from feeding studies with deuterated ABA and catabolites (Zaharia and others 2004; Zhou and others 2004). This review covers recent advances and prospects in natural products chemistry, analysis of ABA catabolism, and applications of ABA analogs for biochemical studies and horticultural uses.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, auxin (indole-3-acetic acid), gibberellin, cytokinin (zeatin) and abscisic acid production were investigated in the culture medium of the bacteria Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Bacillus megaterium, B. cereus, Escherichia coli. To determine the levels of these plant growth regulators, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique was used. Our findings show that the bacteria used in this study synthesized the plant growth regulators, auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin and abscisic acid.  相似文献   

The gibberellin insensitivity genes, Rht1 and Rht2, reducedepidermal cell lengths in leaves of isogenic lines of field-and laboratory-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Rht dosagesof zero (wild type), two (semi-dwarf) and four alleles (doubledwarf) had a linear negative effect on cell length in flag leavesof field-grown plants, and in the sheaths and blades of leafnumber 1 in laboratory grown plants. Decrease in cell length,rather than reduced cell number, accounted for most to all ofthe reduction in blade and sheath length. In sheaths, cell widthincreased with Rht dosage, but not sufficiently to compensatefor decreased length in determining average projected surfacearea. Rates of extension of leaf number 1 in laboratory-grownplants were negatively and linearly correlated with Rht dosage.Maximal growth rate was maintained longer in wild type thanin double dwarf, but the total duration of measurable extensionin leaf number 1 was not affected by Rht dosage. Cell size, elongation, Rht, wheat, Triticum aestivum L  相似文献   

Effects of kinetin on transpiration rate and abscisic acid content were determined. Leaves from 9-day-old wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Weibull's Starke II) were used. —Transpiration rate decreased in excised leaves put in water, but it was maintained at a higher rate when kinetin was supplied. When excised leaves were water stressed by air-drying for 1 h, addition of kinetin resulted in a considerable stimulation of transpiration rate. The effect reached its maximum after 15 h and this level remained relatively unchanged for at least 10 h. Intact seedlings which were stressed before leaf excision, showed only a slight stimulation of kinetin on transpiration rate. — Abscisic acid content slowly increased up to three-fold in 2 days in excised leaves put in water. In excised and water-stressed leaves the abscisic acid content was reduced during the first 24 h and then increased. As the leaves were fully turgid, the increase could not have been caused by water stress. However, both in stressed and unstressed leaves kinetin addition reduced the increase in abscisic acid content. — It is suggested that the stimulation by kinetin on transpiration rate in excised and water stressed leaves was mainly due to the combined effect of (1) a reduction in the activity of endogenous cytokinins, (2) kinetin acting as a ‘substitute’ for the inactivated cytokinins but exerting a stronger effect on transpiration than the endogenous cytokinins, and (3) the ‘extra’ reduction in abscisic acid content caused by the kinetin treatment. Furthermore, the results indicate that changes in cytokinins might be partly responsible for the aftereffect on transpiration.  相似文献   

Birch seedlings ceased extension growth when transferred fromlong days (LD) to short days (SD). The cessation of growth underSD was associated with enhanced rates of photosynthesis, probablydue to a lowered diffusive resistance to gas exchange. Endogenouslevels of ABA were lowered under SD but the degradation of 2-14C(±)ABAwas not disturbed. It is concluded that the photoperiodic controlof extension growth in Betula lutea is not mediated by ABA,although hormonal changes following transfer to SD may findsome expression in an altered stomatal physiology.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid, salicylic acid and trans-cinnamic acid were tested on the light-induced phosphorylating reactions and oxygen evolution of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus. It was found that abscisic acid and cinnamic acid had practically no influence on the total inorganic phosphate uptake, while salicylic acid in the concentration range of 10-6 to 10-3M gave a small decrease in the total inorganic phosphate uptake. The ATP level in the cells is in most cases increased when these three acids are given to the algae. The oxygen output is not significantly changed by abscisic acid or salicylic acid. Trans- cinnamic acid inhibits the oxygen evolution at concentrations of 10-4–10-3M None of the substances investigated caused such effects on photophosphorylation and oxygen evolution in Scenedesmus as those caused by the inhibitor β-complex from potatoes according to earlier reports. It is suggested that these effects are due to other components in the inhibitor β-complex.  相似文献   

以抗寒品种‘东衣冬麦l号’和冷敏感品种‘济麦22’为试验材料,在三叶期时对叶片喷施ABA。在冬小麦越冬期间对叶片和分蘖节取样,研究外源ABA对越冬期低温下冬小麦的蔗糖含量及蔗糖代谢相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,外源ABA处理使低温下2个冬小麦品种积累了更多的蔗糖,尤其是‘东农冬麦1号’的分蘖节。零上低温时外源ABA促进了尿苷二磷酸一葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UGP)在蔗糖的合成中起主要作用,在零下低温时外源ABA则促进了UGP在蔗糖分解中起作用;外源ABA提高了‘东农冬麦1号’叶片和分蘖节以及‘济麦22’分蘖节中蔗糖磷酸合成酶、蔗糖合成酶的活性,但‘济麦22’叶片中这两种酶的活性则受到ABA的抑制;外源ABA也不同程度地促进了2+-小麦品种叶片和‘济麦22’分蘖节中酸性转化酶和碱性转化酶活性的提高,但却抑制了‘东农冬麦1号’分蘖节中两种酶活性的提高,表明抗寒性强的‘东农冬麦1号’对外源ABA可能更加敏感,其越冬器官分蘖节保持了较高的蔗糖水平,其蔗糖合成能力的提高将有利于冬小麦植株抵御低温,进而维持+a+k-的存活。  相似文献   

渗透胁迫下小麦根及叶片中ABA含量增加,根部先于叶片,同等渗透胁迫条件下,外源Ca2 浓度越小,根中ABA含量增加越多。EGTA和TFP浓度越大,ABA合成越早,且含量越高。  相似文献   

不同营养物质对脱落酸液体发酵产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
考察了不同营养添加物及前体对脱落酸 (abscisicacid ,ABA)液体发酵的影响。在玉米粉、黄豆饼粉、燕麦、小米粉等不同营养添加物中 ,以添加玉米粉效果较好 ,产量可提高 35 .8% ;将碳源由单一的葡萄糖改变为蔗糖∶葡萄糖 =3∶2 ,可使产量提高 6 8.8% ;而在乙酸钠等二碳至五碳原子的不同前体添加物中 ,乙酸钠、丙酮酸钠、丁二酸钠、柠檬酸三钠盐等能提高脱落酸产量 ,而丙酸钙、氨基乙酸对脱落酸的生成有抑制作用 ,尤其是柠檬酸三钠盐对脱落酸产量影响最为显著 ,可使产量比对照提高 81.0 %。  相似文献   

The individual and interactive role of calcium and abscisic acid (ABA) in amelioration of water stress simulated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 was investigated in two contrasting wheat genotypes. PEG solution (osmotic potential –1.5 MPa) was applied to 10-d-old seedlings growing under controlled conditions and changes in photosynthetic rate, activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, water potential and stomatal conductance were observed in the presence of 0.1 mM ABA, 5 mM calcium chloride, 1 mM verapamil (Ca2+ channel blocker), and 1 mM fluridone (inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis). ABA and calcium chloride ameliorated the effects of water stress and the combination of the two was more effective. The two genotypes varied for their sensitivity to ABA and Ca2+ under stress. As was evident from application of their inhibitors, ABA caused more alleviation in C 306 (drought tolerant) while HD 2380 (drought susceptible) was more sensitive to Ca2+.  相似文献   

The Metabolism and Transport of Abscisic Acid During Grain Fill in Wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metabolism and transport of (±)-l2-14Clabscisic acidand its metabolites was investigated during the period of graindevelopment in wheat. Forty-five hours after feeding the hormoneinto the flag leaf blade, or after injection into the grains,nine metabolites could be extracted with acetone. Four of thesecompounds have been identified. They are phaseic acid, dihydrophaseicacid, abscisyl-ß-D-glucopyranoside and the polar metabolite.As well as the acetone-soluble metabolites a number of othershave been found which are insoluble in acetone. These appearto be conjugated to lipids, ‘gluten-like’ proteins,and carbohydrates. ABA and its metabolites were transported to all parts of theplant above the flag leaf node when the radioactive hormonewas introduced into the blade. However, when it was injectedinto the grain the radioactivity remained there until the pointwhen dry matter accumulation ceased, after which it was foundonly in the peduncle. The results suggest that the increasing level of ABA duringthe period of dry matter accumulation is due to biosynthesiswithin the grain and that the decrease after dry matter accumulationceases is due to both metabolism and redistribution within theplant.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in regulating diverse biological processes, but its signal transduction genes and roles in hemp seed germination are not well known. Here, the ABA signaling pathway members, PYL, PP2C and SnRK2 gene families, were identified from the hemp reference genome, including 7 CsPYL (pyrab-actin resistance1-like, ABA receptor), 8 CsPP2CA (group A protein phosphatase 2c), and 7 CsSnRK2 (sucrose nonfermenting1-related protein kinase 2). The content of ABA in hemp seeds in germination stage is lower than that in non-germination stage. Exogenous ABA (1 or 10 μM) treatment had a significant regulatory effect on the selected PYL, PP2C, SnRK2 gene families. CsAHG3 and CsHAI1 were most significantly affected by exogenous ABA treatment. Yeast two-hybrid experiments were performed to reveal that CsPYL5, CsSnRK2.2, and CsSnRK2.3 could interact with CsPP2CA7 and demonstrate that this interaction was ABA-independent. Our results indicated that CsPYL5, CsSnRK2.2, CsSnRK2.3 and CsPP2CA7 might involve in the ABA signaling transduction pathway of hemp seeds during the hemp seed germination stages. This study suggested that novel genetic views can be brought into investigation of ABA signaling pathway in hemp seeds and lay the foundation for further exploration of the mechanism of hemp seed germination.  相似文献   

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