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Trichosporon cutaneum metabolizes glucose purely oxidatively and cytochrome P450 was not detected in the reduced CO-difference spectrum of whole cells. However, in the isolated microsomal fraction the corresponding monooxygenase was present as shown by the appearence of cytochrome P450, NADPH-cytochrome c (P450) reductase and cytochrome b5. The absorption maximum of the terminal oxidase in the reduced CO-difference spectrum shifted between 447 and 448 nm. Derepression of biosynthesis of all components was achieved by transition of the cells from carbon- to oxygen-limited growth in continuous culture. The monooxygenase exhibited aminopyrine demethylation activity but not -hydroxylation activity of lauric acid. With respect to the growth limiting nutrient (carbon and oxygen respectively), mitochondrial cytochrome content showed an analogous behavior as cytochrome P450 and cytochrome b5.  相似文献   

Aromatic peroxygenase (APO) from the basidiomycetous mushroom Agrocybe aegerita (AaeAPO) and microperoxidases (MPs) obtained from cytochrome c exhibit a broad substrate spectrum including hydroxylation of selected aromatic substrates, demethylation and epoxidation by means of hydrogen peroxide. It overlaps with that of cytochrome P450 (P450), making MPs and APOs to alternate recognition elements in biosensors for the detection of typical P450 substrates. Here, we discuss recently developed approaches using microperoxidases and peroxygenases in view of their potential to supplement P450 enzymes as recognition elements in biosensors for aromatic compounds. Starting as early as the 1970s, the direct electron transfer between electrodes and the heme group of heme peptides called microperoxidases has been used as a model of oxidoreductases. These MP-modified electrodes are used as hydrogen peroxide detectors based on the catalytic current generated by electrically contacted microperoxidase molecules. A similar catalytic reaction has been obtained for the electrode-immobilised heme protein AaeAPO. However, up to now, no MP-based sensors for substrates have been described. In this review, we present biosensors which indicate 4-nitrophenol, aniline, naphthalene and p-aminophenol based on the peroxide-dependent substrate conversion by electrode-immobilised MP and AaeAPO. In these enzyme electrodes, the signal is generated by the conversion of all substrates, thus representing in complex media an overall parameter. The performance of these sensors and their further development are discussed in comparison with P450-based electrodes.  相似文献   

Unlike photosystem II (PSII) that catalyzes formation of the O-O bond, the cytochromes P450 (P450), members of a superfamily of hemoproteins, catalyze the scission of the O-O bond of dioxygen molecules and insert a single oxygen atom into unactivated hydrocarbons through a hydrogen abstraction-oxygen rebound mechanism. Hydroxylation of the unactivated hydrocarbons at physiological temperatures is vital for many cellar processes such as the biosynthesis of many endogenous compounds and the detoxification of xenobiotics in humans and plants. Even though it carries out the opposite of the water splitting reaction, P450 may share similarities to PSII in proton delivery networks, oxygen and water access channels, and consecutive electron transfer processes. In this article, we review recent advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms by which P450 activates dioxygen.  相似文献   

CYP152A1 is an unusual, peroxygenase enzyme that catalyzes the beta- or alpha-hydroxylation of fatty acids by efficiently introducing an oxygen atom from H2O2 to the fatty acid. To clarify the mechanistic roles of amino acid residues in this enzyme, we have used site-directed mutagenesis of residues in the putative distal helix and measured the spectroscopic and enzymatic properties of the mutant proteins. Initially, we carried out Lys-scanning mutagenesis of amino acids in this region to determine residues of CYP152A1 that might have a mechanistic role. Among the Lys mutants, only P243K gave an absorption spectrum characteristic of a nitrogenous ligand-bound form of a ferric P450. Further investigation of the Pro243 site revealed that a P243H mutant also exhibited a nitrogen-bound form, but that the mutants P243A or P243S did not. On the hydroxylation of myristic acid by the Lys mutants, we observed a large decrease in activity for R242K and A246K. We therefore examined other mutants at amino acid positions 242 and 246. At position 246, an A246K mutant showed a roughly 19-fold lower affinity for myristic acid than the wild type. Replacing Ala246 with Ser decreased the catalytic activity, but did not affect affinity for the substrate. An A246V mutant showed slightly reduced activity and moderately reduced affinity. At position 242, an R242A showed about a fivefold lower affinity than the wild type for myristic acid. The Km values for H2O2 increased and Vmax values decreased in the order of wild type, R242K, and R242A when H2O2 was used; furthermore, Vmax/Km was greatly reduced in R242A compared with the wild type. If cumene hydroperoxide was used instead of H2O2, however, the Km values were not affected much by these substitutions. Together, our results suggest that in CYP152A1 the side chain of Pro243 is located close to the iron at the distal side of a heme molecule; the fatty acid substrate may be positioned near to Ala246 in the catalytic pocket, although Ala246 does not participate in hydrophobic interactions with the substrate; and that Arg242 is a critical residue for substrate binding and H2O2-specific catalysis.  相似文献   

To investigate the properties of wheat cytochrome P450 and the characteristics of herbicide metabolism by cytochrome P450 in vitro, deeply understand the mechanisms of herbicide selectivity, recombinant wheat cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP71Cv1) heterologously expressed in yeast was purified by DE-52 cellulose chromatography and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) with Mono-Q column. The degree of purification was 1366-fold. The specific activity of purified cytochrome P450 reached to 512 nmol min-1 mg-1 protein with herbicide chlorsulfuron as substrate. The purified cytochrome P450 exhibited one band in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the molecular mass was 52.5 kDa. Kinetic parameter was determined in vitro. The Km values for chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron were 57 (+/-15) and 38 (+/-16) microM, respectively; and Vmax for chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron were 4.1 (+/-0.7) and 2.7 (+/-0.5) nmol min-1 mg-1protein in vitro, respectively.  相似文献   

After investigating two anion-exchange resins, the purification factor and activity yields of P450 BM-3 were higher with Resource Q than with DEAE-Sepharose FF. Screening of HIC media showed that Source 15ISO was the most suitable for purification of P450 BM-3. An effective isolation and purification procedure of P450 BM-3 was developed and included three steps: 35%-70% saturation (NH(4))(2)SO(4) precipitation, Source 15ISO hydrophobic interaction chromatograph and Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration chromatography. Using this protocol, the purification factor and P450 BM-3 activity recovery was 13.5 and 13.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450酶在自然界中广泛存在,能催化多种类型的氧化反应,在有机合成和生物化工方面具有重要的应用潜力。尽管大多数P450酶通常需要辅酶和复杂的电子传递体系协助活化氧分子,一些P450酶也可以利用过氧化氢作为末端氧化剂,这极大地简化了催化循环,为P450酶的合成应用提供了一条新的简便途径。本文系统地介绍了几类过氧化氢驱动的P450酶催化体系,包括脂肪酸羟化酶P450SPα和P450BSβ、脂肪酸脱羧酶P450OleTJE、人工改造的羟化酶P450BM3和P450cam突变体、以及基于底物误识别策略的P450-H2O2体系。通过分析催化反应机制,本文探讨了P450-H2O2催化体系在目前存在的挑战和可能的解决途径,并对其进一步应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450酶在自然界中广泛存在,能催化多种类型的氧化反应,在有机合成和生物化工方面具有重要的应用潜力。尽管大多数P450酶通常需要辅酶和复杂的电子传递体系协助活化氧分子,一些P450酶也可以利用过氧化氢作为末端氧化剂,这极大地简化了催化循环,为P450酶的合成应用提供了一条新的简便途径。本文系统地介绍了几类过氧化氢驱动的P450酶催化体系,包括脂肪酸羟化酶P450SPα和P450BSβ、脂肪酸脱羧酶P450OleTJE、人工改造的羟化酶P450BM3和P450cam突变体、以及基于底物误识别策略的P450-H2O2体系。通过分析催化反应机制,本文探讨了P450-H2O2催化体系在目前存在的挑战和可能的解决途径,并对其进一步应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

昆虫细胞色素P450基因的多样性、进化及表达调控   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
郭亭亭  姜辉  高希武 《昆虫学报》2009,52(3):301-311
细胞色素P450单加氧酶(cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, P450s)是由多个功能相关的亚铁血红素 硫醇盐蛋白基因组成的一个基因超家族, 在各种内源和外源物质的代谢中起着主要作用。目前GenBank中注册的昆虫P450基因序列已超过1 000个, 其中双翅目占序列总数的74%, 鳞翅目占序列总数的16%。而昆虫P450基因序列已克隆的全长序列中大部分属于CYP4和CYP6家族, 两个家族成员分别占总数的20%和45%。利用GenBank中现已注册的昆虫P450基因的cDNA全长序列进行比对并绘制进化树, 揭示不同种类昆虫P450的亲缘关系。结果显示基于P450基因的昆虫部分目的进化关系与大部分先前依据其他分子数据或形态分类学得到的昆虫系统进化关系基本吻合。现有研究表明, 细胞色素P450基因的表达可能受顺式作用元件(cis-acting element)、反式作用因子(trans-acting factor)或两者共同调控, 调控可能涉及转录增强的转录机制或mRNA稳定性增加的转录后机制。  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 can undergo inactivation following monooxygenase reactions in liver microsomes of untreated, phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats and rabbits. The acceleration of cytochrome P450 loss in the presence of catalase inhibitors (sodium azide, hydroxylamine) indicates that hydrogen peroxide is involved in hemoprotein degradation. It was revealed that cytochrome P450 is inactivated mainly by H2O2 formed through peroxy complex breakdown, whereas H2O2 formed via the dismutation of superoxide anions produces a slight inactivating effect. The hydrogen peroxide added outside or formed by a glucose-glucose oxidase system has less of an inactivating effect than H2O2 produced within the cytochrome P450 active center. Self-inactivation of cytochrome P450 during oxygenase reactions is highly specific. Other components of the monooxygenase system, such as cytochrome b5, NADH- and NADPH-specific flavorproteins, undergo no inactivation. The alterations in phospholipid content and in the rate of lipid peroxidation were not observed as well. The inactivation of cytochrome P450 by H2O2 is the result of heme loss or destruction without cytochrome P420 formation. Such. a mechanism operates with different substrates and cytochrome P450 species catalyzing the partially coupled monooxygenase reactions.  相似文献   

烟草细胞色素P450的基因组学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞色素P450是一类含血红素的单加氧酶超基因家族, 在植物多种代谢途径中起着重要作用。为了解烟草中的P450的种类和数量, 文章将植物代表性P450蛋白质序列与烟草基因组序列比对, 在烟草基因组中鉴定了44个P450家族共263个成员。将这些烟草P450基因与烟草表达序列标签(EST)比对, 发现173个成员有EST证据。通过与拟南芥中已知的P450蛋白序列比较, 分析了部分烟草P450蛋白序列的特征和二级结构。根据烟草基因芯片数据和部分基因的RT-PCR结果, 发现73个烟草P450基因能够在不同的生长发育时期表达, 其中部分基因具有组织特异性。这些研究结果为烟草P450基因功能的深入分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Ai J  Zhu Y  Duan J  Yu Q  Zhang G  Wan F  Xiang ZH 《Gene》2011,480(1-2):42-50
Based on the advances in the silkworm genome project, a new genome-wide analysis of cytochrome P450 genes was performed. A total of 84 CYP-related sequences were identified and could be classified into 26 families and 47 subfamilies according to standard nomenclature. Seventy eight of the eighty four genes appear to be functional and six are probable pseudogenes. The distribution of Bombyx mori P450s in the genome shows that most of them are tandem arranged on chromosomes, only 34 genes are present as singletons, with 8 clusters including 3 or more than 3 genes. Sequence alignments were used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees and to analyze the intron-exon organizations of the functional genes. The conserved intron positioning agrees perfectly with their common grouping on the tree. The presence of three extremely ancient introns which are conserved across different clans indicates that a few introns are still highly conserved after they have undergone extensive evolutionary changes of B. mori P450 duplication and divergence. Comparison of the P450s from B. mori to the P450s from Drosophila melanogaster shows that the expansion is not uniform across the gene families. Remarkably, two mitochondrial families, the B. mori CYP333 and D. melanogaster Cyp12, formed two orthologous groups in the phylogenetic tree. All CYP333s can be proposed to be related to xenobiotic metabolism in accordance with the D. melanogaster Cyp12s. The characterization and evolutionary analysis of P450s from B. mori in the current study provide useful information for understanding the characteristics and diversity of P450s from B. mori and the baseline for functional analyses of individual P450s in this model Lepidopteran insect.  相似文献   

The insecticidal loline alkaloids, produced by Neotyphodium uncinatum and related endophytes, are exo-1-aminopyrrolizidines with an ether bridge between C-2 and C-7. Loline alkaloids vary in methyl, acetyl, and formyl substituents on the 1-amine, which affect their biological activity. Enzymes for key loline biosynthesis steps are probably encoded by genes in the LOL cluster, which is duplicated in N. uncinatum, except for a large deletion in lolP2. The role of lolP1 was investigated by its replacement with a hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene. Compared to wild type N. uncinatum and an ectopic transformant, DeltalolP1 cultures had greatly elevated levels of N-methylloline (NML) and lacked N-formylloline (NFL). Complementation of DeltalolP1 with lolP1 under control of the Emericella nidulans trpC promoter restored NFL production. These results and the inferred sequence of LolP1 indicate that it is a cytochrome P450, catalyzing oxygenation of an N-methyl group in NML to the N-formyl group in NFL.  相似文献   

Maltol derivatives are utilized in a variety of fields due to their metal-chelating abilities, and modification of the 2-methyl side chain is known to effectively expand their functional diversity. In the present study, microbial enzymes were screened for hydroxylating activity towards the 2-methyl group in a maltol derivative, 3-benzyloxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone (BMAL). Novosphingobium sp. SB32149 was found to have the ability to convert BMAL into 3-benzyloxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4-pyrone (BMAL-OH). The enzymes responsible, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450nov), a ferredoxin (FDXnov), and a ferredoxin reductase (FDRnov), were identified in the SB32149 strain. In the reaction with recombinant Escherichia coli expressing P450nov, FDXnov, and FDRnov, BMAL-OH was successfully produced from BMAL. Moreover, using the directed evolution approach, four amino acid substitutions, L188P/F218L/L237M in P450nov and A10T in FDXnov, were found to enhance BMAL-OH production. Consequently, up to 5.2 g/L BMAL-OH was obtained from 8.0 g/L BMAL by bioconversion using a 250-mL jar fermenter, indicating that this strain may be useful for synthesis of maltol derivatives which could have potential applications in various fields.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of acetaminophen (APAP) and/or trichloroethylene (TRI) on the liver cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase system, CYP2E1 and CYP1A2 (two important P450 isoforms), and liver glutathione (GSH) content in rats. Rats were given three different doses of APAP (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg b...) and then the above-mentioned parameters were measured for 48 h. The lowest APAP dose produced small changes in the cytochrome P450 content of liver. At 500 mg/kg APAP increased the cytochrome P450 content to 230% of the control. The inductive effect was seen at 1000 mg/kg dose but at 24 h and later. NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase activity was the highest after the lowest dose of APAP, while after the highest dose it was equal to the control value. TRI increased both the cytochrome P450 content and the NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase activity. When TRI was combined with APAP, both these parameters increased in the first hours of observation, but they returned to the control values at 24 h. When APAP was given at 250 mg/kg, GSH levels decreased to 55% of the control at 8 h and returned to the control values at 24 h. The higher doses of APAP decreased GSH levels more than the lowest dose, but after 24 h GSH levels did not differ from those of the control. When TRI was given at 250 mg/kg, the GSH levels decreased to 68% of the control at 2 h and then they increased gradually and tended to exceed the control values at 48 h. The effect of TRI combined with APAP on the level of GSH was virtually the same as that of APAP alone given at 500 mg/kg.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of the two major phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P450 isoenzymes IIB1 and IIB2 was increased in hepatocytes by the action of the membrane permeating cAMP derivatives N6-dibutyryl-cAMP and 8-thiomethyl-cAMP. Under these conditions the dealkylation of 7-pentoxyresorufin, a selective substrate of cytochrome P450IIB1 and P450IIB2 was markedly reduced. 16 beta-Hydroxylation of testosterone which is catalyzed specifically only by cytochrome P450IIB1 and IIB2 was strongly reduced; for 16 alpha-hydroxylation which is also catalyzed by cytochrome P450IIB1 and IIB2 but additionally by 3 further cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, this reduction was less pronounced; for the oxidation of the 17 beta-hydroxyl group which besides cytochromes P450IIB1 and IIB2 is additionally catalyzed not only by other cytochromes P450 but also by 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase there was a clear tendency of reduction which, however, no longer reached statistical significance. Hydroxylation at other positions of testosterone which are catalyzed by other cytochrome P450 isoenzymes were not significantly changed. Hence isoenzyme-selective phosphorylation of cytochrome P450 leads to a corresponding isoenzyme-selective modulation of monooxygenase activity which holds promise to be especially important as a fast regulation of the control of genotoxic metabolites.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) catalyse diverse reactions and are key enzymes in fungal primary and secondary metabolism, and xenobiotic detoxification. CYP enzymatic properties and substrate specificity determine the reaction outcome. However, CYP-mediated reactions may also be influenced by their redox partners. Filamentous fungi with numerous CYPs often possess multiple microsomal redox partners, cytochrome P450 reductases (CPRs). In the plant pathogenic ascomycete Cochliobolus lunatus we recently identified two CPR paralogues, CPR1 and CPR2. Our objective was to functionally characterize two endogenous fungal cytochrome P450 systems and elucidate the putative physiological roles of CPR1 and CPR2. We reconstituted both CPRs with CYP53A15, or benzoate 4-hydroxylase from C. lunatus, which is crucial in the detoxification of phenolic plant defence compounds. Biochemical characterization using RP-HPLC shows that both redox partners support CYP activity, but with different product specificities. When reconstituted with CPR1, CYP53A15 converts benzoic acid to 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and 3-methoxybenzoic acid to 3-hydroxybenzoic acid. However, when the redox partner is CPR2, both substrates are converted to 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid. Deletion mutants and gene expression in mycelia grown on media with inhibitors indicate that CPR1 is important in primary metabolism, whereas CPR2 plays a role in xenobiotic detoxification.  相似文献   

During the early years of cytochrome P450 research, a picture of conserved properties arose from studies of mammalian forms of these monooxygenases. They included the protohaem prosthetic group, the cysteine residue that coordinates to the haem iron and the reduced CO difference spectrum. Alternatively, the most variable feature of P450s was the enzymatic activities, which led to the conclusion that there are a large number of these enzymes, most of which have yet to be discovered. More recently, studies of these enzymes in other eukaryotes and in prokaryotes have led to the discovery of unexpected P450 properties. Many are variations of the original properties, whereas others are difficult to explain because of their unique nature relative to the rest of the known members of the superfamily. These novel properties expand our appreciation of the broad view of P450 structure and function, and generate curiosity concerning the evolution of P450s. In some cases, structural properties, previously not found in P450s, can lead to enzymatic activities impacting the biological function of organisms containing these enzymes; whereas, in other cases, the biological reason for the variations are not easily understood. Herein, we present particularly interesting examples in detail rather than cataloguing them all.  相似文献   

A new member of class IV of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases was identified in Rhodococcus ruber strain DSM 44319. As the genome of R. ruber has not been sequenced, a P450-like gene fragment was amplified using degenerated primers. The flanking regions of the P450-like DNA fragment were identified by directional genome walking using polymerase chain reaction. The primary protein structure suggests a natural self-sufficient fusion protein consisting of ferredoxin, flavin-containing reductase, and P450 monooxygenase. The only flavin found within the enzyme was riboflavin 5′-monophosphate. The enzyme was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. In the presence of NADPH, the P450 monooxygenase showed hydroxylation activity towards polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons naphthalene, indene, acenaphthene, toluene, fluorene, m-xylene, and ethyl benzene. The conversion of naphthalene, acenaphthene, and fluorene resulted in respective ring monohydroxylated metabolites. Alkyl aromatics like toluene, m-xylene, and ethyl benzene were hydroxylated exclusively at the side chains. The new enzyme’s ability to oxidize such compounds makes it a potential candidate for biodegradation of pollutants and an attractive biocatalyst for synthesis.  相似文献   

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