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Involvement of NMDA receptors in non-convulsive epilepsy in WAG/Rij rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The involvement of the NMDA receptor in spontaneous non-convulsive epilepsy was studied by intracerebroventricular injections of APH and NMDA in WAG/Rij rats. The WAG/Rij rat strain is recognized as an animal model for human absence epilepsy. EEG registrations showed that APH (5 nmol/5 microliters; 25 nmol/5 microliters; 50 nmol/5 microliters) causes a dose-dependent decrease in the number and mean duration of the spike-wave discharges, while NMDA (50 pmol/5 microliters; 500 pmol/5 microliters; 5 nmol/5 microliters) induces a dose-dependent increase in the number. The effects of NMDA (5 nmol/5 microliters) can be blocked completely by APH (50 nmol/5 microliters). These results suggest an involvement of the NMDA receptor in experimental non-convulsive epilepsy, observed in the WAG/Rij model.  相似文献   

Albumin elimination rates were determined in 3-, 12-, 24- and 36-month-old female WAG/Rij rats. No change in elimination half-life was found with age. However, as there was an increase in the whole-body albumin pool, a concomitant increase in albumin clearance was observed at between 12 and 36 months of age. It was concluded that the increase in clearance between 12 and 24 months of age was only due to a change in the animal's physiology, whereas between 24 and 36 months of age it was also due to changes in the albumin molecule. The age-related changes in albumin clearance were thought not to be caused by changes in the albumin excretion via the urine or via the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the ultrastructure of the reticular thalamic nucleus (RTN) in rats of WAG/Rij strain, an established model for human absence epilepsy. Most RTN neurons are medium-to large-sized and have either dark or light appearance, depending on their functional state. Moreover, small-sized neurons with short axons are present, their characteristics being described for the first time.  相似文献   

Behavior of nonlinear rats and animals from Wistar and WAG/Rij (with inborn generalized absence epilepsy) strains was examined in the elevated plus-maze and the hole board. WAG/Rij rats demonstrated low exploratory behavior in both tests. In the elevated plus-maze, WAG/Rij rats were more balanced and more anxious than Wistar and nonlinear rats. Administration of ethosuximide completely eliminated spike-wave discharges but did not change behavioral interstrain differences. Since the spike-wave patterns develop in WAG/Rij at the age of 3 months, the behavior of young (2-moth-old) pups from different strains was compared and significant differences were revealed. Correlation between the genetically defined features (spike-wave discharges) and behavioral peculiarities in WAG/Rij rats is supposed.  相似文献   

Placebo-treated WAG/Rij rats (as compared to normal Wistar rats without seizure pathology) exhibited depressive-like behavior similar to that of intact rats of the same strain: decreased exploratory activity in the open field test, increased immobility in the forced swimming test, decreased sucrose consumption and preference (anhedonia). Chronic injection of tricyclic antidepressant imipramine (15 mg/kg. i.p., for 15 days) exerted a therapeutic (antidepressant) effect on depressive-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats. After cessation of antidepressant therapy, the behavior of WAG/Rij rats didn't significantly differ from that of Wistar rats. Acute (single) injection of selective D2/D3 dopamine receptor antagonist raclopride (100 microg/kg, i.p., 15 min prior to behavioral testing) aggravated the symptoms of depressive-like behavior and suppressed antidepressant effect of chronic injection of imipramine in WAG/Rij rats, whereas it didn't exert a substantial effect on behavior of Wistar rats. Injection of D2/D3 dopamine receptor agonist Parlodel (bromocriptine) counteracted the depressive-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats and didn't exert substantial influence on behavior of Wistar rats with the exception of a decrease in immobility time in the forced swimming test. Injections of imipramine and raclopride didn't exert significant influences on the level of general locomotor activity and anxiety both in WAG/Rij and Wistar rats. The results demonstrate the dopamine-dependent character of depressive-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats, and indicate possible involvement of dopamine D2-like receptors in mediation of the antidepressant effect of imipramine on genetically determined depressive-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats.  相似文献   

In WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy, inborn changes in behavior were observed such as decreased level of locomotion, exploratory activity, and grooming reactions in the open-field test, increased immobility in the forced-swimming test, and decreased sucrose consumption (anhedonia) as compared to Wistar rats completely lacking in seizure pathology. These behavioral alterations in WAG/Rij rats resemble the symptoms of human depression (psychomotor retardation, depressed mood, and anhedonia). No significant behavioral changes were found in the light-dark choice, social interaction, and elevated plus-maze tests. This suggests the absence of increased anxiety in WAG/Rij rats. In contrast to Wistar, WAG/Rij rats were sensitive only to chronic treatment with antidepressant imipramine like depressive patients. Behavioral "despair" induced by forced swimming led to C-fos gene expression in three brain structures (frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and striatum), which are, respectively, terminal regions of three dopaminergic brain systems (mesocortical, mesolimbc, and nigrostriatal). c-fos gene expression in the brain of WAG/Rij rats was substantially different from that in the brain of Wistar rats in both intensity (in WAG/Rij the c-fos gene expression was higher than in Wistar rats in all involved brain structures) and its distribution between the structures. The results suggest that WAG/Rij strain is a new experimental (genetic) model of absence epilepsy-related depression unassociated with increased anxiety.  相似文献   

In rat model of absence epilepsy, abnormal complex movements of cervicothorathic part (jerks) were observed in the state of passive wakefulness. When a desynchronized low-amplitude electrical activity was recorded in the parietal and visual cortex, either SWD or jerks were observed. The SWD appearance prevented a jerk. If the discharge appeared between jerks, the interval between jerks increased. Particularly important is the fact that after subtraction of the discharge duration, the distribution of intervals between jerks became the same as in the absence of the SWD. This finding shows that an SWD just interrupts the development of a jerk. That is, when the discharge is over, the jerk develops from the level at which it was stopped by the discharge rather than from the initial level of excitation.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of behaviors of two rat strains, Wistar and WAG/Rij, was performed. No behavioral differences between Wistar and WAG/Rij were found in the emotional resonance test. Disulfiram injection produced similar effects in both rat strains. Animals of the first group (with slow acquisition of emotional resonance reaction) transformed into the animals of the second group (with fast acquisition). Passive avoidance conditioning was successfully reproduced in Wistar and was significantly impaired in WAG/Rij. A low dose of disulfiram injected before or immediately after conditioning substantially improved the reproduction to a greater extent in WAG/Rij than Wistar strains thus eliminating in interstrain differences. Active avoidance conditioning was more successful in WAG/Rij than in Wistar rats However, on the next day conditioning in WAG/Rij was substantially impaired. Administration of the low dose of disulfiram or L-DOPA prior to conditioning impaired the acquisition but improved the reproduction on the following day in both strains, but disulfiram injection after conditioning improved conditioning in WAG/Rij to a greater extent than in Wistar. Thus, the pharmacologic enhancement of the reward system substantially changed animal behavior and improved memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Motor asymmetry was studied in two groups of WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy. A rat had to get food from the horizontal tube with preferable forelimb. The asymmetry coefficient Cas was calculated for the first 10, 50, and 100 trials. In the first group ("pure" absence epilepsy, n = 34) the percent of "left-handers", "right-handers", and ambidextrous calculated for the first 10 trials, was 56, 26, and 18, respectively. In the second group (mixed form of epilepsy, n = 27) this ratio was 19, 40, and 41%, respectively. The percent of ambidextrous, calculated for 50 and 100 trials, substantially decreased in both groups, and the above mentioned ratio became 62, 32, and 6% in the first group and 30, 63, and 7% in the second one. A possible association of pathogenesis of different forms of epilepsy with forelimb preference is discussed.  相似文献   

Progesterone and oestradiol serum level was investigated in WAG/Rij rats with genetically determined absences. Blood samples were drawn before and after the pregnancy following the parturition. The serum concentration of progesterone increased after the 3rd day of pregnancy. There is no increasing of oestradiol during pregnancy as large as this. The progesterone is kept high to the 18th day of pregnancy and drastically decreased before the parturition. Common duration of absences--spontaneous spikewave discharges (SWD), frequency and the duration of every SWD decreased from 3rd to 19th days of pregnancy before the parturition. On the basis of these data and modern investigations, regulation of GABAA receptor expression during pregnancy by progesterone (Brusaartd A. B. et al., 1999) it can be assumed that the changes in the parameters of SWD are possibly correlated with the progesterone changes in serum during pregnancy in WAG/Rij rats.  相似文献   

A synthetic derivative of the endogenous peptide tuftsin heptapeptide selank (Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro) possesses an anxiolytic and psychostimulant effect, and represents a working element of a new peptide drug having completed the third phase of the clinical testing as a selective anxiolytic. The neurobiochemical spectrum of selank action combines mechanisms which are characteristics of antidepressants and psychostimulants: activation of the brain monoaminergic systems, dopamine synthesis and turnover, and modulation of the tyrosine hydroxylase activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of selank in a new model of inherited (genetically-based) symptoms of depression in behavior of inbred WAG/Rij rats in comparison with its effect on situation-provoked symptoms of depression in behavior of BALB/c mice. Outbred Wistar rats constituted control group. Selank in high doses (1000-2000 microg/kg), after repeated injection counteracted symptoms of depression in behavior of WAG/Rij rats (increased immobilization in the forced swimming test and decreased sucrose intake or preference (anhedonia)). Selank in low doses (100 and 300 microg/kg) after single injection reduced the duration of immobility of BALB/c mice in the forced swimming test, but did not exert significant effect after repeated injection or after injection in high doses (600 and 900 microg/kg). Selank did not affect the level of general locomotor activity and anxiety in WAG/Rij rats, and did not exert substantial effect on the behavior of control Wistar rats. The results demonstrate the presence of antidepressant component in the spectrum of neuropsychotrophyc activity of selank and indicate the higher reliability of a new experimental model of depression (the WAG/Rij rats) as compared to the standard forced swimming test for the determination of antidepressant activity of a pharmacological drug.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The WAG/Rij rat strain is a valid model of absence epilepsy with comorbid depression. Absence epilepsy, along with symptoms of depression, is...  相似文献   

WAG/Rij rats were injected with apomorphine (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), an agonist of D2 receptors. Two types of spike-wave discharges (generalized and local) were found in the baseline ECoG of the intact and injected rats. Injections of apomorphine led to a suppression of the generalized (type 1) for about 30 minutes and a 8-10-fold increase in the local spike-wave discharges (type 2) within 4-6 minutes. Since it has been shown earlier that haloperidol, which acts on dopamine receptors oppositely to apomorphine, enhance the generalized spike-wave activity and suppress the local discharges. Thus, the different pharmacological characteristics of the two types of spike-wave activity suggest the controlling role of the dopaminergic system in the processes of spike-wave generation.  相似文献   

It has been shown for the first time that rearing by a foster Wistar mother with high level of maternal care (MC) counteracts the expression of genetic absence epilepsy (AE) and comorbid depression – reduces the number, duration and index of spike-wave discharges (SWDs) and immobility time in the forced swimming test, as well as exerts substantial effects on morphology and time-frequency dynamics of SWDs in WAG/Rij rats. It is supposed that increases in MC early in development might be used to counteract epileptogenesis and comorbid depression in people genetically predisposed to AE.  相似文献   

This study compared both behavioral and electrophysiologicalresponses to NaCl in young and old Fischer-344 rats. These comparisonswere made in the same individuals. Preference for NaCl solutionsversus water was assessed using two-bottle preference tests.The integrated response of the chorda tympani nerve to NaClwas recorded. NaCl neural-response magnitude and correspondingbehavioral sensitivity appear to decrease with age in the Fischer-344rat at concentrations > 0.15 M and neural-response magnitudesincrease at lower concentrations.  相似文献   

Effects of repetitive stimulation of the locus coeruleus on spinal responses to activation of cortico-, reticulo-, and vestibulospinal tracts were studied in decerebellate cats anesthetized with chloralose. Descending influences of these structures were assessed from changes in amplitude of extensor and flexor monosynaptic discharges or from the magnitude of postsynaptic potentials recorded from the corresponding motoneurons. Stimulation of the motor cortex or modullary reticular formation as a rule evoked two-component inhibitory responses in extensor motoneurons and excitatory-inhibitory responses in flexor motoneurons. Stimulation of locus coeruleus effectively depressed the amplitude of the late component and, to a lesser degree, that of the early component of inhibition arising after stimulation of the cerebral cortex or reticular formation. During stimulation of the locus coeruleus no marked changes were found in inhibitory responses evoked by vestibulospinal influences in flexor motoneurons, and also in excitatory responses arising after stimulation of the above-mentioned descending pathways in both groups of motoneurons.  相似文献   

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