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The RAD52 and RAD54 genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are involved in both DNA repair and DNA recombination. RAD54 has recently been shown to be inducible by X-rays, while RAD52 is not. To further investigate the regulation of these genes, we constructed gene fusions using 5' regions upstream of the RAD52 and RAD54 genes and a 3'-terminal fragment of the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene. Yeast transformants with either an integrated or an autonomously replicating plasmid containing these fusions expressed beta-galactosidase activity constitutively. In addition, the RAD54 gene fusion was inducible in both haploid and diploid cells in response to the DNA-damaging agents X-rays, UV light, and methyl methanesulfonate, but not in response to heat shock. The RAD52-lacZ gene fusion showed little or no induction in response to X-ray or UV radiation nor methyl methanesulfonate. Typical induction levels for RAD54 in cells exposed to such agents were from 3- to 12-fold, in good agreement with previous mRNA analyses. When MATa cells were arrested in G1 with alpha-factor, RAD54 was still inducible after DNA damage, indicating that the observed induction is independent of the cell cycle. Using a yeast vector containing the EcoRI structural gene fused to the GAL1 promoter, we showed that double-strand breaks alone are sufficient in vivo for induction of RAD54.  相似文献   

We examined the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding preference of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad52 protein and its homologue, the Rad59 protein. In nuclease protection assays both proteins protected an internal sequence and the dsDNA ends equally well. Similarly, using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we found the affinity of both Rad52 and Rad59 proteins for DNA ends to be comparable with their affinity for internal sequences. The protein-DNA complexes were also directly visualized using atomic force microscopy. Both proteins formed discrete complexes, which were primarily found (90-94%) at internal dsDNA sites. We also measured the DNA end binding behavior of human Rad52 protein and found a slight preference for dsDNA ends. Thus, these proteins have no strong preference for dsDNA ends over internal sites, which is inconsistent with their function at a step of dsDNA break repair that precedes DNA processing. Therefore, we conclude that S. cerevisiae Rad52 and Rad59 proteins and their eukaryotic counterparts function by binding to single-stranded DNA formed as intermediates of recombination rather than by binding to the unprocessed DNA double-strand break.  相似文献   

Role of Gene 52 in Bacteriophage T4 DNA Synthesis   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of delayed DNA synthesis in phage T4, Escherichia coli B cells were infected with H17 (an amber mutant defective in gene 52 possessing a "DNA-delay" phenotype). The fate of (14)C-labeled H17 parental DNA after infection was followed: we could show that this DNA sediments more slowly in neutral sucrose than wild-type DNA 3 min postinfection. In pulse-chase experiments progeny DNA was found to undergo detachment from the membrane at 12 min postinfection. Reattachment to the membrane was found to be related to an increase in rate of DNA synthesis. A nucleolytic activity that is absent from cells infected by wild-type phage and from uninfected cells could be detected in extracts prepared from mutant-infected cells. In contrast, degradation of host DNA was found to be less extensive in am H17 compared with wild-type infected cells. Addition of chloramphenicol to mutant-infected cells 10 min postinfection inhibited the appearance of a nuclease activity on one hand and suppressed the "DNA-delay" phenotype on the other hand. We conclude that the gene 52 product controls the activity of a nuclease in infected cells whose main function may be specific strand nicking in association with DNA replication. This gene product might directly attack both E. coli and phage T4 DNA, or indirectly determine their sensitivity to degradation by another nuclease.  相似文献   

Effects of the RAD52 Gene on Recombination in SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE   总被引:43,自引:16,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
Effects of the rad52 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae on meiotic, γ-ray-induced, UV-induced and spontaneous mitotic recombination were studied. The rad52/rad52 diploids undergo premeiotic DNA synthesis; sporulation occurs but inviable spores are produced. Both intra and intergenic recombination during meiosis were examined in cells transferred from sporulation medium to vegetative medium at different time intervals. No intragenic recombination was observed at the his1–1/his1–315 and trp5–2/trp5–48 heteroalleles. Gene-centromere recombination also was not observed in rad52/rad52 diploids. No γ-ray- or UV-induced intragenic mitotic recombination is seen in rad52/rad52 diploids. The rate of spontaneous mitotic recombination is lowered five-fold at the his1–1/his1–315 and leu1–c/leu1–12 heteroalleles. Spontaneous reversion rates of both his1–1 and his1–315 were elevated 10 to 20 fold in rad52/rad52 diploids.—The RAD52 gene function is required for spontaneous mitotic recombination, UV- and γ-ray-induced mitotic recombination and meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

About 2% of human YAC clones, including tandemly repeated segmentscolor vision pigment DNA, ribosomal DNA and alphoid DNA havebeen reported to be inherently unstable in yeast hosts, producingmore stable deletion products. YACs containing color visionred pigment gene DNA or 1.5 rDNA tandem repeat units were transformedinto hosts bearing lesions at the RAD1, RAD6, RAD51, or RAD52loci. YACs susceptible to deletion during outgrowth of wild-typecells (or in preliminary experiments, in RAD6 transformants)were stable for up to 100 generations or more in the other strains.Thus both the RAD1 and RAD51/RAD52 epistatic pathways are apparentlyinvolved in the instability of YACs containing tandem repeatloci, presumably during recombination-based deletion formation;and a yeast host disarmed in these pathways will likely maintainYACs intact that are otherwise unstable.  相似文献   

Chromosomal repair was studied in stationary-phase Saccharomyces cerevisiae, including rad52/rad52 mutant strains deficient in repairing double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination. Mutant strains suffered more chromosomal fragmentation than RAD52/RAD52 strains after treatments with cobalt-60 gamma irradiation or radiomimetic bleomycin, except after high bleomycin doses when chromosomes from rad52/rad52 strains contained fewer DSBs than chromosomes from RAD52/RAD52 strains. DNAs from both genotypes exhibited quick rejoining following gamma irradiation and sedimentation in isokinetic alkaline sucrose gradients, but only chromosomes from RAD52/RAD52 strains exhibited slower rejoining (10 min to 4 hr in growth medium). Chromosomal DSBs introduced by gamma irradiation and bleomycin were analyzed after pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. After equitoxic damage by both DNA-damaging agents, chromosomes in rad52/rad52 cells were reconstructed under nongrowth conditions [liquid holding (LH)]. Up to 100% of DSBs were eliminated and survival increased in RAD52/RAD52 and rad52/rad52 strains. After low doses, chromosomes were sometimes degraded and reconstructed during LH. Chromosomal reconstruction in rad52/rad52 strains was dose dependent after gamma irradiation, but greater after high, rather than low, bleomycin doses with or without LH. These results suggest that a threshold of DSBs is the requisite signal for DNA-damage-inducible repair, and that nonhomologous end-joining repair or another repair function is a dominant mechanism in S. cerevisiae when homologous recombination is impaired.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing both a- and alpha-mating-type (MAT) genes (termed mating-type heterozygosity) exhibit higher rates of spontaneous recombination and greater radiation resistance than cells expressing only MATa or MATalpha. MAT heterozygosity suppresses recombination defects of four mutations involved in homologous recombination: complete deletions of RAD55 or RAD57, an ATPase-defective Rad51 mutation (rad51-K191R), and a C-terminal truncation of Rad52, rad52-Delta327. We investigated the genetic basis of MAT-dependent suppression of these mutants by deleting genes whose expression is controlled by the Mata1-Matalpha2 repressor and scoring resistance to both campothecin (CPT) and phleomycin. Haploid rad55Delta strains became more damage resistant after deleting genes required for nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), a process that is repressed in MATa/MATalpha cells. Surprisingly, NHEJ mutations do not suppress CPT sensitivity of rad51-K191R or rad52-Delta327. However, rad51-K191R is uniquely suppressed by deleting the RME1 gene encoding a repressor of meiosis or its coregulator SIN4; this effect is independent of the meiosis-specific homolog, Dmc1. Sensitivity of rad52-Delta327 to CPT was unexpectedly increased by the MATa/MATalpha-repressed gene YGL193C, emphasizing the complex ways in which MAT regulates homologous recombination. The rad52-Delta327 mutation is suppressed by deleting the prolyl isomerase Fpr3, which is not MAT regulated. rad55Delta is also suppressed by deletion of PST2 and/or YBR052C (RFS1, rad55 suppressor), two members of a three-gene family of flavodoxin-fold proteins that associate in a nonrandom fashion with chromatin. All three recombination-defective mutations are made more sensitive by deletions of Rad6 and of the histone deacetylases Rpd3 and Ume6, although these mutations are not themselves CPT or phleomycin sensitive.  相似文献   

The ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of Drosophila melanogaster can undergo a disproportionate replication of their number. This occurs when the cluster of rRNA genes (rDNA) of one chromosome is maintained with a homologous chromosome that is completely or partially deficient in its rDNA. Under appropriate genetic conditions, it appears that disproportionate rDNA replication can be generated at the level of both somatic and germ line cells. In the latter case, mutants partially deficient for rDNA can increase their rRNA gene number to the wild type level and transmit this new genotype to successive generations.  相似文献   

The human RAD52 protein, which exhibits a heptameric ring structure, has been shown to bind resected double strand breaks (DSBs), consistent with an early role in meiotic recombination and DSB repair. In this work, we show that RAD52 binds single-stranded and tailed duplex DNA molecules via precise interactions with the terminal base. When probed with hydroxyl radicals, ssDNA-RAD52 complexes exhibit a four-nucleotide repeat hypersensitivity pattern. This unique pattern is due to the interaction of RAD52 with either a 5' or a 3' terminus of the ssDNA, is sequence independent and is phased precisely from the terminal nucleotide. Hypersensitivity is observed over approximately 36 nucleotides, consistent with the length of DNA that is protected by RAD52 in nuclease protection assays. We propose that RAD52 binds DNA breaks via specific interactions with the terminal base, leading to the formation of a precisely organized ssDNA-RAD52 complex in which the DNA lies on an exposed surface of the protein. This protein-DNA arrangement may facilitate the DNA-DNA interactions necessary for RAD52-mediated annealing of complementary DNA strands.  相似文献   

The process of homologous recombination is a major DNA repair pathway that operates on DNA double-strand breaks, and possibly other kinds of DNA lesions, to promote error-free repair. Central to the process of homologous recombination are the RAD52 group genes (RAD50, RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RDH54/TID1, RAD55, RAD57, RAD59, MRE11, and XRS2), most of which were identified by their requirement for the repair of ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Rad52 group proteins are highly conserved among eukaryotes, and Rad51, Mre11, and Rad50 are also conserved in prokaryotes and archaea. Recent studies showing defects in homologous recombination and double-strand break repair in several human cancer-prone syndromes have emphasized the importance of this repair pathway in maintaining genome integrity. Although sensitivity to ionizing radiation is a universal feature of rad52 group mutants, the mutants show considerable heterogeneity in different assays for recombinational repair of double-strand breaks and spontaneous mitotic recombination. Herein, I provide an overview of recent biochemical and structural analyses of the Rad52 group proteins and discuss how this information can be incorporated into genetic studies of recombination.  相似文献   

RADiation sensitive52 (RAD52) mediates RAD51 loading onto single-stranded DNA ends, thereby initiating homologous recombination and catalyzing DNA annealing. RAD52 is highly conserved among eukaryotes, including animals and fungi. This article reports that RAD52 homologs are present in all plants whose genomes have undergone extensive sequencing. Computational analyses suggest a very early RAD52 gene duplication, followed by later lineage-specific duplications, during the evolution of higher plants. Plant RAD52 proteins have high sequence similarity to the oligomerization and DNA binding N-terminal domain of RAD52 proteins. Remarkably, the two identified Arabidopsis thaliana RAD52 genes encode four open reading frames (ORFs) through differential splicing, each of which specifically localized to the nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplast. The A. thaliana RAD52-1A ORF provided partial complementation to the yeast rad52 mutant. A. thaliana mutants and RNA interference lines defective in the expression of RAD52-1 or RAD52-2 showed reduced fertility, sensitivity to mitomycin C, and decreased levels of intrachromosomal recombination compared with the wild type. In summary, computational and experimental analyses provide clear evidence for the presence of functional RAD52 DNA-repair homologs in plants.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The DNA content of the hemoflagellate Leishmania brasiliensis. strain Y, has been determined by colorimetric reactions and found to be nearly 0.226 pg/cell. When this DNA is bound to filters and hybridized with labeled rRNA from the same organism, saturation is reached at 0.47% of the DNA, corresponding to an estimated 160 ribosomal gene copies. When the DNA is sheared and centrifuged to equilibrium in CsCl gradients, two major satellites of the main band (p = 1.712 g/cm3) are observed: a heavy one (1.720 g/cm3), which hybridizes with labeled rRNA, and a light one (1.699 g/cm3) with the electron microscopic characteristics of the kinetoplast DNA network.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disorder with a strong genetic background. Nevertheless, SLE might also be triggered due to environmental factors, such as UV light exposure. DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) may be induced secondarily by UV radiation, increasing DNA immunogenicity and in SLE patients DNA repair is diminished, allowing the accumulation of DSBs and genomic instability. LIG4 and RAD52 genes play important roles in DNA repair mechanisms and a recent microarray analysis showed their differential expression in active SLE patients. In this study we investigated a potential association between LIG4 and RAD52 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and SLE predisposition in a Southeast Brazilian population. We assessed four Tag SNPs in LIG4 and three in RAD52 gene region, encompassing most of the gene sequence, in 158 SLE patients and 212 healthy controls. We also performed SNPs analysis considering clinical manifestation, gender and ethnicity in SLE patients. Our data did not show association between LIG4 and RAD52 SNPs and SLE, its clinical manifestations or ethnicity in the tested population. The analysis regarding ethnicity and SLE clinical manifestations indicated Caucasian-derived patients as more susceptible to cutaneous and hematological alterations than the African-derived. To our knowledge, this is the first association study involving LIG4 and RAD52 genes and SLE predisposition.  相似文献   

Y Bai  A P Davis  L S Symington 《Genetics》1999,153(3):1117-1130
With the use of an intrachromosomal inverted repeat as a recombination reporter, we have shown that mitotic recombination is dependent on the RAD52 gene, but reduced only fivefold by mutation of RAD51. RAD59, a component of the RAD51-independent pathway, was identified previously by screening for mutations that reduced inverted-repeat recombination in a rad51 strain. Here we describe a rad52 mutation, rad52R70K, that also reduced recombination synergistically in a rad51 background. The phenotype of the rad52R70K strain, which includes weak gamma-ray sensitivity, a fourfold reduction in the rate of inverted-repeat recombination, elevated allelic recombination, sporulation proficiency, and a reduction in the efficiency of mating-type switching and single-strand annealing, was similar to that observed for deletion of the RAD59 gene. However, rad52R70K rad59 double mutants showed synergistic defects in ionizing radiation resistance, sporulation, and mating-type switching. These results suggest that Rad52 and Rad59 have partially overlapping functions and that Rad59 can substitute for this function of Rad52 in a RAD51 rad52R70K strain.  相似文献   

We have examined spontaneous, interchromosomal mitotic recombination events between his4 alleles in both Rad+ and rad52 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In Rad+ strains, 74% of the His+ prototrophs resulted from gene conversion events without exchange of flanking markers. In diploids homozygous for the rad52-1 mutation, the frequency of His+ prototroph formation was less than 5% of the wild-type value, and more than 80% of the gene conversion events were accompanied by an exchange of flanking markers. Most of the rad52 intragenic recombination events arose by gene conversion accompanied by an exchange of flanking markers and not by a simple reciprocal exchange between the his4A and his4C alleles. There were also profound effects on the kinds of recombinant products that were recovered. The most striking effect was that RAD52-independent mitotic recombination frequently results in the loss of one of the two chromosomes participating in the gene conversion event.  相似文献   

The process of homologous recombination is a major DNA repair pathway that operates on DNA double-strand breaks, and possibly other kinds of DNA lesions, to promote error-free repair. Central to the process of homologous recombination are the RAD52 group genes (RAD50, RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, RDH54/TID1, RAD55, RAD57, RAD59, MRE11, and XRS2), most of which were identified by their requirement for the repair of ionizing-radiation-induced DNA damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Rad52 group proteins are highly conserved among eukaryotes, and Rad51, Mre11, and Rad50 are also conserved in prokaryotes and archaea. Recent studies showing defects in homologous recombination and double-strand break repair in several human cancer-prone syndromes have emphasized the importance of this repair pathway in maintaining genome integrity. Although sensitivity to ionizing radiation is a universal feature of rad52 group mutants, the mutants show considerable heterogeneity in different assays for recombinational repair of double-strand breaks and spontaneous mitotic recombination. Herein, I provide an overview of recent biochemical and structural analyses of the Rad52 group proteins and discuss how this information can be incorporated into genetic studies of recombination.  相似文献   

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