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Increased carbohydrate fermentation, compared with protein fermentation, could benefit gut health. In two in vitro experiments, the effect of carbohydrate-rich feed ingredients on fermentation characteristics of ileal chyme from pigs was assessed, using the cumulative gas production technique. Ingredients of the first experiment included gums, inulins, pectins, transgalacto-oligosaccharides, lactose and xylan. In the second experiment, a gum, pectin and transgalacto-oligosaccharides were added at different starting weights, to determine their effects on fermentation characteristics of chyme, in relation to differences in the carbohydrate concentrations. In comparison to fermentation of chyme alone, added carbohydrates led to higher total gas production (p < 0.05), faster maximum rate of gas production (except for xylan) (p < 0.05), and a decreased branched-chain fatty acids to straight chain fatty acids ratio (BCR) (p < 0.05). In the second experiment, for all carbohydrate ingredients, the BCR decreased with increasing starting weights (p < 0.05). If these supplemented dietary carbohydrates were to reach the terminal ileum of the living animal, carbohydrate fermentation in the large intestine could be stimulated, which is known to have beneficial effects on host health.  相似文献   

农作物秸秆体外发酵营养特性及其组合利用研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
采用体外产气技术,研究了不同粗饲料及其组合的体外发酵特性,探讨了合理利用不同粗饲料的有效途径.结果表明,玉米秸秆青贮后其理论最大产气量及产气速率比玉米秸分别高19.1%和8.2%.组合秸秆的理论产气量及产气速率要高于单一秸秆,发酵48 h后,组合秸秆的产气量可获得显著的正组合效应.可以认为,青贮玉米秸秆及不同粗饲料间进行组合可有效提高其营养特性.粗料间进行组合时,以青贮玉米秸与小麦秸或稻秆按25∶75和50∶50的比例组合较为适宜.  相似文献   

Degenerative processes were studied in pig muscles irradiated with single doses of 30 or 40 Gy. Damaged muscle was gradually replaced by an invasive fibrotic tissue. As a control, surgical muscle exeresis was performed of the same size as the radiation-induced lesions at the same anatomical site. Primary cultures were set up comprising cells freshly extracted from normal dermis, or from tissue exhibiting either normal wound fibrosis or radiation-induced fibrosis. The growth potential of cells taken from the latter region far exceeded that of the two other types; attachment efficiency was higher, and fibronectin was detected early by immunofluorescence. These in vivo and in vitro observations imply that a pathological repair process occurs after localized irradiation.  相似文献   

Banana, maize, potato and sagu starches were boiled in the presence or absence of plasticizer (glycerol), producing edible films. In vitro digestibility features, amylose content and amylopectin gel filtration behavior of films and parent starches were evaluated. Available starch contents were lower in glycerol-containing films, due to dilution by the plasticizer. Total resistant starch increased in the maize starch-based film but decreased markedly in those prepared from the other starches. Amylose content of banana starch (40%) was about double those of the other starches. Nonetheless, all starch films exhibited similar retrograded resistant starch content. Although film production led to increased -amylolysis rates, these were further augmented by additional film heating, thereby indicating that film-manufacture did not promote complete starch gelatinization. Gel filtration chromatography suggested amylopectin depolymerization after film-making, which may also increase digestion kinetics. The presence of glycerol in the films slowed down starch digestion, a feature of potential dietetic use.  相似文献   

Isolates of the most commonly observed salmonella serovars in Norwegian fish feed factories from 1998 to 2000 (Salmonella enterica serovar Agona, S. enterica serovar Montevideo, S. enterica serovar Senftenberg, and S. enterica serovar Kentucky) were studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and plasmid profile analysis and compared to isolates of the same serovars from fish feed ingredients, humans, and other sources (a total of 112 isolates). Within each serovar, a variety of distinct PFGE types (with similarity levels less than 90%) were observed in the feed ingredients and other sources, while only two distinct types of each serovar were identified in the factories. The combined results of PFGE and plasmid analyses showed that each factory harbored only a few S. enterica clones. Some of these clones persisted for at least 3 years in the factories, indicating that there was long-lasting contamination probably due to inadequate decontamination procedures.  相似文献   

General Characteristics of the optimal feed rate profiles have been deduced for various fed-batch fermentation processes by analyzing singular controls and singular arcs. The optimal control sequences depend on the shapes of the specific growth and product formation rates, mu andpi, and the initial conditions. For fed-batch processes described by four mass balance equations, the most general optimal control sequence consists of a period of maximum feed rate, a period of minimum feed rate (a batch period), a period of singular feed rate (variable and intermediate), and a batch period. Degenerate sequences in which one or more periods are missing can result with a particular set of initial conditions. If the fermentation time is not critical, the singular control maximizes the net yield of product and only when the time is also important, it balances a trade off between the yield of product and the specific growth rate which dictates the fermentation time. With the sequence of optimal control known, the optimal feed rate profile determination is reduced to a problem of determining switching times.  相似文献   

Comparative antimicrobial activity of lactoferrins from various sources (native lactoferrin from Laprot, human hololactoferrin, recombinant human lactoferrin isolated from the cultural medium of permissive cell culture transfected using pseudoadenovirus nanostructure with the human lactoferrin gene, and native bovine lactoferrin) was studied to prove the possibility of their use for development of antimicrobial drugs. It was shown that all the substances were active against the Bacillus standard strains. The antibacterial activity was almost independent of the degree of saturation the lactoferrin molecules with Fe3+. The native human lactoferrin was more active than hololactoferrin against Candida when evaluated by the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Fe(3+)-Non aturated recombinant human lactoferrin demonstrated the antimicrobial activity (by MIC) similar to that of the native human lactoferrin. The results showed that native and recombinant human lactoferrins might be used for the development of intravenous and intracavitary dosage forms, while the native bovine lactoferrin could be useful in development of oral drugs.  相似文献   

An in vitro method was used to evaluate starch degradation from various feeds with or without heat treatments in four studies. The method was based on incubation of feed samples with a buffered rumen fluid solution and subsequent enzymatic analysis of the remaining starch. In all studies, heat treatment of the feed samples increased rate or extent of starch degradation to glucose. In Study 1, measurements of remaining starch, after 5 h in vitro incubations, demonstrated substantial effects of cooking on starch degradation in potatoes, and a trend to faster degradation from autoclaving peas. Up to 0.60 of the starch remaining after a 5 h of incubation was not recovered by centrifugation at 3000 × g for 10 min. In Study 2, cooking increased in vitro starch degradation rate from isolated potato starch (from 0.038 to 0.197/h). Intact starch in barley and wheat grain had similar rates of degradation (0.117 and 0.109/h, respectively). In Study 3, both autoclaving time (15, 30, 60 min) and temperature (115, 130 and 145°C) affected in vitro starch degradation rates in peas, and, in no case did autoclaving for only 15 min increase degradation rates. For the 30 min autoclaving time, only the highest temperature (145°C) increased the degradation rate of the pea starch compared to the untreated peas (0.175 versus 0.110/h). When autoclaving for 60 min, both 130 and 145°C resulted in a considerable increase in starch degradation rate (0.211 and 0.193/h, compared to 0.110/h for the untreated peas). In Study 4, the proportion of starch degraded at 8 h of in vitro incubation was increased by heat treatment of pure potato starch (0.155 versus 0.870), peas (0.491 versus 0.815), barley (0.686 versus 0.913) and maize (0.351 versus 0.498). Measurements of volatile fatty acid production in the fermentation tubes showed a lower acetate:propionate ratio for the faster fermenting heat-treated feeds. Heat treatment generally increased starch degradation in vitro.  相似文献   

Microbial catabolic capacity in digesta from the gastrointestinal tract of pigs fed either dry feed or fermented liquid feed (FLF) was determined with the PhenePlate multisubstrate system. The in vitro technique was modified to analyze the kinetics of substrate catabolism mediated by the standing stock of enzymes (potential rates of fermentation), allowing a quantitative evaluation of the dietary effect on the catabolic capacity of the microbiota. In total, the potential rates of fermentation were significantly reduced in digesta from the large intestine (cecum, P < 0.1; colon, P < 0.01; and rectum, P < 0.0001) of pigs fed FLF compared to pigs fed dry feed. No effect of diet was observed in the stomach (P = 0.71) or the distal part of the small intestine (P = 0.97). The highest rates of fermentation and the most significant effect of diet were observed for readily fermentable carbohydrates like maltose, sucrose, and lactose. Feeding FLF to pigs also led to a reduction in the large intestine of the total counts of anaerobic bacteria in general and lactic acid bacteria specifically, as well as of microbial activity, as determined by the concentration of ATP and short-chain fatty acids. The low-molecular-weight carbohydrates were fermented mainly to lactic acid in the FLF before being fed to the animals. This may have limited microbial nutrient availability in the digesta reaching the large intestine of pigs fed FLF and may have caused the observed reduction in activity and density of the cecal and colonic microbial population. On the other hand, feeding FLF to pigs reduced the viable counts of coliform bacteria (indicator of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.) most profoundly in the stomach and the distal part of the small intestine, probably due to the bactericidal effect of lactic acid and low pH. The results presented clearly demonstrate that feeding FLF to pigs had a great impact on the indigenous microbiota, as reflected in bacterial numbers, short-chain fatty acid concentration, and substrate utilization. However, completely different mechanisms may be involved in the proximal and the distal parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The present study illustrates the utility of the PhenePlate system for quantifying the catabolic capacity of the indigenous gastrointestinal tract microbiota.  相似文献   

In the current study, a number of alkaloids including retamine, cytisine, and sparteine (quinolizidine-type), yohimbine and vincamine (indole-type), scopolamine and atropine (tropane-type), colchicine (tropolone-type), allantoin (imidazolidine-type), trigonelline (pyridine-type) as well as octopamine, synephrine, and capsaicin (exocyclic amine-type) were tested in vitro for their inhibitory activity against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) at 1 mg/ml concentration by the Ellman method using an ELISA microplate reader. Among the alkaloids tested, only capsaicin exerted a remarkable inhibitory effect towards both AChE and BChE [(62.7 +/- 0.79)% and (75.3 +/- 0.98)%, respectively]. While the rest of the alkaloids did not show any significant inhibition against AChE, three of the alkaloids, namely retamine, sparteine, and yohimbine, exerted a noteworthy anti-BChE effect as compared to galanthamine, the reference drug.  相似文献   

The in vitro caecal fermentation of five substrates low in starch and protein content [d-(+)-glucose (GLU), d-cellobiose (CEL), sugar beet pectin (PEC), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and wheat straw (WS)] was investigated using soft faeces from rabbits receiving different levels of cellobiose and soluble fibre as inoculum. A total of 24 rabbits were supplemented 3 levels of cellobiose in the drinking water (0.0, 7.5, 15.0 g/l) and fed two experimental diets containing either low soluble fibre (LSF) or high soluble fibre (HSF) levels (84.0 and 130 g/kg dry matter). All substrates were subjected to a two-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro pre-digestion, and the whole residue was used as substrate for the in vitro incubations. Gas production was measured until 144 h, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production was determined at 24 h incubation. Experimental treatments did not affect SBP fermentation and had only a subtle influence on fermentation of WS and GLU. In contrast, cellobiose supplementation × donors’ diet interactions were detected for most gas production parameters for CEL. Both the fractional gas production (k) and maximal gas production rates were linearly increased (p ≤ 0.042) and the initial delay in the onset of gas production (Lag) linearly decreased (p < 0.001) by cellobiose supplementation with the HSF inoculum, with no differences between the 7.5 and 15.0 doses. In contrast, with the LSF inoculum cellobiose supplementation only affected k values, which were quadratically increased (p = 0.043) and had maximal values for the 7.5 dose. A quadratic effect (p ≤ 0.018) of cellobiose supplementation was observed for total VFA production at 24 h when CEL and PEC were fermented, obtaining the maximal VFA production for the 7.5 dose of cellobiose. Total VFA production for CEL was greater with LSF than with HSF inoculum (20.7 vs. 12.9 mmol/l; p = 0.014), but the opposite was found for WS (3.97 vs. 6.21 mmol/l; p = 0.005). The use of LSF inoculum for CEL fermentation sharply reduced acetate (p = 0.001) and increased butyrate proportions (p ≤ 0.001) compared with the HSF inoculum. A positive relationship between total VFA caecal concentrations in rabbits receiving the same experimental treatments and in vitro values was only observed when WS was used as substrate (r = 0.90; p = 0.015; n = 6). The results suggest that experimental factors influenced the fermentative activity of caecal digesta, but the observed response differed with the incubated substrate, being the CEL the most affected.  相似文献   

Candida tropicalis was cultured with n-hexadecane, dispersed in water as submicron droplets, as the only carbon substrate; the emulsion being fed continuously into a fermentor containing only an aqueous medium (fed-batch culture). The results have demonstrated that the organism takes up hydrocarbon accommodated in the aqueous phase as submicron droplets. The cell/substrate yield for the linear growth phase, where growth was limited by the supply of the substrate, was much higher than the yield for the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

The goal of this project was to identify conditions that result in development from the zygote or the 2-cell stage Sinclair miniature pig embryos to the blastocyst stage. Four media were selected, 2 that have been shown to result in in vitro development in domestic pigs (Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium and Whitten's medium), 1 that is compatible with similar development in the cow (CR-1), and 1 that is compatible with development in the mouse (CZB). One- and two-cell stage embryos from Sinclair miniature pigs were flushed from oviducts in Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium, allocated to 1 of the 4 media and cultured for 120 h. At the end of the culture period, embryos were morphologically scored and nuclei were counted. Morphology scores were lowest for Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium but were not different for Whitten's medium, CZB or CR-1. The highest (P < 0.07) number of nuclei was present in the oocytes cultured in Whitten's medium (21.3), with CR-1 (15.7) and CZB (16.5) not differing significantly. Similar to the morphology scores, Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium resulted in the lowest number nuclei (5.5). In a parallel experiment, domestic pig embryos were cultured in Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium versus Whitten's medium. The domestic pig embryos, while also developing better in Whitten's Medium, developed better in the Hepes buffered Tyrode's medium than did the embryos from Sinclair pigs. Thus, the Sinclair pig embryo develops best if placed in Whitten's Medium.  相似文献   

Mesenchyme cells isolated from mouse embryo forelimb buds (stages 15 through 21) and placed in high-density micromass cultures are compared with respect to their in vitro histogenic capacities. Particular emphasis is placed on changes in in vitro chondrogenic capacity. Stage 15 mouse limb cultures form numerous aggregates which uniformly fail to differentiate into cartilage nodules. On the other hand, cartilage nodules are observed in cultures prepared from all subsequent stage limbs, although there is a linear decrease in the size of nodules between stage 16–17 and middle-late stage 21 cultures. This decrease correlates with simultaneous decreases in both the proportion of aggregating cells and the extent of dibutyryl cyclic AMP-stimulated cartilage formation. At the same time, observations indicate that the proportions of nonaggregating and nonchondrogenic mesenchyme, myogenic cells, and, perhaps, fibrogenic mesenchyme are increasing. The only exceptions to these patterns are observed in cultures from middle-late stage 21 limbs, when cartilage differentiation in situ is already extensive. Unlike earlier stage cultures, which form nearly identical numbers of aggregates and nodules, middle-late stage 21 cultures form variable numbers of aggregates, only a few of which differentiate into cartilage nodules. Middle-late stage 21 cultures also contain unexpectedly low numbers of myogenic cells/unit area of culture. Based on changes in the in vitro histogenic capacities, it is concluded that concurrent with a progression of morphogenic events in the limb, there is a progression of changes in the relative proportions of cell subpopulations. Both the existence of the different subpopulations and the changes in their relative proportions can be detected in vitro. Furthermore, it is concluded that cartilage formation in the limbs of both mouse and chick embryos probably occurs according to very similar developmental programs.  相似文献   

In vitro as well as in vivo evaluation of the reactivating efficacy of various oximes against nerve agent-inhibited acetylcholinesterase has been usually done with the help of animal experiments. Nevertheless, previously published data indicate that the reactivation potency of oximes may be different in human and animal species, which may hamper the extrapolation of animal data to human data. Therefore, to better evaluate the efficacy of various oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime, HI-6, K033) to reactivate brain acetylcholinesterase inhibited by sarin by in vitro methods, human, rat and pig brain acetylcholinesterase were used to calculate kinetic parameters for the reactivation. Our results show differences among the species, depending on the type of oxime, and indicate that data from animal experiments needs to be carefully evaluated before extrapolation to humans.  相似文献   

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