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Distyly is a floral polymorphism, characterized by a reciprocal positioning between stigmas and anthers in different flowers, where two floral morphs, long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) occur within the population. Distyly is suggested as one of the routes leading to the evolution of separate sexes in plants. In this evolutionary pathway, pollinators may disrupt the complementarity of pollen transfer between morphs. Consequently, the floral morphs gradually specialize as either male or female. A key process required for gender specialization in distylous plants is a deviation of the realized functional gender (i.e. the proportion of genes transmitted to the next generation via pollen donation and seed production) from the potential functional gender (i.e. the expected contribution of male and female function to reproductive success from the number of ovules or pollen grains produced by each morph). I selected the distylous herb Arcytophyllum lavarum (Rubiaceae) to determine if asymmetry in pollen flow promotes differences in seed production, pollen donation and a discrepancy between the potential and the realized functional genders in pin and thrum floral morphs. Pollen flow in A. lavarum is asymmetric and the pin morph is more efficient at performing cross-pollination than the thrum morph. Conversely, the thrum morph produced two times more seeds than the pin morph. Male and female contributions to the potential functional gender were equivalent in both morphs. However, the pin morph transmitted more genes through pollen donation and the thrum morph more through seed production than expected from their potential functional genders. These results support the hypothesis that if pollinators consistently promote asymmetric pollen flow between morphs over generations, it is possible that gender specialization may evolve to the extreme of dioecism from an original distylous condition.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Male sterility in hermaphroditic species may represent the first step in the evolution toward dioecy. However, gender specialization will not proceed unless the male-sterile individuals compensate for fitness lost through the male function with an increase in fitness through the female function. In the distylous shrub Erythroxylum havanense , thrum plants are partially male-sterile. Using data collected throughout eight years, we investigated whether thrum individuals have an increased performance as female parents, thereby compensating for their loss of male fitness. We found that thrum plants outperformed pins in the probabilities of seed maturation and germination and long-term growth of the seedlings. In turn, pollen from pin plants achieved greater pollen tube growth rates. Our results suggest that the superior performance of the progeny of thrum maternal plants is a consequence of better seed provisioning via effects of the maternal environment, cytotype or nuclear genes. Overall, our results suggest that E. havanense is evolving toward a dioecious state through a gynodioecious intermediate stage. This evolutionary pathway is characterized by an unusual pattern of gender dimorphism with thrums becoming females and pins becoming males. We propose that this pattern may be better explained by the interaction between male-sterility cytoplasmic genes and the heterostyly supergene.  相似文献   

The evolution of male-sterile individuals in hermaphroditic species represents the first step in the evolution of sex specialization. For male-sterile individuals to persist they must have some fitness advantage that compensates for their loss of the male function. Female fecundity also depends on environmental factors as those determining the likelihood of pollination and fertilization. Here we assessed the effects of both male sterility and reproductive synchrony (an environmentally affected trait) on the magnitude of female compensation of Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with morph-biased male sterility. In vitro measurements of pollen germination showed that thrums were more male sterile than pins. The compensatory advantage of thrums changed by a factor of five depending on flowering synchrony. Flowering in synchrony with the population increased fruit production in both morphs. However, because pins that flowered out of synchrony produced almost no fruits, the reproductive compensation of thrums was higher in these circumstances. Because the magnitude of compensation is frequently considered as a key factor in the evolution of sex specialization, the environmentally induced variation in the magnitude of the reproductive compensation of thrum plants may have profound effects on the evolutionary dynamics of the reproductive system of E. havanense.  相似文献   

Male-sterility mutations in hermaphroditic species represent the first step in the evolution of gender specialization. Male-sterile individuals commonly compensate the loss of the male function by increasing the number or quality of seeds. Because the magnitude of compensation determines the maintenance of females within populations and the evolution of sexual specialization, plant-animal interactions may affect these evolutionary processes if animals are sensitive to such reproductive asymmetries. Here we explore the effect of seed predation on the reproductive compensation of Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous shrub with morph-biased partial male sterility, during two consecutive years. Seed predation reduced the compensatory advantage of thrums in 1987, but not in 1988. Annual differences in the intensity of seed predation seem to be accounted for differences in the onset and synchrony of flowering. Thus, although seed predators may reduce the compensatory advantage of thrums, their impact is modulated by the environmental cues triggering flowering and insect emergence.  相似文献   

Hedyotis caerulea is a perennial, spring-flowering herb native to eastern North America with distylous flowers that differ in a number of morphological and physiological traits. However, the pin and thrum morphs produce the same numbers of buds, flowers, and fruits per plant, although it is possible that differences in these may occur in some populations at certain times of the flowering period. The two morphs are self-incompatible and cross-compatible. Most populations contained an excess of pins over thrums (anisoplethy); less commonly pins and thrums were equally represented (isoplethy). Populations change from anisoplethy to isoplethy and in the reverse direction. The spatial distribution of pin and thrum flowers in populations was random in some populations but non-random in others. There is some indication that the two morphs in some populations have somewhat different flowering periods. Pollinators seem to be chiefly bombyliid flies and perhaps thrips, but insects were rarely observed visiting flowers. In some populations, the two morphs produced equal numbers of pollen grains per flower; in others they did not. The average pollen viability varied, but on the average there was a moderate level of pollen sterility. High numbers of pollen grains remained in dehisced anthers, probably as a result of low pollinator activity. However, between 5% and 9% of the pollen produced participated in pollination. Stigmas of most pin flowers received more pin pollen grains than thrum pollen grains; on stigmas of thrum flowers pin pollen grains outnumbered thrum pollen grains. Thus, compatible pollen flow from pins to thrums was greater than in the reverse direction. Anisoplethic and isoplethic populations had the same pollen flow patterns. A plant-by-plant examination of stigmas indicated that many stigmas bore few or no pollen grains. Seed production of the two morphs was equal. Despite the inequities in pollen flow patterns, the widespread and occasionally weedy nature of H. caerulea suggests that its breeding system must be viewed as a successful one.  相似文献   

A 2-year study of three natural populations of the distylousJasminum fruticans showed that mean fruit and seed production were significantly greater in shortstyled plants (thrums) than in long-styled plants (pins). In this study, we investigated the role of four sequential factors which may differentially influence fruit and seed set in the two floral morphs: (1) differences in flowering phenology, (2) a limitation of pollen transfer towards pins, (3) a differential capacity of the two morphs to act through famale and male function and (4) differential fruit abortion in the two morphs. Fruit set was significantly influenced by differences in flowering phenology although there were no differences in flowering time between the two morphs. supplementary pollinations in a natural population significantly increased fruit set and reduced the difference in fruit set between the two morphs in relation to controls, indicating a limitation on pollen transfer which was most severe towards pin stigmas. In reciprocal crosses, seed set was significantly dependent on the paternal and maternal identity of the pin parent. There was no significant variation among thrums for their performance as male or female parent. Furthermore, individual pin plants with relatively high percentage seed set as female parents gave poor seed set as male parents and vice-versa. Whereas fruit removal had no effect on seed number in thrum plants, a greater proportion of viable seeds were produced on pin plants which were left to naturally mature their fruits than on pins which had fruits artificially removed, suggesting the occurrence of selective fruit abortion in pins but not in thrums. The initially greater maternal fitness of thrums due to their greater success as pollen recipients may thus be opposed by increased viable seed set in the pins due to factors acting after the pollination stage. The relative reproductive success of floral morphs in the distylousJ. fruticans is thus differentially influenced by ecological factors occurring at different stages of the reproductive process.  相似文献   

Distyly has been interpreted as a mechanism that promotes cross-pollination among conspecific plants and as one of the routes leading to the evolution of dioecy. In one of the possible evolutionary pathways, pollinators may disrupt intermorph pollen flow, and, as a consequence, floral morphs may gradually specialize as either male or female (functional dioecy). Natural patterns of pollen deposition and fruit and seed production were estimated in Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae) and used as parameters to assess functional gender differences between floral morphs. Pollen flow was asymmetrical in P. demissa. Long-styled flowers were more effective than short-styled flowers in pollen deposition towards compatible stigmas, whereas short-styled flowers were more effective in legitimate pollen receipt. Accordingly, short-styled plants produced more fruits and viable seeds than long-styled plants. The contributions of male and female function to the potential functional gender were equivalent in both morphs. However, the realized functional gender deviated significantly from the potential functional gender in both morphs, in which short-styled plants were more successful through their female function, but long-styled plants through their male function. If pollinators disrupt the complementarities of pollen transfer between the two morphs (asymmetric pollen flow), the expression of a more profitable gender is expected in each morph. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that dioecy may evolve in distylous populations through the gradual specialization of each morph as either male or female.  相似文献   

邵剑文  张文娟  张小平 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6410-6419
二型花柱的维持机制和自然选择压力多年来一直是生态学和进化学研究领域的热点之一。通过实验室栽培和野外观察统计相结合的方法,对安徽羽叶报春两种花型(长柱花和短柱花)的形态特征、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉/胚珠比、自然授粉及结籽能力、自交亲和性等繁育特性进行了比较研究。结果表明:长、短柱花的花冠直径和裂片宽无明显差异,而花冠筒、雌蕊和雄蕊高、花粉数目及大小、P/O比均有显著差异。在自然条件下,长柱花所接受的总花粉数要明显高于短柱花的总花粉数,但所接受的异型花花粉数和平均每果结籽数两者无显著差异。长柱花和短柱花的花粉和柱头活力相似,均能在较长时间内维持较高活力,仅在开花末期显著下降。两种花型的花在自花授粉、同型异花授粉、异型花授粉条件下均能结籽,但异型花授粉的结籽数均明显高于自花授粉和同型异花授粉结籽数。在长柱花各种授粉方式中,花粉萌发率无明显差异,但异型花花粉管的生长速度明显比同型异花花粉和自花花粉的快,而在短柱花柱头上表现为异型花授粉的萌发率最高,但只要萌发后在花柱中的生长速度无显明差异。此外,综合上述结果,对二种花型花部综合征的维持机制及自然选择压力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The evolution of dioecy from a monomorphic hermaphroditic condition requires two mutations, one producing females and one producing males. Conversely, a single mutation sterilizing one sexual function in one morph of distylous species would result in functional dioecy because such a mutation also affects the complementary function in the other morph. In this study, we tested these ideas with Erythroxylum havanense, a distylous species with morph-biased male sterility. Based on sex allocation theory we evaluated whether the invasion of thrum females is favoured over the maintenance of this morph cosexuals. Completely male sterile thrum plants obtained higher fitness returns than hermaphrodites or partial male sterile individuals of the same morph, thus favouring the invasion of female thrum plants. We concluded that because fruit production of pin individuals depends on the pollen produced by thrum plants, the invasion of thrum females would result on the evolution of functional dioecy.  相似文献   

Long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) plants in populations of Mitchella repens from North Carolina and New York displayed strongly clumped spatial dispersion. This distribution pattern results from the tendency of these prostrate perennials to spread by production of trailing stems with adventitious roots. Both morphs, in both populations, exhibited natural fruit set exceeding 86%. This percentage was not increased by hand-pollination. Although the number of ovules per pair of ovaries was fixed at eight in each morph, numbers of seeds per fruit in naturally pollinated flowers differed significantly between pins (4.3) and thrums (6.4) in the North Carolina population. In the New York population, no significant differences were found (pins had 5.0 seeds per fruit; thrums, 4.4). Artificial pollinations in both populations showed low seed set in intramorph cross-pollinations as compared with intermorph crosses. The flowers of M. repens were visited by native species of Bombus, which visited many flowers in each patch of plants. These insects moved frequently from patch to patch, effecting intermorph cross-pollination and maintaining high levels of seed set. Movement among patches may be promoted by the dispersion of nectar rewards, with flowers about to open or just opened providing maximum amounts of nectar. Calculations of functional gender suggested that in the North Carolina population, thrums contributed more than 75% of the genes transmitted by ovule production. This contrasts strongly with previous studies of unequal sexual contributions in distylous taxa, which have demonstrated greater female contributions by pins. In the New York population, however, nearly equal contributions by pins and thrums through pollen and ovule production occurred, a situation similar to that found in most distylous species. This appears to be the first demonstration of variation in functional gender between populations of a single species.  相似文献   

This study explores whether ecological factors, such as pollinators and pollen flow, or variation in pollen and ovule development account for the observed differences (approximately twofold) in the reproductive output of pin and thrum individuals of Erythroxylum havanense. The importance of ecological factors was assessed by means of comparison of the identity of pollinators and the rates of flower visitation, and by performing controlled hand pollinations and measurements of fruit set. In addition, we described the pollen and ovule development of thrum and pin individuals. Our results indicate that pollinators of E. havanense do not distinguish between floral morphs. The differences in fruit set between pin and thrum plants held even after hand pollination and, therefore, the observed differences in reproductive output between floral morphs of E. havanense cannot be explained in terms of asymmetrical pollen flow. There were no differences in the pattern of gynoecium development between the pin and thrum morphs, however androecium development showed marked differences between the morphs, and there was a resemblance between the developmental pathways leading to male sterility of the thrum morph of E. havanense with that of species with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS).  相似文献   

This 2-yr study of gender and its relation to the sizes of pin and thrum plants in Lithospermum croceum was performed in central Michigan. The population was composed of 51-52% thrums, 42-43% pins, and ≈6% homostyles in 1988 and 1989. Pins produced more flowers and fruits than thrums, and a greater proportion of their ovaries produced more than one nutlet. However, the number of fruits produced by pins and thrums in 1988 did not differ when plant size is a covariate in ANCOVA. The number of seeds produced by plants in 1989 is also unaffected by floral morph when size is a covariate. Instead, plant size is the most important predictor of fecundity in both years. The average percent fruit sets (fruits/ovaries) of the morphs did not differ in either year. Herbivory was more common in 1988 than in 1989, but there was no difference in the frequency with which pins and thrums were attacked. Furthermore, the effect of herbivory on fecundity did not differ for the morphs. The fecundity of neither morph was limited by pollen in 1989. Apparent gender specialization was a consequence of subtle differences in the vegetative sizes of the morphs.  相似文献   

Richard H. Ree 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):298-308
Palicourea padifolia is a distlous shrub visited primarily by hummingbirds and bees in mid-elevation rain forests in Costa Rica. At Las Cruces Biological Station, the population of P. padifolia is composed of equal numbers of pin and thrum plants and morphs are randomly distributed. Like the majority of distylous species, P. padifolia exhibits a self and intramorph-incompatible mating system. The analysis of stigmatic pollen loads obtained from emasculated flowers shows that pollen flow between floral morphs is disassortative, which supports the Darwinian hypothesis concerning the adaptive significance of heterostyly. Pins experience greater disassortative pollination than thrums. Pins also set more seed than thrums, suggesting that the higher frequency of compatible pollen deposited on pin stigmas results in greater fecundity; alternatively, greater seed set in pins could be due to the differential allocation of resources to male and female function between morphs. Overall, seed set for the Las Cruces popularion of P. padifolia is much lower than the potential maximum. Factors which could contribute to seed set limitation include the frequency and/or spatial pattern of pollinator visits, pollen availability, and resource availability.  相似文献   

Erythroxylum coca is a distylous species with a strong self-incompatibility system linked with the floral dimorphism. The two sets of stamens in the flowers are usually unequal in length, but between individuals of both morphs there is considerable variation in the relative qengths of the two sets of stamens, which is unrelated to the incompatibility system. Pin flowers produce more pollen grains than thrum flowers, but thrum pollen is larger than pin pollen. Within each morph the two sets of stamens produce pollen grains of slightly different diameter. Erythroxylum novogranatewe is also distylous. Pin flowers of E. novogranatense var. novogranatense are partially self-compatible, while thrum flowers of E. novogranatense var. truxillense are self-incompatible. Reports of tristyly and of four different morphs in species of Erythroxylum are probably misinterpretations, resulting from limited sampling, of the continuous variation in the relative lengths of the two sets of stamens.  相似文献   

To discriminate between the roles of differential pollen tube growth and inbreeding depression in causing reduced seed production following self-pollination of distylous Amsinckia grandiflora (Boraginaceae), callose plug and pollen tube production were compared following cross- and self-pollinations of A. grandiflora. Pin (long-styled morph) × thrum (short-styled morph) crosses yielded more pollen tubes than pin × pin crosses or pin self-pollinations; no difference could be detected for the pin × pin or pin self-pollination categories. Using thrums as the female parent, no significant differences were detected in any pollination category. These results indicate that reduced seed production following self-fertilization of A. grandiflora is likely to be the result of inbreeding depression rather than inhibition of self pollen tubes.  相似文献   

In animal-pollinated plants, two factors affecting pollen flow and seed production are changes in floral display and the availability of compatible mates. Changes in floral display may affect the number of pollinator visits and the availability of compatible mates will affect the probability of legitimate pollination and seed production. Distyly is a floral polymorphism where long-styled (pin) and short-styled (thrum) floral morphs occur among different individuals. Distylous plants frequently exhibit self and intra-morph incompatibility. Therefore changes in morph abundance directly affect the arrival of compatible pollen to the stigmas. Floral morph by itself may also affect female reproductive success because floral morphs may display differences in seed production. We explored the effects of floral display, availability of neighboring compatible mates, and floral morph on seed production in the distylous herb ARCYTOPHYLLUM LAVARUM. We found that floral display does not affect the mean number of seeds produced per flower. There is also no effect of the proportion of neighboring legitimate pollen donors on seed production in pin or thrum flowers. However, floral morphs differed in their female reproductive success and the thrum morph produced more seeds. Hand pollination experiments suggest that differences in seed production between morphs are the result of pollen limitation. Future research will elucidate if the higher seed production in thrum flowers is a consequence of higher availability of pollen donors in the population, or higher efficiency of the pin morph as pollen donor.  相似文献   

Selection on male function has been invoked to explain various floral features, including number of flowers, flower size, and flower color. Here I describe two experiments designed to examine the efficiency of distyly in promoting male floral function, as measured by successful pollen dispersal to stigmas. In both experiments, I performed emasculations to control the type of pollen locally available in a natural population of Psychotria suerrensis, a tropical shrub. In the “natural-recipients” experiment, I allowed each floral morph to donate pollen on alternate days to emasculated flowers of each morph. In the “paired-recipients” experiment, I attached paired cuttings of each morph to individual donor plants. The results of both methods were consistent. Pollen borne on low anthers (from pin plants) was transferred most efficiently to low stigmas (on thrum plants). Pollen borne on high anthers (from thrum plants) was dispersed in equal amounts to flowers of both morphs. The results suggest that distyly is only partially effective in achieving efficient pollen donation. Male function of pins is enhanced by the polymorphism, but male function of thrums is not. A supplemental pollination experiment illustrates that seed set in this species is predominantly pollen limited, reducing the importance of male function, in comparison with species where seed set is primarily resource limited.  相似文献   

In P. affinis, pin pollen is shorter on average than thrum pollen. Pins have more coronal hooks on stigmatic papillae than thrums, but gaps between papillae are relatively smaller for thrums. Pin stigmas receive more pollen than thrum stigmas. Thrum stigmas receive more (dissortive) pin pollen, but pin stigmas are assortively pollinated. Pollen only germinates when trapped below papilla coronas. On thrum stigmas, most trapped pollen is pin. Pollen germination is better on thrum stigmas than pin stigmas, and thrum stigmas show a close relationship between numbers of legitimate pollen grains, numbers of germinating grains, and numbers of pollen tubes in the style. There is no inhibition of illegitimate pollen germination. Illegitimate pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Incompatibility operates by a combination of dissortive pollination, dissortive pollen trapping, and stylar pollen tube inhibition. All heteromorphic features differing between pins and thrums are implicated in the inhibition of within-morph fertilization in thrums.  相似文献   

绣球茜的二型花柱及其传粉生物学初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次对绣球茜(Dunnia sinensis Tutch)的花药和柱头高度、花粉和柱头形态,以及人工辅助授粉的结实情况等进行了研究.结果表明:绣球茜在同一居群中同时具有长花柱(Pin 型)和短花柱(Thrum)两种花型,长花柱植株的柱头和雄蕊高分别为9.61±0.36 mm和6.79±0.38 mm,短花柱则为6.11±0.56 mm和8.96±0.59 mm,表现出互补式雌雄异位的花部特征.通过人工辅助授粉,两种花型植株的自交和同型植株间异交都不结实,仅在型间异交方能正常结实,说明绣球茜中存在极强的自交不亲和和型内不亲和现象.在花粉与柱头形态方面:长柱型花的单花花粉量(38555.6±6258.4)显著地小于短柱型花(52145.45±8924.5)(t=4.009,P<0.01),长柱花和短柱型花的胚珠数分别为38.73±1.85和39.1±2.25(t=-4.13,P>0.01);长柱型花花粉粒的大小(极径21.27±0.70 μm)显著地小于短柱花(21.92±0.79μm)类型(t=3.890,P<0.01),而柱头乳突大小长柱类型要大于短柱类型,表现出明显的二型性.研究结果表明绣球茜是一种典型的二型花柱植物.此外,对其传粉昆虫及昆虫访花行为的观察表明,蝶类(青风蝶属Graphium)和蜂类(熊蜂Bombus sp.和木蜂Xylocopa magnifica Smith)为绣球茜的主要访花昆虫和传粉昆虫,它们能够在两种不同花型植株之间有效地传粉.  相似文献   

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