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Two genetic mouse models for human phenylketonuria have been characterized by DNA sequence analysis. For each, a distinct mutation was identified within the protein coding sequence of the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. This establishes that the mutated locus is the same as that causing human phenylketonuria and allows a comparison between these mouse phenylketonuria models and the human disease. A genotype/phenotype relationship that is strikingly similar to the human disease emerges, underscoring the similarity of phenylketonuria in mouse and man. InPAHENU1,the phenotype is mild. ThePahenu1mutation predicts a conservative valine to alanine amino acid substitution and is located in exon 3, a gene region where serious mutations are rare in humans. InPAHENU2,the phenotype is severe. ThePahenu2mutation predicts a radical phenylalanine to serine substitution and is located in exon 7, a gene region where serious mutations are common in humans. InPAHENU2,the sequence information was used to devise a direct genotyping system based on the creation of a newAlw26I restriction endonuclease site.  相似文献   

The pigment cell-specific gene, located at the brown (b)-locus in mouse, encodes the protein that determines the type of melanin synthesized. This protein is known as tyrosinase-related protein, but here we tentatively term it b-locus protein to avoid confusions with the related sequence cross-hybridizing to the tyrosinase gene. In order to identify the mutation at the b-locus, we have cloned and characterized the b-locus protein gene of BALB/c mouse (b/b, c/c). The gene is about 18 kb long and organized into 8 exons and 7 introns. Sequence analysis of the b-locus protein gene reveals four base changes within the protein-coding regions: two missense mutations and two silent mutations. Two missense mutations result in the Cys to Tyr substitution at position 86 (codon 110) and the Arg to His substitution at position 302 (codon 326) of a b-locus protein molecule. Using allele-specific amplification, we confirmed that these missense mutations are actually present in the genomic DNA of two b-mutant strains examined, BALB/c and DBA/2 (b/b, C/C) mice, suggesting that these mutations are specific for the mutant mice at the b-locus. Moreover, we are able to show that the b-locus protein containing Tyr 86 is not reactive with the anti-b-locus protein monoclonal antibody, TMH-1, in transient expression assays.  相似文献   

Thirty-six radiation- or chemically induced homozygous-lethal mutations at the p locus in mouse chromosome 7 have been analyzed at 17 loci defined by molecular probes to determine the types of lesions, numbers of p-region markers deleted or rearranged, regions of overlap of deletion mutations, and genetic distances between loci. A linear deletion map of the [Myod1, Ldh3]-[Snrpn, Znf127] region has been constructed from the molecular analyses of the p-locus deletions. The utility of these deletions as tools for the isolation and characterization of the genes specifying the neurological, reproductive, and developmental phenotypes genetically mapped to this region will grow as more detailed molecular analyses continue.  相似文献   

The agouti locus on mouse chromosome 2 encodes a secreted cysteine-rich protein of 131 amino acids that acts as a molecular switch to instruct the melanocyte to make either yellow pigment (phaeomelanin) or black pigment (eumelanin). Mutations that up-regulate agouti expression are dominant to those causing decreased expression and result in yellow coat color. Other associated effects are obesity, diabetes, and increased susceptibility to tumors. To try to define important functional domains of the agouti protein, we have analyzed the molecular defects present in a series of recessive viable agouti mutations. In total, six alleles (a(mJ), a(u), a(da), a(16H), a(18H), a(e)) were examined at both the RNA and DNA level. Two of the alleles, a(16H) and a(e), result from mutations in the agouti coding region. Four alleles (a(mJ), a(u), a(18H), and a(da)) appear to represent regulatory mutations that down-regulate agouti expression. Interestingly, one of these mutations, a(18H), also appears to cause an immunological defect in the homozygous condition. This immunological defect is somewhat analogous to that observed in motheaten (me) mutant mice. Short and long-range restriction enzyme analyses of homozygous a(18H) DNA are consistent with the hypothesis that a(18H) results from a paracentric inversion where one end of the inversion maps in the 5' regulatory region of agouti and the other end in or near a gene that is required for normal immunological function. Cloning the breakpoints of this putative inversion should allow us to identify the gene that confers this interesting immunological disorder.  相似文献   

The W locus encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor, c-kit, which affects survivial of melanoblasts from the neural crest. The primary cochlear defect in Viable Dominant Spotting (Wv/Wv) mutants is a lack of melanocytes within the stria vascularis (SV) associated with an endocochlear potential (EP) close to zero and hearing impairment. In this study, we compare inner ear pigmentation with cochlear potentials in three other W alleles (Wx, Wsh, and W41) and reveal an unequivocal correlation between presence of strial melanocytes and presence of an EP. Asymmetry was common, and 8.3% of Wsh/Wx, 25% of Wsh/Wsh, 60% of W41/Wx, and 69.2% of W41/W41 ears had a pigmented stria and an EP, while the remainder had no strial melanocytes and no EP. In those mutants that partially escaped the effects of the mutation, strial melanocytes rarely extended the entire length of the stria, but were confined to the middle and/or basal turns of the cochlea. The extent of strial pigmentation was unrelated to the EP value, which was measured from the basal turn only. Compound action potential (CAP) responses recorded from ears with an EP were variable and they showed greatly raised thresholds or were absent in all ears where the EP was close to zero. In controls, melanocytes in the vestibular part of the ear were found in the utricle, crus commune, and ampullae, whereas in many mutants only one or two of these regions were pigmented. There was a broad correlation between pigmentation of the stria and pigmentation of the vestibular region but this was not absolute. All W41/Wx, Wsh/Wsh, and W41/W41 mutants had some pigment on the pinna but, in contrast to controls where melanocytes were found in the epidermis and dermis of the pinna, pigment cells were reduced in number and generally restricted to the dermis. Injection of normal neural crest cells into 9.5-day-old mutant embryos increased the extent of skin pigmentation on the head and coat of adult chimeras and was associated with a small increase in the proportion of pigmented strias.  相似文献   

Auriculocondylar syndrome (ACS) is a rare craniofacial disorder with mandibular hypoplasia and question-mark ears (QMEs) as major features. QMEs, consisting of a specific defect at the lobe-helix junction, can also occur as an isolated anomaly. Studies in animal models have indicated the essential role of endothelin 1 (EDN1) signaling through the endothelin receptor type A (EDNRA) in patterning the mandibular portion of the first pharyngeal arch. Mutations in the genes coding for phospholipase C, beta 4 (PLCB4) and guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha inhibiting activity polypeptide 3 (GNAI3), predicted to function as signal transducers downstream of EDNRA, have recently been reported in ACS. By whole-exome sequencing (WES), we identified a homozygous substitution in a furin cleavage site of the EDN1 proprotein in ACS-affected siblings born to consanguineous parents. WES of two cases with vertical transmission of isolated QMEs revealed a stop mutation in EDN1 in one family and a missense substitution of a highly conserved residue in the mature EDN1 peptide in the other. Targeted sequencing of EDN1 in an ACS individual with related parents identified a fourth, homozygous mutation falling close to the site of cleavage by endothelin-converting enzyme. The different modes of inheritance suggest that the degree of residual EDN1 activity differs depending on the mutation. These findings provide further support for the hypothesis that ACS and QMEs are uniquely caused by disruption of the EDN1-EDNRA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

G. S. Barsh  C. J. Epstein 《Genetics》1989,121(4):811-818
The agouti locus (A) of the mouse determines the timing and type of pigment deposition in the growing hair bulb, and several alleles at this locus are lethal when homozygous. Apparent instances of intragenic recombination and complementation between different recessive lethal alleles have suggested that the locus has a complex structure. We have begun to investigate the molecular basis of agouti gene action and recessive lethality by using a series of genetically linked DNA probes and pulsed field gel electrophoresis to detect structural alterations in radiation-induced agouti mutations. Hybridization probes from the Src and Emv-15 loci do not reveal molecular alterations in DNA corresponding to the ae, ax, and al alleles, but a probe from the parotid secretory protein gene (Psp) detects a 75-kilobase (kb) deletion in DNA containing the non-agouti lethal allele (al). The deletion is defined by a 75-kb reduction in the size of BssHII, NotI, NruI and SacII high molecular weight restriction fragments detected with the Psp probe and is located between 25 kb and 575 kb from Psp coding sequences. Because the genetic distance between A and Emv-15 is much less than A and Psp, there may be a preferred site of recombination close to Psp, or suppression of recombination between A and Emv-15. The al deletion has allowed us to determine the genotype of mice heterozygous for different recessive lethal alleles. We find that three different recessive lethal complementation groups are present at the agouti locus, two of which are contained within the al deletion.  相似文献   

The mouse b locus controls black/brown coat coloration. Its product, the b-protein or TRP-1, has significant homology to tyrosinase, and this has led to suggestions that the b-protein is itself a melanogenic enzyme. In order to investigate its function, we have used lines of mouse fibroblasts stably expressing the b-protein. We were unable to con-firm previous reports that the b-protein has tyrosinase or catalase activity, but detected stereospecific dopachrome tautomerase activity in b-protein-expressing fibroblasts. This dopachrome tautomerase binds to Concanavalin A-Sepharose, and the major product of its action on L-dopachrome is 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid, as expected for the mammalian enzyme. Since this activity is not present in untransfected fibroblasts we conclude that the b-protein has dopachrome tautomerase activity. Further supporting evidence comes from the analysis of melanin metabolites produced by fibroblasts expressing tyrosinase alone, or in combination with the b-protein. Culture medium from the line expressing both proteins contains significant amounts of methylated carboxylated indoles, such as 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole-2-carboxylic acid, which would be expected in cells with an active dopachrome tautomerase. The levels of these compounds in medium from cells expressing tyrosinase alone are approximately 20-fold lower, and not significantly above background. Hence, it appears that the b-protein acts as a dopachrome tautomerase in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the expression of resistance to the L-arginine analog, L-canavanine, after mutagenesis, is strongly dependent on the metabolic state of the cell. The frequency of mutations recovered after exposure to ultraviolet light or X rays was measured under a variety of culture conditions. The results indicate that the frequency of mutants recovered is determined by the following three factors: (1) The potential mutants still possess enough permease activity to take up some of the cell poison, and some are therefore killed before they can express the mutant genotype. The sensitivity is strongly influenced by the endogenous free arginine, which is in turn influenced by the growth medium. (2) The rapid decay of the permease molecules and the inability of the potential mutants to resynthesize this protein results in a rapidly increasing change of expression when selection is delayed. (3) During the time when the permease activity is decaying, repair of the mutagen-induced damage appears to occur.  相似文献   

The homozygous and heterozygous phenotypes are described and characterized for 45 new pink-eyed dilution (p) locus mutations, most of them radiation-induced, that affect survival at various stages of mouse development. Cytogenetically detectable aberrations were found in three of the new p mutations (large deletion, inversion, translocation), with band 7C involved in each case. The complementation map developed from the study of 810 types of compound heterozygotes identifies five functional units: jls and jlm (two distinct juvenile-fitness functions, the latter associated with neuromuscular defects), pl-1 and pl-2 (associated with early-postimplantation and preimplantation death, respectively), and nl [neonatal lethality associated with cleft palate (the frequency of rare ``escapers' from this defect varied with the genotype)]. Orientation of these units relative to genetic markers is as follows: centromere, Gas-2, pl-1, jls, jlm p, nl (equatable to cp1 = Gabrb3); pl-2 probably resides in the c-deletion complex. pl-1 does not mask preimplantation lethals between Gas2 and p; and no genes affecting survival are located between p and cp1. The alleles specifying mottling or darker pigment (generically, p(m) and p(x), respectively) probably do not represent deletions of p-coding sequences but could be small rearrangements involving proximal regulatory elements.  相似文献   

Characterization of the pleiotropic effects of ten new putative W locus mutations, nine co-isogenic and one highly congenic with the C57BL/6J strain, reveals a wide variety of influences upon pigmentation, blood formation and gametogenesis. None of the putative alleles, each of which is closely linked to Ph, a gene 0.1 cM from W, gave evidence of complementation with W39, a new allele previously shown to be allelic to Wv. All W*/W39 genotypes resulted in black-eyed-white anemics with reduced gametogenic activity.1 Homozygotes for seven of these mutations are lethal during perinatal life; anemic embryos have been identified in litters produced by intercross matings involving each of these alleles.—Phenotypes of mice of several mutant genotypes provide exceptions to the frequent observation that a double dose of dominant W alleles (e.g., W/Wv or W/W) results in defects of corresponding severity in each of the three affected tissues. One viable homozygote has little or no defect in blood formation, and another appears to have normal fertility. The phenotypes of these homozygotes support the conclusion that the three tissue defects are not dependent on each other for their appearance and probably do not result from a single physiological disturbance during the development of the embryo.—Although homozygosity for members of this series results in a wide range of phenotypes, the absence of complementation of any allele with W39, the close proximity of each mutant to Ph, and the fact that all alleles produce detectable (though sometimes marginal) defects in the same tissues affected by W and Wv, support the hypothesis that each new mutant gene is a W allele.  相似文献   

The Antimorphic Nature of the T(c) Allele at the Mouse T Locus   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A. MacMurray  H. S. Shin 《Genetics》1988,120(2):545-550
The T locus on mouse chromosome 17 is haploid-insufficient: deletion/+ heterozygous mice have a short tail. One exceptional allele, Tc, produces a tailless phenotype in heterozygous mice. Thus, Tc has a more severe phenotype than that of a deletion allele, suggesting either that Tc is further deleted for a neighboring locus, resulting in the additional phenotype, or that Tc is a gain-of-function mutation. We have shown that Tc is not deleted for the D17Leh119 and D17RP17 loci flanking T, which are deleted in some T alleles. Thus, the severity of the Tc phenotype is not due to the deletion of an adjacent locus. We have also examined the genetic nature of the Tc allele by placing it in trans with a T-locus duplication, twLub2, which has previously been independently confirmed at the molecular level to have a duplication in the chromosomal region including the T locus. We have shown that Tc is partially complemented by twLub2, unlike a null allele (deletion) which was previously shown to be fully complemented by twLub2. These results indicate that Tc behaves genetically as an antimorph, exerting its effect by antagonizing the function of a wild-type allele at the T locus. The apparent correlation between the gene dosage at the T locus and the length of the body axis is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Y. Tsai  L. M. Silver 《Genetics》1991,129(4):1159-1166
Genomic imprinting occurs at the paternally inherited allele of the mouse T-associated maternal effect (Tme) locus. As a consequence, maternal transmission of a functional Tme gene is normally required for viability and individuals that receive a Tme-deleted chromosome (Thp or tlub2) from their mother die late in gestation or shortly thereafter. Here we report that a rearranged paternally derived chromosome duplicated for the Tme locus can act to rescue animals that have not received a maternal copy of the Tme locus. Unexpectedly, all rescued animals display an abnormal short/kinky tail phenotype. Somatic transfer of genomic imprinting between homologs by means of a transvection-like process between paired Tme and T loci is proposed as a model to explain the results obtained.  相似文献   

Pmel 17 cDNA clones, isolated from wild-type and si/si murine melanocytes, were sequenced and compared. A single nucleotide (A) insertion was found in the putative cytoplasmic tail of the si/si Pmel 17 cDNA clone. This insertion is predicted to alter the last 24 amino acids at the C-terminus and to extend the Pmel 17 protein by 12 residues. The mutation was confirmed by the sequence of the PCR-amplified genomic region including the mutation site. Silver Pmel 17 was not recognized by antibodies directed toward the C-terminal amino acids of wild-type Pmel 17, indicating a defect in this region. These results indicate that silver Pmel 17 protein has a major defect at the carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   

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