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The lateral diffusion coefficient for mixtures of mobile and immobile particles is obtained from Monte Carlo calculations of random walks by mobile tracers in the presence of immobile obstacles on a triangular lattice. The diffusion coefficient of the mobile species is obtained as a function of the area fractions of mobile and immobile species. The results are applied to diffusion of band 3 in the erythrocyte membrane, and indicate that obstruction of diffusion of mobile band 3 by band 3 and glycophorin attached to the membrane skeleton is not sufficient to explain the observed diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

Wheel-running activity: a new interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wheel-running activity of caged mammals has been misinterpreted for many years as a measure of 'general activity'. A review of the literature and recent experimental evidence suggests that this behaviour has a far more specific function for the animal, and that its major and invaluable experimental use lies as both a field and laboratory tool for the studies of particular forms of migration. This new interpretation allows a greater understanding of the motivations underlying this widely-monitored behaviour.


It is apparent that the nature of the response to an activity-wheel has been greatly misunderstood for many years. The behaviour appears to be far more specific than previously thought, reflecting a type of inherent response which is not evident when activity is recorded by other methods. This report indicates that the wheel is used by a caged animal when the individual is motivated to reach an unattainable resource. This results in an urge to travel, either to remove itself from the immediate area, or to search for specific resources. It is proposed that when the goal is perceptually not present, the activity wheel is a specific monitor of 'exploratory migration', and reflects the urge to collect information about the location of resources. It implies, therefore, that the use of the activity-wheel as a simple measure of 'general activity' should cease; the major future uses of this particular activity recording device should be in the studies of the daily, ontogenetic and seasonal variation in the incidence of exploratory migration, and the influence upon it of other environ- mental factors, as well as a method of investigating goal-orientation, both in the field and the laboratory. This new interpretation provides a more precise explanation of what is being measured in wheel-running experiments, and should result in a more specific use of wheel-activity in experimentation.  相似文献   

A novel, non-toxic strategy to combat marine biofouling is presented. The technology is paint with additions of up to 43% of industrial protein. Through microbial degradation of the protein component, an oxygen-depleted layer rapidly forms in a 0.2 mm layer close to the paint surface. With the present paint formulations, a stable, O2-depleted layer can persist for 16 weeks. Barnacle larvae (cyprids) did not settle on panels where oxygen saturation was <20%, and cyprids were killed when exposed to O2-free water for more than 1 h. It is also shown that the O2-depleted layer will rapidly reform (within 15 min) after exposure to turbulent flow. Field exposure of panels for 16 weeks showed that paint with protein reduced fouling by barnacles and bryozoans by 80% and close to 100%, respectively. The results suggest that this novel technology may be developed into a non-toxic alternative to copper-based antifouling paints, especially for pleasure boats in sensitive environments. There is clearly potential for further development of the paint formulation, and a full-scale test on a boat-hull suggested that service-life under realistic operations needs to be improved.  相似文献   

Three new species, Ruprechtia maracaensis, Ruprechtia nitida , and Triplaris matogrossensis are described. Ruprechtia glauca is a poorly known species from the state of Bahia. Its relationship with R. laxiflora is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate of deposition of particles onto a surface, in the presence of London, double-layer, and gravitational forces, is calculated in terms of the energy of interaction between cell and surface by assuming that Brownian motion over a potential energy barrier is the rate-determining step of the process.  相似文献   

Estimates of the clonogen content (number of microcolony-forming cells) of murine intestinal crypts using microcolony assays show an apparent dependence on the radiation dose used in the assay of clonogen content. Crypt radiation survival curves often show increased curvature beyond that expected on the basis of the conventional linear-quadratic model. A novel form of crypt survival curve shape is proposed based on two contributory mechanisms of crypt killing. Six previously published sets of microcolony data were re-analysed using a dual-kill model, where target cells are killed by two contributory mechanisms, each described by a linear-quadratic function of dose. The data were analysed as two series--high-dose rate and low-dose rate irradiation. The data were fitted to the models using direct maximization of a quasi-likelihood, explicitly allowing for overdispersion. The dual-kill model can reproduce both the apparent dose-dependence of the clonogen estimates and the high-dose curvature of the dose-response curves. For both series of data the model was a significantly better fit to the data than the standard linear-quadratic model, with no evidence of any systematic lack of fit. The parameters of the clonogenic cell component of the model are consistent with other studies that suggest a low clonogen number (somewhat less than five) per crypt. The model implies that there is a secondary mechanism decreasing clonogen survival, and hence increasing clonogen number estimates, at high doses. The mechanisms underlying the modification of the dose-response are unclear, and the implied mechanisms of, for example, slow growth, induced either directly in the surviving cells or indirectly through stromal injury or bystander effects are only speculative. Nevertheless, the model fits the data well, demonstrating that there is greater kill at high doses in these experimental series than would be expected from the conventional linear-quadratic model. This alternative model, or another model with similar behaviour, needs to be considered when analysing in detail and interpreting microcolony data as a function of dose. The implied low number of < or = 5 of these regenerative and relatively radioresistant clonogenic cells is distinct from a similar number of much more radiosensitive precursor stem cells which undergo early apoptosis after doses around 1 Gy.  相似文献   

Many aspects of cell behaviour are regulated by the interaction of extracellular ligands with specific receptors exposed on the cell surface. The receptors correspond to membrane proteins and expecially glycoproteins. A key event in regulation is the transmission across the surface membrane of the information resulting from receptor-ligand interaction. The activation of lymphocytes by Phaseolus vulgaris phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) provides a convenient experimental model for the study of the molecular basis of receptor-ligand interaction and the molecular consequences of interaction. The receptor mediating lymphocyte activation by PHA is probably a unique glycoprotein which is present to the extent of about 3 X 10(4) molecules/cell. The PHA-receptor complex solubilized in 1% sodium deoxycholate has a molecular size of about 3 X 10(5). The primary event in the activation process is probably an increase in the permeability of the surface membrane to Ca2+. This may be achieved by PHA cross-linking ('patching') the receptors to form a polar channel that permits an influx of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The number of possible meiotic segregations of paternal and maternal chromosomes is 2N (N = haploid chromosome number). In eutherian Mammals, where large variations of N exist, 2N may be very different in related species, genes, or families. For instance, in Cercopithecidae, species with the highest value (N = 36) make 2(15) = 32,768 more gametic chromosome combinations than those with the lowest value (N = 21). It is also shown that the number of chiasmata varies from species to species and is proportional to the haploid number of arms NF/2 of the karyotype. Thus, increase or decrease of both N and NF/2, often concomitant, both increase or decrease genetic mixing. The chromosomal phylogeny of Primates, Carnivora and Rodentia shows that pure dichotomic evolution is rare, at contrast with populational (non dichotomic) evolution which seems most frequent. In these Mammals, the few examples of dichotomic evolution are observed in groups with low values of N and NF/2. It is concluded that dichotomic evolution, which should be favoured by the transmission of groups of linked mutant alleles, is prevented, in most instances, by the high recombination rate in karyotypes with high values of N and NF/2. Thus the mode of speciation would depend on karyotype modifications by long term effects on population genetics, in addition to the immediate effects of gametic barriers due to chromosomal rearrangements in the heterozygous state.  相似文献   

Constrained cell recognition peptides engineered into streptavidin.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Streptavidin is widely used as an adaptor molecule in diagnostics, separations, and laboratory assay applications. We have here engineered cell adhesive peptides into the three-dimensional scaffolding of streptavidin to convert streptavidin into a functional protein. The mutations did not alter refolding or tetramer assembly and the slow biotin dissociation rate of wild-type streptavidin was retained. The peptide targets were hexapeptide sequences derived from osteopontin and fibronectin that contain the RGD cell adhesion sequence. Cell binding assays directly demonstrated that rat aortic endothelial cells and human melanoma cells adhered to surfaces coated with either of the two RGD streptavidin mutants in a dose-dependent fashion. Wild-type streptavidin displayed no significant cell binding activity. Inhibition studies with soluble RGD peptides confirmed that the cell adhesion was RGD mediated. Further inhibition studies with antibodies directed against alphavbeta3 demonstrated that the RGD-streptavidin interaction was primarily mediated by this integrin with melanoma cells. These results demonstrate that peptide recognition sequences can be engineered into accessible surface regions of streptavidin without disrupting biotin binding properties. This approach to introducing secondary functional activities into streptavidin may improve streptavidin's utility in existing applications or provide new technology opportunities.  相似文献   

The function of the septomaxilla of nonmammalian synapsids has long been problematic. Distinctive features of this bone, including a prominent intranarial process and a septomaxillary canal and foramen, are characteristic of pelycosaurs and nonmammalian therapsids, but are lost in their mammalian descendants. Numerous contradictory reconstructions have been proposed for the soft anatomy associated with the septomaxilla of nonmammalian synapsids. This review supports the following conclusions: 1) No particular correlation exists between the septomaxilla and the vomeronasal organ (VNO), and the most likely location for the VNO is on the dorsal surface of the palatal process of the vomer; 2) The most likely occupant of the septomaxillary canal is the nasolacrimal duct, which opened either anterior or medial to the intranarial process, near the opening of the VNO duct; and 3) The occupant of the septomaxillary foramen remains uncertain. These conclusions suggest that the functional significance of the septomaxilla in the nonmammalian synapsids is tied to that of the nasolacrimal duct. The association of this duct and the VNO in these animals resembles the condition in Recent amphibians and lepidosaurs, in which the nasolacrimal duct supplies orbital fluids to the VNO, apparently to enhance vomeronasal function. The peculiar shape of the synapsid septomaxilla may have served to collect vomeronasal odor molecules. The changes of the septomaxilla in early mammals, and its nearly complete loss in extant mammals, are probably correlated with a dissociation of the nasolacrimal duct and VNO, and functional changes in both structures.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a heat shock (37.0–38.0°C, 10 min) during the third and fourth cleavage cycles ofLymnaea was investigated. The sensitivity with respect to the duration of the cell cycle and morphogenesis appeared to be periodic. The cycle extension curve has three maxima: at the beginning of the cycle, at the G2-phase, and at prometaphase. With regard to morphogenesis, the eggs become sensitive shortly before cleavage, when cleavage cannot be delayed any more.In eggs treated at the morphogenetically sensitive stages, mitotic abnormalities caused by an incomplete separation of the chromosomes during treatment were observed. Some cells were lethally affected, and the division chronology was abnormal in some embryos.It is concluded that heat shock disturbs a process relevant to the cell cycle. If applied before metaphase, an extension of the cell cycle permits a complete recovery and morphogenesis remains unaffected. If applied at metaphase or later, cell division is not delayed, but mitosis is seriously disturbed. This irreversible damage is the cause of abnormal morphogenesis. The type of malformation depends on the prospective significance of the affected blastomeres.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a derivation, in steady state condition, of the voltage current relationship across a membrane, with charged immobile sites separating two aqueous solutions, where only two species of counterions of the same valence, to which the membrane is permeable, are present. The concentration of the sites is assumed uniform and high enough to exclude the ions of the same sign (coions) from the membrane phase. The mutual interactions between the permeant species (counterion 1 and 2 and water) and their interaction with, the membrane component are taken into account in the equations of flow. The concentration profiles of the mobile species, the partial fluxes and the conductance are expressed as functions of the voltage, the current density and of the boundary concentrations.The authors wish to express their thanks to Prof. A.Borsellino for helpful discussions, and to Prof. R.Schlögl, whose criticisms and benevolent comments on a first draft of the paper encouraged the pursuing of the work.  相似文献   

We present details of a completely new method designed to estimate the surface of coral colonies at different scales. The scales (0.3 mm to 10 cm) are derived from the colony structural elements (colony, branches or undulations, verrucae, calices, septa). The results, obtained for 126 colonies from among the three main morphologies (genera Pocillopora, Acropora, Porites) of the outer reef slopes of the Tikehau atoll (French Polynesia), are used to determine the fractal dimension of each colony. A statistical study shows a tendency to homogeneity of fractal dimensions around 2.64.  相似文献   

静止或缓流污染地表水微生物固定化修复技术研究进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
污染地表水体修复问题是最近几年才被广泛关注的环境保护课题,由于污染地表水体的特殊性,常规修复方法难以发挥高效作用,固定化微生物可以通过提供特殊的微环境,较好地保护优势菌不受土著菌恶性竞争,在保持高效修复能力的同时,可以将优势菌屏蔽于恶劣环境之外,在一定程度上克服了传统修复工艺的不足,具有较好的应用前景.本文概述了微生物固定化技术的特点,分析了利用固定化微生物修复污染环境介质存在的问题和可行性,针对城市静止或缓流污染地表水的特征,指出了将微生物固定化技术移植到污染地表水体修复领域需要解决的的关键技术.  相似文献   

Immuno-isolation of a plasma membrane fraction from the Fao cell.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A plasma membrane was immuno-isolated from a post-nuclear supernatant of a cultured rat hepatocyte, the Fao cell, using a cellulose immuno-adsorbent and antibodies raised against a variety of endogenous antigens of hepatocytes: 5'-nucleotidase, a plasma membrane fraction and the whole Fao cell. The antibodies which recognize antigens on the cell surface were selected from the total serum by first binding the antiserum to suspension cells. Alternatively, the plasma membrane and Fao antisera were affinity purified on a column prepared from a Triton X-114 extract of a plasma membrane fraction. The immuno-isolation was most efficient when carried out with either the plasma membrane or the Fao anti-serum. When alkaline phosphodiesterase I or 5'-nucleotidase was used as the plasma membrane marker, 40-60% of the plasma membrane of the post-nuclear supernatant was isolated representing a maximum 34-fold increase in the specific activity of the enzymes in the bound material. Using the NaB-[3H]4-labelled glycoproteins of the plasma membrane or the IgG bound to the plasma membrane as alternative markers, an 80% isolate of the plasma membrane of the post-nuclear supernatant was achieved, resulting in an estimated 40-fold purification. The non-specific binding was low despite the use of a post-nuclear supernatant as the input fraction. The characterization of the bound materials suggested that the whole plasma membrane was immuno-isolated and not a particular domain.  相似文献   

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