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Cortical granule release and interaction with the zona pellucida are reported in monospermic and polyspermic fertilized ova and early human embryos cultured in vitro. Twenty-seven preovulatory oocytes from women with tubal or idiopathic infertility were recovered by laparoscopy, after induction of follicular maturation with clomid and human chorionic gonadotropin. These were then inseminated with husband's or donor sperm, cultured for 3–72 hr, routinely fixed in glutaraldehyde/osmium and examined ultrastructurally. Evidence of cortical granule release was observed in all ova and embryos investigated and their contents were identified either at the egg surface or in the perivitelline space or interacting with the inner zona, apparently reinforcing its structure. The latter is very likely the morphological expression of the zona reaction. Delayed release was seen in certain regions of normally fertilized ova and particularly in polyspermic ova, where massive “explosions” of granules occurred. This was attributed to delayed cortical maturation. The mechanics of release were similar in both monospermic and polyspermic ova. Spontaneous dehiscence was also described in one injured unfertilized oocyte. The significance of the cortical and zona reactions as an effective block to polyspermy at the level of the inner zona, which becomes more impenetrable to supplementary sperm, is discussed.  相似文献   

The development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques in pigs as well as in other species is of great importance because of the possible applications of this technology in different research fields. Methods of IVF vary in different incubation periods and temperatures, in the hormone concentrations used, and in the treatment of the sperm samples. It has been particularly difficult to succeed in the achievement of fertilization in the pig. In the present study we used FSH and LH concentrations of 2 IU/ml for oocyte maturation, an incubation temperature of 37°C, and dilution of spermatozoa for capacitation, and we achieved a high fertilization rate (50 to 75%) with no cases of polyspermy.  相似文献   

Oocytes (N=2922) were collected from superovulated female C57B16/J X DBA2/J (B6D2F1) mice and distributed among 48 treatments consisting of a 2×3×2×2×2 factorial design. The factors were strain of spermatozoa, B6D2F1 or SJL/J; caffeine concentration in the fertilization medium, 0,2, or 6 mM; time oocytes were exposed to sperm, 1 or 2 hours; Ca++ concentration in the capacitation medium, 0 or 1.8 mM; and capacitation time, 1 or 2 hr. Ova were observed 400 min after they were initially exposed to 105 spermatozoa per ml. Ova with two or more pronuclei and a second polar body were considered fertilized, In vitro embryonic development was monitored for 5 days. B6D2F1 spermatozoa resulted in consistently higher rates of fertilization than SJL spermatozoa, 77.5% vs 38.7% when averaged over other treatments. Caffeine concentrations of 0,2, and 6 mM resulted in respective mean fertilization rates of 50.1%, 58.8%, and 65.4% (P<0.005) when averaged over other factors. Fertilization rates of ova exposed 1 and 2 hr to sperm were 53.0% and 63.3% (P<0.005). B6D2F1 spermatozoa capacitated in medium with 1.8 mM Ca++ fertilized more ova (P<0.01), 83.1%, than when no Ca++ was present, 71.9%; this effect was absent with SJL spermatozoa. The effect of capacitation time depended on strain. Fertilization rates with B6D2F1 spermatozoa were higher, 80.1%, with a 2-hour capacitation time than with a 1-hour capacitation time, 75.0%. Exactly the opposite was true for the SJL spermatozoa; 43.4% for the 1-hour and 34.1% for 2-hour capacitation (P<.01). Development to the blastocyst stage was significantly greater (P<0.025) for ova fertilized by B6D2F1 (26.8%) than by SJL spermatozoa (17.7%).  相似文献   

Lin G  OuYang Q  Zhou X  Gu Y  Yuan D  Li W  Liu G  Liu T  Lu G 《Cell research》2007,17(12):999-1007
Homozygous human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are thought to be better cell sources for hESC banking because their human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotype would strongly increase the degree of matching for certain populations with relatively smaller cohorts of cell lines. Homozygous hESCs can be generated from parthenogenetic embryos, but only heterozygous hESCs have been established using the current strategy to artificially activate the oocyte without second polar body extrusion. Here we report the first successful derivation of a human homozygous ESC line (chHES- 32) from a one-pronuclear oocyte following routine in vitro fertilization treatment, chHES-32 cells express common markers and genes with normal hESCs. They have been propagated in an undifferentiated state for more than a year (〉P50) and have maintained a stable karyotype of 46, XX. When differentiated in vivo and in vitro, chHES-32 cells can form derivatives from all three embryonic germ layers. The almost undetectable expression of five paternally expressed imprinted genes and their HLA genotype identical to the oocyte donor indicated their parthenogenetic origin. Using genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis and DNA fingerprinting, the homozygosity of chHES-32 cells was further confirmed. The results indicated that ‘ unwanted' one-pronuclear oocytes might be a potential source for human homozygous and parthenogenetic ESCs, and suggested an alternative strategyfor obtaining homozygous hESC lines from parthenogenetic haploid oocytes.  相似文献   

The equation of Vogel et al. (1982) is widely used in fertilization studies of free-spawning marine invertebrates to predict the percentage of viable eggs that will be fertilized at any specified levels of gamete concentration and contact time. Here, the random collision model that underlies the Vogel et al. equation is extended to distinguish between monospermic and polyspermic fertilization, and separate equations for the percentages of monospermic and polyspermic fertilization are obtained. These equations provide an explanation for empirical observations which have shown a decreased percentage of successful egg development at high sperm concentrations. Comparison is made with an earlier heuristic attempt (Styan, 1998) to predict the extent of polyspermic fertilization, and it is found that this earlier method can underestimate the percentage of polyspermic fertilization by up to 10 percent. Moreover, the approach used here retains the flexibility to model changes in sperm concentration due to dispersal mechanisms, and is able to model different mechanisms for the block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate various factors affecting the outcomes of in vitro fertilization (IVF) of oocytes retrieved by laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) technique from prepubertal and adult goats, as well as to evaluate the developmental competence of in vitro produced embryos. Oocyte-cumulus complexes recovered by LOPU from donors stimulated with gonadotrophins were matured in vitro. Fresh semen was used for IVF following various capacitation treatments. In vitro produced zygotes were either cultured to assess in vitro development or were transferred into recipients for full term development. The results indicated that successful IVF of the goat oocytes was affected by factors such as sperm capacitation treatment, oocyte quality, and abundance of cumulus cells on zona pellucida. Oocytes from both prepubertal and adult goats demonstrated similar full term developmental competence despite the fact that in vitro developmental rates were lower for prepubertal goats. The births of transgenic offspring demonstrated that the established LOPU-IVF technology combined with pronuclear microinjection can be successfully used to produce transgenic goats.  相似文献   

The incidence of chromosomal anomalies in early bovine embryos derived from follicular oocytes fertilized in vitro using sperm separated by Percoll density gradient centrifugation was investigated. Overall, chromosomal anomalies were observed in 13.7% (138/1005) of embryos. There were 14 haploids (1.4%), 2 hypodiploids (0.2%), 6 hyperdiploids (0.6%), 101 triploids (10.0%), 12 tetraploids (1.2%), 2 diploid/triploid mosaics (0.2%), and 1 diploid/tetraploid mosaic (0.1%). The frequency of triploidy was caused mainly by polyspermy. There was a significant difference in the frequency of embryos with abnormal chromosomes between the two bulls used (P < 0.005), but Percoll centrifugation did not affect the observed incidence of anomalies. The frequency of chromosomal anomalies in embryos at each stage increased with delay or arrest of development. These results suggest that the incidence of chromosomal anomalies depended on the conditions of in vitro fertilization and the arrest of development.  相似文献   

Swiss white mice were superovulated, mated, and sacrificed to recover two-cell embryos that were cultured in Ham's F-10 supplemented with 15% fetal serum. In 16 experiments, media enriched with fetal bovine serum (FBS) supported blastocyst development from 80% ± 19% (mean ± S.D.) of two-cell embryos. Culture media + FBS was the positive control when 74 batches of heat-inactivated human fetal cord serum (hFCS) were tested. Statistical analyses indicated two distinct populations: 49 hFCS promoted blastocyst formation and 25 hFCS grew fewer blastocysts. In five studies, 35/47 two-cell embryos recovered from mice oviducts in media + FBS and immediately incubated formed blastocysts (75% ± 10%). In six comparison studies where the recovered embryos stood at room temperature for 30 minutes before incubation, only 18/57 (29% ± 21%) became blastocysts. When the colony was housed for 1 week in rooms with Shell No Pest Strips as treatment for mites, only 11/125 two-cell embryos became blastocysts (9%). In contrast, animals housed in quarters decontaminated with chlorine bleach had reduced breeding efficiency and produced fewer two-cell embryos. We conclude that (1) Ham's F-10 + FBS is an excellent positive control to test new batches of hFCS; (2) hFCS that supports blastocyst formation from ≥75% of two-cell embryos is adequate for human use; (3) pesticide treatment of breeding colonies and cooling of murine embryos during harvest both impaired in vitro blastocyst development; and (4) chlorine bleach cleansing of animal quarters reduced the number of successful matings.  相似文献   

Between July 1982 and November 1983, two pregnancies were established using in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF and ET) procedures with three different schedules to induce follicular maturation. All women were cycling normally and had inoperable or absent fallopian tubes. Of 83 oocytes aspirated from 24 patients (31 cycles), 75% were considered mature and 25% immature by the morphological characteristics of the oocytes and cumulus cells. Oocytes were preincubated for 6–24 hours, and after insemination, 60% cleaved to the two-to-four-cell stage. The superovulation induction schedule employing hMG administered according to the individually adjusted treatment scheme established two pregnancies. This schedule was considered the superior regimen, as it gave the highest proportion of mature oocytes (89%) which cleaved (78%). The pregnancy-attaining follicle showed a high progesterone:estradiol-17β ratio (P4/E2) in its microenvironment of aspirated follicular fluid, culture media of granulosa cells, and oocyte-cumulus complex. Our observations indicate a high P4/E2 ratio in the pregnancy-attaining follicle, and thereby reflect a further parameter in influencing maturation of the oocytes most likely to implant.  相似文献   

牛体内,外受精胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存技术的研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用3种培养液即输卵管合成液(SOF)、TCM199和CRlaa对牛体外受精后的卵母细胞进行培养,结果卵裂率分别达85%、67%和72%,囊胚发育率分别为37%、21%和30%。对所获得的囊胚利用EFS玻璃化溶液进行冷冻保存。在10%EG中预处理5min后再移入EFS40平衡30s二步法冷冻保存的胚胎,其1解冻后继续发育率高达86%,与对照组91%相比无显性差异(P>0.05)。而EFS30二步  相似文献   

The present study aims to analyze the cause-effect relationships among several in-vitro fertilization and pre-implantation embryo development variables in the mouse. Superovulation of hybrid (C57Bl/6JIco female X CBA/JIco male) female mice of 4-6 weeks of age was induced by a priming injection of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin at the estrus stage of the estrous cycle followed after a 48-hr interval by human chrorionic gonadotropin. Ovulated cumulus-enclosed oocytes were inseminated with sperm from hybrid males of 12-16 weeks of age. The multiple linear regression analyses performed indicated that (a) total number of ovulated oocytes is a good predictor of both fertilization frequency and total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts; (b) fertilization frequency predicts percentage of day-5 blastocysts; (c) total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts is predicted by percentage of day-5 blastocysts; and (d) total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts predicts percentage of apoptotic cells, number of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells, and ICM/TE ratio in day-5 blastocysts. Mitotic index in day-5 blastocysts was positively correlated with total number of ovulated oocytes, percentage of ovulated cumulus-enclosed oocytes, fertilization frequency, percentage of day-5 blastocysts and total number of cells in day-5 blastocysts. On the contrary, it was negatively correlated with percentage of apoptotic cells in day-5 blastocysts.  相似文献   

Zona pellucida thickness was measured daily in zygotes and cleavage stage embryos. Measurements were performed on a Nikon inverted microscope equipped with Hoffman modulation optics, using an ocular micrometer. Zona thickness of each zygote/embryo was measured four times, the zygote/embryo was then “rolled over,” and four more measurements were repeated for a total of eight. The zygotes/embryos were photographed daily and the measurements repeated on the prints. Subsequently, the mean zona thickness for each stage was calculated. A total of 81 patients (mean age 33.8 ± 4.2) participated in the study. A total of 427 embryos were evaluated. Categorical data differences between groups were evaluated by ANOVA and multiple linear regression. For nominal data, the Kruskal-Wallis test was applied; when P < 0.05 the differences were considered to be significant. We found that the average zona thickness on day 1 of in vitro culture was 17.7 ± 0.14 μm; 16.3 ± 0.14 μm on day 2 and 14.9 ± 0.14 μm on day 3 (P < .0001). When the zona thickness was analyzed in relation to the number of blastomeres on day 3 of culture, there was a highly significant correlation with blastomere number (P < .0001). Similarly, there was a highly significant correlation with embryo grade (P < .005) and fragmentation (P < .001). The data were also analyzed for embryos transferred that resulted in a successful pregnancy, revealing that embryos in a pregnancy cycle had significantly thinner zonae pellucidae (P < .0001), when compared to embryos that were not transferred or from nonconceptual cycles. The average zona thickness also decreased with age, and was most apparent after 35 years. Changes in zona thickness correlated with the number of blastomeres, grade, fragmentation, age and were more evident in embryos transferred from cycles resulting in successful pregnancies. Therefore, zona pellucida measurements should be included in the overall assessment of embryo quality, since this information may be useful in the selection of optimal embryos for transfer. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:99–104, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old multiparous female exhibiting 31–41 day menstrual cycles was given hFSH (225 IU/day, Metrodin 75, from cycle day 3 through 9 (menses = day 1) and hCG (10,000 IU, Profasi, on day 10 to stimulate follicular development. At 35 h after hCG, under isoflurane (AErrane) anesthesia, follicles were aspirated by controlled suction under transvaginal ultrasound guidance. Metaphase II oocyctes (n = 11) were placed in modified human tubal fluid (mHTF, 100 μl) medium under oil at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2. Frozen semen, collected by voluntary ejaculation, was thawed (70°C H2O bath, 6 sec), diluted slowly, centrifuged, and resuspended in mHTF, and 160,000 motile spermatozoa/ml were added at 6 h after oocyte recovery. At 21 h postinsemination (p.i.) eight oocytes were at the two-cell stage, five were cryopreserved, and three were cultured to the six- to eight-cell stage in mHTF with granulosa cells before transcervical uterine transfer at 47 h p.i. using a Teflon catheter. Micronized progesterone (400 mg/d) was orally administered for 10 weeks posttransfer (p.t.). Ultrasound examination revealed a single fetus at 15 weeks p.t., and unassisted delivery of a live 1.37 kg female infant occurred at 29 weeks. Am. J. Primatol. 41:247–260, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present study, efforts were made towards identifying carbohydrates and glycoproteins involved in bovine in vitro fertilization (IVF). In vitro matured cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were inseminated in the presence of a variety of carbohydrates and glycoproteins to determine which glycoconjugates act as competitive inhibitors of oocyte penetration. Among the carbohydrates and glycoproteins tested, D-mannose, fucoidan, dextran sulfate, and fibronectin were the most potent inhibitors of oocyte penetration (90% or more inhibition), while L-fucose and vitronectin inhibited the penetration rate to a lesser extent (around 50% inhibition). Other carbohydrates caused less than 40% inhibition (i.e., D-galactose, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, D-fucose, and sialic acid) or were not effective as inhibitors of oocyte penetration (i.e., mannan, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, dextran, and heparan sulfate). Heparin was the only carbohydrate that significantly increased the penetration rate. To exclude a possible toxic effect on spermatozoa, sperm motility was evaluated over time by means of computer-assisted sperm analysis in the presence of carbohydrates and/or glycoproteins that inhibited the penetration rate with 40% or more. L-fucose, dextran sulfate, and vitronectin did not significantly influence total and progressive sperm motility, whereas D-mannose, fucoidan, and fibronectin caused a significant, but slight reduction in both motility parameters. These results are indicative for the involvement of D-mannose, L-fucose, fucoidan, dextran sulfate, fibronectin, and vitronectin in bovine IVF.  相似文献   


A study of sperm penetration of the egg of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, using a fluorescent microscope technique, showed that sperm penetration of the chorion, prior to fertilization, is not restricted to a specialised area of the egg surface, such as the micropyle. An acrosomal filament is seen on penetrating sperm. Polyspermy (multiple sperm attachment) is seen under normal conditions.

Eggs fertilized in vitro developed to the 4 day (pre-katatrepsis) stage, but did not undergo katatrepsis. Development was confirmed by cytogenetic studies. The percentage of eggs showing cleavage nuclei (i.e. initial development) was 59% after in vitro fertilization and 5% in ovarian eggs incubated in a hypotonic medium.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was performed to determine the dynamics of pronuclear development as well as the efficiency of either adenovirus-associated (AAV) or lentivirus-derived vectors to introduce a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene into rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) embryos. Assessment of pronuclear development at various times after fertilization revealed that the appearance of pronuclei was determined by the presence of the first and the timing of the second polar body. The dynamics of pronuclear formation was a significant determinant of whether an oocyte reached the blastocyst stage, however, when the percentage of blastocysts were based on the number of zygotes, the timing of the appearance of polar bodies did not appear to have any effect on subsequent development. Injection of different AAV-derived vectors showed that the serotype of the vector did not affect development or the proportion of transgenic embryos. Moreover, all putative transgenic embryos proved to be expression mosaics. Injection of embryos with lentiviral vectors showed that timing of injection (before or after fertilization) had no effect on subsequent transgene expression, but that the type of reporter gene determined post-injection development and rate of transgenesis. The transfer of embryos following injection of a lentiviral vector into three recipients resulted in one pregnancy which was lost during the second trimester. Analysis of fetal tissues showed ubiquitous presence of the transgene and GFP expression in all tissues examined. These results show that lentivirus-derived vectors can efficiently transform rhesus embryos and are suitable for the generation of transgenic rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Taurine and hypotaurine were examined for their efficacy in replacing sperm motility factor (SMF), prepared from bovine adrenal cortex, for in vitro fertilization in the golden hamster. Combinations of these amino acids at concentrations of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mM together with 16 μM isoproterenol (a catecholamine β-agonist) were added to the sperm incubations. After three hours of sperm preincubation, oviductal eggs were added to the sperm suspensions and examined for penetration and stage of fertilization after three or five hours of culture. At 0.001 mM, neither taurine or hypotaurine was capable of maintaining motility of hamster sperm for four to 4½ hours or of inducing fertilization. With all other concentrations, both amino acids were found to maintain motility of sperm as well as SMF. Hypotaurine stimulated motility to a greater extent than taurine and both required isoproterenol for the greatest motility. A low proportion of cumulus-free ova were fertilized when sperm were preincubated with either amino acid alone over the range of 0.01 to 1 mM; however, over 80% fertilization was consistently obtained when isoproterenol was also present during sperm incubation. Proportions of ova fertilized with taurine or hypotaurine present during sperm preincubation were comparable to those achieved with SMF. The possibility that taurine or hypotaurine is the sperm motility factor is discussed. After three hours of sperm/egg incubation, a lag in the early events of fertilization was observed in experimental groups treated with one of the amino acids (0.01 mM) alone compared with groups treated with isoproterenol present. However, if sperm/egg incubation was extended from three to five hours, no increase in number of eggs penetrated was found. Therefore, the delay observed at three hours was considered a function of fewer numbers of capacitated sperm present in the absence of isoproterenol rather than of the need for an extended capacitation time.  相似文献   

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