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Euprimate grasping feet are characterized by a suite of morphological traits, including an enlarged peroneal process on the base of the first metatarsal, which serves as the insertion site of the peroneus longus muscle. In prosimians, a large process has typically been associated with a powerful hallucal grasp via the contraction of the peroneus longus to adduct the hallux. Recent electromyography (EMG) studies have documented that peroneus longus does not contribute substantially to hallucal grasping in lemurids (Boyer et al., 2007). However, non-lemurid prosimians have a I-V opposable grasp complex that is morphologically different and phylogenetically more primitive than the I-II adductor grasp complex of the lemurids previously studied. Therefore, it is possible that peroneus longus did function during grasping in early euprimates, but lost this function in large-bodied lemurids. The present study tests the hypothesis that a large peroneal process is related to powerful grasping ability in primates displaying the more primitive I-V grasp complex. We use EMG to evaluate the recruitment of peroneus longus, other crural muscles, and adductor hallucis in static and locomotor grasping activities of the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang). Results show that peroneus longus is active during grasping behaviors that require the subject to actively resist inversion of the foot, and likely contributes to a hallucal grasp in these activities. Peroneus longus activity level does not differ between grasping and power grasping activities, nor does it differ between grasping and non-grasping locomotor modes. Conversely, the digital flexors and hallucal adductor are recruited at higher levels during power grasping and grasping locomotor modes. Consequently, we reject the hypothesis that an enlarged peroneal process represents an adaptation specifically to enhance the power of the I-V grasp, but accept that the muscle likely plays a role in adducting the hallux during grasping behaviors that require stabilization of the ankle, and suggest that further work is necessary to determine if this role is sufficient to drive selection for a large peroneal process.  相似文献   

A foot specialized for grasping small branches with a divergent opposable hallux (hallucal grasping) represents a key adaptive complex characterizing almost all arboreal non-human euprimates. Evolution of such grasping extremities probably allowed members of a lineage leading to the common ancestor of modern primates to access resources available in a small-branch niche, including angiosperm products and insects. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which euprimates use their feet to grasp will help clarify the functional significance of morphological differences between the euprimate grasp complex and features representing specialized grasping in other distantly related groups (e.g., marsupials and carnivorans) and in closely related fossil taxa (e.g., plesiadapiforms). In particular, among specialized graspers euprimates are uniquely characterized by a large peroneal process on the base of the first metatarsal, but the functional significance of this trait is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that the large size of the peroneal process corresponds to the pull of the attaching peroneus longus muscle recruited to adduct the hallux during grasping. Using telemetered electromyography on three individuals of Varecia variegata and two of Eulemur rubriventer, we found that peroneus longus does not generally exhibit activity consistent with an important function in hallucal grasping. Instead, extrinsic digital flexor muscles and, sometimes, the intrinsic adductor hallucis are active in ways that indicate a function in grasping with the hallux. Peroneus longus helps evert the foot and resists its inversion. We conclude that the large peroneal tuberosity that characterizes the hallucal metatarsal of prosimian euprimates does not correlate to "powerful" grasping with a divergent hallux in general, and cannot specifically be strongly linked to vertical clinging and climbing on small-diameter supports. Thus, the functional significance of this hallmark, euprimate feature remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Teilhardina belgica is one of the earliest fossil primates ever recovered and the oldest fossil primate from Europe. As such, this taxon has often been hypothesized as a basal tarsiiform on the basis of its primitive dental formula with four premolars and a simplified molar cusp pattern. Until recently [see Rose et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 146 (2011) 281–305; Gebo et al.: J Hum Evol 63 (2012) 205–218], little was known concerning its postcranial anatomy with the exception of its well‐known tarsals. In this article, we describe additional postcranial elements for T. belgica and compare these with other tarsiiforms and with primitive adapiforms. The forelimb of T. belgica indicates an arboreal primate with prominent forearm musculature, good elbow rotational mobility, and a horizontal, rather than a vertical body posture. The lateral hand positions imply grasps adaptive for relatively large diameter supports given its small body size. The hand is long with very long fingers, especially the middle phalanges. The hindlimb indicates foot inversion capabilities, frequent leaping, arboreal quadrupedalism, climbing, and grasping. The long and well‐muscled hallux can be coupled with long lateral phalanges to reconstruct a foot with long grasping digits. Our phyletic analysis indicates that we can identify several postcranial characteristics shared in common for stem primates as well as note several derived postcranial characters for Tarsiiformes. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:388–406, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A hypertrophied peroneal process of the hallucal metatarsal, as seen in prosimians, has been linked to a powerful hallucal grasp via the contraction of the peroneus longus (PL) muscle causing adduction of the big toe. Electromyography (EMG) studies of lemurs and lorises, however, have concluded that PL is not substantially recruited during small branch locomotion when powerful hallucal grasping is needed most, and have suggested that there is no link between PL activity and peroneal process size. If this is correct, then we should also observe no change in PL activity when strong hallucal grasping is required in anthropoids because they have a relatively smaller peroneal process for PL to act on. This study addresses this hypothesis by evaluating EMG of crural and pedal muscles in capuchins (Sapajus apella) walking on substrates of different diameters. During locomotion on the narrow substrate (3.1 cm) that should elicit a strong hallucal grasp, we observed an intense increased recruitment of adductor hallucis, but only sustained, rather than markedly increased, PL activity. This indicates that PL is not involved in powerful hallucal grasping in capuchins, and confirms similar findings previously documented in prosimians. We continue to reject the hypothesis that a large peroneal process is an adaptation for powerful grasping and further argue that its morphology may not be related to PL's ability to adduct the hallux at all. In addition, the morphology of the peroneal process should not be used to assess hallucal grasping performance in fossils. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:553–564, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A key feature in primate evolution is a foot with a divergent opposable hallucal metatarsal bearing a large peroneal process. Extant primates are characterized by a powerful hallucal grasp—an either “euprimate” or “plesiadapoid-euprimate” ancestor acquisition—that facilitates the exploitation of fine branches, an ability that increased the fitness of ancestral euprimates. In this context, the didelphid marsupial Caluromys has been used as the extant analog to this primate morphotype stage due to some morphological, ecological, and behavioral features. However, the extent to which and the positional and support contexts in which Caluromys uses powerful hallucal grasping are not known. This renders analogies to any mode of “euprimate” or “stem primate” grasping poorly substantiated. The present paper quantifies locomotor and postural behavior, support use, and associated frequencies of hallucal grasping in captive Caluromys philander via analysis of video recordings. During locomotion, Caluromys primarily used diagonal sequence walk, clamber, and climb, whereas stand, foot-hang, and bipedal stand were the dominant postures. Small, fine, horizontal, and moderately inclined branches were frequently used. Overall rates of “apparently powerful hallucal grasps” were high, but were exceptionally high during clamber, climb, foot-hang, and bipedal stand. Additionally, an “apparently powerful hallucal grasp” was very common upon fine, small, steep, and vertical branches. The extensive use of such powerful hallucal grasping provided stability and safety that enabled Caluromys to proficiently utilize fine branches of various orientations. The ability to negotiate such unstable supports, further reflected in foot anatomy, provides evidence that the morphobehavioral complex of Caluromys can serve as an extant analog to the plesiadapoid-euprimate ancestor, represented as a terminal branch feeder with effective hallucal grasping.  相似文献   

The morphological basis of hallucal orientation in extant birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The perching foot of living birds is commonly characterized by a reversed or opposable digit I (hallux). Primitively, the hallux of nonavian theropod dinosaurs was unreversed and lay parallel to digits II-IV. Among basal birds, a unique digital innovation evolved in which the hallux opposes digits II-IV. This digital configuration is critical for grasping and perching. I studied skeletons of modern birds with a range of hallucal designs, from unreversed (anteromedially directed) to fully reversed (posteriorly directed). Two primary correlates of hallucal orientation were revealed. First, the fossa into which metatarsal I articulates is oriented slightly more posteriorly on the tarsometatarsus, rotating the digit as a unit. Second, metatarsal I exhibits a distinctive torsion of its distal shaft relative to its proximal articulation with the tarsometatarsus, reorienting the distal condyles and phalanges of digit I. Herein, I present a method that facilitates the re-evaluation of hallucal orientation in fossil avians based on morphology alone. This method also avoids potential misinterpretations of hallucal orientation in fossil birds that could result from preserved appearance alone.  相似文献   

Human beings have been credited with unparalleled capabilities for digital prehension grasping. However, grasping behaviour is widespread among tetrapods. The propensity to grasp, and the anatomical characteristics that underlie it, appear in all of the major groups of tetrapods with the possible exception of terrestrial turtles. Although some features are synapomorphic to the tetrapod clade, such as well‐defined digits and digital musculature, other features, such as opposable digits and tendon configurations, appear to have evolved independently in many lineages. Here we examine the incidence, functional morphology, and evolution of grasping across four major tetrapod clades. Our review suggests that the ability to grasp with the manus and pes is considerably more widespread, and ecologically and evolutionarily important, than previously thought. The morphological bases and ecological factors that govern grasping abilities may differ among tetrapods, yet the selective forces shaping them are likely similar. We suggest that further investigation into grasping form and function within and among these clades may expose a greater role for grasping ability in the evolutionary success of many tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   

First primate remains from the eocene “oil-shale” of Messel are described. It is the skeleton of the lower part of the body. Since teeth are missing it can only be determined as Adapidae gen. et sp. indet. It differs fromAdapis in the proportions of the calcaneus. The foot shows an opposable and broadened hallux. The second toe is differentiated as a “toilet-digit” like in modern lemurs. The skeleton includes a baculum of unexpected size for a primate.  相似文献   

Primate evolutionary morphologists have argued that selection for life in a fine branch niche resulted in grasping specializations that are reflected in the hallucal metatarsal (Mt1) morphology of extant “prosimians”, while a transition to use of relatively larger, horizontal substrates explains the apparent loss of such characters in anthropoids. Accordingly, these morphological characters—Mt1 torsion, peroneal process length and thickness, and physiological abduction angle—have been used to reconstruct grasping ability and locomotor mode in the earliest fossil primates. Although these characters are prominently featured in debates on the origin and subsequent radiation of Primates, questions remain about their functional significance. This study examines the relationship between these morphological characters of the Mt1 and a novel metric of pedal grasping ability for a large number of extant taxa in a phylogenetic framework. Results indicate greater Mt1 torsion in taxa that engage in hallucal grasping and in those that utilize relatively small substrates more frequently. This study provides evidence that Carpolestes simpsoni has a torsion value more similar to grasping primates than to any scandentian. The results also show that taxa that habitually grasp vertical substrates are distinguished from other taxa in having relatively longer peroneal processes. Furthermore, a longer peroneal process is also correlated with calcaneal elongation, a metric previously found to reflect leaping proclivity. A more refined understanding of the functional associations between Mt1 morphology and behavior in extant primates enhances the potential for using these morphological characters to comprehend primate (locomotor) evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:327–348, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous discussions of the mode of life of Hypsilophodon (Lower Cretaceous, England) are reviewed, and it is concluded that this primitive ornithopod was cursorial. There are no specific adaptations for an arboreal mode of life, and the hallux was not opposable. Metatarsal I was closely applied along its length to metatarsal II, and the first digit moved parallel to or. slightly away from the other digits. Relative to the trunk, the hind limb is long, with an elongate tibia and metatarsus, so that the proportions of the different regions fall in the range for cursorial mammals.  相似文献   

Young primates have relatively large hands and feet for their body size, perhaps enhancing grasping ability. We test the hypothesis that selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for these scaling trends by examining the ontogeny of intrinsic hand and foot proportions in capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella). If selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for the observed patterns of hand and foot growth in primates, we predicted that fingers and toes would be longer early in life and proportionally decline with age. We measured the lengths of manual and pedal metapodials and phalanges in a mixed‐longitudinal radiographic sample. Bone lengths were (a) converted into phalangeal indices (summed non‐distal phalangeal length/metapodial length) to test for age‐related changes in intrinsic proportions and (b) fit to Gompertz models of growth to test for differences in the dynamics of phalangeal versus metapodial growth. Manual and pedal phalangeal indices nearly universally decreased with age in capuchin monkeys. Growth curve analyses revealed that metapodials generally grew at a faster rate, and for a longer duration, than corresponding phalanges. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that primates are under selection for increased grasping ability early in life. Relatively long digits may be functionally adaptive for growing capuchins, permitting a more secure grasp on both caregivers and arboreal supports, as well as facilitating early foraging. Additional studies of primates and other mammals, as well as tests of grasping performance, are required to fully evaluate the adaptive significance of primate hand and foot growth.  相似文献   

Several features that appear to differentiate the walking gaits of most primates from those of most other mammals (the prevalence of diagonal-sequence footfalls, high degrees of humeral protraction, and low forelimb vs. hindlimb peak vertical forces) are believed to have evolved in response to requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports by early primates that had developed clawless grasping hands and feet. This putative relationship between anatomy, behavior, and ecology is tested here by examining gait mechanics in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a primate that has sharp claws and reduced pedal grasping, and that spends much of its time clinging on large trunks. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected on three male Callithrix jacchus as they walked across a force platform attached to the ground or to raised horizontal poles. The vast majority of all walking gaits were lateral-sequence. For all steps, the humerus was retracted (<90 degrees relative to a horizontal axis) or held in a neutral (90 degrees ) position at forelimb touchdown. Peak vertical forces on the forelimb were always higher than those on the hindlimb. These three features of the walking gaits of C. jacchus separate it from any other primate studied (including other callitrichids). The walking gaits of C. jacchus are mechanically more similar to those of small, nonprimate mammals. The results of this study support previous models that suggest that the unusual suite of features that typify the walking gaits of most primates are adaptations to the requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports. These data, along with data from other primates and marsupials, suggest that primate postcranial and locomotor characteristics are part of a basal adaptation for walking on thin branches.  相似文献   

Changes in the hallucial tarsometatarsal joint, which forms the fulcrum for the grasping hallux, have played a significant role in primate evolution. Comparative studies suggest that one of the morphological novelties heralding the attainment of a monkey grade of structure was the incorporation of the prehallux within this joint. Such a joint is found in the extant Ceboidea and, paradoxically, the Hylobatidae. Hallux and prehallux then form a composite distal articular surface; the proximal surface on the medial cuneiform is completed inferomedially by a convex facet for the prehallux. Divergence of the hallux into the attitude of opposition is accompanied by conjunct rotation, screwing these joint components into a stable, close-packed position. Suppression of the prehallux is accompanied by clear osteological indicators — the absence of prehallux facets on the first metatarsal and medial cuneiform. This modification of the joint is a feature of cercopithecoid evolution, and has also occurred in the hominoid line, after divergence of the ancestral gibbons and apparently after the Dryopithecus (Proconsul) stage. The cladistic relationships indicated by these morphological changes are in striking accord with recent results on primate evolution at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Teilhardina belgica is one of the most primitive fossil primates known to date and the earliest haplorhine with associated postcranials, making it relevant to a reconstruction of the ancestral primate morphotype. Here we describe newly discovered postcranial elements of T. belgica. It is a small primate with an estimated body mass between 30 and 60 g, similar to the size of a mouse lemur. Its hindlimb anatomy suggests frequent and forceful leaping with excellent foot mobility and grasping capabilities. It can now be established that this taxon exhibits critical primate postcranial synapomorphies such as a grasping hallux, a tall knee, and nailed digits. This anatomical pattern and behavioral profile is similar to what has been inferred before for other omomyids and adapiforms. The most unusual feature of T. belgica is its elongated middle phalanges (most likely manual phalanges), suggesting that this early primate had very long fingers similar to those of living tarsiers.  相似文献   


It has long been accepted that hominids emerged during the Pliocene in a savannah environment in which a terrestrial quadruped gradually developed bipedal adaptations. However, data from the Late Miocene (i.e. 7–7.5 Ma), including detailed palaeontological and biogeochemical studies, suggest that our earliest Upper Miocene ancestors inhabited well-wooded to forested environments where they could have spent a certain amount of time in the trees. A plausible type of ecosystem in which upright posture and bipedal locomotion could have emerged is represented by Miombo Woodland, in which vertical arboreal supports predominate and trees are separated from each other by gaps. Subsequently hominids dispersed into the Savannah as accomplished bipeds, but retained the ability to climb trees. This scenario is compatible with the postcranial anatomy of Australopithecus, including its femoral elongation, body proportions, manual precision grip (also present in 6-million-year-old Orrorin) and a non-prehensile hallux.  相似文献   

Scaling predictions pioneered by A.V. Hill state that isometric changes in kinematics result from isometric changes in size. These predictions have been difficult to support because few animals display truly isometric growth. An exception to this rule is said to be the toads in the genus Bufo, which can grow over three orders of magnitude. To determine whether skull shape increases isometrically, I used linear measurements and geometric morphometrics to quantify shape variation in a size series of 69 skulls from the marine toad, B. marinus. Toads ranged in body mass from 1.8 gm to a calculated 1,558.9 gm. Of all linear measurements (S/V length, skull width, skull length, levator mass, depressor mass, adductor foramen area), only the area of the adductor foramen increased faster than body mass; the remaining variables increased more slowly. In addition, modeling the lower jaw as a lever‐arm system showed that the lengths of the closing in‐ and out‐levers scaled isometrically with body mass despite the fact that the skull itself is changing allometrically. Geometric morphometrics discerned areas of greatest variability with increasing body mass at the rear of the skull in the area of the squamosal bone and the adductor foramen. This increase in area of the adductor foramen may allow more muscle to move the relatively greater mass of the lower jaw in larger toads, although adductor mass scales with body mass. If B. marinus feeds in a similar manner to other Bufo, these results imply that morphological allometry may still result in kinematic isometry. J. Morphol. 241:115–126, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

New remains of Megaladapis from the caves within the Ankarana Range of northern Madagascar and the cave site of Ankilitelo near Toliara in southwestern Madagascar add considerably to the present sample of pedal remains for this genus. Here we describe and analyze the new pedal material and discuss the function of the Megaladapis foot in terms of positional behavior and substrate use. The northern specimens belong to the M. madagascariensis/M. grandidieri group in terms of size and morphology, whereas the new southwestern fossils are assigned to M. madagascariensis. The new specimens demonstrate that the small and intermediate sized M. madagascariensis and M. grandidieri were very similar in anatomy and inferred locomotor function, findings that also support the prior suggestion that they belong to a single widespread subgenus (Megaladapis). The new fossils provide the first examples of many pedal elements and present the first opportunity to analyze the whole pedal complex from associated remains. The foot of Megaladapis is distinctive among primates in numerous features. Intrinsic proportions of the hindlimb indicate that the foot is relatively longer than that of any other primate. The first complete calcanei reveal a large and highly modified hindfoot. The calcaneus is reduced distally, indicating an emphasis on climbing over leaping or quadrupedal walking and running. Proximally, a large, medially directed calcaneal tuberosity suggests both a strong inversion component to plantarflexion and a well-developed abductor mechanism and recalls the calcaneal morphology of the larger lorisines in some respects. Talar shape is consistent with considerable tibial rotation during plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. The subtalar joint is designed to emphasize supination/pronation and medial/lateral rotation over proximodistal translation. The distal tarsals are extremely reduced in length, and they form a high transverse arch and a serial tarsus; this configuration promotes inversion/eversion at the transverse tarsal joint. The phalanges are long and moderately curved, and the hallux is very long, robust, and abducted. Pedal morphology suggests that Megaladapis (subgenus Megaladapis) was well adapted to exploit an arboreal environment. The grasping mechanism of Megaladapis is an extreme modification of the prosimian condition, emphasizing a highly inverted set, mobility in rotation, and a powerful abduction/flexion type grasp using large hallux and the lateral abductor musculature. Such a mechanism insures a secure grasp regardless of the position of the hindlimb or the substrate. These pedal design features contrast with the grasping strategy seen in highly arboreal palaeopropithecids (or “sloth lemurs”), a group that reduces and modifies the hindfoot, culminating in Palaeopropithecus, and emphasizes extrinsic digital flexors in a more hook-like mechanism. Much less is known of M. (Peloriadapis) edwardsi. The larger body size, more gorilla-like talar articular morphology, and anatomy of the proximal fifth metatarsal suggest that this species may have been more terrestrial than the smaller forms, but other aspects of pedal morphology suggest it also exploited arboreal habitats.  相似文献   

The present report aims to quantify the use of zygodactylous (opposability of digits II to III) grasping in relation to positional modes and support size and orientation, in the highly arboreal, walking/climbing woolly opossum, Caluromys philander. For this purpose, four captive adult C. philander were intensively video-recorded and their positional behavior, hand grasp, and support size and orientation use were analyzed frame-by-frame. Overall, C. philander used a zygodactylous grasp in 81.3±1.2% of bouts. In terms of support features, this grasp was particularly common on (a) supports that could be wholly and partly held by the animals’ hand and (b) vertical supports in particular. In a comparable manner, zygodactyly dominated during above-support positional modes, but was significantly less used during bridging and suspension. The results show that zygodactyly provided an above-support secure and steady grasp on relatively unstable arboreal supports, by aligning the hand with the main axis of the support. This very likely assisted in controlling over the applied torques during cautious quadrupedal and climbing activities with extended hand contact that characterizes the locomotor strategy of C. philander. These observations need to be further tested by more detailed kinetic studies and on a larger sample of arboreal didelphids.  相似文献   

Different primate species have developed extensive capacities for grasping and manipulating objects. However, the manual abilities of primates remain poorly known from a dynamic point of view. The aim of the present study was to quantify the functional and behavioral strategies used by captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) during tool use tasks. The study was conducted on eight captive bonobos which we observed during two tool use tasks: food extraction from a large piece of wood and food recovery from a maze. We focused on grasping postures, in‐hand movements, the sequences of grasp postures used that have not been studied in bonobos, and the kind of tools selected. Bonobos used a great variety of grasping postures during both tool use tasks. They were capable of in‐hand movement, demonstrated complex sequences of contacts, and showed more dynamic manipulation during the maze task than during the extraction task. They arrived on the location of the task with the tool already modified and used different kinds of tools according to the task. We also observed individual manual strategies. Bonobos were thus able to develop in‐hand movements similar to humans and chimpanzees, demonstrated dynamic manipulation, and they responded to task constraints by selecting and modifying tools appropriately, usually before they started the tasks. These results show the necessity to quantify object manipulation in different species to better understand their real manual specificities, which is essential to reconstruct the evolution of primate manual abilities.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the sugar composition of O-antigenic lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from Vibrio alginolyticus and those from V. parahaemolyticus was carried out. 3-Deoxy-d-mannooctulosonic acid, 2-keto-3-deoxy octonate (KDO), a regular sugar constituent of gram-negative bacterial LPS, was totally absent from LPS of all V. alginolyticus strains examined as it was from those of V. parahaemolyticus. Furthermore, a KDO-like thiobarbituric acid test-positive substance, identical with that of either V. parahaemolyticus 07 or 012, was also found in LPS from three strains, 505–78, 905–78, and 1013–79 (designated tentatively as group I), out of the five strains of V. alginolyticus tested. LPS from the members of group I contained, as component sugars, glucose, galactose, l-glycero-d-manno-heptose, glucosamine, galactosamine, the KDO-like substance, and an unidentified amino sugar P1. Thus, LPS of the members of group I possessed a similar sugar composition which is similar to that of LPS from either V. parahaemolyticus 07 or 012. LPS of strain 1027–79, one of the other two strains (designated tentatively as gorup II), contained as component sugars, glucose, l-glycero-d-mannoheptose, glucosamine, galactosamine, and the other unidentified amino sugar P2, while LPS of strain 53–79, the other member of group II, contained galactose as an additional component. The results indicate that LPS of strain 1027–79 has a sugar composition similar to that of V. parahaemolyticus 09 LPS.  相似文献   

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