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In the present investigation, the analysis of Covariance technique has been applied to method I & III of GRIFFING (1956) of diallel crosses for obtaining the precised estimates of general combining ability (g.c.a), specific combining ability (s.c.a) and reciprocal differences. The adjusted estimates of g.c.a, s.c.a and reciprocal differences and sum of squares due to these parameters and variances due to the estimates of parameters and their comparisons are also derived. The gain in precision in estimating the parameters due to the use of covariance technique has been illustrated with the help of an example.  相似文献   

With a large number of lines in a diallel cross experiment, the number of crosses becomes unmanageable to be accommodated in homogeneous blocks. To overcome this problem, a sample of crosses, known as partial diallel cross (PDC) is often used. The selection of a PDC is based on the criterion of high efficiency for the estimation of general combining ability (gca) effects. Even with a moderately large number of crosses, the use of incomplete blocks is necessary to obtain homogeneous experimental units. The analysis of data from a general PDC grown in general incomplete block designs is being described. An iterative scheme is being developed for obtaining a generalized inverse of the information matrix used in estimating gca effects. Properties such as connectedness and efficiency of mating designs embedded in environment designs are being examined. The paper also examines the universal optimality of some designs in a class of designs. An illustration of the numerical procedure is also presented.  相似文献   

At present, the parents are included in the experimental material for judging the performance of crosses over parents and for calculation of heterosis but they are ignored for combining ability analysis of Partial Diallel Crosses due to the non-availability of the method of analysis for such designs. To satisfy the practical need of the breeders on one hand and to remove the statistical objections on the other hand, a method of analysis of Partial Diallel Crosses based on circulant sample including parents has been presented in this paper. A numerical example is given for llustration of technique.  相似文献   

The analysis of offsprings from the partial diallel crosses is presented. In considered type of crossing, p parental forms into H separate groups are devided. Single crosses among parental forms, from separate groups only, are performed. The analysis for experiments laid out in efficiency balanced block designs is given.  相似文献   

Analysis of partial diallel cross repeated over environments is discussed. Formulae are given to estimate the general combining ability effects and their interaction effects with environments. Analysis of variance table along with expected mean squares is given.  相似文献   

The analysis of diallel crosses by including the components due to maternal effect and maternal interaction effects have been presented for Griffing method—1 (random effect model) and Griffing method—3 (fixed and random effect model). Wherever exact test of significance is not possible, testing procedure using Satterthwaite (1946) approximation has been presented.  相似文献   

In this paper the analysis of genotypes obtained in diallel crossing system, including one set of F1s and parents, arranged in triangular table is given. This analysis is presented for data obtained from the experiments laid out in block designs. The analysis of variance, estimators of general and specific combining abilities as well as statistics for testing of hypotheses concerning those parameters are given.  相似文献   

In this paper the analysis of genotypes obtained in diallel crossing system, including parents, one set of F1s and reciprocal F1's, is given. This analysis is presented for data obtained from the experiments laid out in block designs. The analysis of variance, estimator of reciprocal effects, estimators of general and specific combining abilities as well as statistics for testing of hypotheses concerning those parameters are given.  相似文献   

In this paper the analysis of genotypes obtained in a diallel crossing system, including parents, one set of F1′s and reciprocal F1′s, is given. This analysis is presented for data obtained from the experiments carried out in a block design in which block effects are random. The analysis of variance, estimators of reciprocal effects, estimators of general and specific combining abilities are considered. Also statistics for testing hypotheses concerning some genetical parameters are given.  相似文献   

蓝桉6×6全双列交配生长性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以蓝桉 6× 6完全双列交配的子代测定林为试验材料 ,对树高、胸径、材积、枝下高、冠幅、弯曲度和枝径比 7个性状的遗传效应进行分析。结果表明 ,这些性状主要受一般配合力 (GCA)、特殊配合力 (SCA)和特殊正反交效应(SRE)的控制 ,母本效应 (FEM)对弯曲度有较小作用 ,而父本效应 (MAL)对所有性状影响甚微。有 3个亲本对改良数量性状或树干品质有显著的作用 ,有 8个组合对提高数量性状遗传增益的贡献极显著或显著。蓝桉的数量性状既有自交衰退 ,也有自交优势。对蓝桉育种的策略和方法也提出了建议  相似文献   

Summary Diallel crosses were made between clones of a French and a Swedish provenance of Picea abies. The former is characterized by a long critical night length for bud-set and a late flushing of the buds; the latter by a short critical night length for bud-set and an early flushing of the buds. The F1 hybrid seedlings and their French and Swedish intraprovenance half-sibs were tested over three growth periods in the phytotron at the College of Forestry, Stockholm. In comparison with intraprovenance half-sibs, the hybrid progenies gave, on average, an intermediate response for the photoperiodic control over budset and for the temperature requirements for bud-flushing. This indicates the prevalence of additive action of multiple factors in the determination of the photoperiodic and temperature response. However, individual interprovenance hybrid progenies revealed a range of responses, and in certain combinations the response of these hybrids and their intraprovenance half-sibs coincided. By selection of suitable parents, interprovenance crosses can be used to produce hybrids with desired photoperiodic characteristics and temperature requirements.With gratitude and appreciation we dedicate this paper to Åke Gustafsson at the occasion of his 70th birthday, April 8, 1978  相似文献   

A genetic model for modified diallel crosses is proposed for estimating variance and covariance components of cytoplasmic, maternal additive and dominance effects, as well as direct additive and dominance effects. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to compare the efficiencies of minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE) methods. For both balanced and unbalanced mating designs, MINQUE (0/1), which has 0 for all the prior covariances and 1 for all the prior variances, has similar efficiency to MINQUE(), which has parameter values for the prior values. Unbiased estimates of variance and covariance components and their sampling variances could be obtained with MINQUE(0/1) and jackknifing. A t-test following jackknifing is applicable to test hypotheses for zero variance and covariance components. The genetic model is robust for estimating variance and covariance components under several situations of no specific effects. A MINQUE(0/1) procedure is suggested for unbiased estimation of covariance components between two traits with equal design matrices. Methods of unbiased prediction for random genetic effects are discussed. A linear unbiased prediction (LUP) method is shown to be efficient for the genetic model. An example is given for a demonstration of estimating variance and covariance components and predicting genetic effects.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-one progenies of smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) from a 7 X 7 half diallel cross, with their parents, were evaluated for three years at four locations in Alberta for the genetic variation of stability in expression of their annual yield. The linear response and deviation from linear response for each genotype were the two stability parameters considered, together with mean performance in the evaluation of each genotype. Four high yielding genotypes, namely 12, 13, 16, and 26, had general adaptability, while genotype 23 was especially suited to a poor environment. Combining ability analysis showed that general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were both important in the expression of yield. Inheritance of linear regression was controlled predominantly by GCA whereas both GCA and SCA were equally important in the expression of deviation. The presence of a substantial proportion of variability due to the additive genetic component in the linear response suggests that it should be possible to exploit this fraction of variability in developing high yielding stable cultivars.  相似文献   

Although largely ignored until recently, parental effects on the phenotypes of their offspring are both ubiquitous in nature and of a potentially great importance to evolution. Our study examines the presence of extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal) effects in growth traits, development time and adult size in the sand cricket Gryllus firmus using a diallel cross of inbred lines. Sex linkage was shown to be nonsignificant for development time but the other traits could not be tested. We assume that they are nonsignificant but use the term 'reciprocal' effects to include this effect. We show that reciprocal effects are present in the growth traits and development time, where they account for 10-30% of the phenotypic variance. They are not present in adult size as indexed by head width. We demonstrate that reciprocal effects are due, at least in part, to maternal effects by an analysis of the positive correlation between egg size, a maternal trait, and the growth traits. The growth rate traits show no significant decline with age either with respect to extra-nuclear contributions to variance or difference between phenotypic means of reciprocal pairs. This study demonstrates that extra-nuclear effects are important contributors to the phenotypic variation in life history traits of G. firmus.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative inheritance of resistance to Phytophthora pod rot (Ppr) was studied in cocoa hybrid progeny from 12 Trinitario x Amazonian crosses and their reciprocal crosses. The crossing scheme was similar to a factorial design. Disease was assessed by the number and percentage of infected pods on each tree. Highly significant differences due to general combining abilities (GCA) were obtained for all characters, except for the GCA of Trinitario on total pod production. Differences for specific combining ability (SCA) were not significant for all characters. There were no significant differences between reciprocal crosses. The Trinitario clone K82 provided the only source for the hybrid progenies of strong Ppr resistance to the hybrid progenies, while K20 provided moderate resistance. Other parental clones — KA2-101, KA5-201, KEE 2, KEE 5, and KEE 52 — produced progenies which were susceptible to Ppr. It is evident that resistance to Ppr in cocoa is inherited additively. Maternal and cytoplasmic effects were assumed to have no influence on inheritance of resistance. It is also concluded that resistance to Ppr of the kind shown by K82 is likely to be horizontal resistance. Breeding for high-yielding cultivars combined with Ppr resistance is the most effective way of controlling Ppr of cocoa on the crops of growers with small holdings in Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

The combining abilities of field resistance to peanut bud necrosis disease (PBND) caused by Peanut bud necrosis tospovirus (PBNV) were examined to understand the type of gene action governing resistance to the disease, and to identify peanut lines suitable for use as parents in a PBND‐resistance breeding programme. The Ft and F2 progenies from a six‐parent diallel cross and their parents were evaluated under field conditions. They were assessed for disease incidence at 30, 40, 50 and 60 days after planting (DAP), and reactions of the lines to the disease could be best differentiated at 50 and 60 DAP. Results indicated highly significant general combining ability (GCA) effects for PBND incidence in F1 and F2 generations. Specific combining ability (SCA) and reciprocal effects were also found to be significant, but their relative contributions to variation among crosses were much less than those of GCA effects. These results suggested that the type of gene action governing resistance to PBND was mainly additive, and selection for PBND resistance in these populations should be effective. Strong correlation coefficients between parental means and GCA effects for disease incidence were seen in both Ft and F2 generations, suggesting that per se performance of the parental line could be used as a predictor of the capability of the line to transmit its PBND‐resistant attribute to progenies. The reciprocal effects were in favour of using resistant lines as female parents. The peanut lines ICGV 86388, 1C 10 and 1C 34 were found to be suitable for use in a PBND–resistance breeding programme.  相似文献   

Summary Plant root nutrient uptake efficiency may be expressed by the kinetic parameters, Vmax and Km, as well as by normal enzymatic reactions. These parameters are apparently useful indices of the level of adaptation of genotypes to the nutrient conditions in the soil. Moreover, sulfate uptake capacity has been considered a valuable index for selecting superior hybrid characterized by both high grain yield and efficiency in nutrient uptake. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine combining ability for sulfate uptake, in a diallel series of maize hybrids among five inbreds. Wide differences among the 20 single crosses were obtained for Vmax and Km. The general and specific combining ability mean squares were significant and important for each trait, indicating the presence of considerable amount of both additive and nonadditive gene effects in the control of sulfate uptake. In addition, maternal and nonmaternal components of F1 reciprocal variation showed sizeable effects on all the traits considered. A relatively high correlation was also detected between Vmax and Km. However, both traits displayed enough variation to suggest that simultaneous improvement of both Vmax and Km should be feasible. A further noteworthy finding in this study was the identification of one inbred line, which was the best overall parent for improving both affinity and velocity strategies of sulfate uptake.  相似文献   

Vertebrate sex ratios are notorious for their lack of fit to theoretical models, both with respect to the direction and the magnitude of the sex ratio adjustment. The reasons for this are likely to be linked to simplifying assumptions regarding vertebrate life histories. More specifically, if the sex ratio adjustment itself influences offspring fitness, due to sex-specific interactions among offspring, this could affect optimal sex ratios. A review of the literature suggests that sex-specific sibling interactions in vertebrates result from three major causes: (i) sex asymmetries in competitive ability, for example due to sexual dimorphism, (ii) sex-specific cooperation or helping, and (iii) sex asymmetries in non-competitive interactions, for example steroid leakage between fetuses. Incorporating sex-specific sibling interactions into a sex ratio model shows that they will affect maternal sex ratio strategies and, under some conditions, can repress other selection pressures for sex ratio adjustment. Furthermore, sex-specific interactions could also explain patterns of within-brood sex ratio (e.g. in relation to laying order). Failure to take sex-specific sibling interactions into account could partly explain the lack of sex ratio adjustment in accordance with theoretical expectations in vertebrates, and differences among taxa in sex-specific sibling interactions generate predictions for comparative and experimental studies.  相似文献   

Summary Two-locus theory for recurrent selection for general combining ability in maize was developed. The theory featured: (a) recombination of the selfed progeny of selected parents; and (b) linkage disequilibrium in the initial gametic array. The theory indicated: (a) that initial linkage disequilibrium exerts a permanent influence upon selection progress; (b) that interposition of one or more generations of random mating before each cycle reduces the permanent effect in ensuing cycles; and (c) that random mating done before initiation of selection is more efficient in removing the influence of linkage disequilibrium on selection progress than random mating done between subsequent cycles.  相似文献   

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