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真菌疏水蛋白的结构和功用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
真菌疏水蛋白是一类具有强表面活性的分泌型小分子量蛋白质。疏水蛋白的重要特性是能在亲水—疏水界面通过自我组装形成一层紧密稳定的约10nm厚的两性蛋白膜。概述了疏水蛋白的结构和性质。总结了疏水蛋白的生理功能,并探讨它的各种应用。  相似文献   

真菌疏水蛋白是由高等丝状真菌产生的小分子量(10kD左右)具有双亲性的蛋白质,它们在真菌生长和发育中起着重要的作用。通过研究发现疏水蛋白具有极高的表面活性,可以在界面通过自组装形成双亲性的蛋白膜,从而改变界面的亲疏水性质。值得注意的是,疏水蛋白的不同功能可归因于其双亲性蛋白质结构,使得其在不同的亲水/疏水界面处自组装以形成两性蛋白膜。基于这样的性质,疏水蛋白已经获得了国内外各领域的广泛应用。疏水蛋白潜在的应用价值激励了人们对其蛋白结构的探究从而解释其自组装机理。此篇综述总结了近些年人们通过不同手段及研究方法来解释疏水蛋白发挥功能的结构基础。  相似文献   

本文结合圆二色谱,椭圆偏振术及放射性示踪技术研究了疏水表面对牛血清清蛋白二级结构的诱导作用,实验结果表明:处于不同阶段的蛋白质分子由于受到不同程度的诱导作用而呈现不同的二级结构特征。初始阶段吸附的BSA分子丧失有序结构,形成以无规卷曲为主的二级结构。中间阶段吸附的BSA呈现出以β结构为主的二级结构。而后期吸附的BSA分子保存了大部分α螺旋结构。作者认为疏水表面对BSA二级结构的诱导与表面的疏水作用  相似文献   

真菌疏水蛋白的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林福呈 《微生物学报》2001,41(4):518-521
疏水蛋白这一名词最早是由Rosenberg和Kjelleberg(1986)在研究细菌与寄主吸附机理时提出的,意指覆盖在微生物细胞表面的任何疏水物质(Hydrophobic substances).Wessels研究小组发现裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune)子实体和气生菌丝形成时,某些基因及其相应的cDNA序列可以编码约100个氨基酸的小蛋白.它含有8个半胱氨酸残基和一段分泌性的信号肽.他们把上述这一类物质统称为疏水蛋白(Hydrophobin)[1].在许多丝状真菌中已发现疏水蛋白的存在,其生物学功能是目前研究热点之一.  相似文献   

水稻内生枯草芽孢杆菌G87抗菌蛋白的分离纯化及理化特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】为得到枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)G87的抗菌蛋白,明确其蛋白理化特性。【方法】采用硫酸铵沉淀和柱层析法进行分离纯化。【结果】获得单一抗菌活性蛋白(峰6-2-1),此抗菌蛋白分子量为50.8 kDa,等电点为5.90。经初步分析,抗菌蛋白不含脂,而含有少量(0.62%)糖;其蛋白部分具有脯氨酸或羟脯氨酸,但不含芳香族氨基酸。抗菌蛋白在高温(≥60℃)和较碱(pH8)环境下活性明显下降,但较抗紫外线、氯仿和胰蛋白酶、蛋白酶K、胃蛋白酶。【结论】枯草芽孢杆菌G87的抗菌蛋白为不含芳烃的糖蛋白,对高温和碱性条件敏感,而对蛋白酶类和紫外线等不敏感。  相似文献   

王杰  王晨  杜燕  徐晶玉  班睿 《微生物学通报》2021,48(8):2815-2826
枯草芽孢杆菌是一种广泛应用于基础研究和工业生产的重要模式菌株,具有无致病性、蛋白分泌能力强、遗传背景清晰等多种优势,是生产异源蛋白的理想宿主.目前已有诸多异源蛋白在枯草芽孢杆菌中实现表达和分泌,其中包括淀粉酶、β-半乳糖苷酶和蛋白酶等有价值的工业酶.本文从异源蛋白表达和分泌的关键步骤出发,总结了枯草芽孢杆菌生产异源蛋白...  相似文献   

蜘蛛丝蛋白的结构及其应用   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
毛良  李盛贤  张欣 《生物技术》1999,9(5):38-41
蜘蛛的拖丝是一种既具有抗张强度又具有高度弹性的奇特蛋白质纤维。近看来,生物学者用现代生物工程技术和其它技术对蛛丝蛋白分子的结构和物理特性,主要是机械特性,进行了广泛深入的研究,取得了很大进展,指出了蛛丝蛋白的工业应用价值。1蛛丝蛋白结构研究进展概述编码一种拖丝蛋白(Spidroiril)的部分cDNA克隆以前已获分离产物,但是所预期的氨基酸顺序并不能解释拖丝蛋白的氨基酸组成。此后又分离出一种编码另一拖丝蛋白(SPidloin2)的部分dD:NA克隆,说明蜘蛛的拖丝是由复合蛋白组成的。Spidroin2的氨基酸顺序是一种与Spidro…  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌B034拮抗蛋白的分离纯化及特性分析   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacilussubtilis)B034分离自水稻叶面,对水稻白叶枯病菌具有较强的拮抗能力。除去菌体培养液以70%饱和度硫酸铵沉淀所得的拮抗物粗提液对热稳定,对胰蛋白酶不敏感,对蛋白酶K、链霉蛋白酶E部分敏感,对氯仿部分敏感,其作用的活性pH范围低至4,高至12以上,比较耐碱性。粗提液经PhenylSepharoseCL4B柱层析、DEAESephacel柱层析和HPLC的Superdex75HR10/30柱层析,得到二个拮抗活性峰:P1和P2。P2经SDSPAGE和PAGEIEF电泳显示为单一蛋白带,分子量503kD,等电点625。自动Edman降解法从P2的N端测出残基序列为IleSerAsnProXIleAspVal  相似文献   

目的:研究枯草芽孢杆菌TF26抗菌蛋白的抑菌活性和生物稳定性,为菌株及抗菌蛋白的应用提供理论依据.方法:采用硫酸铵盐析方法提取抗菌蛋白,采用菌丝生长速率法检测其对13种植物病原真菌的抑菌活性,采用抑菌圈方法对其生物稳定性进行分析.结果:抗菌蛋白粗提物能够抑制13种植物病原真菌的生长,平皿抑制率为74.3% ~91.3%,对葵花菌核病菌、番茄和黄瓜枯萎病菌、黄瓜菌核病菌和立枯病菌、水稻恶苗病菌和大豆根腐病菌抑制作用较强.抗菌蛋白在100℃以下,pH< 10范围内抑菌活性稳定,对紫外线照射不敏感,室温(20℃)和4℃储存150d抑菌活性稳定.结论:抗菌蛋白具有较强的热、酸碱、紫外和储存稳定性以及广谱的抑菌活性.  相似文献   

药物的临床使用常常因为其强疏水性、低稳定性和高毒副作用等问题受到限制。日新月异的药物递送体系(DDS)可以有效地包载与保护药物,提高其生物相容性、作用特异性和治疗效果。疏水蛋白是真菌在如子实体发育等特殊时期分泌的小分子蛋白质。其独特的两亲性不仅有助于它们自组装成胶束和载送疏水性药物,还便于它们修饰和改造其它载药体系。其超低的免疫原性和细胞毒性则进一步支撑了它们在药物递送中的应用。对近几年基于疏水蛋白所发展的载药系统的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Primary structure of the tms and prs genes of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The nucleotide sequence was determined of a 3211 nucleotide pair EcoRI-PvuII DNA fragment containing the tms and prs genes as well as a part of the ctc gene of Bacillus subtilis. The prs gene encodes phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) synthetase, whereas the functioning of the tms and ctc gene products remains to be established. The prs gene contains an open reading frame of 317 codons resulting in a subunit Mr of 34828. An open reading frame comprising the tms gene contained 456 codons resulting in a putative translation product with an Mr of 49554. Comparison of the deduced B. subtilis PRPP synthetase amino acid sequence with PRPP synthetases from Escherichia coli and rat liver showed extensive similarity. The deduced Tms amino acid sequence was found to be 43% similar to the deduced amino acid sequence of ecourfl, a gene of E. coli with unknown function.  相似文献   

The sequence homologies of the glucose dehydrogenase subunits of B. megaterium and B. subtilis are compared. From the known B. megaterium aminoacid sequence and the base sequence of the cloned B. subtilis structural gene we predict the B. megaterium structural glucose dehydrogenase gene. Assuming the minimal mutational changes to convert one gene into the other 23 transitions, 30 transversions, 1 inversion, 3 insertion-deletions, but no frameshifts are postulated necessary to interconvert the structural genes. The homology of both enzyme subunits of 85% reflects the close evolutionary distance between B. subtilis and B. megaterium.  相似文献   

环脂肽类物质具有抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等多种生物活性,其潜在的应用价值已逐渐引起了人们的注意。主要针对芽胞杆菌产生的环脂肽,综述了环脂肽类物质的结构及分类、生理活性、生物合成机制。由于环脂肽结构的不同,分离纯化及鉴定方法也会有所差异,因此对环脂肽的分离纯化及鉴定方法方面也做了简单的综述。最后展望了我国对于环脂肽研究的不足及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the polC gene of Bacillus subtilis which codes for DNA polymerase III. Our recent analysis has revealed that the gene comprises 4311 nucleotides, from the start to the stop codon, 306 nucleotides more than we reported earlier. The plasmid reported by us and by N.C. Brown's laboratory contained a sequence at the end of the gene which is not related to the polC region of B. subtilis. We have isolated the rest of the gene, the sequence of which is presented in this paper. The new stop codon is followed by a hyphenated palindromic sequence of 13 nucleotides. The C-terminus' of the coding region contains the novel mutation, dnaF, which results in a defect in the initiation of replication due to a change in the codon TCC to TTC (serine to phenylalanine). The hypermutator mutation mut-1 is due to two point mutations in the 3 to 5 exonuclease domain, the proof reading function. The codon changes are GGA to GAA (glycine to glutamic acid) and AGC to AAC (serine to asparagine). The elongation defective mutation, polC26, affecting the catalytic site that adds nucleotides to the growing chain, is due to a change in the codon GTC to GAC (valine to aspartic acid). It is separated from the mutation reported earlier, azp-12, by 306 nucleotides. Knowing the locations of the mutational sites allowed us to deduce the domains of the gene and the enzyme it encodes, and permitted us to present a precise map of the gene at the molecular level.Abbreviations HPUra p-hydroxyphenyl azouracil - nt nucleotide - PCR polymerase chain reaction  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israliensis plasmids pTX14-1 and pTX14-3 were cloned and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization for their replication mechanism in Bacillus subtilis. The cloning of pTX14-1 into the replicon deficient vector pBOE335 showed the usual characteristics of single-stranded DNA plasmids, i.e., it generated circular single-stranded DNA and high molecular weight (HMW) multimers. The other plasmid, pTX14-3, behaved differently; it generated neither single-stranded DNA nor HMW multimers. Treatment with rifampicin did not result in the accumulation of single-stranded DNA. However, deletion of an EcoRI-PstI fragment resulted in the accumulation of both single-stranded DNA and HMW multimers. From various deletion derivatives, we have mapped the minus origin and the locus responsible for suppression of HMW multimer formation. Full activity of the minus origin and of the locus suppressing HMW formation was only observed on the native replicon, indicating a coupling to the plus strand synthesis.  相似文献   

研究生物量、pH、毒死蜱浓度和温度对枯草芽胞杆菌3374菌株(编号为GU086422)在水溶液中降解毒死蜱特性,考察该菌株对白菜上毒死蜱残留的降解特性。结果表明,在毒死蜱质量浓度为240 mg/L、pH7.0、温度30℃的适宜条件下,枯草芽胞杆菌3374菌株对毒死蜱的降解率达到92.48%。该菌株能够有效提高白菜叶面上毒死蜱残留的降解速度,表明其在白菜上具有有效降解毒死蜱的能力,在无公害农产品生产中具有广阔的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Since alkaline phosphate activity increases in sporulation medium during the developmental period, in spite of the presence of inorganic phosphate, the uptake and intracellular concentration of phosphate were measured. While the uptake of inorganic phosphate decreases and the concentration of acid-soluble organic phosphate remains constant, the intracellular concentration of inorganic phosphate increases to about 30 mM after the end of growth. Some compound other than inorganic phosphate must therefore repress alkaline phosphatase. Other experiments showed that addition of glucose delays both the alkaline phosphatase increase and sporulation by about the same time.  相似文献   

Recent work on cell division and chromosome orientation and partitioning in Bacillus subtilis has provided insights into cell cycle regulation during growth and development. The cell cycle is an integral part of development and entrance into sporulation is modulated by signals that transmit the status of DNA integrity, chromosome replication and segregation. In addition, B. subtilis modifies cell division and DNA segregation to establish cell-type-specific gene expression during sporulation.  相似文献   

Summary Six streptomycin-dependent mutants of Bacillus subtilis, two of which were asporogenous, were isolated. All six mutants, SD1, SD2, SD6, SD7, SD9 and SD10, contained a single mutation causing streptomycin dependence and asporogeny, but four of these mutants (SD6, SD7, SD9, SD10) contained a second mutation which phenotypically suppressed the asporogenous character of the streptomycin dependence mutation. All six mutants grew more slowly than the wild type strain BR151, but those defective in sporulation grew the slowest. The streptomycin dependence mutations of SD9 and SD10B (a sporeplus transformant from SD10 carrying both the dependence mutation and the phenotypic suppressor) lie near or possibly within the strA locus. Ribosomes from SD9, SD10A (a spore-minus transformant from SD10 carrying only the dependence mutation), and SD10B were stimulated in vitro by concentrations of streptomycin that inhibit the activity of wild type strain BR151 ribosomes. The level of misreading as measured by poly(U)-directed isoleucine incorporation was greatly enhanced by streptomycin in wild type strain BR151 ribosomes, but misreading of mutant SD9, SD10A, and SD10B ribosomes, irrespective of the sporulation phenotype, was little affected by streptomycin. There were no apparent differences in the patterns obtained by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the 70S ribosomal proteins of the mutants SD9, SD10A, SD10B, and wild type strain BS151.  相似文献   

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