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Sexual processes in the life cycle of the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium uncatenum Hulburt were investigated in isolated field populations. Morphological and morphogenetic aspects of gamete production, planozygote formation, encystment, excystment, and planomeiocyte division are described from observations of living specimens, Protargol silver impregnated material and scanning electron microscope preparations. The sexual cycle was initiated by gamete formation which involved two asexual divisions of the vegetative organism. Gametes were fully differentiated following the second division and immediately capable of forming pairs. Either isogamous or anisogamous pairs were formed by the mid-ventral union of gametes. Gametes invariably joined with flagellar bases in close juxtaposition. Complete fusion of gametes required ca. 1 h, involved plasmogamy followed by karyogamy and resulted in a quadriflagellated planozygote. Planozygotes encysted in 24–48 h to yield a hypnozygote capable of overwintering in estuarine sediments. Hypnozygotes collected from sediment in late winter readily excysted upon exposure to temperatures above 15°C. A single quadriflagellated planomeiocyte emerged from the cyst and under culture conditions divided one to two days later. The four flagella were not evenly distributed at the first division and both bi- and tri-flagellated daughter cells were formed.  相似文献   

The putatively toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida (Steidinger et Burkholder) has been reported to have an unusual life cycle for a free‐living marine dinoflagellate. As many as 24 life cycle stages were originally described for this species. During a recent phylogenetic study in which we used clonal cultures of P. piscicida, we were unable to confirm many reported life cycle stages. To resolve this discrepancy, we undertook a rigorous examination of the life cycle of P. piscicida using nuclear staining techniques combined with traditional light microscopy, high‐resolution video microscopy, EM, and in situ hybridization with a suite of fluorescently labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes. The results showed that P. piscicida had a typical haplontic dinoflagellate life cycle. Asexual division occurred within a division cyst and not by binary fission of motile cells. Sexual reproduction of this homothallic species occurred via the fusion of isogamous gametes. Examination of tanks where P. piscicida was actively feeding on fish showed that amoebae were present; however, they were contaminants introduced with the fish. Whole cell probing using in situ hybridization techniques confirmed that these amoebae were hybridization negative for a P. piscicida‐specific PNA probe. Direct observations of clonal P. piscicida cultures revealed no unusual life cycle stages. Furthermore, the results of this study provided no evidence for transformations to amoebae. We therefore conclude that P. piscicida has a life cycle typical of free‐living marine dinoflagellates and lacks any amoeboid or other specious stages.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature, irradiance, and nitrogen availability on the encystment and growth of the freshwater dinoflagellates Peridinium cinctum Ehrenberg and Peridinium willei Huitfeld-Kaas were studied in culture. Lack of nitrogen was the main trigger of encystment in both species. Irradiance had a secondary effect on the percentage of the population of each species that encysted. Temperature did not significantly affect encystment in either species. In both species, only a small percentage of the population underwent encystment. Low light had an inhibitory effect on the growth of P. willei growing in nitrogen-sufficient medium.  相似文献   

温度条件对麦田土壤溶液养分浓度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用实测资料分析了温度对麦田土壤溶液养分浓度的影响。研究表明,在农田土壤水分不亏缺的条件下,温度与麦田土壤溶液浓度呈正相关关系。随着太阳辐射增强,温度升高,土壤溶液中NO_3-N浓度增大,到14:00—15:00时,出现极大值。土壤溶液中钾浓度的高峰期基本是在中午温度高的时刻,低峰期在夜晚和午前10:00—11:00左右。10:00—11:00时的低值,可能与根系的同化吸收有关。土壤溶液养分浓度日较差大,光合面积增长快,营养生长旺盛。  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the silicon limited growth and nutrient kinetics of Stephanodiscus minutus Grun. was examined using batch and semicontinuous culture methods. Short-term batch culture methods gave maximum growth rates which were essentially constant over the temperature range of 10° to 20°C (μ3= 0.71–0.80 d?1). The half-saturation constant for growth (Ks) was significantly lowest at 10°C (Ks= 0.31 μM Si; 0.22–0.41), and higher at both 15°C (Ks= 1.03 μM Si; 0.68–1.47) and 20°C (Ks= 0.88 μM Si; 0.60–1.22). Two methods were used to evaluate the semicontinuous experiments. The Droop relationship showed that the minimum cell quota was about 1.50 × 10?7 nmol Si cell?1, but there was much overlap in the results at all three temperatures. The Monod growth relationship for the semicontinuous experiments gave estimates of Ks which were lowest at 15°C (Ks= 0.12 μM Si), and higher at 10°C (Ks= 0.68 μM Si) and 20°C (Ks= 1.24 μM Si), although 95% confidence intervals overlapped. The maximum growth rate estimates for the semicontinuous experiments were similar at 10° and 15°, and higher at 20°C, but the number of points used in making the calculations makes the results less reliable than those from batch cultures. Generally, there were no consistent significant differences in the silicon limited growth of S. minutus over the temperature range studied. Our values of Ks for S. minutus are the lowest recorded for a freshwater diatom, and are consistent with the distribution of this species in nature. Generally, this species becomes abundant in areas with high phosphorus loading and very low silicon levels (low Si:P loading rates). Stephanodiscus species are also fossil indicators of eutrophication in north temperate lakes.  相似文献   

The toxic red tide dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech (synonymous with Protogonyaulax tamarensis (Lebour) Taylor) was subjected to iron stress in batch culture over a 24-day time course. Monitoring of life history stages indicated that iron stress induced formation of both temporary (= pellicular) and resting (= hypnozygotic) cysts. Our experimental induction of sexuality appeared to be associated with iron limitation rather than the total depletion of biologically available iron. Degenerative changes in organelle (i.e. chloroplast, mitochondrion and chromosome) ultrastructure were largely restricted to pellicular cysts, suggesting that these temporary cysts were more susceptible to short-term iron stress effects than were hypnozygotes. These results are consistent with the hypothesized ecological roles of cysts in maintaining viability over brief (pellicular cysts) and extended (hypnozygotes) exposure to adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Close to 100% encystment efficiency and a yield above 105 cysts·mL ? 1 were routinely achieved in full strength f/2 medium‐based batch cultures (883 μM NO3 ? and 36 μM PO4 ? 3) of the marine dinoflagellate Scrippsiella cf. lachrymosa Lewis. Increases in cell density led to nutrient depletion in this enriched medium, which was the most likely cause for initiation of cyst formation. Lowering the concentration of either nutrient to 1/10 the initial levels decreased the encystment efficiency, whereas use of ammonium as the N source resulted in both low cell yield and low encystment efficiency. The mandatory dormancy period was ca. 60 days and was not affected by cold dark storage of the cysts. Cysts produced in the initial phase of sexual reproduction were relatively large (length 47 μm, width 31 μm) with a heavy calcareous cover. Cysts produced thereafter lacked apparent calcareous cover and were smaller (length 29 μm, width 19 μm). The decrease of cyst volume (by a factor of 0.24–0.4) suggested strong resource limitation during the course of encystment. However, after the mandatory dormancy period, germination success of the smaller cysts was higher (80%), compared with the larger cysts that had been produced initially (50%). Germling survival (74%) was independent of cyst type but was enhanced by higher nutrient concentration during incubation. The ratio of initial nutrient concentration in the medium to the cyst yield was used as a proxy to estimate the cellular nutrient quota. The conservative estimates of 9 pmol N·cyst ? 1 and 0.4 pmol P·cyst ? 1 obtained in this manner are at the low end of the range of previous published estimates for other dinoflagellate cysts. Given the high encystment observed in laboratory experiments, we have no reason to assume an inherently lower encystment success in dinoflagellate field populations. Our results do not challenge the low nutrient paradigm for dinoflagellate sexuality. We believe that the high encystment success and cyst yield of this particular species is at least partly due to its ability to achieve very high cell densities in cultures, which evidently leads to nutrient depletion even in f/2 medium.  相似文献   

Optimum nutrient conditions for growth and photosynthesis of Peridinium gatunense (Nygaard) (Peridinium cinctum fa. westii) were investigated using axenic clones in batch cultures. Selenium (Se) had previously been found to be an indispensable growth factor for P. gatunense. Optimal, suboptimal, and supraoptimal concentrations of HCO3?, N, Ca, Cl, Mg, P, K, S, Si, EDTA-Na, Fe, Mo, Zn, Mn, Co, Se, B, Br, I, and various trace element mixtures were determined by measuring biomass development, growth rates, 14C uptake, and/or oxygen production at various concentration gradients of these elements. The general characteristics of the best formulation, medium-L 16, relative to other media, are its high content of NaHCO3 (1 meq · L?1) and Mo (0.2 μM) but low concentrations of NO3-N (150 μM), PO4-P (10 μM), and Fe (0.4 μM), in addition to its content of Se. The total content of trace metals, except for Se, may be reduced to one-fourth of that in medium-L 16 without altering the major growth-promoting properties of the medium. Medium-L 16 deviated considerably from Lake Kinneret (Israel) water, being much lower in macroelements except for N and P. The pH (8.1–8.4) was in the same range, but the values of conductivity (140 μS · cm?1), alkalinity (1 meq · L?1) and NaCl (200 μM) were > 8, 2, and 30 times higher, respectively, in the lake water. Selenium deficiency may limit the growth of P. gatunense in this lake.  相似文献   

We tested whether experimentally enhancing nutrients around the kelp Hedophyllum sessile would increase growth, tissue nitrogen, or allocation to phenolic compounds. Packets of time‐released fertilizer were anchored adjacent to fronds in the field, and algae were monitored for several months. Although fertilizer packets increased the concentration of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus adjacent to treatment algae by an order of magnitude, there was little evidence that this increased frond growth or size. Hedophyllum individuals showed no tendency to alter allocation patterns in response to nutrient addition. Tissue carbon and nitrogen was unchanged by the nutrient manipulation; most H. sessile had tissue nitrogen concentrations in excess of 2.0% of dry mass. Additionally, the concentration of phloroglucinol equivalents was also unaffected by the presence of increased water column nutrients. Although nutrient concentrations in the water column surrounding the study site show relatively high mean values for ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus, they are characterized by high spatial and temporal variation. Nonetheless, these data suggest that this intertidal kelp is not limited by nitrogen or phosphorus in wave‐exposed areas in the northeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Specific growth rate of Cryptomonas ovata var. palustris Pringsheim was measured in batch culture at 14 light-temperature combinations. Both the maximum growth rate (μm) and optimum light intensity (Iopt) fit an empirical function that increases exponentially with temperature up to an optimum (Topt), then declines rapidly as temperature exceeds Topt. Incorporation of these functions into Steele's growth equation gives a good estimate of specific growth rate over a wide range of temperature and light intensity. Rates of phosphate, ammonium and nitrate uptake were measured separately at 16 combinations of irradiance and temperature and following a spike addition of all starved cells initially took up nutrient at a rapid rate. This transitory surge was followed by a period of steady, substrate-saturated uptake that persisted until external nutrient concentration fell. Substrate-saturated NO3?-uptake proceeded at very slow rates in the dark and was stimulated by both increased temperature and irradiance; NH4+-uptake apparently proceeded at a basal rate at 8 and l4 C and was also stimulated by increased temperature and irradiance. Rates of NH4?-uptake were much higher than NO3?-uptake at all light-temperature combinations. Below 20 C, PO4?3-uptake was more rapid in dark than in light, but was light enhanced at 26 C.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction of the common planktonic chrysophyte Synura petersenii is described from observations made on clonal isolates grown in defined culture. Sexual fusion was isogamous and heterothallic, with cells of normal appearance from compatible clones serving as hologametes. No special culture conditions were required to induce sexual behavior; actively growing cell populations appeared to be continually receptive to mating when mixed with a sufficient number of cells from a compatible clone. A single, bipolar mating group was documented containing five of the seven clones tested. Zygotic statospores were found to be binucleate and to contain 4 chloroplasts at maturity. Production rates of zygospores were low for even the most highly compatible clones, with batch culture yields ranging from 1-20% of final cell density under the culture conditions utilized. Six of the clones tested were also capable of very low frequency (0.001-0.01%) homothallic statospore production but the reproductive significance of these cysts remains enigmatic. The dynamics of sexual encystment suggest that the process proceeds during periods of active population growth and is density dependent. Based on the characteristics of cyst induction and encystment dynamics, it is concluded that chrysophycean flagellates may have a perennation strategy quite different from that of the majority of planktonic diatoms, dinoflagellates, and green algae for which resting cyst production requires an exogenous trigger usually associated with physiological stress and periods of negative growth.  相似文献   

The factors regulating dinoflagellate life‐cycle transitions are poorly understood. However, their identification is essential to unravel the causes promoting the outbreaks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) because these blooms are often associated with the formation and germination of sexual cysts. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge on the factors regulating planozygote‐cyst transitions in dinoflagellates due to the difficulties of differentiating planozygotes from vegetative stages. In the present study, two different approaches were used to clarify the relevance of environmental factors on planozygote and cyst formation of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim. First, the effects of changes in initial phosphate (P) and nitrate (N) concentrations in the medium on the percentage of planozygotes formed were examined using flow cytometry. Second, two factorial designs were used to determine how salinity (S), temperature (T), and the density of the initial cell inoculum (I) affect planozygote and resting‐cyst formation. These experiments led to the following conclusions: 1. Low P/N ratios seem to induce gamete expression because the percentage of planozygotes recorded in the absence of added phosphate (‐P) was significantly higher than that obtained in the absence of added nitrogen (‐N), or when the concentrations of both nitrogen and phosphate were 20 times lower (N/20 + P/20). 2. Salinity (S) and temperature (T) strongly affected both planozygote and cyst formation, as sexuality in the population increased significantly as salinity decreased and temperatures increased. S, T combinations that resulted in no significant cyst formation were, however, favorable for vegetative growth, ruling out the possibility of negative effects on cell physiology. 3. The initial cell density is thought to be important for sexual cyst formation by determining the chances of gamete contact. However, the inoculum concentrations tested did not explain either planozygote formation or the appearance of resting cysts.  相似文献   

Cysts of the Antarctic prasinophyte Pyramimonas gelidicola McFadden were found in water samples from a fjord and a saline lake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica Unialgal cultures of P. gelidicola from Ace Lake produced cysts. After ca. five weeks, tile cysts settled and adhered to the bottom of the culture flask. The cyst wall was covered by a scale type not seen on the flagellated cells; however, the base of the cyst scale was similar to the box scales of P. gelidicola motile cells. Cyst scales were also found off the continental shelf in Prydz Bay. In a 1.7 m sediment core taken from Ace Lake, both cyst scales and box scales of P. gelidicola occurred at most depths. Differences in the ratio of these two scale types at different depths in the core may indicate past ecological changes in the lake. Upper sediments of the core were dated at 5310 ± 90 yrs B.P., indicating that prasinophyte scales may be recognizably preserved for extended periods. P. gelidicola was widely distributed in saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills with salinities of 3.2–133% and temperatures ranging from – 5.0 to 10.4°C. This is the first report of encystment of P. gelidicola and, to our knowledge, is the first record of a prasinophyte with two distinctly different scale types occurring on cells during different stages of the life history.  相似文献   

在杉木林和马尾松林中雨水的养分淋溶作用   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
马雪华 《生态学报》1989,9(1):15-20
本试验地是在杉木林和马尾松林中,主要对降雨和径流水中所含各种养分物质进行测定。结果表明:降雨的养分含量与降雨量存在着半对数函数关系。降雨输入林地的养分量显著地大于径流输出的养分量。林内雨和树干茎流淋溶的养分量占养分还原总量的48—53%。林内雨和树干淋溶的K、Mg、N养分物质量超过凋落物归还养分量。  相似文献   

Many chrysophycean species produce resting cysts (statospores) with purportedly species-specific morphology. I investigated variation in the cyst morphology of a single species that may result from genetic differences among the vegetative clones involved and from variation in the temperature of the environment during cyst development. Populations of Dinobryon cylindricum Imhof cysts were produced under defined conditions in vitro and then sampled for morphological analysis based on SEM micrographs. Morphological data is presented and then used in a multivariate discriminant analysis to determine the utility of each morphological character in distinguishing the six populations studied. Results suggest that some features of cyst morphology (i.e. cyst diameter) are invariant among the populations, while other features show distinctive variation. The density of spines covering the cyst body as well as the morphology of those spines appear correlated to the specific clones involved, and thus may represent useful phenotypic genetic markers. The length and definition of both the spines and the cyst collar, on the other hand, are markedly influenced by encystment temperature. The implications of these findings for paleoecological studies is discussed.  相似文献   

The lipids of Cryptomonas rufescens (Skuja) cells have been analyzed. Quantitative changes of polar and neutral lipids were observed during cell encystment, induced by cultures in a nitrogen-deficient medium. During encystment, thylakoids disappeared while unsaturated galactolipids, characteristics of chloroplast membranes, decreased and neutral lipids accumulated in the cytoplasm. When excystment was induced, the reversal of the phenomenon was observed while thylakoids containing galactolipids were formed.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and nutrient availability on seasonal abundance were compared among Sargassum berberifolium J. Ag., S. polycystum C. Ag., S. siliquosum J. Ag., and S. sandei from a reef in southern Taiwan. Growth temperature limits and optimum were variable between species and between developmental stages. Growth temperature ranges agree with Sargassum periodicity except S. sandei. Sargassum siliquosum can tolerate high temperature as indicated by higher optimum temperature and tolerance limits. Temporal changes in tissue nutrient content and alkaline phosphatase activity and the results from nutrient enrichment bioassay show that S. sandei, S. berberifolium, and S. polycystum are P limited in the early growth period and then N limited, whereas S. siliquosum showed a contrasting trend, reflecting the type of nutrient limitation is variable by time and between species. A smaller nutrient threshold for maximum growth in S. berberifolium, S. polycystum, and S. siliquosum than in S. sandei and higher growth rate in S. berberifolium and S. polycystum indicate the higher growth vigor and nutrient utilization efficiency, the higher abundance. High N reserves in S. berberifolium and S. polycystum exposed to elevated seawater N in the early growth period supported the subsequent growth. The multiple regression analysis indicates that percent cover of S. siliquosum increased with increasing water temperature and dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations, whereas that of S. polycystum decreased with increasing water temperature. In conclusion, seasonal dynamics of Sargassum spp. from southern Taiwan are attributable to species and temporal variations in temperature limitation and nutrient utilization strategy.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of photosynthetically-fixed CO2 was determined by labeling samples of Merismopedia tenuissima Lemmerman for 30 min with NaH14CO3 and analyzing its incorporation into low molecular weight compounds, polysaccharide and protein. In N- and P-sufficient cultures, relative incorporation into protein increased as the irradiance used during the labeling period was decreased to 20 μE · m-2 s-1. This pattern was found for cells grown at irradiances of either 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1, although incorporation into protein was greater in cultures grown at the higher irradiance. In N-limited continuous cultures, relative incorporation into protein was low, independent of growth rate, and the same for samples tested at 20 or 180 μE · m-2· s-1 irradiance. In contrast, 14C incorporation into protein by P-limited cultures increased as growth rate increased, and at relative growth rates greater than 0.25, the incorporation was greater at 20 than at 180 μE · m-2· s-1. However, the total RNA content and maximum photosynthetic rate of the cultures was the same at all growth rates tested. The interaction between nutrient concentration and light intensity was studied by growing-limited continuous cultures at the same dilution rate, but different irradiances. Relative incorporation into protein was highest in cultures grown at 20 μE · m-2· s-1, in which the relative growth rate was 0.4. These results suggest that photosynthetic carbon metabolism may respond to relative growth rate μ/μmax rather than to growth rate directly.  相似文献   

Microscopic algae ran grow rapidly in natural waters that are extremely low in essential macro and micro nutrients. Yet, their nutrient uptake systems exhibit only mediocre nutrient affinities, the saturation constants being often 10–1000 times the (estimated) ambient concentrations. The large difference which exists between the saturation constants for growth (Kμ) and short term uptake (Kρ) are due to the acclimation capabilities of the organisms. Over the acclimation range, Kμ to Kρ, the algae can maintain maximum growth rate by modulating both their internal nutrient quotas (Q) and their maximum short term nutrient uptake rates (ρmax) in response to variations in external nutrient concentrations. The commonly assumed hyperbolic relationships for steady growth and uptake (viz “chemostat theory”) are coherent with a hyperbolic expression for short term uptake including a variable maximum (ρmax). The ratio of the saturation constants for growth and uptake is then directly related to the extreme in quotas and maximum uptake rates: Kμ/Kρ= Qmin/Qmax·ρlomaxhimax. This result is applicable even when the exact hyperbolic laws are not. Published data on Fe, Mn, P and N limitation in algae are generally in accord with the theory and demonstrate a wider acclimation range for trace than for major nutrients.  相似文献   

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