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甘肃酒泉盆地下白垩统Pseudofrenelopsis(掌鳞杉科)的发现及其意义 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
记述甘肃酒泉盆地早白垩世地层中发现的两种掌鳞杉科植物化石Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis(ChowetTsao,1977)Cao ex Zhou和P.gansuensissp.nov.。其中,归入P.dalatzensis的标本无论是小枝形态还是表皮构造都与产于吉林延吉盆地大砬子组的模式标本一致。定为新种的标本小枝较粗,可能只有一枚叶;节间角质层厚25—30μm,表面没有乳突和表皮毛,气孔器和表皮细胞均规则成行排列;气孔器圆形或椭圆形,较大,整体下陷。副卫细胞通常5—7个,少数可达8—9个。保卫细胞仅部分保存。已发现的Pseudofrenelopsis均分布于北半球,时代限于早白垩世,且多为早白垩世晚期,其中P.dalatzensis在模式标本产地与丰富的被子植物共生,应为早白垩世Aptian到Albian期。该种在酒泉盆地中沟组的出现说明该组的时代最高可到Aptian或Albian期。已有资料还表明,Pseudofrenelopsis主要生活于有季节变化、盐度较高或较干旱的环境中,这与酒泉盆地早白垩世沉积物和其他门类的化石所指示的环境特征相符合。 相似文献
根据采自辽宁省北票市四合屯义县组下部的一乌臀类恐龙新材料的形态学特征,鉴定其为一鹦鹉嘴龙未定种,这是迄今为止产出层位最低的鹦鹉嘴龙材料.鹦鹉嘴龙材料在义县组的发现,对于确定义县组的时代具有一定的意义. 相似文献
报道了辽宁早白垩世化石木的一个新属—原始金松型木 (Protosciadopityoxylongen .nov .)。该属化石以辽宁原始金松型木 (Protosciadopityoxylonliaoningensegen .etsp .nov .)为代表。文中对新属新种进行了描述 ;讨论了新属与现存金松属 (Sciadopitys)及化石金松型木属 (Sciadopityoxylon)的关系 ;并与其相似的原始叶枝杉型木属 (Protophyl locladoxylon)、原始圆孔木属 (Protocircoporoxylon)及异木属 (Xenoxylon)作了比较。 相似文献
叶肢介化石是我国北方中生代生物群的重要成员之一,对古环境恢复和生物地层对比具有重要意义。北京西下白垩统芦尚坟组含丰富的昆虫、介形虫、植物、孢粉等化石,还发现了鱼和恐龙等脊椎动物化石,但叶肢介化石以前并无正式报道。芦尚坟组及其上覆夏庄组的昆虫化石组合被称为"芦尚坟昆虫群",对京西地区早白垩世中晚期的古生物学和古生态学研究具有重要意义。本文描述产自北京市丰台区贺照云村附近芦尚坟组第四段的Eosestheria(东方叶肢介)1新种,认为芦尚坟组的叶肢介群落为衰落型Eosestheria群,与上覆夏庄组的Yanjiestheria(延吉叶肢介)群差异较大,与辽西阜新组的叶肢介群落联系紧密。我们认为芦尚坟组和阜新组时代接近,约为Aptian晚期。 相似文献
辽宁下白垩统九佛堂组伊克昭龙一新种 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
伊克昭龙 (Ikechosaurus)是一类长吻的离龙类 ,以前根据内蒙古的材料建立了孙氏种 (I.sunailinaeSigogneau Russell,1 981 )及高氏种 (I.gaoiL櫣etal.,1 999)。根据蒙古的材料建立的TchoiriamagnusEfimov ,1 979也于 1 983年被原作者归入本属。本文记述了辽宁义县皮家沟九佛堂组新发现的一个近于完整保存的骨架 (中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号 :IVPPV 1 32 83) ,并建立一新种 :皮家沟伊克昭龙 (Ikechosauruspijiagouensissp .nov .)。新种以下列特征区别于伊克昭龙其他种 :轭骨前伸约至泪骨之半 ;眶间距小于眼眶短径 ;眶后骨与后额骨不愈合 ;髂骨片前突不发育 ,颈区不收缩 ;四肢中桡胫骨与肱股骨之比相对较小。另外其荐前椎数目与孙氏种相同 ,为 2 5枚 ,比鳄龙属 (Champsosaurus)少 1枚 ;坐骨明显比孙氏种短 ;桡肱骨长度之比为 0 .5 8,胫股骨长度之比为 0 .60 ,在所知新离龙类 (Neochoristodera)中属最小 ;前肢腕骨至少 7块 ,后肢跗骨至少 6块 ;指 /趾式均为 2 3 4 4 3。在正型标本中其第二远侧跗骨在左右脚中不对称。提出眶后骨与后额骨的愈合与分离以及轭骨眶后支发育程度不能作为Simoedosaridae和鳄龙科间的鉴别特征 ;股骨内转子与股骨头分离不该作为高氏种的鉴定特征 ;新离龙类? 相似文献
辽西下白垩统九佛堂组尾羽龙类—新属(英文) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
记述了一件采自辽西热河群九佛堂组一新的窃蛋龙类:义县似尾羽龙(Similicaudipteryx yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.),并依据其和尾羽龙属的相似特征,及其匕首状的尾综骨,肠骨、踱骨和脚趾的形态等将其归入窃蛋龙类的尾羽龙科,但其所具有的一些特征也不同于该科已建立的尾羽龙属,如尾综骨的形态和较大的个体等。该化石具有许多典型的窃蛋龙类的特征,如短尾、较短的前肢等,有别于其他窃蛋龙类的特征还包括耻骨和肠骨的长度比为1.46,背椎上发育2个大而深的椎体下突、背椎侧部具孔等。义县似尾羽龙是又一类具有真正尾综骨的恐龙,表明尾综骨这一曾经被认为是鸟类特有的结构可能是在恐龙中独自演化的。它具有一些进步的特征如具尾综骨等,但同时也具有一些原始的特征如5个愈合的荐椎,耻骨联合长,表明在窃蛋龙类中存在着特征的镶嵌进化现象。似尾羽龙与驰龙类、其他窃蛋龙类等恐龙一样,脚趾并没有对握,已有的证据说明完全的对握目前还只是出现于鸟类中。根据其短尾、中部收缩的趾骨和灵巧的身体等都表明它是一类适于快速奔跑的动物。目前为止,已知的尾羽龙类化石均发现于北票四合屯地区的义县组下部尖山沟层(段),距今约125Ma。新标本发现于义县西二虎桥地点,属于九佛堂组,距今约120Ma,这也是迄今为止在九佛堂组发现的惟一一件尾羽龙类化石,对研究早白垩世窃蛋龙类的演化和热河生物群恐龙组合的特征具有重要的意义。 相似文献
叶肢介化石是我国北方中生代生物群的重要成员之一,对古环境恢复和生物地层对比具有重要意义。北京西下白垩统芦尚坟组含丰富的昆虫、介形虫、植物、孢粉等化石,还发现了鱼和恐龙等脊椎动物化石,但叶肢介化石以前并无正式报道。芦尚坟组及其上覆夏庄组的昆虫化石组合被称为"芦尚坟昆虫群",对京西地区早白垩世中晚期的古生物学和古生态学研究具有重要意义。本文描述产自北京市丰台区贺照云村附近芦尚坟组第四段的Eosestheria(东方叶肢介)1新种,认为芦尚坟组的叶肢介群落为衰落型Eosestheria群,与上覆夏庄组的Yanjiestheria(延吉叶肢介)群差异较大,与辽西阜新组的叶肢介群落联系紧密。我们认为芦尚坟组和阜新组时代接近,约为Aptian晚期。 相似文献
描述的昆虫化石产自辽西朝阳县大平房乡原家洼九佛堂组。该化石为一新种,命名为原家洼始长腹细蜂(Eopelecinusyuanjiawaensissp.nov.),归入长腹细蜂科(Pelecinidae)。该科是昆虫纲膜翅目中一个现生小科,仅包括1属3种,分布在美洲大陆。该科在白垩纪曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆,在我国曾发现于辽西的义县组和山东的莱阳组中。 相似文献
Biostratinomic analysis of Lycoptera beds from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation,western Liaoning,China 下载免费PDF全文
Yanhong Pan Franz T. Fürsich Jiangyong Zhang Yaqiong Wang Xiaoting Zheng 《Palaeontology》2015,58(3):537-561
Little is known about the palaeoenvironments of the Early Cretaceous lakes of western Liaoning. Uncertainties exist especially about the water depth, water temperatures and annual temperature fluctuations. Here, we analyse the preservation of the most abundant fish of the lakes, the teleost Lycoptera, articulated skeletons of which occur in large concentrations suggestive of mass mortality. Taphonomic features such as degree of disarticulation, orientation patterns and displacement of skeletal elements reveal distinct preservational patterns. They suggest that the water temperature was low during winter and exhibited pronounced seasonal fluctuations. The depth of the lakes was not deep. Possible causes of the fish mortality are discussed, of which anoxia is favoured. This leads to a more refined palaeoenvironmental model for these palaeolakes, which harbour one of the most important Mesozoic Lagerstätten. 相似文献
Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two well-separated groups in seed plants according to the current understanding. The huge gap between these two groups constitutes a serious threat against the Darwinism, which expects a continuous transitional series between them. The Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is famous for its megafossil angiosperms, including some early angiosperms and putative gnetalean plants. Here we document another Ephedra-like fossil plant, Pseudoephedra n. gen. n. sp., from the Yixian Formation on the basis of light microscopic (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations. Although its general morphology demonstrates a great resemblance to Ephedra, the expected micropylar tube characteristic of Ephedra is missing in Pseudoephedra. Instead a solid projection is seen on the top of the female parts. Such a puzzling character combination makes Pseudoephedra perplexing in seed plant phylogeny. If put in Ephedraceae (Gnetales), Pseudoephedra would destroy the only synapomorphy (micropylar tube) of the BEG clade. If put in angiosperms, Pseudoephedra would bridge the formerly huge gap between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Apparently, further investigation is needed to clarify the uncertain position of Pseudoephedra. 相似文献
Basal titanosauriform (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) teeth from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China has yielded a diverse fauna of non-avian dinosaurs, but is dominated by small-bodied taxa. Here, we describe a series of isolated teeth from the Lujiatun Beds of the formation that are referable to a basal titanosauriform sauropod. Some of the teeth possess a distinctive circular boss on the lingual surface, which suggests that they are referable to cf. Euhelopus sp. This identification provides some additional support for biostratigraphical correlations between the Jehol Group and the Mengyin Formation of Shandong Province that suggest an Early Cretaceous age for the latter unit. Moreover, the titanosauriform affinities of the teeth provide further evidence for the dominance of this sauropod clade in eastern Asia during the Cretaceous. 相似文献
Chifengilyda robusta, a new extinct sawfly genus and new species assigned to Xyelidae, is described and figured here based on one fossil specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Ningcheng in Inner Mongolia, China. Chifengilyda robusta n. gen. n. sp. differs from other xyelydids in having a forewing with pterostigma completely sclerotized, Sc closer to C, Sc1 about 3 times as long as Sc2, Sc1 intersecting C far beyond Rs base, 2r-m postfurcal and cell 1mcu relatively large. This new taxon further enriches the diversity of Xyelydidae in the Early Cretaceous, and even enhances our understanding of the evolution and inter-genera and interspecies relationships of this family. 相似文献
The first triconodontids from Asia have been discovered from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian to Albian) Shahai and Fuxin formations in Liaoning Province, northeastern China: Meiconodon lii gen. and sp. nov. and M. setoguchii gen. and sp. nov. M. lii is characterized by molariform teeth with a developed cusp d, an m3 with taller cusp a, an m4 with three primary cusps of subequal height, the posteriorly decreasing transverse width of the m4, and a considerably reduced m5. M. setoguchii is slightly larger than M. lii, and characterized by a sharp labial cingulum on the m4, and a less developed cusp d on the molariform teeth than M. lii. The extensive interlocking system between molariforms, posteriorly recumbent primary molariform cusps, and their great degree of asymmetry in occlusal view with rounded labial faces and more angulate lingual faces in lateral view, indicate that Meiconodon belongs to the triconodontid subfamily Alticonodontinae. These new taxa are the first record of Triconodontidae from Asia, and of Alticonodontinae outside North America, suggesting the occurrence of mammalian faunal exchange between North America and Asia during or before the Aptian-Albian. 相似文献
A fossil with Gnetum affinity was found in the Jianshangou Member (Barremian Age) of the Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous Epoch) of the Jehol Group in western Liaoning, northeastern China. The single fossil specimen is represented by both elongate-cylindrical male spike strobiles which borne within a nodal bract of cauliflorous branch. The spike strobiles have apparent nodes, invisible internodes, and numerous verticillate involucral collars. The microsporangiate units within involucral collars are not seen. The male spike strobiles with verticillate involucral collars occur exclusively in Gnetum; hence, the fossil strobiles are attributed to a new taxon, Khitania columnispicata gen. & sp. nov., being closely related to Gnetum. The general isotopic dating suggests an age of Barremian, ca. 125-122 million years (Myr) ago for the Jianshangou Member. The palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic inference based on the compositions of flora and fauna, and lithological characters of the fossil locality suggests that the fossil plants grew in a subtropical mesophytic forest and under a warmer climate. The remains of male spike strobiles are the first record of gnetalean macrofossil. It documents the evolution of the distinct gnetoid morphology and indicates a wider range of distribution of Gnetaceae in the Early Cretaceous than present day. 相似文献
A fossil with Gnetum affinity was found in the Jianshangou Member (Barremian Age) of the Yixian Formation (Lower Cretaceous Epoch) of the Jehol Group in western Liaoning, northeastern China. The single fossil specimen is represented by both elongate-cylindrical male spike strobiles which borne within a nodal bract of cauliflorous branch. The spike strobiles have apparent nodes, invisible internodes, and numerous verticillate involucral collars. The microsporangiate units within involucral collars are not seen. The male spike strobiles with verticillate involucral collars occur exclusively in Gnetum; hence, the fossil strobiles are attributed to a new taxon, Khitania columnispicata gen. & sp. nov., being closely related to Gnetum. The general isotopic dating suggests an age of Barremian, ca. 125-122 million years (Myr) ago for the Jianshangou Member. The palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic inference based on the compositions of flora and fauna, and lithological characters of the fossil locality suggests that the fossil plants grew in a subtropical mesophytic forest and under a warmer climate. The remains of male spike strobiles are the first record of gnetalean macrofossil. It documents the evolution of the distinct gnetoid morphology and indicates a wider range of distribution of Gnetaceae in the Early Cretaceous than present day. 相似文献
A new ankylosaurid, Chuanqilong chaoyangensis gen. et sp. nov., is described here based on a nearly complete skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Baishizui Village, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province, China. Chuanqilong chaoyangensis can be diagnosed on the basis of two autapomorphies (glenoid fossa for quadrate at same level as the dentary tooth row; distally tapering ischium with constricted midshaft) and also a unique combination of character states (slender, wedge-like lacrimal; long retroarticular process; humerus with strongly expanded proximal end; ratio of humerus to femur length = 0.88). Although a phylogenetic analysis places Chuanqilong chaoyangensis as the sister taxon of the sympatric Liaoningosaurus near the base of the Ankylosauridae, the two taxa can be distinguished on the basis of many features, such as tooth morphology and ischial shape, which are not ontogeny-related. Chuanqilong chaoyangensis represents the fourth ankylosaurid species reported from the Cretaceous of Liaoning, China, suggesting a relatively high diversity in Cretaceous Liaoning. 相似文献
Several fossil woods from Early Cretaceous sediments in Yumen City in northwestern North China Block, China, have been described. They belong to two fossil wood taxa, Piceoxylon yumeniense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. and Protophyllocladoxylon chijinense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. The well-preserved specimens yield secondary xylem with distinct growth rings. Piceoxylon yumeniense exhibits cross-field with taxodioid pits as well as two distinct xylem ray types. The bi- to triseriate rays are characterised by one or two horizontal resin canals with unequal uniseriate ends. Protophyllocladoxylon chijinense Zhou, Peng, Deng, Zhang and Yang n. sp. shows window-like cross-field pits, which are occasionally cupressoid and have uniseriate xylem rays. These fossil wood records improve our understanding of the fossil diversity, floral composition and palaeoclimate of the Xiagou Formation. Palaeoclimatic analysis of the palaeoxylogical assemblage indicates that the northwestern Gansu region predominantly exhibited a warm and wet climate condition, while a brief cooling event may have occurred in the region during the Early Cretaceous. 相似文献