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We describe a protocol to isolate a highly enriched fraction of outer acrosomal membrane from guinea pig spermatozoa and present new data on the ultrastructure of this membrane domain. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were suspended into a low ionic strength buffer and subjected to brief homogenization; this stripped the plasma membrane from the spermatozoa and severed the acrosomal apical segment from the spermatozoon. The crescent-shaped apical segments retained the outer acrosomal membrane and specific components of the acrosomal matrix. Enriched fractions of apical segments were isolated on discontinuous sucrose gradients and the outer acrosomal membrane purified by subsequent centrifugation onto Percoll density gradients. The isolated outer acrosomal membrane did not form vesicles, but instead rolled up into spiral sheets. Both thin section and negatively stained specimens revealed a paracrystalline arrangement of filaments associated with the luminal surface of the membrane. The isolated outer acrosomal membrane revealed a limited number of polypeptides by SDS-PAGE, and the polypeptide pattern was distinct from the plasma membrane fraction. The isolated acrosomal membranes possessed no oubain sensitive Na+, K+-ATPase activity, whereas about 20% of the ATPase activity of the plasma membrane enriched fraction was inhibited by oubain. The potential function of the structural differentiations of the outer acrosomal membrane in the membrane fusion events of the acrosome reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa of the hagfishes Eptatretus burgeri and Eptatretus stouti, caught in the sea near Japan and North America, respectively, were found to undergo the acrosome reaction, which resulted in the formation of an acrosomal process with a filamentous core. The acrosomal region of spermatozoa of E. stouti exhibited immunofluorescent labeling using an actin antibody. The midpiece also labeled with the antibody. The acrosomal region showed a similar labeling pattern when sperm were probed with tetramethylrhodamine isothyocyanate (TRITC)-phalloidin; the midpiece did not label. Following induction of the acrosome reaction with the calcium (Ca2+) ionophore ionomycin, TRITC-phalloidin labeling was more intense in the acrosomal region, suggesting that the polymerization of actin occurs during formation of the acrosomal process, as seen in many invertebrates. The potential for sperm to undergo acrosomal exocytosis was already acquired by late spermatids. During acrosomal exocytosis, the outer acrosomal membrane and the overlying plasma membrane disappeared and were replaced by an array of vesicles; these resembled an early stage of the acrosome reaction in spermatozoa of higher vertebrates in which no formation of an acrosomal process occurs. It is phylogenetically interesting that such phenomena occur in spermatozoa of hagfish, a primitive vertebrate positioning between invertebrates and high vertebrates.  相似文献   

Head plasma membranes were isolated from the sperm-rich fraction of boar semen and from sperm-rich semen that had been subjected to three commercial preservation processes: Ex tended for fresh insemination (extended), prepared for freezing but not frozen (cooled), and stored frozen for 3-5 weeks (frozen-thawed). Fluorescence polarization was used to determine fluidity of the membranes of all samples for 160 min at 25°C and also for membranes from the sperm-rich and extended semen during cooling and reheating (25 to 5 to 40°C, 0.4°C/min). Head plasma membranes from extended semen were initially more fluid than from other sources (P < 0.05). Fluidity of head membranes from all sources decreased at 25°C, but the rate of decrease was significantly lower for membranes from cooled and lower again for membranes from frozen-thawed semen. Cooling to 5°C reduced the rate of fluidity change for plasma membranes from the spernvrich fraction, while heating over 30°C caused a signifi cantly greater decrease. The presence of Ca++ (10 mM) lowered the fluidity of the head plasma membranes from sperm-rich and extended semen over time at 25°C but did not affect the membranes from the cooled or frozen-thawed semen. The change in head plasma membrane fluidity at 25°C may reflect the dynamic nature of spermatozoa membranes prior to fertilization. Extenders, preservation processes and temperature changes have a strong influence on head plasma membrane fluidity and therefore the molecular organization of this membrane.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to determine the localization of peroxidase activity in bull spermatozoa. 3,3′-Diaminobenzidine (DAB) was used as a substrate for revealing peroxidase activity, and light and electron microscopic analysis of the results obtained was performed. Peroxidase activity was detected in the mitochondria of the middle piece and the outer acrosomal membrane. Catalase was excluded as an enzyme, catalyzing the detected peroxidase activity. Concerning the biochemical properties of bull sperm peroxidases, peroxidase activity was found to be manifested in a large pH range, 4–10.5. Bull sperm peroxidase activity appeared to be temperature sensitive and azide sensitive and could be readily inhibited by phenylhydrazine. Electrophoretic analysis of the proteins from bull sperm extracts separated in a Davis-Ornstein system of 7% polyacrylamide gel, followed by the determination of peroxidase activity on the polyacrylamide gels, revealed that all 14 sperm protein fractions available on the gel possessed peroxidase when benzidine was used as a substrate. The possible reasons for the electrophoretic heterogeneity of bull sperm peroxidases are discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to study the acrosome reaction in boar, spermatozoa were incubated in a calcium-containing medium in the presence of the calcium ionophore A23187. The time course of the acrosome reaction was assessed by phase-contrast microscopy and correlated with the movement characteristics of the spermatozoa determined by means of multiple-exposure photography (MEP). Different stages of the acrosome reaction could be observed by indirect immunofluorescence using an antibody fraction raised in rabbits against the isolated outer acrosomal membrane (OAM). At the start of the acrosome reaction, a bright fluorescence located exclusively at the acrosomal cap of the sperm head could be observed, whereas after 60-120 min, the fluorescence vanished, indicating the complete loss of the OAM. However, to gain more insight into the stages of the plasma membrane and OAM during the acrosome reaction, immunoelectron-microscopical studies were performed using anti-OAM antibodies detected by the protein-A gold method. Ultrathin sections and total preparations in combination with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed, that boar spermatozoa start their acrosome reaction by a vesiculation of the plasma membrane, thus exposing the heavily labelled OAM, which is then lost as sheets or large vesicles. The newly exposed inner acrosomal membrane did not show any labelling with gold, thereby indicating clear differences in the antigenicity of both acrosomal membranes.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane (PM), primarily from the anterior sperm head, and outer acrosomal membrane (OAM), were isolated from ejaculated bovine spermatozoa, and the major lipid classes were characterized. Whole sperm (WS) lipids were analyzed for comparison. PM was removed by nitrogen cavitation and purified by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. The OAM was removed by centrifugation through hyperosmotic sucrose and recovered by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. The PM contained primarily spherical vesicles from the region overlying the OAM and was enriched 9- and 13-fold in 5'-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphatase activity, respectively, compared to the original cavitate. The OAM was recovered as caplike structures with associated ground substance. Protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol (PR, PL, and CH as micrograms/5 x 10(9) sperm) were 300, 467, and 93 for PM and 276, 111, and 25 for OAM, respectively. Corresponding values for WS (mg/5 x 10(9) sperm) were 31.4, 6.63, and 0.72. The PR/PL (w/w) and CH/PL (mol/mol) ratios were 0.66 and 0.38 for PM; 2.48 and 0.26 for OAM; and 4.39 and 0.22 for WS. Cholesterol was the only free sterol detected by gas/liquid chromatography in WS, PM, and OAM, with traces of CH sulfate present in all three preparations. Glycolipid tentatively identified as sulfogalactolipid was detected by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) in PM but not OAM. Phospholipid composition of WS and membranes was determined by TLC. Cardiolipin (3% of total PL) was present in WS only. Choline, ethanolamine, and inositol phosphoglycerides (CP, EP, PI, PIP, PIPP); sphingomyelin (SP); phosphatidylserine (PS); and lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) were present in WS, PM, and OAM. Approximately 50% of total PL was CP in all preparations; SP was 13% of PL in PM and 17% in OAM (p less than 0.05); EP was 7% of PL in PM and 10% in OAM (p less than 0.05). The differences in composition between PM and OAM is discussed with respect to capacitation and ability of sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Role of human prostasomes in the activation of spermatozoa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Prostasomes are small vesicles of prostatic origin contained in human semen. Their composition is peculiar under many aspects. Cholesterol is abundant and many proteins are endowed with enzymatic or other activities. The function of prostasomes has been amply debated and several hypotheses have been put forward. The liquefaction of semen, spermatozoa motility, antibacterial activity and immunological functions have been related to prostasomes. Under certain aspects, prostasomes resemble synaptosomes. The fusion of prostasomes to spermatozoa enriches spermatozoa with cholesterol and causes bursts of cytoplasmic sperm calcium. The interaction of spermatozoa and prostasomes should be limited to vagina since prostasomes are immobile and do not follow spermatozoa in the superior female genital tract. Calcium bursts would increase spermatozoa motility, where cholesterol would decapacitate spermatozoa, so preventing untimely activation. Since spermatozoa receive many different molecules from prostasomes, additional effects are also possible. Prostasomes makes spermatozoa more apt to be activated by progesterone in the proximity of the ovum. Therefore, the fusion between spermatozoa and prostasomes would influence spermatozoa behaviour under many aspects and might be relevant for fecundation. The richness of molecular species in prostasomes is amazing and these small vesicles are expected to lead to many more discoveries in the field of human reproduction.  相似文献   

The acrosomal membrane of mammalian spermatozoa is segregated into domains of different structure and function. The outer acrosomal membrane of the apical and principal segments is the only domain to participate in the membrane fusion events of the acrosome reaction, but the molecular basis for this function is not resolved. In previous studies of bovine spermatozoa, we noted that a unique structural feature of the outer acrosomal membrane was an adherent layer of electron-dense material on its luminal surface (ES Surface, Branton et al., 1975). In this study, we report the isolation of this material and we describe both its structural and biochemical characteristics. Cauda epididymal spermatozoa were extracted with 1% Triton X-100 to solubilize cytoplasmic and membrane components; detergent treatment solubilized the outer acrosomal membrane but not its adherent electron-dense complex. Homogenization released this complex from the spermatozoa and it was then resolved into a homogeneous fraction by centrifugation on Percoll density gradients. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this fraction revealed a spectrum of polypeptides including components of 290 kDa, 280 kDa, 260 kDa, 115 kDa, 81 kDa, 58 kDa, and 46 kDa and a family of interrelated components in the 34-12 kDa range. This complex possesses protein kinase activity that phosphorylates specific endogeneous polypeptides in a cAMP-independent manner. In addition, several polypeptides of the 34-12 kDa family specifically bind 125I-calmodulin. One consistent structural response of the isolated complex was that its edges wound into a spiral configuration. We speculate that this membrane-associated assembly plays a functional role in the membrane fusion events of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Our previous study revealed that in vitro incubation of boar ejaculates with hydroxyflutamide (OH-Flu) causes changes in sperm plasma membrane integrity and its stability and sperm mitochondrial oxidative capability. To broaden the knowledge of cellular physiology of spermatozoa, we investigated direct effects of OH-Flu administered for 2 and 24 hours at concentrations of 5, 50, and 100 μg/mL, on sperm mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrial superoxide anion production using JC-1 dye and MitoSOX Red fluorescent probe, respectively. We further measured phosphatidylserine membrane translocation (PST) from the inner to the outer layer of the sperm plasma membrane using an annexin-V binding assay. To provide new information of direct effects of OH-Flu on cell signaling pathway, we measured sperm intracellular calcium ion dynamics using Fluo-3. Finally, we assessed sperm motility using a computer-assisted spermatozoa analysis system. Motile sperm were highlighted using the “C-Ruch” computer program for detailed analysis of the straight line velocity distribution. For each functional test, boar spermatozoa were examined and analyzed by flow cytometry and/or confocal microscopy. The results revealed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in sperm mitochondrial membrane potential and a concomitant increase (P < 0.05) in mitochondrial superoxide anion production after a 2-hour incubation with 50 μg OH-Flu compared with the respective controls and other doses used (P < 0.05). The adverse effects of OH-Flu become strengthened over time (P < 0.05). Notably, 50 and 100 μg OH-Flu appeared to be effective in decreasing sperm motility. Hydroxyflutamide significantly decreased (P < 0.05) the fast sperm subpopulation percentage after 15 minutes and reduced the straight line velocity distribution (P < 0.05). An assessment of PST revealed an increase in the percentage of PST-positive spermatozoa (P < 0.05) only after exposure to OH-Flu for 24 hours. Moreover, OH-Flu at all concentrations induced a rapid increase in sperm intracellular calcium ion concentration. Altogether, the altered in vitro characteristics of live boar spermatozoa provide new insight into direct effects of OH-Flu on sperm mitochondrial membrane potential, superoxide anion production, translocation of membrane phosphatidylserine, free calcium ion dynamics, and sperm motility.  相似文献   

Significant release of the acrosomal enzymes arylsulfatase, β-N-acetylhexosaminidase and hyaluronidase was observed following the treatment of ejaculated rabbit spermatozoa for 12 hours in 20% rabbit serum for inducing in vitro capacitation, and these sperm were capable of in vivo fertilization; however, the treatment of sperm for 15 minutes in high ionic strength (380 mOsm/kg) or low ionic strength medium (305 mOsm/kg) for in vitro capacitation did not result in any significant release of the above enzymes nor were the sperm capable of in vivo fertilization. Serum-treated spermatozoa remained significantly motile following the 12 hour treatment, 51% underwent the acrosome reaction and were capable of fertilizing 66% of the ova in vivo. Identical serum treatment of lysosomes from rabbit liver resulted in a comparable release of the lysosomal enzymes. Serum treatment for in vitro capacitation resulted in vesiculation of the anterior margin of half the spermatozoa, but left their inner acrosomal membranes and equatorial segments intact. A biochemical relationship between the release of acrosomal enzymes and capacitation is suggested.  相似文献   

Membrane remodeling in the periacrosomal plasma membrane (PAPM) of boar spermatozoa during incubation in capacitation medium was examined by the freeze-fracture technique. In the preservation medium (PM) group, the major small (about 8 nm) intramembranous particles (IMP) and the minor large (> 10 nm) IMP were distributed evenly in the PAPM. The IMP-free area increased during capacitation. To correct the IMP-free area, arithmetically redistributed (ARD)-IMP density was used for statistical analysis. In the PM group, the mean density +/- SD of large IMP was 379 +/- 64 and 266 +/- 58/microm2, and that of small IMP was 1450 +/- 155 and 672 +/- 252/microm2 in protoplasmic (P) and external (E) faces, respectively. During capacitation, the significant (P < 0.01) reduction of large IMP density was encountered only in the E face of a few incubation groups, while that of the small IMP density occurred in the P face by 2 h. Consequently, reduction of the total IMP density of both faces was not significant in the large IMP, but it was significant (P < 0.01) in the small IMP. One-fifth of the total small IMP density reduced by 2 h. Filipin-sterol complexes (FSC) were numerous in the PAPM, and FSC-free areas also increased during capacitation. The mechanism of IMP-free area formation and the behavior of the small IMP in the PAPM during capacitation were discussed in relation to membrane stability.  相似文献   

In this study, we adapted a FluoSphere bead-binding assay to study the exposure and release of guinea pig sperm acrosomal components during the course of capacitation and acrosomal exocytosis. Prior to capacitation or the initiation of exocytosis, acrosomal proteins were not accessible to FluoSpheres coated with antibodies against two acrosomal matrix (AM) proteins, AM67 and AM50; during the course of capacitation and ionophore-induced acrosomal exocytosis, however, we detected the transient exposure of the solid-phase AM proteins on the surface of guinea pig sperm using the antibody-coated fluorescent beads. Several different transitional stages leading to complete acrosomal exocytosis were classified, and we propose these represent true, functional intermediates since some of the AM proteins are orthologues of mouse proteins that bind the zona pellucida (ZP) of unfertilized eggs. In addition, we present evidence that implicates acrosin in the proteolytic processing of AM50 during AM disassembly. Thus, we propose that the transitional states of acrosomal exocytosis involve early binding of AM proteins to the ZP (by what visually appear to be "acrosome-intact" sperm), maintenance of ZP binding that coincides with the progressive exposure of AM proteins, and gradual proteolytic disassembly of the AM to allow sperm movement through the ZP. We feel this "transitional states" model provides a more refined view of acrosomal function that supports a move away from the widely held, overly simplistic, and binary "acrosome-reaction" model, and embraces a more dynamic view of acrosomal exocytosis that involves intermediate stages of the secretory process in ZP binding and penetration.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the acrosome reaction in boar, spermatozoa were incubated in a calcium-containing medium in the presence of the calcium ionophore A23187. The time course of the acrosome reaction was assessed by phasecontrast microscopy and correlated with the movement characteristics of the spermatozoa determined by means of multiple-exposure photography (MEP). Different stages of the acrosome reaction could be observed by indirect immunofluorescence using an antibody fraction raised in rabbits against the isolated outer acrosomal membrane (OAM). At the start of the acrosome reaction, a bright fluorescence located exclusively at the acrosomal cap of the sperm head could be observed, whereas after 60–120 min, the fluorescence vanished, indicating the complete loss of the OAM. However, to gain more insight into the stages of the plasma membrane and OAM during the acrosome reaction, immunoelectron-microscopical studies were performed using anti-OAM antibodies detected by the protein-A gold method. Ultrathin sections and total preparations in combination with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed, that boar spermatozoa start their acrosome reaction by a vesiculation of the plasma membrane, thus exposing the heavily labelled OAM, which is then lost as sheets or large vesicles. The newly exposed inner acrosomal membrane did not show any labelling with gold, thereby indicating clear differences in the antigenicity of both acrosomal membranes.  相似文献   

海藻糖对猪精子冷冻真空干燥保存效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪精子经冷冻干燥后,在光学显微镜和电子显微镜下观察其超微结构,并借助辅助生殖技术将其注入猪卵母细胞后,进一步观察受精卵的发育情况。结果表明:海藻糖组雄原核形成率 (68.52%)、卵裂率 (59.17%) 和囊胚率 (19.16%) 优于EDTA组 (64.59%、56.26%和15.62%) 和对照组 (35.36%、52.33%和8.60%) (P<0.05);海藻糖组的冷冻真空干燥猪精子分别在4℃下保存60、120、180 d,雄原核形成率、卵裂率和囊胚率均无显著差异 (P>0.05);海藻糖组的冷冻真空干燥猪精子复水化后孵育1 h和2 h,卵裂率、卵裂率和囊胚率均差异显著 (P<0.05);海藻糖处理组与EDTA处理组中的冷冻真空干燥猪精子分别在4℃和?20℃下保存后各处理组间精子形态差异不显著 (P>0.05);海藻糖组中B级冷冻真空干燥精子百分数显著多于EDTA处理组 (P<0.05)。超微结构分析表明,冷冻真空干燥猪精子的损伤主要表现在顶体和颈部的肿胀与缺损、尾部断裂。  相似文献   

A consequence of the acrosome reaction is to expose the inner acrosomal membrane (IAM), which is a requirement for the sperm's ability to secondarily bind to and then penetrate the zona pellucida (ZP) of the mammalian oocyte. However, the proteins on the IAM responsible for binding and presumably penetrating the zona have not been identified. This issue can be resolved if direct information is made available on the composition of the IAM. For this purpose, we devised a methodology in order to obtain a sperm head fraction consisting solely of the IAM bound to the detergent-resistant perinuclear theca. On the exposed IAM surface of this fraction, we defined an electron dense protein layer that we termed the IAM extracellular coat (IAMC), which was visible on sonicated and acrosome-reacted sperm of several mammalian species. High salt extraction removed the IAMC coincident with the removal of a prominent 38 kDa polypeptide, which we termed IAM38. Antibodies raised against this polypeptide confirmed its presence in the IAMC of intact, sonicated and acrosome-reacted sperm. By immunoscreening of a bovine testicular cDNA library and sequencing the resulting clones, we identified IAM38 as the equivalent of porcine Sp38 [Mori, E., Kashiwabara, S., Baba, T., Inagaki, Y., Mori, T., 1995. Amino acid sequences of porcine Sp38 and proacrosin required for binding to the zona pellucida. Dev. Biol., 168, 575-583], an intra-acrosomal protein with ZP-binding ability, whose precise localization in sperm was unknown. The blockage of IVF at the level of the zona with anti-IAM38 antibodies and the retention of IAM38 after sperm passage through the zona support its involvement in secondary sperm-zona binding. This study provides a novel approach to obtain direct information on the peripheral and integral protein composition of the IAM for identifying other candidates for sperm-zona interactions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody labeling techniques are frequently used to investigate the topography of antigens on spermatozoa. It is generally assumed that these procedures detect molecules only on the sperm surface but we now show that this assumption is not always valid. Using monoclonal antibodies that recognize either surface or internal antigens we demonstrate how spurious conclusions can be made, and we suggest simple procedures for assigning the position of an antigen to the cell surface or to an intracellular organelle. Antibodies against plasma membrane antigens should stain 100% of normal intact spermatozoa, but this proportion should be greatly reduced if the spermatozoa have previously been demembranated. If ? 100% of spermatozoa are stained but the proportion increases following permeabilization, then the possibility should be considered that the antigens are intracellular. We conclude that assignment of an antigen to a regional domain on the sperm surface using fluorescent antibody techniques should be validated by a demonstration that the antigen is actually located on the cell surface.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether metabolizable sugars delayed capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa, these cells were pre-incubated in Tyrode's pyruvate lactate glucose medium (T-PLG) or Tyrode's glucose solution (T-G). They were then transferred to minimal culture medium containing pyruvate and lactate (MCM-PL) and the occurrence of acrosomal reactions (AR) was determined by light microscopic observations of wet mount aliquots. The percentage of acrosomal reactions was quantitated in fixed samples and occurrence of a true AR was confirmed by electron microscopy. Activated acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were observed within 5 min when cells were transferred to MCM-PL solution, after preincubating them for 60–120 min either in T-PLG or T-G media. By 15 min in MCM-PL the percentage of acrosome-reacted spermatozoa reached values similar to those obtained in cells pre-incubated from the beginning in MCM-PL medium (P > 0.05 in both) but significantly different from T-PLG and T-G controls (P < 0.0005 in both). The acrosomal reaction was external calcium dependent and independent of the Tyrode's media pH ranging from 7.2 to 8.0. The results obtained suggested that capacitation occurred in T-PLG and that it was not delayed by glucose; the results also suggested that capacitation could occur within a short time with glucose as the only exogenous substrate, but that the acrosome reaction could have been arrested by a glucose metabolite. Data are presented which suggest that intracellular levels of glucose-6-phosphate (as 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate)could play a key role in the expression of the acrosome reaction in sperm already able to perform it. A new hypothesis is suggested for the development of the fertilizing potential of guinea pig sperm when in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

Circular DNA molecules were isolated from human and boar whole spermatozoa or spermatozoal nuclei and measured for size by electron microscopy. The DNA molecules derived from both mammals were heterogeneous in size ranging from 0.07 to 17 μm; nearly 75% of the molecules were ?0.5 μm in length. The mean lengths were 1.0 μm and 1.5 μm for circular DNAs isolated from human and boar spermatozoa, respectively. The origin and function of these molecules remains unknown.  相似文献   

Membrane cofactor protein (MCP; CD46) is a complement regulator widely expressed as four isoforms that arise via alternative splicing. On human spermatozoa, MCP is expressed on the inner acrosomal membrane and alterations of spermatozoa MCP may be associated with infertility. In rodents, expression of MCP is largely restricted to the testes. MCP on human spermatozoa has a unique M(r) pattern that we have investigated. We also characterized MCP expression in mice transgenic (tg) for human MCP. Human MCP expression in the tg mice mimics the human pattern in that it is located on the inner acrosomal membrane and has a faster M(r) than MCP expressed elsewhere. Sequencing of RT-PCR products from the testis indicates that there is not a unique male reproductive tissue specific cytoplasmic tail. Instead, human spermatozoa express MCP bearing cytoplasmic tail two, which is also utilized in most other tissues and contains several signaling motifs. Further, using N-glycosidases, we demonstrate that the unique lower molecular weight of MCP on spermatozoa is secondary to a modification in the N-linked sugars. Specifically, as the spermatozoa mature, but before they reach the epididymis, the three N-linked sugars of MCP are trimmed to less complex structures. While the purpose of this deglycosylation is unknown, we propose that it is a common feature of proteins expressed on the plasma and inner acrosomal membranes of spermatozoa and hypothesize that it is a spermatozoa specific event critical for facilitating sperm-egg interactions.  相似文献   

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